[Q] Really worried about bricking phone - Thunderbolt Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I rooted my phone about a week ago. Things are going smoothly but I keep reading all these horror stories about people bricking while running Gingerbread ROMs. Im running BAMF 3.0 RC3 with the MR2 radio. Do I really have anything to worry about? Im not one to experiment with different kernels, etc. I'm really starting to think I should un-root before something goes wrong. Any comments would be appreciated!

csaunders_24 said:
I rooted my phone about a week ago. Things are going smoothly but I keep reading all these horror stories about people bricking while running Gingerbread ROMs. Im running BAMF 3.0 RC3 with the MR2 radio. Do I really have anything to worry about? Im not one to experiment with different kernels, etc. I'm really starting to think I should un-root before something goes wrong. Any comments would be appreciated!
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If it was meant to happen it will happen.

People who had never rooted their phones have had bricks too. But it's always a possibility when messing with things you are not supposed to. Plus what are you more likely to see the hundreds of people who's phones run flawlessly or the handful who have some flaw with theirs. I was worried too but I'm now starting to lead towards it not being a radio issue but just a hardware failure. Maybe for peace of mind though you should unroot or revert back to froyo till something guaranteed stable comes out.
Sent from my ADR6400L using XDA Premium App

Are there any special ways to unroot since I have GB/MR2 radio? Will this work?

csaunders_24 said:
Are there any special ways to unroot since I have GB/MR2 radio? Will this work?
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I'm not sure, but you could always flash back to Froyo and a Froyo based radio before you un-root
Sent from my Mecha using XDA Premium App

Never mind I found what I was looking for. That tread says I can. Thanks! Just sucks cuz I love the way GB and Sense 3.0 look!

If you don't flash anything new, you should be fine where you are. You're probably more likely to brick trying to unroot than sticking with what you have now.
Sent from my Thunderbolt using XDA Premium App

Agreed - you're most likely to have problems when you're flashing a Rom/radio or rooting/unrooting. People haven't been having problems with the current GB radio from what I've heard
Sent from my ADR6400L using XDA App

Your phone wont just up and become a brick out of the blue one day. Bricking occurs while you are actually trying to flash a new rom or something like that. Since you successfully flashed yours, you should be good to go for life now. Problem for you is if you somehow break compatibility with future software because your phone is no longer stock, you may have to unflash/unroot which could then cause you problems.
The only reason for me to root is so I could have free WiFi hotspot, which is a convenience thing really. I dont mind wired tether at all. Well I realize I only need to tether like 3 times per year, when I'm on vacation or something. And even then most hotels offer free wifi anyway. So it was really serving zero purpose for me. PDAnet can fill in the holes and at least I have the peace of mind knowing my phone works the way it was meant to. Bloatware? Meh, I can ignore it. Thunderbolt seems to ship pretty clean.


Work Phone - Should I Install a Rom?

Well my work just got a bunch of iPhones and the CEO got one of the. He had the Samsung before so I got it as an upgrade over my crackberry.
Now I really want to install a custom rom/kernel on the phone but I am hesitating because its really not my phone and my work owns it.
What do you guys think should I stick with stock or should I root the phone and install a rom?
Stock. There's nothing like explaining to the boss how you f'd up company equipment.
I dont know if one should/should not install custom roms on a work phone, as I don't have one. But I can tell you that if you do decide to root and install one of the custom roms, it's not that hard to unroot and go back to stock later on when you need to return the phone. There are several threads here that will guide you through the process too.
jenisiz said:
Stock. There's nothing like explaining to the boss how you f'd up company equipment.
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I guess your right I just hate being stuck on 2.1 when I know I can have a nice Froyo install. It's just so hard not to do because I have done it with all my other devices.
dsf767 said:
I guess your right I just hate being stuck on 2.1 when I know I can have a nice Froyo install. It's just so hard not to do because I have done it with all my other devices.
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I hear you...but who's to say he won't ask for it out the blue someday?
Idk, at this point, the fascinate is practically impossible to brick. You also say you have experience rooting and customizing other phones, correct? I say go for it. The only reason I could see not to is due to security issues. Work passwords and etc.. I really don't know too much about all of that tho.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA Premium App
I have a rooted android work phone. All you have to do is read what ppl are saying about the roms and FOLLOW DIRECTIONS and youll be fine.
dsf767 said:
Well my work just got a bunch of iPhones and the CEO got one of the. He had the Samsung before so I got it as an upgrade over my crackberry.
Now I really want to install a custom rom/kernel on the phone but I am hesitating because its really not my phone and my work owns it.
What do you guys think should I stick with stock or should I root the phone and install a rom?
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Used my fascinating voodoo powers
I seriously discourage doing anything to it. It's not yours for one, and (no disrespect to the devs ofcourse, their work is amazing) there really isnt anything spectacular for this phone at the moment due to samsung's failure to provide any source code. To be more specific... our kernels suck.
And oh yea this shouldve been in the Q&A section so be ready for ashasaur to move this thread. (hes really good at doing that )
Depends on your comfort level, and of course, your corporate policies.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA Premium App
I would say root your phone at the most. It's fairly easy to recover from just rooting, but flashing roms/kernels/modems is much more risky. At least with rooting, you could fairly easily freeze the bloat with TiBu and have a more functional phone. Thawing everything and un-rooting would have you a stock phone back fairly quickly, and you could also still receive OTA updates as well.
I say go for it if anything goes wrong all you have to do is odin back to stock it removes everything its as simple as plugging the phone in load the stock file and click start I've done this countless times
We pick our work cell phones specifically because of the potential customization we can do. I hate being stuck with some company's version of what they think will be useful to me in my job. I can Odin this phone back to stock/factory defaults in less than 5 minutes if need be, so customizing this phone and expanding its abilities, and recovering from those customizations quickly, were what attracted me to it.
Android is Android, whether it's Samsung's stock version or one of the dev's version of it. Your phone is still going to perform the same tasks you need it to for your job. As long as you are both competent with the technologies involved and confident in your ability to restore to stock, I don't see why you should hesitate from exploring the options that are out there, especially when Froyo source drops and we see an explosion of dev-created customizations/enhancements.
Really? If your asking for advice on whether to mess with a business owned phone, it makes me wonder are you the ceo's mail clerk?
Personally for a work phone, I'd update it for better usage in my work.
Increasing battery life usage duration.
Less irritating buggy glitches.
Removing the idiotic TW/BING/VZW craps. (too many add-on hacks from google default causing reliability and dependability problems)
Adding Backup and Restore nandroid for possible failures and migrations.
I suggest DJ05 + SuperClean + Blaze v2.3.1R2.

New MR2 GB Radio

Hey guys first time posting here, wanted to know if this one was safe? I know that the first gb radio was bricking, but is this new one safe?
I was really hoping to run bamf 2.0 safely.
I haven't bricked in the 52 minutes since flashing......
But I didn't brick during the two weeks I was running the other one either. It's sort of wait or flash at your own risk (which it always is really) at this point. I don't remember seeing a definitive diagnosis on why the other radio was causing bricks. There wouldn't be a way to verify if that problem is fixed if they didn't know what the problem was to begin with...
Yeah, I know there's always a risk.
But like you see the radios in the obligatory radio thread of the tbolt? All the froyo ones are safe I think I'll wait till the gb ones are like that.
So after all that chaos that happened a few days ago here it finally is. I would personally like to thank all of you guys that were sensitive to the situation and refrained from downloading, flashing, and or distributing this radio when it was stolen and pre-maturely leaked. Good things always come for those who wait.
Was chingy trying to say, that this was significantly safer?
I'm glad you asked that, Icey.. I was getting ready to start something with the same question.. I just rooted my bolt yesterday and I really don't wanna brick it on day 2! hehe
That being said, if this is a little safer, i'll try it!
If anybody is reading this who is smarter than me, AND THAT DOESN'T TAKE MUCH, can you give me any insight on what my procedure needs to be to get from my current Das BAMF 1.7 over to a gingerbread rom with the new radio??? Like I said, i just rooted yesterday and i'm a little more nervous, hesitant and unsure on this bolt than I was on my old Evo.. Especially since i'm brand spankin' new on ADB... Any insight from you geniuses would be GREATLY much appreciated!
Thanks in advance!
dont read into the brick issue to far or you will never get the phone running like a beast, the new radio,imo's 3.0 kernel and the bsmf with sense3.0 rocks this phone
Sent from my ADR6400L using XDA Premium App

GB/MR2/whatever causing brick scare question

So from what I gather the bricking problem has affected a lot of different devices. If mine hasn't bricked yet after 2 months of flashing(about ten or flashes) will I be pretty safe to flash to MR2 and Gingerbread?
Here's my personal experience. I have flashed nearly every available GB ROM/radio combination multiple times with no issues whatsoever. Now, I could very well just be extremely lucky and my device could brick tomorrow. Nobody can really say for sure. Nothing is really a sure bet when it comes to stuff like this, no two devices are exactly alike and can and most likely will react to the same setup in completely different ways. I personally(as well as others) believe that the bricks come from subpar quality hardware used in some devices. However, as far as I know, the cause of the bricking has not been 100% established and possibly never will be. There are always going to be certain risks associated with flashing ROMS and kernels, it just comes with the territory. Hope this helps you.
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cargo54 said:
So from what I gather the bricking problem has affected a lot of different devices. If mine hasn't bricked yet after 2 months of flashing(about ten or flashes) will I be pretty safe to flash to MR2 and Gingerbread?
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Consensus is bricks are caused by hardware failure or stupidity. The latter can be prevented. Flash away.
Courtesy of my rooted Bolt
sweet I've been wanting to update to GB so badly.
I've been wanting to update to GB but haven't because I'm afraid of the brick issue. So far so good with the MR2 leak. Just waiting for the official GB release and I'll update.

Is unlocking/rooting worth it?

I have no qualms about doing it, but I'm unsure. Is it worth it?
Ruling the air with 4G LTE on the HTC Rezound.
oowoon said:
I have no qualms about doing it, but I'm unsure. Is it worth it?
Ruling the air with 4G LTE on the HTC Rezound.
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Wouldn't think twice about it. You'll love having it unlocked and rooted. There are plenty of amazing ROMs right now to choose from. My phone's faster, smoother, and all around better. Just do it. You won't regret it.
Do it, you won't regret it.
What ROM would you recommend? I'm probably going to get an ics one without sense, but is de-sensedish or senseless better?
Ruling the air with 4G LTE on the HTC Rezound.
oowoon said:
What ROM would you recommend? I'm probably going to get an ics one without sense, but is de-sensedish or senseless better?
Ruling the air with 4G LTE on the HTC Rezound.
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My understanding is that the ICS roms out there are mostly based off of a shaky HTC leak or two.. If you try one, I'd suggest Scott's (CleanROM/Senseless) as he's a constant presence in his release threads. I've been using his GB CleanROM builds and they've been flawless. Whichever way you go, be sure to follow every instruction to a tee...you won't brick, but one missed sentence can cause a mess of frustration
Asking whether our not to root, and then jumping head-first into ICS seems like a bad idea. The mainver issues inherent with all the different leaks can cause some real headaches for inexperienced rooters.
I would suggest sticking with GB for now until you learn a bit more about the process on this device. S-on while unlocked means you have to know exactly what you're flashing if you aren't gonna have adb access all day.
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using Tapatalk
I agree on not going straight to ICS at this time.
I have tried all the ICS ROMs just to see what they are all about, but they all have bugs and certain apps are not compatible ICS yet.
I always end up going back to the setup in my sig which I absolutely love. That is partly because neither of my two favorite themes work in ICS, but even if they did I would still wait for it to mature a little more before swapping back to it.
No problems here with ICS
Although you might want to try some gingerbread roms at first, Many of the non ASOP ICS roms are very stable. As for the mainver issue, just flash the kernel via flastboot and you should be fine. if you need help with anything just let me know. For your first rom i would recommend cleanrom or rezrom.
Even if you don't want to install different ROMS (but why wouldn't you) gaining root gives you so much more freedom on your device, from changing boot animations, to doing backups.
I recommend you unlock and root. I have run both SenselessROM ICS and CleanROM ICS and they both work great and perform better than GB, at least according to AnTuTu Benchmark. I currently use Scott's CleanROM 2.2 ICS. It is fast and very stable. Only bug I have with it is no streaming media thru bluetooth.
Yes but the streaming through Bluetooth is an issue for all ICS roms.
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using XDA App
EmerikL said:
Yes but the streaming through Bluetooth is an issue for all ICS roms.
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The trick is to not turn off your bluetooth device, but the bluetooth on the phone when not using it. That has worked for me, saving me from having to re pair the bluetooth.
Sent from my Kindle Fire using Tapatalk
Don't have that choice. The earpiece turns itself off when charging. A nice "feature" the manufacturer added.
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using XDA App
EmerikL said:
Don't have that choice. The earpiece turns itself off when charging. A nice "feature" the manufacturer added.
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using XDA App
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why wouldnt it be a "feature"? why would anyone want to use the bluetooth with the usb cable poking out the back? not to mention the ear piece would likely just fall out of your ear if it was plugged in hehe..
to the OP, if your phone is working 100% to your liking, and you in no way feel its imperfect, then no, dont root.
if its say... 99% to your liking.. root it and get your 1% back!
Hmm if this is your first time rooting
I had two thunderbolt (mine and my gfs), one samsung charge , and the xoom tablet and couple of old iphones. So i went through many roots, jailbreaking etc..
I gotta say, hands down, the rezound is the trickiest,however, far form impossible due to the amazing devs support.
You really need to start with a simple phone that has s-off (like my loyal tbolt). after you get the complete gist of rooting, you have to back to school to understand the difference between unlocked bootloader and s-off.
Just to get the ota update, i spent close to one week just reading endless forums and user reports. When i did it, it worked flawlessly, but i still have a residual migraine from the amount of info i had to really understand.
of course now that i accomplished it, it seems like cake, which make me get to the next point; just because someone says its easy, it doesent mean it is.
Point is, if your a noob(i, in no way, want to insult you, just watching out for you), find a nice person on this forum that accomplished this and Pm them every step of the way. This community has matured and developed to fight against one enemy, the big red, and all their ways trying to hinder us from getting 100 % of our money.
Bottom line: If this is your first root, or if this is your first s-on unlocked bootloader root, spend at least 2 weeks to understand EVERYTHING you need to do, but without a doubt, you will only unlock this beast's potential when you root and unlock it, only then will you see why developers are jumping ship as well as old g-nex users to this phone
I can vouch for reading again and again what you are planning to do. I wanted to update my firmware for the radios and I read for almost a week on how to accomplish this. The sheer volume of topics on that one subject is amazing.
Bottom line, search, read, search some more, and when you think you done, search at least two more times.
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using XDA App
EmerikL said:
Yes but the streaming through Bluetooth is an issue for all ICS roms.
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using XDA App
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Glad I read this. No ICS for me then. I stream music and podcasts in my car all the time.
nrfitchett4 said:
The trick is to not turn off your bluetooth device, but the bluetooth on the phone when not using it. That has worked for me, saving me from having to re pair the bluetooth.
Sent from my Kindle Fire using Tapatalk
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So I'd have to leave my car running all the time? It is a hybrid but still... What a waste of fuel. And I don't think it would remain parked outside my house too long.
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buckifvr said:
I recommend you unlock and root. I have run both SenselessROM ICS and CleanROM ICS and they both work great and perform better than GB, at least according to AnTuTu Benchmark. I currently use Scott's CleanROM 2.2 ICS. It is fast and very stable. Only bug I have with it is no streaming media thru bluetooth.
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BFD what antutu says, that means absolutely nothing.
I have seen absolutely zero real world performance difference between my current setup & ICS. That, some app/theme incompatibility & the BT streaming issue (I use BT in my car every day) are plenty to keep me on GB for now.
feralicious said:
Glad I read this. No ICS for me then. I stream music and podcasts in my car all the time.
So I'd have to leave my car running all the time? It is a hybrid but still... What a waste of fuel. And I don't think it would remain parked outside my house too long.
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using Tapatalk
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This is good to know .... I've been looking to "acquire" a hybrid .....
DIncLover said:
This is good to know .... I've been looking to "acquire" a hybrid .....
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I drive a fully loaded Ford Escape hybrid. I absolutely LOVED the thing until it spun a rod bearing at 98,000 miles requiring an engine replacement.
I did all the work myself (I used to be an auto mechanic) but it still cost me $2200.00 for a used engine.......

Should I keep my note and root it or not?

I have been using the HTC evo on sprint for 2 years. My girlfriend saw the note and fell in love, and I was intrigued by the huge screen, since I use my phone more as a smartphone and less as an actual phone. So we went to ATT and bought a couple and are giving them a try, but haven't cancelled our sprint yet. She seems to like it a lot, haven't heard a complaint yet.
Out of the box, I was impressed with the screen for sure. Didn't liek the way the default browser handled zooming/word wrap on a lot of web pages, but a new browser fixed that. Battery life was good, but not great compared to what I was used to on some roms on my rooted evo. I am trying to learn to use the S-pen more. I haven't been blown away by the Note, but my Evo sure does seem small now.
I have been itching to root this thing and start installing some roms, but obviously wanted to wait until I was sure I was keeping it.
A couple questions, if I stay with ATT, I will be porting my sprint number. Will rooting the phone or installing a rom cause any issues with the porting of my old number? The Evo was super easy to root and flash roms, and also super easy to unroot in case it ever needed service, which it hasn't yet. Is it just as easy to root/unroot the Note? More concerned about the unrootingt, I am sure I can figure out the root process from the stickies, but I didn't see anything for unrooting, maybe I missed it. Just want to make sure I can get the phone serviced if I need to.
mike208 said:
I have been using the HTC evo on sprint for 2 years. My girlfriend saw the note and fell in love, and I was intrigued by the huge screen, since I use my phone more as a smartphone and less as an actual phone. So we went to ATT and bought a couple and are giving them a try, but haven't cancelled our sprint yet. She seems to like it a lot, haven't heard a complaint yet.
Out of the box, I was impressed with the screen for sure. Didn't liek the way the default browser handled zooming/word wrap on a lot of web pages, but a new browser fixed that. Battery life was good, but not great compared to what I was used to on some roms on my rooted evo. I am trying to learn to use the S-pen more. I haven't been blown away by the Note, but my Evo sure does seem small now.
I have been itching to root this thing and start installing some roms, but obviously wanted to wait until I was sure I was keeping it.
A couple questions, if I stay with ATT, I will be porting my sprint number. Will rooting the phone or installing a rom cause any issues with the porting of my old number? The Evo was super easy to root and flash roms, and also super easy to unroot in case it ever needed service, which it hasn't yet. Is it just as easy to root/unroot the Note? More concerned about the unrootingt, I am sure I can figure out the root process from the stickies, but I didn't see anything for unrooting, maybe I missed it. Just want to make sure I can get the phone serviced if I need to.
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Hey so, I recently switched from Verizon to AT&T. I kept my old number and rooted my note within three days of getting it. Haven't experienced any issues whatsoever and I think you will be blown away once you get hip deep into the Roms that are available. The only problem that I have come across is that I can't stop flashing new roms now.
But, it is super easy, really great guides on here and on Youtube if you're the visual type. I don't think you'll regret it. My only advice is just reading through the threads (or at least the last few pages) before flashing just to see the experiences of others and what to expect before you give it the go ahead. The rooting guides have guides toward the bottom on how to unroot and that's on youtube too.
Hope that helped.
Ph0n3D0rk said:
Hey so, I recently switched from Verizon to AT&T. I kept my old number and rooted my note within three days of getting it. Haven't experienced any issues whatsoever and I think you will be blown away once you get hip deep into the Roms that are available. The only problem that I have come across is that I can't stop flashing new roms now.
But, it is super easy, really great guides on here and on Youtube if you're the visual type. I don't think you'll regret it. My only advice is just reading through the threads (or at least the last few pages) before flashing just to see the experiences of others and what to expect before you give it the go ahead. The rooting guides have guides toward the bottom on how to unroot and that's on youtube too.
Hope that helped.
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I had rooted my evo and flashed so many roms I can't even count. So it's not that rooting/flashing scares me, and I am sure I can figure it out with the guides just fine. I was more worried about voiding my warranty or whatever. More so with this phone then with my evo for some reason.
There is an Odin image somewhere on these forums that will get you back to stock. It's pretty easy to do.
So far, this phone is the best phone I've ever had.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717
yes you can restore your phone to stock if needed (warranty is only reason I can think of). You can do it w/your PC and the stock ROM file as you can see in one of the forum stickies, I think the development forum.
Just get on one of the latest ICS leaked ROMS...I highly recommend the OnlyOne ROM/MOD since it is the based on the latest leak with a few key mods/etc added. Runs gREAt. And has some Samsung Galaxy III add-ons ported (i.e. new Touchwiz UI, S Note, S Voice, tethering). The OTHER ROMS are also solid and have more theming and custom stuff.
Get a PC then use it to Root, install CWM and then install your ROM of choice.
I like staying on Stock stuff and tried to on my Note for a few weeks but there were too many benefits to rooting, etc.
Have fun. Again...the ICS Leaked ROMS are sweet.
The Note, and most Samsung phones for that matter, are among the hardest to hard brick and some of the easiest to return back to stock as a result. Samsung phones are also very easy to root. The Note is no exception. As others have stated, we have an ODIN package to bring you back from everything but a hard brick. And you're not likely to do that so long as you stay on these forums and not the n7000's. That's pretty much the only way people have bricked their devices beyond saving. And even then you can send a hard brick in to some site and save it with JTAG repairs for $50, which is much cheaper than a replacement phone.
Also, in addition to the stock ODIN package, we have a flash counter reset, do ATT will have no indication you ripped whatsoever. People have returned their Note with the flash counter tripped, and had no issues, but it doesn't hurt to be careful. By using the ODIN package and flash counter reset, your warranty is again valid, so you really have nothing to worry about.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using Tapatalk 2
Best thing I've done was root and flash this yesterday. The stock experience was driving me crazy (came from a flashed atrix). I say go for it and don't look back. This phone was pretty easy to root and flash.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using XDA
Alright you all have convinced me. Off to read the root stickies/guide.
This is the method I want, correct? Looks like the other one isn't meant for custom roms, just to gain root access and leaves the flash counter at 0.
a. Flash counter raising: see here (http://forum.xda-developers.com/show....php?t=1504218)
mike208 said:
Alright you all have convinced me. Off to read the root stickies/guide.
This is the method I want, correct? Looks like the other one isn't meant for custom roms, just to gain root access and leaves the flash counter at 0.
a. Flash counter raising: see here (http://forum.xda-developers.com/show....php?t=1504218)
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No need to worry about the flash counter. There's an easy method to reset it and go back completely stock.
My suggestion: flash cwm, root, flash one of the awesome ics roms, and worry about going back to stock later. Totally worth it.
Flapjaxx'a ROM is what I'm currently running and it's up there for the smoothest and best Android experience I've seen through 3 Android phones and many other friends' phones. It's seriously like iOS/WP7 smooth for me. And great battery life. Wouldn't trade my Note for a damn thing. =].
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welchertc said:
No need to worry about the flash counter. There's an easy method to reset it and go back completely stock.
My suggestion: flash cwm, root, flash one of the awesome ics roms, and worry about going back to stock later. Totally worth it.
Flapjaxx'a ROM is what I'm currently running and it's up there for the smoothest and best Android experience I've seen through 3 Android phones and many other friends' phones. It's seriously like iOS/WP7 smooth for me. And great battery life. Wouldn't trade my Note for a damn thing. =].
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Touch or non touch CWM?
mike208 said:
Touch or non touch CWM?
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Either is fine. I use non touch because it's what I used on my captivate and infuse and I'm used to it, it has never failed me. I've never used touch, but apparently it's just as stable. It's really a matter of preference add far as I'm concerned and whether you like using the volume and power buttons or your screen.
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Holy crap this backup is taking a while. They never took this long on my evo. Maybe 2-3 minutes max. This one has been going for 5-10
mike208 said:
Holy crap this backup is taking a while. They never took this long on my evo. Maybe 2-3 minutes max. This one has been going for 5-10
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That's about what it was for me. Nothing to worry about
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welchertc said:
That's about what it was for me. Nothing to worry about
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using Tapatalk 2
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Wasn't worried, just complaining, lol. I got the itch to flash and backing up is slowing me down, lol. It's done now, roms flashed, rebooting...
mike208 said:
Wasn't worried, just complaining, lol. I got the itch to flash and backing up is slowing me down, lol. It's done now, roms flashed, rebooting...
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Gotcha. Which one did you go with?
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mike208 said:
Holy crap this backup is taking a while. They never took this long on my evo. Maybe 2-3 minutes max. This one has been going for 5-10
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Mine easily took 10-15mins (or so it felt). Same thing for my Touchpad.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using XDA
Stock gingerbread is leggy as hell. I put the OnlyOne ics rom on and it at least doubled the speed. Running launcher 7 also.
---------- Post added at 10:24 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:06 AM ----------
Stock gingerbread is laggy as hell. I put the OnlyOne ics rom on and it at least doubled the speed. Running launcher 7 also.
erick161 said:
Mine easily took 10-15mins (or so it felt). Same thing for my Touchpad.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using XDA
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HYFR Only One. I was hoping the GSIII add ons would wow me more, but S-voice seems only ok. Haven't really messed with S-Note yet. But battery life seems amazing.
I suggest going with team perfections objection. Been running it since I rooted and romed her. Runs smooth and can easily get through the day with music running nonstop. Welcome and I hope you enjoy your stay.
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