[Q] HTC Eris Rom Flash NOOBIE - Droid Eris Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

First off, thanks for taking the time to read my post. I have been trying to root/flash rom since yesterday at 11am now 2:19pm a day later. So before whinning here, I did do my research. Flash is now done, *sigh*
I would like the froyo tazzv26 or 28 rom flashed on my Eris
I've watched yourtube how to videos, unlockr videos, several adroidforums how to posts. they all revert me back here.
My issue is this #1:most of those are old posts(which I've read and been reverted to), and obvious upgrades have been made therefore what thier videos/posts show are not what I'm seeing or reading . Being that this is new to me I feel lost and confused.
Issue#2 I found the rom I wanted, here when I searched Roms for Eris however a link that is next to it sends me to another and another page. Very frustrating.
Favor needed: I've never done this before so can someone please help walk me through the process of being on the ACTUAL page with the download link, and what happens from then. Then let me know what i'm supposed to be seeing on my computer screen once the process starts .** WOW this part is massively missing from all noobie post/videos= FYI for admins and moderators
FYI Eris is already rooted wth 4zroot (instead of HTC1 click since the power up and power button thing didn't work 4 times) I have superuser, quickboot, rom manager, and astro file manager all installed and ready to go.
I'm ready to take your lead

Saw your post over on AF and replied over there, but did really get the gist of your needs until I saw this thread over here on XDA.
Rooting with Z4 root does indeed root you, but this will not allow you to flash or install a custom ROM without having replaced your stock recovery with a custom one, the "one" being Amon_RA (stay away from ClockworkMod at this time for the Eris...the details are probably more than you want or need to know at this time).
The 1-click method that you mentioned previously is what you want and it will install Amon_RA's custom recovery for you.
I would highly advised you to read and understand this thread over on AndroidForums: http://androidforums.com/eris-all-things-root/127861-universal-eris-root-dummies.html
You will learn what you need to know from that thread and it will also show you how to install the very same custom recovery as the 1-click method/app. It is clearly more verbose, but the trade-off / benefit is that you will have the best instruction possible regarding rooting your Eris.
Check it out and good luck!


Need Help Rooting and flashing droid eris please help

Guys and gals,
I just got a droid eris from a friend and want to root it and flash clockwork on it. I downloaded everything from unrevoked but when i try to install drivers for a windows computer it says that all drivers are up to date and it says htc bootloader. So i then run the package from unrevoked and nothing happens all it says on the screen is waiting for device. I have been all over you tube and forums can't find help to fix.
I am on 1.49 or something its also just stock 2.1. can anyone tell me what step I am doing wrong. please help.
DroidFamily said:
I just got a droid eris from a friend and want to root it and flash clockwork on it.
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Seriously, the combination of "newb" + "Clockwork" tends to be fatal to the Eris.
It is far more prudent for you to use the rooting methods described here in this forum - jcase's "Universal One Click .apk" comes to mind. Or, you can go over to AndroidForums and have a look at the Universal Root For Dummies. (The first rooting method that I mentioned is faster, but the second has an invaluable outline in the fourth post of that thread - with pictures - of how to use Amon_RA )
Only after you have completely mastered the use of the Amon_RA recovery should you consider using ROM Manager/Clockwork. (And you can use both, believe it or not).
Just yesterday someone hard-bricked their phone - possibly using the same recovery you are thinking of flashing.
If you insist on use Clockwork, for sure you ought to find out about what MD5 sums are, and how you can use apps such as scary alien's free market app "AFV" (Android File Verifier) to validate the signing of a ROM for which the developer has not provided a file size or MD5 signature.
P.S. Neither of the two methods I mention above require a computer. That neatly solves your driver problem.
Much like the guy above, I'd avoid Clockwork and just go with something simple and almost guaranteed to work like the One-Click Root. With the Eris, Clockwork has a bad reputation. Some people buy into the taboo, some don't, but there's more evidence supporting bad things than good for it.
I'd avoid the possibility of turning your phone into a paperweight and steer clear of Clockwork.
bftb0 said:
It is far more prudent for you to use the rooting methods described here in this forum - jcase's "Universal One Click .apk" comes to mind. Or, you can go over to AndroidForums and have a look at the Universal Root For Dummies. (The first rooting method that I mentioned is faster, but the second has an invaluable outline in the fourth post of that thread - with pictures - of how to use Amon_RA )
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Hindsight being 20/20 I would agree with the above post...
However I did use unrEVOked but was doing it thru linux so it was easier but did not like clockwork so I reflashed recovery with Amon_RA after I read up and realized how much better and easier it is.
This video I found will help if you still want to use the Unrevoked method
Hope this helps you.
As a n00b - and I know this sounds like a commercial - really, the one click was the choice.
This is the thread that jcase started for that.
I am sure there is some really great reason to use a different method, but frankly, I just really needed to get on the newer roms. This was fast and easy. I didn't want to debug I just wanted it to work.
Just curious which rom are you going to be loading?

[Q] Flashing Overview

Hello all. My name is Brian, I'm from Florida, receiving my first Android Device (Atrix 4g) in the mail hopefully tomorrow! My phone history is: Samsung A737 (few months), Blackberry 9000 (2.5 Years).
My plan is to get knowledgeable on how to use the android software on a very basic level over this week, and I plan to flash / customize my Atrix this weekend. This is where I have some questions / seek advice:
The first step being a flash to 1.2.6 This is the step I'm the most "worried" or "unsure" about due to the fact that I've seen youtube videos performing the other steps. But I'll just download the 1.2.6 files, and follow this guide.
Once successfully flashed back to 1.2.6, I'll use GladRoot to root my phone to 1.5.7.
I'm not yet familiar with android and the capabilities, but from what I understand, once rooted, my device can load an .APK from a SD card. This is for the next step when I place Tenfar's CWM onto my SD card as a .apk and load it? Once this is done I will have an application, according to this guide, which I will run, use Install Recovery (2 times), then Recovery Boot. This will put me in some mode from which I will install the .zip file (Gingerblur / Greyblur) that I put on my SD card in the first place. "Congratulations! You’ve installed your very own Atrix 4G custom ROM!" being the desired outcome .
My questions are: Does my Atrix come on 1.2.6, so I don't even need to do the first step at all? Is rooting as simple as it seems? What is a CWM, in simple terms ? Is my phone's insurance ($5/month through at&t) voided by flashing / customizing?
I know I'm rather redundant with the guides that have been provided, its just that I want to be sure I'm not making any mistakes because I'm so naïve with the android software (lol I'm -1 days experienced right now, assuming it comes tomorrow). These guides are wonderfully created and I will surely thank some of the great developers (in a monetary manner ) at the end of my android customization. Your help is greatly appreciated in advance!
Foraker said:
Hello all. My name is Brian, I'm from Florida, receiving my first Android Device (Atrix 4g) in the mail hopefully tomorrow! My phone history is: Samsung A737 (few months), Blackberry 9000 (2.5 Years).
My plan is to get knowledgeable on how to use the android software on a very basic level over this week, and I plan to flash / customize my Atrix this weekend. This is where I have some questions / seek advice:
The first step being a flash to 1.2.6 This is the step I'm the most "worried" or "unsure" about due to the fact that I've seen youtube videos performing the other steps. But I'll just download the 1.2.6 files, and follow this guide.
Once successfully flashed back to 1.2.6, I'll use GladRoot to root my phone to 1.5.7.
I'm not yet familiar with android and the capabilities, but from what I understand, once rooted, my device can load an .APK from a SD card. This is for the next step when I place Tenfar's CWM onto my SD card as a .apk and load it? Once this is done I will have an application, according to this guide, which I will run, use Install Recovery (2 times), then Recovery Boot. This will put me in some mode from which I will install the .zip file (Gingerblur / Greyblur) that I put on my SD card in the first place. "Congratulations! You’ve installed your very own Atrix 4G custom ROM!" being the desired outcome .
My questions are: Does my Atrix come on 1.2.6, so I don't even need to do the first step at all? Is rooting as simple as it seems? What is a CWM, in simple terms ? Is my phone's insurance ($5/month through at&t) voided by flashing / customizing?
I know I'm rather redundant with the guides that have been provided, its just that I want to be sure I'm not making any mistakes because I'm so naïve with the android software (lol I'm -1 days experienced right now, assuming it comes tomorrow). These guides are wonderfully created and I will surely thank some of the great developers (in a monetary manner ) at the end of my android customization. Your help is greatly appreciated in advance!
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The phone should come loaded 1.2.6 so no flash is required. After you get use to it run the gladroot very simple process to do. after that update to the newest then run the after update so then you will be rooted on the newest after your done with that do whatever you want. I am by far no expert. I too also recently got my atrix and was scared to death to do this on my own. Just read alot and ask alot of questions. Today i finally flashed gingerblur on my phone and love it along with the webtop mod. Rooting is simple the whole process on everything is simple now with that said i havent had to flash back stop through RSD yet so i dont know about that. Flashing will void your insurance unless if you can flash it back stock. Just go in the android development section on the atrix forums and everything is usually on page 1. Best thing you can do make a folder on your desktop with all the phones drivers and any files you download and also the rsd, in my folder i also copy and pasted instructions in each folder for each process so i wouldnt have to dig in the threads to find it. Hope this helps and like i said im not expert at this.
Seems like you're on the right track don't be too scared everything you want to do has very good instructions to go with so im sure you'll do fine. One thing though that will help you and also provide more of live help is get an irc cliet and go to the #moto-atrix channel alot of the devs and knowledgeable people hang out there and are very helpful, a lot of people on there were also on the same boat you're in not too long ago so they'll help a lot
Sent from my MB860 using XDA Premium App
Thanks guys! Got my atrix in the mail, loving every minute of it compared to that garbage Blackberry. As far as an IRC client goes, I just downloaded mIRC, thanks for the advice!

[Q] unroot for OTA???

I've rooted my GT 10.1 but I have two questions that I can't find the answer.
1. Has anyone discovered how to unroot back to stock?
2. If rooted, will I be able to get the OTA of touchwiz by checking for updates under settings?
PS I flashed the TouchWiz UX found in this forum. Got to say it is really nice and I can't wait to get the version from Sammy. I then restored a backup using Rom Manager and restored fine except when checking for software updates. It used to say no update available, but today it says failed to connect to servers. Anyone else getting this error?
I guess that is actually 3 questions.
1. Unrooting is pretty simple. Just flash the 3.1 OTA in the dev forum, after doing a full wipe. If you feel the need to go back to full stock, you'll also want to nvflash back to the original retail recovery, which you undoubtedly saved when you first rooted.
2. No one knows yet, but rest assured, within a day (less probably) of the update being released, it'll be available here as a rooted flashable ROM. If you learn one thing from your time on XDA, it should be "never accept an OTA update." Let the devs pull it apart and repackage it in a nice root-safe download.
Undoubtedly! (I wish) I wasn't planning to root but while playing with Odin, I thought I was locked at the downloading screen while testing odin. (Didn't hold down the power button long enough to shut off tab) I thought my only solution was to continue and root. No problems rooting, it was easy. I just wanted to make sure I get the TouchWiz update. Now I learned my lesson I will never do an OTA update.
Glad you told me that, otherwise I probably would have screwed up my GT. I don't know how I missed the post about backing up the stock image first. I try to read a lot of posts (heck I even use the search box) before trying something new. Anyway, I'm sure it is posted in the forums somewhere if I need to find it.
pmsrefugee said:
Glad you told me that, otherwise I probably would have screwed up my GT.
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It's not so much that you'll screw up your device by accepting an OTA, but rather that you might lose root and/or your custom recovery (perhaps permanently). Nevertheless, there are some cases of OTAs screwing up devices when accepted over non-stock installs, so IMHO its always best to wait for a flashable ROM.
pmsrefugee said:
I don't know how I missed the post about backing up the stock image first. I try to read a lot of posts (heck I even use the search box) before trying something new. Anyway, I'm sure it is posted in the forums somewhere if I need to find it.
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Yes, I believe the stock retail recovery is posted in the CWM recovery download package here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1130574. You'll note that Step 3 is where you were advised to backup your original stock recovery, although the step is (correctly) noted as optional. No big deal, in any event. Glad I could help.

[Q] Unable to Root HTC Evo Design 4g. Version 2.3.4

Hello there, I was hoping somebody could help me with this.
So i've been trying to get my Evo Design 4g rooted but I always seem to get in some sort of a problem in the last steps. I first tried Frigid's SuperUserV3(in this post: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1343114), but did not get the phone rooted, I even got the colored flashing screen that says "Rooted" but superuser(Downloaded from Google Play) does not find a thing, the root checker says my phone is not rooted, and Titanium Backup says it cannot get access and that I need to root my phone.
Therefore I tried a different approach to the problem, and after some hours of research I found this post:
Which says that after all of that I will be able to "root" my Evo design, it pretty much tells you to use the same steps as this other post:
(by the way I do not really know what HBoot 1.5 means or what is it's purpose)
So after following the instructions on both of the posts I've done the first steps without problem, my Design already has been unlocked and I have already pushed the Recovery.img and the su.zip into the SD, I also went into fastboot and had the recovery option in there, I selected it and the phone started to restart as in this video:
I however did not get anything after the HTC screen with the white background, it just stays there, I've waited for like aprox. 10 mins and it doesn't move or change so I'm guessing something must be wrong.
Now I don't know if all of this is not working because of my phone's version.
It is relatively new I got it a week ago as a replacement for an older one that had some problems with the charge port. Anyways, as soon as the phone was given to me I updated and everything(I did not Think/Know a lot about rooting at this point so I let it all install and it left me with this software version:
Android Version: 2.3.4
HTC Sense Version: 3.0 (I don't know if it has anything to do with rooting or this)
Software Number: 2.12.651.8 710RD
All of this as of may 31 2012
I also found this other post: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1399351
It does has some stuff on it for after the rooting and 2 links to do so but, they seem to be outdated/dead as the link that takes you to supertool still reads v2, and he has already released v3. The second one seems to take you to a page that doesn't exist anymore so the post just doesn't seem to be able to help me.
I also tried some of the other posts that this page recommended when posting this but none of them seem to have a real answer and take me in some kind of a loophole of the early mentioned options or have no answers about the rooting.
As an ultimate resource I've been pondering about using rEVOked with the settings of the Evo 4g since it seems to be very similar to my phone, or at least something similar to those words. Also tried UnlockRoot at some point in between but didn't work at all either. Don't think it is relevant though since there is not a lot I can do or work with when it comes to a one-click program.
Any Help would be greatly appreciated and I will try my best to continue researching and maybe post any changes or an official way to root this device since it seems as there is none around at least not to this point.
I am new to here and the whole rooting topic but i will try my best to be useful to the community and keep posting useful stuff around here.
Thanks!. Btw your noob video is hilarious.
I'm going to suggest you check out the design 4g / hero s section in the forums of sdx-developers.com & 2fastroms.com (2fast's site is down atm, but most files you need are in his download section for the hero s). There isn't an official sub section for the phone here at xda & its hard to find support. 2fast has a cwm recovery, custom kernels, & roms that works great with the design 4g (I'll pm links as soon as the site is back up). Sdx-developers gears towards more roms & mods. You will find a section for rooting your design at sdx here http://forum.sdx-developers.com/index.php?topic=19080.0 Sorry for not answering your question & just refering you to other sites, but I think you will find you solution & more support from the sites I posted than here at xda.
Thanks, it seems as that actually was the page that the other post was redirecting me to, so I guess I'll have to wait for that; I actually found that the problem might be that the Recovery.img that I'm using does not work on Evo Design/ Hero S phones. I found a different image on a post in here that got extracted from a Foreign forum, I'll try that after class and then see how everything goes. I would still love to get a link to a forum that has an "official" root for it though.
Thanks a lot
This is the correct recovery (clockworkmod) for the design 4g. Just rename it to Ph44IMG & place it on your sd card. Boot to hboot & let the phone find it & select to install. Remove or rename file from you sd card before you try to boot into your os. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/24065431/Design_PH44IMG.zip
Is that one for Sprint?
I'm in Indonesia and had tried recovery for Boost one and had GSM problem, no signal at all.

Return to Stock Walkthru Feedback/Sugestions

Hello XDA!
I opened a new thread hopefully to open a discussion about improvements I think are beneficial, my experience over the last 24 hours that a couple sticky edits would have saved me (and others) time.
My Story:
Yesterday (5/3) I saw I had around a 250 mb OTA. Excited (hoping for 4.2, assuming was the 4.1.2 that VZW released recently) I kick on WiFi, download and watch as it reboots and appears to install successfully. Time for work to end, grabbed phone off charger as it appeared to be rebooting after successful install, and ran out to catch train home.
Downstairs, at train stop, take a look at phone and heart sinks as it is in a fast splash screen loop, blinking the VZW Galaxy Note 2 screen for about 1 second in endless loop. As I had never seen before was thinking firmware update bricked it and I was looking at least until Tuesday before I'd have a working phone. Luckily, I was able to quickly see that I could still get into download mode, so knew I was (likely) going to be ok.
Get home and a Quick Robin, to the Internetz! later I'm browsing XDA and following the t=t=2024207 walkthu to restore stock. FYI, my device prior to the failed OTA was unrooted stock. At this point I'm not sure if it's going to restore, so I'm trying to do the true stock, no unlocked bootloader in case it has to be RMA'd. I've downloaded all my files, waited patiently for the slow hosting service for the FXZ(?) to download and am grinding through it and of course it fails at the system.img. Luckily, blessedly the awesome community here had released the image that included the unlocked bootloader which I was (after waiting to download, etc etc again) able to successfully get installed via Odin, booted up and working successfully.
So, while the first post section regarding restore to stock does indicate users with latest firmware "L4 OTA Only" shouldn't be attempting to use the Official VRAL I didn't think it applied to me. I would say that a fair amount of individuals looking to take the drastic step of a full restore to stock might be in a scenario like mine, where something significant has happened and likely confirming what OS/firmware/etc you are on might not be feasible. In my case, I assumed never rooted/unlocked vanilla device should be about as receptacle to an "official" restore as any. In this scenario, where a 100% for all devices stock recovery ("alternative") works, 'I feel that it should have been pushed harder than the official or at least blurbed with if you don't know what you are on, use this' While I understand that it is the "official" image, it has requirements for it to work. A co-worker had an ASUS TF300T that tried pushing a recovery image for ICS after he had upgraded to JB and it hard bricked his tablet, with ASUS wanting to charge him about 60% cost of the tablet to replace motherboard. That's heartbreaking, and I am sure since a hard brick wasn't a likely scenario here, why it wasn't mentioned.
Also: The download link for the Alternate Restore lists the file as: I605_VRALJB_Restore.tar.md5.xz which requires that it be unpacked using 7zip AND also that once extracted, it needs to be renamed to kick of the extra extension md5 in order for ODIN to see it properly as a PDA image file. (I605_VRALJB_Restore.tar.md5 ) Neither step is mentioned in the original post, and I had to read through to I believe the 11th page or so before realizing that was the problem. I'm sure with most of the people that are daily users of this forum knew automatically that these steps were required, but I would counter that a thread explaining how to restore Stock is one of the few threads that is likely to reach a larger, inexperienced demographic who would need to know such details.
Lastly, since (I thought) I had an unlocked bootloader, but otherwsie working phone again (Thank you, thank you thank you!) might as well get it rooted, and grab a ODEX'd stripped ROM with the OS release because getting the Software Update nag and not being able to complete or even brick my phone makes my OCD gland flex mightily. Was delighted to see an on-device APK root option which threw me back to the ease of z4root a few years ago with my Droid X. APK installs, and it roots so easily, like it had the functionality out of the box. I grab goo.im manager and install TWRP. Go to boot into custom recovery so I can install my sexy updated OS ROM and enjoy my fun device without all the yucky bloatware I've just ignored/dealt with for the last 2 months and I get the dreaded and in my opinion illegal "VZW unauthorized software" software brick.
Back to the forums, see I need another stock 'alternative' restore to fix AND a little confused, but believe I need to run a "jailbreak" bootloader unlock (CASUAL ?t=2118348) Which I haven't done yet. I have all files downloaded, just paused to post my experiences here.
So, this was main reason for my post, as I can understand some of why walkthru is laid out the way it is above, but why not have this included as part of the stickied root walkthru? It's mentioned thusly:
section 1a is a old method and no longer needs to be used unless the end user wants root only. proceed to Adam Outler's "JAILBREAK" thread linked at the bottom of this section for rooting and unlocking bootloader so custom roms can be flashed!!!
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I couldn't find the link it refers to at bottom of section? I ended up googling to find guide. ((t=202420)
if this is still a requirement for root, custom ROM/Recovery, I would have made this steps 1-x of the root guide. is it because another person authored it? It would be nice to be able to credit and quote, I know alot of what drives contributors is the 'Thanks" and Donations, be great if XDA admins could round table and find a solution that allows for a consolidated guide for each device and still give each contributor a way to get their +1's and plug donation/web/twitter handle url's
So, is my understanding incorrect of what is needed or do folks agree with me that current setup is not the most efficient way XDA community could be offering instructive guides on Root/Mods? It would be wonderful if XDA Mods upon announcement of devices, when creating the forum threads for device (Development, OG Development, General, etc etc) created a blank thread for the how to root et.al and then allowed it to be edited by the community as a Wiki. Or even if an individual created, allow that person to allow x amount of other community members to edit, add and adjust.
I see droidstyle created a thread about questions for softbrick, and I might have to look at the original sticky thread about how to stock restore, but it seems he/she might have better saturation if this info was included in the original post. The stickied How To recover stock is direct accessible from a google search. I doubt his Q&A thread is or definitely not going to be one of the highest page-ranked sites.
So, please let me know if I'm just out of my mind, off the mark. I will give myself a small escape clause based on the fact that I probably scored about 2 hours of sleep last night messing around trying to get the note running again. I am actually concerned that the instructions for Return to Stock/Root/Etc for the VZW i605 doesn't have the link to unlock bootloader via casual and am hoping that following that process before rooting/customrecovery/ROM is correct, and not going to be another BrickGate for me. I know as OS versions are updated and/or Big Red and Big Blue constantly push patches trying to lock people out of their phones that instructions change and methods break. As new directions are implemented it's easy to lose steps as edits occur on the fly.
Most importanly! I hope this thread comes across as constructive criticism/suggestions, I have nothing but the highest respect for this community and it's contributors. Even skewed, outdated and conflicting information is better than no information and I SUPER appreciate the hard work required to get it out to us. I am most definitely not expressing displeasure with my experience or the content, only using the threads I mentioned as examples of what I personally see as opportunity for improvements XDA could implement that would allow for easier dissemination of the information the community is sharing so unselfishly. I only open it for discussion, so that others like me can access the information quicker with less confusion. I read comments of disgust and exasperation as people are directed to search, rather than post, and they are right, the information is invariably there, and most often or not within the first 5 posts of a thread. But sometimes when a developer talks to another developer, the tiny and considered minor details are not mentioned because it's considered common knowledge, and thats where the noobs, soccer moms and Grandmas can get left scratching their heads trying to puzzle how you got from point a to b. (Stereotypes used for comedic effect, please take no offense) I believe it would save alot of people having to answer the same questions over and over again time and frustration and freeing them to focus their talents on making us the next epic ROM/Kernel/App
thanks for reading! Also, I'm not just drive-by b*tching, if anyone is interested, I would love to show a mock-up of the i605 guide these great contributors have created as I would compile it. I'm passionate about mobile technology and customization, sadly my talents don't lie in the creation of such, only the enjoyment of it. But I'm a hell of a document admin. I create wiki's and KB's/sharepoint admin for a living, and would love to contribute what I know in that way

