I am always confused between CDMA and GSM...
Why a 4 band phone ,Evo 3d will not work in Europe?
BTW I am searching to buy one at Ebay. the search shows only Spirit branded phones. do they work in Europe (GSM)?
What is ESN clean or Bad ESN? Whats is the meaning of "unlocked" and if i buy a locked one can i unlock it by my self?
Thank You

adempozhari said:
I am always confused between CDMA and GSM...
Why a 4 band phone ,Evo 3d will not work in Europe?
BTW I am searching to buy one at Ebay. the search shows only Spirit branded phones. do they work in Europe (GSM)?
What is ESN clean or Bad ESN? Whats is the meaning of "unlocked" and if i buy a locked one can i unlock it by my self?
Thank You
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I'm far from the expert so I'll give your questions my best shot and maybe somebody else with more experience on GSM can fill in some of the gaps.
bad/clean ESN only applies to CDMA. CDMA does not use a SIM card. once a CDMA phone has had its ESN marked as bad, it will not operate on that carrier. example, sprint (only CDMA network) evo 3d, the owner doesnt pay his bills, they mark the ESN as Bad for that device. if he sells the evo 3d, it can't be activated on sprint's cdma network. if you want to activate it on another CDMA network, like metropcs, it is doable, but sometimes considered a legally *gray* area.
"unlocked" in regards to the carrier of the device only applies to GSM type devices. on GSM type devices, once they has been "unlocked" they will operate on any GSM carrier.
i'm not about the band count, i.e. 4 band GSM. i would suggest looking at which frequencies are used in those bands and matching them up by frequencies and GSM/CDMA. as your profile is marked albania, i think most of europe uses GSM so CDMA will probably not be useful for you.
hope that helps some of the questions!

thank you... you were very clear.
still searching for the last question. If i buy a locked GSM phone, can i unlock it here by myself or i have to buy unlock code?

Well, doesn't all phones come unlocked in Europe anyway? Locking applies to GSM phones, and I've always thought only north American carriers do that. For example, if you, living in Europe, wanted the infuse 4G which is locked to ATT in America, you would need to unlock it to use it. Moreover, you must make sure the phone's frequencies match your carrier's. If I'm not mistaken, I think unlocking an Android phone is similar to rooting it. It's a different process all together, but its something you would do on your own.
Before Android tho, you simply need to call your carrier, tell them you're traveling overseas and you wanna use your phone there, and they'll give you the unlock code. Use some special commands to bring up the carrier unlock screen, input the unlock code, and bam, you're good to go.
I don't know if you still need an unlock code with Android phones, but if you want it, you would get it from the carrier of the phone.
You won't see any unlocking tutorials for the EVO 3d in the forums for the obvious reason that its cdma phone in America. But I'm sure once its released on Tmo-us, then there'll be a method.
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA App


Unlocking Question (I'm willing to pay)

Hi Folks,
This may be a dumb-ass question (sorry if it is), but I'll ask it anyway!
I am buying a Touch Pro from the US. It's locked to Sprint and the vendor says it can only be used "on the CDMA network". So,my dumb-ass question is this:
Does that mean that if I buy Olipro's unlock code (as I doubt I've posted enough to qualify for a freebie), will the phone unlock and work with my UK and Mexican SIM's?
If your Touch Pro is CDMA Model, please use propper unlocker posted on for Raphael CDMA. But if it's GSM model you must use Olipro's paid unlocker.
timfoster said:
Hi Folks,
This may be a dumb-ass question (sorry if it is), but I'll ask it anyway!
I am buying a Touch Pro from the US. It's locked to Sprint and the vendor says it can only be used "on the CDMA network". So,my dumb-ass question is this:
Does that mean that if I buy Olipro's unlock code (as I doubt I've posted enough to qualify for a freebie), will the phone unlock and work with my UK and Mexican SIM's?
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NO it will not work with any SIM's. Its CDMA, NOT gsm, so it doesnt even have a sim card holder.. dont buy it
borce_razor said:
If your Touch Pro is CDMA Model, please use propper unlocker posted on for Raphael CDMA. But if it's GSM model you must use Olipro's paid unlocker.
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That was damn quick! Thanks borce. You should be in customer services
What's the difference between a CDMA and GSM model? I thought GSM was the old 2G network. Isn't CDMA the same as HSDPA?
Will a CDMA phone work in the UK?
Sorry again for my stupidity.
omaralt said:
NO it will not work with any SIM's. Its CDMA, NOT gsm, so it doesnt even have a sim card holder.. dont buy it
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Ahh. Thanks omaralt. Sim-less like 3 in the UK and lUSAcell in Mexico?
HSDPA is a WCDMA technology, not a CDMA technology, while similar, they are not compatible.
This list appears to be out of date, but it will give you an idea of who supports CDMA:
Here is CDMA, and here is GSM, and HSDPA, CDMA phones don't work in UK because UK have only 2G GSM and 3G UMTS network. Only USA, Japan and 2/3 other countries have CDMA networks.
So the general consensus is don't get one unless I'll be in the US forever?
I have a T-Mobile contract in the UK with 3 new phones (all HTC Diamond's). They don;t have the Pro on their network yet. Everyone else (3rd party vendors) are offering it on T-Mobile, but T-Mobile themselves don't!!!!!
Anyone want to swap a brand new Diamond for a Touch Pro??

[Q] query regarding cdma network and rooting on evo 3D

In our area , there is available EVO3D cdma for cheap rate, it has a T-mobile logo on it, but the buyer says tht he has unlocked it for reliance cdma network
question is if i root it and put a custom rom on it, will it still be unlocked at reliance or it will be locked ??
if it has t-mo branding on it, it's probably gonna be the sensation, which is not the evo 3d. Secondly, t-mo is gsm only. If I were you, I'd verify if it really is the 3d, not the sensation, but I'm sure it will be the latter (if it isn't some scam to begin with)
nexus2515 said:
In our area , there is available EVO3D cdma for cheap rate, it has a T-mobile logo on it, but the buyer says tht he has unlocked it for reliance cdma network
question is if i root it and put a custom rom on it, will it still be unlocked at reliance or it will be locked ??
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I'm fairly certain my CDMA EVO 3D will NOT ever operate on a GSM network w/o changing the radio hardware inside.
Unless the GSM version comes with both radios inside, it will be impossible for it to operate on a CDMA network. "Unlocked" is generally a GSM term as GSM devices can be unlocked and then operate on any carrier.
Where as CDMA devices have to be programmed for a specific carrier. The programming process for a CDMA device can be a bit complex for people w/o computer experience.
Hope that helps clarify! I'm sure somebody else with more knowledge on the EUR versions of the GSM EVO 3Ds can chime in from their experience.
EDIT: posted while i was replying...
spalding1028 said:
if it has t-mo branding on it, it's probably gonna be the sensation, which is not the evo 3d.
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Also very great point! Don't think there is any GSM EVO 3D version being officially sold in the US under the TMO or ATT brand (the two largest GSM companies in the US). Perhaps a foreign GSM version of the EVO 3D, once "unlocked", could operate on a US GSM carrier such as TMO or ATT, but fairly confident TMO and ATT havent ever sold a GSM EVO 3D.
As a double check, if you wanted, a quick glance at the line up of phones available on their web site should help clarify. Or if you really wanted, call their customer service departments and ask about a EVO 3D or any type of 3D device to see what they have to offer.

[Q] CDMA unlock simlock

Can you remove the Simlock from a CDMA Evo 3d so that it will be able to use any carrier? Telus or rogers etc... I have tried searching the forums and Google (that was a joke all of the results I could find were commercials for paying someone else to do it for you. I want to do it myself. If possible.
I do not believe you can flash your network over to a sim based network like rodgers due to the fact that cdma phones do not have the hardware integrated inside the phone to run gsm networks or sim based. Your best bet is to flash to another network like boost, virgin mobile, page plus or metro pcs. However any type of esn or meid cloning is illegal and is frowned upon when asking for help on xda. Asking for help will get into trouble here so google will have to hold your hand as you search it's massive data bases to find the method of flashing networks.
Jsparta26 said:
I do not believe you can flash your network over to a sim based network like rodgers due to the fact that cdma phones do not have the hardware integrated inside the phone to run gsm networks or sim based. Your best bet is to flash to another network like boost, virgin mobile, page plus or metro pcs. However any type of esn or meid cloning is illegal and is frowned upon when asking for help on xda. Asking for help will get into trouble here so google will have to hold your hand as you search it's massive data bases to find the method of flashing networks.
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AFAIK, MSM8660 (which is inside CDMA 3D) can do both CDMA and GSM unlike MSM8260 (which is inside GSM 3D).... But I believe it's not possible to use GSM service on it, since it does not have a sim slot and a OS to support it. If Rogers have CDMA service too, then it should be possible.
Thanks for that little piece of info sir.
mnomaanw said:
AFAIK, MSM8660 (which is inside CDMA 3D) can do both CDMA and GSM unlike MSM8260 (which is inside GSM 3D).... But I believe it's not possible to use GSM service on it, since it does not have a sim slot and a OS to support it. If Rogers have CDMA service too, then it should be possible.
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Correct, there is no SIM on the CDMA version. I read about someone a while ago that was able to hack the radio and get GSM to show up, but without a SIM card it is useless. If you could solder a SIM reader on and then hack the radio (which are extremely difficult) you may be able to do it, but it would not be worth it.
Get this --->
Should work with EVO 3D
You will have Sprint + Rogers/Any GSM carrier

Confusion about the term 'unlocked'?

Hey all...
A friend of mine would be visiting the US next month. I was thinking of ordering the DNA at a full retail price (obviously). But this term of 'unlocking' confuses the hell out of me.
What does it actually unlock? From what I read, it is already unlocked and can be used with ANY SIM around the world. So, my friend just walks in to a store, buys the phone and gets it here in Delhi, India for me, I pop in my SIM card and everything just works fine.
Is that right?
Do I need to be aware of something that might not work. There is no 4G here yet, but I use 3G. Will that work?
Everything from 3/2G, MMS, calls, Msgs...everything will work just fine right?
Most of the unlocking in the DNA forum is referring to the bootloader. Since Verizon is the Anti-Christ of cell phone carriers, they don't allow phones to be sold with an unlockable bootloader. However an exploit was discovered that allowed HTCdev (website to that is used to unlock non-Verizon/AT&T HTC phones) to see the Droid NDA as a different phone and then unlock it.
The phone is GSM unlocked out of the box. Meaning you should be able to put your SIM in, plug in your carrier's APN settings, and theoretically be able to use 2G/3G/MMS/SMS/Calls. However, I'm not sure what frequencies carriers in India use for GSM and if the Droid DNA supports those frequencies.
There are some CDMA carriers in India I believe. I don't know what steps need to be taken to use the Droid DNA on them or if that is even possible. (I don't think it is)
(if I did a bad job of explaining it, or got some details wrong, someone please correct me)
th0r615 said:
Most of the unlocking in the DNA forum is referring to the bootloader. Since Verizon is the Anti-Christ of cell phone carriers, they don't allow phones to be sold with an unlockable bootloader. However an exploit was discovered that allowed HTCdev (website to that is used to unlock non-Verizon/AT&T HTC phones) to see the Droid NDA as a different phone and then unlock it.
The phone is GSM unlocked out of the box. Meaning you should be able to put your SIM in, plug in your carrier's APN settings, and theoretically be able to use 2G/3G/MMS/SMS/Calls. However, I'm not sure what frequencies carriers in India use for GSM and if the Droid DNA supports those frequencies.
There are some CDMA carriers in India I believe. I don't know what steps need to be taken to use the Droid DNA on them or if that is even possible. (I don't think it is)
(if I did a bad job of explaining it, or got some details wrong, someone please correct me)
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Thank you sir for your reply...however, I didn't get the last line about CDMA bit. Is the phone CDMA or GSM. I don't care for CDMA devices as of now as I am never going to switch. Also, is there a way to find out about the frequencies you mentioned...?
And, what about the price. What should my friend tell the rep? As in, wha phone is she looking for, locked, unlocked, carrier unlocked?
thanks a lot for your reply.
R3ACTOR4 said:
Thank you sir for your reply...however, I didn't get the last line about CDMA bit. Is the phone CDMA or GSM. I don't care for CDMA devices as of now as I am never going to switch. Also, is there a way to find out about the frequencies you mentioned...?
And, what about the price. What should my friend tell the rep? As in, wha phone is she looking for, locked, unlocked, carrier unlocked?
thanks a lot for your reply.
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It is both cdma and gsm. But I don't know if it will work on any cdmacarriers besides Verizon.
Sent from my HTC6435LVW using xda app-developers app
Bigandrewgold said:
It is both cdma and gsm. But I don't know if it will work on any cdmacarriers besides Verizon.
Sent from my HTC6435LVW using xda app-developers app
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Thanks again...doesnt really matter. Im and will always be GSM...Would you what it is priced at, an unlocked version?
The retail price is $599 plus tax, and what carrier do you use in India ? Each carrier has different frequencies and the DNA might or might not support you specific carrier frequencies
Sent from my Droid DNA using xda premium
cortesjues said:
The retail price is $599 plus tax, and what carrier do you use in India ? Each carrier has different frequencies and the DNA might or might not support you specific carrier frequencies
Sent from my Droid DNA using xda premium
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I'm on Vodafone...I use 3G & 2G as well...
Sent from my RaZr on MIUI.
I searched Google and found that Vadafone India uses 900/1800 Mhz and the DNA supports 850/900/1900/2100 MHz. Looks like it will work on 2G only.
th0r615 said:
I searched Google and found that Vadafone India uses 900/1800 Mhz and the DNA supports 850/900/1900/2100 MHz. Looks like it will work on 2G only.
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thanx...u saved me 33,000 bucks...So waiting for an international version is the best bet right??
EDIT: How about the J Butterfly (weird name I must say)??

[Q]Why Droid DNA can't use other CDMA network ?

Sorry for asking stupid question....
I did some research, but I still can't figure out why DNA can't uses other CDMA network.
Is it the problem if radio???
According what I see, DNA is able to unlock bootloader, s-off, root.
What stuff should I waiting for? Radio?
Your answer will help me know what kind of threads I should pay attention to. Thanks a LOT in advanced!
BTW, I am planning use DNA in Taiwan with a CDMA network provider.
I had checked the hardware is fitted to my network (CDMA2000 800Mhz). Thanks for all concerned!
siekaiser said:
Sorry for asking stupid question....
I did some research, but I still can't figure out why DNA can't uses other CDMA network.
Is it the problem if radio???
According what I see, DNA is able to unlock bootloader, s-off, root.
What stuff should I waiting for? Radio?
Your answer will help me know what kind of threads I should pay attention to. Thanks a LOT in advanced!
BTW, I am planning use DNA in Taiwan with a CDMA network provider.
I had checked the hardware is fitted to my network (CDMA2000 800Mhz). Thanks for all concerned!
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First of all, you must understand that GSM & CDMA are dissimilar technologies, whereas with GSM you can easily swap between carriers so long as they have the same/supported radio frequencies and your phone is sim-unlocked, this is not possible with CDMA. CDMA devices do not use a sim card to retain your account information or activation abilities. When it comes to CDMA (from my understanding) the ESN is key, the ESN must be added to your networks (for lack of a better term at the moment) ESN database. In the United States, most CDMA carriers will not add ESN's of other carriers phones to their network, your results may be different, because of your location. If your carrier were to allow or be willing to add the ESN of the DNA you obtain to their database than there is a possibility that it may work. (I am unsure if that can just be done or if it would have to be removed from Verizon's network & so forth, because I've never personally had to do such a thing)
There is a second problem though, the LTE radio / sim card interface. Because of the way these phones work on Verizon with LTE, I am unsure if you could even activate it, because it looks like the LTE sim is needed to authenticate your account to the carrier like a regular GSM phone. I have no idea how you would activate this phone without LTE / GSM on your carrier, even with the CDMA ESN added. It seems like it would be a double edged sword, but I could be wrong in this respect.
Also at this current time, this phone has root, and an unlocked bootloader through HTCDev, but is still **S-ON**.
Though none of those things have to do with you being able to use this phone on your carrier.
If your carrier was GSM I would say go for it because this is a GSM Global phone as well, but because its CDMA that you need I really incredibly doubt you'll be able to use this phone, but I may be wrong, but until someone else states otherwise I would look for a different phone.
Hope this Helps!
I am also interested in it. How can we check it out? I should go to my CDMA carrier and ask to activate my ESN?
Where can i find ESN? In Settings-About there is only MEID, IMEI, Phone serial number and IMSIAdded
I work for a CDMA carrier in the USA and with lte on the phones now, they truly act as gsm phones. If your CDMA carrier has lte then they can give you a sim and it will activate your DNA. However, if they only operate on 2g/3g then the post above me is correct with the ESN database and will USUALLY not activate the phone (in store sales reps usually don't even have the ability). Even if they have lte, activating another carrier's phone is not in the best interest of the sales Rep and they usually won't.
Sent with my DNA
kyleco said:
I work for a CDMA carrier in the USA and with lte on the phones now, they truly act as gsm phones. If your CDMA carrier has lte then they can give you a sim and it will activate your DNA. However, if they only operate on 2g/3g then the post above me is correct with the ESN database and will USUALLY not activate the phone (in store sales reps usually don't even have the ability). Even if they have lte, activating another carrier's phone is not in the best interest of the sales Rep and they usually won't.
Sent with my DNA
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I should mentions that we don't have LTE in Taiwan so far.
My carrier provides CDMA2000 1xEV-DO rev.B (I guess it is)
Is it operate as LTE OR 2G/3G you mentioned?
siekaiser said:
I should mentions that we don't have LTE in Taiwan so far.
My carrier provides CDMA2000 1xEV-DO rev.B (I guess it is)
Is it operate as LTE OR 2G/3G you mentioned?
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From my experience, they will not be able to activate it if they do not have lte, as they would need to have a settings file made for that phone to get it to work on their network. Nevers hurts to call and ask though.
Sent from my HTC6435LVW using xda premium
Hi,i am from Austria,i have a Droid Dna by Verizon and the Phone works fine here in Austria, 2G and 3G/HSDPA

