[Q] CyanogenMod + Flash "Lite" - HTC Aria Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Any chance or hope we can get a CyanogenMod for the aria that comes with flash "lite" or could we install it ourselves on "CyanogenMod 7 for Aria"?.
I am trying to squeeze the most performance from my aria, and would like to give CyanogenMod a try over my current rom "Liberated 2.2.2 oc 806mhz". But i do not want to loose the ability to watch youtube or surf the web with 'flash'. My games are a little choppy but certanly much better over "stock at&t rom at 600mhz" so i would like to give "CyanogenMod gingerbread 2.3 oc 806mhz" a try.
As of now i OC my aria to 864mhz during play time, and underclock for normal use..But of course i am weary of freeze up. So far no problems and games run pretty good. (Backbreaker, Driftmania, and Motorbike Gp are my benchmark games). I also have hardware acceleration enabled through blade buddy(good or bad?)

L4mishotiz said:
Any chance or hope we can get a CyanogenMod for the aria that comes with flash "lite" or could we install it ourselves on "CyanogenMod 7 for Aria"?.
I am trying to squeeze the most performance from my aria, and would like to give CyanogenMod a try over my current rom "Liberated 2.2.2 oc 806mhz". But i do not want to loose the ability to watch youtube or surf the web with 'flash'. My games are a little choppy but certanly much better over "stock at&t rom at 600mhz" so i would like to give "CyanogenMod gingerbread 2.3 oc 806mhz" a try.
As of now i OC my aria to 864mhz during play time, and underclock for normal use..But of course i am weary of freeze up. So far no problems and games run pretty good. (Backbreaker, Driftmania, and Motorbike Gp are my benchmark games). I also have hardware acceleration enabled through blade buddy(good or bad?)
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'Flash Lite' is a HTC proprietary application that runs on HTC Sense, so there is no chance that it will be ported to CM7.

You can still watch most YouTube videos, either through the YouTube app or through the mobile website, because it actually doesn't use Flash to deliver that content. And as far as I know, Flash Lite doesn't even work with the full YouTube site anyway, unless I'm mistaken. (Been forever since I used Flash Lite.)

drumist said:
You can still watch most YouTube videos, either through the YouTube app or through the mobile website, because it actually doesn't use Flash to deliver that content. And as far as I know, Flash Lite doesn't even work with the full YouTube site anyway, unless I'm mistaken. (Been forever since I used Flash Lite.)
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So iam guessing an android friendly html. In that case what rom would squeeze the best gaming performance. my current set up or another. and does enabling hardware acceleration make a differance

L4mishotiz said:
So iam guessing an android friendly html. In that case what rom would squeeze the best gaming performance. my current set up or another. and does enabling hardware acceleration make a differance
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The aria may not be tgr ideal gaming platform but so far everygame I've tried playing has worked for me. I'm currently running cm7. I keep my phone at 320min/768 max ondemand for the most part. I use tasker to automatically run some games at higher clock speeds and with the performance governor when I open them (major battery drain if the phones not plugged in to charge though). Vm heap size can also be raised for intensive games. I also keep surface dithering off which helps. Of course flash based games are a no-go on cm7. Not sure if the flash lite liberated roms will allow you to play flash games either though.
Sent from my cm7 Aria.

"Vm heap size can also be raised for intensive games."
what would be a good value?

L4mishotiz said:
"Vm heap size can also be raised for intensive games."
what would be a good value?
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I've found 32 to be sufficient for the most part. 48 is even better but it tends to make the phone a little less responsive overall. Its unfortunate that it can't be adjusted without a reboot so you could just crank it up for gaming and bring it back down for regular use.
Sent from my cm7 Aria.

I have it now at 32. Need for speed shift runs well i am very happy about that!
I was trying to find a way to lower the resolution on some "HD" games but have not found anything. as you all know those games need more screen that the aria can offer.

L4mishotiz said:
I have it now at 32. Need for speed shift runs well i am very happy about that!
I was trying to find a way to lower the resolution on some "HD" games but have not found anything. as you all know those games need more screen that the aria can offer.
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There's an app available that raises the pixel density of the screen. That might be just the ticket for such games. Its called something along the lines of 'Pixel Density Changer'. I don't recall if I saw it n the market or here on xda. I'm sure a quick search will turn it up.
Sent from my cm7 Aria.

Ok Thank you @CallMeAria.. Just to make sure with cm7 are you able to watch youtube videos, or web content using xscope(streaming videos)

L4mishotiz said:
Ok Thank you @CallMeAria.. Just to make sure with cm7 are you able to watch youtube videos, or web content using xscope(streaming videos)
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Youtube yes, but only the mobile version of the site. Of course there's also the youtube app and youtube downloaders. There is also a megavideo app that allows you to watch video from that site.
Sent from my cm7 Aria.


new archos 101 owner, some questions for you guys

Hi guys,
I've just purchased a archos 101 and am "reasonably" happy with it... I wanted something to browse the web in a comfortable way without having to boot my PC.
Now I know I shouldn't expect wonders for the price I payed but I would like to get your input on following points:
- browsing is kinda choppy when scrolling. Not really a big deal but off course a smoother experience would be nice so if there are solutions here I would like to hear them I don't know if another browser might make a difference?
- video playback: this is a complaint from the misses , she was going to make a chocolate cake and wanted to view the "howto" movie online. It started up but was really choppy (this is the link to the movie: http://www.vt4.be/videos/chocoladetaart). I don't know if you guys can play this video smoothly with whatever setup you have?
I don't know the resolution of the video (I know the 101 can handle 720p) but if the resolution is higher is there a way to play it in lower resolution somehow without a lot of pre-video-watching-actions?
PS The video played back nicely on my HTC Desire with Redux 1.2 ROM (gingerbread)
What's the advice for this tablet in general to get the full potential out of it? Is installing urukdroid a must or are there other options?
PS I've set power management already to "overdrive"
Archos still doesn't have a GPU-accelerated version of Flash, so Flash playback in the Browser is a bit rough. I usually find that it's acceptable once you put it into fullscreen mode. Also, that video was fairly high res for Flash, usually I'm watching stuff through youtube at 360p, so you may want to test with some lower quality videos, and don't forget to go into fullscreen mode.
IIRC, there is no way to make the system capable of playing videos over 1280x720. I use Handbrake on my PC to downsample any of my 1080p stuff, but obviously it takes time to reencode. You could use something like TVersity to recode on-the-fly, but I always found it to be a PITA.
Installing Uruk isn't a must by any means, but I like to theme my device and do alot of other stuff that requires R/W access to the system. Performance is better in some ways as well, such as having ext4 partitions instead of the stock squashfs, but it's not a huge difference. Uruk also has advantages such as Ad-Hoc wifi connnections, better phone tethering compatibility, support for DVB, etc.
Overall though, if you just use it to browse the web, I don't think you'll see much difference with Urukdroid. Doesn't mean I don't recommend it though.
msticninja said:
IIRC, there is no way to make the system capable of playing videos over 1280x720.
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I know what you mean, but you can play 1080p on your Archos, but extreeeeemly slowly, around 0.3-0.5 frames pro second
@msticninja : did the video play ok on your device or was it jerky?
I've been experimenting a bit with browsers and so far opera mobile (not mini) seems to be the smoothest... if you activate "opera turbo" it's even faster but pictures are lower quality
I've tried stock browser, opera mini, opera mobile, dolphin HD and Skyfire
It was pretty jerky. When she was just standing talking it wasn't bad, but once 50% or more of the pixels were changing on each frame, it skipped badly until the movement settled down. It's just too high res for the flash optimization. You can either try to watch lower res vids, which I know is hard in this situation, or you can try to use a Download Helper to download the flash video, then play it in the stock Video Player. Should be no skipping there with the hardware acceleration.
Eventually, someone will either hack together or legitimately release a hardware-accelerated version of Flash for our Gen8 devices, and that should make it drastically better. At least I hope someone will.
msticninja said:
Eventually, someone will either hack together or legitimately release a hardware-accelerated version of Flash for our Gen8 devices, and that should make it drastically better. At least I hope someone will.
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I watched that video on my desktop computer and my quad core processor went to 25% on all 4 cores and had burst download speeds of 1Mbyte/s so watching this on a single core non optimized flash will be a disaster.
wdl1908 said:
I watched that video on my desktop computer and my quad core processor went to 25% on all 4 cores and had burst download speeds of 1Mbyte/s so watching this on a single core non optimized flash will be a disaster.
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what I don't understand then is that this video played perfectly on my desire... I know the desire is a great device but what's the difference compared to the archos?
berre said:
what I don't understand then is that this video played perfectly on my desire... I know the desire is a great device but what's the difference compared to the archos?
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Hardware acceleration enabled flash maybe.
wdl1908 said:
Hardware acceleration enabled flash maybe.
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Yes, the GPU acceleration makes a huge difference, more than I thought it should, until I realized that GPUs process data differently, with multiple cores/threads, and the fact that they're designed solely to pump out pixels, not numbers. (Yes, I know that's kind of an idiosyncrasy)
If we get GPU acceleration, it would probably be capable of playing flash games even.
update: just installed Flash Player instead of 10.3 and there is big improvement in the video! it's still a bit choppy but much much more "viewable"

Froyo or Honeycomb?

FWIW, I have tried GtabCom, Flashback, and Clemsyn/Calkulin6 recently, and I think I am going to stick with Clem/Calk6 (froyo). Here's what I found, and the order of the comparison topics reflects my priorities:
Boot time: quicker on clem/calk6 - takes about 24s from power button press to lock screen
Responsiveness: snappier on clem/calk6.
Stability (FCs, freeze-ups): better on clem/calk6
Video playback: Tied. Even though froyo has HW acceleration, video playback seems to be about the same for the quality of videos that I watch
Netflix: Tied. Available and working on both
upnp: Tied. Access to content over upnp works on both
Web browsing: Tied. HC has a better shortcut widget but Clem/Calk has a snappier browsing experience.
Apps/games: Tied. Everything I play seems to work on both platforms
Flash web games: Tied. Sites like Kongregate seem to work on both.
Flash video: Tied.
Sexiness: HC. HC is WAY sexier than froyo
Widgets: HC. Related to sexiness. Widgets are way better on HC.
Gmail widget: HC. Have not found a decent gmail widget on Clem/Calk
Location: HC. IP-based location not working on Clem/Calk6
Camera: Froyo. Works on froyo but I don't use it
Overall, I would say that in comparing functionality, froyo and HC are tied. HC is definitely better looking, but for me beauty is only skin deep , and speed and reliability are keeping me on Froyo.
Could you run this hw acceleration stress test on calkulin + clemsyn combo and let us know what fps the tablet could get :
Thanks for posting.
How about battery life? Supposedly Gingerbread fixed a lot of the battery life problems and HC implemented that. Did you do anything with battery life comparision?
mydave1 said:
Could you run this hw acceleration stress test on calkulin + clemsyn combo and let us know what fps the tablet could get :
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I'm also on Calkulin+ClemsynCombo v6 (an prefer it)...I get 10 FPS...my Windows PC @ work gets 12FPS.
jhermit said:
Thanks for posting.
How about battery life? Supposedly Gingerbread fixed a lot of the battery life problems and HC implemented that. Did you do anything with battery life comparision?
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Good point - I forgot about this in my original post. I think that battery life is much better in Clem/Calk6, and this is also important to me however I don't have any hard measurements to back this up. There are some threads that talk about included apps that reduce battery life in HC.
mydave1 said:
Could you run this hw acceleration stress test on calkulin + clemsyn combo and let us know what fps the tablet could get :
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aabbondanza said:
I'm also on Calkulin+ClemsynCombo v6 (an prefer it)...I get 10 FPS...my Windows PC @ work gets 12FPS.
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Al, thanks for posting the result. I assume that you are using the stock browser ?
People who used HC alpha reported their test results to be between 4 - 12 fps. So it seemed that the full hw acceleration of froyo is not being utilized in browing ?
Could you repeat the test with different browsers, i.e. firefox, Dolphin HD v4.5 and opera mobile ?
Your 12 fps score on the PC is low. A $30 cheap 5450 radeon video card with 1 MB memory could improve the score to 60 + fps and you will notice a significant improvement.
mydave1 said:
Al, thanks for posting the result. I assume that you are using the stock browser ?
People who used HC alpha reported their test results to be between 4 - 12 fps. So it seemed that the full hw acceleration of froyo is not being utilized in browing ?
Could you repeat the test with different browsers, i.e. firefox, Dolphin HD v4.5 and opera mobile ?
Your 12 fps score on the PC is low. A $30 cheap 5450 radeon video card with 1 MB memory could improve the score to 60 + fps and you will notice a significant improvement.
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Here's the results for Dolphin HD - 12 FPS & Firefox 6 FPS.
Couldn't locate a copy of Opera Mobile...market and amazon show my gtab as incompatible.
Yeah, business PC @ work not much for graphics- shared memory s.cks...your tax dollars @ work (it's a government PC).
Flash web games on Facebook (zynga, CivWorld, etc) are awful on both.
reignking said:
Flash web games on Facebook (zynga, CivWorld, etc) are awful on both.
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Bejeweled Blitz works fine for me through facebook, played on both Calk/Clem and BC/Clem both OCed 1400
Problem for me is the 'sexiness' of HC makes it very hard for me to go back to my old rom (Beasty/Clem) despite the fact it is noticeably faster then Gtab. Plus you lose out on some great tablet apps like News360.
What other tablet apps do you like since I do like News360 and a number of apps I find are definitely designed for phones instead of tablets.
reeser said:
Problem for me is the 'sexiness' of HC makes it very hard for me to go back to my old rom (Beasty/Clem) despite the fact it is noticeably faster then Gtab. Plus you lose out on some great tablet apps like News360.
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You gain very little but lose a lot with HC. Mainly NO HW Acceleration. If I have good hardware then I want to be able to get the full benefits it has. HC is definitely the latest but gor GTabs, not the greatest IMO.
poymeister said:
FWIW, I have tried GtabCom
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That's what I use. I prefer an OS designed for a Tablet, when using a Tablet.
schettj said:
That's what I use. I prefer an OS designed for a Tablet, when using a Tablet.
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Yeah but it's like using a pc with an awesome video card only that he awesome video card is disabled in favor of lame intel graphics.
Just to get a consesus going. I've went back and forth between GTC and Clem/Calk5, I keep going back to Froyo. It may not have all the bells and whistles but it's just not worth it for what I lose in HC.
I'll stay on Froyo until I encounter a must have app that will only run on HC.
Here is the one thing that is detering me from going back to Froyo (and its so minor..)
If Honeycomb would play hulu I would stay there, but I only get sound or video but not both in any of the solutions I have tried....anyone have a working hulu fix for Honeycomb?
I also agree, I also switch back to Gingerbread or Honeycomb due to the buttons on the bottom, if someone could create a utility for this I would probably stay with Froyo. As it is I switch between Beasty's, CM7Tab and Flashback and GtabComb on nearly a daily basis...So conflicted!
Yeah but it's like using a pc with an awesome video card only that he awesome video card is disabled in favor of lame intel graphics.
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I hear this often, but in my actual use I don't see any issues with overclocked performance in graphics. I must not be playing enough games - I use it for email, reading, browsing, etc. Maybe watch a video now and then (on the far less than 720p screen, watching "HD" video makes no sense)
So, yeah. Whatever floats your boat.
I've been wondering about the hardware acceleration issue as well. It came up in the Illuminate thread, since he's claimed that HA is working on his rom. Folks there have tested some graphics intense games and they worked fine on their system. They can play video with software decoding, so what exactly does HA give us as a benefit.
Can anyone that's running a HC rom please run an Antutu benchmark and report their 2D and 3D rendering results?
the other benchmark test mainly concentrate on CPU performance, not graphics rendering. I had run a Neocore test and got 62.7FPS with Calk/Clem. I've been told that the test is outdated, but if it produces the same results with a HC rom, then we'll know that HA doesn't effect graphics rendering as much as we thought.
Todd Evans
TJEvans said:
I've been wondering about the hardware acceleration issue as well. It came up in the Illuminate thread, since he's claimed that HA is working on his rom. Folks there have tested some graphics intense games and they worked fine on their system. They can play video with software decoding, so what exactly does HA give us as a benefit.
Can anyone that's running a HC rom please run an Antutu benchmark and report their 2D and 3D rendering results?
the other benchmark test mainly concentrate on CPU performance, not graphics rendering. I had run a Neocore test and got 62.7FPS with Calk/Clem. I've been told that the test is outdated, but if it produces the same results with a HC rom, then we'll know that HA doesn't effect graphics rendering as much as we thought.
Todd Evans
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Antutu v2.1
Flashback 7.1
2d 315
3d 1030

[Q] ROMs for Performance?

I've just picked up a gTab on eBay for quite a nice price, but it turns out that there are way more ROMs and developers for this gadget than I'd originally realized. I bought it with price-to-performance ratio in mind, my main goals being PDF reading on the go, Skype calls, light browsing, and maybe some emulation (can't get enough N64!). I bought the gTab knowing that there would be trade-offs, but it seems like some of the current ROMs have most things sorted out (even if the ROMs themselves are based on the outdated Froyo). My problem is that there are just so many ROMs, and it doesn't seem like there's a general consensus as to which one's "best" for performance.
So can anyone recommend a ROM based on what I'm looking for? I've read through the threads for most of the popular ones, including the Clemsyn + Calkulin release, Clemsyn + Beasty, Mountain Laurel, FrankenTAB, etc. etc. So far I haven't even been able to find the major differences between C/C and C/B, or what the new features of the newer ROMs are--only that they support a number of fixes for previous problems (and it seems like all of them support all of the fixes?).
Does any one ROM support "everything"? A snappy UI, low rate of app crashes, good hardware acceleration, proper battery life, Skype video calls, etc.? Or is it all a matter of trade-offs and opinions?
Edit: I didn't start this thread in the QA section because most of those threads looked more technical in nature. I apologize if this is in the wrong section.
I have tried most all of them that you mention and I like Beastly-Clemsyn the best,especially for what you are looking for. It is very fast and stable, can overclock but doesn't really even need it. Skype works, flash, everything except USB mouse, but that is caused by the Netflix fix and can be reverted if you would rather have a mouse than Netflix. Some games are a little touchy but they always are on the gtab. I have Muppen64 and I overclock when playing N64 games for better performance but it works well and works with my Wiimote over bluetooth. Flash, video and streaming work well and so on.
The older Roms can often be "updated". For example, I have one tablet with Beastly, I updated the Market and other Gapps that could be, put VTL launcher on and customize lock screen, did some light custom theme work and tweaking, installed Clemsyn's kernel and it's like a brand new rom.
I haven't tried Frankentab yet but I have it downloaded just haven't had a chance. I think it still has a couple bugs to work out but it looks very interesting. It is newer and actively maintained. Lots going on in the Gtab world lately, it has been great. I recommend you try a couple or a few and see what you like! My favorites are:
Froyo - Beastly-Clemsyn - Best all around ROM in my opinion
Gingerbread - Cyanogenmod 7
Honeycomb - Flashback (great looking but a few things don't work right)
ICS - to be continued ...!
DaggerDave said:
I have tried most all of them that you mention and I like Beastly-Clemsyn the best,especially for what you are looking for. It is very fast and stable, can overclock but doesn't really even need it. Skype works, flash, everything except USB mouse, but that is caused by the Netflix fix and can be reverted if you would rather have a mouse than Netflix. Some games are a little touchy but they always are on the gtab. I have Muppen64 and I overclock when playing N64 games for better performance but it works well and works with my Wiimote over bluetooth. Flash, video and streaming work well and so on.
The older Roms can often be "updated". For example, I have one tablet with Beastly, I updated the Market and other Gapps that could be, put VTL launcher on and customize lock screen, did some light custom theme work and tweaking, installed Clemsyn's kernel and it's like a brand new rom.
I haven't tried Frankentab yet but I have it downloaded just haven't had a chance. I think it still has a couple bugs to work out but it looks very interesting. It is newer and actively maintained. Lots going on in the Gtab world lately, it has been great. I recommend you try a couple or a few and see what you like! My favorites are:
Froyo - Beastly-Clemsyn - Best all around ROM in my opinion
Gingerbread - Cyanogenmod 7
Honeycomb - Flashback (great looking but a few things don't work right)
ICS - to be continued ...!
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I'm definitely going to have to experiment with a few different releases. What makes you pick Beastly-Clemsyn over the Calkulin-Clemsin? And do you know if the Beastly-Clemsyn setup has the same .gif image bug as the C+C setup? Also, what kind of frame rates are you getting out of N64 games?
Shame about the mouse, but I guess I can live with that. Are there no configurations that have everything working including the mouse and netflix?
FrankenTAB is the one for me after trying many, many of them. Smooth, fast and everything works well. Zero crashes in the months I have ran it.
Sent from my FrankenTAB using Tapatalk
jhermit said:
FrankenTAB is the one for me after trying many, many of them. Smooth, fast and everything works well. Zero crashes in the months I have ran it.
Sent from my FrankenTAB using Tapatalk
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Were you able to get .gifs to render properly in browsers other than Opera?
_anony said:
I'm definitely going to have to experiment with a few different releases. What makes you pick Beastly-Clemsyn over the Calkulin-Clemsin? And do you know if the Beastly-Clemsyn setup has the same .gif image bug as the C+C setup? Also, what kind of frame rates are you getting out of N64 games?
Shame about the mouse, but I guess I can live with that. Are there no configurations that have everything working including the mouse and netflix?
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Okay I did some testing for you. I did not visit every web page but all the .gif image sites I went to rendered all the animated images just fine. I used DolphinHD and stock browsers to test (the ones that had problems with .gifs on C&C). Some basic Muppen64 testing:
Mario Kart 64 - OC=1336 - average 29 fps, 24-32 fps, very little/no stutter, playable
007 - OC=1336 - average 29 fps, 16-34 fps, very little/no stutter, playable
Super Smash Bros. - OC=1336 - average 34 fps, 25-50 fps, very little/no stutter, playable
Mario Kart 64 - No OC - average 24 fps, 18-28 fps, stutter and some lag, playable (barely)
007 - No OC - average 18 fps, 11-24 fps, lag and stutter, not very playable
Super Smash Bros. - No OC - average 24 fps, 14-47 fps, little lag/stutter, playable (not as smooth)
As you can see overclocking makes a big difference on emulators like Muppen64. I just crank it up to 1336 with SetCPU while using it and turn it back down when I am done (my gtab does not like to be overclocked!).
I chose Beastly over Caulkin for the following reasons: the .gif bug not reported in Beastly (not really a big deal), no market fix is required, Skype and Netflix both work without additional fixing, and I have never had a random crash, force close errors or SOD (until this morning anyway, I left it overclocked after testing and it was not happy when I tried to wake it back up. Oops!)
As far as I know there is no rom that is 100% working rom, including the stock rom. I believe you choose either working usb mouse and gsensor, or you can have Skype and Netflix, but the fix for one breaks the other. I don't care to use a usb mouse, but I do use a usb keyboard and it works fine. Like I said though you should definitely try a couple and see what works best for you. The difference between C&C and Beastly is they are ports of different roms built for other tablets. Read through the threads to find the fine details. I know it's a lot to read but it's better to read first and have fewer surprises later.
Thanks for the testing, DaggerDave. I'll have to try both FrankenTAB and C+B and see which one ends up working the best. Are there higher OCs than 1300 MHz?
It looks like the ICS rom that teamDRH is working on will be the undisputed champion by the time it's out of Beta, so I'm very excited for that.
_anony said:
Were you able to get .gifs to render properly in browsers other than Opera?
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I use Dolphin and have not had any problems displaying any pictures or flash.
_anony said:
Are there higher OCs than 1300 MHz?
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Yes depending on the kernel that is used in the rom, or installed by you, you can OC up to 1600. Clemsyn just released recently new kernels here and at another tablet forum.
It looks like the ICS rom that teamDRH is working on will be the undisputed champion by the time it's out of Beta, so I'm very excited for that.
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Me too. So far I have resisted the temptation to try it out (just like FrankenTab), only because I haven't had the time yet. Looks like it will be great once some of the bugs are worked out and more apps are fixed to work with ICS.
DaggerDave said:
Yes depending on the kernel that is used in the rom, or installed by you, you can OC up to 1600. Clemsyn just released recently new kernels here and at another tablet forum.
Me too. So far I have resisted the temptation to try it out (just like FrankenTab), only because I haven't had the time yet. Looks like it will be great once some of the bugs are worked out and more apps are fixed to work with ICS.
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Looks like ICS should blow Froyo roms out of the water once the kinks are worked out.
I do have one last question for you: If I have to sacrifice USB mouse for Netflix/Skype, do I also sacrifice bluetooth mouse/keyboard support?
Yea with working hardware acceleration, and eventually overclocking and more time to develop I can definitely see ICS becoming better than the Froyo roms. I love the Honeycomb UI but it was never fully developed, ICS will have the best of both.
I believe the Skype/Netflix fix effects the mouse orientation (moving mouse up goes right, right goes down, down goes left, etc). Probably regardless of weather the mouse is usb or bluetooth. Usb and bluetooth keyboards should work as long as the bluetooth version is supported by the Gtab. Some bluetooth keyboards have been reported not to work like the ones designed for the Asus Transformer I don't think they will work below Android 3.? just check before you buy one.
DaggerDave said:
I have tried most all of them that you mention and I like Beastly-Clemsyn the best,especially for what you are looking for. It is very fast and stable, can overclock but doesn't really even need it. Skype works, flash, everything except USB mouse, but that is caused by the Netflix fix and can be reverted if you would rather have a mouse than Netflix. Some games are a little touchy but they always are on the gtab. I have Muppen64 and I overclock when playing N64 games for better performance but it works well and works with my Wiimote over bluetooth. Flash, video and streaming work well and so on.
The older Roms can often be "updated". For example, I have one tablet with Beastly, I updated the Market and other Gapps that could be, put VTL launcher on and customize lock screen, did some light custom theme work and tweaking, installed Clemsyn's kernel and it's like a brand new rom.
I haven't tried Frankentab yet but I have it downloaded just haven't had a chance. I think it still has a couple bugs to work out but it looks very interesting. It is newer and actively maintained. Lots going on in the Gtab world lately, it has been great. I recommend you try a couple or a few and see what you like! My favorites are:
Froyo - Beastly-Clemsyn - Best all around ROM in my opinion
Gingerbread - Cyanogenmod 7
Honeycomb - Flashback (great looking but a few things don't work right)
ICS - to be continued ...!
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How'd you update your google apps on the Beasty 2.2 rom? This oudated version of Calendar is driving me nuts.
I don't use Calendar, but others like the market, maps and search I had to either download them and install with ES File Explorer, or uninstall them and reinstall (either from the market or side loading). Some versions will not work, so you have to find ones that do. The newest Market 3.4.4 (?) is working, newest Gmail works but the latest Voice Search and Maps do not. You will have to find the older versions (Maps < v6 works) and test them till you find what works. Have you tried going to the apps (Calendar for example) in the market to try to update them? I think I updated Gmail that way, it didn't show an update in 'My Apps' but it did when I searched for it.
Search for "axleration .apk downloads" for a list of 5 good sites that offer free .apks. Or a google search for a specific .apk will give you more results. Or if you are desperate, I have downloaded newer roms before and extracted the .apks from them (stick to same android version).
Everyone needs to start demanding camera drivers, the rest has been worked out.

Grand Theft Auto III For Lg Optimus one?

Hey All
I recently downloaded Gta III From the market But there is significant Lag
(I am using Cm7 With Full Oc)
But I have seen videos on youtube Of people playing Gta III on their Optimus one.
I Have heard Of a Gta version where it doesn't lag But the graphics are bad
Could i PLEASE have a download link for Gta III one that dosnt Lag (i dont care if the graphics are Bad)
GTAIII Optimization
There's two ways I can think of making it run smoother.
1. Chainfire3D. It's a root app, found in the market, whose sole purpose is to enable games on devices that wouldn't normally be able to play them. You have to buy it to unlock everything, but I've been able to use the free version on my Moto Droid to play GTAIII better.
2. Delete the audio folder. Once you have everything downloaded, manually delete the audio folder. If the phone isn't constantly trying to play music or SFX, it will run a bit quicker.
The specific apk isn't going to matter, unless rockstar made huge optimizations to code in recent versions, but as you've DLed from the market, that shouldn't matter, no? Overall, I'd recommend against trying to run it. The optimus isn't really made to handle 3D games in general, much less GTAIII. Good luck, though.
the processor
your rom have overclock? that could help. try to put over 700 mhz in perfomance governor
with OC the p500 will not warm up ?
mitzkaia said:
with OC the p500 will not warm up ?
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Maybe a little bit. But nothing will be damaged. Don`t worry, the only thing you can have, is reboot.
Here ya go buddy:
Find on this post: New Version for Low/Middle End Devices is released by Andropedia. Click Here
or here direct link: http://andropediaapps.blogspot.com/2012/01/gta-iii-gta3-apk-full-sd-data-finally.html
Go there, download game that is around 70-90MB, and apk, and do the same what you did with original!
Graphics are pretty bad in this one, and there is often a bug where you will after 20m in front of yourself see only some pink wall, and ofc no sound...
But runs better, still lagged pretty much on mik_os 6.5.7 but now will test it in PerfectPeso2.2 and see how it is. With full game, on PerfectPeso, it didn't lagged so much like on the rest of the ROMs so I expect this one to run smootly now...
And yeah, just overclock it until kernel starts to reboot, i got mine stable on 825Mhz, on 844 it runs about 1 hour, and on 864 it got nearly 10min in mik_os 6.5.7, but now on PerfectPeso there is no option to go beyond 806mhz...:/ But still frikin fast!
UPDATE: yeah on PerfectPeso2.2 fresh installed no tweaks ripped version will run almost lagless, 15-25fps, but totaly playable! And no pink wall bug anymore!!!
Tried this game a while back and the result was the same... The lag made the game unplayable..
Tested it on CM7. PerfectPeso2.2 sound's good from what you say, but will not change the rom just for a game .

NFS: Most Wanted Performance?

Hey guys I just got NFS: Most Wanted on the ATT Note. The gameplay and the controls are great but the game sort runs in slowmo. Anybody else getting different performance in other ROMS?
I'm running flapjaxx's AOSP ICS rom W/ GPU OC and CPU OC. I assume the slowness is due to the Note's large resolution and it's not quite as optimized as it could be for our phones. It is smooth but just terribly slow.
OOOOKAY guys I am back with some interesting results!
I continued to try more roms and see the performance with Need for Speed Most Wanted. I first tried Flapjaxx's stock ICS rom with touchwiz with an overclock kernel and gpu OC. That ran better than any of the AOSP but still had some slowness to it.
Seeing as the stock roms tended to give more performance, I tried another stock rom. This one: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1766933. No OC kernel, everything stock pretty much. Here is what happened:
1. I restored NFS from titanium
2. NFS says this android is not compatible
3. I uninstall NFS and install it from the Playstore and redownload the SD data
4. Ran the game and observed that there was little to no lag! Well I'm sure it could be a bit better, the frame rate was totally playable and it actually felt speedy!
Now i'm not sure what is happening here. Either 1. the game downloaded a new SD data with lower graphics requirements, 2. the game recognized the device as a different device and choose the graphics setting accordingly, OR 3. the device just performs better @ mostly stock. Now can anybody inform me on how the SD Data actually works that would be great so I can pinpoint what it is.
My next test will be using the above rom that yielded good performance with flapjaxx's OC/GPU kernel to see if it speeds up the frames anymore.
After a bit more testing I see that without the OC kernel and using the kernel from 'better stock' ROM above, the road actually is missing some water and effects which is probably leading to the smoother gameplay! If anybody else is testing this let me know what your results are!
Trying out flappjaxx's Jelly Bean rom with his GPUOC and CPUOC. No surprise there, graphics got bumped up.
What I did notice is that there is almost NO DIFFERENCE in frames (from what I could see) from Stock rom + AOSP/JB roms with OC kernel in BUMPER CAMERA MODE despite the higher graphics. To be clear, those of you on AOSP that are already using bumper mode will not get higher frames in bumper mode on something like a stock rom. There is little to no difference in bumper modes. Should be all that I can test now. I will be sticking with this Jellybeanie and playing NFS in bumper camera mode myself (in car view).
EA, give us graphic options. That is all.
In conclusion:
Game is somehow determining the graphics through the kernel
SD Data downloaded is the same on every rom, don't have to download new SD Data.
Some roms perform better than others. I had a lot of luck with Jelly Bean roms on stock kernel, no need to overclock.
Figured I'd give you guys a ranking list from roms. Going from best to worst
1. Latest Jelly Bean Nightly 11/21 Stock Kernel - Great out of car and even faster in car - graphics medium
2. Flapjaxx's FJ Stock Rom Mod - OCGPU/CPU best performance (in car view only) - graphics high
3. Electro's Stock Rom - Stock Kernel with no OC Okay performance in both out of car view and in car view - graphics medium
im running AOPK milestone 1, You can kinda play the game....but all the cars are black the buildings are black and the road is black....Not really sure what is going on! but I do get the slowmo at first but after I go to the menu and go back to playing the game it starts to run smoothly....in black that is!
I noticed the slowness as well, I switched to the in car view and it runs much better. Give that a try...
Sounds like u downloaded the wrong SD data
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ksprelude01 said:
im running AOPK milestone 1, You can kinda play the game....but all the cars are black the buildings are black and the road is black....Not really sure what is going on! but I do get the slowmo at first but after I go to the menu and go back to playing the game it starts to run smoothly....in black that is!
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That's jelly bean right? I had some problems running games and with graphical glitches in jelly bean until I turned off HW overlay and that stopped my problems.
omniphil said:
I noticed the slowness as well, I switched to the in car view and it runs much better. Give that a try...
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Wow, yeah running in that camera mode is a lot better. Hopefully the fix the issues completely. Thanks for the tip!
geeksquadryder said:
Sounds like u downloaded the wrong SD data
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What do you mean?
Seems to run a little laggy on mine, and it's a real battery hog as well
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Tomdg07 said:
Seems to run a little laggy on mine, and it's a real battery hog as well
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using xda premium
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Ditto, switching to in-car view is definitely a lot smoother, has decent graphics but looks like the limit of S3 Adreno 225 chip has been reached, this (and other games of similar graphic quality) may be enough reason for me to upgrade to note 2 later. I also have slow down problem with NBA 2K13.
No real graphic glitch however, if you see missing textures it has to be wrong sd data, remember we are Snapdragon NOT Mali.
Im on liquid RC7 with KK.12 kernel no overclocking and the game seems to run fine for me with no lags..however Tomdg07 is right its a battery hog which quite frankly isnt a surprise. I just got off a 30 minute subway ride and I was playing it the entire time..used up exactly 20% of the battery.
kingofkings11 said:
Im on liquid RC7 with KK.12 kernel no overclocking and the game seems to run fine for me with no lags..however Tomdg07 is right its a battery hog which quite frankly isnt a surprise. I just got off a 30 minute subway ride and I was playing it the entire time..used up exactly 20% of the battery.
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Really? No lag? Hmm, what's that ROM? Is it one of the Jellybeanies? Have you tried in car view to see if it is even faster than out car?
Metsuna said:
Really? No lag? Hmm, what's that ROM? Is it one of the Jellybeanies? Have you tried in car view to see if it is even faster than out car?
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Yes indeed no lag at all - Liquid is a jellybeanie you can find it in the original development thread. To be honest I havent had the need to try in car view because the out car view has been working fine.
I should mention though that whilst I have not over clocked I am using several build prop tweaks some of which Im sure optimize graphics and what not.
kingofkings11 said:
Yes indeed no lag at all - Liquid is a jellybeanie you can find it in the original development thread. To be honest I havent had the need to try in car view because the out car view has been working fine.
I should mention though that whilst I have not over clocked I am using several build prop tweaks some of which Im sure optimize graphics and what not.
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Just tried NFS Most Wanted on Liquid with KK Kernel and no luck. I even tried some build prop tweaks. It just feels too slow. Weird.
Going to try deleting it and redownloading the SD Data instead of restoring it from Titanium. Will report back with results.
EDIT: No go either. Still low frame rates. On a good note however, Liquid Jellybean Rom is probably the most stable of the Jellybeanies.
OOOOKAY guys I am back with some interesting results!
I continued to try more roms and see the performance with Need for Speed Most Wanted. I first tried Flapjaxx's stock ICS rom with touchwiz with an overclock kernel and gpu OC. That ran better than any of the AOSP but still had some slowness to it.
Seeing as the stock roms tended to give more performance, I tried another stock rom. This one: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1766933. No OC kernel, everything stock pretty much. Here is what happened:
1. I restored NFS from titanium
2. NFS says this android is not compatible
3. I uninstall NFS and install it from the Playstore and redownload the SD data
4. Ran the game and observed that there was little to no lag! Well I'm sure it could be a bit better, the frame rate was totally playable and it actually felt speedy!
Now i'm not sure what is happening here. Either 1. the game downloaded a new SD data with lower graphics requirements, 2. the game recognized the device as a different device and choose the graphics setting accordingly, OR 3. the device just performs better @ mostly stock. Now can anybody inform me on how the SD Data actually works that would be great so I can pinpoint what it is.
My next test will be using the above rom that yielded good performance with flapjaxx's OC/GPU kernel to see if it speeds up the frames anymore.
Tried the OC Kernel on the stock ROM which lead it to being slow again! I'm not sure now what to think. Going to wipe and go back to the 'better stock' kernel not the 'pure stock'.
After a bit more testing I see that without the OC kernel, the road actually is missing some water and effects which is probably leading to the smoother gameplay! If anybody else is testing this let me know what your results are!
I really just wish there was an in-game settings option to reduce the graphics quality...... (if there is and I'm missing it please fill me in)
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Tomdg07 said:
I really just wish there was an in-game settings option to reduce the graphics quality...... (if there is and I'm missing it please fill me in)
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using xda premium
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Agreed. Right now there is no way to change graphics quality. Certainly would save me trouble. What I think is happening is that with some Roms and Kernels the game thinks we have higher hardware and cranks up the graphic quality thus slowing down the performance of the game.
What I found is every time I used an OC kernel of some type, the game slows. So it might be a kernel issue.
I just cant comprehend why despite having the same phone and same setup (i.e. rom, kernel etc) we get totally different results.
PS> Tomdg07 props to your state for pushing obama over the 270 he needed to win. Americans totally made up for giving dubya two terms.
I was testing some more Roms yesterday including Black IV and Electro's stock debloated Rom. Black IV had flapjaxx's kernel with the ability to OC and on the Electro was not OCable.
My results were the same. Something about flapjaxx's kernel or kernels with the ability to OC makes the game bump up in graphics thus making it slower. The game must be scanning the clockspeed or something or maybe it's something deeper than that. If I can I want to test out AOSP roms again to see if its the kernel or both the kernel + the rom.
Trying out flappjaxx's Jelly Bean rom with his GPUOC and CPUOC. No surprise there, graphics got bumped up.
What I did notice is that there is almost NO DIFFERENCE in frames (from what I could see) from Stock rom + AOSP/JB roms with OC kernel in BUMPER CAMERA MODE despite the higher graphics. To be clear, those of you on AOSP that are already using bumper mode will not get higher frames in bumper mode on something like a stock rom. There is little to no difference in bumper modes. Should be all that I can test now. I will be sticking with this Jellybeanie and playing NFS in bumper camera mode myself (in car view).
EA, give us graphic options. That is all.
UPDATE: Those of you that are finding this page and reading this post. Look on the front page for what roms are the best for this game.
Got an alert to update the game when opening it, after updating it won't even open, anyone else issues after update?
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Tomdg07 said:
Got an alert to update the game when opening it, after updating it won't even open, anyone else issues after update?
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using xda premium
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Same issue. Luckily I had a backup of the SD data on my hard drive so I can revert back. But yeah something messed up in that download messed up the game for us.
Metsuna said:
Same issue. Luckily I had a backup of the SD data on my hard drive so I can revert back. But yeah something messed up in that download messed up the game for us.
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Only form of a backup I have is in the nandroid backup I did before flashing cm10, I suppose I could dig it out of there somehow, but I'll give them a day or two to fix it first
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