[Q] Lite'ning No Screen Time-Out? - Galaxy S II Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I've just flashed the Lite'ning Rom v1.5 and all is fine apart from the screen time-out...
The screen doesn't automatically go into time-out/suspend/lock unless I press the power button . I've checked the setting and tried setting it to 15sec, 30sec etc, but it doesnt seem to be working?
Had anyone else come across this? Anyone got any ideas?

Do you have Titanium Backup installed? I had this when Titanium had been running.
Reboot of the phone sorts it out, but it would happen again after the next scheduled Titanium Backup.

I am using often titanium and never had this issue.
Another possibility, have you plug headphones? Try remove them.

Same issue, no clue whats causing it. It doesnt happen all the time either, it is intermittent.

Me too... usually - it happens not really often - this is when I am arriving at my office after listening andro radio, I cut data connection and I am listening mp3 instead because data is not reachable inside the building. In that situation, I need to unplug my headphones and things go alright for the rest of day
Litening ROM is launching music play when headphones are plugged.

Mmmm...well for the past couple of days the screen time-out seems to be working?! I've not changed a thing!....don't think its anyting to do with headphones as I've not been listening to music or radio.
Did find another glitch the other evening when I woke to find my phone (which had been left on charge) very warm and not charging?? Quick reboot sorted it but another gremlin none the less!


Weird Alarm Ping

Hey All,
My Athena OEM stock ROM WM6 has started to give off a HI/LO (da dum) two note sound seemingly at random. It is freshly reset, synced and fully charged. Connected to my Windows XP PC via a USB link.
If I turn off system event notifications it still pings.
What the devil does it MEAN?? There are no programs
(other than those on a stock reboot) running and there are no items in my calendar.
It's annoying....
Any ideas?
sounds like the normal USB connection detection sound to me
This is loud, like a doorbell.....
Besides I have all of those turned off.
Sometimes I get Calender notifications that continue to sound, even though the calender event is dismissed or even deleted - especially if it was connected to a PC at the time and dismissed on there. The only way to stop it, short of a hard reset, is to set another calender event so that the reminder goes off in a minute or so, and dismiss that normally on the device.
If that's the problem you're having, that should fix it.
me too
same thing happened to me, but i really dont bother fixing it. you can try to fix it by doing a clear storage (in case you didnt do it already since Im confused when you said "freshly reset"). Backup for phone using SPB Backup or any others. Then see if it works after that. then restore the backup. No loss. Im too lazy to do it. replay back of your results.

Please HELP with sound problem (logcat attached)!

My audio randomly drops out and requires a reboot to clear. All audio is silenced. For example, pressing the volume buttons do not beep. It happens randomly, but most often after a reboot.
Tonight I was able to reproduce the problem fairly consistently so I was able to get a logcat (attached) of the issue. I was using Rockplayer v1.5.5 with hardware decoding. I don't think Rockplayer is the issue because the problem has happened with other programs, like Angry Birds.
I am not an expert but I see lines like "[FONT=&quot]W/AudioTrack( 927): obtainBuffer timed out (is the CPU pegged?) 0x21a528 user=00033b2a," [/FONT]when the issue occurs. When everything is working normally, these entries are not there. I trimmed the log file to meet the size limitations. I have the whole file if needed. Please help!!![FONT=&quot]
Moved to general
I will try and post a logcat the next time mine does it.
I'm having the same problem. I can hear sound whenever i startup the tablet, but after a while (sometimes it can be less than 1 min sometimes after 5 hours) the sound stops and i only get static noise or no sound at all. Whenever that happens, in the android log appears the following lines repeatedly (with a frequency of 1 sec):
W/AudioTrack( ####): obtainBuffer timed out (is the CPU pegged?) 0x##### user=00######, server=00######
I've tried changing ROMs without success in solving this problem, now i'm using TNTL v4.4.0.
The bug triggers while i'm using sound (games/watching videos on youtube/playng music on winamp/ pressing the battery button on the status bar, triggering that "click" noise).
When this bug is triggered, i get FC from some apps that use sound (Youtube / Winamp / some games)...
Rebooting the tablet fixes the problem untill it triggers again
i've been using adb logcat several times with this problem and the only correlation between the logs is the line described above, i've tried searching on google, but the results i get are for cellphones or pre 2.2 devices... in one of them, they interpret it as a kernel problem (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=6280968)...
Any help is appreciated.
Same thing here on one of the woot tablets running Vegan 5.1. 1. Usually happens after coming back from sleep. I asked for a replacement and the new tablet will be here tomorrow.
I really hope this is a hardware problem and not caused by a rom or app. Still interested in finding out what causes this, so I won't have this happen again with my new tab. Did anyone have this issue with the stock rom? Are these all recently bought tablets? I didn't spend enough time with stock to encounter sound problems.
I've been toying around with my tablet to see what is causing the problem, so i started by Flashing all over to stock to find out if at some point the sound problem stops... well... here are my results untill now:
Started at TNTL 4.4.0, Many apps installed and the sound problem appears constantly and is triggered easily. Before starting I backed up everything using Titanium Backup xD.
Part 1: Format + NVFlash to "belkit 1105" + Factory Reset: Problem Still Arround, took me about 3 reboots and 7 minutes to reproduce it by playing a song and randomly click on the battery/wifi/notification buttons with the sound of those buttons turned on.
Part 2: Updated to "stock 3588" (couldn't do it through OTA because it sayed that my tablet was up to date... so I downloaded the update from the NVFlash guide and installed using this guide from the internal SD. It didn't work, it took me about 5 minutes to reproduce the error, no rebooting .
Part 3: Settings > Security > Factory Reset: ... still haven't been able to reproduce the error, i've rebooted it about 7 times and listened music for 3 hours, eventually clicking on the notification/battery/wifi buttons and it seems to work fine... at least this is a checkpoint for me
It would be great if someone with the same problem could confirm that this works, i'm going to leave my tablet playing music during the night just to be sure :9.
Oh, JIC I bought my tablet on 27 Feb from J&R Electronics Inc through Amazon.
I'm having the same problem with mine in fact I have the tablet sitting next to me and the thing just went all static and freaked the cat out and woke my wife up not exactly cool when your in bed! I may have to look into exchanging or return it! I would hate to be at work or somewhere else and have it freak out like that! It's annoying!
I'm having the same problem, I lost all sound once I upgraded to Vegan Tab Ginger. Downgrading, or any changes doesn't do anything
I have a similar issue. I installed Cyanogenmod 7.0.3 and my sound mysteriously goes away. I can easily repeat it by putting the table to sleep and then waking it up. Sometimes, you can hear some static before it goes out.
I discussed this with Gojimi long time ago, but, I dont remember, I think the issue got lost with time. Still happens though

[Q] Sound volume issues - goes low/high by itself

Im having a very wired issue since today's morning,
The volume of the sound suddendly goes from 100% to 20%.
In the settings it shows its on max volume, but everything is very low.
It comes and goes by itself.
At first I thought its because my recent kernel change, so I wiped cache & dalvik, and it was ok.
after the whole day, I noticed it just comes and goes.
I havent installed anything new lately, and I dont do anything with the phone...its mostly idle & receiving calls / sms / GTalk. nothing more.
Im running stock 2.3.5 rom with SpeedModd K2-16.
Anyone has a decent solution for this (very) annoying issue?
Just to make it clear, the last time it happend was minutes ago,
I saw the volume is ok, I tried to send myself SMS and by the time it got to my phone - the sound was extremely weak, if not the screen on for sms, I wouldnt even hear it...and Im in my home now, and its pretty quiet.
The phone didnt move an inch, it was on the desk, so..I guess thats removes hardware badly connected off the table.

[Q] Bluetooth Causes Note to Reboot

Hello all,
Most of the time when I connect my Note to my MINI with MINI Connected (Nav, Pandora interface, Vehicle diagnostic interface, etc), it reboots the phone. It's not instant, sometimes the music will start playing, the car will confirm that the phone directory is updated, and I might even receive a message, but it usually reboots at some point. Once it reboots it usually is ok for the rest of the trip, even after disconnecting and leaving the car.
Yesterday, it started rebooting after disconnecting as well; once again, not every time...just did it yesterday at the mall and this morning when leaving my car for work.
This morning after it rebooted when leaving the car for work, I turned off the voice talk "Connect on Bluetooth" option to see if that does anything, but I thought I'd check to see if anyone has heard anything else.
So yesterday I rooted my Note and loaded Titanium backup and froze some services I thought might be causing issues. NOGO there.
I also repaired the phone as my primary (which syncs the phonebook) phone and with media audio. NOGO.
Next I repaired with just audio. NOGO
This morning I repaired as a secondary phone (no phonebook). So far so good. On the ride home today I'll pair as primary phone again and see if it stays.

[Q] First Post RessurectionRemix No Audio Problem

Hi Guys,
Always loved loading custom roms on my androids. Never had a problem I had to ask for help with until now. Please bear with me; I'm trying not to be noob-ish.
I'm running Resurrection Remix 4.4.2 on my Galaxy S2 GT-9100. I installed it last night. Had a big problem (after rebooting into recovery and then wipingdata/factory reset) - I couldn't mount my sdcard1 (externalSD) in CWMrecovery > hence I couldn't install the rom.zip from my SD card. I ended up using adb sideload to push the rom and GAPPS onto phone.
ROM working great so far, loving it! Suddenly; I can't adjust the audio slider for my main audio. The ring-volume and alarm volume can both be adjusted - and the speaker works when either of these two are used. My music/audio volume however won't lift up off zero. The speaker has the line through it to say it's muted completely.
I've tried using my hardware buttons, and the touchscreen to adjust it. I've searched Google & XDA. I've looking through all the settings on my phone. No luck. I've tried restarting phone. Can't think of any settings I've adjusted that could cause this. I was playing with contacts all afternoon, syncing FB images & organising Google contacts.
Please can somebody give me a hand - I've got my wedding coming up in 3 weeks and I don't have millions of hours to troubleshoot this alone.
Thanks in advance, let me know if there is anything I can do to help.
****This is strange. Just restarted my phone and it works again. Not sure then what is triggering the issue. Could be something to do with Open Mic for Google Now (it listens actively for "Ok Google"). Could be something to do with USB cable being plugged in and it thinks it is docked? Not sure any more. Working for now.****
****Now lost audio again! Was simply using my phone, using Google now to test the commands etc. Audio level dropped to zero, and I can't lift it up. Why! Perhaps it happened after phone went into standby?**** I've just checked and my WiFi doesn't go to sleep when phone is standby - it's already set to stay on.

