Cannot figure out which png it is in framework ( I think its in here) for when you are installing or downloading something. Its the solid one, not the stripped one. Anyone? Thanks in advance.
umm it is in the drawable as three seperate png i just cant think of what they are called right now
wait I think it is actually called Progressbar_intermediate1.png 2 and 3 under res/drawable-mdpi
PimpShit420 said:
wait I think it is actually called Progressbar_intermediate1.png 2 and 3 under res/drawable-mdpi
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those I already know about. I meant the one that is a solid color for when installing something or downloading. you see it moving along. its a solid orange by default
That is controlled in the resource.arsc file. I haven't figured out how to edit it yet but the color is Def in that file, if I just switch that file only with one I got from an in credible. Theme, it changes
Sent from my Eris using XDA App
PimpShit420 said:
That is controlled in the resource.arsc file. I haven't figured out how to edit it yet but the color is Def in that file, if I just switch that file only with one I got from an in credible. Theme, it changes
Sent from my Eris using XDA App
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would you mind sharing this file? And where is it located? And if I copy the file over that you give, what else changes?
yea there is only one problem with using this file that I have come across so far and its kind of big. The text color on all buttons is white so it cant be seen. The file itself is located in the framework-res.apk. I was using a program called winmerge to go through and the whole file is completley different but I havent figured out how to edit it nor how to read exactly what is says. I just formatted my laptop and put Ubuntu on it so as of right now I cant get the file to you, You can either search for Indigo_Blue Theme for CM6 here on XDA or blackle(google). The theme is in all hdpi but still has some good looking pngs you can use in your theme. I have resized all of them as well for mdpi but for some reason I get errors when trying to apply them all. If you cant find it I will send it to you here in a little bit though. I have been doing alot of reading and messing my phone up trying to figure out the best way to theme. For one I want to take the spinner out of the nfl program and put it in my theme but Im a long way from that. If you like I can send you over my notes as I come up with more discoveries of what it controlled where and how to edit its defaults to what I want.
PimpShit420 said:
yea there is only one problem with using this file that I have come across so far and its kind of big. The text color on all buttons is white so it cant be seen. The file itself is located in the framework-res.apk. I was using a program called winmerge to go through and the whole file is completley different but I havent figured out how to edit it nor how to read exactly what is says. I just formatted my laptop and put Ubuntu on it so as of right now I cant get the file to you, You can either search for Indigo_Blue Theme for CM6 here on XDA or blackle(google). The theme is in all hdpi but still has some good looking pngs you can use in your theme. I have resized all of them as well for mdpi but for some reason I get errors when trying to apply them all. If you cant find it I will send it to you here in a little bit though. I have been doing alot of reading and messing my phone up trying to figure out the best way to theme. For one I want to take the spinner out of the nfl program and put it in my theme but Im a long way from that. If you like I can send you over my notes as I come up with more discoveries of what it controlled where and how to edit its defaults to what I want.
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Sure, if ya dont mind. I am not going to get into heavy themeing as you can see from my theme, but this is one of the things that bugs me as i want to change it and cant figure it out, lol.
Im talking about app icons that show on your home screens. Ive searched all day and cannot seem to locate a definitive answer. The only thing close i found was in the official metamorph page that says 44x48, but that dimension pertains to .9 png morph icons.
can someone just tell me what the size is? thanks ahead!
TopShelf10 said:
Im talking about app icons that show on your home screens. Ive searched all day and cannot seem to locate a definitive answer. The only thing close i found was in the official metamorph page that says 44x48, but that dimension pertains to .9 png morph icons.
can someone just tell me what the size is? thanks ahead!
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I believe for HDPI resolution screens, the standard icon size is 72x72px now.
s0niqu3 said:
I believe for HDPI resolution screens, the standard icon size is 72x72px now.
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thank you sir, the customization of my brand new vibrant will now continue...i love this phone!!!
Hey guys,
Thought we should start a wallpaper thread for the Nook... I just posted 413 of them to my Photobucket account... Wallpaper/?start=all
I recommend Wallpaper Set & Save to improve image quality on all of your Android Wallpapers, it's free!
For anyone wanting to create their own, the size should be 1200x1024.
I recommend World Tour. It doesn't have the sharpest images, but it's pulling pictures from live webcams around the world. I just set it to random and automatic update once an hour. It scales the images properly for the Nook. I've been using it on my G1 practically since I got the phone.
I use app called Backgrounds, takes photos from flickr and the aspect ratio / scaling seems ok.
I like the HD Rare Black Wallpapers. They show up sharper than most of the other "HD" background/wallpaper apps.
Good stuff. Might want to mention the image requirements. I believe they should be 1200 x 1024.
Nice collection.
Sent from my LogicPD Zoom2 using XDA App
Outstanding! Thank you, sir.
DatterBoy said:
Good stuff. Might want to mention the image requirements. I believe they should be 1200 x 1024.
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Good point, I'll update the initial post.
I'm using this one right now, and it looks killer on the Nook's screen!
(Edited: Went back and used clickable thumbs. Original posted images were kinda big. =P )
This is my current WP.
but these 2 are my most used WPs
Jason, Thanks so much for those beautiful photos you placed in your Photo Bucket for use on our NCs. I wonder if you can figure something out for me. Last week I downloaded about 14 of those photos to my pc and one way or another they made it to my NC. The neat things was, that they showed up in my Wallpaper as well as my photo gallery. Because they were in the wallpaper settings, I didn't have to do anything to them at all to get them on my home screen. They were perfect, full picture, wonderful resolution, and worked on the three home screen setting. I have no idea how I got them into that wallpaper section, darn it!
Since that time, my NC has gone through many restore-to-stock and nooters, etc. Now I'm back to 1.1 and auto-nooter v3. Everything is working well, but I can no longer find your pictures in the wallpaper section, only in the Picture gallery. The ones in the picture gallery are not the correct size and no matter what I do, I can't get them to work for me (I'm not very knowledgeable about Android, as you can probably tell.) Last week, when they were sitting in the wallpaper section, the pre-installed pictures from the Nook Color and even pictures of some of my book covers were also there. Do you have any idea how I might be able to get your pictures back into the wallpaper section? BTW - at the time they were working so beautifully, I was in 1.0.1 auto-nootered. Sorry for the long message, but I'm not having any success. I want them just the way they were last week! They were perfect!
nm - I figured out how to get them to my wallpaper. Thanks again,
So I used the Photobucket app and went into settings, checked hi res download option. Changed search to people in the dropdown. Searched for 911jason. Clicked a wallpaper, open menu click download, when it fails I selected set as wallpaper. Looks perfect on rooted 1.1 stock. Thanks!
Sent from my rooted Nook Color using the XDA app.
heliosue said:
nm - I figured out how to get them to my wallpaper. Thanks again,
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Sue (or anyone else for that matter) can you elaborate on what you did to get an image to show up in the wallpapers section? I have a few backgrounds that I bounce in between frequently and would be grateful for a tip!
ficklecycler said:
Sue (or anyone else for that matter) can you elaborate on what you did to get an image to show up in the wallpapers section? I have a few backgrounds that I bounce in between frequently and would be grateful for a tip!
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Let's see if I can this right.
I downloaded the images I wanted from 911Jason's Photobucket and put them on my pc. Then connected my NC using the USB cable. I then navigated to the NC <MyNookColor> and then to <MyFiles> and then to <Wallpapers>. I did a drag and drop of the pictures I wanted into the Wallpapers Folder. FWIW - I first tried using "send to" from drop down menu and it didn't take. The drag and drop worked fine. (911Jason's pictures were perfect for me because they are the correct size and I don't know how to use the Wallpaper apps yet.)
Hope this helps.
Thanks, I'll try that out!
A good place to go scouting for wallpapers is Here's my current NC background:
Another good place to go for wallpapers is and search for the resolution you want (1200x1024). A ton of the wallpaper apps rip their images from this site.
I'm not sure I'm having the same problem as others, with the wallpaper. Maybe I am. But my wallpaper shows up very large. The actual size is 700 x 1000, when I check it in Photoshop. I received it as part of a skin from DecalGirl. I would think, given the size requirement of 600 x 1024 (for one screen), this would be pretty close to perfect. But whenever I set wallpaper, the image gets blown up. I've tried using a picture of my daughter (which is 2400 x 3000), and it gets blown up, too. Her face is huge.
Not sure what I'm doing wrong. Help?
Okay, just tried using Wallpaper Set & Save, as I've seen others suggest, and that changed nothing. It's still really huge.
gallahad2000 said:
I like the HD Rare Black Wallpapers. They show up sharper than most of the other "HD" background/wallpaper apps.
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Dude, oh my goodness!! These are the kind of wallpapers I have been looking everywhere for my Hero. These looks awesome on the nook. Gonna post a screenie in the other thread asap.
WallpaperCASA is an awesome app that has a big selection and is setup really well. I use this now for the nook and it works superbly.
Anyone have a Dark themed Google Voice? That would go with FunkenEclipse?
Anyone know how to theme this and up for the challenge?
** UPDATE **
Here is a working DarkGrey/Green themed version of GoogleVoice ( if anyone wants it.
*Thanks to xkape*
** Just put on SD card, boot into recovery, install zip and reboot **
There is a screenshot in xkape's post #16
Okay, So I've been trying everything I can think of, have done alot of reading. Really could use some help here guys. If anyone can give me some pointers I would greatly appreciate it.
I DLed the Google Voice from the Market, put on my computer, unzipped it with 7zip.
Took the res folder (drawable-hdpi), and replaced all the .png files with updated green/black themed ones from that above post.
This is where I get lost. I try to rezip the package, tried it with every kind of compression.
Everytime I go to install it on my phone, it tells me.....
Parse error
There is a problem parsing the package.
Anyone got some pointers?
OK buddy, 1st off, I am assuming by dark voice, you mean black background with white text. If that assumption is true, theres a lot more work to be done than editing images.
However, if you are in fact just trying to change images and are familiar with 7zip, the process is pretty easy. Especially since you already edited your images.
Lets do it this way, since your progression will yield the right results...
grab your completely stock voice that you have.. open it (NOT UNZIP) it with 7zip... find your way to the proper folder(s) and move your edited images into.. yes, while still zipped. Once thats done, close 7zip. it will ask you about updating the archive.. say yes... you're done.
And if you are in fact looking for the black backgrounds with white text.. grab my BNB theme and pull the Voice out if it. Its inverted.
xkape said:
OK buddy, 1st off, I am assuming by dark voice, you mean black background with white text. If that assumption is true, theres a lot more work to be done than editing images.
However, if you are in fact just trying to change images and are familiar with 7zip, the process is pretty easy. Especially since you already edited your images.
Lets do it this way, since your progression will yield the right results...
grab your completely stock voice that you have.. open it (NOT UNZIP) it with 7zip... find your way to the proper folder(s) and move your edited images into.. yes, while still zipped. Once thats done, close 7zip. it will ask you about updating the archive.. say yes... you're done.
And if you are in fact looking for the black backgrounds with white text.. grab my BNB theme and pull the Voice out if it. Its inverted.
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Yeah, Dark themed Google Voice, like in the 1st post. The green one.
I havent thought about the TXT color... crap im not going to be able to read it after i update the PNGs......
One of your themes has a themed Google Voice? I might have to try that.....
Thanks for your help sir.
K, So I ended up pulling your Voice.apk from the BnB theme (which looks awesome btw... dunno how I missed that one)
I like it, but its just black and white. So I opened it with 7zip, go to res/drawable-hdpi and replace the file "widget_inbox_background.9.png"
That is the background for the widget.... only thing I care about..
I let it update the archive and save.
Copy the apk to my SD card and attempt to install it.
Everything looks great it appears to be installing then it gets to the end and says "Application not installed" done
I cannot get past this part..... am i doing something wrong?
bobhilton.... what color do you want it to be? Im willing to bet I can find the color you are looking for.
I mean the whole app, not just that background image. I can make that right in 5 minutes for you.
xkape said:
bobhilton.... what color do you want it to be? Im willing to bet I can find the color you are looking for.
I mean the whole app, not just that background image. I can make that right in 5 minutes for you.
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Really? wow that would rock. I'm just starting to learn this stuff. I've done so much reading and feel like i've came so far. but I'm finding out how much a pain in the arse these .9png files are....
The theme I'm looking for is the Dark greyish/ green one. Its in my first post of this thread. There is a screen shot here
I like those colors.... not a fan of the font but i dont really care. I've tried everything. I found that .9png background widget image but I cannot insert it into your BnB theme
I would love if you could insert it if its not a big deal, you make it sound easy. I'm going on about 4 days of reading and about 10 different programs..... I must be missing something.....
Thanks for you help man.....
wait, you just want the widget?
Like this?
xkape said:
wait, you just want the widget?
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Well..... All I use is the widget and the inbox....You click the widget it takes you to your inbox for your voicemail.......
The pic you posted was of FaceBook....
I basically like it the way you themed it but with darkgray/green like the theme in the first post.....
Ok I get you now. Send me that image.
Sent from my DROID X2 using XDA App
All the images and pngs are in this can I send them to u?
Sent from my DROID X2 using XDA App
bobhilton.... I was looking back thru here and didnt see the widget image attached anywhere BUT.. I also noticed something... did you by change try sticking the apk in an template and installing it thru recovery?
xkape said:
bobhilton.... I was looking back thru here and didnt see the widget image attached anywhere BUT.. I also noticed something... did you by change try sticking the apk in an template and installing it thru recovery?
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Here is all of the PNGs with the dark theme.
Yes, I did try flashing them with an it went with no errors but did not work. But I dont really know if I did it right..... this is a huge learning process for me.... If you can get these to work.... please tell me how.... and it better not take you 5 mins lol
ok I am downloading it now.. let me see what I can do.
---------- Post added at 11:24 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:06 AM ----------
why in the hell did I post a facebook widget? wow.. just realized I did that. And you even told me I did.
Doesn't look all that fantastic with all the rest of my orange theme but.. speaking on the app, I believe this is what you wanted?
xkape said:
Doesn't look all that fantastic with all the rest of my orange theme but.. speaking on the app, I believe this is what you wanted?
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Awesome man! Geeez that was fast..... mind giving me a few quick pointers on how you did it?..... You must've used cheat codes or a game genie
Actually, I think you may have just been trying to install it I decompiled it thinking I was going to need to fix some 9pngs but the log said they were all ok. So I just stuck it in an and installed
I attached mine if you want to try it.
Wow, I don't get it....
It worked flawlessly.... looks perfect.... you rock man.....
So if you don't mind.... just help me understand this a little....
I went through your flashable zip ( and looked at everything.... It just pushed the apk (Voice.apk) to ssytem/app..... right?
K, so, the Voice.apk that is in your updatezip... system/app/voice.apk
how did you get this to work?
Is this your original inverted voice.apk? and then you just replaced the drawable-hdpi complete folder? or just the updated pngs? and thats it? Thats like the first thing i tried.... for like HOURS....
I just went through the apk.... looks like you just overwrote the pngs and 9pngs with the new gray/green ones.... man... you didnt have to mess with any xmls did you?
That just seems way to easy... I tried that like 10 times
Anyhow... thank you so much for your help man!
If the above is true, shouldn't I be able to do this same process with the new updated googlevoice from the market? and just update the pngs?
Don't know if I want to try it yet, but im really curious where I went wrong so it might be a good challenge...
I think I may of had a bad I will try yours next with themed facebook
Theres an new GVoice? I guess I need to get to it.
For this, All I did was take Voice out of the BNB theme and opened it with 7zip. (NOT UNZIP)... then I opened (again, not unzip) you hdpi folder. I highlighted all the images and moved them all at once into the BNB hdpi folder. I then closed 7zip and yes to updating the archive. I stuck Voice.apk into a template and put it on the SD Card. I rebooted into recovery and installed the zip.
Ive never tried just sticking something in the system folder and hiting install. Not sure that would work.
Maybe just putting the apk in there, making sure the permissions are correct and then just rebooting would seem more like the solid option to me. I mean, technically, if its in your system folder it is installed.
I want to make or flash a custom bootanimation to my oneplus 3 (wich is exactly the same as the 3T). Someone can help me with this? i have the oneplus 3 collete bootaimation downloaded on my pc, since i can't get the normal one But how do I add text, because the rectangle is just as small as the circle of the animation. I have rooted my phone etc. Any help? Or if a helpfull person wants to do it for me, I just want it to say samewhere above or beneath the animation "Welcome Gilles" in the same font and color is the oneplus logo at the very beginning. Thanks in advance.
well I can't help you with modifying the bootanimation since this is a whole other topic but replacing the stock one is very easy.
Just replace it in /system/media
R0BiN0705 said:
well I can't help you with modifying the bootanimation since this is a whole other topic but replacing the stock one is very easy.
Just replace it in /system/media
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Ye I already know that but I need to modify it
_BatLine_ said:
Ye I already know that but I need to modify it
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sounded like you didn't know how to replace it either
I think it's fairly easy in this case since your only changing something in the pictures. Simply batch edit all the images and replace them
R0BiN0705 said:
well I can't help you with modifying the bootanimation since this is a whole other topic but replacing the stock one is very easy.
Just replace it in /system/media
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R0BiN0705 said:
sounded like you didn't know how to replace it either
I think it's fairly easy in this case since your only changing something in the pictures. Simply batch edit all the images and replace them
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I know where it is located etc but the pictures are really only the square of the Oneplus logo so no place to add the text.. and I can't change the size of every single frame.. that's over 600
_BatLine_ said:
I know where it is located etc but the pictures are really only the square of the Oneplus logo so no place to add the text.. and I can't change the size of every single frame.. that's over 600
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well this turns more into a photoshop question
this tool can add space around the images
for batch editing use mogrify, flags are the same afaik
this might help you
R0BiN0705 said:
well this turns more into a photoshop question
this tool can add space around the images
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Do I also have to change the resolution or any other settings in the config file? And does the tool changes all the pictures or o my one at a time. I can try it out tomorrow.. Btw I probably can't cnage for example 100 frames' size, add text and leave the others smaller?
_BatLine_ said:
Do I also have to change the resolution or any other settings in the config file? And does the tool changes all the pictures or o my one at a time. I can try it out tomorrow.. Btw I probably can't cnage for example 100 frames' size, add text and leave the others smaller?
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just edited my reply with more information for batch editing.
I'm not sure if this would work since you have to change the image size in the desc.txt file for example from 270 270 60 to 400 400 60 depending on your end result of course.
R0BiN0705 said:
well this turns more into a photoshop question
this tool can add space around the images
for batch editing use mogrify, flags are the same afaik
this might help you
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R0BiN0705 said:
just edited my reply with more information for batch editing.
I'm not sure if this would work since you have to change the image size in the desc.txt file for example from 270 270 60 to 400 400 60 depending on your end result of course.
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Thanks, I'll try tomorrow