Problem with WA Tweaker (OP6) - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hi , I'm new on this forum and I'm not even an english speaker (french ) so I hope i'm on the right section, but i have some issues with my One Plus 6 and the app WA Tweaker, at first all was working like a charm with Magisk and WA Tweaker installed (any tweak or nearly any tweak was working), then I had to do some system updates for the OP6, I did it but after that and resinstalling Magisk (with the right version in regards to the new system version) some tweaks weren't working anymore (like the anti-revoke) and now the sending 100% photo quality tweak won't work anymore as well,
So i'd like to have some help from you, what should I do, I already tried to uninstall and reinstall the app but it still doesnt work, I really would need good advices from you, Hope you guys will be able to help me, or if someone has already created the same thread just give to me the link then, thx a bunch



Bluetooth transfer apps

my good friend Jagan_3400 had given me the below apps to try for bluetooth transfer problem on our tattoo pls see link below hope it helps
havent tried it yet just downloading the aps
Link :
Doesn't work unfortunately...
It says the problem is the stock HTC OS which is installed (
But thanks for the link - will keep an eye on it if maybe an update comes up bypassing the tattoo problem...
TheSSJ said:
Doesn't work unfortunately...
It says the problem is the stock HTC OS which is installed (
But thanks for the link - will keep an eye on it if maybe an update comes up bypassing the tattoo problem...
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ya buddy ur right but the site claims so but it did not work it said u need 2.1 and to as htc for the update sorry guys
IT Worked For Me Not Fully STill Testing But Its Works Few Step For Me
turn on bluetooth and make it discoverable Ignore the msg startup msg. then try send files may it work.. still not tested i am busy if any try this may it work becoz in that site they said it will support 1.6 and 1.5 also so guys plz try..
Mod. edit: not dev related, moved to apps
well, as soon as HTC support told me they aren't going to release official 2.1 ROM, BT problem still remains unsolved. Hope they'll change their mind, otherwise I'll have to use some custom ROM (when they will support camera)
Everything is OK until app try to connect to other device. Then I got massage :
" Can't start "File Transfer Profile" (OBEX FTP) service search.
Return value is "false". "
Some (if not all) custom 1.6 ROMs work with BT file transfer AND camera. For example chtlhu's ROM.

[Q] Help with apps in [Cyanogen6.1.3]gingerbread[v01] ROM

hey guys since im a newbie, i cant post to the dev threads and ask questions. so i hope you guys can help me out over here.
i just installed by first custom rom, the cyanogen6.1.3 as modded by rendeiro2005; amazing rom, works brilliantly.
my only problem was that facebook, (the all black fb didnt appeal to me) doesnt update and neither does launcher pro.
i have then tried to backup them up through titanium and uninstall them, hoping that market would now dl them and install succesfully. even that didnt work. i then looked through my own back ups of apps, n ran the apks for both of them on the phone, none installed.
so now m left with no fb and no launcher pro
any help would be v much appreciated.

[New version upcoming] x10 mini manager (Tester needed)

Here is a application i am building to manage my x10 mini and install with easy all the findings here in community from our devs (e.g. xrecovery, kernel modules)... At now it's really in early developement and for a while it will be like this cause i am studying for my exams at university... The design will be changed in the first beta release... So will anyone do me the honor and give me a feedback???
After a feedback the app will be removed so to continue developing until the first beta release...
This app is tested on stock 2.1.A.0.6!!! Don't uninstall anything or edit it... Just press the connect button and see if everything show like the two attached pictures!!!
View attachment 612041 View attachment 612042
The reboot to xrecovery button is disabled cause it needs a little more work!!!
Link is down... I am publishing soon from now an updated version with new design and a lot of bug fixes!!!
Also this release contains many new features as you will see!!!
Unfortunately i didn't get a feedback from anybody....
It seems pretty great because on our phones the screen is too small so it's kind of irritating when you re trying to install roms and your eyes are getting tired..
Looks good and interested ..
A Frameworkmanager could be inside..
Sorry for my bad english
Ok guys so i will publish it but i am telling you the first beta will come in about a month(sorry exams you see )... If anyone is interested for testing and reporting please pm me!!!(it would be usefull to know that "connect" button shows up everything correct)
Well seems like it's very similar to ADB mask
Im working now on a easy tool for editing and backup i think today will make it public
Looks interesting. But I don't need it though. Still, you should release it to help the others.
Do you know Flahtool ? See here for details ->
Thanks for your work to, because flahtool didn't have a editor but he does all the rest ! said:
Do you know Flahtool ? See here for details ->
Thanks for your work to, because flahtool didn't have a editor but he does all the rest !
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Look mate this will be my program and my code for operating with the mobile(by this i mean only my program code not that it installs..e.g. clockword recovery is an achievement from nobotyatall and i thank him for that)... I needed a beta tester but noone volunteered... So listen to some of my program features......
Install all x10 mini hacks by one click (Autodetects which ones are installed)
hw_config editor & build.prop & gconf & hosts
Reboot to xrecovery for almost any installation (need some more testing)
Push files everywhere
Run a sh script from PC without needing to push to mobile and give the proper command from adb
Manage application
Preview, backup, change your bootanimation
Backup, change Framework
Manage, install, remove installed apps
In later version connect wirelessly to your mobile
CPU info, profiles, and freq setting
more, more, more to come
So this is an app made by a x10 mini owner and at first stage will support only x10 mini as a later device i will add x10 mini pro
So it will be nice to give me some support and somebody pm me for testing and not telling me with what my app looks like... Its yours choice to use it or not....
My regards,

[Q] Lumia 800/710 revert to stock ROM

Hi Guys
I (like an idiot) tried to update my Lumia 800 and 710 manually to 8170. The update went smoothly on both devices however many things dont work.. most importantly the "call" function. If i touch phone it crashes and get back to the screen it was on (home usually)
is there a way i could revert these phones to the stock rom?
Please help - i have a phone without a real dialer!
Thanks a lot
P.S. both these phones are unlocked (no contract)
Did you install the language pack with the 8170 update? That's the usual cause of that problem.
this is the name of the cab file i flashed
If you just used that, then no, you did not install the language pack. Do that and it'll work again
sorry a little new at WP& flashing so might ask noob questions.. but i used this file and flashed both my lumias - now the call function does not work - how do u suggest i revert / make this work? i re-flashed it again - but after the entire process my phone say "update unsuccessful"
To make it work again you need to install the language pack.
Pretty sure there is a stock .cab gloating about, either in the huge .cab thread or in the dev forum.
ah couldnt really find the stock rom, let me try installing a language pack.. be back with the result soon thanks bud!
Language pack downloads are here:
perfect Rusty - all seems to work fine now thanks buddy!
tjramage - thanks for the link
Rusty - phone works perfect now (hopefully wont act up again) thanks a lot buddy.
tjramage - thanks for the links
a mod can probably close this discussion now
P.S. - this is why i love xda

[Q] Help HD7 PRO android 2.3.4 dualsim MTK6573

Hello good evening from Spain
Excuse my English, but use google translator. I hope to post on the proper subforum if it is not so forgiveness can movermelo where appropriate.
I have a HD7Pro with mtk6573 Dualsim, and supposedly has flash support, but the new flash11 from the market tells me that is not compatible with the device. I tried some version of 10.2.XX.XX and 10.3. But when I try to open a video you need Flash tells me to install
Apk Youtube if I works perfectly
Gingerbread comes by default with 2.3.4, no more data to provide, but will monitor your questions to try to fix it as soon as possible.
Also I have a problem that had not had with any android, and that is when I am connected to receive data and a data call is blocked. Maybe this is normal when dual sim, but I would like to confirm, as I have wanted to try to create my own rom
Another problem I have is also the camera, when I make a picture, get the flas and then capture it, so the photo is no light.
I hope they can help me because I know that this is the best, if not the best forum, android support. I very much hope you
Another question also is if they know if there is any support rom Spanish to Chinese and other apps setae unimportant things
A greeting and thank you very much
P.D.: The battery indicator is completely at your roll ...
Base band MAUI.11AMD.W11.19.SP,2011/06/23 00:50
Compilation Number 10HX2P.H7300.111202.AD2_3_4_v1.WVGAC_EN.COM_V01_3G
Developpers help me please
From...HD7 pro Android dual sim|tapatalk

