[Q] dual-booting android 2.2 or higher on my W7HP laptop? - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I have a Toshiba Satellite L505, running Windows 7 Home Premium (dual core 1st gen i3).
Recent events have made me need to run android-only programs on a semi-daily basis. Combined with the cool factor, I am seriously considering buying a Honeycomb tablet. However, money is limited and I can't really afford it, so I would most likely wind up with a rooted nook color, or just upgrading my phone (LG Vortex). Not terrible options, but my sister has suggested something that would work just as well, if not better, for free.
I know there's at least some version of android that is compatible with x86 processors, and i could get my laptop to dual-boot W7HP and Android, that would be wonderful. Obviously I would want 3.0 Honeycomb, but I would be willing to install 2.4, 2.3, or 2.2. if something newer is not available.
The problem is, I have scoured google and found nothing about this, at all. I have heard of people installing android on their laptops, and some netbooks/laptops are even sold dual-booting, so I know its possible. Now, how on earth would I go about installing android as a secondary OS on my computer? So far I have only been able to find instructions to create an Android Live CD/SD/flash drive, but i need something permanently on my computer, where i can actually save my work and apps to the hard drive. WiFi, keyboard, trackpad, and USB drivers are required, CD and SD would be greatly appreciated as well.
How would i accomplish this? Any and all help would be massively appreciated.

um, hello? anyone?

Yeah thats because only google has a bootable version of their os on a pc. They implement their virtual tool with sdk tool so thats how they want you do it its crazy..There is probably a way though you just have to modify the boot.ini file on your hard drive thus pointing it to the android os. First youll probably need a new hard drive if it can be done on a usb it can be done on a hard drive plain and simple. Dual booting is done through the bios. The bios is what loads the HD which loads the boot.ini file telling it what to boot. Not sure if that would work but its a start there might even be a windows app that will help you do this. Like I said if people are making bootable usb drives its the same process on a hard drive the bios is whats booting that usb so if you direct the bios to an extended hard drive thus booting the android os. Its the same process as it would be on a usb that would make it permanent and there is a program called EasyBCD which easily allows you to change the boot.ini which will basically allow you to have the selection of both operating systems on boot you can choose between the two once you get it working!

Actually it is so much easier. The Android x86 project uses grub. You can boot it and run from livecd, usb or install android to your home pc. I started doin this today to see what the performance benefits would be from a developer point of view.
Installation is pretty straight forward, with loads of tutorials on the website. Have a look at it here http://www.android-x86.org/

I have installed Prime OS classic 0.4.5 works fine on my L505-LS5014


[Q] Have a tablet pc, is it possible to put android on it?

Might be an odd question, I have an acer Iconia Tablet W500. I am interested in adding android to it if anyone knows if it is possible. in fact there is an android version of this tablet so i would assume the drivers and all could be supported.
I have seen this website talking about loading it via us or sdb or what but it would be cool to have it loaded on the SD card but choose it at the startup of the computer (much like the linux boot option). the link below appears to place an outdated version o android on the computer am interested in a newer version if anyone knows if its possible.
MDavisiw said:
Might be an odd question, I have an acer Iconia Tablet W500. I am interested in adding android to it if anyone knows if it is possible. in fact there is an android version of this tablet so i would assume the drivers and all could be supported.
I have seen this website talking about loading it via us or sdb or what but it would be cool to have it loaded on the SD card but choose it at the startup of the computer (much like the linux boot option). the link below appears to place an outdated version o android on the computer am interested in a newer version if anyone knows if its possible.
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I've been trying to do this for months cuz I have a HP TouchSmart TM2 but the latest ive been able to find is android 2.2
You should have a look at android-x86.org
Theoretically it should be possible. Probably not supporting all your hardware though... But you can at least give it a try booting from USB / SD-Card (if your card-reader is bootable)

How to clean install android on ViewSonic VPad10-Pro-3G

We got a Vpad10-pro-3g tablet which claims to having a "dualboot os" on it. But actually, it has Windows 7 Pro as the main OS and a very obsolete Android emulator on it. (Bluestacks ?) No Google Play, no navigation and no any other thing you can make it with Android.
So my question is; it is probably possible but how to make this tablet "really" dualboot? Like a partition for Windows 7 and a partition for Android 2.x or 3.x, whatever.
I found an ISO image for VPad10 of version Anroid 2.2 but it won't download. It had been located in Google code but its removed now.
Any ideas?
My third question in Xda-Developers; which are all unanswered
I am trying Android-x86 project now. Used LiLi to create a bootable USB flash drive with Android 4.0 image and tried to run it live and worked. Now installing on the hard drive right on the same partition with Windows 7; looks like it will be working. Still waiting for the installation progress to end..
Edit: It freezed the tablet at BIOS screen saying "F2 for setup and F10 for boot menu"
Interestingly with an external keybaord, it can get into BIOS for the few first seconds. But nothing more.. Stuck here for now
Edit2: Managed to make it work with different ROMs but no luck with Wireless, bluetooth and 3G..

[Q] Chroot question

This might be a weird one, but has anyone has come up with the notion of chrooting android x86 inside a pc linux distro. The reverse is quite common ( linux deploy, lil debi etc bundling a debian environment inside a linux device ). I was googling my day to something describing this as something common yet, nothing ( it can be done almost casually on android devices an likewise on major linux distros ).
Has it crossed anyone else's mind ? Whould anybody be interested in postinge something I might have missed or stopping me from trying ( providing sound reasons for not doing so or shouting "this is madness" for maximum drama effect ) .
Whould anyone find it interresting if..... should..... maybe.... provided that i succeeded I post the proccess ?
Hi, yes I thought about this too and spend way too much time looking for a solution like that Plase post if you find anything or even manage to do something on your own. This would totally rock, as I don't want to use any proprietary OS but would like to play some Android games on my computer.
I found a thread where someone managed to do this, but running on the Android kernel. It's still different from running GNU+Linux chrooted, because on the Android kernel runs GNU+Linux and then Android chrooted (kinda complicated ). I asked whether it's possible to have the GNU+Linux kernel running isntead of Android's, you can check it out here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1780378
Also, maybe we can just copy from Chromium/ Chrome OS when they are done implementing support for natively running Android Apps on the OS (which they announcend on Google IO 2014). Hmm, probably not so great (fast) since it will run inside the browser...
A google search got me here. What you guys what to do is a lil different then what i want. I have a really neat device an ASUS TRIO an intel atom powered device.
It has android 4.3 and a windows 10 in the keyboard. The problem is the android 4.3 is so dang old. Id love if it had an update available but only the french tablet asus made that copied the trio tablet only (not dock) got an update to android 4.4. So it got me thinking could I run chrome os on this tablet and gain back more of the support ive lost since the android is so old. That led me to chroot and I know I can run debian but like I said Id love to run chrome os but no one is working on this or I cant find it. Suggestions?
I do not get why this should be a problem. You simply can not chroot into different architectiute (PC is x86 or x86_64). But you can use emulator to provide "bridge" between those architectures. Its called Qemu. You can use qemu binaries for chroot into another architecture. But I do not think that what you want, you area talking about gaming a android games on PC. Thats possible too but I think its not called chroot but its again emulator (not qemu but android emulator) for example AnBox.

[Q] Is it possible to turn an Android installation into a Linux distribution? How?

Hello everyone,
In brief I was wondering if I could somehow turn an Android installation into a GNU/Linux distribution, given that Android uses the Linux kernel. Maybe I can install the GNU libraries and the rest of a distribution on top of the kernel, then deactivate the Android libraries that get on its way? I'm thinking of doing this because the Linux kernel already has all the required drivers for my device so perhaps the only thing that I should do is to tweak some files.
Here is my story:
At work I was given an old and unsupported industrial touchscreen module from a largely unknown company. The screen itself is connected to a computer module in the back, which has connectors for several peripherals, an embedded ARMv7 processor, and runs Android 2.2 (rooted) as its operating system.
I was given the task of finding out in a short time if I can install another operating system in the computer (say, Debian) to use it as a PC.
So I looked for information about this device, but I could only find the document attached.
So far, I have been able to turn it on, to connect it to the internet, to get it to read an SD card, and to connect USB peripherals such as a mouse and a keyboard.
But as for installing a different operating system, I haven't had any luck. I've tried different things. For example, I tried to boot into recovery mode by pushing several combinations of keys, but with no success so far. I've looked at the circuit board, but I haven't seen anything illuminating.
Also, I think that installing a Linux distribution from scratch would be painful, even impossible, because this device is not supported in any form and it doesn't come with a user guide or a software package, so it would be impractical to get the drivers for the device, as they are most likely non-standard.
I mean, is it even possible to accomplish this? Is it practical? How should I proceed? I think it is technically possible, but I'm not a Linux expert, not an Android expert, and not an embedded systems expert so I may be wrong.
I have also looked into other options. For example, the "Complete Linux Installer" Android app. I don't think this would work. The device only has ~100MB of free space in the internal flash memory.
There is also a way to install a GNU/Linux distribution that runs on chroot simultaneously with Android and communicates with it via VNC, called "Linux Deploy", but this sounds like it is not optimal. I don't think it would be a good option because of the limited resources of the device.
Any help will be appreciated.

Remix OS not recognizing multi-touch touchpad

I installed Remix 2.0 (32-bit) onto my Dell Mini 10 (1012) netbook. So far, everything seems to be detecting perfectly, except for one thing. The touchpad is supposed to be multi-touch but it doesn't function as such. It is worth mentioning that, on Windows, I required special driver software to be able to utilize the multi-touch capability. Considering I've seen some Chromebooks automatically have their multi-touch touchpads detected, I figured Remix would do the same for my Dell. That doesn't seem to be the case.
Anyway, if any of the Jide developers are reading this, I have the driver software available for you. Follow this link. The software was developed for Windows 7 by Elantech (ELAN Microelectronics Corp.) but is being supplied by Dell. The one the Dell Mini 10 has is a Capacitive Touchpad (Smart Pad).
I can't get passed the splash screen on my Dell mini. Was your install straight forward?
Janoflan said:
I can't get passed the splash screen on my Dell mini. Was your install straight forward?
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Are you trying to run off USB, or install onto the internal hard drive? Make sure you're using the 32-bit version, as the 64-bit wouldn't boot for me.
FYI, as you may know, the Mini doesn't like any HD video, so unfortunately very few Android games will run properly.
Thanks for getting back to me. I tried installing on hard drive via Linux using the most recent beta. I've upgraded the ram to 2gig and installed an ssd but not sure if that would cause issue.
Janoflan said:
Thanks for getting back to me. I tried installing on hard drive via Linux using the most recent beta. I've upgraded the ram to 2gig and installed an ssd but not sure if that would cause issue.
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I used 2GB RAM and an SSD as well. So that shouldn't be an issue. But the procedure I used was different than simply installing it onto the hard drive with another computer.
Don't install using a separate operating system. It doesn't seem to work that way. You need to load it onto a USB and install onto the hard drive using the Mini. The procedure for this is, when you come to the Guest/Resident mode screen, you press TAB, then add "INSTALL=1" to the end of the grub command. This will bring up the android-x86 install menu, which will allow you to install the OS onto the hard drive the same way as using another computer. Make sure the SSD is formatted to NFTS and is completely empty prior to doing this. You can alternatively try formatting it to EX4 instead.
When prompted, install GRUB, do not install GRUB2, install debug (wont work w/o idk why). Unfortunately, you will be left with the maximum internal storage after the install, so you need to go back and use the IMGTools procedure to enlarge data.img to whatever size you want your internal storage to be.
Thats what worked for me, anyway.
That worked brilliantly, thanks very much. Have you had any success with dual boot after intalling Remix first?
Janoflan said:
That worked brilliantly, thanks very much. Have you had any success with dual boot after intalling Remix first?
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Haven't tried it. But if you use a NTFS format, you should easily be able to shrink the partition after install. You would also need to edit the GRUB menu to choose which OS you want to boot with, which I have no experience doing. However, I know the new beta version of Remix does have an install tool that does this for you. So if you were intending to dual boot Remix/Windows, then it is possible to install Windows first.

