Whats up everybody? "LBE Privacy Guard" is a new app I found that lets you manage permissions of other apps and even blocks your IMEI. I have been using this app on the Atrix 24+ hours now and I am impressed, so I want to share it with my fellow Atrix enthusiasts. AFAIK there are no other apps available on the market that restrict permissions of other apps. Enjoy!
For those of us who want to block network connection, certain permissions, etc. but can't use droidwall (because our kernel doesn't support it) we now have two alternatives!
Permissions denied (https://market.android.com/details?id=com.stericson.permissions) and LBE Privacy Guard (https://market.android.com/details?id=com.lbe.security)
I use LBE Privacy Guard and it works like a charm on my X10MP running CM7 v14.5 by slade87. Haven't tried Permissions denied but it looks like it has similar functions.
I am also usimg lbe privacy guard in minicm7 in x10 mini and it works flawless. Also never knew that many of the installed apps take so many information from our device. This app has lots of options to give full control over the installed apps. Great app. Kudos to dev.
Another vote for LBE Privacy Guard here
It's a real eye opener what many apps try to access!
Do they have a whitelist of allowed applications that can use data over 3g?
With droidwall you can sett those programs that can use 3 and block all others, would want something like that .
mangoman said:
Do they have a whitelist of allowed applications that can use data over 3g?
With droidwall you can sett those programs that can use 3 and block all others, would want something like that .
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You can set which apps have access to data. Unfortunately, it doesn't distinguish between wifi and 3g. So the app either has access or not.
Another vote for LB
Im using CM6 1.01 of notbodyall, and LB privacy guard do a great job. Thanks for the suggestion.
leftAlone said:
You can set which apps have access to data. Unfortunately, it doesn't distinguish between wifi and 3g. So the app either has access or not.
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Found that out,-thats one app i would need. To be able to use 3g and only allow some apps to use data.
I was wondering if there is any way to modify an apps permissions on BAMF or by using any root app. I believe cyanogenmod offers this feature and I was curious I'd BAMF or a general app could do this as well. Thanks.
Also I'm aware that you can use sdk tool to do this if you feel like extracting if to your computer but if possible Id like to find an app that can do this and save a little time.
there are two apps that i know about, lbe privacy guard, and permissions, or permission dog. cant remember that last name. i personally use lbe and find that it works in most cases such as denying an app access to messages or contacts and such and network access. permissions work the same way i think but it requires a reboot to apply affects and i think it denies a category throughout all apps, not just a certain one
I search how to block data only for few apps.
I don't found on forum ( may be too much things on xda )
My idea is that I can use facebook when I'm roaming and the other apps can't have an access to data because my plan have not data roaming include.
Anyone have a solution to choose which apps can have an access to data?
Thank you
ps: sorry for my bad english
In CM7 ther is a function called Permissions Management where you can manage the usual android permissions for each app individually..
There is also an app on the market ("LBE Privacy Guard") which can do this..
It needs your phone to be rooted.
But I don´t know if you can control acces to data roaming..
And yeah, my English isn´t better..
Thanks for your answer.
I will try LBE privacy guard.
If other people have other app for it, I take it too
I use droidwall from the market
Sent from my Liberty using XDA App
I've tried LBE and droidwall.
LBE is an awesome firewall and the possibilities are very big. Too big for me.
Droidwall is good too and it's perfect for me
Thank you so much all
Seriously, LBE privacy guard is a great permission manager for any, and all rooted phones. It doesn't crash apps when you deny permissions, unlike the built in managers. I figure everyone should know what apps are accessing your data, and be able to control it without crashing your phone.
This just came out:
In summary, an app legitimately installed from Play Store can use your bandwidth, CPU power, and battery power to mine bitcoins for the developer, shortening your battery life, extending charging times, and using your data plan costing you money.
What I need from you guys in light of this is recommendations for an app permission denial app that works on Jellybean and kitkat. I want to be able to completely disable internet access for any app I choose. I used to use LBE Privacy Guard but it's ratings have taken a nosedive. Any suggestions?
Wow nobody cares it seems. That blows my mind considering the gravity of Play Store apps being discovered to contain malware 2 years in a row now.
omnius1 said:
This just came out:
In summary, an app legitimately installed from Play Store can use your bandwidth, CPU power, and battery power to mine bitcoins for the developer, shortening your battery life, extending charging times, and using your data plan costing you money.
What I need from you guys in light of this is recommendations for an app permission denial app that works on Jellybean and kitkat. I want to be able to completely disable internet access for any app I choose. I used to use LBE Privacy Guard but it's ratings have taken a nosedive. Any suggestions?
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You can use Xposed module called as XPrivacy.
It can deny permissions of apps. I don't know if it works on JB or Kitkat.