Update recalled? - Atrix 4G Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

OK so I rooted using update method and now whenever I wake up my phone, it wants to update.
In the notification bar the cone is there telling me it needs wifi, once it wifi is connected a message pops up saying that the update has been recalled.
Anyone else having this issue?
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link64dx said:
OK so I rooted using update method and now whenever I wake up my phone, it wants to update.
In the notification bar the cone is there telling me it needs wifi, once it wifi is connected a message pops up saying that the update has been recalled.
Anyone else having this issue?
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Interesting, can you give us more information about your phone...
Has it been rooted before? Are you running a particular ROM? Have you flashed SBF?

mpalatsi said:
Interesting, can you give us more information about your phone...
Has it been rooted before? Are you running a particular ROM? Have you flashed SBF?
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Yes, I orginally had it rooted with Superoneclick and then tried the update but it failed. So I messed with some system files and had a soft brick. Then I flashed the sbf and I came back up.
After that I used the before and after update root method and everything worked. Now I get this annoying pop up everytime I wake the phone from sleep.
Also from the lock screen, my phone doesn't want to time out anymore... If I leave it at the lockscreen without hitting the power it will stay on indefinitely.

bump, plz help!

link64dx said:
bump, plz help!
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Have you tried flashing back to sbf?
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help anyone? how come my phone keeps on saying "The process android.process.acore has stopped unexpectedly.Please try again".. why is this happening? its just going to pop out and keeps on repeating..
Reflash the rom! You should be good after that. Happened to me on cm7 but I went back to 2.2 after a while.
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duboi97 said:
Reflash the rom! You should be good after that. Happened to me on cm7 but I went back to 2.2 after a while.
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and i have another problem whenever i press contacts it does the same thing (
What rom are you running....
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fnjamesiii said:
What rom are you running....
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at first i odin'd,then i flashed trigger 1.8.2 ... it all went good but whenever i hit contacts it always keep on saying that error... and then after that i flashed nerov5 just to test if its going to have the same problem and it did..
crunkhead18 said:
at first i odin'd,then i flashed trigger 1.8.2 ... it all went good but whenever i hit contacts it always keep on saying that error... and then after that i flashed nerov5 just to test if its going to have the same problem and it did..
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Are you using an aftermarket launcher like ADW or Launcher Pro?
I'm on trigger and have no problems. Are you sure you cleared cache and wiped data before you flashed the rom?
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CrazyCharlie said:
Are you using an aftermarket launcher like ADW or Launcher Pro?
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when i flashed Trigger there is Launcher pro already.. but this is my first time getting an error like this
duboi97 said:
I'm on trigger and have no problems. Are you sure you cleared cache and wiped data before you flashed the rom?
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yes i did that but i dont know why that error keeps on popping out. and this is my first time having an error like that
I am getting the same pop up, and force closes, whenever I try to place a call. Started maybe a week ago or so, and can't recall what may have caused this. Long story short, I've have gone through my contacts an removed any dash, plus, and #1's I could find no luck. Reflashed BionixV1.3.1 and added OVERSTOCK 2.1 and still having call issues. I'm sure it's unrelated to the rom. Any ideas anyone?
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Not sure when you guys downloaded it. They could have had a server problem. I would redownload the rom and flash it again. Odin back to stock if needed. I have no issues.
Edit: Have you checked the thread to see if anyone else had that problem?
When all else fails, go extreme.
ODIN to stock, root, wipe, re-download the rom (bad download, did you check the MD5?), then flash again.
The rom is perfect... that I know.
Don't be afraid of going back to stock. very easy. check my signature if you need help.
ok my problem was solved now.. the first thing i did was to odin,then upgraded to 2.2 froyo using mini kies and rooted my phone. and flashed Trigger and works perfectly.. i guess it's Titanium Backup causing the errors. That's why i deleted my old Backups and started a new one..and rebooted my phone ,checked contacts if the error still shows but it was gone already ..
ps: sorry for my bad grammar

Lock screen missing phone after root

has anybody else had this issue since rooting and s-off? If so what is the fix? It was there at first, then I replaced my messages quick launch with gosms, and now my phone app is missing. It also is missing from the app list. I know this was an issue for some due to an its when the phone first launched, but have not seen anybody else talking about this issue.
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Just reboot. But make sure quickboot isnt check under system/power
Install the OTA update. Don't worry, you won't lose root.
Ok, thanks ill try reboot first, then ota.
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA App
Thanks button pushed! I needed the ota, the reboot didnt help.

[Q] Annoying x10 notification that wont go away everytime I plug in the usb

Hello All,
I noticed that every time I either charge or connect to my computer via USB, there is always this "notification" that I have emails or whatever on my notification bar that I cannot get rid of. Once I scroll down the notification bar, the notice disappeared and there is no "clear" button to clear it.
Even though this is nothing big to frown upon on, but I found it to be very annoying and if anyone had similar problems and knows how to fix it, please let me know! Thanks!
Which ROM or SE software are you using? Info like that can help us solve your problem better.
If your running a ROM, my guess it's a ROM issue depending on the ROM.
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Voelker45 said:
Which ROM or SE software are you using? Info like that can help us solve your problem better.
If your running a ROM, my guess it's a ROM issue depending on the ROM.
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This annoying problem has been plaguing me for a long time. It started after the SE 2.3.3 stock, and it persist when I change to wolfs rom and now the ultimate rom.
any advices would be greatly appreciated! Thanks
projectseahorse said:
This annoying problem has been plaguing me for a long time. It started after the SE 2.3.3 stock, and it persist when I change to wolfs rom and now the ultimate rom.
any advices would be greatly appreciated! Thanks
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Have you tried reflashing stock 2.3 with flashtool?
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Voelker45 said:
Have you tried reflashing stock 2.3 with flashtool?
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Nope, but I repaired my stock 2.3 on PC companion and it's still there.
Then I would call SE to see if your issue is a hardware problem or not.
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ah, ic. Thanks!

VZW text wont stop!

ever since i put the KOA rom...i have been getting these VZW texts with the number 1...how do i stop this cause its the only problem i am having with this rom and i would hate to take it off because of that....please help!! the link to the screenshot is below
oh and one more thing...my wifi isnt working all of a sudden....its connected and everything but as you can tell in the screen shot...there is not one bar, no connection whatsoever...
What have you tried to fix it? For example, have you tried a factory reset since you installed the ROM?
well when i flashed the ROM...i wiped all data..cache and dalvik and mounted system and flashed gapps....and now these texts will not stop...over and over and over
blueizee said:
well when i flashed the ROM...i wiped all data..cache and dalvik and mounted system and flashed gapps....and now these texts will not stop...over and over and over
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You have to go to Verizon's website and get rid of the feature that's causing it. For wifi try to modify it (long click) and click advanced, change the IP to static, fill in the blanks with what you see there, save and exit then modify again and change IP back to the other option. Then it may connect and disconnect a few times just let it go and it should work
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prsterero said:
You have to go to Verizon's website and get rid of the feature that's causing it. For wifi try to modify it (long click) and click advanced, change the IP to static, fill in the blanks with what you see there, save and exit then modify again and change IP back to the other option. Then it may connect and disconnect a few times just let it go and it should work
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what feature could be causing it though....i have never gotten these texts ever until now...its gotta be something to do with the ROM, cause it was also doing it on the BLACK WIDOW rom...
blueizee said:
what feature could be causing it though....i have never gotten these texts ever until now...its gotta be something to do with the ROM, cause it was also doing it on the BLACK WIDOW rom...
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Sign into Verizon and click change features (first pic.) Select ur device and click next. Then go through the list and just disable all features that r enabled (2nd pic) (I don't remember the exact feature for fixing the problem so just disable them all or disable one at a time then click next towards the bottom to confirm the change)
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prsterero said:
Sign into Verizon and click change features (first pic.) Select ur device and click next. Then go through the list and just disable all features that r enabled (2nd pic) (I don't remember the exact feature for fixing the problem so just disable them all or disable one at a time then click next towards the bottom to confirm the change)
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ok...i reflashed the rom twice, went through those features that have nothing to do with it by the way....and i am stilllll getting these texts....
blueizee said:
ok...i reflashed the rom twice, went through those features that have nothing to do with it by the way....and i am stilllll getting these texts....
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Once I disabled the features I stopped getting the texts. The last two I got had stop or something in them. I also deleted my email account just in case after I disabled the features from Verizon. Since then I haven't gotten anything. Google it that's what I did and those r the steps it took me through
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Those steps stopped the texts for me as well.
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Shows hows to fix on op
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WizeGuyDezignz said:
Those steps stopped the texts for me as well.
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i have looked everywhere and cannot find them. can one of you please post the link...they got so bad i had to put my stock rom back on...the texts are numbers...i got a bunch with the number 1 then 2 then 3 and one was 4....then they went back to 1, i kept wiping cache and all....so please post the link and could someone plleeeasee tell me whats causing this all of a sudden cause my girlfriend has the exact same rom flashed and she is not getting any texts like this....
So when I worked for a wireless kiosk we had a lot of issues like this. It ended up being backup assistant plus. We would take that off peoples accounts and that would stop the texts.
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blueizee said:
i have looked everywhere and cannot find them. can one of you please post the link...they got so bad i had to put my stock rom back on...the texts are numbers...i got a bunch with the number 1 then 2 then 3 and one was 4....then they went back to 1, i kept wiping cache and all....so please post the link and could someone plleeeasee tell me whats causing this all of a sudden cause my girlfriend has the exact same rom flashed and she is not getting any texts like this....
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If you get the text messages from Verizon (6250 or whatever). This is how you get rid of that. Login to your Verizon Wireless account. Towards the top, mouse over where it says "My Verizon" and look under "My Plans and Services" and click on "Change Features." Select your phone or the phone that is getting the messages. Now when the next page comes up, look for "Cloud Storage and Sync" and remove the Email Sync option. It's free and will not change your billing. There you go, no more texts
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I got those too. I finally found out that I inadvertently signed up for the backup assistant from Verizon. I don't remember exactly how I did it. But I think if you go to their website and remove your account or its connection to yours or something like that. Anyway hope it helps.
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Well i finally found it was Backup Assistant....took it up, got a text saying delete from that number and i havent gotten anything else since then.....thanks everybody!

Two issues with a rom

I wanted to post this is the Rom thread, but I can't. First problem is a "Camera has stopped" error that happens about a second after opening the stock camera app. HDR camera app from the store works fine.The other is I downloaded and it's for my ViperDNA, and then tried to flash in recovery. It got stuck at 0%, so I rebooted straight back into recovery, flashed it no problem and rebooted. Now I keep getting notifications to update the Rom. Going in and checking for updates confirms Rom version and makes the notification disappear, but it keeps coming back. How can I "tell" the phone that the update is already done?
Go to about phone. Updates. And check updatrs
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thayl0 said:
Go to about phone. Updates. And check updatrs
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Doing this only temporarily clears the notification. It keeps coming back.
TheApocalyptican said:
Doing this only temporarily clears the notification. It keeps coming back.
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Then you still need to update.

