Question about official upgrade for U.S. users - Optimus One, P500, V General

Has anyone updated with the official firmware with a t-mobile optimus T phone and got everything to work right??? I tried once before and had to go back because my internet did not work no 3g or 2g and i heard it might have to do with the VPN settings , so if anyone has what update or thread did you use and how did you get everything to work i would like to try the new updated baseband and ROMs but dont want to try again if it doesnt work


[Q] downgrading from flashed 2.1 back to 1.6 plz plz help

hello there i flashed my x10a to the generic 2.1i but now the rogers update is out and i would like to know how to flash it back so i can do the rogers update. the reason why i would like to do this is because i am having some small problems with the Internet on my phone. when i am at the main screen and status bar says im on 3g but when i go into the market and browser it then go into (H) with out the ( ) i dont know if thats what its suppose to do or what but yeah and some times it doesn't like to even go on the Internet it takes like two three even 5 times befor it works or i have to reboot plz help free free to PM
userdefind said:
hello there i flashed my x10a to the generic 2.1i but now the rogers update is out and i would like to know how to flash it back so i can do the rogers update. the reason why i would like to do this is because i am having some small problems with the Internet on my phone. when i am at the main screen and status bar says im on 3g but when i go into the market and browser it then go into (H) with out the ( ) i dont know if thats what its suppose to do or what but yeah and some times it doesn't like to even go on the Internet it takes like two three even 5 times befor it works or i have to reboot plz help free free to PM
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The "H" your seeing stands for HSDPA...which is actually better than 3G. As for the browsing problems, after you flashed the 2.1 generic and started your phone up for the first time did you properly add the rogers APN settings or did you choose automatic internet settings?
I flash my X10a with the nordic 2.1 firmare and I also get the "H" and I added my rogers apn settings manually and my phone is absolutly perfect. No problems at all.
If you need the proper rogers apn settings to use you can pm me.
I upgraded to 1.6 Generic UK to then get the 2.1 upgrade last week as could not wait for Orange...
Yesterday, Orange came out with 2.1 and so wanted to get the new Orange update that just came out, so I followed the debranding method from but instead of using generic UK db files, I used my old ones I did a back up of! Took me about 6 attempts but finally got the timing right and hey presto, old 1.6 Orange was back.. and then it told me I had a new update waiting..
userdefind said:
hello there i flashed my x10a to the generic 2.1i but now the rogers update is out and i would like to know how to flash it back so i can do the rogers update.
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H = 3.5G = faster than 3G. In 1.6, there was H, but no icon to differentiate.
Same question, very important for me! X10a, Rogers, branded, locked, un-rooted (yes, I'm just a simple user, not a crime a believe ) -- upgraded via seus to 2.1 rogers. Too many bugs for me to keep it, so jsut wanna go back to 1.6 rogers if possible! Is there a step by step instruction to use in this particular case? Thanks!

[Q] cm7 nightly mobile data

I have v20g baseband, so im on new also a tmobile user from the US...I have upgraded baseband, wifi does work and I can make calls, there is only one problem though, as detailed by the pictures included, you can clearly see the bars, but no 3g/HDMA icon next to the bars....I have tried adding an APN but it never saves...does anyone have any idea how to fix this ?
Jrhodes85 said:
I have v20g baseband, so im on new also a tmobile user from the US...I have upgraded baseband, wifi does work and I can make calls, there is only one problem though, as detailed by the pictures included, you can clearly see the bars, but no 3g/HDMA icon next to the bars....I have tried adding an APN but it never saves...does anyone have any idea how to fix this ?
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try to put another operator, forgive for English
what do you mean another operator ? are you talking about another carrier ? **** this sucks, now nothing works.....I just went back to v10e (thinking it's old baseband) no data (mobile) but wifi works......this is pissing me off.....Ive tried v10e and v20g, neither have produced any kind of results, v20g did atleast give me bars...does anyone actually have a fix ?
This a known problem with some SIM cards and operators.
The workaround is to use old baseband with this fix.
so which means for those in newbaseband need downgrade to old baseband for fix (in Nightly).
Bug for t mobile, i have data in my phone
Sent from my LG-P500 using XDA App
i have flashed the cyanogenmod nightly after flashing i am not get network connection and my lg p500 shows unknown baseband. so please anybody have any idea to fix this problem.....

Bell Official ICS on AT&T I717

I have a AT&T I717, but don't like the AT&T ICS since I cannot use tethering with Bell network. I am not sure if there is any chance to install Bell official ICS on it. I tried Kies on download mode, but if I input my sn and model number SGH-I717M, it always pops up an error message. I am not sure if the OTA works. Do you guys have similar experiences? Thanks.
shaodx said:
I have a AT&T I717, but don't like the AT&T ICS since I cannot use tethering with Bell network. I am not sure if there is any chance to install Bell official ICS on it. I tried Kies on download mode, but if I input my sn and model number SGH-I717M, it always pops up an error message. I am not sure if the OTA works. Do you guys have similar experiences? Thanks.
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If you have a AT&T i717 chances are you will not get office Bell ICS. There are a few way of getting tethering to work, BTW.
1) Flash official AT&T ICS, use tethering app like FoxFi
2) Flash official AT&T ICS, root it, use hacks such as Ultracfg trick
3) obviously, flash custom ROMs
4) Wait until devs use Canadian ROMs as base*
* P.S. Not seeing that happen soon though since folks already on LF5 or LF6 but Canadian ROMs (at least for Bell) is only on LF4.
You can use TELUS Stock ICS;
There is NO carrier bloat at all on TELUS ICS.
Much appreciated, guys. I will try the Telus ROM first.
After using odlin to flash boot and system, system halts on Telus LTE page.
No idea if it's caused by AT&T modem because I did not flash it yet.
Anyway, go back to AT&T official ROM and use FoxFi now.

[Q] Cant register on network after installing Touchwiz v10

searched the forums but cant find anything specific to my problem which is:
Starting from fresh stock 2.3.6. gingerbread ROM (with no network problems), I installed Touchwiz_Res_V10 from link:
Although every aspect of this ROM works fine there is one problem- my S5830i cant get registered onto my UK network. It sees my network provider (EE) and a bunch of others, but if i manually try and join the EE network (because it doesnt auto join ANY networks) it says I am not allowed/authorised to join the EE network.
If i revert back to the stock 2.3.6 it finds my EE network and joins it automatically without me having to specifiy it, easy as pie.
The IMEI is fine. Baseband is quoted as S5830iXXLA2 on both installs
Are there any known problems with the V10 that interferes with network connectivity that anyone is aware of.
Anyone know how to fix?
many thx
[email protected] said:
searched the forums but cant find anything specific to my problem which is:
Starting from fresh stock 2.3.6. gingerbread ROM (with no network problems), I installed Touchwiz_Res_V10 from link:
Although every aspect of this ROM works fine there is one problem- my S5830i cant get registered onto my UK network. It sees my network provider (EE) and a bunch of others, but if i manually try and join the EE network (because it doesnt auto join ANY networks) it says I am not allowed/authorised to join the EE network.
If i revert back to the stock 2.3.6 it finds my EE network and joins it automatically without me having to specifiy it, easy as pie.
The IMEI is fine. Baseband is quoted as S5830iXXLA2 on both installs
Are there any known problems with the V10 that interferes with network connectivity that anyone is aware of.
Anyone know how to fix?
many thx
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try to flash a custom will slove the problem
thanks Hesham
Can you recommend any specific kernels which would work nicely with the Touchwiz V10?
You can try this kernel.
This ROM is under GPL, kernel source code can be found here(
great thx

Calls not working through Simple Mobile / T-Mobile network

I'm at my wit's end on this. Calls stopped working the other day due to 3G disablement as far as I can tell. AT&T model unlocked and using with Simple Mobile on T-Mobile network. Calls would just say "Calling" for a long time and then eventually disconnect. I could switch to GSM and make calls again, but slow data. Simple told me to get a new SIM and when trying to activate, it shows ineligible IMEI due to no Volte it seems.
I'm trying to get that fixed, but running into various issues.
I tried to crossflash (
I flashed G850QM30c_00_NAO_US_OP_0224.kdz but it didn't ask me to change the model, so it still shows LM-G850UM software G850UM30c. IMEI is the same.
Since this didn't get calls back or Volte, I tried updating the MBN (
Data shows 4G. Calls don't even try to connect.
I don't know what to do next and don't have much time to try to figure it out. I like the G8X, so I'm hoping there's a way to save it.
Any thoughts from the experts?
Brando81 said:
I'm at my wit's end on this. Calls stopped working the other day due to 3G disablement as far as I can tell. AT&T model unlocked and using with Simple Mobile on T-Mobile network. Calls would just say "Calling" for a long time and then eventually disconnect. I could switch to GSM and make calls again, but slow data. Simple told me to get a new SIM and when trying to activate, it shows ineligible IMEI due to no Volte it seems.
I'm trying to get that fixed, but running into various issues.
I tried to crossflash (
I flashed G850QM30c_00_NAO_US_OP_0224.kdz but it didn't ask me to change the model, so it still shows LM-G850UM software G850UM30c. IMEI is the same.
Since this didn't get calls back or Volte, I tried updating the MBN (
Data shows 4G. Calls don't even try to connect.
I don't know what to do next and don't have much time to try to figure it out. I like the G8X, so I'm hoping there's a way to save it.
Any thoughts from the experts?
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Make a back up,and cross flash it with T-Mobile firmware.Problem solved.
Thanks Surge!
I crossflashed to general firmware. Where's the best place for the TMobile firmware? Just off their website? Will that lock the phone again, or will I still be able to use the Simple Mobile Service?
Brando81 said:
Thanks Surge!
I crossflashed to general firmware. Where's the best place for the TMobile firmware? Just off their website? Will that lock the phone again, or will I still be able to use the Simple Mobile Service?
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It shouldn't lock the device if it's already unlocked.You can also use G8 firmware as well.(same device)Look here,this should get you the firmware you need.
Models -
Free archive of LG firmwares. Comparison of features and reviews of all mobile devices. Quick download of updates for your device.
Thanks again, Surge.
That's where I got my KDZ before. I used the one here: and used the 3/24/22 version for Android 11. When I flashed it with LG UP, it didn't ask me to change models, which I'm not sure if that's why it didn't trigger it to start working again.
Brando81 said:
Thanks again, Surge.
That's where I got my KDZ before. I used the one here: and used the 3/24/22 version for Android 11. When I flashed it with LG UP, it didn't ask me to change models, which I'm not sure if that's why it didn't trigger it to start working again.
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Most are using the international firmware for the G8 and G8x models.Which is what the qm firmware is.If you're carrier is T-Mobile or any T-Mobile MVNO,I would solely use T-Mobile firmware.My G8x is AT&T branded and factory unlocked,and I tried using Tmobile service about 2 months ago and was having issues sending text messages.I could place and receive calls and get text but couldn't send them period.
Yeah, so my G8X is AT&T unlocked. AT&T didn't activate VOLTE on this model, so when T-Mobile shut down their 3G network, Simple Mobile calls won't work and the current IMEI shows it's not eligible (because of the model.) At least that's my understanding so far.
So for the G8, is this the firmware I should crossflash? or I could try the QM which may or may not work. Is that correct? Basically going to the 820 firmwares instead of the 850?
Brando81 said:
Yeah, so my G8X is AT&T unlocked. AT&T didn't activate VOLTE on this model, so when T-Mobile shut down their 3G network, Simple Mobile calls won't work and the current IMEI shows it's not eligible (because of the model.) At least that's my understanding so far.
So for the G8, is this the firmware I should crossflash? or I could try the QM which may or may not work. Is that correct? Basically going to the 820 firmwares instead of the 850?
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I would go with the T-Mobile firmware since you're on their network.It wouldn't make a difference with VoLTE enabled with an AT&T sim.Once you pull the sim,and swap it it defaults back and turns the IMS settings off until it receives the configuration from their servers.Yes,820 firmware.It at least has the higher android builds,and better security patches.Once you put T-Mobile firmware on the device it should all work regardless of IMEI.
Edit:Make a back-up.Don't forget to do that first!
OK've been helpful and seem to know what you're doing. What did I mess up?
I followed the cross flash instructions. I flashed the 820QM firmware first, and System loaded but the touchscreen wouldn't respond. I could only use the hard phone buttons. Decided to go to what you recommended with 820TM and it wouldn't boot at all - black screen - but I could still get to QFIL and LGUP.
I reflashed 850QM and touchscreen works again and I'm back to where I started.
When I flashed 820s, It did ask me if I wanted to change model numbers this time and I said Yes. And it asked it said it was changing some partitions on the 820 loads.
I may have been working on this too late. I appreciate your help so far.
Brando81 said:
OK've been helpful and seem to know what you're doing. What did I mess up?
I followed the cross flash instructions. I flashed the 820QM firmware first, and System loaded but the touchscreen wouldn't respond. I could only use the hard phone buttons. Decided to go to what you recommended with 820TM and it wouldn't boot at all - black screen - but I could still get to QFIL and LGUP.
I reflashed 850QM and touchscreen works again and I'm back to where I started.
When I flashed 820s, It did ask me if I wanted to change model numbers this time and I said Yes. And it asked it said it was changing some partitions on the 820 loads.
I may have been working on this too late. I appreciate your help so far.
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I think someone else encountered this once before,and it was caused by certain manufacturering dates of the device.Some models can use 820 firmware,and some can only use 850.Looks as if yours is kind of stuck with 850 firmware only.I think the AT&T version I have I could go either way it worked with no problems.I still have my G8x but never really used it.I bought it because it came with the dual screen attachement,and $125 I took it.Here's my Sprint copy if you want to give it a try.It's a LUNS copy minus LUNS 5 for IMEI information etc.I was in the same boat as you on certain features not working with AT&T at one point myself and had to crossflash the Sprint version of the device.With that being said,try this one from LG Fans first.If that doesn't work,try my LUNS Sprint copy and let me know which ones works the best.
LG G850UM | LG G8X ThinQ | Version: G850UM30a_00_0901 | Firmware for Region: CAN from -
LG G850UM Download the latest version of firmware | OS Version: Android 11 R | Firmware version: G850UM30a_00_0901 | CAN - Fan club LG-firmwares
Sprint LG G8x Last Update - Google Drive
So interesting news....I obviously didn't try making calls last night at 2AM, but apparently reflashing with the same exact 850QM software I used before seems to have fixed the issue. Maybe changing the model to 820 and then changing back to 850? Who knows? That's like the 3rd thing that happened with this process that I have no idea why it started working differently, but hey I'm happy and back up and rolling.
Thanks for all of your help, Surge! I was truly at wits end, and had already ordered a new phone, even though I'm happy with the G8X overall. Now I can return that and keep rolling with the G8X.
Thanks again, you were a huge help and its much appreciated!
Brando81 said:
So interesting news....I obviously didn't try making calls last night at 2AM, but apparently reflashing with the same exact 850QM software I used before seems to have fixed the issue. Maybe changing the model to 820 and then changing back to 850? Who knows? That's like the 3rd thing that happened with this process that I have no idea why it started working differently, but hey I'm happy and back up and rolling.
Thanks for all of your help, Surge! I was truly at wits end, and had already ordered a new phone, even though I'm happy with the G8X overall. Now I can return that and keep rolling with the G8X.
Thanks again, you were a huge help and its much appreciated!
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Glad you got it working!I run in to a same similar issue with a Note 8 I have,and it being an international unlocked AT&T phone.No calls would work period,and swapped firmware over and over and finally started to give up and flashed the stock firmware back and it worked.It's something that hangs in Android with the changed IMS settings that are sent to the device.It's all odd at the moment with carriers,but nothing surprises me
"G850QM30c_00_NAO_US_OP_0224.kdz" Is a BPT kdz and is not truly open even though it says, "NAO US OP".
I got the phone working by using "G850QM30b_00_NAO_US_OP_0902.kdz", the "real" open kdz. Everything worked fine after that.
BereiBlue said:
"G850QM30c_00_NAO_US_OP_0224.kdz" Is a BPT kdz and is not truly open even though it says, "NAO US OP".
I got the phone working by using "G850QM30b_00_NAO_US_OP_0902.kdz", the "real" open kdz. Everything worked fine after that.
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Can someone please explain to me the different versions of the firmware
BPT and CCT and USA
are they really different
there is also the 40A now which is android 12?
most of these firmwares are are 4GB in size, the newer KDZ are just 1GB
My ATT G8X just got the update to G850QM40A which is android 12
how is android 12? do the firehose , root and bootloader unlock apply
doctorman said:
Can someone please explain to me the different versions of the firmware
BPT and CCT and USA
are they really different
there is also the 40A now which is android 12?
most of these firmwares are are 4GB in size, the newer KDZ are just 1GB
My ATT G8X just got the update to G850QM40A which is android 12
how is android 12? do the firehose , root and bootloader unlock apply
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Yes,the firehose will always work regardless of the Android version.Also from what I have read,yes the same procedures work for A12 for root and unlocking the bootloader.As always,backup your firmware before rooting and attempting to unlock the bootloader just in case something goes wrong!
Surgemanxx said:
Yes,the firehose will always work regardless of the Android version.Also from what I have read,yes the same procedures work for A12 for root and unlocking the bootloader.As always,backup your firmware before rooting and attempting to unlock the bootloader just in case something goes wrong!
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Do you think there is any point to crossflash
USA G850QM40b_00_NAO_US_OP_0805.kdz
on ATT G8X to be used on Tmobile network? I can do the VOLTE patch after rooting it . is it worth the headache?
doctorman said:
Do you think there is any point to crossflash
USA G850QM40b_00_NAO_US_OP_0805.kdz
on ATT G8X to be used on Tmobile network? I can do the VOLTE patch after rooting it . is it worth the headache?
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QM versions are international unlocked versions of the firmware.My branded AT&T G8x had issues sending text messages with T-Mobile service I do remember.I crossflahed my variant with the QM version and it worked flawless after that.But,I do have a full backup copy of the AT&T firmware if I ever decide to put it back.
Surgemanxx said:
QM versions are international unlocked versions of the firmware.My branded AT&T G8x had issues sending text messages with T-Mobile service I do remember.I crossflahed my variant with the QM version and it worked flawless after that.But,I do have a full backup copy of the AT&T firmware if I ever decide to put it back.
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May I ask how did you back it up?
also if I have androind 11 ATT can I crossflash to android 12? that should not be an issue right?
the partitioning is not changed in the update?

