Battery at 115 degrees - HTC EVO 3D

Hey just anyone else's battery reaching upward of 120 F. Should I be worried?
Sent from my Super 3D

mine was overheating in the igrip dock and of course the sun was beating on it too but i don't remember if the temp was showing in fahrenheit or celsius


Phone getting cool whenever i don't use it.

Is a 22 degrees temperature a fine temp? I noticed that whenever i don't use my phone it's really getting cold. normally i get 30 degrees but now after i flash ginger clone i'm getting this temp.
I'd worry about frostbite and the buttons falling off.
I triple dog dare ya to stick your tongue to it and see if it gets stuck! Ginger Clone is themed froyo, maybe its icier than we all thought.
That temp is fine I'd be worried if your phone was sitting at around 70 degrees celcius, not 22...
Lol, im not sure if you guinuinely think its an issue or you are just bragging!
Sent from my Dell Streak using Tapatalk
22 degrees celsius = 71.6 degrees Fahrenheit
i'd say that's pretty cool but nothing to worry about
Lol. When left alone it should be of the ambient temperature. 22C is your room temp, that's all.

Battery charging top values

Using the curvefish battery monitoring widget from the market I cap out at:
100% @ 4344 mV
94.2 Degrees
Anyone else?
Sounds about right
Had about the same thing got up to 40 or 42 celsius which is like 108f i think
Sent from my EVO 3D
Went up to 110f while laying on its back, charging and running 4G/hotspot.
Stood it up in a holder, aimed a fan at it and watched it drop slowly to 88.3f/4.348v

59 degrees Celsius too hot for CPU

When I first got my phone and put a case on it just browsing the web got it up to 59 degrees Celsius or 138.2 degrees Fahrenheit. I looked at some other threads and people said that 60 degrees Celsius is nothing for a CPU, but then other people are saying that it can fry the CPU. Now that I have restarted the device the phone stay much much cooler. I just want to know what a dangerous temp is? Some people say that damage can occur around 60-80 degrees and other people say they have had their cpus hit 90-100 degrees Celsius.
tcb4 said:
When I first got my phone and put a case on it just browsing the web got it up to 59 degrees Celsius or 138.2 degrees Fahrenheit. I looked at some other threads and people said that 60 degrees Celsius is nothing for a CPU, but then other people are saying that it can fry the CPU. Now that I have restarted the device the phone stay much much cooler. I just want to know what a dangerous temp is? Some people say that damage can occur around 60-80 degrees and other people say they have had their cpus hit 90-100 degrees Celsius.
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I'm assuming you mean Fahrenheit. I would say 90 - 100 degree is normal-high when running games or heavy applications. Really when web browsing/idle 60 - 80 would seem like the average.
Edit: I see your calculations now. No, 138 browsing the web is not normal - And beings that the boiling point of water is 100 degree Celcius, that certainly is not acceptable.
id_twin said:
I'm assuming you mean Fahrenheit. I would say 90 - 100 degree is normal-high when running games or heavy applications. Really when web browsing/idle 60 - 80 would seem like the average.
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nope celcius. mine idles at about 93 degrees Fahrenheit.
Edit: Ok, thats what I thought. It didn't stay there long and a restart seems to have corrected things. Do you think that could have damaged it? I just imagine it was a app hogging resources, maybe just chrome being buggy.
with that said the thermal shutdown point for the nexus is 110 degrees celcius, however it starts throttling the clock speed at 60 degrees. some people have claimed to have got it there.

charge temperature

I have redmi note 4 . During charge my phone it becomes hot.. i installed cpu z to check temperature...I found that chg-temp is 55 degree during charge and 46 degree without charge in draining is that normal or not
Depends on ambient temperature but 46 degrees is way too high. It runs cooler even when doing heavy tasks like gaming even when playing asphalt 8 it never exceeds 40 degrees. It becomes more hot when charging although it never exceeded 43 degrees while charging. It is one of the coolest device.
55 degrees is way too high it never touch that when holding it under the direct sunlight in summers when outside temperature is around 50 degrees. In this condition mine mine never exceeded 50 degrees.
I reach 40°C when charging, playing EverWing, and listening to Spotify for 2-3 hours non-stop. Granted I'm indoors with ambient temperature of around 20°C. Charging, playing, or watching videos outside in direct sunlight will greatly increase SOC temperature, specially if your phone is the black variant.
In Egypt ambient temperature reaches 35 c so is it affect my cell phone temp
Also I am asking about charge temperature in cpu z program.....other temperature in my device don't reach 40 c but only chg-temp reach 55 c
hshanafy said:
Also I am asking about charge temperature in cpu z program.....other temperature in my device don't reach 40 c but only chg-temp reach 55 c
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Ignore it. Its fine. Not for our use. One of the temp in this showing 78 degrees.

Is it safe to take my phone with me when it's at or around 37 degrees Fahrenheit?

Is it safe to take my phone with me when it's at or around 37 degrees Fahrenheit or will it cause permanent damage to my phone's battery?
There is no problem to use the device. Almost phones have a range of usability between 34º fahrenheit and 99º fahrenheit.
Best regards

