[Q] Atrix 4g doesn't wake up - Atrix 4G Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I am using latest version of Epinter's CyanogenMod 10.1 rom. Sometimes, scratch that almost once every hour my phone doesn't wake up when i pressed the power button. My only option is to take out the battery. I' ve seen other people with similar problem but they said it reboots before experiencing this problem, but I don't see any reboot. It even happens when I lock it and try to wake up a second later. Also if my phone is locked in that state when people call me they hear it ringing but my phone gives no response. Does anyone have a similar problem and/or have a solution to this problem. Thnaks in advance.

deep sleep fix or did you not try that? furthermore, you do realize that this could have been posted in the dev thread, and that this is an alpha kernel and an alpha rom and is experimental
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[Q] Why is my folio 100 wakes up regularly ?

With my folio 100 with an updated Dexter ROM (1.4*), it wakes up regularly (I would say about each 15 minutes). This make the battery life VERY short.
Does anyone have the same problem?
Does anyone have a solution for that purpose?
Best regards.
Looks like it´s a nvidia problem, i have the same issue every now and then.
Response from dexter:
its a hardware bug, see Nvidia site on harmony development boards and tango.. they confirm they did not fix the issue.
Im having that problem too, so we currently dont have any solution?
Sent from my Folio 100 using XDA Premium App
nightmarept said:
Looks like it´s a nvidia problem, i have the same issue every now and then.
Response from dexter:
its a hardware bug, see Nvidia site on harmony development boards and tango.. they confirm they did not fix the issue.
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I am not fully convinced that it is a hardware problem. My folio wakes up with all roms that are based on the stock rom. But I did not have a single wakeup with CM7.
I would rather blame the Nvidia drivers (ressource manager?) than the hardware itself for the wakeup bug (except that it may be that the wakeup is a dirty workaround for another hardware problem).
I also had that problem at first, then I went in the wifi settings, pressed the menu button to bring up advanced seetings, set the wifi sleep policy to never and then disabled wifi and gps in the Location & security settings.
That seemed to work for me, it might not work for others...
Thanks Nyaria, i will try today if that works
Sent from my HTC Hero using XDA Premium App
I'll try it too.
Didnt work
Sent from my Folio 100 using XDA Premium App
Ok, I also removed a lot of apps that I don't need, I'll make a list of what's remaining and maybe the problem is with just one app.
I just finished a standby test with Foliomod 1.4 and got near 30 hours of standby with light email usage... not bad
for the problem of waking up the solution is to leave the wifi constantly under foliomod 1.4
if your portfolio suffers from freezing after waking up to SetCPU mini max 1000 604
but also
I have tried the ROM Mblaster very very very good work fluid
The main problem is that the wifi does not reconect
J So I installed the second version of max 1000
It is less fluid, but the wifi works well, but back then SOD j've given SetCPU mini max 1000 and 604 more problem
If you can solve the problem of wifi I am ready to test because my portfolio suffers whenever SOD
thank you for your very good work
sod negative return
ROM handed CyanogenMod 7.0.0 Oc 1500 with a 1000 SetCPU
and shutdownquick
can it be the folio buttons?
with my folio the screen wake's up and the search button flashes.
also wen i am working with it then the google search pops up
i tried deinstall the google search app but no effect on my broblem.
sorry for the bad english hope you guys can read it
I'm so thankful for this thread, cos the wifi advanced setting trick has worked for me!
my foliomod kept turning itself on every 60 secs (can you believe it), after it turned it off, and it was irritating me no end. now it stays off once i set the wifi policy to never.
After few month there isn't solution for it ?
I think that problems is that folio search wifi network on every x seconds. That can be changed in build.prop file.
Sent from my IDEOS S7 Slim using XDA App
Jon2555 said:
I think that problems is that folio search wifi network on every x seconds. That can be changed in build.prop file.
Sent from my IDEOS S7 Slim using XDA App
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I tried to turn off wifi but nothing change.
Try PowerSwitch app
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Jon2555 said:
Try PowerSwitch app
Sent from my IDEOS S7 Slim using XDA App
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Just installed, i try it!
stex_80 said:
Just installed, i try it!
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No good, same result,... have you a best software setting to suggest me?
Turn on acceleration sensor and lock app in memory. When Folio screen turn on, after ten seconds it will turn off
Sent from my Xoom using Tapatalk
I had this issue with the honeycomb rom, v0.4 , turning back to foliomod 1.4 now all work good, but i can't turn off wi-fi during the screen-off, cause the wi-fi took a lot of time to take the network. I noticed that with honeycomb the "back" button was glowing and then the screen power up in lock state...maybe the problem could be folio button...

ICS (4.0.3) oficial ROM shutdown issue

Hi guys.
Im posting here because, after updating through Kies on a mac, other than sometimes slowish ui/loadings, i'm experiencing a shutdown whenever my phone goes to lock mode. Its not frequent. Sometimes i lock it, and after some minutes when i click pwer to bring up the lockscreen, nothing happens, and i have to hold the power (for a long time) to turn it back on.
Some info:
Previous version: gb 2.3.6 rooted
Baseband: XXLPS
first update was throuh wifi. Failed. Sencond by mac. Success.
If you guys could help me find a fix, or need more info, ill be very gratefull/happy to provide.
Thanks in advance
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA
Same problem but mine also shut down on gingerbread.I've booked mine in for repair
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
Erakk said:
Hi guys.
Im posting here because, after updating through Kies on a mac, other than sometimes slowish ui/loadings, i'm experiencing a shutdown whenever my phone goes to lock mode. Its not frequent. Sometimes i lock it, and after some minutes when i click pwer to bring up the lockscreen, nothing happens, and i have to hold the power (for a long time) to turn it back on.
Some info:
Previous version: gb 2.3.6 rooted
Baseband: XXLPS
first update was throuh wifi. Failed. Sencond by mac. Success.
If you guys could help me find a fix, or need more info, ill be very gratefull/happy to provide.
Thanks in advance
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA
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You could do a factory reset, that helps many times. Type *2767*3855# in the dial pad. Backup important files first.
Thanks. Will try that.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA
Apps were my issue
gee2012 said:
You could do a factory reset, that helps many times. Type *2767*3855# in the dial pad. Backup important files first.
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After updating my GT-I9100 from Gingerbread to the official ICS 4.0.3 ROM I experienced random shutdowns as aforementioned. I also had the screen freeze and become unresponsive. Screen unresponsiveness only occurred the first two days, random shutdowns occurred for about a week. After a slew of additional app update notifications and subsequent updating, I no longer have the shutdown problem either. I originally upgraded through Kies on 4/20/2012 and by around 4/27/2012 I no longer have any issues. Btw, I'm on ATT in the U.S. and my phone is not rooted.
I did a factory reset and i noticed some things:
Self shutdown occurred only once.
The phone touch is considerably faster than gb.
The screen visuals are more vivid (i think thats because of my current wallpapers)
The apps load times are also faster, but the camera takes some time to load.
I dont regret the hard reset but the shutdown happened once only after that.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA
Bad news... Shutdown twice this morning, after going into lock mode(click power button)
One thing i noticed is that he takes toooo muuucchhhh to boot when holding the power button when this hapens, so i have a theory that he actually doesnt shuts down, rather it jus wont turn on the screen. Im going to try to replicate it and send some kind of warning to one of my apps, or mail myself.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA
Erakk said:
Bad news... Shutdown twice this morning, after going into lock mode(click power button)
One thing i noticed is that he takes toooo muuucchhhh to boot when holding the power button when this hapens, so i have a theory that he actually doesnt shuts down, rather it jus wont turn on the screen. Im going to try to replicate it and send some kind of warning to one of my apps, or mail myself.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA
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Indeed, it is not shutting down, but not waking the screen. This is known as the "sleep of death" (SoD) and has been discussed in dozens of threads already.
Usually caused by undervolting with values that are too low, but also occurs on some peoples phones when they are completely stock.
Changing kernel can sometimes help, or if you already have a custom kernel loaded, changing your voltage settings to be a bit higher on the 800mhz step.
Erakk said:
Hi guys.
Im posting here because, after updating through Kies on a mac, other than sometimes slowish ui/loadings, i'm experiencing a shutdown whenever my phone goes to lock mode. Its not frequent. Sometimes i lock it, and after some minutes when i click pwer to bring up the lockscreen, nothing happens, and i have to hold the power (for a long time) to turn it back on.
Some info:
Previous version: gb 2.3.6 rooted
Baseband: XXLPS
first update was throuh wifi. Failed. Sencond by mac. Success.
If you guys could help me find a fix, or need more info, ill be very gratefull/happy to provide.
Thanks in advance
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA
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there is a bug in the ics update to 4.0.3. phone crahes, will not shutdown and batterylife is very poor.
in holland are some problems. samsung advised not to update to ics.
goto: nu.nl, tech
Thanks alot for the information!. I'll check about it. Now i know what's the problem's name.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA

doesn't want to wake up

Good Day, I'm hoping someone can help me, I've tried searching but I can't seem to find anything(mainly because I don't know the best way to describe it) sometimes, randomly the screen will turn off, as it should but then it wont come back on, I've installed the wake on volume mod and that doesn't seem to help.
Happened with CM7 and now with The darkside rom.
It's sporatic, it wont do it for like 10 hours then will do it 3 times in an hour.
Any help would be greatly appreciated
Gweilo said:
Good Day, I'm hoping someone can help me, I've tried searching but I can't seem to find anything(mainly because I don't know the best way to describe it) sometimes, randomly the screen will turn off, as it should but then it wont come back on, I've installed the wake on volume mod and that doesn't seem to help.
Happened with CM7 and now with The darkside rom.
It's sporatic, it wont do it for like 10 hours then will do it 3 times in an hour.
Any help would be greatly appreciated
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I have a similar problem. But mine only happens when i make or recieve a call, doesn't do it everytime. I actually found a thread where it said it was possibly a broken proximity sensor. So the solution was to download 2 things from the app store and install them, and disable the proximity sensor. I am going to try that, cause when i make or recieve a call I actually turn my screen off so i won't hang up on anyone or hit several buttons. The solution they gave was to have a rooted phone, and download "android sensor box" so you can see the name of your proximity sensor, and then download "hardware disabler". Find the name of your proximity sensor and disable it. I have tried everything else, so what do I have to lose on trying this, lol.
Update, after several days i've found the culprit. There was an issue with my sd card, once I swapped it out haven't had a problem since
Sent from my MB860 using xda app-developers app

i9300 random freeze won't wake (Shouldn't Be Sudden Death)

Hey all fellow enthusiasts,
I'm having a real issue and I can't seem to get to the bottom of it.
Almost every time my phone sleeps it won't wake properly, I press the power button, the LED hardware keys light up but no screen power on. It also doesn't display incoming calls or well anything but I tested calling it. Only way to wake it is by waiting about 7 minutes or restarting it.
I've done some research and suggestions of possible hardware issues seem unlikely as I have no other issues or crashes or anything. Phone works well unless I put it to sleep.
I found some strange activities in my log cat (attached) and found this:
07-16 21:14:31.070 D/Surface (2274): Excessive delay in unblankDisplay() while turning screen on: 419214ms
But I'm no expert so can't work out why, ive wiped stuff reset stuff uninstalled stuff.
Any help would be so greatly appreciated!
Thanks for any tips in advance.
P.S if you search for the above in the log that's the easiest way to skip all the non related log items.
Log: http://pastebin.com/bvWd6vc9
I'm on Cyanogen 10.1 nightly from 16th of July.
Tried updating CWM to latest, still happens.
Used eMMC app and it passed....going crazy
Please help!
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda app-developers app
Its the SDS fix , its normal
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium
check the freezing thread in General
Not sure if it's related but tell me you've noticed the 11 minutes of this repeated error:
07-16 21:03:21.145 W/SQLiteConnectionPool(3628): The connection pool for database '/data/user/0/com.outlook.Z7/databases/email.db' has been unable to grant a connection to thread 146 (Z7DBSharedPreferenceCache) with flags 0x1 for 30.000002 seconds.
Hello All,
Thanks for the pointers. I've tried all resolutions in all freezing threads I could find before posting except two, 1 is this file creation thing to write 60gb of data (I'll try this next) the other is to go back to stock which according to posts has a better SD fix than CM. Does anyone know if that's true?
Any other specific links to articles would really help so I can check I've tried them.
Thanks Again.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda app-developers app

[Q] Cyanogenmod 10.2 Phone Wakeup Slow

I recently install CM 10.2 Nightlies on my HTC One. I noticed that when the phone goes to sleep or I lock it and hit the unlock button, it takes a few seconds before the screen turns on. Is anyone else having this issue? Anyone know what the issue is?
Yes I do. For some reason I don't hear this bug mentioned often. Maybe it's not widespread.
Yes it's a known adb widespread issue that is often talked about in the cm thread but I believe it has been patched , but I don't know if the changes got merged yet
Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk 4
smac7 said:
Yes I do. For some reason I don't hear this bug mentioned often. Maybe it's not widespread.
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Lol are you being sarcastic
Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk 4
I have the same problem with my HTC one. I have installed 2 different versions of the nightlies (20130927 & 20130928) and had the Problem with both.
Before CM 10.2 I had the Vanilla Android on my device. With that i had no wake up delay.
Same on Xperia Ray
I'm on SE Xperia Ray (urushi) with nightly 20130918 and experiencing the same issue.
Look's like it's related to some memory management or "deep sleep" state, because the respone time is
fine as long as the delay between lock/"turn off display" and unlock/"push power button" is within seconds.
Fixed it
Hey guys,
Just had the same problem with my Nexus 4 running CM 11-20140308-SNAPSHOT-M4-mako.
What fixed it for me was turning Settings/Security/Automatically Lock to Immediately, instead of a delay.
Thanks for the tip, streumix!

