[Q] stop screen from turning on when i receive an email ? - Galaxy S II Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

i can't seem to find the setting where i can prevent the screen from turning on when i receive an email.
can someone point me in the right direction ?

mine doesn´t even turn on the screen and i haven´t change anything (gmail that is)

hmmm. i'm pretty sure that my screen didn't turn on until i upgraded to XWKE7. or perhaps i'm imagining that ...

just tried and with KE7 it did not turn on the screen (do we talk about the same ,gmail and not the email app)

sewe said:
just tried and with KE7 it did not turn on the screen (do we talk about the same ,gmail and not the email app)
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sorry, should have said that i'm using the email app, not gmail ...

anyone got any ideas ?

I am also interested to prevent the screen turning on when receiving sms or email..it gets annoying especially during meetings where i put the phone on the table and the room is dark during presentations.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk

iznee said:
I am also interested to prevent the screen turning on when receiving sms or email..it gets annoying especially during meetings where i put the phone on the table and the room is dark during presentations.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk
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to stop the screen coming on for sms i've installed sms popup. you then switch off notifications in the standard sms app an let sms popup handle incoming sms messages and it has an option for leaving the screen off.

I've exactly the same problem, screen turning ON when receiving mail, exchange account!!!
Any solution????

sorry to bump this but has anyone got a solution ?
it's very annoying to receive an email and then find that my screen has turned on and then find that i've magically phoned someone, all while my phone is in my pocket. :-(
i'm surprised that there's not an option to stop the screen turning on ...

Bumping again - this is a major pain in the rump.
Like others, I have a feeling that this didn't happen before KE7.

bumping - had my phone for so long and only now after reading this thread noticed the issue

I have the same issue, though I am using NoLED with the lock screen.
So an email comes in, the phone screen flashes on and then the screen goes black with the email icon per NoLED settings. The flash on only happens with email and not with text messages or whatsapp notices.
This is weird indeed and I haven't been able to find a setting to solve this. This happens with the stock email app or the gmail app.


Text's wont stop

My girlfriend's Photon will not stop receiving texts. It's been receiving the same messages over and over all day and also randomly her bottom soft keys light up for no reason. Any ideas? This happens with Go SMS installed and also with stock messaging and Go NOT installed. Also when Go was installed, notifications on the stock messaging were turned off.
I had that issue...... i would suggest to delete all apps if possible and reinstall. Or back up everything and under settings do a factory reset on it. I thought my issue was a screen capture app that did it. I had the same text come to me freakin 25 times within 4 hours i was pissed.
Sent from my Mophukin Photon runnin Skinny1, One.Four OC like a Boss...
MikeyLee said:
My girlfriend's Photon will not stop receiving texts. It's been receiving the same messages over and over all day and also randomly her bottom soft keys light up for no reason. Any ideas? This happens with Go SMS installed and also with stock messaging and Go NOT installed. Also when Go was installed, notifications on the stock messaging were turned off.
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tell her to answer my calls and i wont have to text ;P
but seriously something sounds very off, id suggest doing a factory reset
I had that also.. What i did was dl go sms .. And come to find out.. I was missing messages.. All my messages came and it stopped.. Then i deleted go sms .. No problems since
Sent from my MB855 using xda premium

[SOLVED] Random Notification Sound

I noticed this before I rooted my phone and it is starting to bug me. I have already check roaming notifications and all are off. What happens is at random times I get a doorbell sound from my phone and the notification light blinks. No notification are displayed, no gmail, no email, no text message. Does anyone have a clue what is causing this notification, and if so how do I disable it?
mikebeam said:
I noticed this before I rooted my phone and it is starting to bug me. I have already check roaming notifications and all are off. What happens is at random times I get a doorbell sound from my phone and the notification light blinks. No notification are displayed, no gmail, no email, no text message. Does anyone have a clue what is causing this notification, and if so how do I disable it?
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Do you have Yahoo Mail installed? You can tell it to not put notification in the toolbar but it'll still make the sound and flash the notification light. It's default sound kind of sounds like a doorbell. For me that mail account gets a lot of junk so I don't want to be notified I have mail unless I manually check. Overall I hate that app and with my new EVO I just use HTC's email application.
I get the same thing and it happens when I go into roam, no matter what roaming notification settings I turn off. I posted this issue in other forums and haven't had any luck. My next step is to install stock ROM and see if maybe there's just something on the software side screwed up.
henderjr said:
Do you have Yahoo Mail installed? You can tell it to not put notification in the toolbar but it'll still make the sound and flash the notification light. It's default sound kind of sounds like a doorbell. For me that mail account gets a lot of junk so I don't want to be notified I have mail unless I manually check. Overall I hate that app and with my new EVO I just use HTC's email application.
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You are correct it was yahoo mail. I had turned off notifications but did not turn off sound. Thanks for your help.
Glad I could help. I had the same exact issue on my OG evo after Yahoo updated that app.

Text Message Reply Above Mine

Whenever I send a text and I get a response, the response is showing above my original text. This happens if the text was sent in the same minute. Anyone else having this problem?
Picture in link below:
I typed the blue first, then the reply came in white but it shows it coming before my initial text.
i had that problem before idk it just corrected itself but if its a big problem i would just use gosms its pretty good
It happens. I wouldn't be to concerned about since the times are so close together. I'm guessing time discrepancy with text servers. Maybe...
But to make you feel better, I've experienced it but usually within a minute if it's a quick reply.
are you messaging someone who has a iphone? This happens to me all the time with my friends and their iphone 4's
Yes I am messaging someone with an iPhone but it happens with non-iPhones too. I am worried about it because it is not supposed to be that way and when you pay a decent amount of money on a phone you expect that simple thing to work.
I'm curious if it has to do with the time. I found that for some reason my clock wasn't auto updating with the network. I have switched it over and will be testing here shortly.
It has everything to do with the phones local time - it uses your phone to stamp outgoing messages, and the network stamps the time on incoming messages. If your phone is running fast, then incoming messages would appear to arrive before the original message (to the phone anyway).
Enabling auto update of time / date should fix it, I was going to suggest that until I saw you were already planning on trying it
Had this happen once check your time and region settings. Mine was off by an hour
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using xda premium
smikesmith3 said:
Whenever I send a text and I get a response, the response is showing above my original text. This happens if the text was sent in the same minute. Anyone else having this problem?
Picture in link below:
I typed the blue first, then the reply came in white but it shows it coming before my initial text.
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Look for SMS time fix app in Google play
And in app setting choose for adjust incoming text time to phone time.
Sent from my SGH-I717R using xda app-developers app
I've had this happen on my Captivate and my SII as well. Seems to be a network problem perhaps. If you're rooted, I highly recommend ClockSync. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ru.org.amip.ClockSync&hl=en
Hockey37 said:
I've had this happen on my Captivate and my SII as well. Seems to be a network problem perhaps. If you're rooted, I highly recommend ClockSync. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ru.org.amip.ClockSync&hl=en
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+1 for ClockSync

Sms screen on

I have an issue that keeps causing me to hit the emergency call button on my phone.. Every time I receive a text message my screen turns on. I've tried literally everything that I can think of. I tried turning off all notifications from the default sms and downloading go sms and disabling screen on, that didn't work. I tried freezing the sms app and using go sms, that didn't work. Finally I deleted all 3rd party apps and turned off all notifications for sms then had my wife send me a message, and my screen turned on with no sms notification but it's still turning on when I receive a sms. It's only when I receive sms that it happens. I have a ZTE grand x Max plus Rooted and ready to try anything that you guys have to offer. Amazing phone other than that little annoying "feature"

Facebook Messenger Issue

it's probably just me, and something really simple, but when I'm using my phone and someone messages me on the FB msg app, I no longer get the drop down showing the message ? I get the notification alert and the icon, but thats it
Everything in the app settings is turned on and for other messaging apps (IG, Textra etc) I'm not having any issues......
any ideas?
Ha dang - got excited seeing a reply
Check drop zone is activated....if you search Google Huawei drop zone it mentions FB and receiving notifications etc.
Drop zone is found in (stock app) phone manager.
Has any battery savings been disabled.
I have similar issue with Gmail not giving notifications etc.
Has FB messenger changed/updated? Check settings in app.
Yup drop zone is activated. Toggled it on and off to make sure. Had one message drop down and thought it was fixed but then it resorted back to how it was.
Partners is still showing drop downs so the app hasn't changed.
Cant for the life of me work this out !
Clutching at straws but some of my notification issues with SMS messages not popping up started working when I turned off smart lockscreen notifications in security settings face detection.
I can't say that this is going to fix it.
Darkat70 said:
Clutching at straws but some of my notification issues with SMS messages not popping up started working when I turned off smart lockscreen notifications in security settings face detection.
I can't say that this is going to fix it.
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yeah just had a look and it was already turned off

