Iphone like screen rotation transition - XPERIA X10 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Anybody please port a screen rotation animation of iphone to xperia x10


[Q] Droid x/x2/3 rotation animation?

is there any way to port this over to our vibrants? id love an animated transition between orientations!
here's a video:
Rotation around 3:40

request for screen rotation transition

I want to request the developers that please add the screen rotation from portrait to landscape and vice-versa. like Iphone in the roms.
Iphone has great transition effect while rotating the screen
Also, android app, floating image, has this transition effects. anybody please add this effect.

MIUI Cascading Screen Animation

wondering if its possible to port the "cascading" screen transition animation from miui to work with golauncher..?

[REQ] CRT screen off animation for x10mini 2.1

I love CRT Screen off animation on Gingerbread.
Is there anybody to make CRT screen off animation for x10mini 2.1Eclair?
I'm considering rom up because of this.(I don't wanna do this x()
Please somebody make crt animation with my attatched frameworks
Me too love that.
Please somebody help us to get this in 2.1

[REQ] Horizontal Stock Lockscreen

Can anyone find any way or method to enable rotation on lockscreen on Live With Walkman... I love the horizontal lockscreen on mini pro, when keyboard is open...

