[REF][3-30-11] Trouble with Nandroid Backups - Solved! - Fascinate Android Development

EDIT 3/30: This problem should be solved with the updated version of CWR found here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1017817
Remember that until devs start bundling it with their roms, you will need to flash it after you flash a new ROM. (Superclean 2.9.2 and before includes the broken recovery).
The problem was in the fact that cwr didn't have root access. The updated one now contains this fix.
If you are trying to restore a nandroid from an old backup, you might have issues. I'll try to see about this scenario to see the easiest way to do it (the steps from the previous post in this thread should work.)
Also, it looks like dbdata doesn't auto-mount, so you need to go into the mount menu and mount it before being able to run the fix_permissions script, if you want to run that.
I think I got it fixed so that it will auto-mount it in the script, but it won't be recompiled until JT does it.
Original thread:
Info and links:
This seems to explain a lot of the issues people have been having. Probably best to check that thread for updated info, but copying and pasting for those who are other forum-phobic:
Landshark said:
Do not try to restore a themed nandroid backup for the time being!!
DroidXcon has done a great job of putting together the thread about clockworkmod recovery (cwm), how to install it, use it, and how to fix permissions since that is not working in cwm right now. That is not the only thing not working in cwm right now. Right now you are also unable to wipe battery stats and restore a nandroid backup that includes a theme through cwm. What is a nandroid backup? Well you can check out posts 6, 7, & 8 of DroidXcon's clockwork mod thread for a detailed description with visual aids:
DroidXcon's Clockwork Thread Here
The problem seems to stem from not being able to fix permissions in cwm. If you read DroidXcon's thread it should make more sense and I can only do an injustice to his work by trying to explain it here myself. Bottom line is like I said above we are unable to successfully restore nandroid backups that include a theme at this time without ending up in a force close loop of hell (FCLOH) at boot animation, a.k.a. boot loop. Jaekar99, Suicide Shift, and I have been working at this for some time without any solution. We have only been able to successfully restore a nandroid backup of only the base ROM. Which is basically pointless since in basically the same amount of time it takes to restore a nandroid backup of just the base ROM, I can boot into cwm, flash the base ROM, reboot, boot into cwm, wipe cache and dalvik, flash a theme, reboot, boot to cwm, wipe cache and dalvik, flash a patch or two, and reboot my phone.
There is also a problem trying to flash a ROM and a theme in the same cwm session. Doing so will almost certainly put you into a FCLOH at boot. Best advice is as always try to only flash ROMs when your battery is at or near 100%. I have also had fewer problems when I flash while my phone is plugged in, either to an outlet, or into the usb on my computer. In addition to that, you will have fewer problems, if any, flashing the ROM by itself, rebooting, booting back into cwm, wiping cache and dalvik cache, flashing a theme if you want one, rebooting, booting back into cwm, then flashing any additional patches or mods, then rebooting. I know that is a lot of steps to take, but it's better than the alternative, which is ending up in a FCLOH, THEN having to take all those steps. You know, it's that whole ounce of prevention thing.......
For more information about flashing themes, patches, mods, and boot animations, you can get great information in Jaekar99's Themes, ROMs, Kernels, Boot Animations thread. I believe he is also covering some of this warning material in an effort to get it to as many people as we can.
Jaekar99's Themes Thread Here
So for the time being, do not try to restore a themed nandroid backup through cwm. If you have already created nandroid backups in cwm, I would think you can just leave them there for when we figure out a solution or fixing permissions gets repaired in cwm.
Any questions about this, you can usually find Jaekar99, Suicide Shift, or me here in the forums. Post your questions here and we'll do our best to answer them. I will also keep this updated with any new information or results of what we are testing. Thank you, and sorry to anyone who ended up in a FCLOH because I didn't get this information out sooner. (davey11)
Also for instructions on how to wipe battery stats since it can't be done in cwm, check out Gunnermike53's [How to] [Discussion] Improve Battery Life thread. It also involves commands entered in Terminal Emulator.
Gunnermike53's Battery Life Thread Here
And let's get one more plug in here. If any of this terminology is confusing to you, or you are new to rooting and want a great guide to get you started and better informed, check out Sheepdog Elite's [How to] First time rooting walk-through.
Sheepdog Elite's First Time Rooting Thread Here
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There is a workaround in process of being written up.

The workaround is to reflash your theme over the nandroid once you get the restore finished. It's been mentioned that after a few days some one had it go bad that way, but it's what we've got for now.

Thanks GizmoDroid,
I was going to post the same info here when I woke up this morning. A group of us over at AC were up til the wee hours working on solutions and I was falling asleep at the keyboard. I'm trying to be more active over here and will update my OP at AC and this thread here.
For now a solution that gets you past the FCLOH is to boot back into cwm and flash whatever theme you have in the nandroid. That will get you past the FCLOH, but some patches and mods are being overwritten by doing that. So far, Adrynalyne's nuance patch stayed, but the mod settings patch did not. We are still working on other possible solutions. For now, other than doing this testing, I am not even bothering with nandroid backups as I can boot to cwm, flash ROM, reboot, boot to cwm, wipe cache & dalvik, flash theme, reboot, boot to cwm, wipe, flash patches and mods, and reboot all in about the same amount of time it takes to safely restore a nandroid of just the base ROM to avoid the FCLOH.
Right now I am going to see if restoring a nandroid, then flashing the theme in the same cwm session avoids the FCLOH.

Result of latest test - PASS
So flashing the theme over the nandroid restore in the same cwm session resulted in a clean reboot with no FCBLOH (Added in the B for Boot -Force Close Boot Loop of Hell.) Same problem as before though as Adrynalyne's settings mod was overwritten by the theme. So while this takes care of the FCBLOH problem, but it involves extra steps. Which like I said before kind of defeats the purpose of having a nandroid backup to restore - creating a complete build you can then restore all at once instead of having to do it piecemeal. Well at least for now there is a way to get around the FCBLOH when restoring a themed nandroid backup. Thanks Sheepdog Elite for all the help and for finding this workaround. Everyone just remember if you use this workaround and have any additional patches or mods included in your themed nandroid backup, after you restore check to see if all of your mods and patches are still in place.

Since I don't use nandroids/themes much, instead of doing a bunch of testing myself, I'll just ask you guys this:
We are possibly talking about a permissions issue. Why not do a system partition dump before nandroid, and then after restoring, then see what's different? After that point, you can make a script that sets the permissions on those files.
Or if files are actually missing or corrupted, then you will be able to find this out too.

GizmoDroid said:
Since I don't use nandroids/themes much, instead of doing a bunch of testing myself, I'll just ask you guys this:
We are possibly talking about a permissions issue. Why not do a system partition dump before nandroid, and then after restoring, then see what's different? After that point, you can make a script that sets the permissions on those files.
Or if files are actually missing or corrupted, then you will be able to find this out too.
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Thank you sir. I will pass this along and see what we can find out.

landshark68 said:
Thank you sir. I will pass this along and see what we can find out.
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Actually, after some preliminary research, my suspicions are not the system partition but the dbdata partition (/dev/block/stl10).
Clockwork has had problems with this one in the past. I don't know if it's on the backup end or restoring end, but I bet it's an issue with one of the scripts mounting the wrong partition, or folder. (clockwork mod mounts it to /datadata while stock rom calls it /dbdata)

GizmoDroid said:
Actually, after some from preliminary research, my suspicions are not the system partition but the dbdata partition (/dev/block/stl10).
Clockwork has had problems with this one in the past. I don't know if it's on the backup end or restoring end, but I bet it's an issue with one of the scripts mounting the wrong partition, or folder. (clockwork mod mounts it to /datadata while stock rom calls it /dbdata)
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Shark. This is sounding like one of us needs to go back to school to become a script editor. This is getting beyond me.

JaeKar99 said:
Shark. This is sounding like one of us needs to go back to school to become a script editor. This is getting beyond me.
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Yeah, he pretty much got beyond me at Actually, I'm just a guy who has learned quickly and gotten good at flashing, rooting, and problem solving to help other people. I am completely lost when it comes to the technical side. I am trying to learn as much as I can though so I'm not so lost. If we can eventually get this info to the right people I would be happy with that. If those right people are the devs, I am more than happy putting this issue on the shelf until they are completely done with their current projects. But anything I can do in the meantime to help I will certainly do or try.

landshark68 said:
Yeah, he pretty much got beyond me at Actually, I'm just a guy who has learned quickly and gotten good at flashing, rooting, and problem solving to help other people. I am completely lost when it comes to the technical side. I am trying to learn as much as I can though so I'm not so lost. If we can eventually get this info to the right people I would be happy with that. If those right people are the devs, I am more than happy putting this issue on the shelf until they are completely done with their current projects. But anything I can do in the meantime to help I will certainly do or try.
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The good news is I just successfully restored a themed nandroid!
The bad news is that I'm not exactly sure what I did to fix it.
Nandroid backed-up a themed install.
Nandroid restored same themed install.
Eternal bootloop ensued.
Rebooted to CWM.
While in CWM, I plugged in the usb and connected via ADB shell. I then typed the following (replace the red part with whichever nandroid backup folder you want to restore)
/sbin/nandroid restore /sdcard/clockworkmod/backup/[COLOR="Red"]2000-01-[/COLOR]/
Did some other stuff
Rebooted and was greeted with a successfully working phone!
Now, I did some other things too, so I'm not sure if this was the only thing it needed. If this is all it was, then it should be an easy CWM fix. Someone want to try that and let me know?
If that's not it, I'll tell you the other things I did. It's got to be one of them
Things to remember: nandroid doesn't back up your kernel or modem at this time. If you try to restore an nandroid backup with an incompatible kernel or modem, you will have problems. Flash these first.

GizmoDroid said:
The good news is I just successfully restored a themed nandroid!
The bad news is that I'm not exactly sure what did it.
Here's what I think I did:
While in CWM, I plugged in the usb and connected via ADB shell. I then typed the following (replace the red part with whichever nandroid backup folder you want to restore)
/sbin/nandroid restore /sdcard/clockworkmod/backup/[COLOR="Red"]2000-01-[/COLOR]/
If this is what did it, then it should be an easy CWM fix. Someone want to try that and let me know? If that's not it, I'll tell you the other things I did. It's got to be one of them
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I will try it and let you know.

Nope, that one wasn't it. Nothing happened in adb or on the phone. Next?

landshark68 said:
Nope, that one wasn't it. Nothing happened in adb or on the phone. Next?
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Nothing happened... at all? Like it just went back to the prompt without saying anything?
If that's the case, we have bigger fish to fry, because it should have at the very least complained or showed some text.

GizmoDroid said:
Nothing happened... at all?
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Never mind. Jut took a while for it to start rolling in adb. stand by for results.

Boot loop city

landshark68 said:
Boot loop city
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Not being facetious here, but I need to know exactly what I did different than you.
Can you tell me all the steps you did, in as much detail as you have patience for?

GizmoDroid said:
Not being facetious here, but I need to know exactly what I did different than you.
Can you tell me all the steps you did, in as much detail as you have patience for?
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Well I'm going to start over. After I went through the procedures I scrolled back up and noticed you tried to restore your nandroid through cwm first. I flashed to just plain sc 2.9.2v through cwm, booted to recovery, ran the commands through adb, rebooted when adb said restore complete. I will now follow your exact steps and try restoring the nandroid through cwm first.
And since I've been flashing so much stuff today I'm going to wipe data, cache, and dalvik before trying to restore the nandroid if you think I should start from a clean slate.

Actually, hold off a second. I just redid the steps myself, and that wasn't all of the commands needed, apparently.
Before you jump through a bunch of hopes again, let me try some stuff.
landshark68 said:
Well I'm going to start over. After I went through the procedures I scrolled back up and noticed you tried to restore your nandroid through cwm first. I flashed to just plain sc 2.9.2v through cwm, booted to recovery, ran the commands through adb, rebooted when adb said restore complete. I will now follow your exact steps and try restoring the nandroid through cwm first.
And since I've been flashing so much stuff today I'm going to wipe data, cache, and dalvik before trying to restore the nandroid if you think I should start from a clean slate.
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Ya, best bet would be to start clean, flash ROM and theme, nandroid backup, nandroid restore, then do the manual nandroid restore from adb. Try to eliminate all the variables.
If that's not it, then it had to be some funky mounting stuff I was doing. But I'd rather not get into that if I don't have to, because I tried a bunch of stuff all at once.

Standing by. I just made a build of sc 2.9.2v and ultimate honeycomb 3.1.1. I'll make a nandroid backup of that while waiting.
ETA - And don't worry about the appearance of being facetious or hurting my feelings or insulting me. I'm a grown person with thick skin. And I've read a bunch of your posts and have the same mind set. Don't insult, but tell it exactly like it is.


How I fixed my phone

So i'm going to consolidate and give everyone a brief recap on how I fixed my phone since it required the use of SEVERAL posts. I figured someone will eventually get caught in the same situation I was.
This is by no means the best way, or the correct way to fix any phone, do this at your own pace and liability. I am, and no one mentioned in this thread is liable for your phone.
Please excuse any of my grammar mistakes, this is spewing out as I type.
History: Stock DI01 update w/ JT's Voodoo .2 OC Kernel.
Flashed JT's Super Clean ROM V.4 & Remix Incognito Theme.
** Market would no longer work. I had this issue before updating to the 2.2 market after the DI01 update, so I uninstalled and worked again, however, that option wasn't available with the ROM Flash.
I couldn't find a single fix that would work to get the market to work, even ADB pushing older market apk's to the system wouldn't fix it. I decided to do a flash of JT's Super Clean ROM V.2, that didn't fix the issue either.
**I was clearing data and wiping dalvik after each flash**
With nothing seeming to work, I decided to try Deodexe's Zinc ROM, and this is where **** hit the fan. After doing this, I sent my phone into FC boot loop hell. I was getting the process.acore FC everytime I pressed a key. I rebooted back into Clockwork, tried to recover from an old ROM I had backed up the previous day, notta. Damage was done. I was getting FC bootloop hell with a very crappy performance.
I decided it was time to Odin restore and start over. These aren't the exact steps I took, but if I had to do it over again, this is how I would do it. If at any point you're getting a process.media FC, remove your SD Card, and leave it out until you need it for CWM.
If you installed Voodoo (at any point, removed or not, do this step)
Thanks to adrynalyne
This was the main culprit behind my phone not working correctly after a complete restore. I moved this to the top of the list, because after that, it's downhill.
Completely Restore with Odin Restore Files
Thanks to fallingup
The instructions are a little un-clear, but do this. First, Only use the PDA option, and flash each backup one at a time along with the PIT file. You're not out of the clear yet. Read on.
Flash CWM Recovery (read my notes below)
Thanks to fallingup
After you've flashed CWM. Boot into CWM Recovery, Boot back in Stock Recovery and wipe data and cache. Boot back to CWM (select sd:update.zip) and do the exact same thing there. Reboot phone.
Do a data factory reset
Even though you have just restored the **** out of your phone, you're still not there. Get through all the account setup fields and go to Settings > Privacy > Factory Data Reset.
After a reboot, you should be on your way to a completely 100% stock fixed phone. At this point, I would suggest making a ROM back up of this point before moving ahead with flashing again.
LAST STEP (for me anyway):
Restore apps via Titanium Backup
This restored most my apps and settings that I had already saved, including LauncherPro and the backups I had for that. If you haven't used Ti, then use whatever app backup app you do have, if you do indeed have one.
I decided to re-flash JT's Super Clean ROM V.4 found here. Thanks to JT
I am also running the Remix Incognito Theme here: Thanks to frostman89
Right now I'm mixed on updating a new Voodoo Kernel, I haven't decided if I want to do that again or wait for something else.
Thanks again for all the DEV support, hopefully someone searching will find this thread useful.
Pretty much my standard routine when trying new kernels.
I have a nandroid with my basic rooted setup (apps and data intact), so this doesn't set me back by a huge amount.
Just a few differences...
I use:
Odin (System, then kernel) (step only needed if things are *really* messed up...won't boot)
Boot into Recovery
flash update.zip to get into CWM
Wipe Data/Cache/Davlik
Reboot into recovery
run jt's voodoo_uninstall (flashes stock.zip and replaces mbr with stock mbr)
reboot into recovery
restore nandroid image.
This has yet to fail me and usually takes under 10 minutes. The nandroid image is key. Most of the time, I can skip the Odin step completely if I am not seeing anything truly, staggeringly horrific going on.
Again, jt's voodoo-uninstall seems to solve a lot more than just voodoo issues. This thing should get it's own topic/forum/entry in ROM Manager/zip code/nobel award...you get the picture.
PhoenixPath said:
Again, jt's voodoo-uninstall seems to solve a lot more than just voodoo issues. This thing should get it's own topic/forum/entry in ROM Manager/zip code/nobel award...you get the picture.
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+1 I agree
Nice write up! I'm sure this will help many people.
This along with several other threads allowed me to recover from my own mental retardation.
Gotta remember to remove voodoo before doing stuff. I should know better.
Thanks again.
This is not working for me. I removed voodoo (using the uninstaller). I then did odin and my phone boots but I cant do anything past the unlock bc of all the fcs I get. I wiped the cache and data. CWM is not working, when I try to do the update.zip I get a "failed to verify whole-file signiture". - I deleted the voodoo folder from the sd-card after uninstalling voodoo, dont know if that contributed to the problem. Any ideas?
Ke1evraTi said:
This is not working for me. I removed voodoo (using the uninstaller). I then did odin and my phone boots but I cant do anything past the unlock bc of all the fcs I get. I wiped the cache and data. CWM is not working, when I try to do the update.zip I get a "failed to verify whole-file signiture". - I deleted the voodoo folder from the sd-card after uninstalling voodoo, dont know if that contributed to the problem. Any ideas?
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Sounds like you need to re-flash ClockworkMod through Odin. I'm guessing it got wiped out when you went back to stock.

How to flash custom rom after rooting with CF-root

Hello, im new to androids and rooting, and i own a galaxy s2 which i have just rooted with Chainfires CF-root which also installed Clockwork mod recovery. I have a couple of questions on how to install custom roms, for example if i would like to flash villainrom, what are the exact steps i need to take? I have read as much as possible but im not sure if the same applies to custom roms in general.
So far im thinking i have to put the custom rom on my phones sd card and then flash it via clickwork mod, however i have read something about doing a nandroid backup and data wipe bdfore flashing the rom. Ideally i would hope somebody can do a quick step by step guide explaining the above, and tell me weather this applies to custom roms in general?
Im very grateful for any help, thx in advance
Once you have rooted your phone make sure you have enabled usb debugging.
Go to settings, applications, development, enable usb debugging.
Then connect phone to pc, and transfer rom.
Then boot into recovery mode, to do this switch phone off, then press vol up, home and power.
Then wipe data, wipe cache, go to advanced and wipe dalvik cache.
Then go to install zip from sd card, select zip, click ok and cwm will take care of the rest
Thx so much for the breakdown of how to do this, will this cause me to loose all data?
Baz-L said:
Thx so much for the breakdown of how to do this, will this cause me to loose all data?
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Yes you will lose all data.
It's worth doing a backup, you can use titanium backup.
Download it from the market.
I don't tend to back things up, as contacts etc are synced and backed up with my google account.
And I just redownload my apps.
You'll find some roms don't wipe data, but it's generally advisable to always wipe before flashing any rom, and therefore backup if you have a lot of data.
JGS2 said:
Yes you will lose all data.
It's worth doing a backup, you can use titanium backup.
Download it from the market.
I don't tend to back things up, as contacts etc are synced and backed up with my google account.
And I just redownload my apps.
You'll find some roms don't wipe data, but it's generally advisable to always wipe before flashing any rom, and therefore backup if you have a lot of data.
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Ok so its basicaly that same process when flashing any custom rom? just needed it step by step, thx for the tip on titanium bu, and thx again for ur help, much appreciated;-)
Baz-L said:
Ok so its basicaly that same process when flashing any custom rom? just needed it step by step, thx for the tip on titanium bu, and thx again for ur help, much appreciated;-)
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Yeah pretty much the same for every rom.
It's always worth reading the first post in every thread though, as I came across a rom recently that could only be flashed using odin, I think it was litening rom.
But if not 99% of custom roms can be done the way I described
And I know what you mean about needing things step by step, these forums seem very complicated at first, the best advice I can give you is to read read read.
When I first joined earlier this month everything seemed so complicated but it's fairly straight forward when you get used to it.
I now flash about ten times a day, but I have a problem lol
JGS2 said:
Yeah pretty much the same for every rom.
It's always worth reading the first post in every thread though, as I came across a rom recently that could only be flashed using odin, I think it was litening rom.
But if not 99% of custom roms can be done the way I described
And I know what you mean about needing things step by step, these forums seem very complicated at first, the best advice I can give you is to read read read.
When I first joined earlier this month everything seemed so complicated but it's fairly straight forward when you get used to it.
I now flash about ten times a day, but I have a problem lol
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Sorry for the delayed reply, lol jeez 10 times a day, i get how it can be so fun and addictive though, trying custom roms and themes etc.
As i said though im new to android, came from an iphone 4 which i always used to jailbreak.
And yeah i know what you mean, im doing my best to read as much as i can, but here on xda things move so fast and theres that many different things to learn it gets scary hehe.
Im still to try and flash a rom, i was going to try villainrom first, but do you have any other suggestions on which devs/roms i should check out, seeing as all this is new i might aswell get some practice in....
I do have another quick question, when i connect my fone via usb, which folder do i put the zip rom file into, is it External SD?
Anyways thanks again for your help, really appreciated!
EDIT* got it sorted!
Yeah ten times a day isn't an exaggeration either lol
I find what happens is I flash a rom, then a dev releases an update for another rom then I flash that, then I flash a different modem, then I find another rom, then another update and the cycle continues
You said you sorted it, but the rom zip file just goes in the root of your internal memory.
It's not overly important as you can find the file through cwm anyway.
As sometimes I'll download a rom through my browser and then it goes to the downloads folder.
But if I download it on my pc, I will just transfer the file to the root of my internal memory on my phone.
JGS2 said:
Yeah ten times a day isn't an exaggeration either lol
I find what happens is I flash a rom, then a dev releases an update for another rom then I flash that, then I flash a different modem, then I find another rom, then another update and the cycle continues
You said you sorted it, but the rom zip file just goes in the root of your internal memory.
It's not overly important as you can find the file through cwm anyway.
As sometimes I'll download a rom through my browser and then it goes to the downloads folder.
But if I download it on my pc, I will just transfer the file to the root of my internal memory on my phone.
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Yeah thanks again i managed to get it sorted i guess i overthink things sometimes, but i followed your guide above and now im running villainrom
had to do a bit more reading/asking on the backup/restore front, knowing what the diff between nandroid/titanium is etc, and how and which to use to restore.
Also you mentioned above about backing up your contacts with google, i tried to do that but couldnt seem to, how did you manage it? as i cant restore contacts from my windows pc via kies right? now that im rooted with a custom rom.
Anyways thx again for the help pal, you've been awesome!

Hmm. No boot.

Well well. I know it may surprise you to see me here
I was messing with busybox, trying to update it. Apparently I did something wrong and the phone doesn't boot now. It'll go on the bootanimation, but at the very end, JUST before the menu softkeys lights come up, it instantly crashes and returns to the splash screen and the cycle is repeated.
Anything I can do to restore it back to an usable state, without losing the data I have on the phone? I know how to make it work again, that's really easy, but what I don't know how, is to make it work again without losing data.
I mean, busybox update seemed safe enough >_> Then it broke everything else.
Oh well, any answers would be appreciated.
Just a thought, no expert here but I've made changes to my phone tht caused me to get stuck and I've gone into recovery-restore-advanced restore and just restored the system part and its gotten me back to a running state.
I'm also thinking if you make a nandroid of your current state then try and fix the issue at least you can always have tht to go back to if someone gets you a better answer.
Wish you the best of luck, I hate having to wipe too!
I was born in Darkness.....
chozyn said:
Just a thought, no expert here but I've made changes to my phone tht caused me to get stuck and I've gone into recovery-restore-advanced restore and just restored the system part and its gotten me back to a running state.
I'm also thinking if you make a nandroid of your current state then try and fix the issue at least you can always have tht to go back to if someone gets you a better answer.
Wish you the best of luck, I hate having to wipe too!
I was born in Darkness.....
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Didn't work, but it was a good idea actually. I didn't have a recent backup. Didn't make one, as I thought busybox would be easy enough and wouldn't affect much. Oops.
Man, I'm having such bad luck today... First, I accidentally deleted few gigs of stuff off my computer. Then my phone gets messed up due to something I did in busybox. Gee, what's next?
Damn....going out on a limb here but what if you back up your rom in its current not booting state. Then wipe and do a fresh install of the same Rom-backup the fresh install.
Afterwards flash the not booting backup you made and then do the advanced restore using the system IMG from the fresh install to see if it will boot?
Sorry thinking in layman's terms here.
I was born in Darkness.....
Flash the Rom over your brick it should boot back up. Busy box writes the files in /system/xbin (If I remember) so when you reflash the Rom you're using it writes everything back to normal. Just don't do a wipe and you should be good.
Anything that was changed in /system will be reset to original.. so if you had GNow it'll have to be reinstalled. Same thing with any other files in /system.
chozyn said:
Damn....going out on a limb here but what if you back up your rom in its current not booting state. Then wipe and do a fresh install of the same Rom-backup the fresh install.
Afterwards flash the not booting backup you made and then do the advanced restore using the system IMG from the fresh install to see if it will boot?
Sorry thinking in layman's terms here.
I was born in Darkness.....
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I actually thought of this, but for some reason, it doesn't work. It still gets hard bootloops.
Double0EK said:
Flash the Rom over your brick it should boot back up. Busy box writes the files in /system/xbin (If I remember) so when you reflash the Rom you're using it writes everything back to normal. Just don't do a wipe and you should be good.
Anything that was changed in /system will be reset to original.. so if you had GNow it'll have to be reinstalled. Same thing with any other files in /system.
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Thought of this before I did anything, but apparently it affected the /data too (The files inside there are intact, but something there is not allowing my phone to boot), thus continuing the hard bootloops.
I'm befuddled. I will have to figure this out later. For now, I just made a backup of the non-working ROM and wiped everything and flashed a ROM on it. I'll figure out what parts of /data to transfer back later. I needed a functioning phone, so yeah
Thanks for the help. If anyone else has any other good ideas, I'll try them out.
Keylogger_0 said:
I actually thought of this, but for some reason, it doesn't work. It still gets hard bootloops.
Thought of this before I did anything, but apparently it affected the /data too (The files inside there are intact, but something there is not allowing my phone to boot), thus continuing the hard bootloops.
I'm befuddled. I will have to figure this out later. For now, I just made a backup of the non-working ROM and wiped everything and flashed a ROM on it. I'll figure out what parts of /data to transfer back later. I needed a functioning phone, so yeah
Thanks for the help. If anyone else has any other good ideas, I'll try them out.
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What rom are you using?
Grab that rom, in a zip file preferably, modify the updater script to not write to the data partition, wipe all partitions except data, flash and reboot.
Fix permissions and wipe caches if needed.

[Q] What's the best ROM for the Galaxy S4 (VZW) that doesn't require data wipe?

Hello everyone,
Well might as well say hi. I'm Ryukouki. I use this handle on a lot of forums, so if this is familiar you most likely know me elsewhere. So, anywho! I purchased a VZW Samsung Galaxy S4 two weeks ago, and I'm really curious. I rooted my phone, installed Clockwork Mod and backed up my data (I THINK) and I'm looking into ROMs for the Galaxy S4. What is the best mod for speed and performance, with good ease of use, and does not require a data wipe on installation? And is there a tutorial to go about doing this? I'm kind of new to the whole smartphone thing (used a feature phone for seven years!!), but I'm not too afraid to try new things out.
Ryukouki said:
Hello everyone,
Well might as well say hi. I'm Ryukouki. I use this handle on a lot of forums, so if this is familiar you most likely know me elsewhere. So, anywho! I purchased a VZW Samsung Galaxy S4 two weeks ago, and I'm really curious. I rooted my phone, installed Clockwork Mod and backed up my data (I THINK) and I'm looking into ROMs for the Galaxy S4. What is the best mod for speed and performance, with good ease of use, and does not require a data wipe on installation? And is there a tutorial to go about doing this? I'm kind of new to the whole smartphone thing (used a feature phone for seven years!!), but I'm not too afraid to try new things out.
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No ROMs 'require' a data wipe per se. You may, however, run into problems with any ROM if you don't completely wipe data when installing (especially the first time you go from stock to a ROM).
Why are you so afraid of wiping data? You could very easily download a few backup apps and have everything back up and running in 20 minutes.
trebb said:
No ROMs 'require' a data wipe per se. You may, however, run into problems with any ROM if you don't completely wipe data when installing (especially the first time you go from stock to a ROM).
Why are you so afraid of wiping data? You could very easily download a few backup apps and have everything back up and running in 20 minutes.
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I assume that this requires backup to my SD card though? And can you explain how I go about doing this? Do I just pick up things like App Restore and Backup (I think it's the other way around...) and then backup and restore? I don't want to screw this up, because I have a few apps where I've dumped a couple hundred dollars into and if I delete it or wipe it, I lose all the data, and I for sure as hell don't wanna do that!
You are rooted, so grab Titanium Backup, and use it. Just don't backup up system data. App data is fine (at least it always has been on AT&T).
I haven't seen a ROM yet that is stable enough to flash, IMHO. Give it a couple of weeks. I ran AOKP on my GS2 for a long time, and am looking forward to it here.
Sent from my SCH-I545 using xda premium
If I was you man , I wouldnt never install a rom without a full wipe. That will keep you from running into problems. I know that from experience. Like Sbreen say, no wipe , no gripe
DroidHead214 said:
If I was you man , I wouldnt never install a rom without a full wipe. That will keep you from running into problems. I know that from experience. Like Sbreen say, no wipe , no gripe
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Very well then, I guess a wipe it is.
Now, let me get this straight. I rooted my phone. I have TWRP Custom Recovery on my phone, and I have backed up the thing in the recovery menu to my micro SD card. I also Titanium Backup'd my system with apps and whatnot. So when I decide to flash my phone to a new ROM, I'd first wipe the data, factory reset, and wipe the dalvik cache, then flash it, do the setup garbage, and then from there, redownload Titanium Backup and restore whatever I want to restore, correct?
Ryukouki said:
Very well then, I guess a wipe it is.
Now, let me get this straight. I rooted my phone. I have TWRP Custom Recovery on my phone, and I have backed up the thing in the recovery menu to my micro SD card. I also Titanium Backup'd my system with apps and whatnot. So when I decide to flash my phone to a new ROM, I'd first wipe the data, factory reset, and wipe the dalvik cache, then flash it, do the setup garbage, and then from there, redownload Titanium Backup and restore whatever I want to restore, correct?
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You got it! However the "factory reset" option in TWRP actually wipes data/cache/dalvik, I believe. (It tells you at the top of the screen what its going to wipe) Once you got your new rom you're all set to start restoring your apps with TB and enjoy the smoothness. After the setup process when your phone goes to the home screen, it's a good idea to let it sit for 5 to 10 minutes. (some developers advise this)
whiskerz said:
You got it! However, the "factory reset" option in TWRP actually wipes data/cache/dalvik I believe. (It tells you at the top of the screen what its going to wipe) Once you got your new rom you're all set to start restoring your apps with TB and enjoying the smoothness
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I'll try it either tomorrow...or, later in the week if my courage decides to run away. Now, in the worst case scenario, let's say I completely screw up and get stuck with a bootloop or, I just completely hate the ROM itself. To restore to my current configuration do I just go back to TWRP and hit restore, and it basically reverts itself? I'm so sorry if I'm asking really stupid questions, I just REALLY want to do it right, and not have any hassles whatsoever. I am extremely careful and I really want to feel comfortable doing this.
Some guides I see mentioned backing up the IMEI information on the phone. Do I really need to do that, or is that all automated and I shouldn't run into issues? And is there a GApps.zip file thingy that I need to download for the "stock" applications? But wait a second, TB should take care of all of that correct?
Ryukouki said:
I'll try it either tomorrow...or, later in the week if my courage decides to run away. Now, in the worst case scenario, let's say I completely screw up and get stuck with a bootloop or, I just completely hate the ROM itself. To restore to my current configuration do I just go back to TWRP and hit restore, and it basically reverts itself? I'm so sorry if I'm asking really stupid questions, I just REALLY want to do it right, and not have any hassles whatsoever. I am extremely careful and I really want to feel comfortable doing this.
Some guides I see mentioned backing up the IMEI information on the phone. Do I really need to do that, or is that all automated and I shouldn't run into issues? And is there a GApps.zip file thingy that I need to download for the "stock" applications? But wait a second, TB should take care of all of that correct?
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Yes, if your phone goes into a bootloop or you absolutely hate the rom, then pull the battery and boot into recovery. (If you just hate the rom no need to pull battery just power off)Make sure you have a backup of your system created within TWRP with the "backup" option. If you have a backup in TWRP you would just hit the "Restore" button and find your system backup and wait for it to restore. I've never heard anything about backing up IMEI info, you will probably not run into any issues. I've flashed tons and tons of roms on numerous devices and have NEVER had to do any of that. Gapps (google apps) are ONLY needed when you're going to run an AOSP rom. That means when the rom doesn't have the touchwiz skin over top of it. AOSP roms are pure vanilla android and have zero touchwiz features. You can find the touchwiz based roms in the "Android development" section while the AOSP roms are found in the "Original development" section. Also, it's fine to ask questions. That's how you learn!
whiskerz said:
Yes, if your phone goes into a bootloop or you absolutely hate the rom, then pull the battery and boot into recovery. (If you just hate the rom no need to pull battery just power off)Make sure you have a backup of your system created within TWRP with the "backup" option. If you have a backup in TWRP you would just hit the "Restore" button and find your system backup and wait for it to restore. I've never heard anything about backing up IMEI info, you will probably not run into any issues. I've flashed tons and tons of roms on numerous devices and have NEVER had to do any of that. Gapps (google apps) are ONLY needed when you're going to run an AOSP rom. That means when the rom doesn't have the touchwiz skin over top of it. AOSP roms are pure vanilla android and have zero touchwiz features. You can find the touchwiz based roms in the "Android development" section while the AOSP roms are found in the "Original development" section. Also, it's fine to ask questions. That's how you learn!
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Awesome. Phew, I was like what why do I need to backup my IMEI information? I'm planning on installing Hyperdrive, is that a touchwiz based rom by any chance? And hah, yeah I know, I usually have really meticulous instructions for myself when I flash video game consoles, so I know the routine like the back of my hand.
Ryukouki said:
Awesome. Phew, I was like what why do I need to backup my IMEI information? I'm planning on installing Hyperdrive, is that a touchwiz based rom by any chance? And hah, yeah I know, I usually have really meticulous instructions for myself when I flash video game consoles, so I know the routine like the back of my hand.
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Yes, Hyperdrive is a touchwiz based rom! The file is going to be a little over a 1gig, and already includes all of the apps you'll need.(Don't flash Gaaps) I'm heading off XDA for the night if you have anymore questions/concerns feel free to PM me and I'll try to help
whiskerz said:
Yes, Hyperdrive is a touchwiz based rom! The file is going to be a little over a 1gig, and already includes all of the apps you'll need.(Don't flash Gaaps) I'm heading off XDA for the night if you have anymore questions/concerns feel free to PM me and I'll try to help
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Oh good! And at least my internet is reasonable now, so 1GB shouldn't be too bad. ;D I should head off too, its a bit late over here. Thanks for your help, you've answered a lot of my concerns!
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Friendly Neighborhood Moderator
All ROMs are the best and data wipes are always recommended

Phone won't boot; need to restore a deleted system file

Big problem with my I777 running stock Jellybean...
I deleted the wallpaper file from data\system\users\0 and now my phone will not boot. It powers on and gets to the lock screen, but won't allow me to slide to unlock. The phone isn't entirely unresponsive as the clock still updates every minute. But it won't do anything else.
I have my old wallpaper file handy on the computer, so I can surely copy it back to the phone. Question is: how?? I have USB debugging enabled so ADB is possible, but I have absolutely no idea how to use it. If I boot to system recovery the only option I get for ADB is sideload. I can execute ADB on my computer, it finds the device. But when I try to use the "push" command, ADB responds with "error: closed." I tried to use the "sideload" command (with a dummy file) just to see if ANY ADB command would work. "Sideload" works (the phone reports an error about the file being invalid), so I know the connection is fine.
Help appreciated, thanks. I'm stuck with a ****ty iPhone until this situation is resolved.
You're still on the stock kernel/recovery, so I'm not sure that you have any easy options. It is also relevant to know just how much information you want to recover.
File replacement:
Using desktop ODIN to flash a syiah kernel, then reboot to recovery:
You might then be able to adb-push the necessary item to /system, but this is a hack-approach to a problem better suited by a proper flash. <-- will retain all existing data & customization. Maybe worth a try, but I don't recommend it
Using desktop ODIN to flash a syiah kernel, then reboot to recovery:
You will be able to flash a (custom) samsung-based firmware, which WILL overwrite /system, but will NOT overwrite your /data partition, likely allowing you to boot and properly back-up the stuff you want to keep, or even create a nandroid of the existing setup. <-- Will retain all existing data, will lose /system customisations. I have used this method.
Use desktop-Odin to flash the official firmware may be your only other option, which will retain everything in internal memory (photos, downloads, music, nandroid backups), but not messages, or any app data.
Mr. Barker said:
Big problem with my I777 running stock Jellybean...
I deleted the wallpaper file from data\system\users\0 and now my phone will not boot. It powers on and gets to the lock screen, but won't allow me to slide to unlock. The phone isn't entirely unresponsive as the clock still updates every minute. But it won't do anything else.
I have my old wallpaper file handy on the computer, so I can surely copy it back to the phone. Question is: how?? I have USB debugging enabled so ADB is possible, but I have absolutely no idea how to use it. If I boot to system recovery the only option I get for ADB is sideload. I can execute ADB on my computer, it finds the device. But when I try to use the "push" command, ADB responds with "error: closed." I tried to use the "sideload" command (with a dummy file) just to see if ANY ADB command would work. "Sideload" works (the phone reports an error about the file being invalid), so I know the connection is fine.
Help appreciated, thanks. I'm stuck with a ****ty iPhone until this situation is resolved.
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cyril279 said:
You're still on the stock kernel/recovery, so I'm not sure that you have any easy options.
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Well I do have CWM installed, but am curiously (and annoyingly) unable to boot to it now, for whatever reason. It boots to stock recovery instead, every time.
cyril279 said:
Using desktop ODIN to flash a syiah kernel, then reboot to recovery:
You might then be able to adb-push the necessary item to /system, but this is a hack-approach to a problem better suited by a proper flash. <-- maybe worth a try, but I don't recommend it
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I think it's worth a try. I really would prefer to get my phone back working as it was, quickest way possible, because I've done a lot of heavy customization that would take many many hours to have to do over if I flash the official firmware again.
Could you please point me in the right direction of the syiah kernel, and proper instructions as to how to flash it? Would be much appreciated.
If it doesn't work out so hot, I'll try one of the other methods you mentioned. Thanks.
Mr. Barker said:
I think it's worth a try. I really would prefer to get my phone back working as it was, quickest way possible, because I've done a lot of heavy customization that would take many many hours to have to do over if I flash the official firmware again.
Could you please point me in the right direction of the syiah kernel, and proper instructions as to how to flash it? Would be much appreciated.
If it doesn't work out so hot, I'll try one of the other methods you mentioned. Thanks.
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I would be glad to provide more detailed information, but I prefer to do so from a desktop computer, and I won't be near one for several days, so this may be a slow process unless one of our peers steps in to help.
In the meantime, you should gather:
-Odin 1.85 or 3.07
-A Siyah s2-v5.x or s2-v6.x .tar.md5 kernel (for the i777 or i9100)
The latter you can find at http://www.gokhanmoral.com
I will outline the process in a later post, explaining the purpose of each step.
Sure, I'm OK waiting a few days. I appreciate the help, I haven't done any flashing in quite some time and don't want to make a mistake, especially with all the important data that's at stake.
File Replacement Method
1) Use desktop Odin to flash Siyah kernel
-Installs a kernel that will allow you to perform a nandroid backup, and MAY allow you to adb push the missing file to the device.
-This WILL change the initial boot screen (can be corrected later, but does not affect the function of the firmware), and will notch the flash counter (simply doesn't matter).
2) Boot to recovery
3) Create nandroid backup
-If things go sideways, you have a snapshot of where you are. If you have to start from scratch, there are apps that can restore Apps, settings, and more, from a backup.
4) Adb push missing file to /data/path_file_belongs
5) Shell chmod XXX the missing file
-to correct file permissions; that 0.xml file has -rw------ on my device, which translates to 600 (I think)
6) Flash appropriate ajk kernel
-for stock jb, use "NoSwap" http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2110542
-custom kernel that will boot stock rooted android.
7) Attempt Reboot into android
-If successful, reboot to recovery and perform another backup.
-If not successful, then we use a different method.
This is the trickier method of the three, but will retain all customization if it works. I have not tried it, and we're assuming that the missing file is actually the problem.
Please be sure that you are comfortable with all of the steps before attempting any of them. I will be able to provide step by step instructions, but not for several days.
Happy flashing,
Well, that was fun. Followed the instructions to a "t" and even learned some things. But, sadly, did not achieve the results I'd hoped for.
I was indeed able to push the wallpaper file over to data\system\users\0 and CHMOD it. But after flashing AJK "NoSwap" the phone shows the "Android is upgrading..." message, with "Starting apps." trying to process. But it doesn't. The little circle swirls a bit, then the screen goes black. The "Starting apps." message appears again, then the screen goes black again. And then it repeats this cycle forever. I eventually got irritated and yanked the battery.
So... *sigh*... what's my next best option?
The Nandroid backup completed successfully? If so, that's great, any APP customization is likely captured in the backup. How well they will restore is a different concern, but we need to get the device booted completely into android first.
Before moving onto the next step, lets reboot to recovery, clear cache and dalvik, and fix permissions. It's a bit of a shot in the dark, but I prefer to exhaust the possibility before abandoning this approach.
@Mr. Barker, You say that you've done a lot of heavy customization. What is the nature of the customization? app related? build.prop tweaks? I'm trying to determine how much might be lost by each of the next recovery methods.
@mrcook, what do you think of an attempt to dirty-flash cooked over a stock setup with corrupt /data?
cyril279 said:
Before moving onto the next step, lets reboot to recovery, clear cache and dalvik, and fix permissions. It's a bit of a shot in the dark, but I prefer to exhaust the possibility before abandoning this approach.
@Mr. Barker, You say that you've done a lot of heavy customization. What is the nature of the customization? app related? build.prop tweaks? I'm trying to determine how much might be lost by each of the next recovery methods.
@mrcook, what do you think of an attempt to dirty-flash cooked over a stock setup with corrupt /data?
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I say wipe caches and fix permissions first. If that doesn't work format /system, and install a ROM of the same version of android.
After that if it's still not booting suck it up do a full wipe and start from scratch.
Sent from my SGH-S959G
@Mr. Barker
If the cache wipes / permissions fix doesn't help, then our next attempt is:
**this assumes that you were running stock Android 4.1.2 when the trouble began**
get i777UCMD8 cooked v2.2 onto a flashdrive, (or prepare it for sideload)
reboot to recovery
format /system
install cooked v2.2
attempt to boot into android
OK, I'll give it a try, thanks.
Hooray! All's well that ends well. Flashing i777UCMD8 cooked v2.2 got me up & running again, near-same as I had everything before. Just a little work to do to get it right back how I had it. Thanks a million, gents! :victory:
Two questions remain, for the moment:
+ How can I get the "AM/PM" to display on the notification bar? I'm in the US, and prefer to have this for the 12-hour clock. But using this ROM, it is omitted even when time is set to 12-hour clock.
+ How can I restore the default battery charging icon from the stock firmware? The one that comes bundled with this cooked ROM is needlessly flashy.
Mr. Barker said:
Hooray! All's well that ends well. Flashing i777UCMD8 cooked v2.2 got me up & running again, near-same as I had everything before. Just a little work to do to get it right back how I had it. Thanks a million, gents! :victory:
Two questions remain, for the moment:
+ How can I get the "AM/PM" to display on the notification bar? I'm in the US, and prefer to have this for the 12-hour clock. But using this ROM, it is omitted even when time is set to 12-hour clock.
+ How can I restore the black notification pull-down menu? This ROM sets it transparent by default, which doesn't work for me.
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Am/pm is gone forever. I removed because I think it looks better without it. Use the sun. You'll get used to it after a couple days and never miss it.
To change the notification background go to the mods section of the installer, and just install the black notification background.
Sent from my SGH-S959G
mr-cook said:
Am/pm is gone forever. I removed because I think it looks better without it. Use the sun. You'll get used to it after a couple days and never miss it.
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Oh, no, I was afraid you were going to say that. *sigh*
Unfortunately I will not get used to it, and will miss it. It's the little things that really matter to me, and this is one of them.
Is there absolutely no way I can add it back in? Maybe by editing or replacing a certain file? Or perhaps there's a notification bar replacement that will facilitate this need?
Also, how can I restore the default battery charging icon from the stock firmware? The one that comes bundled with this cooked ROM, I feel, is needlessly flashy.
Other than these two points, I am quite pleased with this ROM. Is it just me or does it run a little quicker than the stock one?
"needlessly flashy"
Simply asking 'how to change the icon' is sufficient, and inherently implies that you prefer something different.
Cooked v2.2 is definitely quicker than stock;
The premise of both cooked and shostock are that they have taken the stock firmware, and stripped it down of unnecessary junk, and run it over a well-optimized kernel for the best touchwiz experience that you could possibly have on this device.
If your firmware desires are different than what cooked v2.2 provides, then I suggest creating a nandroid backup, wiping /system, and giving shostock a try. It's the other touchwiz favorite for the i777, packaged with a different very good kernel, and also runs quicker than stock.
Mr. Barker said:
Oh, no, I was afraid you were going to say that. *sigh*
Unfortunately I will not get used to it, and will miss it. It's the little things that really matter to me, and this is one of them.
Is there absolutely no way I can add it back in? Maybe by editing or replacing a certain file? Or perhaps there's a notification bar replacement that will facilitate this need?
Also, how can I restore the default battery charging icon from the stock firmware? The one that comes bundled with this cooked ROM, I feel, is needlessly flashy.
Other than these two points, I am quite pleased with this ROM. Is it just me or does it run a little quicker than the stock one?
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To close the loop, now your initial boot screen is a yellow triangle with an exclamation point? It doesn't affect the functionality of the firmware at all, but if you prefer to have the correct initial boot animation, then you'll need to follow an additional procedure.
Nandroid-backup desired setup
Flash official stock-firmware to the device via Desktop-Odin (clears the warning)
Root & recovery via Framaroot/Mobile-Odin (a method that does NOT trip the custom-flash monitor)
Restore nandroid to return to the established custom setup
gather onto internal memory, or micro-sd:
-Mobile Odin APK
-Mobile Odin flash kernel for i777
-Boot.img (extracted from your chosen firmware.zip)
boot to recovery
perform nandroid backup
^^ this MUST complete successfully
perform factory reset
boot to download mode
flash official UCMD8 using Desktop ODIN
^^ clears the custom-flash warning
install and use framaroot
^^ uses an exploit to establish and manage root access
install mobile Odin and the mobile Odin flash-kernel
^^ the method that will NOT trip the custom-flash monitor
flash the boot.img via Mobile Odin
^^ flashes the kernel and recovery of the firmware that you are going to restore
boot to recovery
restore nandroid backup
If I am going to be restoring the nandroid backup, must I install & use the very same firmware that was installed when I made the backup? Or could I, say, simply flash the stock firmware and be done with it? (i.e. not use mobile odin to install a custom firmware afterwards) My point is, are nandroid backups firmware-specific?
If I opt to go the custom firmware route, how do I go about getting the boot.img file? Simply rename zimage, or ???
Before all this I've never flashed anything but stock firmware, and never had to create nor restore nandroid backups. So most of this is all new to me. But I enjoy the learning process.
Mr. Barker said:
If I am going to be restoring the nandroid backup, must I install & use the very same firmware that was installed when I made the backup?
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Different custom firmwares may be structured differently, so for the lowest likelihood of compatibility issues, nandroid backups should be considered firmware specific.
Edit: As Mentioned below, a CWM nandroid will restore the entire backed-up firmware installation, which can be done over ANY firmware.
If the goal is to keep your App data across different firmwares, then a Titanium backup restoration may be what you're after. /Edit
Mr. Barker said:
[...]could I, say, simply flash the stock firmware and be done with it? (i.e. not use mobile odin to install a custom firmware afterwards)[...]
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I don't think that the stock recovery allows to restore nandroid backups at all. The restrictive nature of the stock recovery is one of the more practical reasons to root the device & use a custom kernel.
Mr. Barker said:
If I opt to go the custom firmware route, how do I go about getting the boot.img file? Simply rename zimage, or ???
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Mobile Odin will flash a zImage, no need to rename it. I didn't check to see that shostock or cooked use a zImage instead of boot.img.
cyril279 said:
Different custom firmwares may be structured differently, so for the lowest likelihood of compatibility issues, nandroid backups should be considered firmware specific.
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?? I thought that because a nandroid copied (backup) and then formatted/recopied the 5 partitions (restore), that it didn't matter what firmware you had installed?

