[Q] How does the Streak work? - Streak 5 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I'm sure there is an article or thread somewhere that outlines things like what is stored to the 2gb miniSD, what goes on the 16gb, if there is a built in memory chip and what is on that.
If anybody can point to one, I would be very appreciative.
I'd also like a link to a definitive explanation of what happens during the different types of recoveries. What is the difference between using zip files and pkg files, for example. How come some zip updates only make small changes but others can completely rewrite the phone and brick it?
What does it take to do the equivalent of formatting your computer and starting completely over with a fresh phone? I mean cleaning everything out.
What is it about this phone that a full nandroid backup will successfully bring back the phone one day and fail miserably the next?
I want to really understand this phone, because I am not going back to a smaller screen so it looks like I'm stuck with it for a while because there just doesn't appear to be a mad rush of manufacturers releasing 5 inch phones.

mid_life_crisis said:
I'm sure there is an article or thread somewhere that outlines things like what is stored to the 2gb miniSD, what goes on the 16gb, if there is a built in memory chip and what is on that.
If anybody can point to one, I would be very appreciative.
I'd also like a link to a definitive explanation of what happens during the different types of recoveries. What is the difference between using zip files and pkg files, for example. How come some zip updates only make small changes but others can completely rewrite the phone and brick it?
What does it take to do the equivalent of formatting your computer and starting completely over with a fresh phone? I mean cleaning everything out.
What is it about this phone that a full nandroid backup will successfully bring back the phone one day and fail miserably the next?
I want to really understand this phone, because I am not going back to a smaller screen so it looks like I'm stuck with it for a while because there just doesn't appear to be a mad rush of manufacturers releasing 5 inch phones.
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There are many out there, too many to list as a matter of fact... if you just use the Search function you will find all your answers. I hate to sound rude but this is just the type of thing the search is meant for. There are several guides that outline all you want to know, but I point them out to you, you won't be any the wiser by just clicking on them. The jargon you have to go through to get to the meat of your questions will teach you everything you need to know along the way.

I've tried searching. The problem is choosing words that get usable results without also getting a ton of useless ones to wade through.

mid_life_crisis said:
I'm sure there is an article or thread somewhere that outlines things like what is stored to the 2gb miniSD, what goes on the 16gb, if there is a built in memory chip and what is on that.
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There is no single article where you can get all of this info. Best general resource is the XDA Wiki on the Streak.
For more info on the workings of the inner SD Card see this thread at MoDaCo.
mid_life_crisis said:
I'd also like a link to a definitive explanation of what happens during the different types of recoveries. What is the difference between using zip files and pkg files, for example. How come some zip updates only make small changes but others can completely rewrite the phone and brick it?
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The stock recovery will install .pkg files (update.pkg or OTA upgrades). These are a full replacement for the software on your phone. When installing as an update.pkg file it is best to use the recovery for the version you are installing.
When installing an OTA update the recovery that preceded the one you are installing should work if your are 'upgrading' to a ROM from the same region, the checks that are done during an OTA update will prevent a phone from one region using an OTA update from another region. The advantage to using the OTA update process is that you retain your apps and settings. OTA updates are done by downloading the file to your phone and then tapping the DL notification in the notification bar.
A custom recovery (use StreakMod recovery) will write .zip files. These files can be a theme like a new notification bar or a ROM like StreakDroid or SimpleStreak. Custom recoveries are able to write a subset of the phones software. Most custom ROMS are not a full replacement for the the phones software, which is why they may include directions to flash a certain baseband or other additional files.
mid_life_crisis said:
What does it take to do the equivalent of formatting your computer and starting completely over with a fresh phone? I mean cleaning everything out.
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Installing a stock rom with a stock recovery from recovery mode will do this. Since a stock ROM is the whole software package this will also make sure that the baseband and amss.nbn files are all in sync (same version). Doing this or a factory reset formats the internal SD Card.
mid_life_crisis said:
What is it about this phone that a full nandroid backup will successfully bring back the phone one day and fail miserably the next?
I want to really understand this phone, because I am not going back to a smaller screen so it looks like I'm stuck with it for a while because there just doesn't appear to be a mad rush of manufacturers releasing 5 inch phones.
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I have never had a nandroid backup fail. I use StreakMod recovery.
If you check out the links in my signature you may find more answers.

Posts like that last make me really pissed off that I can only click "Thanks" once per post.

Modding your Streak - where to start expands on my answer posted here.


ROM flashable-zip packagers PLEASE READ!

It seems that there are a lot of ROMs out there that are doing some funky stuff from the edify scripting in CWM and providing a poor user experience. This overall hurts the entire custom NookColor community and puts a bad taste in peoples mouths.
This post is to point out best practices when creating CWM flashable zips in a consistant way allowing the user to upgrade and migrate between roms in a predictable way.
Rule #1: Don't touch /data!
There are many reasons why you don't want to touch /data but the most important is to allow the user to be able to upgrade your rom without completely wiping your data.
If you want to bundle in an applications (first of all... don't but if you reaally think it is necessary) put it in /system/app as a system app.
Rule #2: Don't overwrite /boot/uRecRam and /boot/uRecImg!
ROM and CWM should be separate. Users should be able to use your rom with CWM or even the stock recovery if they wish to. Allow the user to choose what version of CWM they want to run and allow them to upgrade it independently of your rom.
This allows you to not re-release roms every time a new version of CWM is released.
Exceptions to the rule are update zip that are intended to install CWM (which is ok) or zips that will restore the entire system to stock.
Rule #3 Learn edify
Edify scripting is quite powerful. It saddens me to open up the updater-script of a rom and see it extracting a script and then executing the script.
Don't store your roms as .tars and require a script to extract them to the right locations, you should be doing this all from edify scripts.
Rule #4: Only touch /system and /boot/uImage and /boot/uRamdisk
All other files should be off-limit! This goes back to rule #1 and rule #2. A rom should consits of a kernel, a ramdisk to boot the system and /system files for running the rom!
Rule #5: NEVER EVER EVER modify partitions or wipe the EMMC completely!
I cannot stress this one enough. Use stock partition scheme for your rom. It may seem like a "waste" to you but this is what will make all our roms compatible with each other!
Also the Nookcolor stores NVRAM type information on /dev/block/mmcblk0p2 and factory restore information and a backup of p2 on /dev/block/mmcblk0p3.
If you wipe these directories in your update.zip you WILL BRICK THE USERS NC! It may work for you but they can never return to stock. Their serial number and mac addresses will be lost!
Just don't even think about doing anything with the partition map or these partitions!
Rule #6: When in doubt look at the CM update.zips
A good example of the rules above is portrayed in the CyanogenMod nightly roms for the NC. Look at the updater-script in META-INF/com/google/android and see how things are done.
If we all agree to follow these rules the NC users will get a better and more consistent experience and you will have more users for your rom.
For the users I will list the ROM that are compatible with the list above and list ROMs that don't follow these rules.
ROMs that follow proper packaging
These rom have been built properly according to the rules in the OP. I highly recommend testing any of these out.
Cyanogenmod Nightlies
phiremod nook V5.2
Nookie Froyo 0.6.8
(Utility Update.zip) Nook Color SDcard and emmc swap
ROMs that DON'T follow proper packaging
Use these roms at your own risk!
Flashable eMMC dual boot ROMs
Dual booting roms violates changing the the parition table! If you want to dual boot I would use a bootable SD. If you get a class 6 or higher SD card the performance difference should be pretty low. The perceived speed boost i believe is negligible.
Avoid this rom if you are new to Android or the NookColor. I would call this rom an "Advanced user" rom and not for new members of the community who are unfamiliar with Android, Linux, or the NookColor
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HC v4 eMMC 2nd ed. - Flashable ZIP
This rom packaging is the poster child for how to do it wrong. They overwrite your /data for app customization. It uses an external script and tar files for extraction and overwrites all of /boot!
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This looks very wise and in accord with general programming principles.
In the same area of discussion, can you talk about whether or not to clear cache while doing this same update process.
In fact, some explanation of /cache and Dalvik Cache and Market Cache might help to alleviate confusion, especially in regards to specifically what they are, and when one should clear them.
Sure, a "cache" is a piece of data that is frequently used, and so put in a more accessible place, but in typical confusing fashion, that general term is being used in a specific way in Android.
Thanks !
Nice. Good guidelines.
It would, in a perfect world, be nice if a standard CWM recovery would give a choice to either write to SD or EMMC. Then we would not have many of these more involved boot file and CW file edits and changes that are making things more complicated.
If everyone used CW to right to EMMC, this would be easy. But users like myself are running ROMs from SD and are always looking for a way to easily update and flash mods or ubdate ROMs to SD. Yes I use ADB, and other methods, but often I am traveling and away from my office or studio were my PC's are.
Any ideas on CWM to keep things more unified as the op suggests and be able to write to bootable SD cards?
Thanks for starting the discussion.
Good explanation/write-up, nemith. Not being a dev, but a user, it helps me to better understand which ROMs to use on my NC. I really liked HC EMMC, but did not realize that it would make it so I could never return back to stock (losing my S/N and such).
Also concur with ADude about cache....a good explanation would be helpful here. I only clear the cache/Dalvik when installing a new kernel. Not sure if even necessary? And, I clear AFTER installing, not before, so not sure if I am even doing that in the correct order. Setting the record straight would go a long way for us non-devs.
Sorry, one more thing, it would be great to have a consistently updated bootable SD card with latest/greatest of CWR on it. I am still on and I am not sure why??
~ Razir
Could have used this a few months ago.
Thank you.
Nemith, your thread is directed at devs. If you want to make sure people don't flash my HC v4 2nd edition, you might want to invite users to read this as well.
nemith said:
ROMs that DON'T follow proper packaging
Use these roms at your own risk!
Flashable eMMC dual boot ROMs
Dual booting roms violates changing the the parition table! If you want to dual boot I would use a bootable SD. If you get a class 6 or higher SD card the performance difference should be pretty low. The perceived speed boost i believe is negligible.
I would avoid dual booting roms if you can!
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I have this installed..... I am going to run the dual boot removal zip when I get home.
Am I screwed? Anthing I need to worry about?
12paq said:
Nice. Good guidelines.
It would, in a perfect world, be nice if a standard CWM recovery would give a choice to either write to SD or EMMC. Then we would not have many of these more involved boot file and CW file edits and changes that are making things more complicated.
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I've thought of this. CWM would require a major rewrite to do this and the changes would never be sucked in.
Maybe one of these day's I will may my own CWM Kang that can do this, or better yet a desktop application that takes a update.zip and splits out a SD image!
cromanorn said:
I have this installed..... I am going to run the dual boot removal zip when I get home.
Am I screwed? Anthing I need to worry about?
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No you are just in the "I am smart enough to use these roms without posting big "help me" posts on XDA.
These roms are not really harmful, but they should be avoided by people who don't understand the nook and how it works.
If you understand Android and how the NC is laid out then there should be minimal risk to using these roms. I just want to spell it out for people who are new to the NC or Android that these are "advanced" roms.
nemith said:
No you are just in the "I am smart enough to use these roms without posting big "help me" posts on XDA.
These roms are not really harmful, but they should be avoided by people who don't understand the nook and how it works.
If you understand Android and how the NC is laid out then there should be minimal risk to using these roms. I just want to spell it out for people who are new to the NC or Android that these are "advanced" roms.
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THANKS!!! I had the NC for about 4 days now and would hate to have messed it up in the long run. I have a Droid Incredible that has been flashed more times than I can remember. It would be nice if the warnings were incorporated into the OP of these roms. I read the entire thread before flashing and I may not have flashed if this warning was there. I like having the option of going back to Stock without repercussions.
edit: Just saw the update you put in your OP about advanced users. I don't consider myself advanced but I am not a beginner either.
nemith said:
I've thought of this. CWM would require a major rewrite to do this and the changes would never be sucked in.
Maybe one of these day's I will may my own CWM Kang that can do this, or better yet a desktop application that takes a update.zip and splits out a SD image!
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Yup. That would be very nice.
The Nook having SD boot priority really makes it versatile for testing, and quite recoverable. It also satisfies a unique situation where many users have a family device with Nook magazines and children's books not available on the Nook app, so many like myself are booting experiments and daily runners from SD and keeping the wife happy. LOL.
cromanorn said:
edit: Just saw the update you put in your OP about advanced users. I don't consider myself advanced but I am not a beginner either.
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If you go digging at nookdevs.com and on your own NC you should be able to figure out what is safe and what is not.
nemith said:
Rule #6: When in doubt look at the CM update.zips
A good example of the rules above is portrayed in the CyanogenMod nightly roms for the NC. Look at the updater-script in META-INF/com/google/android and see how things are done.
If we all agree to follow these rules the NC users will get a better and more consistent experience and you will have more users for your rom.
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the ironic thing is CM Roms don't fully follow Rule #3 since they have multiple scripts that run inside their packages during rom installation.
I'm not sure you are correct in saying that if you flash one of the HC emmc roms you can not revert back to stock. I know for a fact I have done both the dual boot, and HC emmc roms and reverted back to stock multiple times after doing so
I'm not saying you are wrong but I don't think i did anything to "advanced" to get back.
(I have this installed..... I am going to run the dual boot removal zip when I get home.
Am I screwed? Anthing I need to worry about?)
I had it installed and got back to stock no problem... i'm not sure what he is talking about.... i could be wrong though...
It was dualbooted CM7 and HC
went back to stock, registered with BN and all was well.
nooted it and then install HC on emmc
reverted back to stock to set up the ubuntu on NC
got bored of that and am back on HC on emmc
I went back to stock after both as well. Has anyone not been able to after using one of those two roms? I work at b&n and I had to spend time with the stock since they wanted me on the nook counter. I've been back and forth between all the roms more times then I can count.
Sent from my NookColor using Tapatalk
To the OP again i'm not trying to be rude, but could you respond to the last few commenter on this thread, it seems like my self a few others are having an experience that is quite different from what you described in your first post.
Could you help me understand why it hasn't been that difficult to get back from the roms that you specifically said can make it very hard to go back to stock from for us?
I'm currently on HM on emmc and if i did something fancy to get back the last time i restores i'd like to know if i need to do it again.
(edit) I bring this back up only because I saw this thread referenced again recently, which means it is having an effect on peoples work so i'm just trying to understand it.
[Edit] It was the SD card's fault. It seemingly worked fine in the laptop and it mounted fine in CW Recovery, but as soon as I used a different SD card I could flash zips again.
So, now I'm playing with phiremod v6 and loving the Nook again.
I believe I just bricked my Nook through use of the dual boot script.
I can only boot from SD into CW but not a single zip can be applied to the internal storage. Not even the "reverse dual boot" zip will run. They all error out.
I believe this is due to unexpected partitioning.
I even formatted boot, system and cache and still it will not restore any Roms.
So now I'm hoping to access the Nook through USB and repartition the internal storage manually. But before I do that, I need to learn about ADB and what the correct settings are.
jlt220 said:
To the OP again i'm not trying to be rude, but could you respond to the last few commenter on this thread, it seems like my self a few others are having an experience that is quite different from what you described in your first post.
Could you help me understand why it hasn't been that difficult to get back from the roms that you specifically said can make it very hard to go back to stock from for us?
I'm currently on HM on emmc and if i did something fancy to get back the last time i restores i'd like to know if i need to do it again.
(edit) I bring this back up only because I saw this thread referenced again recently, which means it is having an effect on peoples work so i'm just trying to understand it.
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I don't think Nemith was saying that the existing dual boot installer is going to prevent you from returning to stock. He singled it out as a "ROM" that modifies the partition table, which can be a dangerous thing to do. There is information stored in the /dev/block/mmcblk0p2 and /dev/block/mmcblk0p3 partitions that is specific to each device and required by the B&N software. This information can't be rebuilt easily if lost.
The dual boot install and removal tools (in their current versions) appear to leave these partitions in tact. They are modifying the partition table though, so they're not recommended for novice users. You were able to install and uninstall it with no problems, so you're clearly not one .
The other point is that future versions of the dual boot (doubtful since it has a good dev) or other similar style "ROMs" may not be so careful with your 0p2 and 0p3 partitions.

What is the best way to backup my Gtab before modding?

I am new to Android and the Gtab. I am basically curious as to what the best way is to backup my Gtab. What software and the steps to take (what is the difference between cwm and nvflash?).
I actually like the stock rom but my biggest frustration is the lack of the market which I would like to have. Having that said, I would like to run something different on the Gtab which will support the market app and not the Gmarket app. I looked around the forums and I see lots of good tutorials but it confuses me on how I backup with my stock rom before I begin any of the tutorials to upgrade to a new rom. I feel like backing up is the biggest step and don't want to mess this up so that I can revert back if I do make a mistake down the road. I'm sure once you do this a couple of times it starts to make sense but I have not done it yet and want to make sure I understand everything before I move forward.
I am a beginner but want to be able to get more out of my Gtab. Please help.
It needs to be modded right out of the box, so how much could you have possibly gotten installed?
Ok, I'm kidding.
What are you trying to "backup"? If it's DOC's and Books, music, etc, either dump it all onto a secondary memory card, or dump your data to a PC using usb connection. As for settings like email, etc. I say skip the backup and just reinstall the stuff.
I keep all of the working installers I've found on my external SD card so if I need to wipe & start over, I just go through and click/install them again.
bnovak said:
It needs to be modded right out of the box, so how much could you have possibly gotten installed?
Ok, I'm kidding.
What are you trying to "backup"? If it's DOC's and Books, music, etc, either dump it all onto a secondary memory card, or dump your data to a PC using usb connection. As for settings like email, etc. I say skip the backup and just reinstall the stuff.
I keep all of the working installers I've found on my external SD card so if I need to wipe & start over, I just go through and click/install them again.
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Thanks for the post. I think I may have not worded my question right. My fault since I am new. What I mean is what do I need to do to backup my current OS I suppose. For instance, it has android 2.2 correct? I upgraded OOTB to firmware 3588 which works well but no market. What do I need to do to back this OS up so that I can revert back to it in case of any problems? Sorry if I am still confusing you guys but like I said earlier, I am completely new and still learning the phraseology and such. Thanks!
Most people get Titanium Backup and backup the apps and system with a batch file in that.
That takes care of apps.
If the whole tablet gets messed up you either NVFlash back to the bekit 1105 version
per the NVFlash recovery thread in developers, if its not too bad you reinstall the
current 3588 version from a download.
There are other ways some people suggest, but I don't recommend what I haven't used and don't know about.
Good Luck!!!
An app called Titanium Backup will allow you to back up your apps and their data.
To do a complete system backup, you'll need to get clockworkmod installed (bekit .8 version), once booted into clockworkmod there is a back up option which will back up all system files and apps.
Check this thread in the development section for installing clockworkmod:
[Sticky][Guide]Install ClockworkMod, A ROM, Flash Player, and the Market Fix
Insall clockwork mod .8 and boot to recovery and backup entire rom. ..then save a copy from internal to external sd card in case you need it.
Sent from my VEGAn-TAB-v1.0.0b5.1.1 using Tapatalk
personally (and I was in your shoes last week)
I would just go through the TNT Lite post and flash that ROM onto the tablet. If you go TNT 4.4.0 you DO NOT WANT CLOCKWORK.
It's really simple - plug in USB, copy the correct files to the tablet, push and hold pwr-volume up and give it a couple minutes.
I think the vanilla ROM is floating around so if you don't have a bunch of personalized files, I wouldn't worry too much about it. Anytime you flash it, you are going to have to add some of the programs back in anyway.
Roebeets TnT build is super fast and super stable. You won't know what hit you when you turn it on the first time.
That's a good idea, but not everyone is ready, or has the expertise or even wants
to move up to a ROM.
I have two tablets and one is running the experimental next generation TwoTabX ROM
that is on hold waiting for VS to do something -- and the other most of the time is
pure stock (so I can test stuff and get OTA updates etc.
When I go to work, doesn't matter which I take because both work well.
Stock is not bad!!! You should have seen the original software!!!

[Q] 2013 HTC Droid Eris = Paperweight?

Is there anyone out there who is willing to point me in the right direction for re purposing my retired Eris (RIP 02-12-13)? Hoping it can be a tool for learning (still in A- shape), instead of a paperweight! I have been doing some reading, but downloading is another story, mostly 404s out there now.
P.S. First post in any forum ever, just a humble android noob searching for knowledge and stable Roms from those who offer, sorry if I have posted this in the wrong place, obviously I have posted at the wrong time! A million thanks in advance to anyone with good news or advice!
DB73 said:
Is there anyone out there who is willing to point me in the right direction for re purposing my retired Eris (RIP 02-12-13)? Hoping it can be a tool for learning (still in A- shape), instead of a paperweight! I have been doing some reading, but downloading is another story, mostly 404s out there now.
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What is it you are looking for? I have copies of a lot of ROMs.
doogald said:
What is it you are looking for? I have copies of a lot of ROMs.
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Hello, and thank you, I am happy to here some good news. I am obviously new to this, but I love to try out different OSs and remaster them the way I see fit. I have just not taken the plunge with android. Since I have never installed any, it's hard to say witch ones I would like best. I would take any ROMs I could get. I figure I can experiment and learn with my Eris, then re purpose it for my son to play games, take pictures etc.
P.S. I downloaded the Jcase / Eclipse3 one click root. Is this the method you would recommend for getting su privileges? I would love to hear your preference on an easy and up to date rooting method. My Eris is currently bone stock with official 2.1, and up to date according to it.
DB73 said:
Hello, and thank you, I am happy to here some good news. I am obviously new to this, but I love to try out different OSs and remaster them the way I see fit. I have just not taken the plunge with android. Since I have never installed any, it's hard to say witch ones I would like best. I would take any ROMs I could get. I figure I can experiment and learn with my Eris, then re purpose it for my son to play games, take pictures etc.
P.S. I downloaded the Jcase / Eclipse3 one click root. Is this the method you would recommend for getting su privileges? I would love to hear your preference on an easy and up to date rooting method. My Eris is currently bone stock with official 2.1, and up to date according to it.
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Yes, if you can find the JCase 1-click root, that will root the phone just fine.
There is another method very well documented here: http://androidforums.com/eris-all-things-root/127861-universal-eris-root-dummies.html (which also walks you through installing for your first custom ROM.)
I have some ROMs in my Dropbox if you can't find links.
xtrSENSE (stock 2.1 Eris ROM, rooted): https://dl.dropbox.com/u/220420/Eris/xtrSENSE/xtrSENSE5.0.1.zip
Workshed's GSB: https://www.dropbox.com/s/dvpuv4sbwmun43f/GSB.v4.5-final_ODEXED_CM7.2-Eris.zip
CondemnedSoul's CM7.2: https://www.dropbox.com/s/g1irvshpg7u7trr/CCM7_Eris_V24_RIP.zip
The last two are CyanogenMod Gingerbread ROMs. I think that GSB requires that you also flash Google apps in order to get the market. If so, you can get it from CyanogenMod here: http://cmw.22aaf3.com/gapps/gapps-gb-20110828-signed.zip
(So, if you need to flash gapps, you go into Recovery. Wipe data/factory reset. Flash the ROM. Flash google apps. THEN restart the phone.)
doogald said:
Yes, if you can find the JCase 1-click root, that will root the phone just fine.
Just realized why it wouldn't let me post, because of the links in my reply, :silly:
Thank You, I downloaded the ROMs. The link for gapps is dead though. Was that just needed for Workshed's GSB or also for CM7.2?
I have a few questions to throw out there:
1. I was thinking about doing another factory reset, my attempt to have a clean recovery. What will non-activation after boot with no service do?
2. Does vanilla = fast, lightweight, performance, more partition space for user? If so, do you have any recommendation / or a link?
3. Rumored Jellybean for the Eris, love to find the latest build, is it still available? Links point here (XDA) but no download.
4. Is there any way to get google play instead of market working on the Eris?
(((Thanks again for everything)))
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DB73 said:
Thank You, I downloaded the ROMs. The link for gapps is dead though. Was that just needed for Workshed's GSB or also for CM7.2?
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Try this one: http://goo-inside.me/gapps/gapps-gb-20110828-signed.zip
CondemnedSoul's includes the Google apps already and does not require a separate flash of the gapps zip file.
Ok, I just checked: GSB does NOT require google apps, either; they are already included. You can ignore that step.
I have a few questions to throw out there:
1. I was thinking about doing another factory reset, my attempt to have a clean recovery. What will non-activation after boot with no service do?
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Oh, good question. I would avoid it if you can. The Eris will insist that you activate. However, if you follow the prompt to activate and then press the disconnect button as soon as you hear it ring, it will try activation again two more times. If you disconnect after hearing the ring those two times as well, the phone will give up on activation and allow to continue with setup.
2. Does vanilla = fast, lightweight, performance, more partition space for user? If so, do you have any recommendation / or a link?
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Not necessarily. In my experience, xtrSENSE is fastest, but the GB ROMs are just fine. You may not notice the difference. However, xtrSENSE has a method called cache2cache that frees up more storage space or user applications and data. If you install a lot of apps, xtrSENSE may give you more space.
That said, there are disadvantages, including missing out on apps that do not run on android 2.1.
There is something called xtrcache2cache that you can flash on the GB ROMs to give you the same sort of space. I'll try to find a link.w
3. Rumored Jellybean for the Eris, love to find the latest build, is it still available? Links point here (XDA) but no download.
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I've never tried it, and I can't believe it runs with any sort of decent performance anyway.
4. Is there any way to get google play instead of market working on the Eris?
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Not on android 2.1, but the two gingerbread ROMs will update the market to the play store.
xtrcache2cache is here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=924562
The download link there seems to work.
Copy that file (xtrCMCache2cache.zip) to your SD card. This is only for the Gingerbread ROMs - it's not necessary for xtrSENSE.
Restart the phone to recovery. If you have already flashed one of those ROMs, simply flash that xtrCMCache2cache.zip file - do not wipe data or Dalvik cache first. Restart the phone, and you'll have probably about 20-30 MB more free storage space for apps and data.
If you have not already flashed GSB or CondemnedSoul's, do this:
- restart in Recovery
- wipe menu
- wipe data/factory reset
- main menu
- flash a zip file, and choose GSB or Condemned
- flash a zip file, and choose xtrCMCache2cache.zip
- restart the phone
doogald said:
xtrcache2cache is here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=924562
OK, I will read what I have gathered one or two more times before taking the plunge. I am thinking of using the Jcase method, it seems pretty much idiot proof. I have the file and ROMs stored on my PC, and now on a CD as well, just so I don't loose them. If I have this right, I will:
Copy the Jcase one click root file to an empty SD card, install a file explorer app capable of launching it, take a deep breath, here we go Or maybe I have to copy to android filesystem first?
1. Execute Jcase's one click, and after reboot, I should have the Amon Ra recovery. This is simple, but also the most dangerous part? If this were to fail, it would be similar to a bad BIOS flash. This would brick the phone, if I am understanding this correctly.
2. Then Use the recovery to flash rootme.zip now located on SDCard. Going to use a 2 Gb card from my old LG 8350 (phone before Eris).
3. Do Nand backup of semi clean stock OS. By doing so I will loose the stock recovery for good, meaning no more resets to OG clean?
3.5? On second thought, doing one last reset first would remove all user data with my name and credentials. It may be wise to do this, as it will eventually be in the hands of a 5 year old. This would prevent accidental purchases, I think! On the other hand, if I ever break or loose my new phone and need a temp phone, I could keep this image (as is) to use temporarily with Verison until I get a replacement! I can only choose one of these options. I guess the latter is best, and use only a custom ROM for my son to play with. Hopefully I can temporarily disable or somehow limit su before giving it too him.
4. Do Nand backup of original official image, and put somewhere safe, like 2 places + on CD then remove from SD for more available space.
5. Flash one of the 3 downloaded ROMs and also xtrCMCache2cache if desired to desire-c
6. I assume that appstoSD is something I would need to download now, then add after previous steps, if I feel the need!
7. Then its off to test land! I hope I understand this correctly. The one step I have missed is definitely very important. I did not verify the MD5 on Jcase's one click. In fact I don't even remember where I downloaded it from. Truth being told, I have never manually done a MD5 verification! I guess I have one more step that I absolutely need to learn as it is much more important in Android, especially for recovery!
Edit: I have re downloaded the file from here (XDA), did not see a sum to compare it to? I hope the file still is OK!
Edit # 2 I downloaded a MD5 calculator and this is the output (F34FECFFB985553B68D66F6AC1EF27D3) for the erisone010.apk file
Another big thank you Doogald, If I have something wrong here, please, feel free to beat it into me now, before I do something stupid!
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DB73 said:
Copy the Jcase one click root file to an empty SD card, install a file explorer app capable of launching it, take a deep breath, here we go Or maybe I have to copy to android filesystem first?
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No, Your regular SD card is fine. You do need to enable third-party app installs; you'll find that setting in settings->applications.
1. Execute Jcase's one click, and after reboot, I should have the Amon Ra recovery. This is simple, but also the most dangerous part? If this were to fail, it would be similar to a bad BIOS flash. This would brick the phone, if I am understanding this correctly.
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Yes. You must restart the phone as if you wanted to make a phone call. Many people get too eager and try to get into Recovery before full restarting.
I can't believe that flashing Amon_RA is all terribly dangerous. There are ways to recover. In fact, I have not seen anybody report a brick after running the JCase 1-click. I'm sure that it will be fine.
2. Then Use the recovery to flash rootme.zip now located on SDCard. Going to use a 2 Gb card from my old LG 8350 (phone before Eris).
3. Do Nand backup of semi clean stock OS. By doing so I will loose the stock recovery for good, meaning no more resets to OG clean?
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You *could* do the Nand Backup before running rootme.zip. Actually, you only really need to run rootme.zip if you want to do something with root with the stock Android you have now. Some people may, for example, install the application Titanium Backup Pro (which requires root) and batch backup all user apps (menu->batch and choose to run that option from the list) and then, after installing a new custom ROM, reinstall Titanium from the market/play store and then batch restore all missing apps and data. It's a very powerful way to get the phone running all of your apps and data without reinstalling from scratch.
That brings up one more thing: if you decide to install xtrSENSE, you do not need to do a factory reset if you want to keep all of your apps and data. Of course, if you want a fresh start you may, but xtrSENSE will keep all of your apps and data and give you a faster Eris with more room for apps and data.
Also, it *is* possible to get stock recovery back, though not without losing all of you data. There is a ROM called Flashback_21v2 that will bring back stock recovery and an unrooted Eris if you wish. The phone will act as if it was never rooted. You can find it here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=792026
That would be a good thing to keep on your phone, just in case. (Though I have to say that I am hosting the location of those files on my website and I have no plans to stop doing so, so they should be around for a while...) You'll probably be fine with the "no radio" version, but if you can spare the space on your computer, (that's a bit of a joke; the files are small), I'd download both.
3.5? On second thought, doing one last reset first would remove all user data with my name and credentials. It may be wise to do this, as it will eventually be in the hands of a 5 year old. This would prevent accidental purchases, I think!
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In that case, you DEFINITELY want to wipe data, even with xtrSENSE!
On the other hand, if I ever break or loose my new phone and need a temp phone, I could keep this image (as is) to use temporarily with Verison until I get a replacement! I can only choose one of these options.
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No, you can do both. Do a Nand Backup of the phone after you root it, which will be stored on the SD card. Wipe data/factory reset and you can installa ROM and then always go back into recover and Nand restore what you backed up originally to get your phone back as it was when you ran the backup. Familiar with Norton Ghost for Windows PCs? That's what Nand backup and restore does - it takes a full snapshot of your phone as it is, and when you restore, it's as if you had just turned off your phone for a long time - it's back to the way it was at the time you made the backup. You can have multiple backups stored - as many as will fit on the SD card.
6. I assume that appstoSD is something I would need to download now, then add after previous steps, if I feel the need!
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Well... xtrSENSE support apps2sd as it is, and there are scripts to turn that functionality on. The GB ROMs support using the Android-native moving of apps to sd, so I would avoid apps2sd for them.
7. Then its off to test land! I hope I understand this correctly. The one step I have missed is definitely very important. I did not verify the MD5 on Jcase's one click. In fact I don't even remember where I downloaded it from. Truth being told, I have never manually done a MD5 verification! I guess I have one more step that I absolutely need to learn as it is much more important in Android, especially for recovery!
Edit: I have re downloaded the file from here (XDA), did not see a sum to compare it to? I hope the file still is OK!
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The MD5 I have for 1click is f34fecffb985553b68d66f6ac1ef27d3
HOWEVER, can I suggest instead that you use the 1-click root here, prepared by Scary Alien: http://androidforums.com/eris-all-t...2-custom-recovery-trackball-not-required.html
If you look at the bottom of the first post, "Scenario 5", there is another version of 1click with a better version of Amon_RA (that allows you to use the hardware keys to navigate recovery, rather than just the trackball; sometimes the trackball doesn't work in the original Amon_RA). That version I guarantee is safe, and Scary Alien has the MD5 right there.
I am guessing multi-quote is what I should have tried on this instead of deleting?
OK, running 1 click directly from from SD card. Third-party apps ticked on before hand, check.
After running 1 click, do normal restart, then shutdown, then go into recovery via vol / end start up.
No bricks reported, that is very good news. Also good to hear that there may be a procedure for un-bricking in the unlikely event!
My Eris already has already has all apps removed, I tried to make it as clean and small as possible. Just looked at the xtrSENSE page and copied some tips, sounds nice and fast, liking that!
Awesome, I downloaded all 3 including Cupcake, in case I want to remember what that was like.
I did exactly that, downloaded both.
I will give this some extra thought before giving it to my son.
I have never used Norton Ghost, but I have used Macrium Reflect, Seagate Disk Wizard, Acronis etc. I get the image/snapshot thing. I plan to store backups in other locations, then copy back to SD if and when needed.
Just did some reading on the xtrSENSE page about aps2sd, guess I will do some more reading about native moving of apps to sd soon.
The MD5 I have matches yours. I downloaded MD5 Calculator and I guess it works.
After reading the page including "Scenario 5" I absolutely agree. I downloaded it, and will use the "scary alien" modded version with the added functionality. Thank you very much for pointing this out. Looks like no change in the simple execution besides the app/file to run, very nice!
Doogald, I can clearly see that you go out of your way to help others to say the least, I am sure its appreciated by more than just me, Thanks!
DB73 said:
I will give this some extra thought before giving it to my son.
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Hey, one other thing: CondemnedSoul posted a script that you can run that disables the mobile radio, so you can make the device WiFi only. It's here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1216571
I have to say that I have never tried it, but it seems from the replies in that thread that many have, successfully.
Jelly Bean build anyone?
This may be redundant, but does anyone have a copy of the eris jelly bean rom laying around? Just found my old rooted eris with cyanogenmod and I would like to try jelly bean or ICS.
foodude1 said:
This may be redundant, but does anyone have a copy of the eris jelly bean rom laying around? Just found my old rooted eris with cyanogenmod and I would like to try jelly bean or ICS.
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Of course it isn't redundant, in fact this maintains the forum active, well a bit.
Here is the Jellybean Rom you requested, it is from MongooseHelix's build. It has a different Gapps package from what MongooseHelix actually established but I assume no issues may occur. :highfive:

[Q] Delete Internal Storage Partitions

I am a noob and I am not a developer or even really great at programming or PC's in general.
I've managed to mess up my phone and have been looking all over the web for how to fix it and I am at a loss.
I decided to register and ask for help. Please be patient and understanding if I ask a lot of questions or don't understand things you accept as basic, understood or common. I looked through existing threads for help and couldn't find the answer I needed. Many thanks in advance for the help. Readers digest of the issue below.
Samsung Galaxy S 4G. T-Mobile. T959V5B5-Custom.
I tried the non-mandatory firmware update from T-mobile and it wrecked the functionality of my phone. I tried to go back with a couple new Rom versions and think I more or less ended up with three roms installed on my internal storage which has given me basically no space which was never an issue for me before. I have used a disk viewer to verify there is unmounted data that is taking up space but I can't figure out how to get to it through the phone or my pc to delete it. I assume if I do this that the empty space will be absorbed and fix the internal storage issue.
Again, thank you for taking the time to read and respond. I love my phone and just want it working right again.
JBMFT said:
I am a noob and I am not a developer or even really great at programming or PC's in general.
I've managed to mess up my phone and have been looking all over the web for how to fix it and I am at a loss.
I decided to register and ask for help. Please be patient and understanding if I ask a lot of questions or don't understand things you accept as basic, understood or common. I looked through existing threads for help and couldn't find the answer I needed. Many thanks in advance for the help. Readers digest of the issue below.
Samsung Galaxy S 4G. T-Mobile. T959V5B5-Custom.
I tried the non-mandatory firmware update from T-mobile and it wrecked the functionality of my phone. I tried to go back with a couple new Rom versions and think I more or less ended up with three roms installed on my internal storage which has given me basically no space which was never an issue for me before. I have used a disk viewer to verify there is unmounted data that is taking up space but I can't figure out how to get to it through the phone or my pc to delete it. I assume if I do this that the empty space will be absorbed and fix the internal storage issue.
Again, thank you for taking the time to read and respond. I love my phone and just want it working right again.
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The course of action I would recommend at this point is using a tool called Odin to re-flash the stock ROM to your phone. I would recommend taking a look at this guide for the step-by-step procedure on how to do this. Let me know if you still have questions .
shimp208 said:
The course of action I would recommend at this point is using a tool called Odin to re-flash the stock ROM to your phone. I would recommend taking a look at this guide for the step-by-step procedure on how to do this. Let me know if you still have questions .
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Hey! Big thanks for the reply. Here come the questions...
I used Odin to put the other OS versions on the phone so I am familiar with the software though its been several months. I also still have the ROM that I flashed to phone. I am curious though that if it didn't wipe the previous partitions last time, what would keep it from doing the same thing this time and really messing me up? Or did I click or not click something in Odin or use the wrong option and doing it differently this time would fix the problem?
I located the files on the phone and have verified they are not mounted and looked at their size using DiskInfo. They are located at "/dev/block". Do you know what this is or why they are there? I can delete them using ES File Explorer with SuperUser. Is it ok to delete these and would I get the benefit of increased storage by doing so? I played around with moving them to the SD card and didn't see an increase in my internal storage but was afraid that a reboot after doing to might be bad.
Can you tell I am a little gun shy?
Here are the names of the files, the set starting with t starts at 0 and goes to 12 and the other 1 to 12.
Thanks again!
JBMFT said:
Hey! Big thanks for the reply. Here come the questions...
I used Odin to put the other OS versions on the phone so I am familiar with the software though its been several months. I also still have the ROM that I flashed to phone. I am curious though that if it didn't wipe the previous partitions last time, what would keep it from doing the same thing this time and really messing me up? Or did I click or not click something in Odin or use the wrong option and doing it differently this time would fix the problem?
I located the files on the phone and have verified they are not mounted and looked at their size using DiskInfo. They are located at "/dev/block". Do you know what this is or why they are there? I can delete them using ES File Explorer with SuperUser. Is it ok to delete these and would I get the benefit of increased storage by doing so? I played around with moving them to the SD card and didn't see an increase in my internal storage but was afraid that a reboot after doing to might be bad.
Can you tell I am a little gun shy?
Here are the names of the files, the set starting with t starts at 0 and goes to 12 and the other 1 to 12.
Thanks again!
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Using Odin to re-flash the stock ROM will automatically setup the right configuration for. Do Not delete the files in /dev/block these are critical to the phones operation and part of the phones normal partitioning and operation as previously stated deleting these will cause a lot of problems if you delete them. If you really want to free up some internal storage space I would recommend deleting the carrier pre-installed bloatware, before you delete any bloatware makesure to backup the apps you deleted with Titanium Backup or a similar backup or flash Clockworkmod Recovery or Team Win Recovery Project and make a Nandroid Backup which is a complete backup of your phone. And don't worry about being gun shy we are all beginners at some point the only real way to become an expert if practice, practice, practice .
So I am working on the Heimdall One-Click.
Handshaking with loke, got no response. FML.
Edited: Apparently a low battery is not your friend...
after a little reading around on the net I tried a different one and BAM.
Back to stock. We'll see how this goes.
Being rooted with superuser had me spoiled...so much bloatware.

UMI X2 1.5 Ghz not receiving text messages

Good evening.
I have a new UMI X2 for 3 weeks now. I do not receive texte messages. I have done 2 factory resets and then I get messages back to work, but after a few days and without any reason I stop receiving them again. I did some research and found that this is a common problem with umi x2 and some people say that I should apply a ROM fix or software update. But I dont know anything about this. I need your help in order to fix this please.
JonhyRico said:
Good evening.
I have a new UMI X2 for 3 weeks now. I do not receive texte messages. I have done 2 factory resets and then I get messages back to work, but after a few days and without any reason I stop receiving them again. I did some research and found that this is a common problem with umi x2 and some people say that I should apply a ROM fix or software update. But I dont know anything about this. I need your help in order to fix this please.
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Have you tried just using a different text messaging app to see if it's not just an issue with the built in stock text messaging app? That would be quick and easy to test. If that doesn't work, then yes. an update or rom would be the next step.
Root: Supposedly this phone is already pre-rooted. Depending on where you got it from, it is possible this was disabled. If it does need to be rooted, then it is specific to what firmware and chip you have (I guess there are regular and "Turbo" versions)
Recovery: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2342943
Roms: http://www.needrom.com/phone-roms/umi/umi-x2/ - My suggestion would be CM11 due to a much better UI, more privacy / security, and it is highly rated. Recommend reading through comments for more info on what does / does not work.
All of these are very general guidelines to get started with reading. You should get familiar with how to restore to stock as well, in worst case scenarios.
Thank you so much for your help.
es0tericcha0s said:
Have you tried just using a different text messaging app to see if it's not just an issue with the built in stock text messaging app? That would be quick and easy to test. If that doesn't work, then yes. an update or rom would be the next step.
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Yes. Did not work.
es0tericcha0s said:
Root: Supposedly this phone is already pre-rooted. Depending on where you got it from, it is possible this was disabled. If it does need to be rooted, then it is specific to what firmware and chip you have (I guess there are regular and "Turbo" versions)
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Sorry, but I do not understand this part. I am totally illiterate in this matters, but I am pretty good at following tutorials.
Mine is the 1.5Ghz 2Gb RAM and 32Gb ROM (many call it Turbo, even though there have been other Turbo versions before).
es0tericcha0s said:
Recovery: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2342943
Roms: http://www.needrom.com/phone-roms/umi/umi-x2/ - My suggestion would be CM11 due to a much better UI, more privacy / security, and it is highly rated. Recommend reading through comments for more info on what does / does not work.
All of these are very general guidelines to get started with reading. You should get familiar with how to restore to stock as well, in worst case scenarios.
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All these are great tips. Thanks a lot!
JonhyRico said:
Thank you so much for your help.
Yes. Did not work.
Sorry, but I do not understand this part. I am totally illiterate in this matters, but I am pretty good at following tutorials.
Mine is the 1.5Ghz 2Gb RAM and 32Gb ROM (many call it Turbo, even though there have been other Turbo versions before).
All these are great tips. Thanks a lot!
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So, yea, seems like it should already be rooted. You can check with a root checker app from the Play Store to verify. If it is, then you can install the MobileUncle app and use that to install the CWM recovery which will allow you to backup your current rom as well as completely wipe and install a new one. Make sure you backup whatever you want and save it to a safe place before you start as a precaution. You can never be too careful, but you can certainly not be careful enough.
es0tericcha0s said:
So, yea, seems like it should already be rooted. You can check with a root checker app from the Play Store to verify. If it is, then you can install the MobileUncle app and use that to install the CWM recovery which will allow you to backup your current rom as well as completely wipe and install a new one. Make sure you backup whatever you want and save it to a safe place before you start as a precaution. You can never be too careful, but you can certainly not be careful enough.
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Why do you think it is rooted. Is that bad or good?
Will I need a micro SD card to do this?
Because I've seen more than 1 post / review from various users stating that it is rooted already. This is excellent if you plan on modifying your phone as part of the work is already finished. Whether or not you need an SD card depends on how much storage you have left on your phone. Probably need at least a GB or 2 for the nandroid backup and then however much room the roms take up. Since you have a 32 GB phone, it's more than likely there is plenty of room left for this stuff. I really suggest reading up on how to use the Flash Tool and the files you need to restore the phone to stock, just in case. I've worked (rooted/customized) on well over a 100 different kinds of android devices, but even so, I rarely ever work on something that I don't have the ability to at least return it to it's original state.
"1. Downlaod CWM Recovery extract it and copy recovery.img only to root of your SD Cards
{ i.e. sdcard/recovery.img or sdcard2/recovery.img }"
In the beginning of the tutorial it says that. I am completely lost with that step. Is this on the phone or on the pc? Is this through an app?
They're saying you should download the CWM file - if it is zipped, you must unzip and move that file (will be something.img) to your SD card or internal storage. When it says root of card, that just means it should NOT be in a folder.

