[New version upcoming] x10 mini manager (Tester needed) - Sony Ericsson XPERIA X10 Mini

Here is a application i am building to manage my x10 mini and install with easy all the findings here in community from our devs (e.g. xrecovery, kernel modules)... At now it's really in early developement and for a while it will be like this cause i am studying for my exams at university... The design will be changed in the first beta release... So will anyone do me the honor and give me a feedback???
After a feedback the app will be removed so to continue developing until the first beta release...
This app is tested on stock 2.1.A.0.6!!! Don't uninstall anything or edit it... Just press the connect button and see if everything show like the two attached pictures!!!
View attachment 612041 View attachment 612042
The reboot to xrecovery button is disabled cause it needs a little more work!!!
Link is down... I am publishing soon from now an updated version with new design and a lot of bug fixes!!!
Also this release contains many new features as you will see!!!
Unfortunately i didn't get a feedback from anybody....

It seems pretty great because on our phones the screen is too small so it's kind of irritating when you re trying to install roms and your eyes are getting tired..

Looks good and interested ..
A Frameworkmanager could be inside..
Sorry for my bad english

Ok guys so i will publish it but i am telling you the first beta will come in about a month(sorry exams you see )... If anyone is interested for testing and reporting please pm me!!!(it would be usefull to know that "connect" button shows up everything correct)

Well seems like it's very similar to ADB mask
Im working now on a easy tool for editing and backup hw_config.sh i think today will make it public

Looks interesting. But I don't need it though. Still, you should release it to help the others.

Do you know Flahtool ? See here for details -> http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=920746
Thanks for your work to, because flahtool didn't have a hw_config.sh editor but he does all the rest !

Plancton.fr said:
Do you know Flahtool ? See here for details -> http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=920746
Thanks for your work to, because flahtool didn't have a hw_config.sh editor but he does all the rest !
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Look mate this will be my program and my code for operating with the mobile(by this i mean only my program code not that it installs..e.g. clockword recovery is an achievement from nobotyatall and i thank him for that)... I needed a beta tester but noone volunteered... So listen to some of my program features......
Install all x10 mini hacks by one click (Autodetects which ones are installed)
hw_config editor & build.prop & gconf & hosts
Reboot to xrecovery for almost any installation (need some more testing)
Push files everywhere
Run a sh script from PC without needing to push to mobile and give the proper command from adb
Manage application
Preview, backup, change your bootanimation
Backup, change Framework
Manage, install, remove installed apps
In later version connect wirelessly to your mobile
CPU info, profiles, and freq setting
more, more, more to come
So this is an app made by a x10 mini owner and at first stage will support only x10 mini as a later device i will add x10 mini pro
So it will be nice to give me some support and somebody pm me for testing and not telling me with what my app looks like... Its yours choice to use it or not....
My regards,


[online] WM 6.1 Lite ROM 1.0b - base ROM - Sumit's ProUser2r1

Hello xda,
This is my first public ROM (ONLY FOR NEW GENE), which I have been using for last few days without any issues. This ROM has been possible for two great persons of the Gene forum Sumit Bharadwaj aka krazy_about_technology and ramersonw. They have practically lead me by hand in cooking the ROM.
Thank you ramersonw for the GREAT Tutorial.[COLOR]
Thank you Sumit, for publishing your ROMs without protection , so that less mortals like us can use your ROMs as base to cook our own ROMs. As a matter of fact this ROM is based on Sumit’s latest Pro User 2 r 1 ROM. So if you like this ROM, the entire credit goes to Sumit. However if there is some problem, then sorry – I must have deleted something I shouldn’t have. Also please keep the Carrier splash screen, its my way to thank these two wonderful persons. I have deleted a lot of applications which I believe most people do not use, the list of packages that are not there:
1. Cyberon Voice Commander.
2. Voice Recorder.
3. Arcsoft MMS (MMS is pretty expensive, so I am not sure how many pple use it)
4. Windows TaskManager (WK Task is there)
5. Opal Phone Canvas.
6. Connection Setup.
7. Adobe Reader
8. Flash Player
Additional Applications in the ROM:
1. TCPM Player 0.72RC1
2. Dr. Gonzo’s Clean Fonts Cab (Modified), Thank a million Dr. G for getting me hooked to xda.
3. PointUI 2.0
This is my first ROM, so it may have some bugs which I have missed out. So please report the same. I will try to sort them out in the next release.
I am not posting screen shots as they are same as Sumit’s Pro User’s ROM.
Thanks again ramersonw and Sumit, you are the people with the greatest heart in this community (atleast to me ).
Vital Statistics:
Free Storage: 57.5 MB approx
Available RAM: >= 22 MB
If you have the guts to flash your device , please give feedback.
Download instructions:
visit http://www.4shared.com/dir/13501030/be68af87/PointUI2.html
and download all the four files. Copy them in a folder and use Winrar to open the first file and extract it.
Great going Shaunak, Kudos to you! I may not download and use it right now, but i am curious about feedback and i'll try to support the rom by answering people's questions here, if thats ok with you BTW, can you send me the clear fonts cab and the carrier splash you are using, i want to see these but i am on mobile internet connection right now so i cannot download big stuff, comfortably. Will be returning to Delhi by 16th morning so would be glad if i get these before that.
krazy_about_technology said:
Great going Shaunak, Kudos to you! I may not download and use it right now, but i am curious about feedback and i'll try to support the rom by answering people's questions here, if thats ok with you BTW, can you send me the clear fonts cab and the carrier splash you are using, i want to see these but i am on mobile internet connection right now so i cannot download big stuff, comfortably. Will be returning to Delhi by 16th morning so would be glad if i get these before that.
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Sure I will love it. Because technologically your are much more capable than me . I am mailing you the files, the carrier splash is the welcomehead png file btw.
Oh, ok. I thought its the first HTC logo that shows the onbl spl etc. Anyways, since i cant download the rom for now, i would appreciate if you can send me the png also. BTW Thanks for the cab.
give it for old gene also
hey dude
great work man but u need to give it for old gene also man
how do i test it or give u a feedback if i cant use it very very
Addicted2xda said:
Sure I will love it. Because technologically your are much more capable than me . I am mailing you the files, the carrier splash is the welcomehead png file btw.
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svrhari said:
hey dude
great work man but u need to give it for old gene also man
how do i test it or give u a feedback if i cant use it very very
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I do not know how to port it to old Gene .
@krazy: can you help me out ?
oh yes i will,but with old gene its complicated as all ofus know.i had to make two different roms previosly to solve the battery drain problem,and i am still not very sure whats the exact cause this. I guess first some new gene users should test it and then we can continue our efforts for old gene.
@Addicted2xda: i m the 1st to download ur rom
nipun_cse said:
@Addicted2xda: i m the 1st to download ur rom
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Thanks buddy, please provide feedback. but don't be too demanding since its my first public ROM .
@krazy & addicted
thanks to both of u ill wait till u make the same for old gene
but hey dont take toooo long thanks guys
krazy_about_technology said:
oh yes i will,but with old gene its complicated as all ofus know.i had to make two different roms previosly to solve the battery drain problem,and i am still not very sure whats the exact cause this. I guess first some new gene users should test it and then we can continue our efforts for old gene.
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@Krazy : Please port the lite rom for OLD GENE. Also PointUI may be stripped from the current ROM ( I don't think it is really needed in stripped down version).
techmate said:
@Krazy : Please port the lite rom for OLD GENE. Also PointUI may be stripped from the current ROM ( I don't think it is really needed in stripped down version).
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I don't think Sumit will himself port it to old Gene, the best he can do is help me porting it.
BTW Lite ROM doesn't mean a Gene just for making calls . Otherwise I wouldn't have included TCPMP either .
To me Lite means stuffs that are not usually required.
me downloading the ROM....
Thanks a ton to all the chefs who r cooking ROM for general people
@addictedtoxda Congratulations for ur first ROM...hope u will make more gud ROM...eager to check it out
@addicted2xda: Yes, please port it with the help of Krazy for OLD Gene. BTW you are absolutely right in stating the stripped down/lite version is just not a dumb mobileOS. I agree you have stripped the softwares/utilities which we do not usually require and retained the important and useful softwares. Just a suggestion PointUI may also be made optional.
Addicted2xda said:
I don't think Sumit will himself port it to old Gene, the best he can do is help me porting it.
BTW Lite ROM doesn't mean a Gene just for making calls . Otherwise I wouldn't have included TCPMP either .
To me Lite means stuffs that are not usually required.
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I would really wish to try this lite version.
@Addicted2xda: I am using this rom last 1 hour.
This rom is faster the sumit's rom (my Personal Opinion)
U can Add Acrobat,
song stop when Suspend ( think U can add reg edit with this rom by default)
why not add ur Black theme?
still I not find any bug....
anyway connection sating is necessary soft for all. Please add it,
I appreciate ur ROM building.
Addicted2xda said:
Thanks buddy, please provide feedback. but don't be too demanding since its my first public ROM .
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Over all the Windows r fine
Memory usage-
( Storage )
( program )
In use:22.09mb
And i love the Cursor
so far no bug found..
Some1 plz help me in foll. things:
1.i hav ringtone in storage card.when i tap on *set as ringtone*this foll. error cm **There was an error coping ringtone to My documents/My Ringtones.the ring tone could not be set.Please verify you hav enough room on ur device and try again.**
i need to paste the ringtone in windows folder then it works fine...
2.Some please tel me how to change Alarm tone.i hav many tones in .mp3 format i want to set them.
Some please help me out.will be thankfull to tat person
Although which apps are useful and which are useless is a subjective thing and depends from person to person, My personal view is that a lite ROM should contain utilities that doesn't cripples the original funtionality of ROM.
The highly unused parts should be removed, the parts that can be updated should either be updated or if they are frequently updated one, should be provided as recommended downloads and those software that can be easily installed on the storage card should be avoided to be included on ROM (but make sure they are not the one which just show that they are installing on mem card but have hardcoded paths.). Today plugins and dialer are the most important candidates to be included in ROM as they have to be installed on phone mem anyway. .NET framework and others should also be included. Flash plugin is controvertial, it works with some apps, but doesn't works with others.
Plus, initflashfiles.txt should also be checked for unnecessary file copy installations like i was having problem with Audio Manager in previous ROMS.
So as far as this ROM is concerned, i think shaunak should not have included TCPMP and PointUI2 is something that is currently under heavy development so it is up to him to include it or not, as including it provides improved speed of point ui, but it hampers updating of it.
krazy_about_technology said:
....... i think shaunak should not have included TCPMP and PointUI2 .......
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Yeah, you are absolutely right. But we are so fond of flashing our devices (well most of us, as you can see from frequently changing signatures ), I think by the time TCPMP will be updated, all us would have already migrated to a new ROM .
@amolji & nipu_cse thanks for you encouraging words. Actually my ROM may appear faster than Sumit's is because a lot of stuff has been removed from his ROM. But then its a personal opinion. Like I have seen some pple who believe WM 6.5 with honeycomb menu has a faster response than Pro User 2 r1 . I couldn't handle its slowness for 1 hour even and immediately reflashed. Eye candy is good, but not that good . I will definitely keep your suggestions in mind. BTW I tried to integrate the black theme (its not mine, its of P1Tater - one of the Mods, so I wouldn't even dream to call it mine), but did not work .
@krazy: I hope you don't have any issues with the welcomehead file, its just my way of showing gratitude to you two guys
No man, i was a bit overwhelmed in the way you have written my name everywhere, highlighted Thanks. The file is ok and your doing a great job. Very nice

[MOD] [Language] Arabic/Farsi on nexus one.2 March 2010

cyanogen beta 5 arabic 14/02/2010
1- Download and then apply Cyanogenmod rom stable version
2- apply google add ons apply it.
3- Download the http://code.google.com/p/arabicandroid/downloads/list zip file for arabic libraries and then apply it.
4- you are done
Thanks to Cyanogen for his great effort.
Fully Arabized rom.
BIG thanks to -Ayman (Arabic Android Project Leader - arabicandroid). for the great effort. we were waiting for this since the launch of the android OS so BIG BIG thanks.
just flash the rom into your device and you will be able to read arabic everywhere.
Follow Ayman on Twitter
Follow Me Twitter
2nd March
if you notice when you restart your device disconnected arabic words,
go to the project page and download the latest version of arabization.
apply it and everything will go back to normal
can you post the arabic fonts you used.
give me a second
where do i need to type these commands? please help. thankyou
fataldeath44 said:
where do i need to type these commands? please help. thankyou
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download the android sdk (google it), extract it, then open run window (windows + r), and type in cmd, press enter. In the command prompt, type in "cd [directory to /android-sdk-windows/tools]"
cd C:/android-sdk-windows/tools
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and press enter. then type the commands in.
You are awesome, thank you so so so so much. The phone was almost useless to be until this post, did it and it worked great.
i think arabic will be supported when google sells it in the midlle east
also multitouch outside US
Why did you use the donut (1.6) version? There seems to be an Eclair version on the same website you posted
Glad it worked on N1. I'll further work on developing a complete Arabic support for Android Phone.
Note: I hope you explicitly mention the source where you've taken the file.
-Ayman (Arabic Android Project Leader - arabicandroid).
thanks alot melterx12, will try it.
slimfady said:
Why did you use the donut (1.6) version? There seems to be an Eclair version on the same website you posted
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yes i mentioned 2.0 in my post
thanks to the both of you
at314 said:
yes i mentioned 2.0 in my post
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Opps, my bad
mmmm , I am wondering if this could be used to add Farsi capabilities to N1 as well , any ideas ?
I'm totally new with the android system, i was working with WM for a long time since i-mate jam
anyway, can you tell me what to do to make nexus read and write arabic ?
step by step and also how to root the devise and thus stuff that needed
I might by the HD2 but nexus one seems much more fun and good than the HD2
and if you can speak in Arabic that will be helpful for me to understand better
king_dani said:
mmmm , I am wondering if this could be used to add Farsi capabilities to N1 as well , any ideas ?
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i went to farsi websites, it shows all farsi lettes, it works perfectly you can add farsi keyboard from the market as well
Dr.Dev said:
Glad it worked on N1. I'll further work on developing a complete Arabic support for Android Phone.
Note: I hope you explicitly mention the source where you've taken the file.
-Ayman (Arabic Android Project Leader - arabicandroid).
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The post is already referring to the project site, im just helping people how to do it.
@at314, thank you for this post.
I have included in my existing image file (update.zip) the libwebcore.so
You can download it from here: http://dumpytips.blogspot.com
@Dr.Dev Thanks for the great work.
at314 said:
i went to farsi websites, it shows all farsi lettes, it works perfectly you can add farsi keyboard from the market as well
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great news mate , really happy , now if you could see farsi fonts in RSS and Google Reader.
i am so getting impatient with the idea of waiting for my phone to arrive.
c'mon DHL...
How should the phone be connected to the pc, usb mode or just connect it without usb mode and does it work on windows 7. please reply. thankyou

[Q] MiniCM7-2.1.8 on X10 mini pro: Howto install QWERTZ keyboard layout?

I have MiniCM7-2.1.8 on my X10 mini pro, and now I am stuck finding the correct way to enable the QWERTZ keyboard layout for the Standard and Android input method including the special German characters.
slade87's thread gives some (although quite confusing) info, but the files for download are not working any more, because they are based on the old update-script-style not supported by CWM any more.
It should not be that hard to perform such an important localization, most solutions only manipulate the keyprint.xml, but that's not enough.
So can someone please explain how to get fully localized QWERTZ keyboards for the German language up and running?
Master One said:
I have MiniCM7-2.1.8 on my X10 mini pro, and now I am stuck finding the correct way to enable the QWERTZ keyboard layout for the Standard and Android input method including the special German characters.
slade87's thread gives some (although quite confusing) info, but the files for download are not working any more, because they are based on the old update-script-style not supported by CWM any more.
It should not be that hard to perform such an important localization, most solutions only manipulate the keyprint.xml, but that's not enough.
So can someone please explain how to get fully localized QWERTZ keyboards for the German language up and running?
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Use the application mini rom manager ... Search in xda..
Sent from my U20i using xda premium
Ok, switched to QWERTZ using ROM Manager, but as I already knew, this only switched it for the Standard Input, but not the Android Input.
I have seen in slade87's thread, what has to be done, to switch the Android Input, but I don't know how, since the downloads in slade87's thread do not work any more with recent CWM, and I really do not want to fiddle around in the ROM manually.
Any suggestions, or do just have to forget about the Android Input?
I´m going to "fix" my dad´s phone tomorrow so stand by until then..
Thanks, that's good news! I am very interested in how this problem can be solved.
rooterdam said:
I´m going to "fix" my dad´s phone tomorrow so stand by until then..
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rotterdam, you didn't replay any more, did you solve that issue?
Master One said:
rotterdam, you didn't replay any more, did you solve that issue?
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Sorry for the NON reply..
I´ll try and get you a ZIP tomorrow sometime after work and some sleep.
remind me if you can please.
hi i have the same problem.
any news?
i found a fix!
use attached files and override old files using root explorer.
IMPORTANT: don´t forget to set correct permission for the files or your buttons will not work anymore.

CUBOT X17 MediaTek 6735A chip-set how to root ?

I bought CUBOT X17
it has MediaTek 6735A chip-set and the Boot-loader is open.
Can someone help me to get custom Recovery and root on it ?
Thanks a lot.
about rooting your phone..
you gotta wait for somebody who would created a custom recovery and then you would be able to root it easily flashing it with the lastest SuperSU ZIp file..
Good luck!
Root cubot X17 working !!
the solution of antigag working with my cuboot X17 ...whouaaaaouuuuuuu...
you can take all files on his post !!
is there any other way to do?
It is really untrustful to download files from a russian portal like mail.ru which is mentioned in the link..
Any easier way to do it?
bluhoob said:
is there any other way to do?
It is really untrustful to download files from a russian portal like mail.ru which is mentioned in the link..
Any easier way to do it?
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Use it,it trusted files from russian analogical community 4pda.ru ,it is like xda- developers.But Russian's .
Thanks for your feedback, i really appreciate. I guess if you can rate me with likes or in needrom with 5 stars.
Link for Twrp :
s5 or s6 launcher
Is there anyone who can change the launcher. I make anything to change with root explorer change permissions then the launcher shows but not opening the homescreen freezes. Pls can someone help
What's the benefit of rooting this, given there are no custom ROMs for this?
You can, for example, do full backups with Titanium Backup.
Does the root also work with Firmware v06 ?
how to revert back to previous firmware? V06 gives me a lot of headaches. apps notifications screwed up
Settings -> Battery
Here's a new Battery Manager since V06.
You can control specific energy settings for each programm.
exampleentry said:
Settings -> Battery
Here's a new Battery Manager since V06.
You can control specific energy settings for each programm.
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you dont hv problem with alarm doesnt hv sound if the volume is on vibrate only? and heaps more problem like LINE app notification doesnt pop up anymore, yahoo mail erratically doesnt pop up new mail, call recorder doesnt record anymore etc etc?

Problem with WA Tweaker (OP6)

Hi , I'm new on this forum and I'm not even an english speaker (french ) so I hope i'm on the right section, but i have some issues with my One Plus 6 and the app WA Tweaker, at first all was working like a charm with Magisk and WA Tweaker installed (any tweak or nearly any tweak was working), then I had to do some system updates for the OP6, I did it but after that and resinstalling Magisk (with the right version in regards to the new system version) some tweaks weren't working anymore (like the anti-revoke) and now the sending 100% photo quality tweak won't work anymore as well,
So i'd like to have some help from you, what should I do, I already tried to uninstall and reinstall the app but it still doesnt work, I really would need good advices from you, Hope you guys will be able to help me, or if someone has already created the same thread just give to me the link then, thx a bunch

