Keyboard unresponsive - Atrix 4G Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Just today its happened twice. If I go to open my text messages either to compose a new one or to reply to one after pressing on any of the keys the text does not show up that it has been typped. If I do swype it does the word suggestion but does not put the work in. I use SMS unread count other than the default one but it should just launch the default app to compose the message. Has anyone else had this.

I have had a similiar problem since the GB update. Sometimes the touchscreen stops working and I have to put the phone to sleep with the top button and revive it again to get the touchscreen working. I wonder if it is related to the heat problem because it seems to happen most when the phone gets really hot...

Im not on ginger bread though. Im on stock 2.2.2. The phone was never hot either. I just either woke it up to make a new text or to reply to one.


Keyboard hangs when typing SMS

Me and my friend have the same problem: When writing a SMS, the keyboard hangs up occasionally, which is REALLY annoying...
We both have 2.1 and original kb
Is there a fix for that?
I am having the same issues. It helps to have the vibrate function off, but it still hangs, but not as much. I'm having issues with the send button as well as I have to press it multiple times to send a message.
sopdogg said:
I am having the same issues. It helps to have the vibrate function off, but it still hangs, but not as much. I'm having issues with the send button as well as I have to press it multiple times to send a message.
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It's not good to hear hear that we're not the only ones... Seems to be a generic problem
I hope this will be fixed with the next firmware
Ok, I found out that if you use Handcent SMS, the keyboard don't hang as much.
So I deactivated notifications in the standard-SMS-app and only use Handcend SMS now.
Handcent also turns on the display and turns on the notification led in any color you want :-D
I've also had problems with Swype playing up in the Stock SMS app too... wouldn't swype had to type one key at a time.. and the carriage return key has turned into a smiley!! I' have been trying to keep my customisation to a minimum as I intend to move onto the Generic UK firmware in as soon as I get chance.. however this is annoying!

[Q] Couple of niggles with S3, anyone got solutions?

I'v got a couple of things really winding me up with my S3 I wonder if anyone has a solution.
1) The stock SMS app doesn't seem to honour the vibrate style setting I have, I set it to heartbeat but text messages still use the looong horrible vibrate.
2) Why does the damn notifications toggles scroll EVERY time i open it? I'm used to very quickly swiping this and hitting wifi or bluetooth on or off and now I miss them cause it starts sliding to show me the other buttons that I already know are there!
I'm not interested in flashing non-stock roms and I'd prefer to stick with Stock SMS so just wondered if anyone had found solutions to these yet?

odd issue with the keyboard on S2

I have a galaxy s2 running ICS (but the issue occurred) and I have a very odd issue with the keyboard that I am hoping someone could help me with. I have searched around but did not find anything already posted.
A short while ago, my screen broke and I had it replaced, good as new. Well almost. When ever I use the messaging app, or another type of app like that (Whats App for example), when you are composing a new message, and the textbox is shrunk down to one line at the bottom of the screen, there appears to be no input detected on that part of the screen, the send button (on the right hand side) works, and the other controls all work fine, just not the textbox.
So I figured that when the screen broke, it messed up that part of the screen, but other apps that have controls in that region (such as the camera app that has the photo button, or the lock screen with the emergency call button) all work 100%.
Its just textboxes at the bottom of the screen that do not seem to accept touch events. VERY odd.
Has anyone seen this before or know of a few tests/checks I can do. I am a new-ish user to Android.
xkram said:
I have a galaxy s2 running ICS (but the issue occurred) and I have a very odd issue with the keyboard that I am hoping someone could help me with. I have searched around but did not find anything already posted.
A short while ago, my screen broke and I had it replaced, good as new. Well almost. When ever I use the messaging app, or another type of app like that (Whats App for example), when you are composing a new message, and the textbox is shrunk down to one line at the bottom of the screen, there appears to be no input detected on that part of the screen, the send button (on the right hand side) works, and the other controls all work fine, just not the textbox.
So I figured that when the screen broke, it messed up that part of the screen, but other apps that have controls in that region (such as the camera app that has the photo button, or the lock screen with the emergency call button) all work 100%.
Its just textboxes at the bottom of the screen that do not seem to accept touch events. VERY odd.
Has anyone seen this before or know of a few tests/checks I can do. I am a new-ish user to Android.
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This really sounds anoying but i know several issues quiet close to yours.
For instance sometimes on my sgs+ one side of the many cases the top side does not recognize any touching by me...
after loocking and afterwards aunlocking the phone everythings allright again...
i would suggest you to try to install a thirdparty keyboard from the play store.
if this doenstn work.....well maybee try another rom but i would send it to samsung to get a new phone...cus errors caused by wrong placed hardware are always comming back
fare well my friend

[Q] Vibration and keyboard/sms questions

One thing that's a love/hate thing for me with this phone is the vibration. It's super loud and powerful. At first I loved it, but at work, it's actually a little obnoxious. Every time I get a text you can hear it from the other side of the room. I know with some phones there's options for pattern and intensity.. haven't seemed to find this. Anyone have an idea? I know I could also turn off vibrate notifications and just put the ring volume lower, but that can be just as distracting. And then I have to change it back to vibration on when I leave work.
Also one of my big issues is with the keyboard disappearing after every text I send. I'm using the stock Sense keyboard. I'm unsure if this is controlled by the keyboard itself or the messaging app. Normally this phone is super speedy, but every text I send, the keyboard disappears, and then it requires about 3 seconds before I can load it back up again if I'm sending back to back texts. I've seen this option in other messaging apps to hide/keep the board after sent message. Anyone see this functionality anywhere?
I've got everything stock, btw.

No notifications during chat conversation?

I am using a note 3 with stock 5.0 rooted..
When I get a text.. My phone vibrates and played my notification sound... This works fine.. However.. When I am done reading a text sometimes I just set my phone down with the conversation still open.. And when I receive a new text the phone assumes I am just looking at the conversation because it's open and doesn't give me any kind of notification or vibration what so ever... My girlfriend has got upset on more than one occasion be a use I didn't text her back.. Cause I would check the phone then set it down and then she would text me like 3 times and my phone doesn't tell me.
How can I get it to make a sound or vibrate for every text? Regardless if the app is open or not
bump... would really appreciate some help on this
Yes, my phone on android 5.0 behaves the same.
Generally after reading a text, I usually press home button or lock the screen to make sure i don't miss such notifications..

