failed to boot 4 starting rsd mode? - Atrix 4G Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I followed the instructions on this xda thread [] to get 2.3.4, but instead seem to have a rather expensive paper weight. after Terminal had done its work, and rebooted the Atrix, i get the message "failed to boot 4. starting rsd mode." i cant boot into fastboot to do a hard reset, what are the next steps to hopefully bring it back to life? thanks

ishamm said:
I followed the instructions on this xda thread [] to get 2.3.4, but instead seem to have a rather expensive paper weight. after Terminal had done its work, and rebooted the Atrix, i get the message "failed to boot 4. starting rsd mode." i cant boot into fastboot to do a hard reset, what are the next steps to hopefully bring it back to life? thanks
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flash the .sbf that corresponds with your device in this thread here to go back to stock, and start over:
or you can just reflash the pudding files, find the newest ones here:

thanks alcapone, you seem to be saving me from my noobish fails a fair ammount today XD
how might i go about flashing the sbf though, if i cant get into fastboot mode, on a mac? also i dont have an sd card installed yet if it makes a difference

ishamm said:
thanks alcapone, you seem to be saving me from my noobish fails a fair ammount today XD
how might i go about flashing the sbf though, if i cant get into fastboot mode, on a mac? also i dont have an sd card installed yet if it makes a difference
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since you're on a mac, use the program sbf_flash that can be found here:

to make things easier (i hope) im downloading a windows emulator to use RSD Lite, as suggested on the site you linked with the original sbf on. im sorry to be dumb, but can you post/link specific instructions on what steps to take once i have this installed, as you can probably tell this is my first experience with android do i need to somehow get out of rsd mode, or is that how rsd lite is able to access it? thanks again

ishamm said:
to make things easier (i hope) im downloading a windows emulator to use RSD Lite, as suggested on the site you linked with the original sbf on. im sorry to be dumb, but can you post/link specific instructions on what steps to take once i have this installed, as you can probably tell this is my first experience with android do i need to somehow get out of rsd mode, or is that how rsd lite is able to access it? thanks again
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you have to be in RSD mode for RSD lite to be able to detect your device, and to flash any .sbf
as long as you flash the right .sbf, unlocking is as easy as two quick fastboot commands. after you get past this, you get past the most complicated parts of customizing your Atrix.

sounds worryingly simple
also, is it correct that the original sbf should be around 650mb?? that seems enormous compared to the roms etc, and worse, will take hours to download on this holiday home internet before i embark on this, is that the right thing i'm looking at? or better can i flash straight to alien, which i already have downloaded? thanks

ishamm said:
sounds worryingly simple
also, is it correct that the original sbf should be around 650mb?? that seems enormous compared to the roms etc, and worse, will take hours to download on this holiday home internet before i embark on this, is that the right thing i'm looking at? or better can i flash straight to alien, which i already have downloaded? thanks
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yes, .sbf files are a lot larger than ROMs. they include webtop, bootloader, and a few other things that increase the file size. you can't just flash alien without unlocking the bootloader either.

is reflashing the pudding files a smaller download option? or does it lead to downloading the same equivalent ammount?
i am having no luck getting any windows emulators to run, if i install linux can i run RSD from there?

are there any other RSD work arounds, without having the actual RSD application on windows? i dont have any access to windows cds to install VMWare or similar, and cant find any other way to do it on linux. I cant boot the phone into fastboot either to do a hard reset, is there another way to do that? thanks
*EDIT* for example can i use a terminal code like this "
chmod +x moto-fastboot-osx64
./moto-fastboot-osx64 flash boot XXXXXX.boot.img (work out what Tegra part you need to flash and change the XXXXXX to that!)
./moto-fastboot-osx64 flash system ORFR234-system.img
./moto-fastboot-osx64 flash webtop webtop.img
./moto-fastboot-osx64 reboot"
but change the img to the original atrix tmobile sbf?


Failed to boot 4 Solution Needed

So i've been searching for a solution for the past four days for this
"Failed to boot 4" error
I'd like an explanation or help, please don't post links from other XDA posts because they were dead ends.
Here is a video of whats happening, you'll see that I can not boot into fastboot or anything either but RSD.
I think i may of found something but if you have other solutions, do share them!
Will it bring moto screen up? Can you get in fastboot? Or rsd sounds like something didn't get along with what you had installed. You may be able yo fastboot 2.3.4 and get on gingerbread I think I have soft bricked my phone 3 times
Atrix - gingerbread 2.3.4 rooted with XDA premium application.
1. This does not boot to the Moto bootup screen
2. When I start up the Atrix, I can't get into the Fastboot or options for that matter. Its just RSD. I've attached a youtube video of my phone. Please check it out.
Had the same problem today. I was following the instruction to get GB on my phone when it happened. With your post I was able to flash back to 1.5.7 and now have GB on my phone. Thanks!
Well if you can get into rsd then flash rsd UNLESS you have the STOCK OTA gingerbread but if you had 1.8.3 ort 1.5.7 or 1.2.6 you can reflash 1.2.6 to fix it.
Why this happen? not really sure never had that code.
Xenocyde said:
Well if you can get into rsd then flash rsd UNLESS you have the STOCK OTA gingerbread
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And if you have stock OTA GB? Then what? As I understand it you still flash with rsdlite only difference is you use the 2.3.4-4.5.91 sbf.
I am at this very cross road now. I tried to flash the webtop V1 and it bricked my phone. I did not realize there was a V2 link at XDA within broke URL tags. I glossed over it I guess. Now I'm left with a brick again. I saved myself from a brick trying to get webtop last night, but this time I don't think it's possible. Something with that Webtop V1 is no good. Without looking through each line of the *.sh files I'm unable to say what they broke. I'm interested in doing the V2 though because preGB I really did use the webtop over HDMI a lot. Now I don't have it and the process to get it has become super complicated by way of way too much "noise". Threads where there is decent information are muddied up by poor English and difficult to understand instructions. Perfect example from the webtop hack thread for 4.5.91:
Have one of the supported build and functional webtop flashed
Be rooted
Be able to work with adb"
The first line is really confusing. The root and adb knowledge makes sense. But what the hell does the first line really mean? Supported build and functional webtop flashed?? How frustrating. How about listing the supported builds, then explaining in detail how you go about getting a "function webtop flashed". Because as far as I knew I was in the thread to get a functional webtop flashed. I feel like I'm kicking myself in my own ass.
another thing...
It would also be nice if they removed software like the Webtop V1 where it can brick your phone and fixed the link to V2 if that one even works.
Trying factory data reset............
I figured out that v1 was failing to remove or rename the odex files. Once I manually renamed them, webtop mod over hdmi worked.
Sent from my MB860 using Tapatalk

[Q] Telstra Atrix Mac OSX aRoot question Australia

I have been reading the thread (DesignGear's aRoot script, edited to run on Mac OS X)
My phone is connecting fine in USB debugging mode. The script runs but it doesn't seem to be working quite right. There are many files failing to copy.
Here is what I get when I run the script...
Getting temporary root access...
861 KB/s (585731 bytes in 0.664s)
Mounting /system as read/write ...
Cleaning up onclickroot mess ...
Rooting your device ...
failed to copy '/Volumes/Documents/Android/aRootMac_fix/bin/su' to '/system/bin/su': Read-only file system
Installing Superuser app ...
878 KB/s (196521 bytes in 0.218s)
Installing sqlite3 ...
failed to copy '/Volumes/Documents/Android/aRootMac_fix/bin/sqlite3' to '/system/bin/sqlite3': Read-only file system
Enabling sideloading ...
Enabling tethering ...
Enabling init.d support ...
failed to copy '/Volumes/Documents/Android/aRootMac_fix/bin/' to '/system/etc/': Read-only file system
failed to copy '/Volumes/Documents/Android/aRootMac_fix/bin/00remount' to '/system/etc/init.d/00remount': No such file or directory
Rebooting ...
Press any key to continue...
Then it reboots.
Superuser is installed, but I don't know if the process is successful or not. I'm also not sure what to do next.
This is my first post here and my first attempt at rooting, though its my third android device.
Thanks for your help in advance.
Depending on the software version of your Atrix.... aRoot doesn't work anymore.
(The part that is likely to be failing is psneuter, which was fixed by motorola a few software revisions ago)
You can check by opening SuperUser.apk and click on 'check su version' and if it fails, you don't really have root.
I too, am an OS X user.
As far as I know there is no way that actually works to flash your phone from OS X.
And I don't think there is any way to root anymore without flashing. (somebody can correct me if I am wrong)
I installed windows XP on a boot camp partition and installed RSDLite and moto-fastboot and unlocked/installed alternate ROMS. is probably where you should start.
dragula53 said:
As far as I know there is no way that actually works to flash your phone from OS X.
And I don't think there is any way to root anymore without flashing. (somebody can correct me if I am wrong)
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Actually, for flashing this is not true. sbf_flash works fine.
OP, you should do a search for that. I'm on an MB Pro OS X 10.7.1. In fact, it worked where my Vista 64 bit machine + RSD lite wouldn't. I've used it several times to unlock the boot loader (IHOP_Bell.sbf). It worked flawlessly. After that, flash clockwork mod with moto-fastboot-osx64 or 32, and then you can just look for a ROM to install from cwm that is already rooted... which most of them are.
Based on the command line output, remounting the system partition for read/write failed, probably due to the "getting temporary root" step failing also. This means you don't have root because su wouldn't be copied over properly. aRoot is for 2.2.1... What version are you on?
Thank you both for you reply's.
I tried to check SU version and nothing happens, so I guess it's not rooted.
Also I checked my android version and I'm on 2.2.2 so I guess aroot's not for me.
I will try the RSD lite option next I guess..
Thanks again
Nicholox said:
Thank you both for you reply's.
I tried to check SU version and nothing happens, so I guess it's not rooted.
Also I checked my android version and I'm on 2.2.2 so I guess aroot's not for me.
I will try the RSD lite option next I guess..
Thanks again
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Really, the RSD lite option? Why would you go to all the trouble of bootcamp and Windows when you could do it all on your current OS? Even some Windows users will tell you how frustrating it is to get RSD lite working on some machines. Works great on my netbook with Win7 Starter, but my main Win Vista 64 bit wouldn't do it no matter what.
For OS X, you just need:
Use the International Pudding thread as a guide to unlocking your bootloader. Once you've done that, the subject of root is almost moot because most ROMs are already rooted, you only need to install superuser.
Yeah I guess you're right I would prefer to do it on in OSX. I do already have a windows partition setup though, but I would rather not use windows if oI don't have too. It's just that in your earlier post the process sounded more complicated compared to the RSDLite option, which I have also already read a little bit about.
I have downloaded the files, but I'm not quite sure where to go from there. From what I can gather I need to unlock the bootloader first. But what do I do with the sbf_flash?
Thanks again
Nicholox said:
Yeah I guess you're right I would prefer to do it on in OSX. I do already have a windows partition setup though, but I would rather not use windows if oI don't have too. It's just that in your earlier post the process sounded more complicated compared to the RSDLite option, which I have also already read a little bit about.
I have downloaded the files, but I'm not quite sure where to go from there. From what I can gather I need to unlock the bootloader first. But what do I do with the sbf_flash?
Thanks again
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Okay, well first of all, you need to flash the unlockable bootloader:
1. Turn off your phone, then hold the down volume button and tap the power button. The phone will start up with a cycling menu that initially says, "fastboot".
2. Press volume down several times until it says, "rsd". This is the mode you want to be in.
3. Press volume up to select this mode.
4. Open up Terminal, cd to where your files are and type:
./sbf_flash IHOP_Bell.sbf
5. Reboot your phone and hold down the volume button again. This time you want to be in "fastboot", so when it comes up, press volume up.
6. From Terminal, type:
./moto-fastboot-osx64 oem unlock
Use the 64 bit or 32 bit version of the commands depending on your system. If you're on Lion or have a pretty new computer, it'll be the 64 bit one.
It will tell you to type in that command again, but this time along with the id they've provided. Take a look at the screenshots in the Pudding thread, they basically show this step, but in a Windows command prompt. It's the same thing.
7. Reboot your phone:
./moto-fastboot-osx64 reboot
Now you can flash clockwork mod onto the recovery partition with moto-fastboot-osx also. The ORFR 2.3.4 thread has some good examples and instructions on general flashing. The gobstopper threads also have some recovery files and instructions you could use to start off. Once you've got recovery installed, you're pretty much in the clear. You can softbrick your phone, but with recovery it's easy to get back to a working state.
Good luck!
Hey thanks Maledyris, this is great. I had some trouble finding the IHOP_Bell.sbf but I have it now.
I also found the ORFR 2.34 system and webtop images, what is the difference between these and the HKTW files, which should I use?
I'm hoping that putting Gingerbread on this phone will improve my signal strength (I read this somewhere online). If it doesn't I would like the option of returning it and getting a different phone with proper reception. How much of this can be undone? should I need to?
when I unrared IHOP_Bell.rar I got intl-fix-try1.sbf
Is that right?
Sorry this is my first time and I'm totally noob and a bit nervous.
Hey one more question, I saw another post of yours from march and it said you'd gone back to 2.2.2....what are you running now??
Nicholox said:
when I unrared IHOP_Bell.rar I got intl-fix-try1.sbf
Is that right?
Sorry this is my first time and I'm totally noob and a bit nervous.
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Well, I did it weeks ago, and back then it was actually called IHOP_Bell.sbf. It's possible the poster re-uploaded with a fixed version... Did you get it from International House of Pudding thread? If you did, that's the right one.
Nicholox said:
Hey one more question, I saw another post of yours from march and it said you'd gone back to 2.2.2....what are you running now??
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Yeah, I'm currently on stock 2.2.2. I'll have time this week, so I'll probably play around with some of the newer ROMs people have been putting out. Before this, I had to go back because of stability and battery problems
Nicholox said:
Hey thanks Maledyris, this is great. I had some trouble finding the IHOP_Bell.sbf but I have it now.
I also found the ORFR 2.34 system and webtop images, what is the difference between these and the HKTW files, which should I use?
I'm hoping that putting Gingerbread on this phone will improve my signal strength (I read this somewhere online). If it doesn't I would like the option of returning it and getting a different phone with proper reception. How much of this can be undone? should I need to?
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Ah, uhh... I'm not sure about the whole undoing part for you. I'm on Bell, and Bell has packages under the gobstopper threads to go between stock 2.2.2 and the alpha 2.3.4. I don't know if anyone has made the same type of thing for Telstra? Someone who's on Telstra could look at the images that were created for the Bell 2.2.2 stock cwm recovery and do the same for Telstra. I think it would depend on your carrier whether they care if you've unlocked your boot loader and changed the firmware? I've never tried to return my phone, but I bet they don't check. You never know though.
If reception and the radio is your main concern, I would probably see if I could just flash the radio instead of trying to flash full ROMs. It would be less of a noticeable change if you did decide to return it. I don't have suggestions on that though, you'd have to do a search. I don't quite remember anymore, but I think I flashed either the Orange or Telstra radio ages ago before we had an unlocked bootloader. It was fairly quick and painless. I had done it with RSD lite and win7 before I knew sbf_flash existed.
maledyris said:
Really, the RSD lite option? Why would you go to all the trouble of bootcamp and Windows when you could do it all on your current OS? Even some Windows users will tell you how frustrating it is to get RSD lite working on some machines. Works great on my netbook with Win7 Starter, but my main Win Vista 64 bit wouldn't do it no matter what.
For OS X, you just need:
Use the International Pudding thread as a guide to unlocking your bootloader. Once you've done that, the subject of root is almost moot because most ROMs are already rooted, you only need to install superuser.
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Awesome. I wasn't aware that there were OS X versions now. I flashed very early on though, and never checked again.
And if you are looking for newer ROMs, I highly recommend Ninja ROM, which is my favorite of the bunch that still retain all of the Blur applications.
... Or CM7 pre-beta 2, which breaks the camera in most apps that use it. Pre-beta 1 ruined my battery life, but beta 2 is just fine. If you go this route and still want to use the camera, Angel Camera on the market works.
Thanks again Maledyris,
I did get it from the international house of Pudding thread so it must be the right one.
I found this thread
They are talking about the motorola defy.... do you think that 2.2.2 will work with the Atrix too?
Dragula, can you give me some links for those ROM's you're talking about? I would like to use the camera still I think!!
ok heres the latest, my Atrix has gone in for a repair. It had some serious reception issues and after a week of arguing with telstra they're going to have a go oat repairing. it. Basically it show lower signal strength than many other phone. If you're here Aus you'll know Atrix is supposed to be "blue tick" well this one certainly wasn't.
Anyway my rooting plans are on hold till I get the phone back...
any chance of those links dragula?
Are you still around Maledyris?
I got my phone back and it's no different, so I'm ready to get started. I've read through your instructions again, and tried to find an answer elsewhere in the forum, but I'm still confused about how to flash CWM recovery the bootloader is unlocked. There seems to be so many files and I'm not sure which are ok for my telstra atrix.
I saw I can download CWM from the market, is that what I need to do next? but you said flash CWM so I'm guessing not the market...
I've downloaded but I'm not sure exactly what to do with it??
Thanks again,
Hi Nicholox;
I am in he same boat as you. I am about to get my first Android Phone (looking at the Atrix) and have been doing some serious reading about bootloaders/rooting and ROMS.
How did you unlock your bootloader?
Now to answer your question on CWM. From what I have read you can download and install ROM Manager from the App Market and then use the ROM Manager to install CWM.
I am pretty sure thats right. Someone please correct me if I am wrong.
Just check out these intructions from Maledyris... I'm not sure if my phone will boot up to access the market after flashing the sbf and unlocking it. anyone know the answer to this?
maledyris said:
Okay, well first of all, you need to flash the unlockable bootloader:
1. Turn off your phone, then hold the down volume button and tap the power button. The phone will start up with a cycling menu that initially says, "fastboot".
2. Press volume down several times until it says, "rsd". This is the mode you want to be in.
3. Press volume up to select this mode.
4. Open up Terminal, cd to where your files are and type:
./sbf_flash IHOP_Bell.sbf
5. Reboot your phone and hold down the volume button again. This time you want to be in "fastboot", so when it comes up, press volume up.
6. From Terminal, type:
./moto-fastboot-osx64 oem unlock
Use the 64 bit or 32 bit version of the commands depending on your system. If you're on Lion or have a pretty new computer, it'll be the 64 bit one.
It will tell you to type in that command again, but this time along with the id they've provided. Take a look at the screenshots in the Pudding thread, they basically show this step, but in a Windows command prompt. It's the same thing.
7. Reboot your phone:
./moto-fastboot-osx64 reboot
Now you can flash clockwork mod onto the recovery partition with moto-fastboot-osx also. The ORFR 2.3.4 thread has some good examples and instructions on general flashing. The gobstopper threads also have some recovery files and instructions you could use to start off. Once you've got recovery installed, you're pretty much in the clear. You can softbrick your phone, but with recovery it's easy to get back to a working state.
Good luck!
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ok this doesn't seem to be going so well. I finally psyched myself up to unlock my atrix and i'm stumped at the first step.
Nicks-MBP:Atrix Nicholox$ ./sbf_flash int-fix-try1.sbf
-bash: ./sbf_flash: Permission denied
Why do I get a permission denied when I try to flash bell IHOP?

Did I Soft-Brick or Hard-Brick My Phone?

I’m stuck in a rut. I got a Motorola Atrix 4G (AT&T) last week and was trying to unlock it using the following instructions:
I installed RSD Lite 5.7, the Motorola Drivers, and downloaded the unlockable bootloader. I got to step 12, and then everything quickly went downhill. I got stuck on the horrid “Failed to boot 0x1000” screen, along with the list of options. I have tried booting into RSD, running RSD Lite, and loading the bootloader, but I get a “Device Interface” prompt…not exactly sure of the wording at the moment. I drained the battery last week messing with it, and had to buy a standalone charger (which I just received today).
I am not sure of the Android version/firmware version that was on the phone prior to doing this. I know, mistake #1.
My computer is recognizing the Atrix, but the RSD Lite is not able to install the unlockable bootloader (listed on the above site). I have downloaded one “Stock Restore” (I can’t seem to find the link to the thread) but this was not able to fix the problem. It recognized my device, but the Atrix wouldn’t accept any of the commands.
I am not sure of what to do, short of calling Motorola and trying to get them to help. I’m sure they would either want to replace it (charging me) or just basically tell me I’m SOL.
I wanted to try FruitCake’s recovery tool, and found the following thread, which has mirror links of some of the files:
I have no clue as to what I would use, so I haven’t even tried downloading one of them. I’m seriously at my wit’s end..I have been Googling and trying to avoid making a post about this. Any help is greatly appreciated. I am about to try the following directions:
Also probably important to note that I tried unlocking it using Fastboot, but it was "Waiting for device" for forever and did nothing. When I try to go into Recovery, it says Magic Value Mismatch.
Thanks guys.
Try! Good Luck!
maggedo said:
I was stuck on the Moto Dual Core Screen as well. I used the automatic unlock MAIN program to unlock, root and install custom recovery. When I tried to flash epinter's CM10 ROM I got boot hang at the Moto screen.
You can RSD back to stock (e.g. I found the AT&T .151 sbf file and restored my phone to working condition on 2.3.6 GB).
In the end I figured out that the recovery in the auto unlock tool (both the telfar and CWM options) was borking the CM10 flash. I ended up:
1. RSD lite AT&T .151 GB 2.3.6 sbf file
2. Unlock Bootloader with automatic unlock
3. Root and install custom recovery
4. Boot into android
5. download goo.manager from play store
6. Install open source recovery with goo.manager
7. reboot into recovery
8. Make backup of everything
9. Flash JB CM10 & GApps
Phone is up and running w/o issues. A bit of googling should find you the necessary sbf to get you on your feet again.
Good luck!
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I am trying this...but when I am in RSD Lite, it says "Failed Flashing Process: Unable to retrieve interface handle (0x7027)". It does detect my device before this, saying Port Type: USB, IMEI/ESN/MEID: NA, and Status: Connected...
Please help!
KokoATL said:
I am trying this...but when I am in RSD Lite, it says "Failed Flashing Process: Unable to retrieve interface handle (0x7027)". It does detect my device before this, saying Port Type: USB, IMEI/ESN/MEID: NA, and Status: Connected...
Please help!
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Go there and unlock your bootloader first.
Then flash the sbf above on post#2 again.
have u solve your problem?
Sent from my MB860 using xda premium
maggedo_defy said:
Go there and unlock your bootloader first.
Then flash the sbf above on post#2 again.
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He can't. Fastboot doesn't respond. Also he can't flash any SBF, everything fails.
Looks more like a hard brick to me...
Perhaps... (option number 3)
soft bricked
KokoATL said:
I’m stuck in a rut. I got a Motorola Atrix 4G (AT&T) last week and was trying to unlock it using the following instructions:
I installed RSD Lite 5.7, the Motorola Drivers, and downloaded the unlockable bootloader. I got to step 12, and then everything quickly went downhill. I got stuck on the horrid “Failed to boot 0x1000” screen, along with the list of options. I have tried booting into RSD, running RSD Lite, and loading the bootloader, but I get a “Device Interface” prompt…not exactly sure of the wording at the moment. I drained the battery last week messing with it, and had to buy a standalone charger (which I just received today).
I am not sure of the Android version/firmware version that was on the phone prior to doing this. I know, mistake #1.
My computer is recognizing the Atrix, but the RSD Lite is not able to install the unlockable bootloader (listed on the above site). I have downloaded one “Stock Restore” (I can’t seem to find the link to the thread) but this was not able to fix the problem. It recognized my device, but the Atrix wouldn’t accept any of the commands.
I am not sure of what to do, short of calling Motorola and trying to get them to help. I’m sure they would either want to replace it (charging me) or just basically tell me I’m SOL.
I wanted to try FruitCake’s recovery tool, and found the following thread, which has mirror links of some of the files:
I have no clue as to what I would use, so I haven’t even tried downloading one of them. I’m seriously at my wit’s end..I have been Googling and trying to avoid making a post about this. Any help is greatly appreciated. I am about to try the following directions:
Also probably important to note that I tried unlocking it using Fastboot, but it was "Waiting for device" for forever and did nothing. When I try to go into Recovery, it says Magic Value Mismatch.
Thanks guys.
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Did the same to mine about 5hr 's ago, but i found These SBF files ( ) found the one i was running ,booted the phone into RSD mode again and ran it in RSD Lite ,took a while about 30mins but it worked .
hope this works for you

Motorola atrix 4g stops booting at logo and flashes red light

I have a Motorola atrix 4g. The phone will not boot up. It turns on and the Motorola logo come then the red light stars blinking. after a minute or so the phone restarts and repeats the process. I tryed factory hard reset but no luck.
i fount this on the web but has no idea how to do this.
Pleas help me
thank you
It happens if there is somthing wrong when you install a rom
try to find another rom and flash it if you unlocked the bootloader
Jack Krauser said:
It happens if there is somthing wrong when you install a rom
try to find another rom and flash it if you unlocked the bootloader
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thank you for the fast replay. I have rsd installed, but where can i find this rom
Is bootloader unlocked? Says on m logo?
Sent from my MB860 using xda premium
stevendeb25 said:
Is bootloader unlocked? Says on m logo?
Sent from my MB860 using xda premium
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It is not unlocked. There is nothing on the logo. Only the m
kinggeorge3287 said:
It is not unlocked. There is nothing on the logo. Only the m
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help please
go here to download any atrix related files
visit that site, it contains everything for the atrix and the best place to get roms, tools, utilities, mods, tweaks, and so forth....
but first download the zip file below this message. I uploaded the zip file for you that has adb, fastboot & moto-fastboot(lets you install .img over 100mb), the necessary dll files & atrix recovery image & command.bat which just opens the command prompt window for you and puts you into the folder so you dont have to navigate anywhere in command prompt to located folders.
first try this, download the zip file, extract to any folder like c:\fastboot
then run the command.bat file to quickly bring up a command prompt and type these commands
fastboot -w
fastboot flash recovery recovery.img
fastboot reboot
that may solve your issue if your kernel installed properly and the boot.img file was properly written to the boot partition. If it doesn't solve your problem, go to that link above to find the kernel for whatever rom you're on, att, cm7 or cm9. Get the correct kernel thats compatible, pull out the boot.img from that zip file and also place it into your fastboot folder, then go to fastboot mode again and type "fastboot flash boot boot.img" and then fastboot reboot.
android-DEP said:
go here to download any atrix related files
visit that site, it contains everything for the atrix and the best place to get roms, tools, utilities, mods, tweaks, and so forth....
but first download the zip file below this message. I uploaded the zip file for you that has adb, fastboot & moto-fastboot(lets you install .img over 100mb), the necessary dll files & atrix recovery image & command.bat which just opens the command prompt window for you and puts you into the folder so you dont have to navigate anywhere in command prompt to located folders.
first try this, download the zip file, extract to any folder like c:\fastboot
then run the command.bat file to quickly bring up a command prompt and type these commands
fastboot -w
fastboot flash recovery recovery.img
fastboot reboot
that may solve your issue if your kernel installed properly and the boot.img file was properly written to the boot partition. If it doesn't solve your problem, go to that link above to find the kernel for whatever rom you're on, att, cm7 or cm9. Get the correct kernel thats compatible, pull out the boot.img from that zip file and also place it into your fastboot folder, then go to fastboot mode again and type "fastboot flash boot boot.img" and then fastboot reboot.
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I tryed doing this, but i get a error " Failed to process command flash: recovery error (0x180002)
I think when i tried to flash rom with RSD LIght may have done something to the files. and it was no help. I dont get a flashing red light now. only the phone stops booting at M logo.
Now How do i flash new rome ? Do i use RSD Light or something else. I know that RSB Requires .sbf file but all the files i see in the site you gave me are .zip.
i also tryed the fastboot flash boot boot.img and no luck, it gvies me the error "Failed to process command flash: recovery error (0x180002)"
thank you for the replay
do you have clockworkmod recovery installed or any custom recovery installed? if not, then thats why it wont flash, your bootloader is locked.
the whole idea behind using clockworkmod recovery is to avoid using RSD to flash sbf files which can brick the phone easily. Its best to avoid using RSD to flash sbf files on your phone at all costs and leave only as a last resort method if you just cannot recover the phone.
Flashing a new rom would normally be done by already having your phone rooted and unlocked with clockworkmod recovery or some other custom recovery installed so you can boot into recovery and choose "install from zip" and point to the zip file that has the rom. The custom recovery does the flashing for you and its a safer method of flashing roms on the phone than RSD.
If you got no other choice and I know what thats like, i been there too. Download RSD Lite v5.6, should be a free download online somewhere, and then search online for "1FF-olympus-user-2.3.6-4.5.141-111212-release-keys-signed-ATT-US-GAS_NA_OLPSGBATTSPE_P012.sbf", then use RSD to flash that sbf onto phone.
Before trying that, goto and in the folder OTA Updates, download the first file named and put it into the fastboot folder, boot into fastboot again and try "fastboot update" and you may be able to get away with just using fastboot to flash that update onto the phone to restore corrupt files. I would try this before using RSD to flash the phone
android-DEP said:
do you have clockworkmod recovery installed or any custom recovery installed? if not, then thats why it wont flash, your bootloader is locked.
the whole idea behind using clockworkmod recovery is to avoid using RSD to flash sbf files which can brick the phone easily. Its best to avoid using RSD to flash sbf files on your phone at all costs and leave only as a last resort method if you just cannot recover the phone.
Flashing a new rom would normally be done by already having your phone rooted and unlocked with clockworkmod recovery or some other custom recovery installed so you can boot into recovery and choose "install from zip" and point to the zip file that has the rom. The custom recovery does the flashing for you and its a safer method of flashing roms on the phone than RSD.
If you got no other choice and I know what thats like, i been there too. Download RSD Lite v5.6, should be a free download online somewhere, and then search online for "1FF-olympus-user-2.3.6-4.5.141-111212-release-keys-signed-ATT-US-GAS_NA_OLPSGBATTSPE_P012.sbf", then use RSD to flash that sbf onto phone.
Before trying that, goto and in the folder OTA Updates, download the first file named and put it into the fastboot folder, boot into fastboot again and try "fastboot update" and you may be able to get away with just using fastboot to flash that update onto the phone to restore corrupt files. I would try this before using RSD to flash the phone
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Well i tryed everything you provided, but no luck. I tryed the RSD but it dont go past the M logo after flash. any other way you know?
thnak you
you said that site doesnt have any SBF files to download, this is a good example of why the owner decided against posting the sbf files online. A lot of people from what I heard, were either soft bricking their phones into temporary hat weights or going full out hard into brick city on a one way ticket joy ride. Flashing sbf files is very risky and RSD tool isn't really meant for the public to be downloading to use at home and flash full roms over their devices. Thats a Motorola utility and it's not exactly a risk-free method of flashing the rom inside these phones. Plus getting SBF files online, you rarely know 100% if its compatible with your model phone or where came from exactly and that it's integrity can be checked for 100% consistency that nothing half-way through the file is missing any chunks of code or is corrupt. Try sticking to only using fastboot & adb & get clockworkmod recovery to make FULL and complete devices backups.
Now that I learned my lesson a few times, no matter what, first thing I always do in recovery is make a backup before I flash anything at all, just in case of just in case, its better to measure twice and cut once.
try that link above and restore stock gingerbread 2.3.4, phone doesnt need to be unlocked or root, and make sure to use "moto-fastboot.exe" it lets you push\pull & install files larger than 200MB onto phone through fastboot, the regular fastboot has some limit on file sizes
to give you a update noting worked. The link you provided dont have any working lnks to download. I tryed some other once and no luck. It gave me "failed to boot 1". so i flashed this file "1FF-olympus-user-2.3.6-4.5.141-111212-release-keys-signed-ATT-US-GAS_NA_OLPSGBATTSPE_P012.sbf" it went away, but no boot after the logo. I don't know what i am doing wrong. Any other ideas?
Thank you
android-DEP said:
you said that site doesnt have any SBF files to download, this is a good example of why the owner decided against posting the sbf files online. A lot of people from what I heard, were either soft bricking their phones into temporary hat weights or going full out hard into brick city on a one way ticket joy ride. Flashing sbf files is very risky and RSD tool isn't really meant for the public to be downloading to use at home and flash full roms over their devices. Thats a Motorola utility and it's not exactly a risk-free method of flashing the rom inside these phones. Plus getting SBF files online, you rarely know 100% if its compatible with your model phone or where came from exactly and that it's integrity can be checked for 100% consistency that nothing half-way through the file is missing any chunks of code or is corrupt. Try sticking to only using fastboot & adb & get clockworkmod recovery to make FULL and complete devices backups.
Now that I learned my lesson a few times, no matter what, first thing I always do in recovery is make a backup before I flash anything at all, just in case of just in case, its better to measure twice and cut once.
try that link above and restore stock gingerbread 2.3.4, phone doesnt need to be unlocked or root, and make sure to use "moto-fastboot.exe" it lets you push\pull & install files larger than 200MB onto phone through fastboot, the regular fastboot has some limit on file sizes
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kinggeorge3287 said:
to give you a update noting worked. The link you provided dont have any working lnks to download. I tryed some other once and no luck. It gave me "failed to boot 1". so i flashed this file "1FF-olympus-user-2.3.6-4.5.141-111212-release-keys-signed-ATT-US-GAS_NA_OLPSGBATTSPE_P012.sbf" it went away, but no boot after the logo. I don't know what i am doing wrong. Any other ideas?
Thank you
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when rds end flashing the sbf the phone gets a bootlop or failed to boot error again?
lucamibel said:
when rds end flashing the sbf the phone gets a bootlop or failed to boot error again?
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it starts up, the M logo comes and it freezes there. To turn the phone off i have to pull the battery.
thank you
Restore Your Motorola Atrix 4G Back to 4.5.91 Stock Firmware
it helps to remove any problem related to rom..
With so many Android phones literally flooding the market these days, it’s no wonder that there are also so many firmware upgrades and custom firmware being developed and released every now and then. A superior device with great stuff neatly packed into it, the Motorola Atrix 4G is one of the devices for whom developers have devoted significant firmware love.
One reason for the attention that devs give to the Atrix 4G is that it is a fantastic device with a dual-core Nvidia Tegra 2 processor and robust ability for handling impressive graphics and video without choking. Together with its powerful processor and 1 GB of RAM, the Atrix 4G is a mean powerhouse that can be further exploited with the use of third-party applications and custom ROMs.
In an age where technology is constantly changing at an alarming pace it is important to always have a trusted source to get your updates in a timely fashion. Custom ROMs and factory firmware updates have played a crucial role in the development in many of our devices.
For those of you who have rooted your Atrix 4G and already have installed custom ROMs, then you might already have some bad experiences with regards to unofficial firmware sources. Unofficial firmware such as custom ROMs are literally filled with many bugs and disabled features. In many cases, these ROMs are not stable for daily use.
Luckily for owners of the Motorola Atrix 4G, there’s an escape hatch for reverting to stock, functioning firmware and return the phone to its factory state.
In this tutorial, you will learn how to roll back your Motorola Atrix 4G to the official firmware version 4.5.91, regardless of your current firmware
kinggeorge3287 said:
it starts up, the M logo comes and it freezes there. To turn the phone off i have to pull the battery.
thank you
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then you can now try unlocking and flashing cwm recovery and flash a custom rom to avoid using rds again
sikkijazz said:
Restore Your Motorola Atrix 4G Back to 4.5.91 Stock Firmware
it helps to remove any problem related to rom..
With so many Android phones literally flooding the market these days, it’s no wonder that there are also so many firmware upgrades and custom firmware being developed and released every now and then. A superior device with great stuff neatly packed into it, the Motorola Atrix 4G is one of the devices for whom developers have devoted significant firmware love.
One reason for the attention that devs give to the Atrix 4G is that it is a fantastic device with a dual-core Nvidia Tegra 2 processor and robust ability for handling impressive graphics and video without choking. Together with its powerful processor and 1 GB of RAM, the Atrix 4G is a mean powerhouse that can be further exploited with the use of third-party applications and custom ROMs.
In an age where technology is constantly changing at an alarming pace it is important to always have a trusted source to get your updates in a timely fashion. Custom ROMs and factory firmware updates have played a crucial role in the development in many of our devices.
For those of you who have rooted your Atrix 4G and already have installed custom ROMs, then you might already have some bad experiences with regards to unofficial firmware sources. Unofficial firmware such as custom ROMs are literally filled with many bugs and disabled features. In many cases, these ROMs are not stable for daily use.
Luckily for owners of the Motorola Atrix 4G, there’s an escape hatch for reverting to stock, functioning firmware and return the phone to its factory state.
In this tutorial, you will learn how to roll back your Motorola Atrix 4G to the official firmware version 4.5.91, regardless of your current firmware
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doing this gave me SVF:108:1:2
fail to boot 3
starting rsd mode
lucamibel said:
then you can now try unlocking and flashing cwm recovery and flash a custom rom to avoid using rds again
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So how do i go about doing this? is there a link i can use?
thank you
kinggeorge3287 said:
So how do i go about doing this? is there a link i can use?
thank you
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help please
kinggeorge3287 said:
help please
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I am able to get into android recovery. It has a option to update from sdcard. Can i do something with this?
Pleas help

[Q] Help needed to restore Photon 2.3.5 from deblur problem

I have been rooting and mossing phones for over a year now. So i do know a good bit about what I am doing. I am also proficient with ADB and other modding experience. However I am new to the photon 2.3.5 and the locked bootloader and looking for some potential options to breathe life back into this phone.
The photon is a sprint 2.3.5 locked.
I just wanted to root and de-bloat it a bit and that was all. Rooted phone typically with no issues. Placed bootstrap on it for the purposes of backing up the system ONLY. All was well.
Ran universal deblur and encountered a hard reset. Phone would not boot. Receiving "failed to boot 4 starting rsd mode"
Before i could mess with the phone further my brother got a hold of it and wrote a system.img file through fastboot as per instructions listed here:
I'm not allowed to post links yet... but it was the motosunfire site where you push a system.img through fast boot
No errors but upon reboot the same failed boot message is displayed. I realized there is no SBF for 2.3.5 but this doesn't matter to me anyways as I CANNOT access RSD mode at all. All i can access is fast boot only.... trying to enter recovery or rsd mode makes phone just power off.
That being said i cannot do the steps listed here: (never mind can't locate link at the moment)
but it was the method in where you flash the SBF for the electrify and then get it to work on sprint and then flash another file to get it back to 2.3.5 locked etc. Problem is that since i cannot get it to successfully enter rsd mode anymore i canot also use rsd lite to flash anything over to the phone. I'm stuck with fastboot only with the moto-fastboot.exe as my only option.
What are my options other than what i have already used? I'm kinda stuck. I've read it was not that easy to brick a photon but i am not sure that is totally true (well speaking literally in terms of "bricked")
you can try wiping the system, data and cache partitions from fastboot. might help. no idea really. it's a good alternative to the recovery since you can't get into it. then maybe you can reboot and get into rsd mode and flash the electrify 2.3.5 sbf and unbrick!
Did u unlock the bootloader?

