[Q] Which ROM is the best including their dev team? - Vibrant Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Team Whiskey- Bionix v 1.3.1/NextGen
Einherjar Dev Team- Trigger 3.2/Bi-Winning
I know Team Whiskey has been ghost lately but Sombionix is back and making a new rom this week, and you already know EDT always give support

For **** sake, just try them out and go for what you find best. If only I get a cent everytime one of these threads kicks off...

Their both good. He's right, it depends on the user and his/her preferences.
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Lol I started one of these threads about 2 months ago. It's all about personal preference.

Abu-7abash said:
For **** sake, just try them out and go for what you find best. If only I get a cent everytime one of these threads kicks off...
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Lmao stfu I already tried both, this aint for me....Im just doin a poll

.. there is no poll added to the thread

xriderx66 said:
.. there is no poll added to the thread
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mybadd, i already did a poll a while back, im just getting feedback on the two roms....thats all

i have tried both and to me its like comparing apples to apples. both have cool features.

try this rom
amazing dev!

Kianopass said:
Lmao stfu I already tried both, this aint for me....Im just doin a poll
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You're doing a full retard here not a poll, but hey don't let anybody stop you while you're at it dip****.
xriderx66 said:
.. there is no poll added to the thread
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Oh well what did you expect from this guy? DOUBLE FAIL.
Kianopass said:
mybadd, i already did a poll a while back, im just getting feedback on the two roms....thats all
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Are you crying there? It's ok, I bet you'll make the same thread 2-3 weeks from now when new GB roms are introduced. We're used to idiots like yourself around here.

^ Please follow the XDA rules... nobody appreciates you posting like that.


Date for released Unlocked Bootloader- Vote!

I vote for today....
Because they said it would be done....
The phone was realeased Friday.....
Not likely they would do anything over the weekend...
And as each day passes after today, things will only look worse for us...
6/27/2011 looks good to me...
Idk about that. If I was you I would log off another week before the trolls come in
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clark44 said:
Idk about that. If I was you I would log off another week before the trolls come in
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA App
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Are U one of the trolls?
teh lulz!
steph what do u look like. post a pic lololol
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teh lulz!
steph what do u look like. post a pic lololol
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I vote for 3 days ago
Steph, so far I've seen two of your topics recently and both were just a waste of time and provided no question, no information and was just a waste of time. I voted for the hell of it, but stop with the absurd posts please.
yeah the evo 3d is out but it's still not stable yet, facebook fixes , youtube fixes... mine is updating like crazy. i want it to be stable first... let me know how it works out, i'm gonna play spiderman 3d and wait a month...
Next week
Stephanie95... Meaning born in '95? Are you 16? Is that why all the 's are everywhere?
Sent from my Shooter
toxicfumes22 said:
Steph, so far I've seen two of your topics recently and both were just a waste of time and provided no question, no information and was just a waste of time. I voted for the hell of it, but stop with the absurd posts please.
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I vote for toxicfumes22's posting.
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toxicfumes22 said:
Steph, so far I've seen two of your topics recently and both were just a waste of time and provided no question, no information and was just a waste of time. I voted for the hell of it, but stop with the absurd posts please.
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How is her bootloader speculation thread any more useless than your release date speculation thread found here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1063811 ?
Seriously, I am not sure why some of you guys get off on being a **** to this girl. Does it make you feel like a big man to pick on a young woman? So what if she is 16, she has a right to be here and post just as much as anyone else on this forum. You guys are ridiculous!
mlin said:
How is her bootloader speculation thread any more useless than your release date speculation thread found here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1063811 ?
Seriously, I am not sure why some of you guys get off on being a **** to this girl. Does it make you feel like a big man to pick on a young woman? So what if she is 16, she has a right to be here and post just as much as anyone else on this forum. You guys are ridiculous!
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+1 for Nice Guy Greg
toxicfumes22 said:
Steph, so far I've seen two of your topics recently and both were just a waste of time and provided no question, no information and was just a waste of time. I voted for the hell of it, but stop with the absurd posts please.
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This is a good place to "speculate" and "dream" and try "outside the box". when we cant seem to do anything the "good-old-way"... so what about something different?
Like we will never get to the moon? ... nothing is usless if it inspires a question.... YOU don't know about brainstorming and obviously wannna do everything just the old way you know how to?...
Anyway, voting gives us something to do while we wait.
Ain't it fun to vote?
What's the difference between next week and next month, which is the correct choice here?
CYDVicious said:
What's the difference between next week and next month, which is the correct choice here?
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No difference.... it's just fun to vote while we wait...
Just think about the new 3VO you win if you get this right!
This thread makes my head hurt.... And makes me hungry.
But I don't think the hunger part is the fault of the thread, I'm sure the head hurting part is though.
*thinks a little bit*
Actually, the head hurting might also be because I'm hungry.
*stumbles to the kitchen*
In 1933 I killed a hobo
mlin said:
Seriously, I am not sure why some of you guys get off on being a **** to this girl. Does it make you feel like a big man to pick on a young woman? So what if she is 16, she has a right to be here and post just as much as anyone else on this forum. You guys are ridiculous!
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First assumption is that this IS a girl. Second is that she is 16.
No matter the age, 'her' threads so far are less than inspiring according to my 15 year old neice that is half nerd-ette and still rocking the OG Droid.
Stephanie95 said:
No difference.... it's just fun to vote while we wait...
Just think about the new 3VO you win if you get this right!
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You have a future here at XDA. I think you've grown on me. In 5 posts.
Don't let the naysayers beat you down. Onward and upward!
Bukem75 said:
First assumption is that this IS a girl. Second is that she is 16.
No matter the age, 'her' threads so far are less than inspiring according to my 15 year old neice that is half nerd-ette and still rocking the OG Droid.
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1) It was stated in another thread, do your homework.
2) Was a response to another user trying to bring age into relevance.
3) I don't care about your neice's opinion, no matter how old she is.

AOSP roms?

Anyone besides CM working on any AOSP roms? I miss it!! Also, I am available to host any files that devs need mirrored.
Ahhhhhhhhhhh...not sure, I hope so tho....I'm sure someone is cooking something up
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reverepats said:
Ahhhhhhhhhhh...not sure, I hope so tho....I'm sure someone is cooking something up
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA Premium App
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As current roms stand there are no AOSP roms out at the moment . But also bare in mind root status is still very new , if anything still in its infancy . Give it time and before you know it AOSP will be ready for flashing . I know cyanogenmod was ported to the Sensation already , so I dont think EVO3D will be to far off from that . Some Devs have had roms on standby waiting for root to hit but never had a device to test stability on (even though there were s-off devices running around in the wild) . Like I said give it more time , heck the development thread has already started up with kernal threads and rom threads . The fun is just now begining so kick back and enjoy the ride
I'm not trying to be rude but there's a fee threads on this already.
But yeah first I heard it would be ported and cyanogen wouldn't officially support it then I heard that toastch is working on it. So I can't wait either.
Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk
The only mention I have seen from a Dev for AOSP is....
-viperboy- said:
Hello everyone, welcome to viperROM!
Current Dev Plan:
RC1.3 will have the ability to go "Non-Sense" using my script to remove Sense apps in place of AOSP apps. viperROM Control Script to manage this as well as many other features!
RC2 is going to be a completely reworked base. I won't go into much detail yet, but it's going to be THE FASTEST E3D Sense ROM.
No ETA on any of these but I just thought I would share with you guys my plans at the moment. I will also get some theming work started in one of these upcoming builds.
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I should mention it is currently RC1.2
Supra ROM is the closest to AOSP we got now. Its like AOSP and Sense combined
Topgun966 said:
Anyone besides CM working on any ASOP roms? I miss it!! Also, I am available to host any files that devs need mirrored.
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you fail...
it is AOSP Android Open Source [email protected]◄▲2!á╗☺│~ïzäc±▌7∞pûu←♫↓┐~§
Tilde88 said:
you fail...
it is AOSP Android Open Source [email protected]◄▲2!á╗☺│~ïzäc±▌7∞pûu←♫↓┐~§
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its SOAP
source open, android project
The chefs are in the kitchen, sit back and wait for dinner
vanjangles said:
The chefs are in the kitchen, sit back and wait for dinner
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But I'm hungry!!!!
Appreciate my help? Thank me
DDiaz007 said:
But I'm hungry!!!!
Appreciate my help? Thank me
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Bang your forks on the table!
I'm thinking of banging something else on a table
damn dirty mind
I know SavagedZen will be making an appearance in the near future. Also a brand new solo project from the homie....
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Danny, goes to show how much I pay attention... I just started a thread like this LOL
Here comes the stick up their ass people... " you should have searched blah blah blah"
Oh noes.... The world is going to end
Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk
Ignore those people.
Appreciate my help? Thank me
Its general you wont get snaps like that here. This place is for fun
fowenati said:
Its general you wont get snaps like that here. This place is for fun
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People get eaten alive in the general forum sometimes. I've witnessed it, and I've survived it. Haha
Appreciate my help? Thank me
DDiaz007 said:
People get eaten alive in the general forum sometimes. I've witnessed it, and I've survived it. Haha
Appreciate my help? Thank me
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Ahah, its much less than Development at least. I don't start threads much so I don't really see it as much
fowenati said:
Ahah, its much less than Development at least. I don't start threads much so I don't really see it as much
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You should've been here like 2-3 weeks ago... It was troll city. People were getting shot, mugged and all the other horrid stuff you can think of.
Appreciate my help? Thank me
DDiaz007 said:
You should've been here like 2-3 weeks ago... It was troll city. People were getting shot, mugged and all the other horrid stuff you can think of.
Appreciate my help? Thank me
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That was my entertainment everyday until we got S-OFF and root.

New HTC Sense 3.5??

Is anyone planning on porting this to our Evo3D or at least some elements from it into current roms?
Sent from the Honeycomb hideout
Joelz nd vinz are working on it bro
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA App
Wrong spot broski
But yeah, for the weirdos that want it, people are developing it
I personally think its ugly.. to put it nicely
get out while you still can
Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk
Just echoing the other posts... but again??!! This has been asked many times the past week...
Is anyone planning on porting this to our Evo3D or at least some elements from it into current roms?
Sent from the Honeycomb hideout
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Leave it to the Vizz to begin begging for the latest and greatest.
Jesus Christ.
FIVE years here, and still don't get forum structure?? I don't even need to give my usual speech. You just failed really hard. Did you bother to search? This has been asked so many times, and even more so, it's been asked wrongly in this section as well.
Just a thought, but all you thread nazi do realize that if you DONT reply to a post it will fall down the pages?
Im sure Liquid does since he has been here 3 years. Right?
kilik64 said:
Just a thought, but all you thread nazi do realize that if you DONT reply to a post it will fall down the pages?
Im sure Liquid does since he has been here 3 years. Right?
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Ahhh, Professor Irony demonstrates his expertise.
The idea is not to bump the post, dear friend. It's to make it clear to the OP (as well as lurkers and new users who read the thread) that this isn't how we do it at XDA.
And pot meet kettle...
kilik64 said:
And pot meet kettle...
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Indeed, glad we got that out of the way.
I'm sorry, can you hear me from all the way up there on your pedestal?
lol you are my favorite. Any time I need a laugh I look for a thread where I know you will have posted and get a few laughs.
You have not failed to amuse again, thanks!
kilik64 said:
lol you are my favorite. Any time I need a laugh I look for a thread where I know you will have posted and get a few laughs.
You have not failed to amuse again, thanks!
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Awww. It's good to know you have a crush on me. PM me sometime, you stud you.
You're so awesome I just might...
fastamx79 said:
Just echoing the other posts... but again??!! This has been asked many times the past week...
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Yes but not in development, we may a different answer here.
Jesus will yall just let it fall already? (yes I understand the irony in my post, no need to point it out and bump again)
Sent from my PG86100 using xda premium
Questions or Problems Should Not Be Posted in the Development Forum
Please Post in the Correct Forums
Moving to Q&A
To everyone who had to go out of their ways to write stupid shyt and get there post count up I have a few choice things I could say but I'm better then that so I won't! All you had to say was I posted it in the wrong spot and that would've been more then sufficient but no, but I guess that's xda for you...its a shame smh and to those who were kind enough to not be jerks thanks!!
Sent from the Honeycomb hideout

Congratulations guys !!!! You' ll Rock!!!!

* Moderator feel free to close or delete this thread..
Congrats guys you'll did it !!!!
Yet another dev out from the Ace forums ....first jusada now tj_droid....even the awesome themer spacecaker has retired ...
Way to go guys !!!!you'll rock !!!!!
Very soon the dev section will be deserted and that day will the funeral day of our ace ....
Keep up the good work ...dont read the stickies and keep posting your awesome comments in dev section .. all of you'll rock !!!!
P.S.: i m not complaining about anything i m just congratulating you'll...nice work ....enjoy...
P.S. 2 : just in case you didnt realise whatever i said was all sarcastic ....
Sent from my GT-S5830
So? Old dev go new dev comes...
Edit: there are no new rom or script nowdays, its just a themed rom and a edit script...u know but did not admit it...
encik_racun said:
So? Old dev go new dev comes...
Edit: there are no new rom or script nowdays, its just a themed rom and a edit script...u know but did not admit it...
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Because there are no new stuff to do
Htc sense was port wich wasnt a themed thing
But not full working
unwritten sentance
encik_racun said:
So? Old dev go new dev comes...
Edit: there are no new rom or script nowdays, its just a themed rom and a edit script...u know but did not admit it...
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If you think making ROMs is soo easy, then go make one yourself. And respect others hardwork, all devs are doing it for free. We are sacrificing our precious time to do all this. We have to handle academics and other stuff too :banghead:
Sent from my GT-S5830 using Tapatalk
spacecaker said:
Because there are no new stuff to do
Htc sense was port wich wasnt a themed thing
But not full working
unwritten sentance
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tj_droid said:
if you think making roms is soo easy, then go make one yourself. And respect others hardwork, all devs are doing it for free. We are sacrificing our precious time to do all this. We have to handle academics and other stuff too :banghead:
Sent from my gt-s5830 using tapatalk
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spacecaker said:
because there are no new stuff to do
htc sense was port wich wasnt a themed thing
but not full working
unwritten sentance
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Okay , that's it . I'm outta here .
Defy-ing all limits.
EmoBoiix3 said:
Okay , that's it . I'm outta here .
Defy-ing all limits.
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Eh? You are leaving too?
tj_droid said:
If you think making ROMs is soo easy, then go make one yourself. And respect others hardwork, all devs are doing it for free. We are sacrificing our precious time to do all this. We have to handle academics and other stuff too :banghead:
Sent from my GT-S5830 using Tapatalk
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So you decided to leave. Sorry to hear.
If it's so: thanks for your work, and roms, and good luck to your academics!
Rishris said:
Eh? You are leaving too?
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Out of this thread.....
No matter how many noobs there are here , I can never leave this place.....it's like my heart wouldn't let go
Defy-ing all limits.
kmarci said:
So you decided to leave. Sorry to hear.
If it's so: thanks for your work, and roms, and good luck to your academics!
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No, not really. I got PM's from few people, they apologised and requested me not to leave. So, I am not leaving now. But, I may, in future.
Leaving XDA isnt that easy
I love developing
Sent from my GT-S5830 using Tapatalk
you are welcome ;p
my heart will go on~~~~~~~~
i think some of noobs have learned their lessons and migrate to newbies..
welcome from old newbie~~zaqwankira
EmoBoiix3 said:
Out of this thread.....
No matter how many noobs there are here , I can never leave this place.....it's like my heart wouldn't let go
Defy-ing all limits.
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Thank god
Sent from my GT-S5830 using Tapatalk
tj_droid said:
No, not really. I got PM's from few people, they apologised and requested me not to leave. So, I am not leaving now. But, I may, in future.
Sent from my GT-S5830 using Tapatalk
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Good news! I think this is the good decision. I don't know the other communities, I just hear, that the other communities are better. I think our Ace is a very popular device, and there's a lot of people, who doesen't read even, or carefully enough, and that's why the noob questions. (I even made this mistake, but than I kept quiet, read, and learn, and read, and learn, and than come back for posting.) I think you should leave them without an answer. Noobs will always be here, and everywhere...
But those, who say that your work is not good enough, or always asking about ETAs, and so on... No, I can't understand them. They are not just noobs, they are simply miserable, who don't know, that this is not your job, you don't get money for this, and you have privacy either. With theese people... I don't know what to do.
But sure: I'm really happy, that you stay!
kmarci said:
Good news! I think this is the good decision. I don't know the other communities, I just hear, that the other communities are better. I think our Ace is a very popular device, and there's a lot of people, who doesen't read even, or carefully enough, and that's why the noob questions. (I even made this mistake, but than I keot quiet, read, and learn, and read, and learn, and than come back for posting.) I think you should leave them without an answer. Noobs will always be here, and everywhere...
But those, who say that your work is not good enough, or always asking about ETAs, and so on... No, I can't understand them. They are not just noobs, they are simply miserable, who don't know, that this is not your job, you don't get money for this, and you have privacy either. With theese people... I don't know what to do.
But sure: I'm really happy, that you stay!
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We all should ignore questions from noobs. If we wont answer they will search themselves and get the answer.
Sent from my GT-S5830 using Tapatalk
tj_droid said:
No, not really. I got PM's from few people, they apologised and requested me not to leave. So, I am not leaving now. But, I may, in future.
Leaving XDA isnt that easy
I love developing
Sent from my GT-S5830 using Tapatalk
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Phewwww i m happy i was really sad when i saw emoboiix 's post in the off topic thread and then your post in stock lite thread ...i m glad u changed your mind thanks man we need guys like you
Sent from my GT-S5830
I dont see why the DEV section cant be a moderated forum where every post has to be allowed through by a moderator.
NOOBS! DAMN ALL NOOBS! Why the hell can't they ever learn?! now spacecaker is out! Jusada, nims11, spacecaker, who's next?
Doo:DAce said:
NOOBS! DAMN ALL NOOBS! Why the hell can't they ever learn?! now spacecaker is out! Jusada, nims11, spacecaker, who's next?
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DooAce lets not start it again i m tried of saying "noob" again and again ...they are just lazy ppl ....just lazy ...lets just keep ourselves clean by not saying anything offensive. .... They will learn a lesson one day...when devs stop working ......untill then let them spam away:banghead: ....
Sent from my GT-S5830

Need this ported!!

Seen this on One S forums...looks so badass...anyone know how to port? I sent dev a message but figureed someone who knew how to port it might be interested... http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1727657
irishgreen said:
Seen this on One S forums...looks so badass...anyone know how to port? I sent dev a message but figureed someone who knew how to port it might be interested... http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1727657
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coulda posted in the right section
dev section is only for roms only
you arent posting a rom
In b4 lock...dev section is exactly that ..for devs to post threads
To the mods: please move.
To everybody else: Don't flame him, it's an honest mistake he posted it here
in before the lock and really? do you not know how to search. it already is ported. geesh.
kaos420 said:
in before the lock and really? do you not know how to search. it already is ported. geesh.
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Dang, beat me to it!! I had just copied the link to post :laugh:
-Cupper- said:
To the mods: please move.
To everybody else: Don't flame him, it's an honest mistake he posted it here
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Since when do ppl get away with honest mistakes around here?:silly:
Obviously I know this isn't a Rom, and obviously its not just roms since there is mods , kernels etc. I figured this is where devs look and its for a Rom. If people were as quick to help as they are to flame xda wouldnt have the issues it has..
kaos420 said:
in before the lock and really? do you not know how to search. it already is ported. geesh.
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Ya I do know how to search..I did, nothing came up and its named diff here so didn't notice..do u know how to not act like a douche for no reason? Geesh
irishgreen said:
Obviously I know this isn't a Rom, and obviously its not just roms since there is mods , kernels etc. I figured this is where devs look and its for a Rom. If people were as quick to help as they are to flame xda wouldnt have the issues it has..
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irish i dont feel sorry for you. this is typical noob response... hahahahahaha
funny man
cobraboy85 said:
irish i dont feel sorry for you. this is typical noob response... hahahahahaha
funny man
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Thanks ya troll lolololololol
Before lock in I am.
Sent from my EVO using xda premium
finally i get in b4 a lock!!!!
noobs.. it just got moved.. either way it looks awesome.. I may have to try this one out!..
irish they say ignorance is bliss you must be a very happy man.
first , second , & third result are all what you asked.
Learn to Search
Would be much better if we let the mods do their job. A dozen of these posts are just spam about where this post belongs and clutter up threads once they are moved.

