Photon Subsidy Unlock? - Motorola Photon 4G

Are we able to use with prepaid cards or tmobile and what not?

nope. US towers are blocked from being used by the photon. Only international sim.

tuxytuxy said:
nope. US towers are blocked from being used by the photon. Only international sim.
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Can this be true?? How can we then roam from tower to tower??
I know my Epic was able to be used with boost mobile, virgin, etc. I wonder why the Photon is not? Hmm..worth looking into I guess.

Out of curiosity, how probable is a usa gsm unlock, I would gladly switch from atrix to photon.

shanghei said:
Out of curiosity, how probable is a usa gsm unlock, I would gladly switch from atrix to photon.
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i agree with this

The USA GSM towers are blocked from being used by the photon. And other CDMA towers are used for roaming.

I'm sure one of the genius devs will make something happen?
ill definitely pay/donate to that mod

Damn if a developer could hack it and make it possible they could make a killing.
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would it work on tmobile 3g/4g bands then

laraiza said:
Damn if a developer could hack it and make it possible they could make a killing.
Sent from my MB855 using XDA App
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If that happens, I will have multiple assgasms.


3VO on Reliance network?

I know most of us here use the 3VO on Sprint and some on Metro PCS and Cricket. I am going to be traveling to India for a bit and I was wondering if I could flash the 3vo to a local mobile network in India and not have to pay Sprints $2.79 talking fee.
I've googled a bit and found that people have activated their phones on Reliance CDMA but they do not say how they have done it.
So does any one know how to flash to Reliance CDMA ?
what's a 3vo? is that like a car?
Idk doesn't sound like an easy task, do they have gsm over there? Probably be easier that way
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DarkManX4lf said:
I know most of us here use the 3VO on Sprint and some on Metro PCS and Cricket. I am going to be traveling to India for a bit and I was wondering if I could flash the 3vo to a local mobile network in India and not have to pay Sprints $2.79 talking fee.
I've googled a bit and found that people have activated their phones on Reliance CDMA but they do not say how they have done it.
So does any one know how to flash to Reliance CDMA ?
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You do realize that once flashed to another network won't be able to flash back to Sprint due to their policies.
Sent from my HTC Hero making C.R.E.A.M.
dastin1015 said:
You do realize that once flashed to another network won't be able to flash back to Sprint due to their policies.
Sent from my HTC Hero making C.R.E.A.M.
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Ah, I did not know that.
I guess ots probably easier to buy a cheapo phone when I get there.
NewZJ said:
what's a 3vo? is that like a car?
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Yeah its a pretty nice car too.

Motorola Electrify

How different is the Electrify from the Photon? Is it a world phone as well. Does it have the WCDMA band 2100? Would i be able to use it for GSM and 3G in India?
slightee said:
How different is the Electrify from the Photon? Is it a world phone as well. Does it have the WCDMA band 2100? Would i be able to use it for GSM and 3G in India?
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as far as i know electrify is cdma only, it doesn't support gsm networks
Actually it does have gsm
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Yup only difference in the photon is the wimax radio. Photon comes with sprint sim, electrify doesn't have anything preinstalled. For giggles I took my sprint sim and put it in my brothers electrify, sadly it didn't really do anything other than pop up a 'sim inserted' notification.
Sent from my MB855 using xda premium
From my understanding if you got a sim card from a carrier in India and put it in the phone it will work. Other than a few carrier specific things they are pretty much the same phone.
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Kcarpenter said:
Yup only difference in the photon is the wimax radio. Photon comes with sprint sim, electrify doesn't have anything preinstalled. For giggles I took my sprint sim and put it in my brothers electrify, sadly it didn't really do anything other than pop up a 'sim inserted' notification.
Sent from my MB855 using xda premium
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So basically, its an inferior version of the Photon. Wonder why anyone would buy it? Is it substantially cheaper?
MultiDev said:
So basically, its an inferior version of the Photon. Wonder why anyone would buy it? Is it substantially cheaper?
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Its not that it's inferior. US cellular doesn't use sim cards in any of their phones son there is no need for one. Sprint uses sim cards and therefore the photon has to have one to work on their network. Put one in the electrify and activate it and it will work. Not sure of how to activate it though. Other than that and the radio differences their the same phone spec for spec.
Sent from my Motorola Electrify using Tapatalk
From the android central review I think the led actually works right and some other bit of software actually works right.
And sprint does not use sim cards in the us.
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bfd1513 said:
Its not that it's inferior. US cellular doesn't use sim cards in any of their phones son there is no need for one. Sprint uses sim cards and therefore the photon has to have one to work on their network. Put one in the electrify and activate it and it will work. Not sure of how to activate it though. Other than that and the radio differences their the same phone spec for spec.
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Sprint doesn't use SIM cards, they have SIM cards to make international roaming easier. Its a roaming agreement with another carrier so you don't have to buy a card in the country you visit and the international data and voice is just billed straight to your regular bill. Only issue with this is price, its much cheaper to buy a prepay plan where ever you go than use sprints roaming agreements. US cellular sees this fact a chooses to not offer international roaming, only offer a phone that makes it possible.
Like I said the only difference is in the wimax radio, which is useless even in 95% of the US.
Sent from my MB855 using xda premium
Verizon and Sprint don't use simcard. Just take a evo or epic touch and you will see no simcard slot. But some phones have a simcard slot for European traveling. Att t mobile use simcards only.
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bfd1513 said:
Its not that it's inferior. US cellular doesn't use sim cards in any of their phones son there is no need for one. Sprint uses sim cards and therefore the photon has to have one to work on their network. Put one in the electrify and activate it and it will work. Not sure of how to activate it though. Other than that and the radio differences their the same phone spec for spec.
Sent from my Motorola Electrify using Tapatalk
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Sounds to me like its still inferior. I understand the SIM card is only included for convience.
But the Electrify still lacks Wimax supports making it an inferior phone. Why buy an inferior phone? Is there a big price difference?
Have bought one from ebay. Price is cheaper by about $40 to the Photon. Planning to use the phone on GSM, so lack of Wimax does not worry me.They support the WCDMA band 2100, which is the 3G band for all GSM carriers in India. 4G will take an eternity to come to India Does anyone use the Electrify on GSM over here? Does it take a long time to boot like the Photon? If so, is there a work around like for the Photon?
Thanks . . Planning to buy it in India.
Dame pbone just no 4 g and a silver metalic edging
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Isn't wimax obsolete anyway? Everyone supporting it dumped it and left sprint at the alter. Only a few cities got duped into building networks. My son bought a 3D a few months ago and is upset that he has no hope for any high speed support beyond 3g/ 4g or wifi in less then 5% of US, and that percentage should be shrinking not growing. Its like saying a bluray player is inferior to dual HD DVD/bluray player.
so from what im reading if i understand right even if you live in an area that has 4g for sprint with the electrify you cant use it? so the motorola photon 4g mb855 doesnt connect to 4g? or doesnt connect to sprint carrier?
spleef said:
so from what im reading if i understand right even if you live in an area that has 4g for sprint with the electrify you cant use it? so the motorola photon 4g mb855 doesnt connect to 4g? or doesnt connect to sprint carrier?
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The Electrify doesn't have a WiMax radio. It has no way to connect to any 4g signal at all. You can be saturated in 4g signal, but it wont make its 3g any faster.
The Photon is only capable of connecting to Sprint/ClearaWire WiMax 4G. No ATT or VZW LTE 4G.
Sent from my MB855 using xda premium
it'd be nice after US Cellular gets 4g we can get the 4g radio put in...b/c I know theres a space for it.
IBMguy said:
it'd be nice after US Cellular gets 4g we can get the 4g radio put in...b/c I know theres a space for it.
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US Cellular starts to roll out 4G early next year, By the time it gets to all USCC Markets the Electrify will be old tech and no-one will want it by then....
Oh I agree with you, uscc is usually slow like that.
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Anyone using Atrix 4G unlocked on T-Mobile?

Is anyone here using their Atrix 4G unlocked on T-Mobile or anyone other carrier which is not AT&T?
I unlocked it with a tmob sim last night. Noticed I did not get bars with it though
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im using mines and works great
I have used mine with three different carriers and no problems (US, UK, SP).
I use Simple Mobile. Does anyone know of another carrier in the U.S that could provide 4g speeds with AT&T bands?
I just gave away my spare atrix to my wife's friend. She's on T-Mobile and hasn't had any problems yet. I did warn her she's on 2g forever and ever.
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Yea I use T-Mobile... I got more bars with the Atrix than I got with my last T-Mobile phone lmao... I use prepaid so 2g-4g doesn't affect me...
how can I get it to run 4G on T-mobile?
raa320 said:
im using mines and works great
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Mine it's running slow internet..... can you help me verifying the settings?
lomelir said:
Mine it's running slow internet..... can you help me verifying the settings?
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It will always be slow since its on 2g, nothing you can do.
Why aren't there laws that make it so cell phones are all interchangeable? Something like consumer freedom so you can buy any phone you want and use it on the carrier of your choice.
Use straight talk. Hspa compatible.
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uisgdlyast said:
It will always be slow since its on 2g, nothing you can do.
Why aren't there laws that make it so cell phones are all interchangeable? Something like consumer freedom so you can buy any phone you want and use it on the carrier of your choice.
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Actually, T-Mobile has said they're going to start adopting AT&T's 3G bands with the hope that Apple will let them sell subsidized iPhones. So depending on where you live, you may get 3G on the Atrix. I agree though, more interoperability is needed. This GSM/CDMA split we have is ridiculous.
I'm not using T-Mobile right now, but in a year (when my contract expires) I'm switching to one of their value plans and will unlocking my Atrix to use with them if I'm still happy with it. Given that so far the only spec I see improving on newer phones is the screen resolution, I think it'll still be plenty usable when that happens.
how do you unlock the atrix 4g to work with tmo
harv65 said:
how do you unlock the atrix 4g to work with tmo
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SIM unlock?
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[Q] Is Photon 4G CDMA or GSM?

Hi, id like to know if the Photon 4G is CDMA or GSM with a Sim Card Slot? because im about to buy one from amazon and id like to know if it is one or both and how to recognize which one is it
It is both, it uses the sim for GSM and uses CDMA without the sim. You cant use a domestic sim for GSM, for now atleast.
w0lf215 said:
It is both, it uses the sim for GSM and uses CDMA without the sim. You cant use a domestic sim for GSM, for now atleast.
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what do you mean by i cant use domestic sim?
mediavieja said:
what do you mean by i cant use domestic sim?
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Meaning you can't take a sim card from AT&T or another GSM provider within the US and plug it into Photon and expect it to work. Its locked out for GSM in the US. It works internationally though.
The 4g is Wimax !!!
guilzom said:
The 4g is Wimax !!!
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LOL I totally had that typed out ready to post before I reread and saw that he meant the phone and not specifically the 4g. Unless I just misinterpreted that completely lol, which would make it the second time
w0lf215 said:
Meaning you can't take a sim card from AT&T or another GSM provider within the US and plug it into Photon and expect it to work. Its locked out for GSM in the US. It works internationally though.
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Well that is good news for me then because im not planing to use it in the us im planing to use it in venezuela with a sim card
I am using mine in Sweden on a prepayed sim it works great you might want to try a app called apn global it set up my net for me.
Sent from my MB855 using XDA App
mrbeatz said:
I am using mine in Sweden on a prepayed sim it works great you might want to try a app called apn global it set up my net for me.
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I'm using my Photon here in Turkey, and using the APN helps.
coolqf said:
I'm using my Photon here in Turkey, and using the APN helps.
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I have just bought an unlocked Sprint unit from ebay, hoping to use the GSM slot for my primary pre-paid line in Nigeria, and the CDMA slot for one of the CDMA providers in Nigeria as well. I plan to take the unit to be programmed into a CDMA network in Nigeria; that will cost me about US$50. Meanwhile, I successfully rooted and flashed ParanoidROM JB, but I saw that it showed no GSM signal at all with the JB ROM, so I restored the original GB 2.3.5 Nandroid backup. There seems to be very little documentation on how the dual system works. Will I be able to use both the CDMA and GSM together, in a dual-standby fashion, in Nigeria?
I flashed the KDDI radio and cm10 and have used my MoPho on T-Mobile.
Don't forget to thank all who help!
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Could you use the photon on Verizon?
ordoxenoss said:
Could you use the photon on Verizon?
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ordoxenoss said:
Could you use the photon on Verizon?
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Big Red won't activate it unless they sold it.

Verizon One Max on Sprint?

Unlocked Verizon one max on sprint network with a simple sim swap?
bschmidy10 said:
Unlocked Verizon one max on sprint network with a simple sim swap?
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They're both CDMA carriers and need to be provisioned so probably not.
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It works fine on t mobile.... Does that change anything?
bschmidy10 said:
It works fine on t mobile.... Does that change anything?
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T-Mobile and att are gsm carriers phone may work on both depending on frequencies.
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But sprint is a no go? (thank for the help guys) I know t-mobile and att are similar and Verizon and sprint are similar, but I don't understand the provisioning thing very much... I thought that was an old thing they did before it was all done thru sim cards, as I understand it now, Verizon, t mobile, and at&t assuming the phone is unlocked and has the correct frequencies available, should all be interchangeable? But sprint can't work unless the phone is a sprint exclusive due to provisioning?
bschmidy10 said:
But sprint is a no go? (thank for the help guys) I know t-mobile and att are similar and Verizon and sprint are similar, but I don't understand the provisioning thing very much... I thought that was an old thing they did before it was all done thru sim cards, as I understand it now, Verizon, t mobile, and at&t assuming the phone is unlocked and has the correct frequencies available, should all be interchangeable? But sprint can't work unless the phone is a sprint exclusive due to provisioning?
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Both still run on CDMA lte is for data and some voice only. CDMA I believe is still used for activation. They need to provision or "okay" phones to be used on their network.
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sprint vs verizon
may be a little noob question but how can i check if i have verizon or sprint version of one max?
thanks for reply in advance
What service are you on? That would be the best way
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