Is the monitor really that bad? Deciding to get one - G Tablet Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I am debating between the G tablet and Nook Color since price is similar. I went to Office Depot and looked at the G tablet, though the ceiling lights in there give some glare, it was hard to make an overall judgement on the screen in there. I don't think I found it that bad. I can see the horsepower this has over the Nook color might be something I will like, I like tinkering with stuff (my pc overclock, my old windows mobile 6.5 wing overclocked etc) so modding I am not scared of.
I read about people disliking the screen.. Is it really that bad? From you owners, does it bother sometimes or is it really no big deal?
I am thinking I will use it on plane flights and in hotels, as well as leisure etc.. i do want to play games though and general multimedia.
Also are there some screen protectors and cases that fit it?
Replies much appreciated. Thanks!

Yes, the viewing angles are a pain to deal with. Depending on how you plan on looking at it will determine how you hold it (landscape) either camera up or camera down. The stock rom won't let the screen rotate so you will have to find one that does. I'm typing on it now, btw.
Back to the screen; the colors get washed out easily and gets frustrating. Also, the touchscreen sensitivity is ****ty. Gtablet for dummies has 2 fixes for this, though, so that's a start.
I just really hope Google releases source on honeycomb and viewsonic releases the drivers to take advantage of the tegra2

Thanks for the quick response, how about with a screen protector? I read that it helps.

I ordered a screen protector off from ebay. I haven't had any trouble with it. However I don't believe it has improved the screen at all.
An interesting note the package on the protector said it was for the Acer Iconia, but it still fits (quite tightly) with a cutout for the camera. I'm not sure if the dimensions are exactly the same... Perhaps someone can confirm this?

hypertek said:
I read about people disliking the screen.. Is it really that bad? From you owners, does it bother sometimes or is it really no big deal?
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Yes, it's really that bad. It's a netbook screen, which means its meant to be viewed dead on center left/right, in landscape, at (and this is the real killer) about a 30 degree angle.
In dark settings its fine, but you have to hold it (no reading flat on a table, unless you like leaning over the table) and no portrait reading, so using it as an ebook is, er, less than satisfying.
I suggest you NEVER look at a real tablet screen that was actually designed for easy viewing from many different angles.
Other than that, it's fantastic.

My gTab's viewing angles are just as bad as everyone else's and I rarely care. Also, when the kids and I are watching YouTube or other videos, the tablet is in landscape and three of us can watch side by side with only minor impact due to the viewing angles.
I would rather have an IPS screen but for me price is a big factor; then again, I just bought a used table saw at GoodWill for $37, so that's the kind of shopper I am. If you don't mind the viewing angles go for it, but better tablets are always coming out so today's IPS tablets may be marked down very soon.

have any of you tried this screen protector? in the reviews, people where saying it helped alot.©-...5?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1312573112&sr=1-5
And some said the skinomi helped

schettj said:
Yes, it's really that bad. It's a netbook screen, which means its meant to be viewed dead on center left/right, in landscape, at (and this is the real killer) about a 30 degree angle.
In dark settings its fine, but you have to hold it (no reading flat on a table, unless you like leaning over the table) and no portrait reading, so using it as an ebook is, er, less than satisfying.
I suggest you NEVER look at a real tablet screen that was actually designed for easy viewing from many different angles.
Other than that, it's fantastic.
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Hilarious and pretty damn close to what I think. However, I use mine on a stand at just the right angle and have no issues.
If you do want the thing to be a capable book reader, get the Nook. It is flashable with better ROMs and is designed for ebooks.
I originally thought I would use my Gtablet for them, but learned better about 10 pages into the first one.
My Kindle is perfect for it though as is the Nook.
BTW, I got the Skinomi full skin (woodgrain) and it came with the screen protector. Works great and looks amazing.

I've own/ed both a nook color and a gtab. The nook screen is nicer. Plain and simple. Better viewing angles, the picture seems more vivid, its just all around nice. That being said, I still sold my nook color for a gtab and would make the same decision again in a heartbeat.
The thing is, if you want an ereader, the nook color is the clear winner. But if you want that tablet experience (like I did) and are looking to the nook color for it, its going to leave you wanting. I rooted my nc, threw CM7 on it, over clocked it, remapped the hardware buttons, everything you can tinker with I did. But as great as it was, its still never really felt like a real tablet. I enjoyed the portability, but the 7inch screen felt a bit cramped.
The Gtablet on the other hand gives you the better tablet experience. Yes the viewing angles on the screen are bad, but honestly, its never once been a concern of mine. You have to hold the tablet anyway right? So whats the difference between rotating your wrist a couple of degrees to get a better viewing angle? Its not as big of a problem as everyone makes it out to be. The only time i could see it becoming a problem is if you're laying in bed and want to lay it relatively flat on your stomach or something, then the screen would cause issues. The angles are as bad as people say, but its really not a problem in day to day use. When I use a device I lookat it straight on, so the viewing angle doesn't bother me. I don't understand how everyone seems to be using their tablet in a super tilted manner. Plus if you buy a Clip Case, you can adjust the viewing angle when you set your tablet down on a table or something. I also bought a tablet stand for when I want to use the gtab as an extra monitor in portrait mode.
My point is, if the screen is the ONLY deciding factor between the two for you, then you should go with the nook color. But in all honesty, if you look at each product overall, the gtab is a much better choice if you want a tablet.
You just have to make sure you get rid of the crap software that comes loaded on the gtab for one of the roms here (gtabcomb is really nice). How that piece of crap software was allowed to make it to market is beyond me. Whoever is in charge of quality control needs to be fired yesterday.

thanks, I appreciate all responses. pyro6128 that is just what I wanted to hear.
Yeah I went to bestbuy and looked at the NC and then drove down to office depot and looked at the gtablet and thought it wasn't bad.
Im sure it will give me some good entertainment as well on flights. Just gotta see how soon my dad can order it for me. he owes me some money and I said just get me a tablet . =)
My pc is overclocked, videocard is volt modded and watercooled. I don't mind putting in a little work =)

Since I have 3 tablets and one being a NC running CM7, I can compare the NC and G-tablet closely.
The screen on the NC is sharp and vivid, the only reason I got another 10" tablet is the viewing area.
The screen on the gtablet is not as sharp as the NC and the color is not as vivid, viewing angle is worst then my other 2 tablets, but it is fast and big so I use it instead of my laptop for net access while I am in Starbuck and out of the house. The NC is what I use sitting on the sofa or in bed


Viewing angle really that bad?

It seems just about every review says the panel's viewing angles are terrible. But i that the only real issue with the G tablet? And is the problem even that bad?
I think it is an advantage. ...keeps nosey folks from looking in
No there really not that bad. The only time it become an issue is when held in portrait and web surfing. It creates a kind of shiny, effect. But its not all that bad. All the criticism probably stems from people have become accustomed to retina and super amoled screens plus ye olde snowball affect, As soon as someone mentions it everyone notices in and magnifies its perceived effect.
I've read many many reviews before I decided to order my gtab. I actually came across one review that criticized the gtab because it's made of black plastic. It really seems to me that people just want to criticize for the sake of criticizing. My problem with them doing this is that they clutter up all the space making it more difficult for people like me to discern the real criticisms from the fake ones.
In landscape, looking down on it (ie. when it's resting flat on a table) is bad - solarization effect. And in portrait it's very noticeable when you tilt it slightly. I personally dislike it as I had used it primarily in portrait mode.
So it's very noticeable in landscape? Too bad, I'd prefer using it in landscape for the wider view. Are there any plans to update the newer models?
geoxile said:
It seems just about every review says the panel's viewing angles are terrible. But i that the only real issue with the G tablet? And is the problem even that bad?
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I only run high end displays on my desktop machines (Both home and work). All IPS and PVA displays (this is high end, if you're not familiar with the tech).
The GTab's display isn't that great, it's useless when laying flat on the desk (buy some sort of stand if you plan on using it at a desk). HOWEVER, using it as an ebook reader, or watching a movie, or surfing the web, all from the couch or bed? Perfectly fine.
TL;DR: It isn't great, but it's not even remotely as bad as everyone says. If you want better, buy a Xoom (for more than double the price).
Ipad definitely has a superior display. I would enjoy the tablet experience more with that. Also much heavier to hold for a period.
Watching straight on as you normally anyways, it works quite well. A weird effect or distortion does occur in portrait. It's as if pixels weren't perfectly square of something and display different this way.
Speed is great, surfing with dolphin is quite nice, and widgets and multi tasking way better than Ipad.
As long as you're looking at it straight on and not moving it around too much it's fine. The only time the viewing angles annoyed me was when I play a game that uses the accelerometer because sometime its hard to see some things while moving it around at different angles.
klong81506 said:
I think it is an advantage. ...keeps nosey folks from looking in
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+1 what he said. Im using mine all day in public and with this screen don't even worry about someone getting a password or account number.
geoxile said:
It seems just about every review says the panel's viewing angles are terrible. But i that the only real issue with the G tablet? And is the problem even that bad?
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The Gtablet is great with the new ROMs. I use 3318 with 3.14 enhancement with no problems and does everything I want. Have Flash 10.2 fix for Hulu.
Viewing angle can be bad and is fixed immediately by handware. A simple tile here and there and it's fine. After awhile it becomes a conditioned reflex. For me, the viewing angles improved when I started using it in a case. I use the SOLO case modified with a 1/8" flat cardboard IPad sized template. The template is velcroed to the case and the tablet is velcroed to the template.
Having the tablet in a case while on your lap keeps the viewing angles almost perfect in landscape mode and allows both your hands free for speed typing on the keyboard. In portrait mode, the case is held like a book and viewing angle is also excellent and angled correctly.
In short, the viewing angle is totally controllable and can be corrected by either handware and/or caseware.
My question. Are most users, using the Gtablet with or without a case? And how often is the viewing angle an issue to you?
My experience, the viewing angle is a now a non-issue and I use the Gtablet at least 4-6 hours a day and have done so happily for the last 3 months.
h3llphyre said:
I only run high end displays on my desktop machines (Both home and work). All IPS and PVA displays (this is high end, if you're not familiar with the tech).
The GTab's display isn't that great, it's useless when laying flat on the desk (buy some sort of stand if you plan on using it at a desk). HOWEVER, using it as an ebook reader, or watching a movie, or surfing the web, all from the couch or bed? Perfectly fine.
TL;DR: It isn't great, but it's not even remotely as bad as everyone says. If you want better, buy a Xoom (for more than double the price).
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+1 what he said
When needed, the tab can be rotated to accommodate different angles (camera on bottom). I only do thisif I lay it flat. Which is rare.
>>>In short, the viewing angle is totally controllable and can be corrected by either handware and/or caseware.
uh huh - and sneakernet is a very efficient way to move files from one computer to another
Vertical viewing angle is bad from bottom
Side viewing angle is acceptable, but the vertical viewing angle is pretty bad from the bottom.
To use it laying down on the table, I have to turn it upside down first because its viewing angle from the top is not bad.
agreed - horiz is fine (in landscape mode). vert is pretty bad - and I'm using VEGAn 5.11 (the home screen does not rotate) so turning it upsdie down is not an option.
Been reading lite reviews. Found this.
[3 of 7 customers found this review helpful]
Poorly Designed Tablet
By MacGyver from Hershey, PA on 1/22/2011
Adequate Storage
Poor Battery Life, Poor Construction, Slow, Unreliable Performance
Describe Yourself:
Multimedia Professional, Tech Savvy
Primary use:
Bottom Line:
No, I would not recommend this to a friend
We are in the process of developing web applications for various mobile devices and picked up this tablet to test our services on an Android platform. The user interface is well-designed but sluggish; a commentary on the hardware. Hardware buttons are slow to respond and battery life was terrible. This product is clearly a "me too" product for Viewsonic and represents no innovation.
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Poor battery life? Given that I don't have this tab yet. Still waiting for mine. But everyone else on the internets have said the battery life is up there with the ipad. Any idea why this person would say this?
Yeah that's strange. I can get three days of light use out of my G tab no problem.
Same here. Battery life on this device is awesome.
goodintentions said:
Been reading lite reviews. Found this.
Poor battery life? Given that I don't have this tab yet. Still waiting for mine. But everyone else on the internets have said the battery life is up there with the ipad. Any idea why this person would say this?
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because the moron was probably using the stock image which sucks. im sure that its power management is less to be desirable.
They probably used the shipped rom for their testing, which may have poor battery life (I wouldn't know, flashed a custom rom within an hour of opening mine). I use Vegan, and battery life is great. I watched about 4.5 hours of movies on mine yesterday with wi-fi on and still had plenty of juice left

[Q] Traded Nook for gtablet on impluse. I regret it (even though gtab is great)

Made a mistake and now I regret it. Don't get me wrong. The gtablet is a REALLY great device. Very fast (never used a Tegra II device before -- it's awesome). Touch response it good. I've watched some TV on it using Flash, which is really fun and impressive. It loads full size web pages fast enough I don't have any desire to install operamini.
That being said, the dpi and viewing angles leave something to be desired for reading. My eyes actually start hurting a bit (especially in portrait mode with the weird (non)3D effect -- like it's confusing my brain or something.
I am well aware this is documented else where (I've been traveling around the site, and have even installed a few roms -- obviously a great development device with good community support) in comparisons between the NOOKcolor and the gtablet.
QUESTION: I'm not going to keep it because I'm not satisfied with it as an ereading (somewhat heavily) device, but I'm stuck with it for a while. Does anyone here have any suggestions for how to make reading more bearable in the meantime? I've been looking around, but haven't been able to find much.
On a side note, what I've really wanted to do is switch to a Dell Streak 5, but those are more expensive than both devices...
elessarelfstar said:
My eyes actually start hurting a bit (especially in portrait mode with the weird (non)3D effect
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Upside down landscape is your best bet, oddly enough.
This is the exact reason i jumped the gtab. Massive headaches in portrait
Ill trade you a nook color for that gtab
elessarelfstar said:
Made a mistake and now I regret it. Don't get me wrong. The gtablet is a REALLY great device. Very fast (never used a Tegra II device before -- it's awesome). Touch response it good. I've watched some TV on it using Flash, which is really fun and impressive. It loads full size web pages fast enough I don't have any desire to install operamini.
That being said, the dpi and viewing angles leave something to be desired for reading. My eyes actually start hurting a bit (especially in portrait mode with the weird (non)3D effect -- like it's confusing my brain or something.
I am well aware this is documented else where (I've been traveling around the site, and have even installed a few roms -- obviously a great development device with good community support) in comparisons between the NOOKcolor and the gtablet.
QUESTION: I'm not going to keep it because I'm not satisfied with it as an ereading (somewhat heavily) device, but I'm stuck with it for a while. Does anyone here have any suggestions for how to make reading more bearable in the meantime? I've been looking around, but haven't been able to find much.
On a side note, what I've really wanted to do is switch to a Dell Streak 5, but those are more expensive than both devices...
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What e-reader app are you using? I have noticed text quality variances and viewing angle improvement between different apps.
Assuming you are using the Nook app, what I have done is flip the device so the power button is on top in portrait. That angle, with mine works very well. Another think you can play with is the templates built into the nook app. I find the white on black works well for me, even though I end up returning to black on white to have the feel of a printed page.
The initial screen for the nook app will be upside down if but the book will open in the correct format so you don't have to read upside down.

[Q] Just got one... Looking for opinions...

Hey folks... I just received my GTab needed some advice... Let me start by saying I purchased this due to the price (thanks WOOT) and then for the apparent developement of ROMs here... I read through the FAQ's and saw many were loving their GTab, so I bought one... I did not read Amazon reviews as those are not normally people who I consider enthusiasts, and their reviews would be somewhat limited in scope.
I immediately loaded up Flashback 7.2 and it is a vast improvement over the stock ROM (no surprise there) using NVFlash with CWM3028.
The GTab is pretty responsive, can get to market, and overall feel is better.
However, my problem is with the screen. I was using it in landscape orientation most of the time and it was fine... Text was a little fuzzy, but not problems using it.
When I rotated it to portrait mode to read an e-book, I immediately began having a headache and my eyes started hurting... In my opinion, it was like reading through some old school 3D glasses that were polarized... My eyes were seeing 2 different colors and angles...
Is this a something that is driver related or a limitation of the hardware? I have read a ton of reviews on Amazon (a little late, huh?) and it seems many are complaining of the same issue. Does anyone have any suggestions, besides only using in landscape, that will improve this problem?
Thanks in advance.
Hardware limitation - the screen is a netbook screen and the viewing angles are poor, especially in portrait mode.
As such, it's unfixable with software.
roebeet said:
Hardware limitation - the screen is a netbook screen and the viewing angles are poor, especially in portrait mode.
As such, it's unfixable with software.
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So... It looks like this may not be good for the misses... That's who I bought this for so she can read her nursing books on...
I was browsing through the discussion on the WOOT buy page and noticed you were able to order the HP Touchpad... Did that order ever go through? It's not listed in your sig so I was wondering.
I am going to consider a Nook Color now... Probably swing by the local BN to see in person... that way the screen isn't a shocker this time around.
Not a 100% fix, but I noticed if I hold it "upside-down" in Portrat mode (i.e. power button on the bottom), it looks quite a bit better. May not be enough improvement for the misses, however.
Just heard back from WOOT... I am sending this back and getting a refund... I will have to reconsider my options. I think looking at the Nook is definitely an option and my wife is an iOS fangirl, so maybe the only thing she will like is the iPad2.
Thanks folks.

[Q] The things you like about your Tablet S

Hey guys,
I am currntly the proud owner of a Asus Transformer eee pad, TF 101
I have it rooted and a bit overclocked.
I love sony products but I have to say I am still doubting of trading my Transfomer for a Tablet S
What are the things I am missing at the moment and what am I going to mis when I decide to switch.
can you guys help me a bit with the cons and pro's ?
The transformer PROs
- keybord dock
- extended batery life becauseof dock
- bigger screen
- a lot of custom roms and things to play with
The Tablet S PROS
- User Interface
- Design of tablet
- IR to control my Bravia TV
- PS certified ( controller )
the Transformer CONs
- minor light bleed
The Tablet S CONs
- not a lot of custom ROMs (yet)
- no gorilla glass
they have the same cpu right? but what about the gpu ?
A definite Pro is native support of the dualshock controller - I play Tomb Raider 1 to 5) and Abe's Oddysee / Exodus daily !!.
Must admit however that I use Fpse to do it, these ps1 games are not available 'officially' on the Tablet S store (yet)
I am an extremely proud owner of the Sony. People are always looking at in when in in a cafe. It is stunning to look at and when holding it the balance is perfect, whether it be portrait or landscape mode.
I'm not one for "run of the mill" gadgets, i like something different and the Sony is just that. I looked at the Transformer and decided other wise due to the fact of the enormous size of it and the "run of the mill" looks. Having the ability to play certified( and not) games is incredible and i shall be investing in a ps3 controller shortly to play these type of games.
OH OH, did i mention the incredible infra red remote control, I am able to control my Sky box, LG surround sound and my TV all in the comfort of my Favorited chair.
This little baby has just been rooted and as far as I'm concerned the Sony has just been born. I was fortunate to have only bought the Sony 1 week before it was rooted and now the gates have opened to hopefully custom roms( not to bothered really) and other good things.
So to conclude, this is one tablet that i will be keeping for some time, the screen, speed, looks and the geek factor makes it a winner.
Ps. The one thing i need now is the external sd to be used for system data.
Everyone is going to experience different tablets differently. So what you need to ask yourself is "Am I happy with my tablet?"
If the answer is yes then stop looking over the fence and enjoy what you have
If no, then perhaps you should indeed look at trading it in.
I for one regret buying the damn thing. Slowest piece of junk I've ever touched once you put a few things on it. Keyboard lags out like crazy so I have to type at turtle speed.
Unfortunately it was a joint purchase with my gf and it's either this or an iPad, so I'm boned.
The remote is pretty much a novelty at best - you have to look at it everytime you use it. I much prefer a one handed physically guided real remote even if I need 4.
I'm not about to go looking up the specs of your tab but I'm pretty certain it is a tegra 2 device (same cpu and gpu).
Also a big con - no gorilla glass. I had it wrapped in a tshirt and when I pulled it out of my bag and unwrapped it there were 2 little scratches on it so not happy.
After a couple weeks I really started to become very unhappy with the build quality. Creak, hollow cheap plastic sounds. Sometimes the screen makes funny hollow sounds when you press it too!
Obviously this is just my opinion on it and I realise plenty of people really like the device.
DreadPirateDan said:
Everyone is going to experience different tablets differently. So what you need to ask yourself is "Am I happy with my tablet?"
If the answer is yes then stop looking over the fence and enjoy what you have
If no, then perhaps you should indeed look at trading it in.
I for one regret buying the damn thing. Slowest piece of junk I've ever touched once you put a few things on it. Keyboard lags out like crazy so I have to type at turtle speed.
Unfortunately it was a joint purchase with my gf and it's either this or an iPad, so I'm boned.
The remote is pretty much a novelty at best - you have to look at it everytime you use it. I much prefer a one handed physically guided real remote even if I need 4.
I'm not about to go looking up the specs of your tab but I'm pretty certain it is a tegra 2 device (same cpu and gpu).
Also a big con - no gorilla glass. I had it wrapped in a tshirt and when I pulled it out of my bag and unwrapped it there were 2 little scratches on it so not happy.
After a couple weeks I really started to become very unhappy with the build quality. Creak, hollow cheap plastic sounds. Sometimes the screen makes funny hollow sounds when you press it too!
Obviously this is just my opinion on it and I realise plenty of people really like the device.
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Just for your problems Dan, I'd recommend taking it back. With that many problems, thats more than enough cause for a replacement device and my Tablet has none of the problems you mention. My Tablet can keep up with my iPad 2, no problems. The keyboard seems pretty speedy (but I mostly use SwiftKey, anyway), and the build quality on mine is flawless. Even after banging around in my bag for weeks, theres not even a sign of a scratch or a creak.
As for the original question, I absolutely love mine. I used to own a Samsung Galaxy Tab, then picked this up and I love it. I don't usually have the same problems as others since the SD card change doesnt overly fuss me (I use Astro, which deals with it just fine)
Ok thanks for the replys.
The tablet I have now is great I freaking love the damn thing, but ...
Like diddy64 said I know its true, because i have had all sony android phones and currently the arc s.
This phone has not best specs out there but for me it has the Sony WOW factor, when you hold than you feel it lays so good in your hand and the design is just amazing.
Is the tablet S the same under the tablet categorie as the Arc S is under the phone categorie ?
- does it feel good holding it in your hands ?
- when you see it you go WOW! ?
1. Sony display: Super deep blacks, video playback crisp and clean, it's far more color saturated than any other tablet. Period.
2. Remote control: TV, BluRay, DVD, 7.1, WD Live, etc. I can go from room to room and select multiple devices on the fly... yes, instantly. This means no matter where I am in the house, I can be the super-dude with the outrageous all-in-one remote. Hotel TV's? Set-up in a heartbeat. Also, there's no way you are going to misplace this baby! Fantastic.
3. Network playback: Audio and video is fast and clean. Whatever they did with the wifi update, the speed and range of the 300mbps n works supremely well now, excellent really. It's far better than any other tab... at any price. Try ES File Explorer with your network shares. The iPad sux, the ASUS is awful (say what, how could they screw that up?) Yeah, OK the Galaxy range is just about as good, but real world it tops at about 45mbps. The Sony is flat out far superior. Try it.
4. Sony PDF Reader: Superb, Kindle style side by side page layout, clean, crystal clear, even at low rez. I read lots of downloaded eMags: Travel, Design, Health, Tech, Science, Automotive, etc. The installed Sony reader is the best. Faster absorption with a straight forward left to right format. Rasterization and reflow are incredible. The Sony black on white saturation is a big part of it too. See it to believe it.
5. Size/Design: One handing with this one is crazy good. Holding in left, (i.e. Kindle or Skype) taking notes or holding mobile phone with right. Balanced feel is perfect, somebody did a lot of of fearless "new design ergo live-test" homework. Also, using 'Thumb Keyboard 4' is a breeze. Text and email is so much easier at this size point than with any other tablet, Samsung Galaxy included. I'm doing this reply on the S1, it's easy.
6. Sony DLNA: I can throw 'drag n drop' vids/tunes from the external SDcard to any/all the TVs, xBox's, audio devices (and soon to the car radio.) Scenario: S1 in cradle on bedroom dresser, with that nice Sony desk clock display running, Sony DLNA broadcasting in the background, seamlessly throwing vids to the TV? We don't need no stinking HDMI cables! Fun stuff.
OK, there are lots of little things to like with this tablet. Sorry to sound like a fanboy ad for Sony, but I shopped for the right tablet for a solid month then knew I was making the right decision with the S1. Now rooted, (ty ty djrbliss!) I am enjoying the S1 even more. Have had the thing for three months now, it just keeps getting better.
I've had my Tablet S for about 5 months now and use it daily. It's now surpassed my PC as my tool for web browsing, and I haven't even touched the browser on my phone in months.
If you're trying to decide what to do, I might suggest waiting type of improvements Sony will make with the ICS update. One feature that was mentioned is the ability to throw your tablet Screen to your TV (not just media like it currently does). I don't know how this feature works or if you can throw absolutely anything, but if that's the case then the tablets lack of HDMI would be more than forgiven. Who knows what else they'll be coming out with.
I should also mention I haven't had a single problem with defects in the craftsmanship of my tablet. I've dropped it several times on hardwood and tile floors, and not a single dent.
Also for those talking about scratches on the screen, please note that every single Tablet S comes with a helluva thick screen proector from the factory. The scratches you're seeing are on that, not the screen. The screen itself, once you remove the protector is surprisingly good, and handles fingerprints quite nicely when swiping. One of my friends with the Tablet S had the Sony screen protector on top of it (this is before we knew there was a factory protector) and the idiot managed to drop his tablet screen first onto the corner of a cinderblock. There was a hole straight through the Sony screen protector and we thought he had chipped his screen. Once we discovered and removed the factory protector, we found his screen was perfectly intact. This damned tablet can take a beating!
vivftp said:
I've had my Tablet S for about 5 months now and use it daily. It's now surpassed my PC as my tool for web browsing, and I haven't even touched the browser on my phone in months.
If you're trying to decide what to do, I might suggest waiting type of improvements Sony will make with the ICS update. One feature that was mentioned is the ability to throw your tablet Screen to your TV (not just media like it currently does). I don't know how this feature works or if you can throw absolutely anything, but if that's the case then the tablets lack of HDMI would be more than forgiven. Who knows what else they'll be coming out with.
I should also mention I haven't had a single problem with defects in the craftsmanship of my tablet. I've dropped it several times on hardwood and tile floors, and not a single dent.
Also for those talking about scratches on the screen, please note that every single Tablet S comes with a helluva thick screen proector from the factory. The scratches you're seeing are on that, not the screen. The screen itself, once you remove the protector is surprisingly good, and handles fingerprints quite nicely when swiping. One of my friends with the Tablet S had the Sony screen protector on top of it (this is before we knew there was a factory protector) and the idiot managed to drop his tablet screen first onto the corner of a cinderblock. There was a hole straight through the Sony screen protector and we thought he had chipped his screen. Once we discovered and removed the factory protector, we found his screen was perfectly intact. This damned tablet can take a beating!
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How did you remove the factory installed screenprotector? i tried it, but it looks like it's on there to stay. My se arc had a factory installed screenprotector to, and i was able to take it of.
Sent from my Sony Tablet S using xda premium
The factory screen protector does take a little work to remove. First things first you need to be able to pull up a corner of it, then it's just a matter of slowly tugging very hard. It's sticky, and we actually had 2 people work on it - 1 holding it and 1 tugging at the protector until we eventually got it off. Underneath the screen itself will be kinda sticky afterwards, but that was cleaned up pretty quickly. I was actually quite surprised how well the screen itself resisted fingerprints when compared to the factory protector and the Sony protector.
What the? I'v never seen any evidence of a screen protector on mine :S.. this is most interesting. I'll suss it out when I get home, if it has one then this is the best news i've heard in ages .
But not to get my hopes up too much... it does feel very much like scratched glass when you touch it with a finger nail, not scratched plastic
Why is it that you're thinking of moving over to the Tablet S?
I'd say that both are great devices...but one isn't a big enough upgrade from the other.
My guess is that you're like me and just like getting NEW stuff lol. You should force yourself to wait and buy a tegra 3 device. Even wait and get the next sony one with tegra 3 or stick with ASUS or whatever lol. I don't think it's too good an idea to move between the tegra 2 tablets right now. You'll just be finding sinilar pros and cons between all of them.
I didn't realize it either. Hell, I've owned my Xperia X10a for about a year and it took that long (and applying a third party screen protector) to realize Sony had put one on from the factory!
When you look at your tablet, look at the bottom corners holding it in landscape mode. You'll see the edges of the screen protector the easiest down there. My friend who removed his protector still hasn't put another one on and his screen doesn't have a single scratch - this is now about 1 month since we removed it. If you are intent upon removing it, it does take a bit of work but it will eventually come off if you go nice and slowly.
If you really only have a couple of scratches on it though, I suggest leaving it on. It is quite a thick piece of plastic and actually provides some great protection for the screen. If you're planning on putting another one on though, then go for it.
The Transformer is too heavy especially when connected to the keyboard dock.
I also like the blinking light (next to the On/Off key) when there are incoming emails.
vivftp said:
The factory screen protector does take a little work to remove. First things first you need to be able to pull up a corner of it, then it's just a matter of slowly tugging very hard. It's sticky, and we actually had 2 people work on it - 1 holding it and 1 tugging at the protector until we eventually got it off. Underneath the screen itself will be kinda sticky afterwards, but that was cleaned up pretty quickly. I was actually quite surprised how well the screen itself resisted fingerprints when compared to the factory protector and the Sony protector.
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I finally got the screenprotector from the tablet it's much better this way, just like my arc, with less dust and fingerprints. (My arc is a year old and almost since the beginning without the screenprotector and has no scratches) thanx!
Sent from my Sony Tablet S using xda premium
Well I just like sony better but my asus is a good tablet.
and yes I like having new stuff
I've had an offer to trade my tablet for a new tablet S, one on one no extra price
He guys just wanted to let you know I joined the club, tablet s owner reporting in
depulle87 said:
He guys just wanted to let you know I joined the club, tablet s owner reporting in
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Good choice mate, sony s is a great tablet, very portablet, not to big, not to small!!
And the Sony S style is perfect to hold for long time

Is the back suppose to make clicking sound?

Sometimes when I hold my tablet in a certain spot (usually right side) and let go... the backing makes some sort of clicking sound. The device doesn't feel flimsy to me, as other have complain... but that noise worries me.
Have others experience this clicking sound when holding their tablet?
Mine did this — it felt like the glue holding the backing in place was coming unstuck. I also found that if I pressed on the back, the pressure point showed on the screen and even engaged the touch sensor.
This along with other annoyances (screen shadow along bottom edge, a dead pixel, diagonal lines on screen and breaking of Firefox Sync by Sony Android OS) made me return it. I expect a $600 to be well-built and last at least 2 years and this glue unsticking spoke of shoddy design and a short product life.
My original Xoom cost the same and is still fully functional and unblemished. I was hoping the Xperia would be a worthy replacement, but it was a disappointment.
TellTenPeople said:
Mine did this — it felt like the glue holding the backing in place was coming unstuck.
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That's exactly how I would describe it. I've been trying to find more information about this issue, but not many people have written about it. Do you think this issue is normal for all these tablets, or I got a defective one?
SmartBugger said:
That's exactly how I would describe it. I've been trying to find more information about this issue, but not many people have written about it. Do you think this issue is normal for all these tablets, or I got a defective one?
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Mine makes the same clicking sound. And I also have the "loose headphone flap". I'll ask for an exchange.
I have the same problem with mine. It feels like the glue is not holding well. Hopefully it can be easily fixed by SONY if it start to cause problems.
One more thing. When you press the loose place it makes screen go white, which worries me a little. No problem if you using case but still something like that shouldn't happen in high end device. Maybe it is thinnest tablet but it is not the strongest
Sent from my SGP311 using XDA Premium HD app
SmartBugger said:
That's exactly how I would describe it. I've been trying to find more information about this issue, but not many people have written about it. Do you think this issue is normal for all these tablets, or I got a defective one?
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I think you got a defective one. If you have the patience to do the exchange-fix dance with Sony or whatever retailer you bought it from and like everything else about the tablet then you should.
If the just-announced Tegra 4 Toshiba Write hadn't caught my eye, I would probably had tried to exchange it to see if I could get a properly glued one, but that Toshiba is the same price, had a newer processor and is designed for my intended use-case (notetaking), so Sony's lose is Toshiba's gain at least in my case.
TellTenPeople said:
I think you got a defective one. If you have the patience to do the exchange-fix dance with Sony or whatever retailer you bought it from and like everything else about the tablet then you should.
If the just-announced Tegra 4 Toshiba Write hadn't caught my eye, I would probably had tried to exchange it to see if I could get a properly glued one, but that Toshiba is the same price, had a newer processor and is designed for my intended use-case (notetaking), so Sony's lose is Toshiba's gain at least in my case.
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I got it from newegg, and I suspect they will be good about doing an exchange. That being said, I don't want to do an exchange if this problem is very common. So perhaps I should ask... has anyone NOT experience this issue?
The main reason why I got this instead of the nexus 10, was because of its waterproof nature. I want a tablet I can go to the gym with... and not having to worry about sweat/water was a huge selling point for me.
There's really no way of knowing how widespread the issue is without a proper survey of a representative sample of Xperia Tablet Z owners. People on forums tend to go there with problems they have so forums are full of people with problems Not a great sample.
Ultimately, all that you can realistically do is keep exchanging until you get one you like, or you or Newegg lose patience.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app
Mine can flex slightly (which triggers recognition on the screen), but I have no clicking sounds or similar things - mine feels very solid and feels top-notch otherwise, but I wouldn't be surprised if Sony's quality control for Japanese units was tighter.
Same thing here SGP321 FROM DUBAI, seems like the glue between the back cover and whatever inside got unstuck...
My xperia tablet Z makes the clicking sound on both the bottom left and right, around the speaker area.
To me it sounds like the paper (or plastic) that is generally found in a (earplug) speaker.
Seeing that the slim design i think it is more then likely that we are pressing on the speaker of the tablet, and not so much the glue coming apart.
If it were the glue then it would most likely be at random places across the tablet. Seeing that we are all reporting the noise in the same general area, which also happens to be the place where the internal speakers are located, i feel that it is the speaker making the clicking (crackling) noise.
Hi look on youtube and search, Opening up Sony's Android Tablet, the Xperia Tablet Z (Teardown) you can see the back cover is stuck on with double sided tape.
dazbut28 said:
Hi look on youtube and search, Opening up Sony's Android Tablet, the Xperia Tablet Z (Teardown) you can see the back cover is stuck on with double sided tape.
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Here is a link to the video you mentioned.
Opening up Sony's Android Tablet, the Xperia Tablet Z (Teardown)
Cat McGowan said:
Here is a link to the video you mentioned.
Looks easy enough to pop off the back and add some additional tape or silicone adhesive, if you're so inclined.
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I have the same issue. I decided to give it a week or so before returning it to see how much I use it and if there are any other problems. I am nit-picky and the screen colours (greys and whites mainly) are just strange. Greys are red-ish while whites and yellowy, so a screen adjuster app doesn't help at all. Also I get a shadow right around my screen, it's really distracting on things like Falcon Pro in white. The sticky back is still happening and I also found out that I don't really like Android tablets. That, or they're just not ready for me yet. The 16:10 aspect ratio has no advantage to me, just disadvantages, and apps that I want to use just aren't good enough or they're non-existent.
So I'm returning it and waiting for the iPad mini 2. Sorry, but the Nexus 7 felt like a blown up experience of my phone rather than a shrunken down experience of a tablet.
Mister, here are people who use and like Android because of the openness and customizability.
If that isn't important to you, then you are anyway wrong here, and I wish you much fun with your Apple stuff.
iisshaun said:
I have the same issue. I decided to give it a week or so before returning it to see how much I use it and if there are any other problems. I am nit-picky and the screen colours (greys and whites mainly) are just strange. Greys are red-ish while whites and yellowy, so a screen adjuster app doesn't help at all. Also I get a shadow right around my screen, it's really distracting on things like Falcon Pro in white.
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I agree with my colors being a little warm, but it's not extreme or bad (my desktop monitor is also set moderately warm). Probably unit variance. What I do have is the 'shadow' on the bottom border, but I'm not unaccustomed to backlight bleed or such. It doesn't bother me much either since usually the black Android system bar is there to begin with.
Sounds like Sony's quality control isn't very tight on international units...
salanos said:
I agree with my colors being a little warm, but it's not extreme or bad (my desktop monitor is also set moderately warm). Probably unit variance. What I do have is the 'shadow' on the bottom border, but I'm not unaccustomed to backlight bleed or such. It doesn't bother me much either since usually the black Android system bar is there to begin with.
Sounds like Sony's quality control isn't very tight on international units...
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My monitors are every so slightly yellowy, but I was able to use that with a slight colour value change. It seems mine just has odd variables on different tones... quite a bit like my old Galaxy Nexus was like (Yellow whites, green greys and purple dark greys). That's actually why I really dislike AMOLED, so it's a bummer that this IPS panel isn't as accurate as I'd like.
And yeah, really doesn't like they're super tight on the international side. I didn't really want to bother with what could have been back and forth replacements.
hasenbein1966 said:
Mister, here are people who use and like Android because of the openness and customizability.
If that isn't important to you, then you are anyway wrong here, and I wish you much fun with your Apple stuff.
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Well look at that, I do actually use and like Android (it's the only mobile OS I use right now). It's just the tabs that aren't up to snuff for me. Openness and customisability is only a good thing if it actually helps make something more useful for me. I find those aspects very useful on my phone. I need to be quick and efficient and I can do that on an Android, but not really on an iPhone. A tablet serves a different purpose for me. It's a leisure/convenience device, I don't need any customisation for it to allow me to do anything faster. Also, my phone has a ton of apps and absolutely all of the ones I want, this Xperia tab doesn't, and definitely not all the apps I consider essential.
Sorry that I have different needs and wants than you, but I'm pretty sure that I'm not wrong in being here because 1) I own the tablet that's in question here and 2) I use Android as my only mobile OS right now and I'll still be using it on my phone for a long time. I wasn't trying to start some petty flame war here, I was just explaining my issues with this tablet and elaborating on why I'm returning it. So let's stay on topic here, huh?
If you're looking for a leisure device, wouldn't 16:10 be more ideal for movies? But I agree on the lack of proper tablet optimized apps. What exactly do you want to do on your tablet though?
If it's web browsing, I feel Android will always deliver a superior experience (I have long tired of constantly reloading tabs on the iPad 3). If it's gaming... well, no argument, iOS usually gets more games.
salanos said:
If you're looking for a leisure device, wouldn't 16:10 be more ideal for movies? But I agree on the lack of proper tablet optimized apps. What exactly do you want to do on your tablet though?
If it's web browsing, I feel Android will always deliver a superior experience (I have long tired of constantly reloading tabs on the iPad 3). If it's gaming... well, no argument, iOS usually gets more games.
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Well I don't really watch much video away from my PC anyway, and I hardly ever watch any movies either. You've hit the nail on the head though, it's what I plan to do on it that makes the difference. I do a lot of social media stuff, reading, some browsing, games and a bit of video. Reading is far better on a 4:3 screen in portrait. I like 16:9 in portrait on my PC for reading, but trust me it's very different on a tablet. Also, I can't even get a half-decent way of using Facebook on the XTZ either. The official app is awful and Friendster which is supposed to be great is honestly rubbish.
Really it's just something to waste time on, read stuff on and be a convenient portable web browser. A 10" tablet isn't very convenient tbh and the Nexus 7 isn't either when it's so similar to my phone that's already in my pocket. An 8" 4:3 screen is a lot different from a 4.7" or 7" 16:10 screen. It's big enough to be something I want to use over my phone in some situations and small enough that it can travel most places quite easily.
It's just personal preference, it's been said a million times, but I think you already know that. Back on topic though.

