[bootanimation] Moto Dispersion (Blue) - Atrix 4G Themes and Apps

As per request, my Dispersion bootanimation from red > blue
2 links for your convinience:
No CWM:Dropbox​
Download zip to sd card. Boot to CWM (More info here. Choose zip from sd card. ???. Profit.
NOCWM: Download zip to sd card. Rename file 'bootanimation.zip'. Using root explorer or something equivalent, copy the file from your sd card to /system/media/ directory. Don't forget to set permissions and make sure you have /system mounted as r/w or this won't work​
I am not responsible for bricking your phone with this. It works perfectly on mine.

Can I install this over the new build? I'm unlocked and rooted. Thanks!

Obartuckc said:
Can I install this over the new build? I'm unlocked and rooted. Thanks!
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/10 Chars


need some help to restore my prime!

i rooted my prime and deleted some system apps.
now i want to update to .21 and is not possible (red triangle every time).
i factory restore my prime and unroot it and have the same result.
any1 knows how can i update my prime without unlock it and flash the stock rom?
thank you very much1
You can do a manual update. Search for this in the forum and you will find the guide.
Sent from my Optimus 2X using XDA
jason1993 said:
You can do a manual update. Search for this in the forum and you will find the guide.
Sent from my Optimus 2X using XDA
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Unzip .21
Unzipped file will be another zip
Put that zip on the root of storage
this is what i found but i would like to know what does it means by root storage and do i put the file in my micro sd card or internal storage?
thank you
K999rrl said:
Unzip .21
Unzipped file will be another zip
Put that zip on the root of storage
this is what i found but i would like to know what does it means by root storage and do i put the file in my micro sd card or internal storage?
thank you
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internal sdcard
K999rrl said:
this is what i found but i would like to know what does it means by root storage and do i put the file in my micro sd card or internal storage?
thank you
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By root storage, it means not in a folder on the sdcard.
If you think of the sdcard as a folder with many sub-folders, then you do not want it in one of the sub-folders, but in the sdcard folder itself.
I hope that makes sense and hasn't confused you further.

Rooting nook tablet 1.4.1

Hello, I hope I am in the right thread.
Ive just purchased a nook tablet and i cannot find any instructions on how to root it...either the instructions are on another firmware, or the links provided will not work.
currently i am trying to use this thread to root:
i have done this process 3 times and still no luck. will anyone please help me root my 16gb nook tablet running firmware 1.4.1?
nook root 1.4.1
i get as far ass rebooting to the "apply update .zip"
everytime i select "apply update" the nook starts the process, but then show a "installation aborted" message.
how do i fix this?
Try downloading the zip again (I actually never seemed to have an update.zip on my card) or download the zip file from here:
And put it on your SD Card then flash it through CWM. That's the method that worked for me.
liquidzoo said:
Try downloading the zip again (I actually never seemed to have an update.zip on my card) or download the zip file from here:
And put it on your SD Card then flash it through CWM. That's the method that worked for me.
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so is that the .zip file that i copy over to the sd card?
dave832 said:
so is that the .zip file that i copy over to the sd card?
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Yes, then just pick "Choose Zip from SD Card" and navigate to that specific zip.
liquidzoo said:
Yes, then just pick "Choose Zip from SD Card" and navigate to that specific zip.
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ok when i do that it says:
"finding update package..."
"opening update package..."
"installing update..."
"installation aborted"
any idea what all this means?
when you say "flash" what do you mean?
i used the disk imager to enable me to get to the screen that has the option to "choose zip from sdcard"
i hope thats what you meant....stil new to this, sorry.
Are you trying flash update.zip or flash zip from sd card? They are different options from within the recovery. You want just the one that says flash zip from sd card. I'll grab my nook and get the exact wording from the cwm sd card I made if you need me to.
Even if you named the zip update.zip, I'd still use the option that let's you pick it yourself.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727
liquidzoo said:
Are you trying flash update.zip or flash zip from sd card? They are different options from within the recovery. You want just the one that says flash zip from sd card. I'll grab my nook and get the exact wording from the cwm sd card I made if you need me to.
Even if you named the zip update.zip, I'd still use the option that let's you pick it yourself.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727
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Yea, i copied that .zip file you gave me over to my sd card.
i then booted into the setup that allows me to "install zip from sdcard"
i select that and when i hit the install from sdcard option it says installation aborted....
Its gotta be something im doing wrong, but what?
dave832 said:
Yea, i copied that .zip file you gave me over to my sd card.
i then booted into the setup that allows me to "install zip from sdcard"
i select that and when i hit the install from sdcard option it says installation aborted....
Its gotta be something im doing wrong, but what?
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Try grabbing the root files I just posted here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=31271965&postcount=240
liquidzoo said:
Try grabbing the root files I just posted here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=31271965&postcount=240
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ok i know im doing something wrong because now the nook will not even boot into the recovery option (where i choose to intall update from dscard)
i think it was because i used a class 2 sdcard rather than my class 4...going to retry. will post results
well that worked like a charm, i cannot thank you enough kind sir...
before we wrap things up here, can you tell me how i can jailbreak this tablet so i can use apps i downloaded from thepiratebay?
once again, thank you so much LiquidZoo.
I don't condone piracy, and it's against the forum TOS, but you can Google it. The answer is there. It's not a jailbreak, just enabling non-play store app sources to side-load.
Glad you got root working, though.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727

Where is the zip to root your Nook Tablet?

Hey all, been reading a bunch on rooting the nook tablet so you would think I would be able to do this no questions asked but unfortunately I can't.
My nook is on that 1.4.3 so I am using this method here:
and there is no zip in that original download and there is no gapp. So I tried to follow the instructions from page 25 here:
and then boot to the CWM. Now I go to try and unzip the zip I downloaded from page 25, and none of those are zips (side note, for whatever reason when I unzipped the files from page 25 into a folder so I could grab them whenever. Windows encrypted them. So when I copied them to the SD card I un-encrypted them)
So my question to everyone is: Where is this actual zip file and gapp at? My end goal is to root my Nook tablet to either ICS or Jellybean 'permanently' so as not to keep an SD card in it.
Thanks in advance for your assistance.
It's probably easier to just skip plain root and flash ICS or Jellybean. Would you rather do that or stay rooted on the stock ROM for a while?
Solar.Plexus said:
It's probably easier to just skip plain root and flash ICS or Jellybean. Would you rather do that or stay rooted on the stock ROM for a while?
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I want to get rid of the Nook interface/OS period
but....I want to make sure I get a pretty stable flash going if that is the case? I can always flash back right?
Thanks for your quick reply Solar Plexus
Yes, you can flash back. Are you familiar with ClockworkMod recovery? The first order of business is to decide whether you want CWM recovery flashed internally or just run it from an SD card. I'm assuming you want everything internal, but just making sure.
Solar.Plexus said:
Yes, you can flash back. Are you familiar with ClockworkMod recovery? The first order of business is to decide whether you want CWM recovery flashed internally or just run it from an SD card. I'm assuming you want everything internal, but just making sure.
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I am pretty sure I have the CMW installed on a SD card right now because I can boot to the area where you choose a zip. You know when you boot and you get the white background and the box center on screen.
Is it best to have it internal?
Yes, the white, then the box, then black screen with a bunch of options in neon blue lettering. It should say CWM recovery at the top somewhere. You have this, correct?
Solar.Plexus said:
Yes, the white, then the box, then black screen with a bunch of options in neon blue lettering. It should say CWM recovery at the top somewhere. You have this, correct?
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Correct, I have this on my SD card currently
You can keep it running from SD card or flash it internally. Either way, you'll always have the option to boot recovery from SD, that is, as long as you're able to boot from an SD card in general.
At any rate, you're ready to flash a new ROM. Download the ROM from the Development subforum that you want to flash and report back. CM7 is currently the most stable.
Solar.Plexus said:
You can keep it running from SD card or flash it internally. Either way, you'll always have the option to boot recovery from SD, that is, as long as you're able to boot from an SD card in general.
At any rate, you're ready to flash a new ROM. Download the ROM from the Development subforum that you want to flash and report back. CM7 is currently the most stable.
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So the method in my first post makes my SD card a partition of 75mb or so. I won't be able to put the ZIP ROMs on to it. Do you have a link to a detailed instruction so I can write boot img on to the SD card without killing all my space? My SD card is 16gb.
Don't put the ROM on that SD card. Put the ROM zip and gApps on the internal storage of your actual NT (that's the /mnt/media partition). Then you can choose the option to "install zip from internal SD" in CWM.
Also, do you have a 16GB NT or 8GB? Which ROM will you be flashing?
Solar.Plexus said:
Don't put the ROM on that SD card. Put the ROM zip and gApps on the internal storage of your actual NT (that's the /mnt/media partition). Then you can choose the option to "install zip from internal SD" in CWM.
Also, do you have a 16GB NT or 8GB? Which ROM will you be flashing?
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I have the 16GB NT.
I think I will go with the CM7 mod, but I am so tempted to do the jelly bean CM10 mod. Have it on my galaxy nexus and love it. Edit: I have the stock 4.1 OTA update on my galaxy nexus not the CM10 mod
You might want to wait a little while. I get lots of black screens of death on my CM10 ROM. CM7 will definitely be an upgrade to what you're used to though, so don't worry about that.
Here's the directions for flashing a new ROM on your NT:
1.) Make a backup of your current ROM (just to be safe!)
2.) Advanced options -> wipe Dalvik cache
3.) Install your ROM.
4.) Wipe data and cache.
5.) Install gApps.
6.) Reboot and enjoy.
Solar.Plexus said:
You might want to wait a little while. I get lots of black screens of death on my CM10 ROM. CM7 will definitely be an upgrade to what you're used to though, so don't worry about that.
Here's the directions for flashing a new ROM on your NT:
1.) Make a backup of your current ROM (just to be safe!)
2.) Advanced options -> wipe Dalvik cache
3.) Install your ROM.
4.) Wipe data and cache.
5.) Install gApps.
6.) Reboot and enjoy.
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Hey thanks for the info, but where exactly do I throw this zip file onto the Nook at? You said to put it on internal storage. Can I put it anywhere?
Put it on the root of the /mnt/media partition. It's the partition that pops up when you plug your NT into a PC. Or navigate to it using the file explorer if you downloaded straight to the NT.
Solar.Plexus said:
Put it on the root of the /mnt/media partition. It's the partition that pops up when you plug your NT into a PC. Or navigate to it using the file explorer if you downloaded straight to the NT.
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Hmm I must have that issue where my computer doesn't recognize the partition. Will have to research into fixing that.
Solar.Plexus said:
Put it on the root of the /mnt/media partition. It's the partition that pops up when you plug your NT into a PC. Or navigate to it using the file explorer if you downloaded straight to the NT.
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Hmm wait, I connected it to PC without SD card in it and my Nook comes up as G drive, while the "partition" shows up as H drive? Windows wants to format it...I can't click into it right now either. Should I have windows format it?
No, Windows is never right. You want to put the ROM on the My NOOK (X: ) drive. Can you do that?
Solar.Plexus said:
No, Windows is never right. You want to put the ROM on the My NOOK (X: ) drive. Can you do that?
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Yes, I can put it on my actual My Nook G: (I assume I have less SSD/HDD than you or named them differently) and the other drive for the nook is considered a 'removable disk'
The My Nook has the files:
B&N Downloads
My FIles
Sound about right?
SemperfiMorder said:
Yes, I can put it on my actual My Nook G: (I assume I have less SSD/HDD than you or named them differently) and the other drive for the nook is considered a 'removable disk'
The My Nook has the files:
B&N Downloads
My FIles
Sound about right?
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Put the ROM in the My Files folder. That should do it.
Solar.Plexus said:
Put the ROM in the My Files folder. That should do it.
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So I did that, boot to CMW.
Now I click through into that zip folder to try and find file to unzip and it says no file found on all the options.

xperia sd card fix remount sd as internal

here i have a fix for xperia phones that are not allowing the users to use there sd card correctly.for this fix you need to have root
before attempting this i advise you do the following as i hold NO responsibilty
1. backup any files that require modification
2. make a full backup.zip and move this from sd to pc
3.backup all of your apps from internal memory so that after the change you can restore all app data to the "new" internal storage
assuming you have root and follow above
use any root explorer to browse to system/etc
find vold.fstab and rename to .bak
download vold.fstab for your device
transfer to phone (internal or sd)
use root explorer to copy file from (where you placed it ) to system/etc
reboot phone
recover all app data
now sd card should be working fully as internal storage
if you require a fix for the phones not here please send me vold.fstab and i will modify the file
Please note these files for the moment are for stock ICS
added xperia j
replaced xperia go file
added xperia sx (untested please give feedback)
I think u must change the permission of the copied file to rw-r-r.... Is it not necessary....???
cant use sd card as MSC connectivity... Works only MTP connectivity...???
It is like swapping internal memory to External memory and vice verse rite...??
Sorry for question , but I don't really understand what it need to fix? Could u explain?
Sent from my ST27i using xda app-developers app
Reck1993 said:
Sorry for question , but I don't really understand what it need to fix? Could u explain?
Sent from my ST27i using xda app-developers app
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when using the sd card on the xpeira go the sd card wont be used for apps as standered all apps and app data are sent to the inernal
memory and not to your sd card this means when you have filled your small internal memory (4gb) no more apps games can be downloaded if you find that this is the case you can use is this to swap your sd card and internal memory around so that if u have a 32gb sd card like i do you can use this to store all the information on your phone (as you hope to be able to do with your sd card )
mirosss said:
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has been confirmed working on the devices that are posted in the OP. all my thanks comes from this mod
its not work because its same original file on GO Stock system
the files on this thread is modified it was worked for other goes do you mind sending me your vold.fstab and i will have a look
no problem what device are you using
working on my xperia sola! nice work mate..!
I agree it works on Xperia Sola. But what happens when I pull out my sd card from phone? One more question - how to return to the state before the change? I suspect that I know how but I prefer to make sure
v4n3llu5 said:
I agree it works on Xperia Sola. But what happens when I pull out my sd card from phone? One more question - how to return to the state before the change? I suspect that I know how but I prefer to make sure
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you have to turn phone off to safely unmount the sd card to restore deleate the file and restore the old backup you made
not working
not working on my xperia go
i followed all the step given
on find vold.fstab and rename to .bak
- firstly i renamed as vold.bak
-then after not working i tried rename as .bak only (thought it would be work)
should i remove sd card files and rename ext_card as sd card
anyone can help me?
not working please help me
rename it vold.fstab.bak and then move the file from the zip file to ur system/etc reboot the phone (all the apps that were installed on the internel memorey wil not work you need to back up the apps first before you swap them over
nosmaster said:
rename it vold.fstab.bak and then move the file from the zip file to ur system/etc reboot the phone (all the apps that were installed on the internel memorey wil not work you need to back up the apps first before you swap them over
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still not working..i had followed with proper step
i tried many times and transfer all my data from sdcard to ext_card
when i reboot, i opened the game and the data games i have to redownload back, whereas the data already on ext_card
after swaping the files and rebooting try going into recovery and wipe cashe and davik then reboot seems like your phone hasnt re read the system folder
nosmaster said:
after swaping the files and rebooting try going into recovery and wipe cashe and davik then reboot seems like your phone hasnt re read the system folder
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davik? dont undertand
spectrun00 said:
davik? dont undertand
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in recovery go advanced wipe davik

Need A Bootable CWM v6 SD Card.....

Guys, my NT is rooted.
Now I need to make a bootable SD card with CWM v6 to flash CM10 ROM.
What's an easy way to do this?
Use CM9-10_CWM_v6.0.1.2_8-16gb_tools_sdcard.zip from here.
digixmax said:
Use CM9-10_CWM_v6.0.1.2_8-16gb_tools_sdcard.zip from here.
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I saw that thread, but a little confused how to follow the directions in there.
Any other simpler way to make a CWM v6 bootable SD card?
smokarz said:
Any other simpler way to make a CWM v6 bootable SD card?
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Its not that difficult. Directions are provided, just follow them
Sent from my NT running Kuzma's CM10.1
smokarz said:
Any other simpler way to make a CWM v6 bootable SD card?
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This is the easiest way I found:
1) Download 3 files listed below here: (http://four-nineteen.com/veronica/XDA Developers/Nook Tablet/RECOVERIES/)
a) MLO_u-boot_flashing-boot.rar,
b) CM9-10_CWM_V6.0.1.2_8-16gb_tools_sdcard.zip,
c) CM9-10_TWRP_v2.2.2.0_8-16gb_tools_sdcard.zip
2) Unzip all the above 3 files
3) Rename the CWM file to recovery.img
4) Rename the TWRP file to altboot.img
5) Copy recovery.img and altboot.img and MLO, flashing_boot.img and u-boot.bin to the root of the external SDCard.
6) Download MiniTool Partition Wizard from here: http://www.partitionwizard.com/free-partition-manager.html
7) Open up MiniTool Partition Wizard and look for your external SDCard
8) Make sure that your boot partition is Primary FAT32 (type 0x0C) with LBA
9) Make this partition Active (MiniTool: Right-click on Partition -> Modify -> Set Active, click Apply )
10) Make sure your Nook Tablet is turned OFF completely. I confirm this by pressing the "n" button and verify screen is blank
11) Insert the SDCard into the Nook Tablet
12) Connect a powered-USB cable (USB cable connected to power adapter) to the Nook Tablet, press the Power button on the Nook tablet, and the Nook Tablet will boot up after a few seconds (assuming that the SD is bootable).
13) Once CyanoBoot comes up, hold the "N" button to get the boot menu from which you can select one of the two recovery programs.
Credit goes to digixmax who helped me out with this procedure!
digixmax said:
Use CM9-10_CWM_v6.0.1.2_8-16gb_tools_sdcard.zip from here.
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Yep smokarz, this is the SD that I used.
If you have cwm5 installed, or have it on an sd card; flash this: CWM_v6.0.1.5_emmc
Then from cyanoboot, hold 'n' and choose 'Internal eMMc Recovery.'
Alternatively, I would assume the twrp sd card would allow you to install cm10.
I have done like this topic. But my nook stuck at the screen with a catton box.
Sent from my HTC One XL using xda premium
KeoQue said:
I have done like this topic. But my nook stuck at the screen with a catton box.
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Try downloading the copy cwm_6012_sd.img from http://goo.im/devs/meghd00t/cwm6, rename it to recovery.img and copy it to your SD card (together with MLO, u-boot.bin, and flashing_boot.img from the pointer above).
digixmax said:
Try downloading the copy cwm_6012_sd.img from http://goo.im/devs/meghd00t/cwm6, rename it to recovery.img and copy it to your SD card (together with MLO, u-boot.bin, and flashing_boot.img from the pointer above).
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i tried but my screen still stuck with the catton box
Same issue
BadKid3011 said:
i tried but my screen still stuck with the catton box
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I have the same issue... I have tried this method, as well as the Goo method to boot CWM 6 (on a Team B CM7 NT -- no cyanoboot).
Neither one works.... they both hang going into recovery.
I hope we don't have to go back to stock Nook to get to CM10 from Team B CM7.
Try steps 1 and 2 (a+b) of the method described at http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=35669871&postcount=1.
digixmax said:
Try downloading the copy cwm_6012_sd.img from http://goo.im/devs/meghd00t/cwm6, rename it to recovery.img and copy it to your SD card (together with MLO, u-boot.bin, and flashing_boot.img from the pointer above).
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Everybody try this but rename the file to boot.img instead of recovery.img. copy all other files as well
Hit Thanks if I helped you!

