[REQ] Vignette - Atrix 4G Themes and Apps

I was using a HTC Desire and Vignette working fine with options to change
bright and contrast...
now got my Atrix and couldn't see any of these options
what happened?
some way to fix it?
please help!, tnx!
PS: im using latest version

works fine for me. maybe uninstall and then head back to the market and install again?

that's weird...
already did, and nothing changes
cannot see others options, so sad....
maybe is a firmware issue
im using stock one...
you're using a custom p-rom
maybe this could be the difference...


Stock Gallery3D!

I noticed that the HTC sense gallery does not have Picassa integration like the stock gallery does. I got the stock Froyo Gallery3D.apk and installed it and it works fine so I decided to attach here for everyone!
Just download put on sd card, click with astro or the like, choose install with package installer, enjoy Picassa goodness.
Gr8gorilla said:
I noticed that the HTC sense gallery does not have Picassa integration like the stock gallery does. I got the stock Froyo Gallery3D.apk and installed it and it works fine so I decided to attach here for everyone!
Just download put on sd card, click with astro or the like, choose install with package installer, enjoy Picassa goodness.
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Sorry if I sound stupid, but is this different than the Gallery 3D available on the Market?
mobilelingual said:
Sorry if I sound stupid, but is this different than the Gallery 3D available on the Market?
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As far as I can tell the version in the market is not the official one. It is the gallery from eclair.
I don't know if it really matters or not. I suppose you could pull the apk from any 2.2 rom and it would work fine.
awesome, i missed that from my old vibrant, thanks
Thanks for this!.... I totally forgot about it since it ran crappy on the G1
Its a vast improvement over the stock MT4G gallery.
You can also get it from the Market. Just type in Gallery 3D.
Thanks though.
Thanks dude works great... Gracias papa trabaja de maravilla
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App
Thanks for the Apk.
mt3g could not run it tht great......
but now the big dady MT4G is here and it looks NIce!!!!!!!
Awesomeness.... Thanks for the upload...
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App
Has anyone tried pushing this to /system & removing the stock one?
Beast84 said:
Has anyone tried pushing this to /system & removing the stock one?
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I did. I can no longer send mms. and I dont have a backup. Can some one post the original?
works great... yeah this feature suxed balls on the 1st gen mytouch 3g... I remember CM including it on one of his update and a few days later he updated his rom again with taking it off cuz it wan't stable... But man does this work great on the MT4G
Beast84 said:
Has anyone tried pushing this to /system & removing the stock one?
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I just set the 3D gallery to default and I used LP to hide the icon for the other gallery. So its still there but you wouldn't know it.
Yes I thought my backup worked and it did not. Please post original. Thank you in advance.
Sent from my HTC Glacier using Tapatalk
timbo1083 said:
Yes I thought my backup worked and it did not. Please post original. Thank you in advance.
Sent from my HTC Glacier using Tapatalk
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Pull down the iced glacier ROM posted in the development section. You can get the stock one out of there.
option94 said:
I did. I can no longer send mms. and I dont have a backup. Can some one post the original?
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If you are interested, to solve this issue, you can simply replace the MMS app you have with the one from AOSP Android 2.2. You can find it in this thread: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=846113
I changed it to the new one, and it integrates flawlessly with the 3D Gallery as well as everything else on the phone. And, I happen to like it better than the MMS app that came with the ROM.
And then you can actually delete the stock gallery app, and there won't be any adverse effects (for me at least, individual results may vary).
gilbar said:
If you are interested, to solve this issue, you can simply replace the MMS app you have with the one from AOSP Android 2.2. You can find it in this thread: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=846113
I changed it to the new one, and it integrates flawlessly with the 3D Gallery as well as everything else on the phone. And, I happen to like it better than the MMS app that came with the ROM.
And then you can actually delete the stock gallery app, and there won't be any adverse effects (for me at least, individual results may vary).
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lol. I posted that link after i figured out it would fix the gallery issue.
option94 said:
lol. I posted that link after i figured out it would fix the gallery issue.
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Good find then, thanks for it. I wasn't sure if you posted it because you can't stand the gallery app (like me) or as a fix for this issue. Either way, now people have a link from this thread to fix the issue in case they run into it.
Just wanted to say thank you for this =)
btw, I installed it (it works nicely on the mytouch4g) but I am not sure I want to delete the original gallery (just in case; also cause I haven't set up a nandroid backup simply cause I'm not sure how to) so I just 'freeze'd it with Titanium Backup Pro...that shouldn't mess up anything right? Just curious. Thanks again!

[Q] Droid X Multitouch Keyboard

I was wondering if anyone knows how to port the new Droid X Multitouch keyboard on to the MyTouch 4g? If you've never used it, it's fantastic. They have it now working on the Evo 4g here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=753343. I've tried to get it to work on the Mytouch 3g with now avail. It will install, but just force closes. I'm picking up the 4g tomorrow and was really hoping to get this keyboard installed on both. Any help is appreciated! Thanks!
jpiano said:
I was wondering if anyone knows how to port the new Droid X Multitouch keyboard on to the MyTouch 4g? If you've never used it, it's fantastic. They have it now working on the Evo 4g here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=753343. I've tried to get it to work on the Mytouch 3g with now avail. It will install, but just force closes. I'm picking up the 4g tomorrow and was really hoping to get this keyboard installed on both. Any help is appreciated! Thanks!
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Ultra Keyboard is the exact same thing and it works perfectly. Multitouch, and WAY customized. Multiple them make it look like any keyboard from Samsung, Stock Android, and HTC. Great app !!!
Thanks, looks like a great keyboard but I really like the simplicity of the Droid X's keyboard. Plus, I see where it says that multitouch is included, but I guess it's in the background like the stock Android keyboard. The Droid X's KB lets you hold the shift button down, while typing other letters like "true" multitouch and dare I say . . . the iphone's kb. Ultra KB looks like it has some great features, so I may use it too, but still want to find a way to port the actual Droid X's keyboard to the MT4G like others have with the EVO, etc. Thanks!
Works the same way. You can just hold the shift and type. Using it with the HTC theme it looks just like it. Either way, I am sure someone can port it over.
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App
You may want to check out http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=753156
It works on the mt4g with CM just fine.
adamjsays said:
You may want to check out http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=753156
It works on the mt4g with CM just fine.
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Just flashed this in and it works perfectly. Great option for thine who want a Multitouch.
Good find.
sicdroid said:
Just flashed this in and it works perfectly. Great option for thine who want a Multitouch.
Good find.
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Hi how did you get it to work? I can't seem to work for me everytime it keeps on crashing.
PS: I'm using Iced Glacier rom
epsix said:
Hi how did you get it to work? I can't seem to work for me everytime it keeps on crashing.
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Just flashed it, then enabled Touch Input under Keyboard settings.
sicdroid said:
Just flashed it, then enabled Touch Input under Keyboard settings.
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I did everything i've been reading that thread for 3 hours try everything but it keeps on crashing
epsix said:
I did everything i've been reading that thread for 3 hours try everything but it keeps on crashing
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Do you have another keyboard installed? Try to wipe cache, and Dalvik then reflash it???
sicdroid said:
Do you have another keyboard installed? Try to wipe cache, and Dalvik then reflash it???
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Yes i've try that too everytime i type a letter it crash.
Sorry, noob question alert: Is there any way to install it without being rooted?
From what I have been doing... trying to get multi touch to work on mtg4 with no luck this sux... Yes you need root to do this.
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App

Camera Hack from I9000 Forum

Hello guys. I'd like to start off by saying that im taking no credit for this just meerly reposting. here is the original thread http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=860609 started in the I9000 Forum.. this app allows you to take a picture while pressing the power button and also pinch to zoom. In addition it allows you to take pictures even if the phone has a low battery %....
Installation per original OP "You can install it via "sgs tools" in the market. Select 'upgrade stock apps', then camera hack."
PS im not responsible for broken phones... tested using Axura 2.0.6 and it works..
As fas as i can tell this will work on Froyo roms NOT Eclair..i have tested on Nero roms aswell as Axura roms and all is good, pinch to zoom works and so does the HD recording... enjoy...
works! axura 2.0.6 thanks for sharing
Working on Axura 2.1
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
Working on deodexed stock JK6. Awesome!!!
Works on v5 jk6 modem
V5 custom vibrant
Working on Onyx 4.2
This is simply amazing. Thanks for the heads up.
creator2456 said:
Working on Onyx 4.2
This is simply amazing. Thanks for the heads up.
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Yup, just finished flashing it over too I've wanted a dedicated hardware button for taking pictures for awhile now. SO SO happy to see this.
Thanks for the find.
You sir are a gentleman and a saint for finding this. Probably the best "practical" mod ive made. HUGE DIFFERENCE. Thanks
Finally. Thanks...
Awesome! Works perfect on sXe.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
Awesome find. Works great on Obsidian v5.
Working great on my phone with the froyocollaboration rom. I can't believe samsung wouldn't do this themselves! I think it could use a couple of minor updates/changes, but from reading that thread it looks like the op is way ahead of me.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
Works fine on bone stock JK6. Has the FFC switch button as well, being based off the i9000 cam app.
Anyone else having issue recording video in 1280 x 720? Just wanted to double check here before I mention something in the original thread in the I9000 forum. I'm running stock JK2 deodexed. I don't know about anyone else but I would like to see this implemented on OUR stock camera.apk. Anyone with more intelligence than me able to possibley do this?
danr238 said:
Anyone else having issue recording video in 1280 x 720? Just wanted to double check here before I mention something in the original thread in the I9000 forum. I'm running stock JK2 deodexed. I don't know about anyone else but I would like to see this implemented on OUR stock camera.apk. Anyone with more intelligence than me able to possibley do this?
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I love the default camera for JK6. I use the HD Czmcorder shortcut a lot for videos and this mod would be great on our Stock 2.2 Camera.apk
danr238 said:
Anyone else having issue recording video in 1280 x 720? Just wanted to double check here before I mention something in the original thread in the I9000 forum. I'm running stock JK2 deodexed. I don't know about anyone else but I would like to see this implemented on OUR stock camera.apk. Anyone with more intelligence than me able to possibley do this?
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What kind of problems are you referring to? My video seems to record just fine.
I feel a bit slow. I can't figure out how to install this. May someone please point me in the right direction? Thanks in advance
Sexy Vibrant featuring Obsidian V5 Beta. FFC installed
Whitehawkx said:
What kind of problems are you referring to? My video seems to record just fine.
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It causes the phone to completely freeze when it starts to record (little circle spinning). I have to do a battery pull. This is only when I change the settings to 1280 x 720 on the camcorder
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
That's strange how some things work for some and not for all with a vibrant cause this is working great for me no issues at all
V5 custom vibrant

how do i turn on camera led in froyo

I cant find the option in my cam setting
2.2 is still in beta.
so maybe it's not completed yet.
I have beta 2 and the latest hotfix, apparently its enabled. I have a feeling im
missing something right in front of me...
You can download a flashlight app for x10, turn it on and open the cam..
Sent from my AOSP on Xperia (US) using XDA App
Thanks for the response. So Froyo's inbuilt camera tool doesnt contain an option to turn on the flash?
kmadden26 said:
Thanks for the response. So Froyo's inbuilt camera tool doesnt contain an option to turn on the flash?
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I hope still not..
I just bought Vignette from marketplace and it does everything so Im cool. Works great with Zdzihu's beta2

Screenshots looks gross!

I got my evo3d rooted i download a few apps to take a screenshot of my phone but the imgs are soo bad! they look blurry and like deform really bad.
Have this happend to anyone else? thanks
Yea I've heard this has been happening..are you using stock rooted ROM?
yes, it is stock! sorry if there wes another thread about this just didnt know how to look it up!
No that's fine..I have read that some of the new roms are incorporating native screen shot support to help with this problem..I'm not.sure but it could be that the app you are using (shootme?) May not support the.e3d yet..since we just got root hopefully this will be resolved shortly
firmbiz94 said:
No that's fine..I have read that some of the new roms are incorporating native screen shot support to help with this problem..I'm not.sure but it could be that the app you are using (shootme?) May not support the.e3d yet..since we just got root hopefully this will be resolved shortly
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It looks like if i shake it harder the worst the picture is!
i was using screenshoot it? now im using drocap2 and it works if i put it as timer instead of shake.
I might install a rom then. I want all stock looking with out the sprint apps, do you know what rom would be better. also i have no idea how to install a new rom lol.
Use a static wallpaper and not a live wallpaper and see if you have better results.
cruise350 said:
Use a static wallpaper and not a live wallpaper and see if you have better results.
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using static wallpaper.
Try shootme I used it on my rooted EVO 4G and it worked great
Sent from my EVO 3D on the now or later network
shoot me doesn't work right...use dropcap2..it's free in the market and it works great. you can even set its capture mode to trigger by notification
only one that works correctly is Drocap2 and Screenshot It. everything else is not supported just yet.
But this will no long be a problem cause roms from now on will most likely have built in screenshot program
Win/Win imo
I use "no root screenshot it" works just fine..screenshots come out beautiful...let me know if you wanna see some samples..
Sent from xda app on EVO 3D!
I use MyPhoneExplorer and it works fine on my Rooted Evo 3D shooter. But when i just tired to add my screen shots was told they are 523 x 830 and the dimensions suppose to be 640x640.

