Can this be avoided, I have looked for a setting and can't find one to change it. In handsent it allows you to stop the creation of a multimedia message with 3+ SMS... therefore avoiding a charge;/
[email protected]
Sent from my Samsung Galactic Crusader S II
JupiterdroidXDA said:
Can this be avoided, I have looked for a setting and can't find one to change it. In handsent it allows you to stop the creation of a multimedia message with 3+ SMS... therefore avoiding a charge;/
[email protected]
Sent from my Samsung Galactic Crusader S II
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This might be of interest if you are rooted. but it only works on deodexed roms.
stoney73 said:
This might be of interest if you are rooted. but it only works on deodexed roms.
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Thanks mate
[email protected]
Sent from my Samsung Galactic Crusader S II
I want to use the samsung email client since well... i like the widget on the desktop. I don't see an option to PUSH in settings. The quickest I see is to check every 5 minutes. Did I not set up the email correctly or what is it?
I had a push option earlier when I first entered my gmail account info but had to delete it because the push was being random. Having readded the account there isnt a push option any longer.
maybe this can help you..its for the s3 but should be the same..
:silly: omg...
thx @ ctomgee...yes shame on me :angel:
nowon will use filters to show only threads not older than xyz
Holy crap, talk about thread necromancy. OP is from May 2011.
Does anyone have any news on this subject?
Push email was available on the native S2 email client.
I vote for native apps first.
I tried the advice inside the android forum link, it works (gmail with exchange) but is sucks too much data in stand by.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda app-developers app
iovaniorgovan said:
Does anyone have any news on this subject?
Push email was available on the native S2 email client.
I vote for native apps first.
I tried the advice inside the android forum link, it works (gmail with exchange) but is sucks too much data in stand by.
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This thread is in the galaxy s2 forum. Looks like you're a galaxy s3 user?
Yes, but since the op complained of a similar problem on the s2, i thought there is a connection.
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iovaniorgovan said:
Yes, but since the op complained of a similar problem on the s2, i thought there is a connection.
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Perhaps. But OP is also from nearly 2 years ago.
Like a flashback.
Sent from the little guy
Hi to all,
I'm having problems with Skype and Facebook I write now what is the problems.
Skype closes automaticly, I've cancel the cache and stopped and done all the installation again but nothing changes.
Facebook I cannot upload photos from the Galery.
I have:
ROM UHLPS neatRom Lite v3.0.1 Themed
KERNEL 3.0.37 - Siyah - [email protected] #37
Have you got any solution for this problem?
First, don't double post.
Second, update the two apps to their latest version.
Third, if you still can't upload to Facebook from your gallery, even after the update, download quick pic from Google playstore Anna try again.
Swyped from my Samsung Galaxy SII
Still doesn't work, there was no update for Skype or Facebook, even with quick pic. nothing.
Scarface2283 said:
Still doesn't work, there was no update for Skype or Facebook, even with quick pic. nothing.
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Go to recovery and do the following:
- wipe cache partition
- wipe dalvik cache
- fix permissions.
Swyped from my Samsung Galaxy SII
Nope nothing still the same problem with the photos
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
Scarface2283 said:
Nope nothing still the same problem with the photos
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
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Then try another Facebook app in the market.
What about Skype, is it working now?
Swyped from my Samsung Galaxy SII
Yes Skype is not closing no more and even juice defender works ok now, now I see other facebook app, the unofficial ones
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
I'm using friend cast and everything is good, do you think is ok if I remove the official facebook app? Or do I need to keep it?
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
Scarface2283 said:
I'm using friend cast and everything is good, do you think is ok if I remove the official facebook app? Or do I need to keep it?
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
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Yes, You can remove it.
A simple thanks will keep my motivation going forward
Swyped from my Samsung Galaxy SII
Ok, I thank you even here, hope everything goes good, I will use quick pic seems much better than the normal gallery.
I will see how friedcast goes and after I will buy the pro version.
I am using SGS2 Android 4.0.4, How can I change the outgoing email font in the default email client ?
mmnawab said:
I am using SGS2 Android 4.0.4, How can I change the outgoing email font in the default email client ?
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change your email app.
Swyped from my Galaxy SII
Jokesy said:
change your email app.
Swyped from my Galaxy SII
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Which is the best free app for emails
mmnawab said:
Which is the best free app for emails
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K9 mail, the Best free email app
Swyped from my Galaxy SII
So I flashed JustinBean Inverted Gapps+ and my email stopped working. I've un installed all gapps, reinstalled stock gapps, and my email still doesn't work. I've removed the exchange account, re-added it, removed Email & Exchange and reinstalled them, still not working. It just says "Waiting for sync... Your email still show up soon".
Anyone have any ideas? Thanks!
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda app-developers app
okmijnlp said:
So I flashed JustinBean Inverted Gapps+ and my email stopped working. I've un installed all gapps, reinstalled stock gapps, and my email still doesn't work. I've removed the exchange account, re-added it, removed Email & Exchange and reinstalled them, still not working. It just says "Waiting for sync... Your email still show up soon".
Anyone have any ideas? Thanks!
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda app-developers app
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try some third party e-mail sync apps from stores and see
I had the same problem when I pressed the mail button a screen pops up and then suddenly vanished. As far as I cud c it said waiting for sync. This happened every time I opened mail so I installed the gaaps again in recovery mode and then it worked like a charm...
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda app-developers app
okmijnlp said:
So I flashed JustinBean Inverted Gapps+ and my email stopped working. I've un installed all gapps, reinstalled stock gapps, and my email still doesn't work. I've removed the exchange account, re-added it, removed Email & Exchange and reinstalled them, still not working. It just says "Waiting for sync... Your email still show up soon".
Anyone have any ideas? Thanks!
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda app-developers app
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clear data of Email, and Exchange in settings
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Supercharged ParanoidAndroid 2.12
Dorimanx kernel 5.76B
GT I9100
Next phone: Galaxy NOTE II
ahsanaokp said:
I had the same problem when I pressed the mail button a screen pops up and then suddenly vanished. As far as I cud c it said waiting for sync. This happened every time I opened mail so I installed the gaaps again in recovery mode and then it worked like a charm...
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda app-developers app
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Formated System, reinstalled gapps and CM10, nada.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda app-developers app
Jokesy said:
clear data of Email, and Exchange in settings
Swyped from my Samsung Galaxy SII
Supercharged ParanoidAndroid 2.12
Dorimanx kernel 5.76B
GT I9100
Next phone: Galaxy NOTE II
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Thanks but that didn't change anything .
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda app-developers app
okmijnlp said:
Thanks but that didn't change anything .
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda app-developers app
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Make sure auto-sync is enabled at least for about 30 minutes
Swyped from my Samsung Galaxy SII
Supercharged ParanoidAndroid 2.12
Dorimanx kernel 5.76B
GT I9100
Next phone: Galaxy NOTE II
Jokesy said:
Make sure auto-sync is enabled at least for about 30 minutes
Swyped from my Samsung Galaxy SII
Supercharged ParanoidAndroid 2.12
Dorimanx kernel 5.76B
GT I9100
Next phone: Galaxy NOTE II
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Thanks! It's finally working. I can turn my sync off now .
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda app-developers app
okmijnlp said:
Thanks! It's finally working. I can turn my sync off now .
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda app-developers app
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Yeah. You can turn off sync now. Enjoy your phone
Swyped from my Samsung Galaxy SII
Supercharged ParanoidAndroid 2.12
Dorimanx kernel 5.76B
GT I9100
Next phone: Galaxy NOTE II
Dear Galaxy-Fans,
i have the new Galaxy Note 2 with the Omega-ROM but i can't live with the Contacts, eMail and SMS/MMS Prog from Samsung
How can i install the stock Software of Contacts, eMail and Messages from Nexus?
... looking foreward to the SuperNexus-ROM from Faryaab for our N7100
king.larry said:
Dear Galaxy-Fans,
i have the new Galaxy Note 2 with the Omega-ROM but i can't live with the Contacts, eMail and SMS/MMS Prog from Samsung
How can i install the stock Software of Contacts, eMail and Messages from Nexus?
... looking foreward to the SuperNexus-ROM from Faryaab for our N7100
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I have the same question. Although there is an SMS app from Jellybean on the Play store, MMS functionality is broken at the moment.
serialtoon said:
I have the same question. Although there is an SMS app from Jellybean on the Play store, MMS functionality is broken at the moment.
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Using JB, the same progs are installed. This is stock !!
jgkhalil said:
Using JB, the same progs are installed. This is stock !!
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Huh? We are talking about the AOSP (Stock) MMS/SMS app
I also wanted the MMS from my "old" Gnexus, I extracted /system/Mms.apk for my nexus. pushed it to system on the Note2 and I can confirm that SMS are working flawlessly but sending an MMS makes the app FC
if a dev could make that work that's be awesome
Where are all the good devs, who can help us? ... please!
Sent from my GT-N7100 using xda app-developers app
+1 to this, would be great if we could have the stock Email as Samsung Email just doesn't connect to my company's Lotus Notes servers
The mms relies on a framework file
Ive been looking at what it requires if I find that I'm going to try to port it over using Xposed for framework modification
Sent from my GT-N7100 using xda app-developers app
zacharysblubaugh said:
The mms relies on a framework file
Ive been looking at what it requires if I find that I'm going to try to port it over using Xposed for framework modification
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try this guide