Question about XDA infractions... - HTC EVO 3D

Could anyone please explain to me or provide a link to an explanation of the whole 'infraction' system, and specifically how it works ?
I can't find the information anywhere.
(I kinda need to know, lol.)
Sent from my 3DeeVo

If you are on the XDA app, check the Announcement tab. There you will find Forum/Marketplace Rules.
If you are on the site, well it should just be right in front of you.
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA App

DDiaz007 said:
If you are on the XDA app, check the Announcement tab. There you will find Forum/Marketplace Rules.
If you are on the site, well it should just be right in front of you.
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I'm seeing the rules, but I can't see anything that goes into how the infraction system/scale works. BTW, I have the XDA app and Tapatalk as well.
Sent from my 3DeeVo

Yes, I would like to know about this as well. I think I know why you are asking, lol.

sn0b0ard said:
Yes, I would like to know about this as well. I think I know why you are asking, lol.
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Why is he asking?
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DDiaz007 said:
Why is he asking?
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Because of something that happened in the Development forum last night. I don't want to stir up anymore trouble, it's not worth it.

sn0b0ard said:
Because of something that happened in the Development forum last night. I don't want to stir up anymore trouble, it's not worth it.
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PM me! I have to know now haha.
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA App

I would like to know too .. I am tired of so called mods shutting down threads because they don't like what's being said ( please look up the word " forum " ) if you don't like it move on. But someone needs to post what infractions get people banned and why or what shuts a FORUM thread down because I'm baffled? ???
Sent from 3days in the future and still no dang S-off !!! WTF

Yeah it's funny that someone like myself, who is not a troll gets infractions while pbedard, the troll who tried to brick people's phones, doesn't get banned.

cbrown245 said:
I would like to know too .. I am tired of so called mods shutting down threads because they don't like what's being said ( please look up the word " forum " ) if you don't like it move on. But someone needs to post what infractions get people banned and why or what shuts a FORUM thread down because I'm baffled? ???
Sent from 3days in the future and still no dang S-off !!! WTF
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What happened in a nut shell: pbedard (troll), picture, HTC Facebook Wall, a couple curse words here and there (I only said sh** once though), then infractions.

sn0b0ard said:
What happened in a nut shell: pbedard (troll), picture, HTC Facebook Wall, a couple curse words here and there (I only said sh** once though), then infractions.
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Swearing, though not always enforced, warrants an infraction. Right in the rules of XDA.
--Sent from my 3D Shooter --

sn0b0ard said:
What happened in a nut shell: pbedard (troll), picture, HTC Facebook Wall, a couple curse words here and there (I only said sh** once though), then infractions.
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Yeah, I guess it was kinda outa hand, but truly: that dude had it and more coming to him... I've gotten into it with him before, (the mod wiped the board of some of my comments then) so I already knew what kind of dbag he is. Then, he pulled that unbelievable stunt. Then, when I saw an IRL post from him on HTC's Facebook page, well, I just COULDN'T resist, lol.
Anyway, no biggie: was worth it (I think):
That's the problem: I don't have any idea what having X amount of infraction points means in relation to the Forums? Am I one point away from a ban? Am I a hundred, or a thousand points away? I just kinda wanted to know for a reference point. If anyone's familiar with how it works, then please let me know. CIAO.
Sent from my 3DeeVo

I should have got some how would you know ?
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA App

I got 3 points infraction. I have no idea what 3 points equates to...

They go away over time depending on the severity of them. I got infracted twice. Once for swearing, that infraction was worth one point and lasted a month. I got another for talking sh#t to a mod. That was 3 points and lasted 3 months. Not really sure how many you can get before you get the boot.
Sent from my 3rd Dimension of Evolution

I must suck at searching because I can't find a rubric chart on how XDA utilizes its infractions. Maybe I'll pm a mod to see if he/she can elaborate.
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA App

ranger61878 said:
Swearing, though not always enforced, warrants an infraction. Right in the rules of XDA.
--Sent from my 3D Shooter --
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Yeah, but you see my swearing was only one word and it wasn't directed at anyone at all. I was making fun at Facebook. I can't really see how someone would get offended by it. Compared to what I've seen others get away with on XDA, what I did is stupid (yes I admit it), but probably should have just warranted a warning.

mattfmartin said:
They go away over time depending on the severity of them. I got infracted twice. Once for swearing, that infraction was worth one point and lasted a month. I got another for talking sh#t to a mod. That was 3 points and lasted 3 months. Not really sure how many you can get before you get the boot.
Sent from my 3rd Dimension of Evolution
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You got 1 point for swearing? I got 3. WTH.

Edit: 10 char

mcmikecruz1 said:
I should have got some how would you know ?
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You'll get a PM from the mod.
But, TIL that there's a tab for infractions under your public profile. I'd just never noticed it. It lists the reason, the points, and the expiration date, but doesn't tell you anything ABOUT those points.
Also,and totally off topic:
As I type this, I gotta say that SwiftKey X keyboard is ridiculously great. It freaking reads your MIND, lol. (Love me some free Amazon app every morning!)
Sent from my 3DeeVo


New decent review

Looks like this Guy looked at 3d as a bonus and didn't let it affect his review. Said battery sucks but other than that he said its a solid phone
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
This thread has a creppy similarity to the one below! Search People!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[email protected] said:
This thread has a creppy similarity to the one below! Search People!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Kill yo self
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[email protected] said:
This thread has a creppy similarity to the one below! Search People!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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go away
10 char
another double post filled with hate.. would be nice if people did read before posting.. and then not hate on the people who point out that they need to not post another thread that litterally has the same link..
pstevep said:
another double post filled with hate.. would be nice if people did read before posting.. and then not hate on the people who point out that they need to not post another thread that litterally has the same link..
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pstevep said:
another double post filled with hate.. would be nice if people did read before posting.. and then not hate on the people who point out that they need to not post another thread that litterally has the same link..
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Its not hate. Its just that if its a double post then say it. No need to put a bunch of "!!!!!!!!" After it like a double post completely ruined his day. Lol. Maybe it did. Who knows. Its not like this is the first time it has happened and it won't be the last. Yea it can get annoying but no need to get gray hairs over it lol
I didn't see the other one. use xda on my phone and didn't see it.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
phyba said:
Its not hate. Its just that if its a double post then say it. No need to put a bunch of "!!!!!!!!" After it like a double post completely ruined his day. Lol. Maybe it did. Who knows. Its not like this is the first time it has happened and it won't be the last. Yea it can get annoying but no need to get gray hairs over it lol
I didn't see the other one. use xda on my phone and didn't see it.
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i agree with you to a point on there.. im not one who likes a lot of punctuation myself.. he may have been just having a bad day, or was just accentuating his point.. so far this 3vo forum is a mess with people hating each other and posting the same thing over and over.. sorry for the hate assumption on my part..
pstevep said:
i agree with you to a point on there.. im not one who likes a lot of punctuation myself.. he may have been just having a bad day, or was just accentuating his point.. so far this 3vo forum is a mess with people hating each other and posting the same thing over and over.. sorry for the hate assumption on my part..
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Its cool. I agree. I wasn't trying to fill the board up with more garbage.
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phyba said:
Kill yo self
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berardi said:
go away
10 char
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haha took those words right out of my mouth glad some reviewers have some reviewers see the 3D aspect of the EVO as a bonus feature
oh another trainwreck-post filled with trolls; just another day on the 3vo3d forums lol
A.Priori said:
oh another trainwreck-post filled with trolls; just another day on the 3vo3d forums lol
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lol don't worry it happens all the time when a new phone is coming out and we all want it, this forum will go back to normal once the phone is out and rooted.
dfskevinohyeah said:
lol don't worry it happens all the time when a new phone is coming out and we all want it, this forum will go back to normal once the phone is out and rooted.
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Agreed. Its all in good fun. Entertainment until the phone stops.
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phyba said:
Kill yo self
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Seriously dude, I showed you someone already posted this and you tell me to kill myself. I love you internet tough guys. Your just soooooo scary
eman <- goes to hide under a table before the internet tough guy says something really really mean again to prove his manly hood to the internet world.........
[email protected] said:
Seriously dude, I showed you someone already posted this and you tell me to kill myself. I love you internet tough guys. Your just soooooo scary
eman <- goes to hide under a table before the internet tough guy says something really really mean again to prove his manly hood to the internet world.........
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really dude? i was being sarcastic. wow.
like we said earlier, you the type to stress over canned goods not facing foward in your cabinet...lifes to short to be checking message boards for duplicate threads and then throwing a tantrum when you find a double post....has nothing to do with being a tough guy, not like i said i was gonna come whoop your ass and hunt you down. gotta love geeks, they make the world go 'round...
I just read another review of a review.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App

Is there a better Evo3d forum?

With less retards?
There is.
Invites went out a week ago for the qualified.
Sent from my 3DeeVo
mazook98 said:
There is.
Invites went out a week ago for the qualified.
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Sent from my EVO 3D using XDA app
Ah okay I was wondering what that invite was for.
hupo224 said:
Ah okay I was wondering what that invite was for.
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If you had to wonder, it was obviously sent by mistake.
Even if the people you wanted to see in a forum moved to another forum the trolls and asses would just follow. They have nothing else to do. Its just a fact of forums. XDA does have a tool that you can use to block or hide people you get sick of. I have a number of people hidden.
zone23 said:
Even if the people you wanted to see in a forum moved to another forum the trolls and asses would just follow. They have nothing else to do. Its just a fact of forums. XDA does have a tool that you can use to block or hide people you get sick of. I have a number of people hidden.
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I shouldn't have to that :\
hupo224 said:
I shouldn't have to that :\
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Well thats the way forums are not to be a **** but if you can't put up with it I suggest you don't come here. Its not going away.
zone23 said:
Well thats the way forums are not to be a **** but if you can't put up with it I suggest you don't come here. Its not going away.
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The unfortunate truth.
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA App
mazook98 said:
There is.
Invites went out a week ago for the qualified.
Sent from my 3DeeVo
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bloody brilliant!
hupo224 said:
I shouldn't have to that :\
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Welcome to the internet.****-l.png
The evo shift forums were slow, but I never saw a single troll picture
Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk
EricSS619 said:
The evo shift forums were slow, but I never saw a single troll picture
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I'm getting a little sick of the pictures as well. Especially when people are too stupid to resize them so they at least fit the screen. Its just getting ridiculous around here. Can't wait to get my ROM up so I can have my own thread and wont be trolling anymore.
From the best phone site to the worst in six months. XDA used to be where the real developers hung out and discussed hacking our phones. It was a really tough place for rookies or noobs to get help. Sites like ppgeeks and android central were always much more friendly in general. But XDA had the pros, so it was worth hanging back and reading what was going on.
Now there are so many pricks and tools posting bull**** that finding any good info is very difficult here. Members need to be more helpful to each other, or not post at all. And temp ban anyone posting troll picks or being rude to others.
I have to agree. I've been on here for years and have never seen it this bad. Great site but I think there's maybe just too many people in one place now or something...
Serren said:
Now there are so many pricks and tools posting bull**** that finding any good info is very difficult here. Members need to be more helpful to each other, or not post at all. And temp ban anyone posting troll picks or being rude to others.
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Couldn't have said it better, I "lurked" here quite a while before signing up & the quality of posts & some of the responses from people who have been here a long time leave a lot to be desired.
It's starting to remind me of the days when IRC was at it's peak. Nothing but internet heroes & loudmouths.
mario23 said:
I have to agree. I've been on here for years and have never seen it this bad. Great site but I think there's maybe just too many people in one place now or something...
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I think the problem is everyone is hanging around, hitting F5 and waiting for S-OFF and until they can flash their ROMs again they are just babbling crap because they are bored!
mazook98 said:
There is.
Invites went out a week ago for the qualified.
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Wooowwww! You got invited to a ****in phone forummmmm oooohhh. Maybe youll find a girlfriend in there and get a ****in life
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA App
bmoreboy02 said:
Wooowwww! You got invited to a ****in phone forummmmm oooohhh. Maybe youll find a girlfriend in there and get a ****in life
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And this is why this forum has gone down the drain.

What's really good here?

As of late, there have been numerous outbursts by forum members that have caused this forum to go haywire and this place isn't as welcoming as it should be. A great Dev has already raised his concerns for the hostility that has occurred and it is obvious OUR actions have been the root of this issue.
I know we're all excited about this new phone and the possibilities once S-Off is achieved but we really need to come together and combine our knowledge (some more than others obviously) and make this a great experience for all. There will be many new "faces" to android and HTC phones in general which do not know how things work but let's try to be patient and not snap back with snooty or disrespectful remarks.
At the end of the day, we are all here to improve our device ad increase in knowledge. It takes respect to earn respect so let's keep it cool between all of us (members, Devs, & Mods) so we may continue to be productive and learn.
Basically keep your effin mouth shut and fingers still unless u have something real to add. Any problems u have with someone keep it in pm's. One of the biggest reasons why this forum sucks and alot of ppl left and refuse to come back. Grow up and shut up
Sorry not feeling good i have the flu
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using XDA Premium App
Agreed I Help Anyone And Everyone If I Know The Answer.
Don't Post A Hundred Questions Asking Why I Type In Capital Letters.
church101 said:
Basically keep your effin mouth shut and fingers still unless u have something real to add. Any problems u have with someone keep it in pm's. One of the biggest reasons why this forum sucks and alot of ppl left and refuse to come back. Grow up and shut up
Sorry not feeling good i have the flu
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using XDA Premium App
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dude you and your 230 posts and one thanks are telling people to shut up? xda does not suck. and every forum goes through this waiting for root. i know that because ive been through it. some of us have been here for a while helping others and modding htc and android apps and roms. having the flu is no excuse for your rudeness
Sent from my HTC
LTE 4G Rezound
i wasn't on the forums all day, and i come back to this?!?! haha wtf happened
Why all the hostility guys? Let's take a step back and relax. I don't care if this is XDA, Android Forums, RootzWiki... they're all here for us to communicate about the devices and to help each other. I enjoy getting on the forums and helping to troubleshoot issues or to celebrate new modifications for our devices, but it makes it difficult when everyone is fighting each other.
Let's just be calm and patient. We're very close to having Rezound freedom. Once it's official, things will be much calmer and everyone will want to work together on this device!
jayochs said:
i wasn't on the forums all day, and i come back to this?!?! haha wtf happened
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See what happens when you aren't around to keep me calm lol
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using xda premium
Hahah damn my job! You guys think you're mad? Our main store f'ed us hard...sent us micro sim cards for rezounds, then promised to over night us regular ones, and then over nighter us micros. We lost five 4g phone sales today, 3 of which were mine (tbolt, and two rezounds) because we didn't have sim cards to activate their phones. The boss called the main store yelling and madethem Saturday over night us regular Sims even tho it cost them like 25 shipping haha we've had it...such an angry day....keep in mind we dont have 4g here so selling 4g phones is really damn hard. Gd it
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using XDA App
fernando sor said:
dude you and your 230 posts and one thanks are telling people to shut up? xda does not suck. and every forum goes through this waiting for root. i know that because ive been through it. some of us have been here for a while helping others and modding htc and android apps and roms. having the flu is no excuse for your rudeness
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Why does your post count have anything to do with how legitimate your opinion is? That seems very e-peenish. That guy could have over 1k posts in another forum? And don't tell me it has to do with respect, because clearly you have none either.
jayochs said:
Hahah damn my job! You guys think you're mad? Our main store f'ed us hard...sent us micro sim cards for rezounds, then promised to over night us regular ones, and then over nighter us micros. We lost five 4g phone sales today, 3 of which were mine (tbolt, and two rezounds) because we didn't have sim cards to activate their phones. The boss called the main store yelling and madethem Saturday over night us regular Sims even tho it cost them like 25 shipping haha we've had it...such an angry day....keep in mind we dont have 4g here so selling 4g phones is really damn hard. Gd it
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You got to remember man, you are dealing with VZW. Always exepect the worse.
mustbepbs said:
Why does your post count have anything to do with how legitimate your opinion is? That seems very e-peenish. That guy could have over 1k posts in another forum? And don't tell me it has to do with respect, because clearly you have none either.
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Go weep said the scythians to darius
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using xda premium
Doesn't matter what rep you have in real life, on another site, in your wives family. They have no relevance anywhere else. You don't step into any new community and act like an ass.
Well i guess i should get my post count up so i can act like a ****ing idiot .
I only comment when i have something to add not to grow my e-penis.
Keep thinking you have the best forums here maybe you'll wake up someday. Its ppl like u who drive everyone away. Enuff trolling for now i have better things to do in real life
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using XDA Premium App
church101 said:
Well i guess i should get my post count up so i can act like a ****ing idiot .
I only comment when i have something to add not to grow my e-penis.
Keep thinking you have the best forums here maybe you'll wake up someday. Its ppl like u who drive everyone away. Enuff trolling for now i have better things to do in real life
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Nice. Your reputation is growing. Keep up the good work
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using xda premium
I'm just sticking up for xda. If you hate it then leave. I've done my part. If you Google my name with xda after it you will see my work has been posted to different forums by others.
If you have such great things to say I certainly have not seen it in this forum or anywhere else.
If you tell people to shut the f up you will probably be flamed. Plain and simple
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using xda premium
church101 said:
Basically keep your effin mouth shut and fingers still unless u have something real to add. Any problems u have with someone keep it in pm's. One of the biggest reasons why this forum sucks and alot of ppl left and refuse to come back. Grow up and shut up
Sorry not feeling good i have the flu
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Wow! If XDA sucks is because of comments like that. But XDA doesn't suck.
fernando sor said:
I'm just sticking up for xda. If you hate it then leave. I've done my part. If you Google my name with xda after it you will see my work has been posted to different forums by others.
If you have such great things to say I certainly have not seen it in this forum or anywhere else.
If you tell people to shut the f up you will probably be flamed. Plain and simple
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Some peoples kids! lol
Fern, you ready to do this! I get mine on Wednesday!
Scrosler did you get the rezound?
Sweet just saw your edit. Yeah im digging it! Great phone
Sent from my PG86100 using xda premium
fernando sor said:
Scrosler did you get the rezound?
Sweet just saw your edit. Yeah im digging it! Great phone
Sent from my PG86100 using xda premium
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Yep, should be here on Wednesday! I am pretty amped. I got it for a penny on Amazon!
scrosler said:
Yep, should be here on Wednesday! I am pretty amped. I got it for a penny on Amazon!
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Lol im i only one who payed 250??
Sent from my PG86100 using xda premium

ROMs approved by developers..?

Hello everyone. This is my first time starting a thread on XDA-forums.
While I hate ranting, I am noticing a trend of ROMs being approved by developers in the i777 development forum. While having such approvals assure ROM enthusiasts that the ROM they are downloading is "stable," I believe it causes confusion and tension. Instead of having ROMs be approved by a developer, ROM enthusiasts should flash ROMs they find interest in and report on its stability and so on. What ultimately determines popularity of a ROM is attending to people's needs in a ROM and attentive feedback from developers. I am by no means a developer (yet) but, I just feel this trend is unnecessary. How do you guys feel about this? Am I just being a prissy ***** about this?
What? People are free to flash whatever rom they choose. Even different Developers will try a different developers rom to get a feel for it or to try something new.
I'm pretty sure that's what the roms poll thread is.
sent from my Shostock Sgh-I777 running siyah!
Personally I think it clutters the name, but I really don't care enough.
Just flash what you like, ignore what is approved since most of it is just for ****s & giggles.
the approval thing is just for fun, I do not thing anybody is going to try a rom just cuz is approved or not by a developer, unless you are a real noob which in that case you should not be flashing roms without doing some research first. Best thing to do is to try all the roms available in the developer section and stay with the one you like the most.
Jeez learn to take a joke
Sent from my SGH-I777 using XDA App
HAHAHA, now I get what he's saying.
The only roms you need to install are the ones I approve.
j/k they'r all good.
Nick281051 said:
Jeez learn to take a joke
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Red5 said:
HAHAHA, now I get what he's saying.
The only roms you need to install are the ones I approve.
j/k they'r all good.
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i didnt get it at first, either. i was slow to catch on.
There. Mines been fixed. No developers were harmed in the making of my thread title.
Sent from my HTC PH39100
Lol within an hour this thread has several replies. I suppose I didn't get the joke and I should learn more about taking a joke. I assume people will still write on this thread. Just so you know, I just feel a little bothered by it but I never intended to force anyone to change the title of their thread. I just say this because there are people who would other not get the joke (e.g. me) and be a bit confused. Could also be English being my second language. At least I didn't post this **** on the developer's forum...
sshimomichi said:
At least I didn't post this **** on the developer's forum...
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Believe me, I thank you for that!
Wait... I don't get it - are developers now "approving" each others work?
"approving" your own work is kind of pointless, unless you're making a joke about United States campaign advertising regulations -
Considering that the presidential races are starting to heat up, I'm guessing more political ads are starting to show up and people are joking about it.
Pirateghost said:
There. Mines been fixed. No developers were harmed in the making of my thread title.
Sent from my HTC PH39100
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i almost spit my drink when i read the new title
For the record, I didn't actually approve Ultimatum.
Sent from my SGH-I897
MikeyMike01 said:
For the record, I didn't actually approve Ultimatum.
Sent from my SGH-I897
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Lol, now that's funny
Red5 said:
What? People are free to flash whatever rom they choose. Even different Developers will try a different developers rom to get a feel for it or to try something new.
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I don't quite understand what sense of entitlement you think you have? Just because you are a moderator doesn't give you the right to be a jackass. Not just this comment but most of yours contain a hint of "don't post anything because I am the greater than god Almighty". Go ahead and delete this comment, I don't care. While you're at it, go get a real job.
Sent from my SGH-I777 using xda premium
MikeyMike01 said:
For the record, I didn't actually approve Ultimatum.
Sent from my SGH-I897
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treyvaporizer said:
I don't quite understand what sense of entitlement you think you have?
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He haz banhammer.
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treyvaporizer said:
I don't quite understand what sense of entitlement you think you have? Just because you are a moderator doesn't give you the right to be a jackass. Not just this comment but most of yours contain a hint of "don't post anything because I am the greater than god Almighty". Go ahead and delete this comment, I don't care. While you're at it, go get a real job.
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Huh? I cant tell if your serious or just trolling. If you're trolling then you got me.
Edit: I just re-read what you put after quoting me. Did my initial post come off as being a ****? I was seriously confused at to what the OP was meaning. I thought he didnt know that people could freely flash roms unless they were approved. I didnt realize he was just talking about all the name titled jokes.
treyvaporizer said:
I don't quite understand what sense of entitlement you think you have? Just because you are a moderator doesn't give you the right to be a jackass. Not just this comment but most of yours contain a hint of "don't post anything because I am the greater than god Almighty". Go ahead and delete this comment, I don't care. While you're at it, go get a real job.
Sent from my SGH-I777 using xda premium
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Hi. I'm a jerk. That is all.
Sent from my SGH-I777 using Tapatalk

Ok so I almost got banned.... Thank god I live in the amaze forums

Ok so while I was browsing the s3 forums and found a revolution thread (for those that don't know revolution is also adjust reviewers etc)
So he this is how the convo went..
E: Me
R: k guys I will make a new Rom with a new samsung base but I will do it without a kitchen
E:how are you going to build off a new base without a kitchen or linux
R: dude get out of my thread blah blah you follow me everywere blah blah
E: I don't follow you anywhere I'm just curious. I'm also warning these people cause you put out Roms that are 90% broken, and you chased away like 5-10 devs from xda
R-omg bro that is 100% bullsh&@% I know more than what I did before
E: you are quick to be offended, I was just asking a question about development, if what I said was a lie than why get all angry
Then boom I got a pm from a mod saying that I would get penalized next time I do that
He also said that he expected more from an RC
Well excuse my French but I was being fair besides all I said was the truth
Also mods you could close this wenever, I just wanted to be heard
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using Tapatalk 2
I don't think you were doing anything wrong. You didn't say anything to him that was against the rules. So there is no need for you to be pentalized.
Sent from my epic amaze 4g
sounds like he's in bed with one of the mods.
Was that the guy that had an issue with xboarder?
Sent from an Amazing Ruby Phone
TheRedDrake said:
Was that the guy that had an issue with xboarder?
Sent from an Amazing Ruby Phone
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Well that's just ****, maybe the mods his friend *wink* *wink* and that guy should just leave for being a........
@Eclipze-Btw I love ur roms man keep it up!
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using xda premium
I never understood what happened between x and him. But man does this sortadissapoint me
Sent from my ASUS Transformer Pad TF300T using Xparent Green Tapatalk 2
Honestly man, you should have just not commented in his thread. I understand the desire to warn people about him, but its honestly not worth arguing with him or anyone else about what he does. If he bricks someones phone, thats on them. We all know the risks involved when it comes to modifying our phones.
Not saying you did something wrong, but in the long run you'll realize its just not worth the hassle to say anything at all, regardless the reason. He's not a dev and he's not going to give you an educated answer like a dev can anyways. Just continue to work on the amaze like you've been doing and let the s3 forum figure out on their own who he is...
Sent from my SGH-T999
Smh, that's just bull. Just keep away E, not worth getting banned over.
sent from a galaxy you'll never see.
I've also seen him in the htc one s, and man some of the stuff he says like he knows more stuff about s off but he can't say anything bc the ones working on it wouldn't like that, he got everyone all hyped up and on his good side and also managed to piss others off. I just laughed he still the same old
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using xda premium
I would have dropped the ban hammer on you in a heartbeat, then I would have whacked you with an ugly stick.
But then again, that MIGHT be why I'm not a mod.
Since I am old, and you are young, and us old people are supposed to say things full of wisdom and $h**.. don't stoop to his level. Plus, you can't argue with someone that may have less IQ than the number of cheerios on your spoon in the morning.
Just sayin'.
There was a saying I heard not too long ago it goes something like:
"You can't argue with an idiot, they'll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience"
Don't let other people stop you from the great work you're doing here Eclipze. We all appreciate it very much.
Oh and to Silent, every time I have a question to something and do a search you are usually the one who posted the answer. Thanks man!
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using Tapatalk 2
Nshih422 said:
There was a saying I heard not too long ago it goes something like:
"You can't argue with an idiot, they'll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience"
Don't let other people stop you from the great work you're doing here Eclipze. We all appreciate it very much.
Oh and to Silent, every time I have a question to something and do a search you are usually the one who posted the answer. Thanks man!
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using Tapatalk 2
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That is so true man. My only question.. Someone like that would have already been banned.. I thought he was banned, but kept changing his name
Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
Nshih422 said:
"You can't argue with an idiot, they'll drag you down to their level and then bludgeon you with experience"
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fixed... heh heh
sent on a mastadon by way of intercontinental epic journey
Well, just to clarify somethng Eclipse...A Mod can not ban anyone. Only Senior Mods have the power to ban you. With that said, a ban is an absolute last resort, unless it involves spamming, pirating, or another serious offense. If you were threatened with a ban for that, you could complin about that Mod. We as Mods also have a code to follow. Being heavy handed, or aggressive is frowned upon. You should have received a friendly PM, politely asking you to refrain from that. I've never had a problem with you, and I think it was overkill. Not how I would ha r handled it.
"If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice"
Sent from my HTC One X, using XDA Premium.
PeartFan40 said:
Well, just to clarify somethng Eclipse...A Mod can not ban anyone. Only Senior Mods have the power to ban you. With that said, a ban is an absolute last resort, unless it involves spamming, pirating, or another serious offense. If you were threatened with a ban for that, you could complin about that Mod. We as Mods also have a code to follow. Being heavy handed, or aggressive is frowned upon. You should have received a friendly PM, politely asking you to refrain from that. I've never had a problem with you, and I think it was overkill. Not how I would ha r handled it.
"If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice"
Sent from my HTC One X, using XDA Premium.
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Ban.. hammer.. wielded by Thor..
Where have you been anyways PeartFan40? All the noobs going crazy in her(here)!
Point blank I am disgusted by "him" being on xda. He has been trolling and spamming for a while (although not as much recently).
Either way thanks for the clarification
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using Tapatalk 2
PeartFan40 said:
Well, just to clarify somethng Eclipse...A Mod can not ban anyone. Only Senior Mods have the power to ban you. With that said, a ban is an absolute last resort, unless it involves spamming, pirating, or another serious offense. If you were threatened with a ban for that, you could complin about that Mod. We as Mods also have a code to follow. Being heavy handed, or aggressive is frowned upon. You should have received a friendly PM, politely asking you to refrain from that. I've never had a problem with you, and I think it was overkill. Not how I would ha r handled it.
"If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice"
Sent from my HTC One X, using XDA Premium.
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and that is why we like you being our moderator
EclipzeRemix said:
Point blank I am disgusted by "him" being on xda. He has been trolling and spamming for a while (although not as much recently).
Either way thanks for the clarification
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using Tapatalk 2
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I had no idea he was here too. We had the "pleasure" of having him on the sidekick forums and youre right, all his **** was half-baked and yet he got to walk around like he owned the place. He definitely has a mod in his pocket, he got all kinds of people leaving the sk forums and he single handedly killed the device. The one or two real devs there bailed cause they got tired of his talking down to other people acting like he was gods gift to developing.
It makes me kind of angry that he has/is poisoning so many forums with his nonsense.

