[A] MIUI 7.22 call audio issues - Fascinate Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Ever since flashing the latest MIUI release the person on the other end could not hear me speaking. Others have seemed to have this problem as well. After days of searching and asking I finally found a quick fix for it.
If you have the Voodoo Control App installed, turning off "Hi-fi record" should fix the issue of the party on the other end not being able to hear you.

I tried this and had no such luck fixing my Vol. issue!?!? Glad it worked for you though! Just flashed EC09 modem/radio to see if that helps.
If anyone finds a tweak to fix this, please shoot it my way!?!
Rock On!!!


[HELP] Audio cuts out. No sound during phone calls.

So I recently just rooted my droid and I'm running the evileris firmware atm I'm really happy with everything except that my phone can no longer make phone calls. The sound during phone calls does not work and I think it may not work sometimes in the music player as well. It works when I plug in the headphones but when i take them out no sound.
Airplane mode and resetting do not fix this problem and the updates that I've tried flashing from [FIX] Audiofix. NEED TESTERS FOR NEW KERNEL in the Hero CDMA forum do not work either.
This phone worked fine before rooting and flashing and the problem is present on all the roms I've used. The update above simply hangs my phone at the bootscreen, no matter which one I use. (Maybe its written just for hero?)
Anyways I was hoping one of you guys could have a fix or maybe have also had this same problem? Thanks!
(from what I've read in the thread above it seems the issue is a bad kernel that hangs up or fails to reset so you have to do it manually, but resetting doesn't fix the issue for my. My problem is constant phone call audio loss)
UPDATE: I have done some more experimenting and it seems the only problem is from the in-cal speaker, because when I put speakerphone on it works fine. The problem lies with the front speaker (part that goes to your ear).
maybe your phone is broken?
I went back down to 1.5 root, works fine. Its an issue with 2.1 :/ So currently I have 2 nandroid backups, 1 of 1.5 and 1 of 2.1 so I'm just switching in between the two.
did you try....
Did you wipe before flashing? After flashing did you try *228 opt 1? This may help as it sorted my audio issues with another Rom.
im having this same problem and i have no clue why i have tried everything knows possible to fix this.
I wipe before each flash as well as each recovery haha. atm my setup is 2.1 evil eris for the weekends and 1.5root for the weekday when i actually need to make calls
*228 opt 1 did not work btw
I just make a new backup at the end of the week and recover to the other one, works like a dual-boot pc or a bootcamp mac. It works, but its getting kidna old I'd rather just have 2.1 for good haha.
Longtime lurker.....1st time poster....I just installed leak v2 (I was one of those that was too impatient to wait for root)...I had the same problem that everything worked fine except the phone had no in call sound. went through all the setting and found that TTY was set to full...I unchecked it and the sound came back. I know this may be simple...but it worked for me.
brianwin33 said:
longtime lurker.....1st time poster....i just installed leak v2 (i was one of those that was too impatient to wait for root)...i had the same problem that everything worked fine except the phone had no in call sound. Went through all the setting and found that tty was set to full...i unchecked it and the sound came back. I know this may be simple...but it worked for me.
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yesss thank you this worked for me.
BrianWin33 said:
Longtime lurker.....1st time poster....I just installed leak v2 (I was one of those that was too impatient to wait for root)...I had the same problem that everything worked fine except the phone had no in call sound. went through all the setting and found that TTY was set to full...I unchecked it and the sound came back. I know this may be simple...but it worked for me.
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I'm having the same problem... During a phone call, I get no sound / can't hear the person I am calling from the "internal speakers" (i.e. the one you hold to your ear during a call). If I switch to external speakers (i.e. loudspeakers) I can hear the person I'm calling...
What is this "TTY" setting that fixed this problem for you? Where can I find it and uncheck it?

JT's CM7 build 4, Microphone issue

I absolutely love this ROM to death but the one thing that has been irritating me since build 2 is the fact that the microphone volume during calls is too low, to the point where my friends cannot hear me talk unless I hold the mic right near my mouth. Does anyone know of a fix? I'm running build 4 with the stock kernel and EC09 radio. I have tried ED01, ED04 and EC09 but none of these fix the mic issue. However, when I switch to a TW-based ROM, like KangBang 2.1 or Evil Fascination, the mic magically fixes itself. I found this set of instructions but they apply to the SGSII. Is there any number like this for the Fascinate that will allow me to change the mic gain/volume? I appreciate the help!
Apparently I can't post urls so here are the instructions I read for the SGSII:
In the phone dialer type in *#*#197328640#*#*
A menu should now be shown. In the menu, press [5] AUDIO
…then [1] NB (VOICE CALL)
…then [1] HANDSET
…then [1] VOLUME
…then [1]SRC SPEECH RX Volume
…then [5]5_lvl: 88 (note that you might have another value than 88 on your handset. Write down this value in case you want to revert to it later)
The window that is now shown should have a line saying “Input?”. To input a new value press the menu button, then “Key Input”. Write 110 as the new value and press “OK“.
You have now adjusted the microphone volume when noise reduction is disabled, and it is time to do the same when noise reduction is turned on.
Press the menu button, and then “Back”. Do this four times in total, until you get back to the menu that the text “NB (Voice Call)” in the first row.
Now, press [7] HANDSET(2MIC) and repeat steps 4 to 8 listed above.
This would be good to know. I just left miui1.6.24 for this issue & jumped to cm7 which is better but still not as good as it can be. There used to be a code string for eclair floating around but some codes changed after froyo I was told.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
I was on test #3 and the volume of the earpiece was way too low, even after raising the volume to its maximum. :/ I was barely able to hear people.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
This too has been bothering me but it comes and goes for some reason. Does anyone know how to get the hidden menu from CM7? I tried the method above and it doesn't work......?
pcpark87 said:
This too has been bothering me but it comes and goes for some reason. Does anyone know how to get the hidden menu from CM7? I tried the method above and it doesn't work......?
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I think that's uncharted territory. And its all probably different than every other galaxy s. Would anything from our cdma cousins help us? Is there cm7 or GB for the mesmerize or showcase yet?
Edit: Well I had to go back to tried & true comrom 2.1 due to the call volume issue. Aside from that, both miui & cm7 are very impressive.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
Possible Solution
I think I have solved the problem (at least for me). I just flashed the latest build 5, starting from stock DL09 up to ED01 without flashing the EC09 radio and calls work perfectly. I don't know if this is because of the new build or ED01 (which didn't work for me before) but I recommend that anyone who has had problems with the in call mic volume to do what I did. At least I know I wasn't alone in this
smokinbeanbean1992 said:
I think I have solved the problem (at least for me). I just flashed the latest build 5, starting from stock DL09 up to ED01 without flashing the EC09 radio and calls work perfectly. I don't know if this is because of the new build or ED01 (which didn't work for me before) but I recommend that anyone who has had problems with the in call mic volume to do what I did. At least I know I wasn't alone in this
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Were you on EC09 radio before? I'm wondering if it's EC09 that is causing the problem.. Is anyone on EB01 or ED01/04 radio and experiencing microphone volume problem?
Also, keep us posted. The problem is intermittent sometimes and it comes and goes...
Ok so I have been using my Fascinate all day with ED01 and all calls have been successful. I was on EC09 before and that's when I noticed the problem. However, I recently flashed EC09 (from ED01) to see if it really was the source of the problem and it wasn't. Instead, the Voodoo Control App I installed has a setting for microphone gain and "hi-fi" recording. The mic gain is only supposed to be for recording but I set it to the "Original" gain setting as opposed to the "Balanced" setting it defaults to and I kept hi-fi recording unchecked to see if these were causing the problems with the in-call mic. All of my calls have been working fine for about two hours now since I flashed EC09, installed Voodoo Control and changed these settings.
For those of you who don't know (I assume you do) this ROM contains Voodoo Sound which IMO improves the sound quality of the headphone jack drastically b/c of the apparently incredible sound card/amp in the Fascinate. It basically "unlocks" the amp so that the full audio quality that the Fascinate is capable of can be achieved but I did not know that the microphone gain setting was there until I looked. Hope this helps everyone but I guess it would only apply to those who installed Voodoo Control.
Another update: No problems since yesterday. Whoever is still having problems either install Voodoo Control and change the microphone gain setting or change the gain setting if you already have it.
I have not had a chance to test this out but thanks for updating us. I will let you know after I get off work and will let nemesis2all and jt know if it indeed fixes the issue. Fingers crossed!
smokinbeanbean1992, I think you found a fix to this issue. Was your hi-fi recording enabled before and did you disable it, or was it disabled by default? Mine was enabled by default, and as soon as I disabled it, my call went through very clear. The gain setting does not really make much of a difference. It yours was disabled by default and all you touched was the gain setting, I am not sure what to say to that... but thanks! I will let nemesis2all and jt know and they should investigate further.
EDIT: Just confirmed with few people. Gain setting doesn't make any difference. Hi-Fi Recording cripples our microphone. Disable it and your calls will be clear! Just talked with JT, he will disable it in his upcoming release.
Yes I had the hi-fi recording on before I switched it off. I'm glad I could help with this issue!!

sound volume vibrant

Hello all,
I've tried searching via post new similar topic suggestion box but did not find anything.
But my question is this.
my vibrant sometimes randomly resets the sound volumes- incoming call/media/system/notification all of them.
Sometimes they are jacked all the way up sometimes really low.
does anyone have the similar experience? anyone know what's going on?
have you tried either
1.flashing a new rom
2.odin back to stock
So are you saying that for example you go to sleep and the volume setting is at maximum, but when you wake up its mysteriously set to low, then you look at it in an hour or so and its back up to maximum again? Thats how I understood the OP am I correct?
i'm on bionix 1.3.1 and i've done a fresh install. I ODIN'd to stock and flashed bionix.
Yes that's right, the volume randomly would be changed. It seems to occur at random. I guess I'm the only one with this issue....
I know its a little joke with all our devs who like to set our default sound notifications to silent on the initial flash. Thats what I was originally thinking was happening to you. But I never heard of this problem ur experiencing. I would think if a fresh ODIN & install didn't correct your issue it might be hardware defect, but even thats hard to believe. Good luck!

MIUI 1.7.8 in-call volume tweak!!

I just found out that there is a tweak for adjusting the in-call volume.
Simply lower the volume to the minimum and then higher the volume to the max then you will have louder in-call volumes.
I don't know if it would work for everyone, but it works for me!!
Doesn't work for me. Though I wish it did. In-call volume is really low. I wonder where the code is to fix it, 'cause I'd gladly lend a hand.
1n73rn37_j3d1 said:
Doesn't work for me. Though I wish it did. In-call volume is really low. I wonder where the code is to fix it, 'cause I'd gladly lend a hand.
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Did you flash the latest version that andmer posted and the 7/4 OTB .13 kernel?
** latest version is the one with audio fix from jt's cm7 rom **
philchoiii said:
Did you flash the latest version that andmer posted and the 7/4 OTB .13 kernel?
** latest version is the one with audio fix from jt's cm7 rom **
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I did. I can adjust my in-call volume, but it's still really quiet. Could just be who I talked to, though. I'll keep trying and testing. I'm glad that we can finally adjust it though. Wasn't fun talking to people on the phone while driving. Too much background noise!
1n73rn37_j3d1 said:
I did. I can adjust my in-call volume, but it's still really quiet. Could just be who I talked to, though. I'll keep trying and testing. I'm glad that we can finally adjust it though. Wasn't fun talking to people on the phone while driving. Too much background noise!
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Glad to hear that adjustment works!
Follow andmer and jt's installation guide and try re-flashing the rom and kernel!
Is there anyway to get the volume up? I can't flash kernels. Phone hates it. Don't know why.
I've been running MIUI 1.7.8 since Saturday & although it's great otherwise - the phone audio issue is driving me mad. I can hear everyone else just fine - but no one can hear me unless I put the phone in speakerphone mode. Using the handset, the audio is extraordinarily low.
I searched and found the new phone.apk, mms.apk, and libaudio.so, with the latest 7/4 OTB .13 kernel, installed the kernel first, then the new apk's, I even went to the EC09 modem, but still people cannot hear me. I tested it by recording a voicemail message and I could only hear what I was saying if I was on speaker, no other time.
Can anyone help?
CliffyP said:
I've been running MIUI 1.7.8 since Saturday & although it's great otherwise - the phone audio issue is driving me mad. I can hear everyone else just fine - but no one can hear me unless I put the phone in speakerphone mode. Using the handset, the audio is extraordinarily low.
I searched and found the new phone.apk, mms.apk, and libaudio.so, with the latest 7/4 OTB .13 kernel, installed the kernel first, then the new apk's, I even went to the EC09 modem, but still people cannot hear me. I tested it by recording a voicemail message and I could only hear what I was saying if I was on speaker, no other time.
Can anyone help?
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Well, it works for me so, if you want to try, follow my installation steps:
1) Download MIUI.us_fascinate_1.7.1.3_Eng_Deo_ZipA_Signed.zip from http://goo-inside.me/miui/fascinate/; nemesis2all OTB .13 Kernel (1400Mhz one); Most recent update for MIUI 1.7.8;
****And put BOTH file in your sdcard directory****
2) Odin back to stock DL09 (DON'T FORGET TO RE-PARTITION)
3) Update to ED04 by OTA
4) Flash the CWM provided in jt's CM7 thread
5) Flash MIUI.us_fascinate_1.7.1.3_Eng_Deo_ZipA_Signed.zip
*** This will restart the phone and bring you up the orange CWM ***
6) When orange CWM loads, reflash the MIUI.us_fascinate_1.7.1.3_Eng_Deo_ZipA_Signed.zip
7) Full reboot
8) Using power key -> Restart -> Recovery, reboot into recovery mode (orange CWM)
9) Flash MIUI.us_fascinate_1.7.8_Eng_Deo_ZipA_Signed.zip
10) Don't reboot yet! Flash the OTB kernel right after MIUI rom
11) Reboot
12) Try to change the sound as directed on first post!
13) Done.
Hope it works!
For replacing the phone.apk and mms.apk there's a specific direction on http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1150045 around pages 40~50.
Somehow this worked for me......I got about a 40% boost in volume, so I can hear people fine even out and about. I think it's even a little loud when not outside as I set it to about 75% .
Edit: I spoke too soon, it seems like the audio reverted after the call ended since on my second call volume was still low and not as loud as the call before. I'm sure jt and andmer will fix it though so I can live with low volume.
Sent from my I500 using Tapatalk
philchoiii said:
I just found out that there is a tweak for adjusting the in-call volume.
Simply lower the volume to the minimum and then higher the volume to the max then you will have louder in-call volumes.
I don't know if it would work for everyone, but it works for me!!
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Works for me too on cm7 build 10. Just have to perform it for every call.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
Not working for me either....people on cell phones can hear me....but when I call a landline they can't unless I'm on speaker.....also earpiece volume trick not working for me either and I'm all up to date with new recovery..libaudio....and mms
Sent from my I500 using XDA App
Wonder if cm7 build 10 users are getting this problem still
Sent from my I500 using XDA App
This is driving me nuts!! I can barely hear the people on the other line and they can barely hear me. Sucks pretty bad. Hopefully theres a fix soon.

Skype on 4.4/4.4.1?

I use voice chat on Skype a lot, but I also love the speed from 4.4.1 + crpalmer's kernel + bionic libs, however, there's one thing that's keeping me away from that speed, and that's voice chatting being broken on 4.4..Does anyone know a fix for this or know what kind of problem it is? Is it a 4.4 ROM problem or a kernel problem? Whether stock kernel or crpalmers, whenever I initiate a Skype call, it literally kills my ears, it makes this extremely loud screeching and static-y noise that never goes away unless I restart my phone...Anyone know what's up with this?
As far as I know, it's a hardware issue, and not a software issue. I was having the same issue with Newt's 4.2.2 GPE ROM. I got tired of the Skype bug and installed the Unofficial CM 11 (Before official was announced), and the issue was still there. I did an RUU to 1.15. Still had the issue. Installed Newt's GPE again, the problem isn't there anymore. So I'm assuming it's a hardware issue. If possible, take a look at the logcat when trying to voice chat on Skype. See if you see any errors regarding the microphone. I think it's just a fluke. Some people have the issue, others don't.
Its a kennel Issue I have the same Prob too
rejectedjs said:
I use voice chat on Skype a lot, but I also love the speed from 4.4.1 + crpalmer's kernel + bionic libs, however, there's one thing that's keeping me away from that speed, and that's voice chatting being broken on 4.4..Does anyone know a fix for this or know what kind of problem it is? Is it a 4.4 ROM problem or a kernel problem? Whether stock kernel or crpalmers, whenever I initiate a Skype call, it literally kills my ears, it makes this extremely loud screeching and static-y noise that never goes away unless I restart my phone...Anyone know what's up with this?
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As far as I know, Skype audio has been working right in CM 11 since December 10th. Please tell me that you are running a more recent ROM than that.
For giggles, I just verified that I have no audio problems using the Skype test service either using the phone as a handset or using speaker-phone. I didn't bother trying headset or bluetooth as those were more likely to work in the first place.
If you still think that there is a software problem, please install the latest nightly of CM 11, do not install anything except Skype, do not restore anything, do not change anything (especially ART). Verify a problem using the test service and then provide a logcat in the CM 11 thread. Also, repeat the same steps with a stock ROM and verify that it works there.
zou14 said:
Its a kennel Issue I have the same Prob too
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Ditto (and, fyi, I doubt it is a kernel problem).
same problem. flashed the new 3.06 radio and still not working.
this is a real bummer, i use skype everytime im out of the country

