[Q] LED Brightness Decreased after JB - Galaxy S III Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hi. 2-3 days before I did a Jelly Bean 4.1.1 update to my S3 from kies. (My country has DLJ1 release of JB). After the update i noticed some LED problem. When plugged my phone to plug, i noticed that my LED's Brightness has decreased (the red one, while plugged in). I plug out and plug in lots of times and only few of them shows bright LED. Also these bright LEDs loose it brightness again in 1-2 mins.
I tried the LED on notifications also. The same problem occurs again. Most of times the brightness is low from its usual.
Firstly i though it was a hardware problem and open test of my s3 from *#0*# and test my LEDs lots of time. In "EVERY" of the test, the LEDs are bright as sun and bright as usual before. So i start thinking that is a software/firmware problem.
Note: I also read a comment in another forum, someone also complain about this issue on "Charging Battery problem on JB.
So is this problem is usual and known or what. Do you know the reason and solution. How can i fix it? Thank you for your replies...

This is surely a widespread problem, I've found it too. As soon as I flashed official JB, I noticed the LED wasn't as bright. I suppose it's not a serious problem, but it isn't right.

Happens the same here, with DLIJ4 ROM.

Only affects the red charging notification and is a feature, not a problem. Less glare.
You make it sound like the end of the world... how sad.

Firstly i though like that but: If it is a feature why i can see very bright red LED while charging sometimes. As I said before, 90% times the brightness is low. However also as i said before in few times I saw bright red LED after a moment its gone again. If it is feature, is it normal ?
Also this happens in blue (notification) LED sometimes..
So i dont think as it is feature...

Not seen it on other colours, red is always dimmer than it was on ICS. I recall seeing somewhere that it was deliberate...

This is a feture. The LED brightness is now regulated automatically, depending on surrounding light.

I also tried in very dark room and also tried in under the lamp. But brigthness of LED is not change anyway I dont understand this ...

It seems that the surrounding light level is checked only when the charger is plugged-in and then in rather long interval.


[Q] alert LED on while on call?

Picked up a Thunderbolt and tonight while making a call at night I noticed the alert LED glows dim red and kinda flickers whenever I'm on a call. Can anyone verify that this is normal behaviour or do I have a defective phone?
The only thing that changes color is my notification bar. Is your phone plugged in?
no, not plugged in- i first noticed it while taking a walk. on second look it's a dim, somewhat flickery orange.
yeah i see that too. maybe thats the proximity sensor? idk.
I went to the Verizon store and Best Buy also and looked at the demo models- all 3 appeared to behave the same as mine with the faint orange/red LED on while on a call, so I'm guessing that's normal behavior. The salesman thought it was the screen that was lighting up the LED, but I turned off the screen and you could still see the LED was on.

[Q] Screen Flickering - Black lines?

so I returned my sgs2 today and got a new one (old one had scratches). Now it seems to me that there is some flickering with black lines (very faded) on certain brightess settings on mainly white sites using a browser.
I noticed the flickering appears around 16% - 19% brightness settings (using "brightness level" from the market).
This flickering only appears only if "auto adjust screen power" is NOT selected, same brightness with it activated shows no flickering.
Also last but not least if plugged in with USB cable the flickering stops as well.
Can anyone re-produce this flickering?
1. Download "brightness level" from market, go between 16% - 19% (try step by step), with me its strongest at 17%.
2. Ensure "auto adjust screen power" is deactivated under Settings>Display
3. Open Internet and just look at a mostly white page
4. Ensure USB is not connected.
Can you see some slight flickering? Lots of lines across the screen?
Wonder if its just me, might go back and return this one tomorrow then
I assume no one suffers from this issue?
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA App
No flickering.
I get black/dim horizontal lines flickering on the display at low brightness regardless of my "auto adjust screen power" setting. I'd describe it more as a shimmering of the screen. It's very distracting - I first noticed it whilst trying out the Kindle app and it made it very difficult reading the text.
I believe it's down to interference with some radio component of the phone. I've searched various forums and haven't come across many mentions of this so maybe it's a bad batch and I'm considering returning mine. It's frustratingly variable so I hope I can demonstrate the fault in store...
I'm wondering if the increase in brightness just masks the effect rather than eliminating it. At lower brightness settings, any local differences in brightness are going to be more noticeable.
MarketMonk said:
I get black/dim horizontal lines flickering on the display at low brightness regardless of my "auto adjust screen power" setting. I'd describe it more as a shimmering of the screen. It's very distracting - I first noticed it whilst trying out the Kindle app and it made it very difficult reading the text.
I believe it's down to interference with some radio component of the phone. I've searched various forums and haven't come across many mentions of this so maybe it's a bad batch and I'm considering returning mine. It's frustratingly variable so I hope I can demonstrate the fault in store...
I'm wondering if the increase in brightness just masks the effect rather than eliminating it. At lower brightness settings, any local difference in brightness are going to be more noticeable.
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have you noticed any change at certain battery levels?? Like if the battery was at 90% its easily noticeable, once its like below 70% I'm not able to re-produce it, no matter what I try down to 0%.
So maybe since it seems to be only from 90% - 70%, it could be to do with the current/voltage at certain brightness levels with white background...very unique problem it seems..I'm thinking of going to the o2 store but I most likely wont be able to re-produce it then and there so will they still exchange it? hmmm lets see..
Locster126 said:
have you noticed any change at certain battery levels?? Like if the battery was at 90% its easily noticeable, once its like below 70% I'm not able to re-produce it, no matter what I try down to 0%.
So maybe since it seems to be only from 90% - 70%, it could be to do with the current/voltage at certain brightness levels with white background...very unique problem it seems..I'm thinking of going to the o2 store but I most likely wont be able to re-produce it then and there so will they still exchange it? hmmm lets see..
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I'll note down what the battery power levels are over the next week or so.
I went into the O2 store after work and reproducing the effect was indeed difficult. I had it showing the effect in the shopping centre whilst sitting down at a bench. I had it showing the effect whilst in the queue to wait for an O2 staff member. Fifteen minutes later, once I'd got to talking to the staff, it worked fine. All I could do was explain the problem and ask if anyone else had reported it. They advised I "kept an eye on it over the next couple of weeks".
Really frustrating. I'd entertain the possibility that my eyes are faulty but I've shown the effect to someone else and they agreed it was distracting.
MarketMonk said:
I'll note down what the battery power levels are over the next week or so.
I went into the O2 store after work and reproducing the effect was indeed difficult. I had it showing the effect in the shopping centre whilst sitting down at a bench. I had it showing the effect whilst in the queue to wait for an O2 staff member. Fifteen minutes later, once I'd got to talking to the staff, it worked fine. All I could do was explain the problem and ask if anyone else had reported it. They advised I "kept an eye on it over the next couple of weeks".
Really frustrating. I'd entertain the possibility that my eyes are faulty but I've shown the effect to someone else and they agreed it was distracting.
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Yea same here. Had the manager refuse to exchange it today as i already excjanged one phone...couldnt reproduce it then and there but on on the way there i managed it..o2 sucks
Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk
Locster126 said:
Can you see some slight flickering? Lots of lines across the screen?
Wonder if its just me, might go back and return this one tomorrow then
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I was not able to reproduce it using your directions, but I have to say that I also noticed horizontal lines flickering on white.
I tried to reproduce it but I can't find out what it is related to.
So it's doig it just in random fashion
blade75 said:
I was not able to reproduce it using your directions, but I have to say that I also noticed horizontal lines flickering on white.
I tried to reproduce it but I can't find out what it is related to.
So it's doig it just in random fashion
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does it flicker with auto brightness on? You might want to download an app like "brightness level" and set it to different settings to see when/where it flickers...mine usually flickered at 17% screenbrightness when battery was at 70 - 90%
Locster126 said:
does it flicker with auto brightness on? You might want to download an app like "brightness level" and set it to different settings to see when/where it flickers...mine usually flickered at 17% screenbrightness when battery was at 70 - 90%
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Yes I did download it and followed yur directions to try to repruce it. But I could not. I set then brightness to various level from 100% down to 0, but no luck. I have to try now when battery is at that level. Then it could be some kind of intereference. Lines I noticed on mine are very subtle and close about 1 mm
Ok, confirmed: 92% battery, brightness 17% on white or close to white screen color, there are horizontal lines like some itnerefernce/noise. Annoying
Samsung galaxy S2 screen flickering
I also have the same screen flickering problem.
it happens when the battery level is around 87-91%
Any soulution?
same here
black lines around text on white background. It disappears after a while, but is really annoying. I suppose the only solution is to change the phone?
sorry guys to hear u got the same problem....I never found a resolution to it apart from returning it to the store....once I managed to reproduce the issue infront of the manager he swapped the phone straight away.
If you got the same issue make sure you get to the store with the battery level and brightness level that shows it up, ask to go into a dark area to show it properly.
First o2 store I went to the guy refused to look at it properly and as it was light outside he couldnt see it anyways. Second o2 store I went to, the manager went downstairs with me and turned off the lights to see the flickering because it shows only on low brightness so make sure you take that into consideration when in a bright/well-lit store.
i have the same problem, it, but it only appears when "auto adjust screen power" is on. Its really a shame! Only way to fix it is to change the phone?
same here. flickers at low brightness with battery under 90%. called samsung hotline. the problem was new to them and the only idea they had was resetting the phone. tried it but unsurprisingly its no help. galaxy s2 could be great but it has just too many annoying hardware flaws
Same problem
Well I noticed this on my SGS 1 !! ... when I have PACKET DATA turned on this flickering starts. It starts really hard when i have this function turned on, but when i disable it there's nothing...
Noticed same problem on SG2 bought in Sweden
Realise this is an older topic but i have recently noticed this issue in low light with Auto On. Battery level at 85 percent. For those that had their phones replaced did the issue continue? Has anyone seen this with the yellow tint also?
Noticing this issue as well on Villain ROM 2.4. Auto brightness enabled and 90% battery.
*Edit* Just did a CWM restore to stock rooted and the flickering seems to have gone. 85% battery, auto brightness enabled.
phone swapped... problem kept
i got my phone replaced 2 months ago and was very happy with the new one since it had no screen flicker... until now. so my current sgs 2 now also suffers from screen flicker and my only options are to send it to samsung and hope to get a replacement or to live with it. and since im beginning to think that this might be a general problem i tend to keep it. although i have to admit that i dont like my sgs2 as much as i did before...

CM7 Screen Dim Levels

I've done a search and it produced no results at least nothing relevant.
I'm wondering what people are using for their custom Light Levels in CM7.
Auto typically, but in my office I find it too dark... so I use 40%. I've got brightness (all of them) in the notification dropdown.... removed bluetooth and gps (pointless).
I have not done any of the screen rendering...
That's the same issue that I've had as well. I suppose it's partially due to my eyes being so accustom to the bright colors from the standard 2.2 ROMs. I'll look at tweaking it a bit. I don't mind the screen not being as bright as it was before, but it stays rather dim and becomes slightly hard to read at times.

Brightness fluctuates in low light conditions

I have a 920 that came preinstalled with Portico ROM version (I bought it about two weeks ago). It's a great phone and improvement over my LM800.
One thing is bothering me, though. In low-light conditions the screen brightness keeps changing from normal and readable to hardly readable. It's like the light sensor is constantly flipping between two states. I read some report on the internet that I am not the only one.
Some suggested that it could be fixed by turning the phone of and turning it on in complete darkness and unlock the screen. That sounded a bit strange, since the screen will emit a lot of light during the boot process, but I tried it anyway... didn't work.
Anyone else experiencing this issue?

Question Is it possible to lower the brightness of the charging LED?

It is quite bright, especially at night. Is there a way to control its brightness?
My Xperia 1 III is rooted if that's needed.
Thank you.
I just put the phone screen facing down
This is a technical forum and expects technical response to the asked question.
That's weird. My xqbc62-v notification LED is dim and has a narrow viewing angle. I can only see it at night.
I think there are multiple hardware revisions of this phone. My first phone was purple and crashed constantly. I returned it and bought a new one later. It's purple, but so dark that it looks back except under direct sun.
I see what you mean now. The BC62 notification LED used to track ambient light and it was always relatively dim. Starting with the Android 12 update, it's max brightness all the time. It's annoying at night.
Yep I can confirm that the LED is much brighter after A12 update. I charge the phone wirelessly at night beside my bed so putting it face-down is not an option. ;-)
What I have found to work is completely unscientific but works every time for me. I use a cable so not sure if it will do the same for wireless. After I plug it in I too notice that the LED is too bright. So I wait a minute or more and unlock the phone with my fingerprint (while the charging cable is still plugged in) and then double tap the screen to relock the phone. I use Nova Prime as my launcher which allows me to double tap to lock. Usually doing this makes the LED dim down considerably. Sometimes I have to do it 2 or 3 times but it always ends up working. YMMV
Anyone knowing a 2ay to disable the LED while charging? Maybe via adb command?

