[Q] MAJOR 3G Problem ....help me XDA, you're my only hope... - Galaxy S II Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hi everyone. Per the advice of others, I decided to make the leap and go with the Galaxy. The results have been......mixed. The main gripe is with what follows, which should seriously make those of you who haven't bought one yet, rethink about your decision. Also, this seems to be a common problem. I posted my gripe on Android forum, so I'm just copy the post:
"Hey guys. So, I just picked up the G2 and its cool for the most part but i have a pretty big problem. I live in japan, so I'm forced to ride the trains a lot. This means going under lots of underground tunnels. This is where the problem lies. Whenever I go under a tunnel and ,ofcourse lose 3g reception, when I come out and 3G reception comes back, my download connection doesn't. In other words, even though I have a 3g signal again, NOTHING WORKS. Email, browsing, anything requiring a connection stops working, just times out. In fact, under the 3G bar at the top of the screen, I can notice that the down arrow (which I assume means downstream) doesnt light up at all. The only way to get data working again is to reset the 3g connection. So, basically, everytime I lose reception and then get it back (which is about every minute or so on the train!) , I'm forced to reset the connection. This is such a pain in the *** I can't even begin to tell you..."
That posts sums it up. If you go here: h-t-t-p://androidforums.c-o-m/samsung-galaxy-s2/361794-3g-doesnt-work-after-regaining-signal.h-t-m-l
you will see other people with the same problem. Considering some of us go through tunnels every minute or so in Tokyo, having to reset the phone everytime after losing reception is a definite dealbreaker. Samsung confirmed that it was just "just part of the phone and maybe they'll have a fix in the future.
Do you guys know of ANY fix for this?

Surely I'm not alone in this issue? I've read others are experiencing the same...
Do you guys understand the problem? Should I film it or something to make it easier to understand?

How did u manage to set ur SGS2 to only using 3G??

mix1987 said:
How did u manage to set ur SGS2 to only using 3G??
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I'm not sure what you mean...
If you're asking how to set the Galaxy for "3G Only" mode, just go to "Settings", "Wireless and Network", "Mobile Networks", and "Network Mode" and then set it for how you like.
Doesn't help my problem though...

Hi, you are not alone. I have this problem all the time as I commute too. I ride the Bart train system in the San Francisco bay area, which also goes in and out of underground tunnels, and I often have trouble regaining signal coming out of the tunnel. The tell-tale sign is the blinking or lit "up arrow" in the 3G icon in the status bar, but the "down arrow" doesn't light up. The data connection seems to just hang.
However, I do not believe this is a Samsung specific issue; I have had this problem with every single Android handset I've used.
On the Galaxy S2 however, I found out disabling fast dormancy seems to lessen this issue. That isn't to say it doesn't happen ever again...just doesn't seem to occur as often. I am able to make this assessment because I use the di.fm application on my phone during my entire commute, and after awhile I become keen to when/where my stream drops and when it resumes regularly. With fast dormancy off, I notice that my stream has a significantly higher uptime.
I don't know the science behind it, but I suggest giving it a shot. Dial *#*#9900#*#* on your phone and hit the button to disable fast dormancy. This is suppose to negatively impact battery life, but I haven't really noticed a difference to be honest.

Not even god could solve this problem. I'm sure if he did come up with a fix, samsung would give him another equally anoying problem

Yes this is the notorious "packet data hanging" issue with 3g/4g.
My SGS2 suffers from it but not all the time I go underground or in tunnels.
I think some people reported disabling fast dormancy helps, and some reported flashing back the original KE2 modem file helps.

Have a look here

your best bet is to download anycut and place a shortcut on your homescreen to the "Phone Info" activity. You can easily turn off your cell radio and turn it back on from there, without having to root your phone.
I believe this problem affects every phone, but some users are more prone to notice it than others due to their usage habits. It happens on E/3G/H/+. And in all cases, if you give it enough time, it will fix itself every time. You can visibly see this by keeping an eye on your phone's data symbol whenever you experience this problem. You will see it disappear for a second, then reappear and your data connection will resume.
I believe this is a problem with the phone not realizing that it is out of range of a connection point, and continues to try to negotiate with it. The reason some people do not seem to be affected by this problem is because even though someone is standing in the same spot, they may be connected to different nodes. You can check these out in the Phone Info screen shortcut created with anycut--note the CIDs whenever your data hangs. I have noted several problematic CIDs I encounter regularly on my commute route. CIDs seem to be location based, and while my data doesn't necessarily hang each time I connect with a "problematic" CID, whenever it does hang in a certain geographical area, it is connected to a problematic CID in that area. The point is that even a problematic node will not always cause your data to hang, but when your data hangs, it will always be the same CIDs.
That is what makes this so aggravating. It is almost impossible to reproduce this problem at will. Which means there just isn't a way for us to gauge the effectiveness of any "fix". There is no way to establish a control group because we cannot force our phone to connect to certain nodes; it switches on its own.


[Q] Hardware or software?

Hello everyone. This is my first post on XDA. I've been lurking for a month or two, and have decided that XDA is the place to be!
I've had my Bolt since April, and like many others I am very frustrated with it. The OTA back in May/June, the one that caused all the random resets, made me start exploring and discovering this thing called 'rooting'. Back then I felt that rooting was a risk I didn't want to take, yet. It reminded me a lot of my Dish Network days, where keeping up with ECM's was an ongoing hell, and I just didn't want to go back there. The OTA after that fixed the resets, and bought some time while I researched rooting.
For the most part, it seems like most of the problems are software related, and the hardware is just being held hostage by crappy coding. BUT, it also seems like most every TBolt owner is on their third device because of hardware issues. I don't want to trade up for a less-than-new device. I did go through an authorized reseller, and bought a year-long, no questions asked warranty, so I can play that card if needed.
My dilemma is that I am ready to root, but if I have bad hardware, I want to return an un-screwed with device. I know that I can unroot, but it would be my luck that it wouldn't go well. And believe me that I considered modding it just to see if it is the hardware or not.
ISSUES: I have various quirky things going on that are obvious software problems, like texts going to the wrong people, butt-dialing (once), CPU lock-ups, erratic scrolling (browsers mostly), software lags, etc.. I think the touch screen, though hardware, is controlled through SenseUI, which has really contributed to my wanting to go with AOSP. The biggest issue I have is with the data connection. I've read a lot of threads on this that have ended in numerous solutions. The most common culprits seem to be the SIM card and the battery cover (idiot design btw). Regardless of whether I am in a good coverage area or not, I have the classic ... 3G..1X..3G..nothing..1X..1X..1X..nothing..3G..nothing..1X..etc. This was really terrible before one of the OTA's, after which it seemed to settle down. I've also experimented with the modem settings, and also the radio settings. CDMA auto PRL works best. Still unsure about the modem settings. Currently I have CDMA only for preferred mode, Enable for Rev A., and Disabled for 1X diversity. I still experiment with these settings, but don't really see much difference. A detailed guide to those settings would be really kick-ass. One day, my phone wouldn't let me make or receive voice calls. Somehow, a setting changed that set it for EVDO only, really strange.
I use Easy-Tether, and have recently been using a Wilson dual-band repeater/amp. I have also found a most excellent app called RF Signal Tracker, which gives me separate RF meters for voice and data, and also shows the state of the SIM card when toggling Airplane mode. I live a little bit out of the city, so I know that serving towers might be causing some headache. With the Wilson, both meters are around -72dbm, which is decent. In town, without the Wilson, it's a little better, around -66dbm. I will stare at this this thing and watch the EVDO meter bottom out at -120dbm and then bounce back. Sometimes it will stay on 1X (for hours probably if I let it), requiring a reboot (or airplane toggle, it varies). Sometimes, while using ET, the signal strength will be awesome, but I get connection errors like it's not even hooked up, or I'll be typing a lengthy post and when submitting I'll get a Connection_Reset error. Sometimes the throughput will blaze (even while streaming), sometimes I'm reaching for a hammer. I have also found that "It works...if i use it," meaning that a data session might start out crappy, but will stabilize. There are times when the data connection is crappy, and rebooting the phone will fix it. And of course, there are many days with no issues at all.
With a hundred different combinations, I can find no rhyme or reason why this handset cannot maintain a data connection with consistency. I'm leaning toward software, but I still can't tell. Others with this problem had their SIM card replaced, which worked, but maybe it was just the battery cover. Is there a fool-proof test I can do that will troubleshoot this? Another possibility might be Big Red Brother compelling me to buy a Nexus.
And: 2.2.1
Build: 1.70.605.0
Pete said:
Hello everyone. This is my first post on XDA. I've been lurking for a month or two, and have decided that XDA is the place to be!
I've had my Bolt since April, and like many others I am very frustrated with it. The OTA back in May/June, the one that caused all the random resets, made me start exploring and discovering this thing called 'rooting'. Back then I felt that rooting was a risk I didn't want to take, yet. It reminded me a lot of my Dish Network days, where keeping up with ECM's was an ongoing hell, and I just didn't want to go back there. The OTA after that fixed the resets, and bought some time while I researched rooting.
For the most part, it seems like most of the problems are software related, and the hardware is just being held hostage by crappy coding. BUT, it also seems like most every TBolt owner is on their third device because of hardware issues. I don't want to trade up for a less-than-new device. I did go through an authorized reseller, and bought a year-long, no questions asked warranty, so I can play that card if needed.
My dilemma is that I am ready to root, but if I have bad hardware, I want to return an un-screwed with device. I know that I can unroot, but it would be my luck that it wouldn't go well. And believe me that I considered modding it just to see if it is the hardware or not.
ISSUES: I have various quirky things going on that are obvious software problems, like texts going to the wrong people, butt-dialing (once), CPU lock-ups, erratic scrolling (browsers mostly), software lags, etc.. I think the touch screen, though hardware, is controlled through SenseUI, which has really contributed to my wanting to go with AOSP. The biggest issue I have is with the data connection. I've read a lot of threads on this that have ended in numerous solutions. The most common culprits seem to be the SIM card and the battery cover (idiot design btw). Regardless of whether I am in a good coverage area or not, I have the classic ... 3G..1X..3G..nothing..1X..1X..1X..nothing..3G..nothing..1X..etc. This was really terrible before one of the OTA's, after which it seemed to settle down. I've also experimented with the modem settings, and also the radio settings. CDMA auto PRL works best. Still unsure about the modem settings. Currently I have CDMA only for preferred mode, Enable for Rev A., and Disabled for 1X diversity. I still experiment with these settings, but don't really see much difference. A detailed guide to those settings would be really kick-ass. One day, my phone wouldn't let me make or receive voice calls. Somehow, a setting changed that set it for EVDO only, really strange.
I use Easy-Tether, and have recently been using a Wilson dual-band repeater/amp. I have also found a most excellent app called RF Signal Tracker, which gives me separate RF meters for voice and data, and also shows the state of the SIM card when toggling Airplane mode. I live a little bit out of the city, so I know that serving towers might be causing some headache. With the Wilson, both meters are around -72dbm, which is decent. In town, without the Wilson, it's a little better, around -66dbm. I will stare at this this thing and watch the EVDO meter bottom out at -120dbm and then bounce back. Sometimes it will stay on 1X (for hours probably if I let it), requiring a reboot (or airplane toggle, it varies). Sometimes, while using ET, the signal strength will be awesome, but I get connection errors like it's not even hooked up, or I'll be typing a lengthy post and when submitting I'll get a Connection_Reset error. Sometimes the throughput will blaze (even while streaming), sometimes I'm reaching for a hammer. I have also found that "It works...if i use it," meaning that a data session might start out crappy, but will stabilize. There are times when the data connection is crappy, and rebooting the phone will fix it. And of course, there are many days with no issues at all.
With a hundred different combinations, I can find no rhyme or reason why this handset cannot maintain a data connection with consistency. I'm leaning toward software, but I still can't tell. Others with this problem had their SIM card replaced, which worked, but maybe it was just the battery cover. Is there a fool-proof test I can do that will troubleshoot this? Another possibility might be Big Red Brother compelling me to buy a Nexus.
And: 2.2.1
Build: 1.70.605.0
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You need to research cellular technology. All the signal amps in the world aren't going to make for a stable lte signal unless they're smart enough to unpack the packets and lie about transmission data. That said, pretty much all your issues sound software related. Some of what you call hardware problems cannot be randomly duplicated by hardware failure or even accurately diagnosed without some knowledge and experience. Restoring to stock is easy and quite reliable. Some do it once or twice a week. I have guides in my thread.
Thank you for the response. I confirmed that it was software. I took it to the reseller and found out that even though I took two OTAs this year, the radio never updated, and was still on the original from the release. I'm at 2.3.4 now, with a stable radio. Feeling like I'll take that plunge, now that I know the hardware is good.
Build: 2.11.605.5

[Q] So Many Problems (Wi-fi)

Hey guys,
I just got a Galaxy S3 however there a lot of annoying issues. First of all I haven't rooted anything and at the moment everything is stock.
The main really annoying thing is the Wi-Fi on my S III seems messed up. On all my apps which require the internet it lags really slow. For example if I load Instagram or Facebook it'll take ages to load the pictures. The same goes for random web pages. It takes around 1-2 minutes to load a page.
This does not always happen, I would say about 3/4 of the time. This issue is also guaranteed to happen in the games Hanging with Friends and Words with Friends. I doubt this issue is the app's fault as so many other apps have problems with Internet access.
I also use an iPhone 4S as a back up phone and it has no problems at all. I've also had no IP adress conflicts so that should not be a problem. This is extremely irritating as it makes using the phone a total pain.
Another thing is that I have created a folder on my home screen and whenever I open it, an annoying tone goes "Folder Open". I looked in Accessibility and couldn't figure out how to turn it off. Please help.
Also, I noticed that on my Galaxy S III when I listen to my music I hear a slight static buzz every now and then. I don't think this is an issue when the file and headphones as I've had them on my iPhone for a long time and had no issues. Do you guys have any solutions? Needless to say it is quite annoying listening to your favourite tunes and hearing this annoying buzz when you least expect it.
I also discovered something very interesting using Android. I have 250 MB of data to use and before on the iPhone it was extremely hard to cap that. However on this phone I'm already 50% through that. I used the iPhone just as much as the Galaxy so why is this happening? Does Android have another system of using data, like loading full size images?
Cheers, Jason
Bite_Me_21 said:
Hey guys,
I just got a Galaxy S3 however there a lot of annoying issues. First of all I haven't rooted anything and at the moment everything is stock.
The main really annoying thing is the Wi-Fi on my S III seems messed up. On all my apps which require the internet it lags really slow. For example if I load Instagram or Facebook it'll take ages to load the pictures. The same goes for random web pages. It takes around 1-2 minutes to load a page.
This does not always happen, I would say about 3/4 of the time. This issue is also guaranteed to happen in the games Hanging with Friends and Words with Friends. I doubt this issue is the app's fault as so many other apps have problems with Internet access.
I also use an iPhone 4S as a back up phone and it has no problems at all. I've also had no IP adress conflicts so that should not be a problem. This is extremely irritating as it makes using the phone a total pain.
Another thing is that I have created a folder on my home screen and whenever I open it, an annoying tone goes "Folder Open". I looked in Accessibility and couldn't figure out how to turn it off. Please help.
Also, I noticed that on my Galaxy S III when I listen to my music I hear a slight static buzz every now and then. I don't think this is an issue when the file and headphones as I've had them on my iPhone for a long time and had no issues. Do you guys have any solutions? Needless to say it is quite annoying listening to your favourite tunes and hearing this annoying buzz when you least expect it.
I also discovered something very interesting using Android. I have 250 MB of data to use and before on the iPhone it was extremely hard to cap that. However on this phone I'm already 50% through that. I used the iPhone just as much as the Galaxy so why is this happening? Does Android have another system of using data, like loading full size images?
Cheers, Jason
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Haven't got this phone yet, i'm getting mine today.
But from what you've said, it sounds like it could be a few things including your phone.
First tho, check the stuff you can fix yourself.
Firstly, try not to compare any android phone to an iphone, they're not the same and have different qualities and weaknesses, the iphone in comparison to this beast is a pipsqueak.
About your connectivity, completely remove your APN and put them back in manually.
Perform a battery pull at least once a day.
Is your sim card a new one or old? You could possibly query that too.
250MB is nothing by the way, not sure how you managed it but even on an iphone that's not a lot, i can easily use 500MB just by allowing my phone to sync normal stuff, i'd personally recommend a gig as a minimum, unless you don't mind actively managing your internet habits and you frequently switch off data altogether.
As for your wifi, pull all cables on your router and start afresh, once everything is back together, connect using your phone and perform a speed test using the speedtest.net app, see what your getting, some apps don't use the speed that's available and that's a limitation of the app and not the phone or connection.
Also regarding your apps, either remove them or remove the data associated with them and start over.
As for the headphones, they're sh** so try some others.
Not sure about the voice over, maybe check settings and see what you can find.
If all this doesn't help then try a factory reset and see if your still having a problem.
Like i said i don't have this phone yet so i don't have too much hands on experience but give this little lot a whirl and see how it goes, if nothing helps then maybe return it if your unsatisfied.
Personally I'll be rooting my SGS3 on day one, right after i've tested to see if everything works of course.
dladz said:
Haven't got this phone yet, i'm getting mine today.
But from what you've said, it sounds like it could be a few things including your phone.
First tho, check the stuff you can fix yourself.
Firstly, try not to compare any android phone to an iphone, they're not the same and have different qualities and weaknesses, the iphone in comparison to this beast is a pipsqueak.
About your connectivity, completely remove your APN and put them back in manually.
Perform a battery pull at least once a day.
Is your sim card a new one or old? You could possibly query that too.
250MB is nothing by the way, not sure how you managed it but even on an iphone that's not a lot, i can easily use 500MB just by allowing my phone to sync normal stuff, i'd personally recommend a gig as a minimum, unless you don't mind actively managing your internet habits and you frequently switch off data altogether.
As for your wifi, pull all cables on your router and start afresh, once everything is back together, connect using your phone and perform a speed test using the speedtest.net app, see what your getting, some apps don't use the speed that's available and that's a limitation of the app and not the phone or connection.
Also regarding your apps, either remove them or remove the data associated with them and start over.
As for the headphones, they're sh** so try some others.
Not sure about the voice over, maybe check settings and see what you can find.
If all this doesn't help then try a factory reset and see if your still having a problem.
Like i said i don't have this phone yet so i don't have too much hands on experience but give this little lot a whirl and see how it goes, if nothing helps then maybe return it if your unsatisfied.
Personally I'll be rooting my SGS3 on day one, right after i've tested to see if everything works of course.
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Hey thanks for taking the time to reply,
This is going to sound stupid but what is an APN? I googled it and it came up with 'Access Point Name'. Is that what you mean?
My SIM card is a Micro-Sim and was in my old iPhone 4S before so it is not brand new.
I understand 250 MB is nothing but I'm being totally honest on my old phone it was really hard to blow it. I asked another guy and he said that Facebook for Android loads the images full size so I'm not 100% sure. It's just a bit of a shock since on iOS it used such little data.
Also, I'm not using the standard headphones. I'm using Audio Technica Solid Bass so I'm sure it's not a problem with that. But please try and help me with this issue. I need music for studying, transport, school etc.
I really want to keep the SIII. The big screen is really nice and the customisation of the home screen is great along with the widgets. Just these issues troubling me.
**EDIT: Also another issue. Sometimes when I go to the Play Store it'll attempt to load and display the page with "Connection timed out." **
Bite_Me_21 said:
Hey thanks for taking the time to reply,
This is going to sound stupid but what is an APN? I googled it and it came up with 'Access Point Name'. Is that what you mean?
YES its your network .
My SIM card is a Micro-Sim and was in my old iPhone 4S before so it is not brand new.
I would check with network for problems .
Factory reset and return phone to seller .
I understand 250 MB is nothing but I'm being totally honest on my old phone it was really hard to blow it.
You have apps syncing data in the background .
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tinggy Tel
did you solve this issue ?
I'm having the exact same issue, I have two S3 devices .
both are bought from a different countries .. .
Both suffer from an extremely poor and slow internet . ..
it's "IMPOSSIBLE" for me to opan Google Play with no wifi . ..
it will time out if I try that with 3G network .. on both devices ..
tried soft reset + hard reset + rom flash ..
nothing worked .. .
"iPhone is soooooooooo much better than androind ..
this is my (3rd) time now ..
with S1, my phone suffered from instant disconnection from the internet
S2, people always get "this phone is out of service" when calling me
and now the lovely S3, which takes 2-3 minutes just to load google's default page ...
how wonderful !

WiFi issues / problems connecting

i noticed on my dinc4 that sometimes it fails to properly recognize that I'm out of wifi range or that i'm near another AP. For instance, I am home and everything works fine, i'm on let's say "HOME" at full signal.
I go to work, when I'm at work, it shows that i'm still connected to "HOME" at like 1-2 bars instead of 5 and that "WORK" is out of range.
I turn off wifi and turn it back on.
I now see "WORK" is in range but I can't connect to it... it just goes in "connecting" and stays there. If I reboot the phone, all is well and I am on the "WORK" network.
This does not happen every single time but more times than not. Anyone else experience this? Any general fixes to this kind of issue? Currently my wifi is set to never sleep. Performance mode is off.
I used to have this sort of problem with my OG motorola Droid but I always thought that phone had buggy wifi...
It's funny you mention this. I just noticed this behavior this morning on my way to work. The status bar stayed on wifi when it should have switched to 4g. Although my data worked, so it knew it was on 4g but that status bar never reflected the change. This isn't identical to your issue as you are talking about wifi to wifi switching...but I think the notification on the status bar is in the same ballpark.
so am I the only one with this issue?? no one else is having wifi weirdness?
FiddlerMD said:
so am I the only one with this issue?? no one else is having wifi weirdness?
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Nope. WiFi is fine for me.
So, I was going to post a separate thread about my experience, which is my new Dinc4 has been rebooting constantly since i first got it.
but i've been suspecting that it has something to do with either the Play Store, or the radio.
I haven't been experiencing the same issues with the WiFi that you're describing. But the one thing that has most consistently caused a reboot is when I either launch the Play Store or an app update notification hits, when WiFi is on, but no known networks are available. The WiFi reminder function will come up and everything freezes and then...reboot.
It's hard to say for sure whether it's tied to the radio. But that's just my hunch. Either way, I haven't tinkered with this thing at all. The most I've done is side-installed Swype. But then I did a factory reset and still the same issue. So this shouldn't be happening.
Heading to the Verizon store now to (hopefully) swap it out. I'll add updates if I have them.
fenster77 said:
So, I was going to post a separate thread about my experience, which is my new Dinc4 has been rebooting constantly since i first got it.
but i've been suspecting that it has something to do with either the Play Store, or the radio.
I haven't been experiencing the same issues with the WiFi that you're describing. But the one thing that has most consistently caused a reboot is when I either launch the Play Store or an app update notification hits, when WiFi is on, but no known networks are available. The WiFi reminder function will come up and everything freezes and then...reboot.
It's hard to say for sure whether it's tied to the radio. But that's just my hunch. Either way, I haven't tinkered with this thing at all. The most I've done is side-installed Swype. But then I did a factory reset and still the same issue. So this shouldn't be happening.
Heading to the Verizon store now to (hopefully) swap it out. I'll add updates if I have them.
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If you are unsuccessful in getting a replacement or have the same problem with your replacement, the menu that pops up showing you available WiFi networks before you open an internet-based app (Play Store, browser, etc.) can be disabled in Settings > WiFi > Advanced in menu > "Notify me". You could see if that resolves your reboot. (Note that this won't remove your "WiFI Off" notification in the notification bar, it will just stop that screen from popping up when you launch an app.)
fenster77 said:
So, I was going to post a separate thread about my experience, which is my new Dinc4 has been rebooting constantly since i first got it.
but i've been suspecting that it has something to do with either the Play Store, or the radio.
I haven't been experiencing the same issues with the WiFi that you're describing. But the one thing that has most consistently caused a reboot is when I either launch the Play Store or an app update notification hits, when WiFi is on, but no known networks are available. The WiFi reminder function will come up and everything freezes and then...reboot.
It's hard to say for sure whether it's tied to the radio. But that's just my hunch. Either way, I haven't tinkered with this thing at all. The most I've done is side-installed Swype. But then I did a factory reset and still the same issue. So this shouldn't be happening.
Heading to the Verizon store now to (hopefully) swap it out. I'll add updates if I have them.
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yeah your issues sounds significantly different.. i'd like to see if others have the same wifi issues as I do - yours is more serious it seems
polarimetric said:
If you are unsuccessful in getting a replacement or have the same problem with your replacement, the menu that pops up showing you available WiFi networks before you open an internet-based app (Play Store, browser, etc.) can be disabled in Settings > WiFi > Advanced in menu > "Notify me". You could see if that resolves your reboot. (Note that this won't remove your "WiFI Off" notification in the notification bar, it will just stop that screen from popping up when you launch an app.)
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Yeah, sorry...forgot to mention that I had turned that off and was still experiencing the issue in different places, but it still felt radio-related.
At any rate, I just got back from the Verizon store with a new Dinc4. It was actually the most pleasant experience with them ever. I was trying to explain all of the above, but halfway thru, the guy was politely giving me the nod and saying, "Yeah...let's just swap it out."
So far so good. I'll report back if that changes.
FiddlerMD said:
yeah your issues sounds significantly different.. i'd like to see if others have the same wifi issues as I do - yours is more serious it seems
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I have the same wifi issue. I try to shut it off now when I leave the house to avoid data drops. I'm on stock, unlocked.
Just FYI...
Haven't experienced the problem on this replacement Dinc4 yet. I've had the odd crash while doing 10 things at one. And the other day, some unknown process was running like crazy in the background, making the phone run super hot and unable to hold its charge even while plugged in. Had to manually restart.
But otherwise, it's fine. My original one must have really just been a lemon.
I just got my DINC 4G today and have been having nothing but problems with wifi. It disconnects every few minutes from 3 different locations which are rock solid on my DINC 2, Kindle Fire and friend's DROID RAZR. Everything else with this phone is outstanding!
Sent from my ADR6410LVW using xda app-developers app
sleepit said:
I just got my DINC 4G today and have been having nothing but problems with wifi. It disconnects every few minutes from 3 different locations which are rock solid on my DINC 2, Kindle Fire and friend's DROID RAZR. Everything else with this phone is outstanding!
Sent from my ADR6410LVW using xda app-developers app
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I have the same problem, but only on my home wifi so far. At work it stays connected. At home it'll drop off wifi, pickup 4G for a few seconds, then go back to wifi. It'll do that swap every 10 minutes or so.
My Inc2 and Xoom both never disconnect at home. Weird and annoying.
Sent from my HTC Incredible 4G
The only problem I've experienced with this phone's Wi-Fi is that despite setting "Keep Wi-Fi on during sleep" to "Always," the phone does not seem to follow that advice. I often turn the phone's screen on after I haven't used the device for a while to see the Wi-Fi Off indicator in the menubar. It briefly connects to 3G/4G and then soon after reconnects to my home Wi-Fi (all in all taking about 2 seconds to make the adjustment). It's strange behavior, but it's not really a problem for me--only difference I've seen it make is that some push notifications that rely on a data connection are not pushed to my phone until the screen is turned on.
That being said, I have experienced no lapses in Wi-Fi while actively using the device, and Wi-Fi toggling itself off when the network is out of range has happened without a hitch.
I think it's primarily a radio problem but I think it may be intentional. The radio on this phone seems to be programmed to favor 3G where 3G signals are significantly stronger than 4G (even if the 4G signal is flawless and 3 bars at minimum), sleep aggressively when the screen is off, and latch on to Wi-Fi networks as quickly as possible and stay with them even when signal is spotty. Probably helps battery life but the cost is a less smooth data experience.
polarimetric said:
The only problem I've experienced with this phone's Wi-Fi is that despite setting "Keep Wi-Fi on during sleep" to "Always," the phone does not seem to follow that advice. I often turn the phone's screen on after I haven't used the device for a while to see the Wi-Fi Off indicator in the menubar. It briefly connects to 3G/4G and then soon after reconnects to my home Wi-Fi (all in all taking about 2 seconds to make the adjustment). It's strange behavior, but it's not really a problem for me--only difference I've seen it make is that some push notifications that rely on a data connection are not pushed to my phone until the screen is turned on.
That being said, I have experienced no lapses in Wi-Fi while actively using the device, and Wi-Fi toggling itself off when the network is out of range has happened without a hitch.
I think it's primarily a radio problem but I think it may be intentional. The radio on this phone seems to be programmed to favor 3G where 3G signals are significantly stronger than 4G (even if the 4G signal is flawless and 3 bars at minimum), sleep aggressively when the screen is off, and latch on to Wi-Fi networks as quickly as possible and stay with them even when signal is spotty. Probably helps battery life but the cost is a less smooth data experience.
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I would say what you just wrote sums my experience with the WiFi up perfectly thus far. Seems to be not following the advice of keeping wifi on during sleep. I, too, am wondering if I always have connection while it's asleep, and am not getting push notifications sometimes (maybe that's why my battery life is so good!!)
dodgerinNH said:
I would say what you just wrote sums my experience with the WiFi up perfectly thus far. Seems to be not following the advice of keeping wifi on during sleep. I, too, am wondering if I always have connection while it's asleep, and am not getting push notifications sometimes (maybe that's why my battery life is so good!!)
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I have the same delayed push notification while on wifi issue as well, and it is driving me crazy. I *think* that this is some half baked battery saving "feature" in Sense 4. It needs to be able to be turned off. If HTC doesn't fix this, the Inc4G will not be my phone for long, and I will not be buying another HTC phone. Push notification means push, not whenever the screen is on. Am I supposed to keep turning the screen on to check for emails? Defeats the purposes of saving battery life, if you ask me......
hilmar2k said:
I have the same delayed push notification while on wifi issue as well, and it is driving me crazy. I *think* that this is some half baked battery saving "feature" in Sense 4. It needs to be able to be turned off. If HTC doesn't fix this, the Inc4G will not be my phone for long, and I will not be buying another HTC phone. Push notification means push, not whenever the screen is on. Am I supposed to keep turning the screen on to check for emails? Defeats the purposes of saving battery life, if you ask me......
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Same here. That's the only wifi problems I've had and I'd *love* to get a fix for it. I mean, what is the "don't turn wifi off when asleep" option doing if this is still the behavior we're seeing?
Platypus222 said:
Same here. That's the only wifi problems I've had and I'd *love* to get a fix for it. I mean, what is the "don't turn wifi off when asleep" option doing if this is still the behavior we're seeing?
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Contact HTC and complain. If enough of us do that, maybe they'll fix it. I emailed them and got this response:
Thank you for taking the time to contact me at HTC.
We appreciate the feedback on the Droid Incredible 4G and I will forward this information off to our Research & Development team to have this looked into. All feedback and information from our customers is always reviewed and are used to improve our devices. If you have any further feedback on the device, please feel free to provide us with it so we can continue to improve user experience.
hilmar2k said:
Contact HTC and complain. If enough of us do that, maybe they'll fix it. I emailed them and got this response:
Thank you for taking the time to contact me at HTC.
We appreciate the feedback on the Droid Incredible 4G and I will forward this information off to our Research & Development team to have this looked into. All feedback and information from our customers is always reviewed and are used to improve our devices. If you have any further feedback on the device, please feel free to provide us with it so we can continue to improve user experience.
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I did the same. We'll see if anything comes of it. Until then...
Keep fighting the good fight!!
I have noticed something similar. If I turn off my screen while connecting to Wi-fi, it won't actually connect until I turn the screen on again. It goes through the whole process of looking to see if my access point is in range, then attempts to connect, then obtains an IP address, and then is finally connected, regardless of what step it was on when I turned off my screen while it was connecting.
htc smarty sync, htc implemented a "feature" that turns ur wifi off no matter what in between like 3am and 7am or some bs.
look it up, in the ROM Nitsuj17 and I are building we should have a tweak to turn this off..
also ive never had any issues with WiFi disconnecting, but, i also don't have mobile data on while i have WiFi on either, perhaps this could be why? if signal gets too low it switches to 4G? idk just brain storming.

[Q] Strange WiFi behavior

I have a rooted c6833, running a GPE port here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2800414
I have also attached 3 screenshots that should show pretty clearly what I'm talking about, so you may not need to read this at all.
Things work great, but I've noticed an oddity surrounding wifi, and while it doesn't affect my actual wifi connection at all, it's just strange. I live in a large apartment building and there are many networks cluttering the airwaves. Funny thing is, several of these networks "follow" me when I leave.
Example: Let's say a network named "Network 1" with a MAC address of Fb:89:bt:12:3r:56 appears when I am at home. It's not my network and I have never attempted to connect to it either. When I go to school, more than 30 miles away, I still see the network, but now it has a MAC address that looks like 00:00:00:00:00. I use Wifi Analyzer to get this information, but the network will show in both that program and under wifi settings in Android.
All of the networks that "follow" me show "Xerox" as the wireless chip when they have a zeroed out MAC, but something else when they show an actual MAC address. The false wifi networks never show any change in signal, while the true ones back at home do.
I'm just curious as to why this occurs and if anybody else has ever seen this. I feel pretty at home with networking, but this stumps me. My only guess is some kind of issue with the rom or kernel, but that's a shot in the dark. Ever seen this? I'll laugh if its really simple.
wifi be like
anyways...I dunno. I have never seen this before
I truly appreciate the meme.
Its a real head scratcher, but I happen to have another of the same phone and updated it to the same rom last night and now it does it too. I think the rom/kernel is where to look. Thanks for looking.
Hmm... That's strange.. (I have no idea what's going on with your WiFi).
Not sure if there's any relation but check this thread out Click Here.

Here's a strange issue for you with GPS...

I don't know how many more times my desk will survive due to me banging my head against it...
It's a long story which I will cut short; we have bought a large number of cheap handsets (Nuu A3L, spec sheet here: https://www.devicespecifications.com/en/model/4fc6428b ) and they're using Sygic truck as their navigation tool.
We straight away ran into some major issues, the main one being with Sygic/GPS. The devices would begin navigating but would then start to lose GPS signal and start bouncing around, sometimes they would recover (only to do the same thing again a few minutes later) and other times they would just lose GPS connectivity entirely and would lock up for 10+ minutes.
After seeing how poorly the application ran on these devices I had a hunch that the application was hogging every last drop of available system resource. I removed as much bloat from the application as possible, I turned off the 3D map (2D is much more fluid), turned off all POI, turned off traffic updates etc and it appeared to resolve the issue. I drove for 30 minutes with two devices side-by-side, the default one continued with its horrid GPS loss while the customised one worked fine.
A few people have taken these out today to test, but are apparently having the same issues regardless of the changes that I made.
I'm now at a loss and struggling to work out what else can be done to help. They're running Airwatch and we can push remote changes out at any time, so I am at the mercy of those more knowledgeable than I (you).
If anybody has a decent suggestion then you win a free balloon.
jaffster said:
I don't know how many more times my desk will survive due to me banging my head against it...
It's a long story which I will cut short; we have bought a large number of cheap handsets (Nuu A3L, spec sheet here: https://www.devicespecifications.com/en/model/4fc6428b ) and they're using Sygic truck as their navigation tool.
We straight away ran into some major issues, the main one being with Sygic/GPS. The devices would begin navigating but would then start to lose GPS signal and start bouncing around, sometimes they would recover (only to do the same thing again a few minutes later) and other times they would just lose GPS connectivity entirely and would lock up for 10+ minutes.
After seeing how poorly the application ran on these devices I had a hunch that the application was hogging every last drop of available system resource. I removed as much bloat from the application as possible, I turned off the 3D map (2D is much more fluid), turned off all POI, turned off traffic updates etc and it appeared to resolve the issue. I drove for 30 minutes with two devices side-by-side, the default one continued with its horrid GPS loss while the customised one worked fine.
A few people have taken these out today to test, but are apparently having the same issues regardless of the changes that I made.
I'm now at a loss and struggling to work out what else can be done to help. They're running Airwatch and we can push remote changes out at any time, so I am at the mercy of those more knowledgeable than I (you).
If anybody has a decent suggestion then you win a free balloon.
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Let me be clear that I never played with sygix enough to speak directly about it. You may have already tried the things I'm brainstorming here.
I'm not clear as to why you didn't just load a different mapping app on these? There certainly are a lot of them.
What level of connectivity are they using? If you are on GSM or 3G, downloading map information as the vehicle moves around, that could slow things down to a crawl. Using an app that doesn't have to work this way could be a solution.
I noticed that the phone has a 500ish MHz clock speed and just 1 GB of RAM. As you've discovered, every layer of complexity in the mapping will slow it down further.
Something like Tom-tom was written to run on a lot less hardware. That's the kind of thing that I'd look for. I believe that Here is also made for very low end hardware.
Not sure if it helps, but at least it's a path worth looking at.
Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk

