Thoughts on camera crashing? - HTC EVO 3D

So more than a few times now, and completely random, the camera crashes. I'm trying to take a picture, it focuses and click the picture is taken. Instead of going back to the previous screen to take a picture or select options, it just stays with the image I just took.
The only thing that works is the home key, and not right away. Return, menu and search don't work, just the home key after a delay. Now, if that wasn't enough, once the camera allows me to return home, my media player starts playing! w t f?
Any ideas on what's going on?

Mine does the same thing. Not sure what's causing it, but it's annoying for sure.

Same here. I was going to sprint today to see about my phone but atleast I know I'm not the only one
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA App

okay. Well i'll contact them and see what they say.

Dear xxxx xxxxxxx,
I understand the importance of being able to use the camera on your HTC EVO 3D. I will be more than ahppy to assist you with this. I first recommend performing a soft reset on the device. This is done by powering the phone off and removing the battery for 30 seconds. Then, reinstall the battery and test the phone.
Next, I recommend clearing the data from the camera application on the device. This is done by going to: Home> Menu> Settings> Applications> Manage Applications> All> Camera> Clear Data. Then, press Home and test the phone.
Finally, I recommend performing a factory reset on the device. Note that this will erase all of your personal data from the phone and reset it to the factory settings of the current ROM. Please ensure that your personal data has been backed up prior to resetting the device. To reset it, go to: Home> Menu> Settings> SD & Phone Storage> Factory data reset. Follow the on screen instructions to complete the reset and evaluate the results. These steps should allow your device to function normally. I do apologize for any inconvenience.
To send a reply to this message or let me know I have successfully answered your question log in to our ContactUs site using your email address and your ticket number xxxxxxxxxxx
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I am going to follow up with them since that didn't work for me

Dear xxxxx xxxxxx,
Thank you for your response. Since the troubleshooting did not resolve the issue, then I recommend that you contact our warranty and repair office at 1.877.293.0807. They are open Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM EST. I do apologize for any inconvenience.
To send a reply to this message or let me know I have successfully answered your question log in to our ContactUs site using your email address and your ticket number .
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anyone have any update on this camera issue? mine still locks up if i dont hold it the right way or mess with the 2d/3d switch.....cmon htc come out with an update to fix the problems we have with the camera, this phone is awesome but i mainly use the camera for work and if i cant use my phone's camera to do the job...well i guess im gonna have to look for another brand sorry htc

Don't bother with HTC's troubleshooting. It's worthless and I've done it a bunch of times to no avail. We just got to make this known on both their Twitter and Facebook so that they'll take notice.
Here's my thread from a couple days ago.

chlehqls said:
Don't bother with HTC's troubleshooting. It's worthless and I've done it a bunch of times to no avail. We just got to make this known on both their Twitter and Facebook so that they'll take notice.
Here's my thread from a couple days ago.
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whats their twitter site so i can post there as well, yeah i think im not going to mess with htc trouble shooting since they really dont know what they're talking about sorry to say.
Edit: yeah i also replied on your thread as well. Hopefully htc is working on a fix for this

alanmv567 said:
whats their twitter site so i can post there as well, yeah i think im not going to mess with htc trouble shooting since they really dont know what they're talking about sorry to say.
Edit: yeah i also replied on your thread as well. Hopefully htc is working on a fix for this
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I'm surprised there hasn't been a fix already, to be honest..

yeah the camera app should have been one of the first working apps to go alongside this phone...i had a droid x before this phone and never had any problems with the camera, so hopefully htc can fix this.


How to set proxy setting for wifi?

hello every one
first thank you for viewing this thread
can any one tell me how to set proxy settings WORKING with HTC HD2
i already tried below methods but non working at alln and i am only able to browse the Local Network (Interanet) but no access to the internet.
1. set Network card to connect to work and edit My work connection Proxy settings.
2. using file and editing the registry key of proxy setting
i've tried all of these with and without Hard reset Soft Reset
i am able to brows the internet when i connect my phone to a PC through Sync and set the Proxy and IP Manually
i am sure that DHCP is working fine with my phone becuase i can go through local network
as i asked HTC support they told me :
You can only set up proxy server for wifi via 3rd party application Unfortunately we are unable to help with your query as we don not support third party applications. Please refer to the software vendor for further assistance. As far as we know this application may not be compatible. We hope that you will find further assistance with the software developer. I trust that this resolves your query, please do not hesitate to contact us again if required. Thank you for contacting HTC. Kind Regards Harika K. HTC
Please i really need your Help
set proxy for opera:
type in URL opera:config
then go and set what ever you want
as easy as this!!
it dose not work on my phone
hi ,
i use opera mini 5,
i try opera:config , but it does not give to change proxy.
What about using an ordinary opera browser? not possible?
you are right there is no proxy in config tab in mini or any where else
if you have visited this thread you may have using an HTC and any htc device may be able to use opera mobile.
Thanks a mil
THANK YOU! The experts in my university's computing and network services said nothing could be done! The registry tweak didn't work! No instant reply from HTC, and yet the solution is as simple as opera:config!
but as you may know ONLY opera web browser is connected to internet.
and the apps like NimBuzz, weather and etc are still unable to connect.
so its better than having nothing
can i ask u where are you from?!
Beirut. And you're right, the settings only apply locally to opera, but its better than nothing. Let's hope they fix it in the near future...
Hi if you want to use proxy for your WiFi one important thing is to setup the connection to connect to Work, not to Internet.
Go to Start->Settings Connections tab, tap Wi-Fi, tap Wireless Networks. Select the network you'd like to connect to (or add new one) and on the first screen you'll see a dropdown named Connects to. Here you have to set it to Work, NOT TO Internet. Apply the settings (if you're adding a new connection, insert all the other data too).
Next go to Start->Settings Connectins tab and tap Connections. Go to tab Advanced and tap Select Networks button. From the first dropdown select My Work Network (if it isn't there create it and name it so). Edit this setting (tap button Edit). Open the tab Proxy Settings. Check both checkboxes and tap on Advanced button. Here you'll have to specify your proxy addresses and ports. For me to get it to work I had to specify HTTP and Socks.
Set this up and apply all settings you have done so far.
Go to Start->Settings Connections tab and tap connections. Go to tab Advanced and tap Select networks button. Now select My Work Network also in the second drop down and apply the changes.
I hope it'll work for you. The whole thing depends on the type of proxy you have and what kind of authentication it uses.
I've tested it on HTC Touch HD (Windows Mobile 6.1) and on Ipaq 114 (Windows Mobile 6.0).
I've also successfully tested it on HTC Touch HD2 (Windows Mobile 6.5) and Sony Ericsson Xperia (Windos Mobile 6.1).
zwar said:
Hi if you want to use proxy for your WiFi one important thing is to setup the connection to connect to Work, not to Internet.
Go to Start->Settings Connections tab, tap Wi-Fi, tap Wireless Networks. Select the network you'd like to connect to (or add new one) and on the first screen you'll see a dropdown named Connects to. Here you have to set it to Work, NOT TO Internet. Apply the settings (if you're adding a new connection, insert all the other data too).
Next go to Start->Settings Connectins tab and tap Connections. Go to tab Advanced and tap Select Networks button. From the first dropdown select My Work Network (if it isn't there create it and name it so). Edit this setting (tap button Edit). Open the tab Proxy Settings. Check both checkboxes and tap on Advanced button. Here you'll have to specify your proxy addresses and ports. For me to get it to work I had to specify HTTP and Socks.
Set this up and apply all settings you have done so far.
Go to Start->Settings Connections tab and tap connections. Go to tab Advanced and tap Select networks button. Now select My Work Network also in the second drop down and apply the changes.
I hope it'll work for you. The whole thing depends on the type of proxy you have and what kind of authentication it uses.
I've tested it on HTC Touch HD (Windows Mobile 6.1) and on Ipaq 114 (Windows Mobile 6.0).
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First of all take a look at the thread date and others and then post!
as i see you have not tested on WinMo 6.5 ! and it was your firs post here so!! try not to make others laugh to you!
Hi navidnouri. I must confess replys like yours really entertain me Bragging about others, what a MAN! But let get thing's straight, right?
First of all take a look at the thread date and others and then post!
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You obviously do not have an idea what's the real purpose of a forum or a knowledge base.
as i see you have not tested on WinMo 6.5
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I see. An expert as yourself would have severe difficulcy trying it on WM6.5. I understand those completely rewritten and changed OSs, how can anybody get them....??
and it was your firs post here so!! try not to make others laugh to you!
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That's the most hillarious part You should go for a stand up comedian man!!! 44 posts, huh!! Wow!!! In less than a year! You are true hero ->
Let me just ask you something: you fly here in May 2010, crying (see the icon of the thread) for help about proxy on your phone and TWO WEEKS later you figured it out by yourself using a simple solution opera:config! You must be a genious man. How did you find a complex solution like that in just two weeks?? Seriously I expect an answer!! You should apply for the next american idol as the most talented phone user ever.
Let me ask you another question though. On 9th October 2010 you posted this hillarious line:
but as you may know ONLY opera web browser is connected to internet.
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Did you know opera:config applies only to opera right away or did it took you additional (appoximately) 4 MONTHS to figure it out?
Oh,oh,oh,oh, there's another thing!!!!! Please be so grateful and answer it for me, please. You were saying
First of all take a look at the thread date and others and then post!
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You posted the fifth post here in july, 3 months later there's a post honouring you, of course who would yell at anybody honouring him, even if it's an outdated post. And then, look at this, here I come, 3 months after your last post and you're saying the words above.... Do you see any analogy? A pattern?
You really made my day!! Thumbs up!!
*edit*: I've decided to give you my thanks for that. Can't stop laughing .... seriously.
Hey navidnouri, since you've been so great so far, I'm most certain your reply will be as hillarious as the previous one, so count on another thanks by me!
I've no words, it's one year that i was searching for a solution in order to set my university proxy!!
zwar said:
Hey navidnouri, since you've been so great so far, I'm most certain your reply will be as hillarious as the previous one, so count on another thanks by me!
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i know i know!
this is not your first ass leaking!
it's amazing you put toooooooooooo much IQ on processing these aaaall data !!
go and register your name for the fastest ever HPCC of the world!
You're even better than I hoped you'll be.... A guy familliar with concepts as can be seen....
As I promised, I'm giving you my thanks, this amusing words of yours must go directly to your resume. I'm happy to made you proud of yourself and proud in front of all your friends.
You know there's a quote I thought about when reading your prose, must have heard it or read it somewhere: "that's the spirit!"
go and register your name for the fastest ever HPCC of the world!
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I give you right. Maybe I should try. But you know what... following a thread is a question of motivation, as you may allready know. There has to be something attaching to it, if you know what I'm saying.... And now, now, here you come, hillarious, funny, intelligent, who wouldn't want more?
Since you're so generous on advice, here's a thought: A man of your character has most certainly heard of a german comedian Stefan Raab. The thing is, he wrote songs out of quality quotes. So I thought you write a little something out of your last two posts here and publish it on YouTube. Put a little music to it, etc. You know how it goes, right? I'm telling you, you are the material of success. And with such great gadget you own, you could do it directly with your phone and then afterwards even post a tutorial about it here on xda!
Last but not least, there's a slight dissapointment navidnouri... navidnouri, navidnouri, navidnouri..... I put so much hope in you and you didn't answer my questions. Common, be a MAN, show guts, do it. Don't let xda down, it wouldn't be fair.... You don't have to write much, just direct answers, few words, the spelling doesn't matter, grammatic even less, so there shouldn't be anything in your way.... And you know what, I'll give you my thanks (again!), you won't even have to say a curse word or an technical advice. Think about how great this will look on your resume!! Everyone will be able to see how many thanks you've collected and how! And if you'll play along, this thread has a potential to be one of the most viewed on the forum, think about it! You'll be a star! So, enugh of the pep talk, answer the questions navidnouri, for the community's sake!
*edit*: About answering the questions navidnouri... I know some things are just too personal to be publicly accessible, everyone understands that. So if you feel that way about a question, just refer to this edit and skip it.
zwar said:
You're even better than I hoped you'll be.... A guy familliar with concepts as can be seen....
As I promised, I'm giving you my thanks, this amusing words of yours must go directly to your resume. I'm happy to made you proud of yourself and proud in front of all your friends.
You know there's a quote I thought about when reading your prose, must have heard it or read it somewhere: "that's the spirit!"
I give you right. Maybe I should try. But you know what... following a thread is a question of motivation, as you may allready know. There has to be something attaching to it, if you know what I'm saying.... And now, now, here you come, hillarious, funny, intelligent, who wouldn't want more?
Since you're so generous on advice, here's a thought: A man of your character has most certainly heard of a german comedian Stefan Raab. The thing is, he wrote songs out of quality quotes. So I thought you write a little something out of your last two posts here and publish it on YouTube. Put a little music to it, etc. You know how it goes, right? I'm telling you, you are the material of success. And with such great gadget you own, you could do it directly with your phone and then afterwards even post a tutorial about it here on xda!
Last but not least, there's a slight dissapointment navidnouri... navidnouri, navidnouri, navidnouri..... I put so much hope in you and you didn't answer my questions. Common, be a MAN, show guts, do it. Don't let xda down, it wouldn't be fair.... You don't have to write much, just direct answers, few words, the spelling doesn't matter, grammatic even less, so there shouldn't be anything in your way.... And you know what, I'll give you my thanks (again!), you won't even have to say a curse word or an technical advice. Think about how great this will look on your resume!! Everyone will be able to see how many thanks you've collected and how! And if you'll play along, this thread has a potential to be one of the most viewed on the forum, think about it! You'll be a star! So, enugh of the pep talk, answer the questions navidnouri, for the community's sake!
*edit*: About answering the questions navidnouri... I know some things are just too personal to be publicly accessible, everyone understands that. So if you feel that way about a question, just refer to this edit and skip it.
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you can continue your way! you may come out from a raw user of computer which is surfing the web in every minute of the life looking for someone to laugh at and pass the day. you are so selfish and i have to say that i know i'm not the only one which is ****ting in your mouth!
there are too many social sites like facebook which you can go through and feel more your emptiness.
BTW is it good to have 4 posts like what you said in this thread all in about 2 years. let me ask you sth. was the copy paste function too much heavy for our super computer HPCC in its first post!? tooooooooooo much i guess
i am so sorry to inform you that i had unsubscribed from this thread and i'm not answering to any more **** of yours!
( don't be sad of my friends NONE of them are in xda )
EDIT: you know, i have reached orgasm so do not continue your ass leaking any more
navidnouri that's the spirit! Keep it on!!
I'm stunned! Your languange and argumentation have improved so much I'd bet it wasn't you typing navidnouri, did you asked for help? ;P
Maybe you're right, maybe I'm too selfish, so this time I'll let you do the talking:
You say:
First of all take a look at the thread date and others and then post!
as i see you have not tested on WinMo 6.5 ! and it was your firs post here so!! try not to make others laugh to you!
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You answer:
you can continue your way! you may come out from a raw user of computer which is surfing the web in every minute of the life looking for someone to laugh at and pass the day. you are so selfish and i have to say that i know i'm not the only one which is ****ting in your mouth!
there are too many social sites like facebook which you can go through and feel more your emptiness.
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Funny, hah?? Any contradiction somewhere?
i am so sorry to inform you that i had unsubscribed from this thread and i'm not answering to any more **** of yours!
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Don't feel sorry that's why I'm giving you my thanks this time! As next step you could consider your future on the forum in general ....
( don't be sad of my friends NONE of them are in xda )
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Sorry to hear you have NO friends. But hey, it's not too late, maybe you learn some good manners and others will start to like you.....
Just as a reminder (see I don't belive you won't check on this thread again, it's too appealing, isn't it?) the questions I've asked you, still no answer ...
EDIT: you know, i have reached orgasm so do not continue your ass leaking any more
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ROTFL, read this sentence once again and think about it for a bit, would you? I'm sorry I can't give you another thanks for that.... You're a funny guy navidnouri, a funny guy!
zwar tryed to help,...
thx to zwar
your post help me to figure out how to configure the proxy at my HD2!
Before I had no idea where to find the "proxy configuration".
just shut up man - and stop writhing things nobody helps
GreeT`s Erich
hey guys m unable to use wifi in my college though any app but it works on stock browser and in opera mobile..
i hv galaxy 3 wid 2.2 froyo
any solution ????
how to enable every app to go though proxy like stock browser ???

Twitter htc peep doesnt work

This morning I woke up and HTC PEEP doesnt work anymore during an update of twitter
anybody know how to fix ?
other twitter apps?
**MOD EDIT - Thread closed (duplication) - please pop over to this thread for more info where updates worth reporting will be posted as and when they occur, including any official fixs **
axel1990 said:
This morning I woke up and HTC PEEP doesnt work anymore during an update of twitter
anybody know how to fix ?
other twitter apps?
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copy/paste from pocketnow..:
Twitter has long announced that they'd switch to the new authentication method called OAuth which would be more secure. The problem with the old method was that applications had to store your user name and password in order to access Twitter so the new OAuth method will overcome this possible security flaw.
But together with this come the problems related to software that is not kept up to date to reflect and implement the new methods which are used as default now by Twitter. Unfortunately, HTC's Twitter client, Peep, is one of those apps that stopped working and imagine my surprise this morning when I wanted to check the tweets while drinking coffee and was presented with the screen attached. Hope HTC will release their updated version of the app as soon as possible since we know they don't want to lose any users in their Peep pool.
And guess what, moving from the HD2 to my Desire (in my desperate and naive attempt to read some news), I was surprised to find out that Peep for Android is facing the same problems, and it became clear to me that HTC has to make a move, quick!
Strange though that I managed to tweet from Peep some two hours ago!... - probably my last tweet from Peep for a while, hope it'll be short.
That's explains everything
This sucks!!!!!!!!!!
this sucks man! I twittered HTC and posted a notice on their Facebook wall, hope that they come with a fix ASAP!!!!!! Unbelievable that they had months notice to fix this problem. We also still waiting on a ROM update which they promised us since April! Its now September and still no official ROM update!
Its kind of ridiculous that HTC didn't change Peep to the OAuth method before rolling out FroYo. Now we have to wait for yet another update to fix our twitter clients.
Anyway, any alternative Twitter apps for Leo/WM6.5 which do still work? Preferably one with some cool extra functions
Yeah, I noticed this too.. Oddly enough it still works for posting new tweets.
I hope they will fix this with a simple/quick CAB update (or exe, like with the camera). Saves the hassle of backing up again.
But thanks to the XDA community, it will probably be cabbed anyways.. <3
Maybe we will need to wait to twitter again until they release windows mobile 7
tliles said:
I know twikini posted a while back (I can't post links but a search of "twikini stops updates" will get you there) that they would not update their app to support OAuth so that on 8/31 is would stop working. Seems as if Peep does not support OAuth either. Not sure us HD2 owners will be getting an update given the state of WM 6.5 and WM7 around the corner.
For WinMO, I use Panoramic MoTweets they updated to support OAuth in version 1.8.4
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Was posted on an other thread
Butt I don't like the way motweets's works and his layout so this could be an option for people who want to try
As much as I love the HD2, I can't stand HTC's "support", more like lack of, lmao! They seem to make a phone & drop it like an ex girlfriend with a scat fetish, then move on to the next one!
Thank god for xda & you talented individuals or this phone would be near useless by now.
I love the Peep feature, it's my preffered way of tweeting & reading tweets. On Desire I love tweetcaster & tweetdeck, two awesome apps, which naturally means they won't be available for Windows......grrrrr!
I'm sure if enough people complain to HTC regarding it, they will address it. Expecially since T-Mobile is still selling the HD2.
I do admit it's discouraging though that it's not already fixed, considering the time given to address it
I dont use Peep but do use both MoTweets and PockeTwit,
only MoTweets is working now.
love u guys
i was wondering why peep wasn't workin i know if i got a problem to always come to xda thanks
Those of you on WinMo who already have Kinoma Play for its media features can use its Twitter app as well. If you don't have Kinoma yet, you're missing out. It's well worth the purchase.
I'm hoping Peep gets fixed as well, but at least I've got a stand-by.
Any clever coders out there working on an unofficial patch?
Wow good thing I read this post cause I almost resorted to a hard reset!
Official reply from HTC
I got this official reply from HTC today:
Hi, We are currently investigating an issue with our Peep client that has stopped working and hope to have a solution soon. Please monitor the support pages for updates, or if you prefer we can record your details and contact you again once a solution is available, You can use the official twitter app for the time being. This is unaffected, HTC are currently working on the authorisation required for peep to work on our handsets, an update should be available soon. Thank you for contacting HTC Europe Best Regards Luke HTC Europe.
Seems like it's going to take them a while to resolve this. We're already waiting since April on a new ROM update so I doubt if an official update will be deployed since Windows 7 will be debuting in December.
In the mean time, download moTweets, it works excellent!!!!!!! Does anybody know how to replace the twitter tab in Sense with moTweets? That would be excellent, but I don't know how.
If anyone knows, please post how to.
I recieved the email below of Twitter. as far I see they will deliver updates to change the Oauth login
Over the coming weeks, we will be making two important updates that will impact how you interact with Twitter applications. We are sending this notice to all Twitter users to make sure you are aware of these changes.
What are applications?
There are over 250,000 applications built using the Twitter API. To use most applications, you first authorize the application to access your Twitter account, after which you can use it to read and post Tweets, discover new users and more. Applications come in many varieties, including desktop applications like TweetDeck, Seesmic, or EchoFon, websites such as TweetMeme, fflick, or Topsy, or mobile applications such as Twitter for iPhone, Twitter for Blackberry, or Foursquare.
Update 1: New authorization rules for applications
Starting August 31, all applications will be required to use “OAuth” to access your Twitter account.
What's OAuth?
- OAuth is a technology that enables applications to access Twitter on your behalf with your approval without asking you directly for your password.
- Desktop and mobile applications may still ask for your password once, but after that request, they are required to use OAuth in order to access your timeline or allow you to tweet.
What does this mean for me?
- Applications are no longer allowed to store your password.
- If you change your password, the applications will continue to work.
- Some applications you have been using may require you to reauthorize them or may stop functioning at the time of this change.
All applications you have authorized will be listed at
- You can revoke access to any application at any time from the list.
Update 2: URL wrapping
In the coming weeks, we will be expanding the roll-out of our link wrapping service, which wraps links in Tweets with a new, simplified link. Wrapped links are displayed in a way that is easier to read, with the actual domain and part of the URL showing, so that you know what you are clicking on. When you click on a wrapped link, your request will pass through the Twitter service to check if the destination site is known to contain malware, and we then will forward you on to the destination URL. All of that should happen in an instant.
You will start seeing these links on certain accounts that have opted-in to the service; we expect to roll this out to all users by the end of the year. When this happens, all links shared on or third-party apps will be wrapped with a URL.
What does this mean for me?
- A really long link such as might be wrapped as for display on SMS, but it could be displayed to web or application users as or as the whole URL or page title.
- You will start seeing links in a way that removes the obscurity of shortened links and lets you know where each link will take you.
- When you click on these links from or a Twitter application, Twitter will log that click. We hope to use this data to provide better and more relevant content to you over time.
Thanks for reading this important update. Come and check what's new at
The Twitter Team
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I posted this in general QnA 3 days ago when it all started kicking off, although i had problems with Twitter cache before hand.
If your interested, click on the link below where i will place any updates worth noting.
timmymarsh said:
I posted this in general QnA 3 days ago when it all started kicking off, although i had problems with Twitter cache before hand.
If your interested, click on the link below where i will place any updates worth noting.
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Thanks since your post has more usefull information it would be good to lock this one.
Thread Closed.

[Q] How to remove phone call capibilities

I've been lurking in the shadows on this forum for awhile now, I've rooted multiple phones, customized roms, and just recently made a successful aosp rom.
also just saw my post count so want to say thanks to the countless guides on this site.
That being said on to the project at hand.
My next project I want to take out anything that is only for making phone calls since I use SIP for all my calls. I've been doing a little experimenting removing apps and such (Thank you titanium backup), but wanted to see if anyone else had any luck trying this before I just repeated someone elses work.
I'm going to be doing this with a ported version of cyanogenmod (IHO for LG Optimus V) but I figure it will be close for all phones
I tried simply removing the phone app and got force closes like crazy.
So I guess my questions are
Has anyone attempted this before?
How far did you get and what did you find out?
Do tablets already have this removed? this would provide a good example to start but from what I can tell they still have these functions just turned off (wasting space), feel free to correct me if I'm wrong I wasn't able to find much on that since I don't own one.
Any good guide on modifying apps? I've seen a few here and there but didn't really get to far with it (not that I gave it enough time to be honest).
I'm just trying to find a good starting point for this since it's a little more in depth then most of my projcets
I removed all phone stuff before. What I did was when it fc, I pulled battery and it would not fc anymore. Then i would continue to remove the rest. Hope this works!
Please hit the thank you button if i helped!
When i uninstalled the phone.apk, it give me related fc which not even allowed me to switch it off.I had to pull out the battery to stop the menace and wheni restarted all the network range was gone and airplane mode was also not working.
Sooooo,i guess it's the one you're looking for
Hit thx if I helped you a bit
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I'll give it another go when I get to a charger that was also on froyo so maybe gingerbread will react different
Sent from my LG-VM670 using XDA App
very helpful
This worked, except I still need my data, I didn't make it a very strong point but I have an unlimited data plan so basically i'm coming at this from a battery and space side of things, I don't need the ability to make calls or have my phone sitting there waiting for calls but I do need my data so my SIP app can send and receive calls and i can text with google voice.
This is why i figured I'd have to get into the source editing.

Where's My Water? Where's My Message Going?

So the latest update for the Disney game Where's My Water? Has started rolling out and I know that its getting alot of negative points for this update for two reasons:
1. They're charging for the additional levels ontop of the inital app charge. Now I know we're not gonna change that part but they are taking the piss quite a bit there. But more importantly...
2. The update allows full WAP message access (or words to the same effect) to my knowlede Disney is justifying it because of the app pirchase but that just doesn't make sense. Now I'm not particularly good and getting into app coding to find out what they're actually getting. So here's my propisition, can someone figure out why they need this permission. I love this little game I know its made by Disney etc. but its well built and fun I just want to know why they've decided they need this info.
Cheers all
Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda premium
I'm a developer on Where's My Water, though my focus is more on the native C++ side and not on platform specifics. I'm not 100% sure why we have WAP message access as a permission. It may be required by one of the in app billing libraries for one of the markets the app is published on. I'll look into it and get back to you. I can promise you it's for no malicious purpose. If it turns out we don't need it, we will remove it in the next update. Thanks for pointing it out.
Thanks for the quick response. Thats brilliant news its moments like this that show what the xda community can do connecting users and developers. Please keep us all posted with the progress you make and thanks again for the response.
Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda premium
alk3ovation said:
I'm a developer on Where's My Water, though my focus is more on the native C++ side and not on platform specifics. I'm not 100% sure why we have WAP message access as a permission. It may be required by one of the in app billing libraries for one of the markets the app is published on. I'll look into it and get back to you. I can promise you it's for no malicious purpose. If it turns out we don't need it, we will remove it in the next update. Thanks for pointing it out.
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I have a question about this game. I'm running this on my android tablet and I also love this game as its really kept me entertained and its a fun game.
However when I'm offline the game closes unexpectedly bit when I go back online it loads fine. Why can I not play this game when I'm not on wifi? I travel quote a bit and it wold be nive if I could play offline.
Sent from my ICS CM9 HP Touchpad
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Could we get an update? I went to purchase this game and saw the "read WAP messages" permission request. Not going to happen unless that goes away. Thanks for checking for us.
picklefish said:
Could we get an update? I went to purchase this game and saw the "read WAP messages" permission request. Not going to happen unless that goes away. Thanks for checking for us.
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I'll add my voice to this, with one difference - I already did purchase the game. Can't wait to see what's in the update but not with WAP. Props to the dev for responding in this thread though!
insanimal said:
I'll add my voice to this, with one difference - I already did purchase the game. Can't wait to see what's in the update but not with WAP. Props to the dev for responding in this thread though!
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Agreed I think the WAP is basically internet access as we can't play offline. Well I can't
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I am also a developer for Disney working on Puffle Launch project. I will contact the lead dev on the Where's My Water app for this current issue.
LG G2x ─ Cyanogen(mod)
dEris said:
I am also a developer for Disney working on Puffle Launch project. I will contact the lead dev on the Where's My Water app for this current issue.
LG G2x ─ Cyanogen(mod)
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I can not thank you enough. I have also purchased puffed launch and have no problem playing puffle launch offline.
Thank you again
Sent from my ICS CM9 HP Touchpad
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Hey everyone,
I looked into the WAP push issue and it turns out we don't need that. It must have snuck in as we have been rapidly iterating on the game and it seems to have just been overlooked. We have an update running through test right now which removes the WAP push requirement. Once again, we apologize for any confusion this may have caused.
@thedan55 - I will look into this. The game should not require an internet connection to run.
alk3ovation said:
Hey everyone,
I looked into the WAP push issue and it turns out we don't need that. It must have snuck in as we have been rapidly iterating on the game and it seems to have just been overlooked. We have an update running through test right now which removes the WAP push requirement. Once again, we apologize for any confusion this may have caused.
@thedan55 - I will look into this. The game should not require an internet connection to run.
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brilliant, thanks!
Hi all,
There's a third issue with this update, and I'm wondering if anyone knows whether it's likely to be related to the WAP permissions. Since the update, the game is now shown as incompatible with many tablet devices, including my Acer Iconia A100... I'm assuming WAP permissions wouldn't be available on Wifi only tablets.
To give full details, I bought the game over Christmas and had played through it all with no bother on my tablet. Yesterday I got the update on my phone, and when it didn't come through on the tablet I went to My Apps within the market, selected "where's my water" and got the "this app is incompatible with your device" message. Looking through the recent reviews, many tablet owners are in the same position.
Perhaps one of the developers could tell us if removal of WAP permissions will fix this, or if they're working on another way to fix it? It's very disappointing to pay for a game and then be unable to get the updated levels, especially when the game is so good! It's just not the same on the small phone screen. I would gladly pay for Cranky if I could get him on my tablet...
In case it helps at all, I should add that the free version, which I see also requires WAP permissions, has always been shown as incompatible with my tablet... I had to try it on the phone and was then able to use the tablet when I bought the full version.
Any info would be much appreciated.
I believe WAP intrinsically requires hardware telephony, so removing it should open it back up to you. We have found the bug you are referring to and will make sure to fix in the forthcoming update. Once again, we apologize for this mistake!
That's a brilliant response thank you for solving that problem for us all looking forward to the next update. Keep up the work because it really is a brilliant innovative game
Alk3ovation - great news, and thanks very much for taking the time to respond.
Heads up everyone, the update should be live. WAP push is removed and the game should now be playable on tablets again! Thanks!
Thank you!
alk3ovation said:
Heads up everyone, the update should be live. WAP push is removed and the game should now be playable on tablets again! Thanks!
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Thanks, I've updated today immediately after seeing that WAP permissions were removed. I also changed my review back to the well deserved 5 starts. And I learned a new expression: "You three-ducked it!"
Yes, thanks very much! I can confirm it's now updating fine on my Iconia tab, and Cranky got unlocked instantly when I paid for him.
Multiple Devices
Actually - I've just run into what may be a bug with using this update/purchase on multiple devices.
As above, I was able to buy Cranky no problem on my tablet. I just tried to get into those levels on my phone as well, and they were still showing as locked. When I tried to open them I kept getting "Your order is processing" followed by "An error occured".
I got round it by using the 'Clear Data' option from Manage Applications, which I didn't mind doing since I'd only played a couple of levels of Swampy on my phone - after that the new levels showed as unlocked immediately next time I opened the game.
Like I said, no biggie for me, but just letting you know in case it is a reproducible bug (I think I've seen a few other people mention the 'order processing' thing in reviews), since I'm sure some people will have played right through the game on their second device and won't want to lose all their progress.
Thats some brilliant news updated same soon as i heard gonna go get the extra levels now thanks again for all year you've done
Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda premium

Cannot get past WIFI selection on Hudl 1

Hi guys, I hope someone can help coz I'm at the end of my tether!.
I've got a Hudl v1 which I factory reset because it was getting slow with stock ROM (never changed anything).
I come to the Let's get started and I click Start to get to the WIFI selection bit. I connect to my own router and it quickly says Authenticating (which it does), then it say Cannot connect to the internet, check your WIFI, and I click OK which takes me back to the WIFI connection screen. If I reboot at this point and start again, at the connect to WIFI point it says connected and there's the WIFI icon but no triangle icon to continue.
I've tried it on several networks, both open and secured and set it static IP but no luck.
If I use the Google keyboard method of getting to Settings I can browse Ok using Chrome and access Play Store etc and install apps.
I have tried 3 different ROM's now and all are the same. Used RKTOOL to flash it. Factory reset after installing each of them.
Debug mode and rooted now BTW.
I used ES explorer to browse to system/apps folder and renamed the HUDL SETUP apk to something different then reset again. The only difference now is that I have the 3 nav icons at the bottom.
Is there a way around this to skip the WIFI screen and continue to the next setup screen?
Is there a way of killing this process (if so what's it called?) of removing it?
Much appreciate any help.
Factory reset HUDL - cannot get past the wifi screen
I am having exactly the same issue my HUDL. I have not been through as many processes as you to get around the startup screen. My main theory now is to wipe the HUDL software and install alternative Android OS. Not sure if that would work in practice, but seems just the HUDL thats the issue.. Is it possible this is a deliberate bug by HUDL to kick the systems gradually off the market? Seems a waste as my HUDL still works well, so be stupid to bin it just yet.
Can you add any advice on how you did the other actions - how did you get your three buttons and did they operate as expected - presuymably not:? Even when I by pass to the keyboard section I am unable to download or update apps or install the Google Now Launcher.
Seems stupid to me. Really keen to find a post a fix for this stupid stupid issue?
pwigg said:
Hi guys, I hope someone can help coz I'm at the end of my tether!.
I've got a Hudl v1 which I factory reset because it was getting slow with stock ROM (never changed anything).
I come to the Let's get started and I click Start to get to the WIFI selection bit. I connect to my own router and it quickly says Authenticating (which it does), then it say Cannot connect to the internet, check your WIFI, and I click OK which takes me back to the WIFI connection screen. If I reboot at this point and start again, at the connect to WIFI point it says connected and there's the WIFI icon but no triangle icon to continue.
I've tried it on several networks, both open and secured and set it static IP but no luck.
If I use the Google keyboard method of getting to Settings I can browse Ok using Chrome and access Play Store etc and install apps.
I have tried 3 different ROM's now and all are the same. Used RKTOOL to flash it. Factory reset after installing each of them.
Debug mode and rooted now BTW.
I used ES explorer to browse to system/apps folder and renamed the HUDL SETUP apk to something different then reset again. The only difference now is that I have the 3 nav icons at the bottom.
Is there a way around this to skip the WIFI screen and continue to the next setup screen?
Is there a way of killing this process (if so what's it called?) of removing it?
Much appreciate any help.
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---------- Post added at 11:35 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:57 AM ----------
I called TESCO contact centre and they confirmed that the software is no longer support and this sounds like a deliberate bug to stop the devices. - If you have a HUDL I would urge you not to factory reset as this will kill it altogether. I think from an environmental standpoint its atrocious to do this and for TESCO not to have a section about it on the website. They should also be telling people where they can send the devices for recycling or repurposing or offering a very basic OS so it can still be used even with limited fucnctionality. We need to start thinking about the whole picture and getting the information like this out there in the public domain.
load settings
stuartcm83 said:
I am having exactly the same issue my HUDL. I have not been through as many processes as you to get around the startup screen. My main theory now is to wipe the HUDL software and install alternative Android OS. Not sure if that would work in practice, but seems just the HUDL thats the issue.. Is it possible this is a deliberate bug by HUDL to kick the systems gradually off the market? Seems a waste as my HUDL still works well, so be stupid to bin it just yet.
Can you add any advice on how you did the other actions - how did you get your three buttons and did they operate as expected - presuymably not:? Even when I by pass to the keyboard section I am unable to download or update apps or install the Google Now Launcher.
Seems stupid to me. Really keen to find a post a fix for this stupid stupid issue?
---------- Post added at 11:35 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:57 AM ----------
I called TESCO contact centre and they confirmed that the software is no longer support and this sounds like a deliberate bug to stop the devices. - If you have a HUDL I would urge you not to factory reset as this will kill it altogether. I think from an environmental standpoint its atrocious to do this and for TESCO not to have a section about it on the website. They should also be telling people where they can send the devices for recycling or repurposing or offering a very basic OS so it can still be used even with limited fucnctionality. We need to start thinking about the whole picture and getting the information like this out there in the public domain.
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i know this is old but just going through this on my granddads old Hudl, he died so no way am I getting rid the first post got me interested but didnt know what they keyboard trick was have found out so am posting here to help other users
1. select anywhere that will let you type in text
2. when the keyboard comes up long press the microphone key
3. click on google keyboard settings
4. scroll down to about google keyboard
5. click on privacy policy (it will load up google chrome)
6. in the address bar type in google app
7. the google app will show click on it in the google search results
8. click open in play store
9 click on open
10. in the search bar type settings / play store
11. root your tablet following other guids
hope this helps fill in the blanks
Tesco HUDL1_Post-factory reset Workround
Hi All,
Over the past couple of years I've contributed to the MoDaCo forum on this topic as a HUDL user - since the MoDaCo forum is now defunct (sadly, recently confirmed to me by PaulO'Brien via email), I thought it might be useful to fill in some of the gaps for you by summarising the extensive history surrounding this problem, starting from the first Tesco server outage in early 2019. Much of this was documented in MoDaCo but is now no longer available.
I can also offer you a couple of workround solutions which I’ve tested on a factory-reset HUDL1, and documented as a detailed instruction set within a .pdf file.
Since it isn’t possible to attach anything other than image files to this post. I’ve transferred the file to Google drive. Unfortunately as a new user, it does not appear to be possible for me to include the shareable link within this reply to allow you access…..
If any of you are interested in viewing this file, please let me know via this post and I will look into alternative means of getting it to you.
viv001 said:
Hi All,
Over the past couple of years I've contributed to the MoDaCo forum on this topic as a HUDL user - since the MoDaCo forum is now defunct (sadly, recently confirmed to me by PaulO'Brien via email), I thought it might be useful to fill in some of the gaps for you by summarising the extensive history surrounding this problem, starting from the first Tesco server outage in early 2019. Much of this was documented in MoDaCo but is now no longer available.
I can also offer you a couple of workround solutions which I’ve tested on a factory-reset HUDL1, and documented as a detailed instruction set within a .pdf file.
Since it isn’t possible to attach anything other than image files to this post. I’ve transferred the file to Google drive. Unfortunately as a new user, it does not appear to be possible for me to include the shareable link within this reply to allow you access…..
If any of you are interested in viewing this file, please let me know via this post and I will look into alternative means of getting it to you.
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Hi would you be able to contact me somewhere regarding this? would be interested in taking look at the pdf file
I would certainly be interested in looking at the .pdf as I have 2x Hudl 1 both of which have been factory reset before I knew Tesco no longer supported them and had swithched off the server.
Tesco HUDL1_Post-factory reset Workround
KingUsman said:
Hi would you be able to contact me somewhere regarding this? would be interested in taking look at the pdf file
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Since I'm new to this forum and there do seem to be quite a few restrictions on exchange of data, I'll need some advice on how to give folks access to the pdf file. As you'll appreciate, the amount of info is too large to insert into a post 'longhand', so a separate document was really the only way to go with this.
I suspect there will be quite a bit of interest, and it would be a shame if the site's restrictions prevented me from sharing the info.
I notice there is an icon on the post compilation page entitled 'Insert email link' - what exactly does this do, and could we use it to exchange email addresses offline ? I've no objection to corresponding with interested individuals, but I'd rather not broadcast my address too widely....
Cheers, Viv
Grimbo58 said:
I would certainly be interested in looking at the .pdf as I have 2x Hudl 1 both of which have been factory reset before I knew Tesco no longer supported them and had swithched off the server.
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Hi, Happy to let you have a copy, but please see my reply to KingUsman re how best to do it. Not sure why the forums are so restrictive...
My sympathies on being landed with 2 'dead' HUDLs by Tesco - you certainly won't have been alone in this, given the popularity of this tablet and continued buoyancy of the second hand market before the event....
viv001 said:
I can also offer you a couple of workround solutions which I’ve tested on a factory-reset HUDL1, and documented as a detailed instruction set within a .pdf file.
Since it isn’t possible to attach anything other than image files to this post. I’ve transferred the file to Google drive. Unfortunately as a new user, it does not appear to be possible for me to include the shareable link within this reply to allow you access…..
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Hi Viv,
I've sent you a PM, and hope you can share the link to the PDF that way?
viv001 said:
Since I'm new to this forum and there do seem to be quite a few restrictions on exchange of data, I'll need some advice on how to give folks access to the pdf file. As you'll appreciate, the amount of info is too large to insert into a post 'longhand', so a separate document was really the only way to go with this.
I suspect there will be quite a bit of interest, and it would be a shame if the site's restrictions prevented me from sharing the info.
I notice there is an icon on the post compilation page entitled 'Insert email link' - what exactly does this do, and could we use it to exchange email addresses offline ? I've no objection to corresponding with interested individuals, but I'd rather not broadcast my address too widely....
Cheers, Viv
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I've sent you a PM, can you see if you can send the link through there? If not maybe you can try enter it here with spaces between and see if that works
Sorry, folks - I've tried to unravel the complexities of exchanging information via this forum, but they do seem to me to be insuperable for a 'novice' user. I'll have to explore other ways of sharing the information....
In the meantime, best of luck finding ways to reactivate your HUDLs,
viv001 said:
Sorry, folks - I've tried to unravel the complexities of exchanging information via this forum, but they do seem to me to be insuperable for a 'novice' user. I'll have to explore other ways of sharing the information....
In the meantime, best of luck finding ways to reactivate your HUDLs,
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If you can upload the PDF to this link
I'll be able to share it with others for you.
Thanks to both you and Viv for helping out with this. If you manage to get that available on dropbox I would be keen (and very grateful) for a copy.
The restrictions on this forum do seem quite onerous. My original attempt to post a reply was rejected because it quoted your post which contained a link!
I just managed to get past the setup wizard and get both my Hudl 1's back into service. The problem is not that the Tesco server is gone, but that it's certificate expired on 26th June. If you can escape the wizard and get to settings to set the Hudl's time to before that date the wizard completes successfully.
I've written up how I escaped the wizard and got into the settings to do this - it's s combination of information from this thread and stuff I've found elsewhere, none of it is really mine . No rooting or USB debuuging required.
Find the write up here: Apparently I haven't posted enough here to be able to post the actual link, so try this ....
https colon slash slash rob dot themayfamily dot me dot uk slash hudl
If someone with enough privileges could post an actual link for others to click that would be excellent.
I hope this is useful. Please let me know if you find better/easier ways to achieve the same end effect. If I get time I'll have a look to see if the setup wizard can more easily be disabled, but for now this has got me where I need to be.
[Edited to add: you can find a clickable link under the Home Page in the contact info of my profile]
TigerRob, I went to the website and tried. It still says failed to connect. I did the same thing you did by resetting thinking it was a good idea but totally forgotten about this being a thing with hudls. Im gonna try again and hope for the best.
EDIT: OMG IT WORKS!!!! I guess setting it to 2015 was a bad idea. Should of checked before and set to 22/11/19. Thanks dude!
lemurmad said:
TigerRob, I went to the website and tried. It still says failed to connect. I did the same thing you did by resetting thinking it was a good idea but totally forgotten about this being a thing with hudls. Im gonna try again and hope for the best.
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Sorry, but not sure what website you went to. If you go to my site there are step by step instructions for recovering - but I still don't have enough posts here to link to it directly. If you click on 'TigerRob' to the left of this post and then follow the link to 'view profile' and then click on the 'Contact Info' tab you will find a link under the 'Home Page' - follow that to my write-up.
I've had a couple of other people confirm that they've made it work - let me know how you get on.
I'm working on a custom ROM, based on the latest stock ROM (JDQ39.20140424.153851) that will have the following features:
- boot 'chime' disabled
- setup wizard & Tesco updates disabled
- Tesco apps and branding removed
- Remaining stock apps updated to latest available for JellyBean/4.2.2
I'm probably a week away from having something that can be tested - if you're interested in having early sight and helping test then please let me know by replying here or PM'ing me.
Fixed as well!
Rob, thanks for what is probably the best described fix I've ever seen for a tech problem. It worked perfectly, just as you described at every step, including the lack of download of the settings app so I went back and reset the hudl again but was quicker through the process second time. Excellent job! Rob
lemurmad said:
TigerRob, I went to the website and tried. It still says failed to connect. I did the same thing you did by resetting thinking it was a good idea but totally forgotten about this being a thing with hudls. Im gonna try again and hope for the best.
EDIT: OMG IT WORKS!!!! I guess setting it to 2015 was a bad idea. Should of checked before and set to 22/11/19. Thanks dude!
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I'll add an instruction not to go too far in the past . The Hudl talks to other sites during setup, and if they have certificates then those certificates will have 'not before' dates, and if you set the time before these dates then those communications will fail ...
TMF Custom ROM v0.1 (for HUdl 1)
I have a working custom ROM that is currently running on 3 of my Hudl's. If any with a bit of experience of flashing the Hudl want to give it a shot then drop me a PM and I'll share a link - but I'd like to get some confidence of it working on other devices before I open up to general downloads.
This ROM is not Rooted. It just works around the issue of not being able to complete the setup wizard but disabling it and removes most of the Tesco branding. More information once I have confidence that it's good for wider distribution

