Delay answering incoming phone calls - Optimus One, P500, V General

I have a P500 and I have this problem, when someone calls me and I press de answer button and I say "Hello" but the person doesn't hear me only after about 3 seconds and this is really annoying Is there a fix for this? I have seen that this problem occurs on other android phones and that there isnt really a fix for it.
I am using 2.3.3 stock.

try an application from market called Call Delay Patch
I also have this problem, with OpenOptimus ROM and Paolo kernel V5 the delay is smaller.
Are you doing underclock? if so try to raise the minimum freq and change the governor to smoothass.

No underclock no overclock, I am stock, no mods!

Yes, try installing Call Delay Patch from market
Sent from my LG-P500 using XDA App

Thanks for providing this information. Gingerbread 2.3.4 was just released for the Incredible and I was having this exact problem. I did a quick site-wide search and found this solution (I too am running stock, besides being rooted). I will likely change my kernel and nothing else so I hope this fix works!

That crap is only a ROM issue as far as i had same problems and later solved.....


[Q] Very low call volume on CM9

I just installed the update-cm-9.0.0-RC0-vibrantmtd-signed.04222012-1958 after a complete wipe, and then installed IcyGlitch V14 on my Vibrant. The in call volume is terribly low. The person on the other end can hear me just fine, but I cannot hear them even with the volume set to the max. Is there any way to fix this? Thanks.
EDIT: The issue is not specific to CM9. I tried a few ICS and Froyo ROMS and finally went back to stock Eclair, but continue to have the same problem. Is there a way to fix this. The phone is out of warranty with Tmobile. Thank you.
I think glitch includes a call volume script in init.d that is adjustable. Just use any edit to open and edit the dB
Sent from my SGH-T959 using Tapatalk 2
can you explain me how to do it please?? i barely can hear the other person on the phone

Incoming call ringtone lag?

Hi everyone, i've searched whole google but found nothing so this is my SOS call...
So, problem is, when someone calls me, ringtone is for first few seconds (4-5) extremely laggy, playing like "track-silence-track-silence" and it's really annoying. About conf. of my SXP, i tried to turn off SetCPU as i think that could be the problem (screen off lower cpu freq.) but, with no change. I'm using DarkROM 2.5 with Phantom Kernel, but also i've this problem on previous ROMs and i'm in the end with that to do with this ... so thanks for help.
sherinko said:
Hi everyone, i've searched whole google but found nothing so this is my SOS call...
So, problem is, when someone calls me, ringtone is for first few seconds (4-5) extremely laggy, playing like "track-silence-track-silence" and it's really annoying. About conf. of my SXP, i tried to turn off SetCPU as i think that could be the problem (screen off lower cpu freq.) but, with no change. I'm using DarkROM 2.5 with Phantom Kernel, but also i've this problem on previous ROMs and i'm in the end with that to do with this ... so thanks for help.
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flash stock ftf...and see the problem is fixed...!
if the problem persists then i'm afraid u have to visit a service center...

[Q] Atrix and headset on CM9

I was using my Atrix with CM7 MROM for long time.
Yesterday I switched to CM9 Olympus with new kernel by krystianp. It's great rom but...
I got two little problems:
1. when I plug my headset I don't have icon informing about this.
2. when headset is plugged it auto pick up calls. I found something like this "phone>menu key>call settings>Accessory settings for call" but I don't have this options in my dialer or anywhere else.
Can anyone help me with this? Icon is just a feature I liked but auto answering calls is a little disturbing for me. Especially when I don't know who is/was calling.
It is pretty clear you don't know what you're doing, or else you wouldn't flash an experimental ROM and then complain about a bunch of already very well known issues.
I suggest in the future you stick to GB ROMs and stay away from things you don't understand.
ravilov said:
It is pretty clear you don't know what you're doing, or else you wouldn't flash an experimental ROM and then complain about a bunch of already very well known issues.
I suggest in the future you stick to GB ROMs and stay away from things you don't understand.
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I thought auto answer was normal function which is working and I didn't find anything about problems with it. So if it can be turn on should also be able too turn off...
I know that new kernel and roms are in development and that they have some bugs (proximity sensor, screen tearing, problem with some games) but one app which I needed runs only on 4+ Android.
So could answer me it is possible to turn off auto answering calls or it is bug which I miss reading threads about kernel/cm9/cm10?

[Q] Atrix 4g doesn't wake up

I am using latest version of Epinter's CyanogenMod 10.1 rom. Sometimes, scratch that almost once every hour my phone doesn't wake up when i pressed the power button. My only option is to take out the battery. I' ve seen other people with similar problem but they said it reboots before experiencing this problem, but I don't see any reboot. It even happens when I lock it and try to wake up a second later. Also if my phone is locked in that state when people call me they hear it ringing but my phone gives no response. Does anyone have a similar problem and/or have a solution to this problem. Thnaks in advance.
deep sleep fix or did you not try that? furthermore, you do realize that this could have been posted in the dev thread, and that this is an alpha kernel and an alpha rom and is experimental
Sent from my MB860 using xda app-developers app

Skype on 4.4/4.4.1?

I use voice chat on Skype a lot, but I also love the speed from 4.4.1 + crpalmer's kernel + bionic libs, however, there's one thing that's keeping me away from that speed, and that's voice chatting being broken on 4.4..Does anyone know a fix for this or know what kind of problem it is? Is it a 4.4 ROM problem or a kernel problem? Whether stock kernel or crpalmers, whenever I initiate a Skype call, it literally kills my ears, it makes this extremely loud screeching and static-y noise that never goes away unless I restart my phone...Anyone know what's up with this?
As far as I know, it's a hardware issue, and not a software issue. I was having the same issue with Newt's 4.2.2 GPE ROM. I got tired of the Skype bug and installed the Unofficial CM 11 (Before official was announced), and the issue was still there. I did an RUU to 1.15. Still had the issue. Installed Newt's GPE again, the problem isn't there anymore. So I'm assuming it's a hardware issue. If possible, take a look at the logcat when trying to voice chat on Skype. See if you see any errors regarding the microphone. I think it's just a fluke. Some people have the issue, others don't.
Its a kennel Issue I have the same Prob too
rejectedjs said:
I use voice chat on Skype a lot, but I also love the speed from 4.4.1 + crpalmer's kernel + bionic libs, however, there's one thing that's keeping me away from that speed, and that's voice chatting being broken on 4.4..Does anyone know a fix for this or know what kind of problem it is? Is it a 4.4 ROM problem or a kernel problem? Whether stock kernel or crpalmers, whenever I initiate a Skype call, it literally kills my ears, it makes this extremely loud screeching and static-y noise that never goes away unless I restart my phone...Anyone know what's up with this?
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As far as I know, Skype audio has been working right in CM 11 since December 10th. Please tell me that you are running a more recent ROM than that.
For giggles, I just verified that I have no audio problems using the Skype test service either using the phone as a handset or using speaker-phone. I didn't bother trying headset or bluetooth as those were more likely to work in the first place.
If you still think that there is a software problem, please install the latest nightly of CM 11, do not install anything except Skype, do not restore anything, do not change anything (especially ART). Verify a problem using the test service and then provide a logcat in the CM 11 thread. Also, repeat the same steps with a stock ROM and verify that it works there.
zou14 said:
Its a kennel Issue I have the same Prob too
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Ditto (and, fyi, I doubt it is a kernel problem).
same problem. flashed the new 3.06 radio and still not working.
this is a real bummer, i use skype everytime im out of the country

