Battery charging top values - HTC EVO 3D

Using the curvefish battery monitoring widget from the market I cap out at:
100% @ 4344 mV
94.2 Degrees
Anyone else?

Sounds about right

Had about the same thing got up to 40 or 42 celsius which is like 108f i think
Sent from my EVO 3D

Went up to 110f while laying on its back, charging and running 4G/hotspot.
Stood it up in a holder, aimed a fan at it and watched it drop slowly to 88.3f/4.348v


low temperature affects battery

Wonder if anybody has a similar problem.
I use my XDA for work, guessing a lot of people do that, doh! And I work in a warehouse/ outside in UK.
Anyway here goes. By cold temperatures, I mean British weather! Which is in the positive Celcius range, so not that cold..
Last night it happened again. I was out in a field near Hull, working! I made a phone call, then the battery light goes red, 10% battery. In a field how do I charge it!! Simple, stick it in my pocket to warm it up. Within minutes the XDA has 60% again!!
Please any tips or similar experiences. I know that the summer is coming so things look up. But what happens when Autumn comes around again, well my contract is up, so a new phone I do believe!!!! And the XDA will just be a pocket PC, to keep in doors in the warmth.... Maybe a sony...
Cold and batteries
Tests of low-temperature discharge rate capability of various commercial Li-ion batteries showed that on average only ca. 30 % of battery capacity can be obtained at a C/2 rate at a temperature of -20 Celsius, and less than 10 % at 1C. Batteries described in this work exhibited higher capacity at C/2 at -20 Celsius (Fig. 10) than most of the recent commercially available Li-ion batteries tested. The discharge rate capability of these samples was a strong function of temperature; at a 2C rate, the capacity utilization decreased from ca. 90 % at 21 Celsius to 24 % at 0 Celsius and less than 2 % at -20 Celsius. In the above example, the C/2 capacity was 99, 95 and 37 % at 21, 0 and -20 Celsius, respectively.
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(A discharge rate of 1C means "as many Amps as there are AmpHrs in the battery, i.e. theoretically discharging the battery in exactly one hour.)
Polar equipment often has separate battery holders: device out in the open where fingers can touch it, batteries inside insulated clothing with warm human. Tummy or inside of upper leg are warmest...
Thank you
That answers the question then.
Their developing better batteries....
Anybody else have similar experiences though...
Get yourself a battery pack - runs off 4 AA's. (Search ebay under xda). Absolutely invaluable for traveling.

What's a good average temperature?

I usually stay around 38-40 degrees when playing games at 768mhz. If I get to 40 I turn it off and cool it down.
Normal use I probably get around 30-35 degrees C of course.
Is this alright? I try to stay as cool as possible by turning it off and putting a fan on it when it rises.
I usually stay around 38-40 degrees when playing games at 768mhz. If I get to 40 I turn it off and cool it down.
Normal use I probably get around 30-35 degrees C of course.
Is this alright? I try to stay as cool as possible by turning it off and putting a fan on it when it rises.
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Im on the cdma hero, so very similar phone. Those temps sound just about right. Iv been OC for bout 1-2 months now and I do the same at 40 and stay around same temps on average.
Sent from my Hero CDMA using the XDA mobile application powered by Tapatalk
That's good to know. I think 40's a bit hot but I've never been past 41 and when I saw that I put it on the fan with the battery back off. I have setcpu set to underclock at 45 degrees.
40 is good to have as a marking point but 50 isn't terrible just don't run it too long above 45 or so
i have my setpcu failsafe to kick in at 40. i read once that 480mhz drops the voltage, so i have it drop to that, does the job pretty quick.

Phone getting cool whenever i don't use it.

Is a 22 degrees temperature a fine temp? I noticed that whenever i don't use my phone it's really getting cold. normally i get 30 degrees but now after i flash ginger clone i'm getting this temp.
I'd worry about frostbite and the buttons falling off.
I triple dog dare ya to stick your tongue to it and see if it gets stuck! Ginger Clone is themed froyo, maybe its icier than we all thought.
That temp is fine I'd be worried if your phone was sitting at around 70 degrees celcius, not 22...
Lol, im not sure if you guinuinely think its an issue or you are just bragging!
Sent from my Dell Streak using Tapatalk
22 degrees celsius = 71.6 degrees Fahrenheit
i'd say that's pretty cool but nothing to worry about
Lol. When left alone it should be of the ambient temperature. 22C is your room temp, that's all.

Battery at 115 degrees

Hey just anyone else's battery reaching upward of 120 F. Should I be worried?
Sent from my Super 3D
mine was overheating in the igrip dock and of course the sun was beating on it too but i don't remember if the temp was showing in fahrenheit or celsius

SGS3 battery overheating ? !!

After buying I recharged my phone once.
Now even when I'm simply listening to music and using tapalalk, battery temps are at 43 degrees celsius.
When doing back to back speedtests it went to 47 deg cel.
The lower portion of phone becomes hotter.
I'm really worried.
Can you guys give your battery and phone temps ?
Ps : use cool tool software.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk
I have no problem what so ever, played Dungeon defenders and GTA III today and it did not get more than 35 degree celcius. The phone do heat a bit up when it charge, but no higher than 35 degree... I did not play and charge the phone at the same time.
(however dungeon defenders did actually lag a bit :O, must be the game that is pooly optimised).
I tried stress testing the phone by playing an hd video using popup play and running shadowgun at the same time, and the battery only reached 39 deg. celcius.
I've setup some battery temperature warning events at 40, 44, 48, and 50 degrees and only my lowest one has ever triggered. Highest I've seen the battery is 42 degrees.
So you guys think its a defective battery ?
Or it needs 3 to 4 recharges to come to that optimal temperature ?
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk
I think weather / room temperature play a big part here. In hotter environments phone temperature during idle or use would naturally be higher than in colder ones. Pretty sure it's quite warm in Bangalore this time of year.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
sachinaik said:
So you guys think its a defective battery ?
Or it needs 3 to 4 recharges to come to that optimal temperature ?
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk
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you can better try switching off the mobile, pullout the battery and turn it on after a few minutes. also check the cpu usage, you may have installed some app which might be continuously running in the background
bala_gamer said:
you can better try switching off the mobile, pullout the battery and turn it on after a few minutes. also check the cpu usage, you may have installed some app which might be continuously running in the background
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Did not workout. Issue still exists.
No background process running. No cpu hogs.
One more thing I noticed : the battery temp raises to 47 only when there is lot of activiy ln the chipset (either 3g downloads or cpu activities which causes it to clock at 1.4 ghz more often). Where as on sgs2 if i apply the same load its 35 deg. I tried it on sgs2 and measured the temp.
The battery temp most of the time is 40 deg, thats what bothering me.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk
M planning to return my phone because of this overheating.
Just 5 mins played the game and battery temp raised from 30 deg cel to 44 deg cel.
Suggestions pls.
Samsung dealer says that i've 4 days. Within 4 days if i find any problems i can get a letter from nearest samsung service center and upon seeing that letter he will immediately give me a new phone.
I do not know what will happen if i ask for a refund of money.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk
I changed the battery. Battery temp is well under 40 deg under regular browsing with music player playing in bkground.
Under heavy gaming under A.C. temp stays still at 40 deg.
I'm ok with these readings.
Now m gonna undervolt the phone also underclock cup and gpu and see how the temps turnaround.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk

