Tablet stuck on restart loop; can't backup because it's restarting in Recovery Mode - Galaxy Tab 10.1 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hello, my Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 10.1 Wifi tablet is stuck on a restart loop. While I've encountered restart loops in the past, and found that resetting to factory settings usually fixes it, this issue in particular has left me speechless.
Firstly, the tablet boots up to the lock screen. I can get through the lockscreen and either sit around on the homescreen or fiddle around with apps - but only for a minute or so, or longer (it's quite unpredictable) because after some arbitrary period of time, the tablet will automatically restart itself. Basically, it automatically restarts itself after booting up to the lock/homescreen.
What I've noticed, as a result of these restarts, is that the tablet doesn't save any settings I've modified prior to the automatic restart. Like, say if I were to remove a widget off my homescreen; after the restart, the widget is still there, having reverted itself back onto my screen. Additionally, things like Wifi and Bluetooth revert themselves back to their original on/off positions after every restart.
Secondly, I can enter recovery mode just fine. HOWEVER ... attempting to backup my device with CWM Recovery causes the tablet to restart itself, cancelling the backup and just flat out screwing me over. The tablet manages to do the following, telling me this: backing up boot image, back up recovery image, back up system, free space, done freeing space. Then after that, it starts backing up other things, but after that, it restarts unpredictably while it's doing so. I haven't tried 'backup to Micro SD ' yet (mostly because I don't have any empty Micro SD Cards) but I'll try that later today - though I doubt that'll work.
Lastly, I've tried just plugging in my tablet to my computer, and dragging and dropping my files onto my desktop, but the tablet doesn't seem to respond to anything. Attempting to copy and paste anything results in an 'Unspecified Error' message on my PC, and the copying process aborts itself.
So with all this said: how the hell do I backup my tablet? I think a factory reset can fix this, but I can't even BACK UP my files because Recovery Mode is seemingly susceptible to this omnipotent restart loop.
Are there any fixes to this, other than a factory reset? I'm on the verge of just saying 'f it' and wipe my tablet anyways, but if my files ... which includes my notes for my classes (-.-) can be saved, I'll try it.

Okay, so I managed to get CWM Recovery to backup my stuff on my external Micro SD Card ....
... but when I try to Wipe Data/Factory Reset it doesn't work ... it doesn't wipe anything. When I reboot, Cyanogenmod is still there, my lockscreen settings are still active, my homescreens are still there - the reset didn't do anything.
How do I wipe my device, now if CWM won't do it? Arrrghhh .... somebody help ;_;
Since I can't move my documents, pictures, music, etc from my internal memory to my PC, I would rather not wipe the device fully.

I think the only way would be to reflash using ODIN. But this will likely lose all data.
Also, I think you need to be in this forum:


[Q] Multiple issues booting - Strange issues - NEED HELP

VEGAn RC1 Ginger Edition was loaded and working fine for almost two weeks.
Then I powered up and it would get stuck on the G-TABDEVs splash screen.....
Here is what I can do:
I can power up and the tab will go past the viewsonic birds screen to the next splash screen (G-TABDEVS) and will stay there indefinately.
I can power up into Clockworkmod 0.8 (all soft buttons work and I can scroll through the choices with the vol switch just fine)
I can wipe cache partition
I can apply sd (only because I still have VEGAn RC1 GE .zip on my device)
I can mount the USB drive (drive is recognised on my computer running win XP)
I can apply NVflash to the device (did this to get access to CWM by changing part #9)
What I can't do:
I can not transfer large files files from my computer to the tablet (I can make a directory and transfer small files only maybe 100 kb or less) Any time I try to transfer a larger file (a ROM or other) I get an I/O error.
I can not partition the SD card (internal storage),
Wide data/factory reset,
Wipe Delvik cache,
it just hangs indefinately with each of the above.
I have spent counless hours searching through all the great information on XDA and can not find any instance like mine.
I don't think it has been bricked because of what I still can access, although there still seems to be something "limiting" my actions.
Has anyone experienced this? and more importantly.... Can anyone HELP????
you can boot into clockwork but cant use the factory reset option there? if its hanging how long did you let it wait? id try a reset and let it sit for 5-10 mins to see if its really doing something or just mucking around.
you make a restore file (backup of your previously installed rom on your tablet)?
if the rom is still on your tablet try reinstalling it. then after installing try factory reset before rebooting. if you cant reset try reboot then reset.
the G-Tabdevs screen staying there indefinitely is because it needs to be reset. so you just have to figure out how to reset it.
Great! I totally did not realize that it took that long to reset. I will try that later tonight and post my results.
OK, I tried using "wipe data/factory reset" and it just hung. I let it sit for 20 minutes (just in case).
Then tried "partition SD card (2048,0) and let it run, again for 20 minutes and it just hung.
Still very frustrated.
What are my options at this point?
I need to follow this thread b/c I have the same problem. Last night shut down fine and this morning went to power back on and I get the birds and then it gets stuck in the next load screen. I reinstalled but no dice. Any ideas?
Make sure all the partition are active, wipe dalvik, try reflashing the same rom over and fix permission
For such strange issue you can alway use the nvflash format utility but not before having performed an nvflash backup then use bekit images to bring back the tablet to life. You can also make a clockwork backup
Backup (if something goes really wrong it can help, the .bct is what you want to keep at least)
Be warned that backup may have issue if you got flash bad block, this is not a critical issue
make sure you follow instruction
This thread has link to everything!
Keep in mind that NVFLASH only restore or erase about 300MB of the 2GB out of the 16GB you can write to.
This is in no way a FULL tablet reset. It is however a dangerous tool above application are tested and proven, some older thread may have nvflash command that can be dangerous.
That is great information.
I have used the format flash, then Nvflash.
flashes work fine, but same issue. Stuck at G-tablet splash screen.
I still can not load because I can not transfer any large files to the tab when it is mounted.
Any time I try and transfer a file greater than about 100k I get an error that states "can not copy file due to an I/O error"
Really disheartening........

[Q] Corrupted Internal Memory

Hello people. I have a 32 GB Wi-Fi only Tab, running seraphimserapis' CM9 preview kang.
I'll dive right into things here. Earlier today, I flashed the above ROM, everything went perfectly, booted up just fine, and got all my apps back up and running. I was using my tab fine for the entire day with no problems to speak of. Later in the day, I began transferring some misc. files (documents, music, etc) to my internal SD card via MTP USB transfer. After the transfer was complete, I unplugged my tab, and went on my merry way. The next time I booted up, everything began FCing on me, and nearly every app I tried to open immediately FCed. Thinking it was a temporary bug, I rebooted my tab, but the same problem persisted, multiple different processes fced upon boot, and almost all my apps would fc as soon as I opened them. After trying a few more times, I gave up, and booted back into CWM (which I can do perfectly fine), cleared cahce and delvik cache, and did a factory reset. This however,seemed to only augment the problem. Upon booting up (after doing that initial tab setup), trebuchet FCes (in a "FC loop", as it continually tries to open), and the tablet is completely unusable. I have tried wiping cache, reformatting and rebooting several times, each time with the same result
I am able to get into settings however, by plugging in the tab, and clicking USB debugging (for whatever reason, settings does not FC), and am able to connect to my internal memory via MTP. When the tab pops up in my computer, it says I have 25 GB out of 28 available GB, but when I click on the folder, it is completely empty. If i try to move files over to my tab, or even create a new folder, I get an error message saying "the device has stopped responding or has been removed". (Pictures below)
I do not believe this is a problem with the rom for two reasons. (1) no one else has had this problem (to my knowledge), and (2) it was working fine the whole day, until i did that file transfer (that being said, this is my own amateur opinion, which you may choose to completely disregard it in your diagnosis). I am 99% sure I didn't unplug the tab while files were still transferring, but I did not unmount the storage or eject it or anything fancy of that nature before I unplugged it.
My question is, is there any way I can somehow reformat the internal memory of my tab? Otherwise, is there some other possible fix you experts may possibly have? Or am I screwed?
I apologize in advance if you ask me to try something and I cant respond promptly. Its 3AM here and i need to wake up early tomorrow. Thank you in advance
I am quite convinced there is some kind of internal memory corruption problem here, but I really am not an expert enough to know for certain. The tablet still boots up fine, but is completely unusable as trebuchet fc loops 90% of the time i reboot the tab. Obviously, the entire thing isnt trashed as it appears to boot and get into the system fine, but I it's still completely unusable from that point on.
I have tried formatting the /data and /cache partitions of the internal memory to no avail. I would try formatting /system, but from my understanding, thats only advisable if you are able to flash a new rom after formatting, but if i cannot write into my internal memory, then there's no way i can flash a new rom. Conveniently enough, I deleted the .zip file for the rom off my internal sd, and i cannot access my clockworkmod recovery from CWM (gives an error, I don't think that would have worked anyway) since the internal sd is (i believe) corrupted. I also tried mounting as USB from CWM, and that also gives an error...
I am clean out of ideas. I'm not sure if this is a completely unfixable problem, or if self repairing is well within the realm of possibility. If someone can shed some light on me that would REALLY be appreciated. Otherwise i might have to send it back to sammy (still under warranty), which i dont mind doing, but if they boot it to find an ICS rom, they probably wont be so keen to repair it...perhaps there's a way to brick it further so they can't tell?
Problem fixed! I still don't have a clue as to what the problem was, but thankfully I managed to escape out of this one. I tried pushing a new ROM via adb, and it worked (apparently), but this just forced me into a boot loop (never hit the homescreen).
As a last ditch effort I pushed the stock ROM, and completely removed root, and it worked. I can now boot up past the spash screen without all all my processes crashing. Really a strange issue, I have my theories, but they're probably blatanly wrong so I'll just keep them to myself. Im just glad I don't have to send it back to sammy... I plan to re-root shortly. I am confident I will get no further issues.
Even though no one helped me directly, it was thanks to the plethora of information available on this forum that I was able to resolve my issue...and for some reason, making a thread where I'm just talking to myself helps a bit too...maybe im just weird. Anyway if anyone's reading this, thanks again xda
brennanyama said:
Problem fixed! I still don't have a clue as to what the problem was, but thankfully I managed to escape out of this one. I tried pushing a new ROM via adb, and it worked (apparently), but this just forced me into a boot loop (never hit the homescreen).
As a last ditch effort I pushed the stock ROM, and completely removed root, and it worked. I can now boot up past the spash screen without all all my processes crashing. Really a strange issue, I have my theories, but they're probably blatanly wrong so I'll just keep them to myself. Im just glad I don't have to send it back to sammy... I plan to re-root shortly. I am confident I will get no further issues.
Even though no one helped me directly, it was thanks to the plethora of information available on this forum that I was able to resolve my issue...and for some reason, making a thread where I'm just talking to myself helps a bit too...maybe im just weird. Anyway if anyone's reading this, thanks again xda
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I'm hoping you see this reply as its been quite a while since you've had the issue. I'm working with a Galaxy S2 Skyrocket with the same intenal memory corruption/ files system corruption you were facing. I followed what you did regarding push a rom thru adb and that worked for me, but my question is, how did you get the roms to successfully write if you couldnt write to internal memory? My system is mounted as read only apparently and locked itself with whatever I had on there on August 28th. No matter how many times I format, erase, or wipe it, it returns to the same state as if its a deep lock on it.

[Q] Restarting after about a minute - help!

So I had a bizarre crash and now continuous rebooting. Let me explain what happened:
A friend messages me on Facebook to tell me his new number. It is highlighted so I click it and the dialer promptly opens and shows the number, and I highlight his number so I can paste it into his contact. When I click the copy button, the phone hangs, and shortly reboots.
I don't worry, these occasional crashes aren't unheard of. But when the phone reboots, it loads up a few widgets and my background before rebooting again. And you can see where this is going.
I figure I glitches some cache so I use vol up, power and home and wipe the cache. I think that fixed it, as I get about a minute then it goes again, and back we go to shorter times.
I'm at a loss to how this has happened. Any quick ideas? I'd like to avoid a factory wipe if I can avoid it.
Update and bump
So, it only occurs when I have my SD card installed???
Anybody know anything about this?
formatting sd card and factory reset helps ...
Trying to avoid factory reset - already used odin to reflash and it did nothing besides ruin my carefully preserved root which I have now restored.
Now I'm exploring whether some weird app has installed to SD card and is playing weird, whilst I scan the SD card for problems.
I did find other threads talking about this issue in ICS:
but we shall see...
At this point, I'm sure that Factory and SD wipe would probably work, but I'm now as curious WHY it's happening, perhaps to help others later.
actually its happening with more posts tht i seen ,is wiv ppl using app2sd an movd all apps to sd...the prblm dosnt come if the apps r left were it is instead of moving...
I had the same problem after installing the insecure cell started restarting.
Than I flashed a different kernel provided by chainfire. Bingo issue resolved ;-)
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA
Why not use TB to backup all your apps & data then do a factory wipe/reset. Copy your SD card to your PC then format it. Reinstall TB then all your apps & data.
Sent from my I9100P using Tapatalk 2.

[Q] Any way to interrupt factory reset or recover data?

I started a factory reset on my phone, then realised I still had unsaved precious holiday photos on the device.
I removed the battery almost instantly after pressing the reset button, thus stopping the process. The mobile is connected to a PC by USB, but of course without the battery in place there is no way of viewing and transferring files on the phone. When the battery is replaced, the factory reset process continues where it left off - on the "deleting files" screen.
1. Is there any way to stop or interrupt the factory reset process?
2. Is there any way to retrieve the photos/files whilst the reset is frozen with the battery removed?
3. If the files cannot be recovered by normal operation of the phone, can they be recovered by a specialist company from the deactivated phone?
Phone is a Samsung Galaxy S3 Duos (dual-SIM) GT-i9300i
Android will be stock current version.
Thanks for any help!
Additional question:
Whats a recommended recovery utility to try and recover files after a factory reset?
Hello buddy, so when do a factory reset in any device is impossible to stop it. You 'll lose all your files. Is very important to do back ups in many memories card or in an app (Google drive).
I auto-back up all files except photos (to stop very large files being auto-copied to other devices by Google/Dropbox, etc) and normally just transfer each batch of photos to a server archive.
On this occasion I was just looking at the factory reset options, and off it went (screen is somewhat over-sensitive on this phone) - not even a warning dialogue, as on other devices and versions.
If it can't be stopped, then my only hope is to run a retrieval programme as soon as the phone has finished rebooting. Hence my question about what is the best/most successful data retrieval application that people recommend?
Thunderbox said:
I auto-back up all files except photos (to stop very large files being auto-copied to other devices by Google/Dropbox, etc) and normally just transfer each batch of photos to a server archive.
On this occasion I was just looking at the factory reset options, and off it went (screen is somewhat over-sensitive on this phone) - not even a warning dialogue, as on other devices and versions.
If it can't be stopped, then my only hope is to run a retrieval programme as soon as the phone has finished rebooting. Hence my question about what is the best/most successful data retrieval application that people recommend?
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I am afraid that data retrieval is impossible since you haven't made some sort of backup and have deleted everything by factory resetting. Sorry buddy.
Thunderbox said:
I started a factory reset on my phone, then realised I still had unsaved precious holiday photos on the device.
I removed the battery almost instantly after pressing the reset button, thus stopping the process. The mobile is connected to a PC by USB, but of course without the battery in place there is no way of viewing and transferring files on the phone. When the battery is replaced, the factory reset process continues where it left off - on the "deleting files" screen.
1. Is there any way to stop or interrupt the factory reset process?
2. Is there any way to retrieve the photos/files whilst the reset is frozen with the battery removed?
3. If the files cannot be recovered by normal operation of the phone, can they be recovered by a specialist company from the deactivated phone?
Phone is a Samsung Galaxy S3 Duos (dual-SIM) GT-i9300i
Android will be stock current version.
Thanks for any help!
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Dont get so worried. Wiping data partition doesnt delete /data/media. Which means your photos , videos , downloads is still there. Which recovery do you use ?

i need help please, i f**ked my phone up...

I have a oneplus 5 with android 7.1.1
i deleted the files ''gatekeeper.password.db'' and ''lock.settings.db'' if i remember well. funny thing is that i didn't want to delete those files, it was an accident. but anyways... The problem is that not i only deleted these files that were located in the system folder, i also deleted ''gatekeeper.password.db'' files from my user folder, named ''0''.
and i f**ked it up doing this. now whenever i unlock my phone, (which btw does not have any pin or pass after deleting those files), it goes completely black. i can't setup a new password, i can't see any apps. nothing. i tried to, at least, recover the data, but even allowing android on windows and using fonedog, it does not work at all.
last thing i tried is making a cache wipe through TWRP. this only worsened the situation as now when i unlock, not only goes black, it also makes the upper tab dissapear, leaving me without more options than rebooting or shutting off.
i really, really need to extract all my data from the internal storage. i don't mind doing a factory reset after it.

