[Q] Vibrant on AT&T Qs - Vibrant Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hello everyone! I am brand new to the world of custom roms. Please laugh, but be helpful!
I am an AT&T customer, I received my Vibrant on Friday and have been learning plenty thanks to this site since then. I still have a lot to learn though, and if anyone could answer a few questions I would be very grateful.
I installed my first custom rom today. Bionix 1.3.1. So far it's great. It doesn't have all the Tmo bloatware that came on the stock eclair. I installed this rom because everyone said the GPS was great, it is very stable, good performance and good battery life.
So far, I have not been able to get the GPS working. Is this because I have an ATT Sim in the Vibrant? I am a total noob with this stuff, please don't laugh! I am not sure if the satellites are branded to certain companies or what (fill me in!). I have read that there are apps you can download that can help your GPS, but I am wary until I figure out if the Vibrant is incompatible with ATT satellites.
Can someone please explain in laymens terms what a Kernel is? Bionix came with Voodoo installed. To my understanding, Voodoo helps with audio and video display. But when I try to open the Voodoo app, it says that it is incompatible with my Kernel. How do I get a kernel that will work well with Bionix? (Again, sorry for the noobtalk.)
I'm sure I will have more questions in the coming weeks. Thanks in advance to being such a helpful community (you guys really are from what I have seen here!)

Anyone have some advice

I'd be happy to assist you. All you need to do on your phone is do some GPS fixes. I forgot which ones got my GPS working for my phone but Bionix GPS did not work out of the box. I remember I had to either download a GPSfix or do this
I remember the GPS was working great on the Bionix until I switched to different ROMs. You can load any ROM you want but be cautious of what you want out of your phone. Something that looks really nice and productive may give you horrible battery life and GPS.

That's a pretty old article. My phone was made in June 2011. Bionix is supposed to having a working GPS outright. Are you sure this isn't the case?

I remember using it and it worked. But I forgot what I did to the GPS because it was so long ago since I've used Bionix. You can look around for GPS fixes.

Hmm ok. Any advice as far as the Kernel/Voodoo is concerned?

Bali, Bullet, and Overstock are good for battery life and smoothness.
People say Bali is the best but I find that my phone overheats a lot and at times becomes unresponsive. Again, each vibrant is different in how it handles kernels. You have to try some of these yourself to see which one is best for your vibrant.

Has anyone been able to get GPS to work using a Vibrant on ATT's network?

Donteventrii said:
Has anyone been able to get GPS to work using a Vibrant on ATT's network?
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Yes, by changing the LbsTestMode settings (search on supl.google.com).

Krzysiek_CK said:
Yes, by changing the LbsTestMode settings (search on supl.google.com).
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Thanks for the response
I did a search and found http://phandroid.com/2010/07/21/easy-fix-for-t-mobiles-samsung-vibrant-gps-issues/
When I try to get into LbsTestMode by entering *#*#1472365#*#* the text clears after I enter the final *
What am I doing wrong?

Donteventrii said:
Thanks for the response
I did a search and found http://phandroid.com/2010/07/21/easy-fix-for-t-mobiles-samsung-vibrant-gps-issues/
When I try to get into LbsTestMode by entering *#*#1472365#*#* the text clears after I enter the final *
What am I doing wrong?
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I have a Vibrant on AT&T and other than the GPS sucking I can use it. Any way try this code.

I tried that and it worked. Will test and get back
How do you find out what modem you are using? I can find the Kernel in About phone but the modem is not there.

Donteventrii said:
I tried that and it worked. Will test and get back
How do you find out what modem you are using? I can find the Kernel in About phone but the modem is not there.
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The Baseband Version is your modem.

MoWeb said:
The Baseband Version is your modem.
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Thank you my friend.
Edit: Can you make a recommendation for a good GPS modem/kernel? I'm running Bionix 1.3.1

Donteventrii said:
Thank you my friend.
Edit: Can you make a recommendation for a good GPS modem/kernel? I'm running Bionix 1.3.1
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Happy to help
I don't know about Bionix, I'm using Project V, Bali 1.8.8 kernel, KB5 modem with no issues.

I decided to try Bali 1.8.8 Kernel with KB5 modem.
I am trying to flash these using Odin. I think the KB5 goes in the Phone slot, and Bali goes in the PDA slot? When I click PDA and try to select the Bali ZIP it doesn't show up, it looks like the only file extensions available are .tar .md5 and .smd
What is a .pit, why do I need it? Where can I find one?
I'm trying to use this guide http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=7152078&postcount=2 but I'm not having much success.

I like to use the thanks button

Managed to flash them using SGS flasher. Still not sure what some of this stuff means. It's fun toying though

In the future, just use Clockworks in ROM Manager to flash your kernels. I find it easier to just install from zip (zip name of your kernel). You will still have the same ROM just a different kernel.

That's exactly what I ended up doing. Battery life is terrible. But I guess I should expect it.
I have a question about voodoo. From their site it says you can get a better image, (less blue screen, not as sharp of a resolution so no halo around text, etc). Do I need to use a specific kernel for this? I thought it was an app but couldnt find it in the app store.


JI6 GPS Files? Update.zip

So as I am sure everyone else knows, the JI6 sucks. The lockscreen needs to be pushed all the way out of view just to unlock the screen and a few other things such as adding theme update.zips. The only good thing is the GPS files, those do work, at least better.
Is there an update.zip file out there for these, or somewhere where I can get these to try to make one. Help will be appreciated, thanks.
I'd recommend just using bionix 1.7 with the stock kernel
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
Chalup said:
I'd recommend just using bionix 1.7 with the stock kernel
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
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I might be the only one here that doesnt like Bionix. I honestly like the stock ROM better. To the OP: JI6 GPS files dont seem to work any better than JI2 so it may just be better to use the JI2 update.zip floating around.
jzero88 said:
So as I am sure everyone else knows, the JI6 sucks. The lockscreen needs to be pushed all the way out of view just to unlock the screen and a few other things such as adding theme update.zips. The only good thing is the GPS files, those do work, at least better.
Is there an update.zip file out there for these, or somewhere where I can get these to try to make one. Help will be appreciated, thanks.
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I agree, Oddly enough I was getting great GPS locks with stock JFD now I can't lock anything with JI6. Anyone know if it's safe to downgrade back to JFD through ODIN?
Yes I agree. Bionix is pretty sweet, but it had a few bugs and was a bit laggy. I prefer the stock rom myself. I guess I will give JI2 a shot, though I still think JI6 gps runs great.
Id rather have the ji6 modem and the ji2 gps.
Sent from my vibrant
If someone can get the correct files for the JI6 modem. I will try too compile a update.zip with the JI2 GPS files and JI6 modem files.
JI6 modem bin
Thanks to XIPHER_ZERO fro this.
I personally have not tried to flash this. And whenever I do flash a modem I still use the 512 PIT as well. If you need that file let me know. This file is zipped so unzip it before anyone flashes it. Flash at your own risk, BLAH BLAH BLAH.
Great, thanks! I won't be able too do much with it tonight. Got a huge accounting exam to study for by tomorrow. I will crack it open after that. The JI2 gps files actually work pretty good , so hopefully I can get this all in afl flashable zip. Then try creating custom roms
jrharvey said:
I might be the only one here that doesnt like Bionix. I honestly like the stock ROM better. To the OP: JI6 GPS files dont seem to work any better than JI2 so it may just be better to use the JI2 update.zip floating around.
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You are not the only one. Since 1.4 which worked great, too many requests found it's way into the newer builds. It also seems that the stock builds act differently from phone to phone. JI5 and JI6 worked best for me. 9 sats out of 11 within a few seconds. Nothing beats that
jrharvey said:
I might be the only one here that doesnt like Bionix. I honestly like the stock ROM better. To the OP: JI6 GPS files dont seem to work any better than JI2 so it may just be better to use the JI2 update.zip floating around.
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I don't really like Bionix either. There's too much going on with that ROM. I was on JFD Deodexed for a while, and now I'm on JI6 waiting for a Deodexed version of it. There's just something about how simple the stock builds are.
After using JI2 GPS files all day long, I would have to say that JI6 was better. JI2 does work, but after a few minutes. JI6 was much faster.
What app are you using to see how many sats and how fast?
jzero88 said:
What app are you using to see how many sats and how fast?
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GPS Test from the Market
Thanks! Will grab that a try with the stock gps files, then JI2. Just to see how bad stock really is.
So does anyone have the JI6 gps files, or know where I can locate them inside the update? Thanks

GPS Restore app in Market by SAMSUNG

@samsungtweets just tweeted
for #vibrant #captivate users, that they created an APP to help optimize GPS,
Go to android Market & search GPS Restore
i had to be outside so satellites get a better location
i am running 2.1- update1 - eclair.UVJI6
Rooted of Course
i just Flashed Flashable Stock JK6 - Froyo 2.2 - *12/01/10 i added the link below
and applied the GPS restore and it gets me to 20 to 5 accurate meters
But does it work with Froyo?
jmerchant said:
But does it work with Froyo?
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i am still on eclair stock updated rom..
i am sure it wont hurt trying it bro
Ive had **** gps since 2.2 and in a matter of minutes this app got me 100%...and its raining here so i only went to the window to get signal. DEF recommend trying this.
Installed this (running Bionix Final R1) and it... didn't really do anything. Locks are still incredibly iffy, happening only if I have a very clear view of the sky with absolutely no obstructions. Getting a position fix inside a building is a complete non-starter, just like before.
Thank gods I don't use the GPS much.
So far works very good, I still have to leave the location o am at to try more testing but so far so good.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
doesn't matter for me. my gps works great anyways : )
Thanks locks faster now
Sms vibrant black body glove
Rom-macnutR2 kernel #53
Latest cwm
Black Htc G1
Latest radio death spl
Oc kernel 617mhz jit enabled ram hack
jzero88 said:
So far works very good, I still have to leave the location o am at to try more testing but so far so good.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
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Same here ,,but will try it again when i leave this area
please give link on .apk file, because This app is only available for US Vibrant and Captivate users on T-Mobile's or AT&T's network...
thank you!!!
kyharev said:
please give link on .apk file, because This app is only available for US Vibrant and Captivate users on T-Mobile's or AT&T's network...
thank you!!!
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thats because it only works on the SGH-T959 and SGH-I897, does not work on a GT-I9000, since Macnut R12 has the model number as GT-I9000 it wont work on that either.
We can also extract the apk and get what's inside to take a look into what is beeing done. Please provide an APK
Here you go
I noticed something with this app. In GPS test it can only see me at 20~30 BUT the lbs test says 5~10. Weird, anyways I will post a pic of my locks when I get a chance. So far it locks on spot on and its really accurate.
*edit* Works with my Axura froyo rom!!!!
*edit again* I will also compare the before and after with my friends phone.
kdf2883 said:
Here you go
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A big thank you!
kdf2883 said:
Here you go
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thanks you so much
ok, best lock so far.
that said, after first run, it finished and put me about 100miles off.
but after reboot i ran "gps test" for 5 mins, and it found 1 more sat, total now at 13, using 9-11.
then opened up maps again and got a lock right on accurate to 5m, gps test says 15ft.
thats the best lock ive ever had on the sam-vib...sweet, tx for the heads up!!
i bought a vibrant during summer when it just came out and did proper research so i could use it in canada with wind. (smartphone+cheap plans)
i have the ji6 but not able to find the new GPS Restore App in the market. phone is unlocked.
Does anyone know why?
summit101 said:
i bought a vibrant during summer when it just came out and did proper research so i could use it in canada with wind. (smartphone+cheap plans)
i have the ji6 but not able to find the new GPS Restore App in the market. phone is unlocked.
Does anyone know why?
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The app is for U.S. vibrant and captivates only, but in my OP I uploaded it for people outside the US.
tried this and did nothing for me... Obsidian V5 rom.
Not sure if its the rom or what, but my gps used to work on the stock tmobile rom. and seem to get worse over time lol.

GPS isn't working with any ROM

First, to all that have created and contributed to this site, Thank you.
Now I know I'm new here and I'm probably going to get murdered for posting this but I'm completely out of ideas. I've tried searching everywhere and I can't find any answers. I tried flashing the Axura 2.1 and 2.2 roms and my GPS stopped working completley. I've tried using several different modems with the roms. I tried flashing the macnut roms and had the same result.
I've tried searching but there are so many gps problem thread that I can't find the answer(unless I'm skipping over it). So now I'm hoping that somebody will be able to help me out.
Sorry for my ignorance but I really am desperate cause I really wanna get this $500 phone working like one
this needs to be in Q&A, but; ODIN to JFD/JI6, then run the GPSRestore app from the market. If your phone's GPS still doesnt work, then it's the GPS hardware.
I've run GPS on all TW roms, and each one locks quick and accurate.
JL5 and JL5 GPS are spot on.
jree said:
First, to all that have created and contributed to this site, Thank you.
Now I know I'm new here and I'm probably going to get murdered for posting this but I'm completely out of ideas. I've tried searching everywhere and I can't find any answers. I tried flashing the Axura 2.1 and 2.2 roms and my GPS stopped working completley. I've tried using several different modems with the roms. I tried flashing the macnut roms and had the same result.
I've tried searching but there are so many gps problem thread that I can't find the answer(unless I'm skipping over it). So now I'm hoping that somebody will be able to help me out.
Sorry for my ignorance but I really am desperate cause I really wanna get this $500 phone working like one
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I don't think you're going to get murdered for posting a question. It just needs to be in the right forum. Next time please post questions in the Q&A forum to keep the Dev forum clutter free.
As far as your problem goes, when you say not working is your gps seeing satellites and just not locking or not seeing any at all.
Is your roof made of solid tinfoil???
Just kidding, but seriously, Odin back to JFD or some other 2.1 firmware and download GPS restore or something like that from the market and go stand OUTSIDE and test it.
If this fails, then you have faulty hardware. Send it to Samsung.
bobbbb said:
Is your roof made of solid tinfoil???
Just kidding, but seriously, Odin back to JFD or some other 2.1 firmware and download GPS restore or something like that from the market and go stand OUTSIDE and test it.
If this fails, then you have faulty hardware. Send it to Samsung.
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exactly. or your house or where ever you are is getting bad GPS signal. my gps worked flawlessly for a while now. it's just with newer modems, they lock faster.
I had similar issues to what you describe. My GPS would not work with any ROM combination. Sometimes I could see satellites but I would never get a lock. Tried anything with no luck. Finally- I did three things, and I can't tell you for certain which fixed it- but at the end it was fine.
First thing was I followed the hardware fix guide at http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=878970 and then I installed a JL4 ROM (I hear JL5 works great too), left settings as stock and made sure Server FQDN Type was set to Auto config instead of www.spirent-lcs.com. Then I went outside and waited like 10 minutes in LbsTestMode "Get Position Test". Now my GPS works!
I haven't had a real problem with the GPS ever since JI2, and the GPS performance in the Froyo-based ROMs is even better. If it's not working for you at all, then you need to exchange your phone for a new one. You should be able to arrange that with T-Mobile at not extra cost to you.
If you bought your phone through T-Mobile you need to contact them. Jump through their hoops and get a replacement ordered.
Sorry for not putting this in the right forums. If a mod has to move it....
This is exactly whats happening. Whether I'm outside or not, the little gps icon blinks but it says my location is temporarily unavailable. I don't think its hardware cause this is a brand new phone that was working yesterday before I installed the ROM. Thanks for the suggestions. Some more are welcomed
no rom or modem fixed my gps completely till i was on eugene's ginger clone r2 and flashed the JL5 Modem WITHOUT doing the Samsung GPS restore from the market. In fifteen seconds i was locked with less than 10m.
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This is a brand new phone. Its my 3rd one in lest than a week. This GPS was working to some extent right before I installed the Axura rom. I just did a the GPS restore and now it still won't lock onto my position but it will do the navigation(poorly just like before) to a spoken destination with voice guidance. If I ask it for a map of something it will bring those destinations up also. I'm at a complete loss but I do like this ROM better than Eclair.
samsung restore isn't in the market anymore.
Can someone upload the .apk please ?

the best modem for a rom???

I want to know of all the modems out there wich one is the best for a rom??
look at this thread:
there is not the best modem yet imho, nothing is perfect, but for froyo (2.2) many found that ka5 modem is the most efficient, reliable and fast so far.. modem performance can vary depending on where you are, how good your signal strengths is, what kinds of interference there may be.. so on. try flashing each one yourself - it's pretty quick - and see which one works best for you
jaetm83 said:
look at this thread:
there is not the best modem yet imho, nothing is perfect, but for froyo (2.2) many found that ka5 modem is the most efficient, reliable and fast so far
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Im asking cause someone told me to flash Nero V5 told me that rom was one of the most stable and great for everything i have tried out i guess every rom, and by far i can say tha Bionix V and Axura are the most impressive and then the Flagship. But im just searching and testing, to see what i like most.
daworship said:
Im asking cause someone told me to flash Nero V5 told me that rom was one of the most stable and great for everything i have tried out i guess every rom, and by far i can say tha Bionix V and Axura are the most impressive and then the Flagship. But im just searching and testing, to see what i like most.
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sorry i misunderstood and thought you were just looking for all the modems out there- as i edited in my post i think you should really try each one for yourself.. people get various results no matter how new the modem may be.. i got bad results from the initial bionix-v with ka7 modem. no luck with kb1 either. but as soon as i updated to bionix-v v1.2 that comes with ka5 modem, my download/upload speed over 3g and wifi picked up again
jaetm83 said:
sorry i misunderstood and thought you were just looking for all the modems out there- as i edited in my post i think you should really try each one for yourself.. people get various results no matter how new the modem may be.. i got bad results from the initial bionix-v with ka7 modem. no luck with kb1 either. but as soon as i updated to bionix-v v1.2 that comes with ka5 modem, my download/upload speed over 3g and wifi picked up again
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Thanks the thing is im from Puerto Rico, and where im at right now i dont have 3g cause the towers arent near, so im judging most of the rom from my wifi signal and of course quality of sound voice, apps, etc etc, with every rom. So that's why im trying to find something that could give my phone the boost to work great
daworship said:
Thanks the thing is im from Puerto Rico, and where im at right now i dont have 3g cause the towers arent near, so im judging most of the rom from my wifi signal and of course quality of sound voice, apps, etc etc, with every rom. So that's why im trying to find something that could give my phone the boost to work great
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off topic but i wanna talk a bit about sound quality.. i just can't wait to see tw implementing the kernel eugene is testing right now. because of the source code eugene came up with he was able to add support for voodoo sound v4 which will significantly boost sound quality of our handsets. i read hundreds of pages of discussions in i9000 forum regarding supercurio's voodoo lagfix/sound projects, and only heard good things about it although i have not yet tried eugene's kernel myself amidst fear for messing up and being lazy. hopefully teamwhiskey will release a new stable version of bionix with eugene's froyo 2.2.1 kernel with voodoo sound.. it's so exciting already!

[Q][Telus][Modem/Radio] Which is best modem/radio to use with latest CM7 Nightly ROM?

Like many, been reading this site for years and years... but now its time I start posting. I have a couple a minor questions that I'm sure some of you guys will have no problems in answering. Thanks in Advance.
I just flashed CM7 Nightly #63 galaxymtd on my telus fascinate 3g+, as well, the TK-Glitch kernel v11. It took me the better part of a day to get it down pat, but its awsome. Thats all I got to say about it. Thanks to everyone who was involved in the development.
I have an odin package. The filename has JL3 in it, so I'm assuming its the JL3 modem. It does work when I used it when I was stock.
The only thing I'm wondering right now is... can I flash the stock modem with this CM7 rom/kern.?
I've been reading about the EC09/EC05 modems... from what I can make out, I can't use those right? because they're for Verizon.
Anyone have any suggestions, know of a guides, info of a modem(s) I can use with my rom/kern. combination? or how I can distinguish between the different modems and if they will work with telus.
Just to revive this question, I just flashed the latest nightly and glitch's v12 beta. and I agree, hands down amazing. Thank you for all the dev's involved. One thing though is that reception is terrible and I was wondering what modems work as well.
08cherd4 said:
Just to revive this question, I just flashed the latest nightly and glitch's v12 beta. and I agree, hands down amazing. Thank you for all the dev's involved. One thing though is that reception is terrible and I was wondering what modems work as well.
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I too want to know this?
I flashed the telus stock jl3 modem after I tried out CM7 nightly 66. Had no problems sending/receiving text or using wifi/3g
Tried calling myself and my phone rang, but I didn't test the call quality. Flashed back to darkys before recieving any calls, so I can't vouch for it, but I don't imagine it would be any worse/better.
I also flashed the JL3 modem right up until I was using the late 70's nightly's. I had no problems. I also flashed the KC1 modem and found it to be good as well.

