[Q] Multiple issues booting - Strange issues - NEED HELP - G Tablet Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

VEGAn RC1 Ginger Edition was loaded and working fine for almost two weeks.
Then I powered up and it would get stuck on the G-TABDEVs splash screen.....
Here is what I can do:
I can power up and the tab will go past the viewsonic birds screen to the next splash screen (G-TABDEVS) and will stay there indefinately.
I can power up into Clockworkmod 0.8 (all soft buttons work and I can scroll through the choices with the vol switch just fine)
I can wipe cache partition
I can apply sd card:update.zip (only because I still have VEGAn RC1 GE .zip on my device)
I can mount the USB drive (drive is recognised on my computer running win XP)
I can apply NVflash to the device (did this to get access to CWM by changing part #9)
What I can't do:
I can not transfer large files files from my computer to the tablet (I can make a directory and transfer small files only maybe 100 kb or less) Any time I try to transfer a larger file (a ROM or other) I get an I/O error.
I can not partition the SD card (internal storage),
Wide data/factory reset,
Wipe Delvik cache,
it just hangs indefinately with each of the above.
I have spent counless hours searching through all the great information on XDA and can not find any instance like mine.
I don't think it has been bricked because of what I still can access, although there still seems to be something "limiting" my actions.
Has anyone experienced this? and more importantly.... Can anyone HELP????

you can boot into clockwork but cant use the factory reset option there? if its hanging how long did you let it wait? id try a reset and let it sit for 5-10 mins to see if its really doing something or just mucking around.
you make a restore file (backup of your previously installed rom on your tablet)?
if the rom is still on your tablet try reinstalling it. then after installing try factory reset before rebooting. if you cant reset try reboot then reset.
the G-Tabdevs screen staying there indefinitely is because it needs to be reset. so you just have to figure out how to reset it.

Great! I totally did not realize that it took that long to reset. I will try that later tonight and post my results.

OK, I tried using "wipe data/factory reset" and it just hung. I let it sit for 20 minutes (just in case).
Then tried "partition SD card (2048,0) and let it run, again for 20 minutes and it just hung.
Still very frustrated.
What are my options at this point?

I need to follow this thread b/c I have the same problem. Last night shut down fine and this morning went to power back on and I get the birds and then it gets stuck in the next load screen. I reinstalled update.zip but no dice. Any ideas?

Make sure all the partition are active, wipe dalvik, try reflashing the same rom over and fix permission
For such strange issue you can alway use the nvflash format utility but not before having performed an nvflash backup then use bekit images to bring back the tablet to life. You can also make a clockwork backup
Backup http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1010659 (if something goes really wrong it can help, the .bct is what you want to keep at least)
Be warned that backup may have issue if you got flash bad block, this is not a critical issue
Format http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=974422
Restore http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=861950
make sure you follow instruction
This thread has link to everything!
Keep in mind that NVFLASH only restore or erase about 300MB of the 2GB out of the 16GB you can write to.
This is in no way a FULL tablet reset. It is however a dangerous tool above application are tested and proven, some older thread may have nvflash command that can be dangerous.

That is great information.
I have used the format flash, then Nvflash.
flashes work fine, but same issue. Stuck at G-tablet splash screen.
I still can not load update.zip because I can not transfer any large files to the tab when it is mounted.
Any time I try and transfer a file greater than about 100k I get an error that states "can not copy file due to an I/O error"
Really disheartening........


[Q] Full format?? [conclusion in 1º post]

Is there any way to have a full format of EVERYTHING except the APX mode?
I know the Format utility that erases any rom traces that might be in the system, but is there anyway to have a fresh start and erase everything (like sys, system, data, dev, d and other folders in root) and get like a full factory reset?
The closest formats are:
The closest thing I think that is available currently can be found here. Listed as a detox for the gtablet.
Read everything very carefully. You will have to use nvflash to restore your tablet if you use this.
but I think this is the format utility you describe?
makto said:
The closest thing I think that is available currently can be found here. Listed as a detox for the gtablet.
Read everything very carefully. You will have to use nvflash to restore your tablet if you use this.
but I think this is the format utility you describe?
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Yep, it is the format utility; but it specifies that "This fully erases the ROM".
I would like to start again erasing everything except apx.
Pazzu510 said:
Is there any way to have a full format of EVERYTHING except the APX mode?
I know the Format utility that erases any rom traces that might be in the system, but is there anyway to have a fresh start and erase everything (like sys, system, data, dev, d and other folders in root) and get like a full factory reset?
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To do this simply install a copy of TNT 3991, this is a fairly good reset, we do not have a real stock image from viewsonic yet, partitioning to 2048 and installing a rom is a prety good refresh.
btw APX is not something you can erase... it's a special mode that the tegra support, it read into ram memory a special files and execute low level command.
P00r said:
To do this simply install a copy of TNT 3991, this is a fairly good reset, we do not have a real stock image from viewsonic yet, partitioning to 2048 and installing a rom is a prety good refresh.
btw APX is not something you can erase... it's a special mode that the tegra support, it read into ram memory a special files and execute low level command.
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Tnx for the comment, but a fresh install is not good enough for my problem.
I have a problem with the battery. I am a noob, but i think that the folders in root such as the sys, system, d ,dev, data and so (not sure if they are part of the kernel or not) are they ones i have corrupted. That is why i am asking for a full format, no rom change or kernel(clemsin or pershoot) update has fixed my problem, i need something much more complete(i think) to solve my problem.
My theory is that, if i manage to replace those files for fresh new ones untouched by anyone else that is not from viewsonic would finally fix my problem because those files are the ones that control the battery meter.
You can see my signature to see what the problem is.
I also thought that it would be good not just for my problem, but for any problem that comes from the base of the pyramid rather than the rom. A good fresh and complete reinstall of the tnt firmware would fix almost any problem that is not related to hardware.
BTW: i thought that APX was something as primitive as bios, if you manage to erase it, it would leave your device as processed plastic + metal. Didnt know that it couldnt be erased.
What you are looking for doesn't exist here. Android is not well-documented and many
of its function -- like formatting, deleting, etc. -- don't work just like Windows or Linux or ?????.
As I have been told and understood -- even what you call the format programs -- are not
formatting the G-Tablet like you or I would format a hard drive. They are simply
writing a subtitute image into your G-Tablet.
The closest we have been able to put together to a "stock" recovery is:
This thread nvflash installs a bekit stock image 1105 which in fact when
it is installed tells you it is Stock Version 2638. (I got Stock Version 2967
on my first G-Tablet. 3588 is current.)
I would recommend:
1. Follow the thread referenced above and NVFlash your tablet to bekit 1105.
Follow the instructions carefully.
2. Assuming you get a good install, then install ClockWorkMod (CWM). If you
get that installed, then go to the Advanced menu and choose the option to partition
your tablet. It will take a short while, so don't panic. The choose Fix Permissions.
Once that is done go up and Wipe Dalvic Cache. And then go back to the Main
menu and Wipe Cache and Wipe Factory Data.
3. With the above done (to make sure a variety of things may not be affecting your
tablet) re-nvflash to bekit 1105 again.
4. See whether this fixes your file and battery problem.
5. If it does not, you can drain your battery down, plug it in and run CWM and go to
the Advanced menu and Reset Battery Statics.
If that doesn't fix you, then I suggest Prayer -- that's all else I can offer!!!
Hope this gives you answers, ideas and help.
butchconner said:
What you are looking for doesn't exist here. Android is not well-documented and many
of its function -- like formatting, deleting, etc. -- don't work just like Windows or Linux or ?????.
As I have been told and understood -- even what you call the format programs -- are not
formatting the G-Tablet like you or I would format a hard drive. They are simply
writing a subtitute image into your G-Tablet.
The closest we have been able to put together to a "stock" recovery is:
This thread nvflash installs a bekit stock image 1105 which in fact when
it is installed tells you it is Stock Version 2638. (I got Stock Version 2967
on my first G-Tablet. 3588 is current.)
I would recommend:
1. Follow the thread referenced above and NVFlash your tablet to bekit 1105.
Follow the instructions carefully.
2. Assuming you get a good install, then install ClockWorkMod (CWM). If you
get that installed, then go to the Advanced menu and choose the option to partition
your tablet. It will take a short while, so don't panic. The choose Fix Permissions.
Once that is done go up and Wipe Dalvic Cache. And then go back to the Main
menu and Wipe Cache and Wipe Factory Data.
3. With the above done (to make sure a variety of things may not be affecting your
tablet) re-nvflash to bekit 1105 again.
4. See whether this fixes your file and battery problem.
5. If it does not, you can drain your battery down, plug it in and run CWM and go to
the Advanced menu and Reset Battery Statics.
If that doesn't fix you, then I suggest Prayer -- that's all else I can offer!!!
Hope this gives you answers, ideas and help.
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if you are right YOu´ll clarified what i thought.
Ill try what you say as soon as i finish my homework.
Thanks for the advices.
Edit: Did everything, problem persists.
I am starting to think it is a hardware problem because i tried like 3 diferent factory utilities and none of them made any difference.
If that didn't work, then I suggest you go to the thread where you got
the Calkulin Rom and ask there. That Rom is advertised as having
battery-saving stuff in it. (I don't know anything about it, myself).
Maybe that kernal changed something??????
yeah, thinked so. I will, but i keep leaving my school projects for later and they can not wait any more. XD. i always keep trying to fix the tab and skip what i have to do, so i did the opposite now.
Ill post on calkulins as soon as i can.
Thanks for eveyrthing, it is good to know that someone is trying to help me.
Scripts in root/sys/class/power_supply/battery/uevent (Charger connected) POWER_SUPPLY_NAME=battery POWER_SUPPLY_TYPE=Battery POWER_SUPPLY_PRESENT=0
Scripts in root/sys/class/power_supply/battery/uevent (Charger NOT connected)
From your earlier post.
That is weird. Not only is nothing changing when charging but it doesn't even recognize the Li-ion battery.
A full repartition then rom and clemsyns newest kernel should have fixed that. I assumed that this was part of the base build stuff and gets written over with every flash.
Also assumed repartitioning deleted everything.
Not so. As I said before, what happens with Android doesn't
always jive with what I have seen in other OS!
Maybe the devs can break it out, but some things don't get
I nvflashed once and it did just fine -- and when I was through
some of the programs were still on the tablet.
Mantara said:
Scripts in root/sys/class/power_supply/battery/uevent (Charger connected) POWER_SUPPLY_NAME=battery POWER_SUPPLY_TYPE=Battery POWER_SUPPLY_PRESENT=0
Scripts in root/sys/class/power_supply/battery/uevent (Charger NOT connected)
From your earlier post.
That is weird. Not only is nothing changing when charging but it doesn't even recognize the Li-ion battery.
A full repartition then rom and clemsyns newest kernel should have fixed that. I assumed that this was part of the base build stuff and gets written over with every flash.
Also assumed repartitioning deleted everything.
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Yep, it is very weird, but the weirdest thing is that i am able to use the tablet with the battery; i get over 7 or 8 hours of use with a full charge(i know it is a full charge because when powered off, the red light works and gets to green eventually).
I already tried repartitioning, full format, nv flash, stock, clemsin, calkulins, but anything of this has worked. As i sad, , i am starting to think it is a hardware problem(even if i think it is improbable because i didn't hit the tablet when it happened, i just flashed vegan 5.11 and came from calkulin.
Thanks for the interest, any suggestions are gratefully accepted.

Q - I screwed up :( NT boot "Please restart your device and try again ..."

I've installed CM internal to (2) NT 16GBs without incident, and I got stumbled by the n button not working with 1.4.1 that was on my third. Ultimately - I downgraded to 1.4.0, installed CM7, and then did the dumb thing.
I meant to hit wipe data and cache, and I clicked factory reset in CWM. (And at this point - it is stuck in a state where I can boot to CWM - but cannot get CM7 to boot in any form from the internal rom).
I attempted the following
1) acclaim restore (just tried didn't do anything)
2) backup / restore from alternate nook Tablet 16Gb (man this seemed promising ...)
3) couple of the different unbrick scenarios - but I don't have adb, and it seems like windows 7 is not a happy camper with nook usb devices, (and adb isn't happy either.)
4) meghd00t restores (couple of different variations.)
does anyone have any starter threads that I should start walking down for the same stuff - I have browsed, and it's been a couple of hours and I'm exhausted. will poke back in tommorow, and will get this thing plugged into a linux host.
It didn't seem like adb could be so hard ...
Hmmm interesting... ok first of all doing this "I meant to hit wipe data and cache, and I clicked factory reset in CWM" is not dumb is ok to do but is not good signal the hang actually is very weird. Maybe all you have is a corrupted cwm recovery flash. Now be explicit if you indeed could try some unbrick methods succesfully (the ones running from sdcard) and what methods exactly did you try.
~ Veronica
things I've tried - part 1
1) just try to restore to factory with acclaim_update.zip on non-booting sdcard , (this is the 1.4.0 image) - I get the grey n, a flash of white - (like it's going to boot), and that that "please restart your device and try again..."
(This worked when it was factory), but it seems like the logic to check the sd card and start to recover isn't working.
2) Tried the thread here - http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1562130 - meghd00tr4-sdimg.zip boots, but first time - get red reverse highlighted line - "booti: bad boot image magic in memory" - s5 in the upper left corner of the cyanoboot screen, and the n button doesn't seem to do anything.
3) same thread different image - repart.img, this runs fine- and after about 30 seconds of boot, I get a green check, (waited a full (2) minutes after that green check before I unplugged it.) - same message after boot.
4) full restore of nook tablet from current good cm7 image (and this is the one that most concerns me) - NT16gbV4_6 based cwm v5.5.04 - attempting restore of backed up alternate nook tablet - and the exact same thing happens at boot - does the image not touch partions that aren't related to the root install -(this seems like maybe there is something the bootloader is looking for in the image that isn't right, and it wedges?)
I am going to work on getting an adb setup going that works and then start working down a couple of fix recovery scenarios today / tonight.
It doesn't seem like this is unrecoverable - and the worst part is -I had cm7 booting fine for a couple of reboots, and then something went awry.
as I think about this ...
I do have (2) differnt backups, and I wonder if that restore was the wrong thing to do.
I got to thinking this as I saw the restore of the .android_secure file, from the ALTERNATE nook. I have the backup from the 1.4.0 "original working" image of this nook before the cm 7 issues- but I put it on an SD card that is safetly out of my reach. (In a friends cell phone.)
I think an easy thing will be to restore that backup as another test.
peril said:
I do have (2) differnt backups, and I wonder if that restore was the wrong thing to do.
I got to thinking this as I saw the restore of the .android_secure file, from the ALTERNATE nook. I have the backup from the 1.4.0 "original working" image of this nook before the cm 7 issues- but I put it on an SD card that is safetly out of my reach. (In a friends cell phone.)
I think an easy thing will be to restore that backup as another test.
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Right, try that first, dont attempt anything advanced yet. Your problem could be solved easily
Just to make sure you flashed cwm from @Indirect app?
~ Veronica
Sent from my Nook Tablet using xda premium
Wait, can you boot into a CM7 SD ROM? From there you could try reflashing recovery.
Sent from my R800x
I used this method - and I was good to go.
In one of the flashes - must have hit the power prior to something being complete with the recovery.
thanks all for your support - and really appreciate the time in the forum. I'm going to put together a torrent with the recovery stuff in it, and make sure it's available as my little part. (Give me a day or so.)
Thanks again.
The problem with that is that you will lose your original serial ID's and MAC address if you didnt backup your rom partition (mmcblk0p5) first so if you use B&N services you wont be able to register after flash any stock rom.
~ Veronica
Sent from my Nook Tablet using xda premium
I also screwed up...Reverting to 1.4.0
Tried to revert to 1.4.0, and followed all instructions as showned on a youtube video. Unfortunately, as it was reverting back to older version as soon as it finished the process - the tablet wouldn't start back up. Did any one ever have this happen to them.. Fortunately, I had just bought today at WalMart. So, I'm going to replace it...
Was just curious, if it ever happened to any one. If so what did I possibly do wrong....
mr_truevision said:
Tried to revert to 1.4.0, and followed all instructions as showned on a youtube video. Unfortunately, as it was reverting back to older version as soon as it finished the process - the tablet wouldn't start back up. Did any one ever have this happen to them.. Fortunately, I had just bought today at WalMart. So, I'm going to replace it...
Was just curious, if it ever happened to any one. If so what did I possibly do wrong....
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Hmm i think you have a 8GB Nook Tablet and the acclaim_update.zip is only for 16GB NT.
~ Veronica
ubuntu recovery.
This was strictly for CM7. I have no problem with being locked out of the B&N services. (I use the nook application for that access.)
Wish I would have known the serial number before / after. I was able to login to my B&N account after 1.4.0 was restored from ubuntu.
lavero.burgos said:
The problem with that is that you will lose your original serial ID's and MAC address if you didnt backup your rom partition (mmcblk0p5) first so if you use B&N services you wont be able to register after flash any stock rom.
~ Veronica
Sent from my Nook Tablet using xda premium
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Non-booting SII with CM 7.1

As of yesterday, my CM7.1 phone won't boot - it gets stuck at the "rotating arrow" blue Android for ever. It's a Samsung Galaxy S II GT-9100.
I have been running CM 7.1.0 for several happy months now, and haven't tried to install or upgrade my ROM. The last action I took before this happened is that I made a full system backup (using CWM
That backup is present on the internal memory. I can boot into recovery, mount drives and access devices using adb shell. So I do have an opportunity to fix what's broken, if I can work out what it is.
Given that the last thing I did was a backup, I checked to see if any of the partitions were full, but none are. (None is more than 42% full according to df; although strangely, df does not show any partition mounted on /.) I tried making another backup, watching carefully - that worked fine. I tried restoring the first backup - no improvement.
I've also tried wiping everything Recovery allows me to that's non data-destructive - cache, Dalvik cache etc. It hasn't helped.
How do I work out what's wrong? Is there a boot log file anywhere which might give me a clue as to what is wrong? I've searched for "*.log" but can't find anything obvious.
I don't want to do a factory wipe if I can avoid it, because obviously that will lose all my data. If I do a factory wipe and restore just the data partition, does that put me pretty much back where I was? If so, how do I restore just the data partition? The Restore option in CWM Recovery seems to do full backups only, and only from a particular directory.
The original CM and Google Apps zips are still on the internal SD (same versions as are currently not working). Would it be worth trying to reinstall those, without wiping? Or would that be data-destructive?
Any other ideas?
SOLVED - remove 0-byte data/system/profiles.xml
I tried doing a full factory reset from Recovery. This got the phone booting again, but without any of my data . Fortunately, ClockWorkMod has a "partial backup restore" function. I restored the data partition... and the phone stopped booting again.
So this is progress. I now had some idea where the problem lay. I finally found it using a laborious 5-minutes-per-cycle manual bisection technique. Delete half the stuff on the data partition, reboot, if it still fails, delete more, reboot... once you get it to boot, restore the data partition, narrow it down further. Once you find a top-level directory, repeat the process inside it.
The result: the existence of a single 0-byte file stopped my phone from booting entirely. The file was: data/system/profiles.xml.
I have no idea what that file does (there are only a few references online), how a 0-byte version of it got created, or why having it existent but empty breaks things but if it's not present everything works fine. I have no idea if anyone else will ever see this problem, or if they will ever find this forum post. But still, here's my Wisdom of the Ancients (google the phrase for the relevant XKCD comic).

Phone is bootlooping after attempted ROM update

I was running AOKP 4.3 and downloaded the latest 10/30 update. I flashed in CWM recovery and everything took as normal. I wiped cache and dalvik and then rebooted. Apps updated as normal and lockscreen presented. I unlocked and immediately received two force closes (timely & swype) if I click them or not, if I unlock or not, the phone will crash and reboot every 6 or so seconds. Luckily, if I'm quick, I can reboot into recovery. I am in CWM but my external SD card won't mount so I can't load anything onto it and attempt a new flash and the only rom file on my internal SD is the one that got me in trouble here. I've gone back into recovery and attempted to wipe data/factory reset/etc. and nothing changes. Internal storage won't mount when I'm connected to my computer with a cable.
I don't mind losing everything and starting from scratch. I've tried to seek out my own info but there is SOO many threads and videos and I don't know where to start. Can someone please tell me the most efficient way to get back to a clean start? I was on JellyBeans from 1-22 and looking back that was probably more my speed. I shouldn't have tried to switch to 4.3 at all. I was able to run AOKP for about two months without issue but I seem to be out of my element here.
Can anyone smarter than me please take pity on me here? Sorry to waste your time as well.
Try just wiping the system, reflash rom and gapps. I think this keeps your apps in tact, if just not just use tb and restore. Otherwise full wipe sounds necessary, but not horrible. Just restore everything with tb

Tablet stuck on restart loop; can't backup because it's restarting in Recovery Mode

Hello, my Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 10.1 Wifi tablet is stuck on a restart loop. While I've encountered restart loops in the past, and found that resetting to factory settings usually fixes it, this issue in particular has left me speechless.
Firstly, the tablet boots up to the lock screen. I can get through the lockscreen and either sit around on the homescreen or fiddle around with apps - but only for a minute or so, or longer (it's quite unpredictable) because after some arbitrary period of time, the tablet will automatically restart itself. Basically, it automatically restarts itself after booting up to the lock/homescreen.
What I've noticed, as a result of these restarts, is that the tablet doesn't save any settings I've modified prior to the automatic restart. Like, say if I were to remove a widget off my homescreen; after the restart, the widget is still there, having reverted itself back onto my screen. Additionally, things like Wifi and Bluetooth revert themselves back to their original on/off positions after every restart.
Secondly, I can enter recovery mode just fine. HOWEVER ... attempting to backup my device with CWM Recovery causes the tablet to restart itself, cancelling the backup and just flat out screwing me over. The tablet manages to do the following, telling me this: backing up boot image, back up recovery image, back up system, free space, done freeing space. Then after that, it starts backing up other things, but after that, it restarts unpredictably while it's doing so. I haven't tried 'backup to Micro SD ' yet (mostly because I don't have any empty Micro SD Cards) but I'll try that later today - though I doubt that'll work.
Lastly, I've tried just plugging in my tablet to my computer, and dragging and dropping my files onto my desktop, but the tablet doesn't seem to respond to anything. Attempting to copy and paste anything results in an 'Unspecified Error' message on my PC, and the copying process aborts itself.
So with all this said: how the hell do I backup my tablet? I think a factory reset can fix this, but I can't even BACK UP my files because Recovery Mode is seemingly susceptible to this omnipotent restart loop.
Are there any fixes to this, other than a factory reset? I'm on the verge of just saying 'f it' and wipe my tablet anyways, but if my files ... which includes my notes for my classes (-.-) can be saved, I'll try it.
Okay, so I managed to get CWM Recovery to backup my stuff on my external Micro SD Card ....
... but when I try to Wipe Data/Factory Reset it doesn't work ... it doesn't wipe anything. When I reboot, Cyanogenmod is still there, my lockscreen settings are still active, my homescreens are still there - the reset didn't do anything.
How do I wipe my device, now if CWM won't do it? Arrrghhh .... somebody help ;_;
Since I can't move my documents, pictures, music, etc from my internal memory to my PC, I would rather not wipe the device fully.
I think the only way would be to reflash using ODIN. But this will likely lose all data.
Also, I think you need to be in this forum: http://forum.xda-developers.com/galaxy-tab-2/help

