[Q] PC not recognizing phone - Fascinate Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

ok so i went from com rom the version b4 this most recent one. to jts cm7. i dodnt install ec09 bc i didnt do my research and was half asleep. now my phone when connected to pc it doesnt recognize my phone and odin doesnt either. i have drivers installed . didnt have this prob last night so i doubt its my cable. i have fascinate drivers installed to be more clear. i read some post saying if i on cm7 i might need to use nexus drivers. i am not sure if that true or not since i have also trie that route. any input or guidance is greatly apprecviated

davzava said:
ok so i went from com rom the version b4 this most recent one. to jts cm7. i dodnt install ec09 bc i didnt do my research and was half asleep. now my phone when connected to pc it doesnt recognize my phone and odin doesnt either. i have drivers installed . didnt have this prob last night so i doubt its my cable. i have fascinate drivers installed to be more clear. i read some post saying if i on cm7 i might need to use nexus drivers. i am not sure if that true or not since i have also trie that route. any input or guidance is greatly apprecviated
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I'm on cm7 and my pc recognizes my phone...I'm using vista home edition and odin v1.7 I don't know if that matters but my pc at work runs xp pro and I haven't tried to hook up to that one yet..what version of windows are you running??
I'm still on the original drivers I downloaded a year ago when I flashed my first custom rom and I also didn't go to ec09, I came straight from ukb2.1 which was ed01 or ed04...can't remember
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App

I am also on windows7 ...hmm but I using the old Odin 1.3 I guess I need to switch to newr one
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davzava said:
I am also on windows7 ...hmm but I using the old Odin 1.3 I guess I need to switch to newr one
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Just want to make sure you didn't mis-read it...I'm on vista home, not windows 7...I would think it is more a problem with your pc's current
o.s. more then with your odin version...I'm just trying suggestions just because I'm running the same setup other then windows difference between us, but have never had that problem
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Cant get kies to work!!!

Ok so im tryin to get the new update off of kies but when I plug up says unregistered device. Im runnin nero v3 with DOW and the ka6 modem. How do I make kies work?
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You need to use Odin to get back t stock 2.1 first. do a search for odin 2.1 and you will find a thread that will guide you step by step through the process.
Once you are back to stock, then you can hook it back up and run Kies, and you will be offered the update.
heads up your phone needs to be fully charged for kies to start the update so plug it in.
If this helped hit thanks button
Do u no if its worth ypdatin or if I should just flash the ka7 rom?
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I hope this is the right place for this question.
Every time I plug my phone in, I get a prompt that says "MiniApplication Launcher Has Stopped Working" and I have to close it out. The farthest I've gotten was having it recognize my phone once, then crash again.
I formatted my SD drives and did everything else I've seen to do. Is there something I'm just missing?
nnk61209 said:
Do u no if its worth ypdatin or if I should just flash the ka7 rom?
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It is worth it for me only because I bought the Samsung car mount that requires OFFICIAL 2.2 for the audio out on the car mount to function the right way..
Other wise I would stick with Nero 5 with voodoo and Dragon 3.1 kernal
If this helps hit thanks
ok i m on stock rom that came on the phone .never haved flashed any rom .i am rooted for some apps i use but thats it .i am getting the unregistered device ? i don't have usb debugging is not checked any idea's not to thread jack thanks EDIT; ok i just uninstalled kies and the samsung drivers then reinstalled them and it worked im know on 2.2 froyo yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

[Q] Root Fascinate on Mac

Hey guys,
I understand that this thread exists. I have read through many pages and still cannot get this to work for me. I would love to root the phone however i cannot get it to work with my Macbook running Snow leopard. Please help I am a noob to this kind of stuff but would love a root. The reason it doesn't work for me is because I get to push everything but then my phone cannot be found in terminal. Please help guys!!!!
I just used Bootcamp. Installed Windows on my iMac. Downloaded Samsung drivers, Super One Click, and un-rooted. I think that's easiest. Just get on a windows pc or BootCamp.
I had a similar problem. I could get everything pushed except for superuser. I had to download it from the market directly. Also it could be your rom. I was having problems connecting to my mac until the ED01 release. Make sure you are on that version. The best write up I found was in the android central forums by Cory Streater. Worked like a charm except the super user problem. Hope that helps a little.
Just use heimdall to flash cwm, then flash a rom that is rooted
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rand4ll said:
Just use heimdall to flash cwm, then flash a rom that is rooted
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Have you done this personally? From what I understand and have actually found out from experience is that because of a faulty secondary bootloader the Samsung fascinate cannot have files flashed to it via heimdall or even with Odin running windows via virtual machine on a Mac. Bootloading a fascinate via Mac = not possible. Someone PLEASE correct me if I am wrong.
Sent from a depraved XDA junkie and flashaholic
If you can get the use of a PC there is a file you can flash to your phone that will root it. Let me know if I can help you.
Sent from a depraved XDA junkie and flashaholic
kidserious said:
Have you done this personally? From what I understand and have actually found out from experience is that because of a faulty secondary bootloader the Samsung fascinate cannot have files flashed to it via heimdall or even with Odin running windows via virtual machine on a Mac. Bootloading a fascinate via Mac = not possible. Someone PLEASE correct me if I am wrong.
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There is a native mac version of heimdall...the front end gui doesn't work last I checked but the command line sure does
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rand4ll said:
There is a native mac version of heimdall...the front end gui doesn't work last I checked but the command line sure does
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Mac + Heimdall is not the problem. Mac + samsung fascinate bootloader is the problem. You can install the fascinate drivers on a mac and you can mount your sd card with a mac but when you try to put the fascinate into download mode (access the bootloader) with a mac it will not work because of a faulty secondary bootloader. So, basically you can get heimdall pulled up on a mac but it won't let you flash anything to it. At least this has been my experience. If you know something I don't please share. I have a macbook pro and I am screwed in this regard.
Weird, I was able to put mine in download mode and flash the modem.bin file on my wifes mac...though never tried a rom or recovery...i normally use heimdall on archlinux though...i did the modem the one time on a 10.5 macbook pro.
If nothing else I guess u could use bootcamp to install windows and do it that way instead of vm...
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Bootlooped, Odin Won't Work, Coming from MIUI. Desparate...

Just got a Fascinate the other day, rooted it, everything was fine. After going through hell with Clockwork (what a pain in the ass CWM is on this phone compared to Droid, DX, Thunderbolt, Incredible, and every other damn phone on the planet) I finally got CWM installed -- the red one... CWM All or whatever it's called. Wanted to ty out MIUI so I flashed it and this moved me to the ORANGE CWM. MIUI installed, I played with it, I obviously did something wrong because EVERYTHING was force closing. Tried to flash to a different rom bc my backup was missing (whoops... it was on my other sd card) and I couldn't get anything installed. Tried CM7, and many other roms. Tried flashing back to the red CWM all, then got a message telling me I had to install an edify compatible rom. Downloaded community rom, FINALLY! INSTALLS SUCCEsSFULLY! Except now im stuck at a bootloop. It won't let me restore my old backups, I can't boot into ANY rom, I'm completely lost. I've searched for hours, it's 1:30 in the morning, I have to be up in 6 hours, I'm completely exhaused and have tried everything and can't find a fix.
When I try odin fixes nothing works. It just says 0 passed / 0 failed and does nothing. Does anyone have any idea what to do?
Edit: When I try to restore a backup it just says CHECKING MD5 SUMS for a while, and then tells me there's a mismatch. Latest attempt was from orange CWM... 4.0.5 or whatever it is...
And if i try to install CM7 or MIUI it says can't copy meta-inf and aborts the installation...???
Have you tried using Heimdall?
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randum0city said:
Have you tried using Heimdall?
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I've not, and I appreciate your feedback, BUT, I'm fixed.
To those who come across this, it turns out WINDOWS VISTA was the issue. Odin just wouldn't work with it. Followed the thread below on a Windows 7 computer and it instantly fixed me. Thank God.
whytecountry said:
I've not, and I appreciate your feedback, BUT, I'm fixed.
To those who come across this, it turns out WINDOWS VISTA was the issue. Odin just wouldn't work with it. Followed the thread below on a Windows 7 computer and it instantly fixed me. Thank God.
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Worth noting, I use vista home basic and have never had a problem..but I also use odin v 1.7 if it matters
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efan450 said:
I use vista home basic and have never had a problem..but I also use odin v 1.7 if it matters
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huh, same here and it works, you might be on to something.

[Q] Latest ICS b0rked my phone, need advice

Hi folks, earlier today I tried flashing the latest ICS firmware using Mobile Odin and after it installed I can't get the phone booted up, I get the white startup logo then the screen goes black, tried pulling the battery, no joy.
I can get into that pointless ICS recovery but no CWM anymore. I can get into download mode but nothing will detect my phone, I've tried 2 laptops and 2 desktops but it's always coming up as unknown device.
If I go into the ICS recovery the phone is detected ok but I can't flash anything from it as it comes back with some verification error.
Is there anything I can flash from the ICS recovery to get me CWM back or am I able to flash a default firmware from it?
I'm guessing the problem is my cable (it's a generic Ebay job rather than the official one) but I the replacement won't be here for a few days and I'm in dire need of using the phone, which'll teach me in future to be more careful I guess
I presume you have Kies installed on your PC ? If you do, uninstall it. Then re-download it. Then reboot. Then reinstall it. Then reboot again. Then see if your phone & PC can talk to each other & Odin recognise the phone.
If you don't have Kies installed, install it.
Also, when you're using Odin, make doubly sure Kies or any of it's processes aren't running (check Task Manager & kill them if they are running). Tho you need the drivers that come with Kies, you don't want it running when you're using Odin.
If those things don't work, wait for your cable given you've tried a couple of different PCs.
or u can just uninstall kies and install http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=961956 instead... its driver pack without kies
works for me atleast
Try to put siyah kernel to your sd card and flash that, I think it is signed so you should be able to flash that in 3e
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It's def. not a driver problem as I've tried it on machines that have never had Kies on them nor any samsung drivers, I've tried the samsung driver pack but that still won't detect anything other than "unknown device" in download mode.
@Makrilli does Siyah have CWM? If so I'll give that a whirl! Thanks
Of course
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Makrilli said:
Of course
Sent from my sgs2 running cm9 using xda app
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Tried a handful of Siyah kernels, none of them signed though, dawned on me then to just find a signed CWM recovery and flash that, all working fine now.
Thanks everyone for you help.

ODIN does not detect phone

Hey all. Decided to go back to Froyo stock. When I try to ODIN in download mode, it doesnt detect the phone!
MacPro:~ nomadman$ heimdall detect
Failed to detect compatible download-mode device.
I'm no OS X Mountain Lion. I tried ODIN 1.7 in WinXP virtual machine and it doesnt detect it either. I know the USB cables work. I use it to transfer my backup from the vibrant to my OS X desktop. I also tried using all the USB ports on the machine. Do you think it's because the vibrant is using a jelly bean custom rom? I've been at this for 3 days without getting anywhere.
in OS X Mountain Lion and virtual XP, i installed Kies Mini and all I get is "please connect your mobile phone" in Download Modes.
edit: resolved
Have you tried nexus S drivers? Sometimes they are needed when on a ICS or jellybean rom.
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iTz KeeFy said:
Have you tried nexus S drivers? Sometimes they are needed when on a jellybean rom.
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I have no come across nexus S requirements. But i'll download the driver from samsung and see if Odin and Kies detects the phone in download mode. There is no problem detecting the phone when it booted up. adb detects the phone fine.
the nexus s has the same driver for the t-mo vibrant. Samsung_USB_Driver_for_Mobile_Phones_v1.5.14.0
I installed that in windows several times.
Have you put the phone in download mode? Odin or Heimball wont detect it otherwise. Sorry if you have but you didn't mention it. Im not familiar with mac pc so not really sure, make sure it has admin privileges also.
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iTz KeeFy said:
Have you put the phone in download mode? Odin or Heimball wont detect it otherwise. Sorry if you have but you didn't mention it. Im not familiar with mac pc so not really sure, make sure it has admin privileges also.
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Yes the phone is always on download mode every time I try to Odin or Heimball. It's just OSX or winXP doesn't recognize the phone at all. I really think I'm stuck without a downgrade option.
Is it possible to flash a zip file from ICS recovery to an earlier recovery so I can flash a froyo rom? This is really irritating.. Last ditch effort, i'm installing ubuntu on VM and see if I can odin that way. If not, then OS X is the issue and I have to find a PC to odin.
nomadman said:
Is it possible to flash a zip file from ICS recovery to an earlier recovery so I can flash a froyo rom? This is really irritating.. Last ditch effort, i'm installing ubuntu on VM and see if I can odin that way. If not, then OS X is the issue and I have to find a PC to odin.
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No, there are no stock flashable zip files. You can't go backwards, it will soft brick your phone. I have heard a few people say they have flashed from JB to Froyo but I personally have never tested it. Supposedly you can wipe data, wipe cache and wipe dalvik cache, then format system under mounts and storage, then flash a froyo kernel and then a froyo rom but I don't recommend trying that. I would try a windows pc, sounds like its the mac having issues, not the phone.
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I installed Windows 8.1 and got Odin 1.7 to work. Thanks for the support Keefy!
nomadman said:
I installed Windows 8.1 and got Odin 1.7 to work. Thanks for the support Keefy!
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Awesome man, glad to hear your up and running!
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