How can I change the outgoing email font - Galaxy S II Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I am using SGS2 Android 4.0.4, How can I change the outgoing email font in the default email client ?

mmnawab said:
I am using SGS2 Android 4.0.4, How can I change the outgoing email font in the default email client ?
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change your email app.
Swyped from my Galaxy SII

Jokesy said:
change your email app.
Swyped from my Galaxy SII
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Which is the best free app for emails

mmnawab said:
Which is the best free app for emails
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K9 mail, the Best free email app
Swyped from my Galaxy SII


[Q] Email app with Exchange security bypass

Does anyone have a version of the TW email app that bypasses the Exchange PIN security requirement?
The one thing missing from my galaxy tab is my work email.
Much thanks if you can post an APK!
Updating request for the TW email client....Anyone?? Pretty please...
Id be interested in this as well.
Sent from my GT-P7510 using Tapatalk
Enhanced Email in the market has this feature
pwhooftman said:
Enhanced Email in the market has this feature
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I'm looking for the tablet specific E-mail app.
I would also love a stock email app with security bypassed for exchange.
Is this is the reason I can't send only some of my emails ?
If I try to Replay or to Forward emails - they "stuck" in Outgoing folder.
But if I compose a new massage or replay a massage without quoting the original text - the massage is being sent.
It drives me crazy!
mattan said:
Is this is the reason I can't send only some of my emails ?
If I try to Replay or to Forward emails - they "stuck" in Outgoing folder.
But if I compose a new massage or replay a massage without quoting the original text - the massage is being sent.
It drives me crazy!
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No, that has nothing to do with exchange security. This thread is about trying to surpress the server policy which mandates a pincode to unlock the phone every time you resume it from sleep.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
pwhooftman said:
No, that has nothing to do with exchange security. This thread is about trying to surpress the server policy which mandates a pincode to unlock the phone every time you resume it from sleep.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
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Are you familiar with MY problem?
I'm hopeless!
mattan said:
Are you familiar with MY problem?
I'm hopeless!
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I am having same problem and it is driving me crazy!!
anyone can help us out?
iammrbrains said:
Does anyone have a version of the honeycomb email app that bypasses the Exchange PIN security requirement?
The one thing missing from my galaxy tab is my work email.
Much thanks if you can post an APK!
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I am looking for this as well. I hate that I cant send work emails.
Someone had modified the stock Email app to bypass the security code requirement
I can't for the life of me remember which forum it was in- possibly the Galaxy S2 forum
Edit: Here it is

Multimedia message if over 3sms long

Can this be avoided, I have looked for a setting and can't find one to change it. In handsent it allows you to stop the creation of a multimedia message with 3+ SMS... therefore avoiding a charge;/
[email protected]
Sent from my Samsung Galactic Crusader S II
JupiterdroidXDA said:
Can this be avoided, I have looked for a setting and can't find one to change it. In handsent it allows you to stop the creation of a multimedia message with 3+ SMS... therefore avoiding a charge;/
[email protected]
Sent from my Samsung Galactic Crusader S II
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This might be of interest if you are rooted. but it only works on deodexed roms.
stoney73 said:
This might be of interest if you are rooted. but it only works on deodexed roms.
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Thanks mate
[email protected]
Sent from my Samsung Galactic Crusader S II

[Q] How to get E-mail's instantly

Hi everone
please guide me on setting up my email accounts so that if a email is sent to me I get them instatntly on my cellphone
without even the delay of a second.
Is there anyway I can get emails that instantly.
I am currently using the stock email app of samsung s2
but it delays the mails by 5minutes
have tried all settings
I dun mind using other apps.
If suggesting please tell the settings to be applied
Just need the mails urgently
Pleaseee helpppppp!!
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda app-developers app
lalitj said:
Hi everone
please guide me on setting up my email accounts so that if a email is sent to me I get them instatntly on my cellphone
without even the delay of a second.
Is there anyway I can get emails that instantly.
I am currently using the stock email app of samsung s2
but it delays the mails by 5minutes
have tried all settings
I dun mind using other apps.
If suggesting please tell the settings to be applied
Just need the mails urgently
Pleaseee helpppppp!!
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda app-developers app
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With kaiten mail (paid) or k9 mail (free), you will get emails like instant messaging
Swyped from my Samsung Galaxy SII
i currently have a modded rom of jelly bean and the system's default mail service works excelent, at least with my hotmail account, they always arrive at the same time (or sometimes even earlier than my hotmail refresh in webpage ,so it generally gets first in my phone). if you dont want to start flashing or changing roms as Jokesy said before, you could you apps. its easier that way.
Jnioms said:
i currently have a modded rom of jelly bean and the system's default mail service works excelent, at least with my hotmail account, they always arrive at the same time (or sometimes even earlier than my hotmail refresh so it generally gets first in my phone). if you dont want to start flashing or changing roms as Jokesy said before, you could you apps. its easier that way.
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except you have auto sync enabled which drinks battery life hell
Swyped from my Samsung Galaxy SII
I'll try k9 its for my corporate accounts though
the pop3 accounts
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda app-developers app

Change Contacts, eMail and SMS to stock Nexus?

Dear Galaxy-Fans,
i have the new Galaxy Note 2 with the Omega-ROM but i can't live with the Contacts, eMail and SMS/MMS Prog from Samsung
How can i install the stock Software of Contacts, eMail and Messages from Nexus?
... looking foreward to the SuperNexus-ROM from Faryaab for our N7100
king.larry said:
Dear Galaxy-Fans,
i have the new Galaxy Note 2 with the Omega-ROM but i can't live with the Contacts, eMail and SMS/MMS Prog from Samsung
How can i install the stock Software of Contacts, eMail and Messages from Nexus?
... looking foreward to the SuperNexus-ROM from Faryaab for our N7100
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I have the same question. Although there is an SMS app from Jellybean on the Play store, MMS functionality is broken at the moment.
serialtoon said:
I have the same question. Although there is an SMS app from Jellybean on the Play store, MMS functionality is broken at the moment.
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Using JB, the same progs are installed. This is stock !!
jgkhalil said:
Using JB, the same progs are installed. This is stock !!
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Huh? We are talking about the AOSP (Stock) MMS/SMS app
I also wanted the MMS from my "old" Gnexus, I extracted /system/Mms.apk for my nexus. pushed it to system on the Note2 and I can confirm that SMS are working flawlessly but sending an MMS makes the app FC
if a dev could make that work that's be awesome
Where are all the good devs, who can help us? ... please!
Sent from my GT-N7100 using xda app-developers app
+1 to this, would be great if we could have the stock Email as Samsung Email just doesn't connect to my company's Lotus Notes servers
The mms relies on a framework file
Ive been looking at what it requires if I find that I'm going to try to port it over using Xposed for framework modification
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zacharysblubaugh said:
The mms relies on a framework file
Ive been looking at what it requires if I find that I'm going to try to port it over using Xposed for framework modification
Sent from my GT-N7100 using xda app-developers app
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try this guide

[Q] Changing default gmail address to another for splanner

My dad has a i9505 s4, he wants to change the default email for splanner/calendar to a different non gmail email.
Is it possible?
if so how can i do it?
Try this: Go to your settings app and under Accounts select Samsung Account. From that screen, select the email you want to remove and remove your samsung account. Afterwards, just add a new Samsung account. Let me know if that works for you.
Sent from my SCH-I545 using xda app-developers app
Checkm8 said:
Try this: Go to your settings app and under Accounts select Samsung Account. From that screen, select the email you want to remove and remove your samsung account. Afterwards, just add a new Samsung account. Let me know if that works for you.
Sent from my SCH-I545 using xda app-developers app
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Ok so i can attatch an email to samsung (originaly gmail?) and it will be the default email for splanner etc?

