finally have my iMac controlling my Android phone!!!! - Motorola Photon 4G

***UPDATED****** video tutorial made and link is below
It took me about 12 hours to figure this out because im not a super IT guy i just love computers and gadgets. But there was no tutorial about how to control the android from a mac Specifically, some forums/threads say "these instructions" work on mac/linux/windows. but not really
On a Mac it is actually very easy. its 6am and i have been up 16
But If alot of people respond to this post interested in how they can control the android from there mac and do screenshots thru the mac. Ill make a quick video.
all i got to say is i Love Windows 7 but wow, macs makes some things just so much easier to execute.
assuming u have debug mode enabled 'charge only' on the phone.
and assuming you have your sdk in the root of your hard drive "macintosh HD"
here is what you need to enter into the terminal.
double click adb file in the platforms-tools
just to make sure its running
open terminal and do the following assuming you press return(enter) after each line.
cd /
/AndroidSDK/platform-tools/adb devices
/AndroidSDK/platform-tools/adb shell
after the devices line you should see you device listed in the terminal if not check you connection (reboot phone if necessary)
after the "su" and you hit enter.
look at you device screen you should be asked for superuser
now run "androidscreencast.jnlp" and you should see you device and be able to control
let me know if you have any issues. im falling asleep ill check the thread when i wake

That's awesome I would love a video
Sent from my MB855 using XDA App

No Problem
just woke up. lol. glad to see somebody is interested.
Let this be a little disclaimer, lol
this will be the first tutorial video i ever made. lol so i might sound super amateur. Give me a few hours i got to get somethings out of the way, then ill make video and ill post link here .

Uploading video tutorial now, it will be ready any minute now
Uploading it to youtube, full hd. enjoy i hope you like the tutorial it was my first
give it about 1 hour

Having a issue exporting video. Still working it out. Ill post link as soon as I figure the video out
Sent from my MB855 using xda premium


[Q] Backtrack or Ubuntu on ACE?

I have been trying to run Ubuntu/debian/backtrack distros on ACE. However I have been getting a segmentation fault error for a busybox chroot command in the scripts.
There is a related thread in these forums if anyone is interested, but unfortunately no solution.
I am just curious to see if anyone here was successful doing it and if so how. Many users have a similar problem and I have gone through lot of general suggestions given in the above thread, but none of them solved my problem. So just trying my luck here to see if anyone else is interested to get one of those distros running on ACE.
If it can make coffee when interested.
Hi Sandred
Did you find out any more in the end? I had the exact same problem with my Galaxy Ace when trying to install BT5.
If you look on it seems to show it working on an ACE but I haven't tried using debdroid yet. I'll let you know if I do ever get it working though..
marcusdw said:
Hi Sandred
Did you find out any more in the end? I had the exact same problem with my Galaxy Ace when trying to install BT5.
If you look on it seems to show it working on an ACE but I haven't tried using debdroid yet. I'll let you know if I do ever get it working though..
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If you are referring to second image on the above site, it is not ACE. It is Samsung Galaxy something (if you look at left corner of the image, you see a camera/sensor on front left side of the phone) which is not Ace.
Anyways I was not successful running any distribution at all. I have even tried laika linux. The problem is with busybox which itself is segment faulting. Updating to latest greatest version did not help either. I changed different kernels on our phone and it did nothing. I have tried entering all the commands one by one , everything is ok until chroot command, where it just breaks.
I do not think debdroid app will help either, though I have not yet tried it.
I have not yet given up yet, I will keep trying when ever I get time and keep this thread posted. Thanks for asking.
sandred said:
If you are referring to second image on the above site, it is not ACE. It is Samsung Galaxy something
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How about "S"?
I got it working on my phone. Just follow post #94 in the link given below:
phoenix2241987 said:
I got it working on my phone. Just follow post #94 in the link given below:
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Would it be too much to ask for a video? I'd really like to see that on ace before deciding if i'm goin' for it!
Thanks in advance!
Ubuntu working on SGA
QNBT said:
Would it be too much to ask for a video? I'd really like to see that on ace before deciding if i'm goin' for it!
Thanks in advance!
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Here goes, a short demo. Recorded this using screencast application in droid explorer.
phoenix2241987 said:
Here goes, a short demo. Recorded this using screencast application in droid explorer.
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Thank you! I'm sure that the recording fps is pretty low, so how smooth does it actually run on a ace?
phoenix2241987 said:
I got it working on my phone. Just follow post #94 in the link given below:
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thanks, it's working now
phoenix2241987 said:
I got it working on my phone. Just follow post #94 in the link given below:
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Thanks a lot phoenix2241987, I got Ubuntu working following the above link!
Except I had to change the script a little bit to make it work on mine. I am attaching the script I modified if in case somebody needs it.
(Actually only this image works, other images of backtrack and laika do not work following the same method/script)
I was able to do a tightVNC session from PC and open up a full screen desktop. Firefox is not bad either, it is fast enough to browse text based sites.
Thanks a lot!
QNBT said:
Thank you! I'm sure that the recording fps is pretty low, so how smooth does it actually run on a ace?
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Pretty smooth, I should say.. There is a very slight lag, but that shouldn't be a problem. Btw, I'm using the supercharger script. I guess it runs smooth because of that.
And just after running the shell script, when you get the "[email protected]:" prompt, type " vncserver -geometry 480x320" . And in android vnc viewer use port 5902. This will make sure that the resolution fits your screen.
Also use input method as "Touchpad", in vnc viewer settings.
And once you have opened the GUI using vnc viewer, you can close the terminal emulator to free up ram. I found that the GUI runs smoother if you do that. You can use the vnc viewer to bring up the GUI anytime you want, until the next reboot, since ubuntu runs in the background even after you exit from the terminal emulator.
The downside is that you cannot mount your sdcard in your pc, once you have booted up ubuntu. You will have to reboot to get it connected. I guess this is because the ubuntu image is mounted on one of the loop devices manually.
sandred said:
Thanks a lot phoenix2241987, I got Ubuntu working following the above link!
Except I had to change the script a little bit to make it work on mine. I am attaching the script I modified if in case somebody needs it.
(Actually only this image works, other images of backtrack and laika do not work following the same method/script)
I was able to do a tightVNC session from PC and open up a full screen desktop. Firefox is not bad either, it is fast enough to browse text based sites.
Thanks a lot!
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I see you have modified the loop device #. I had to do that too, since all my loop devices [dm-0 to dm-7] were already mounted upon by some other applications installed on my phone. I had to uninstall one of them, to free up the loop device [in my case, dm-7], and change the script accordingly.
It would be cool if we could get some other OS running too.. Windows, for instance . But i guess that wouldn't be possible, due to the linux architecture of android. But who knows, some day, someone might change the bootloader, and get it to boot as the native OS, instead of running it as a virtual machine.
phoenix2241987 said:
I see you have modified the loop device #. I had to do that too, since all my loop devices [dm-0 to dm-7] were already mounted upon by some other applications installed on my phone. I had to uninstall one of them, to free up the loop device [in my case, dm-7], and change the script accordingly.
It would be cool if we could get some other OS running too.. Windows, for instance . But i guess that wouldn't be possible, due to the linux architecture of android. But who knows, some day, someone might change the bootloader, and get it to boot as the native OS, instead of running it as a virtual machine.
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maybe windows phone but not windows at least until microsoft port it to RISC with windows 8.
Sent from my GT-S5830 using XDA App
phoenix2241987 said:
Pretty smooth, I should say.. There is a very slight lag, but that shouldn't be a problem. Btw, I'm using the supercharger script. I guess it runs smooth because of that.
And just after running the shell script, when you get the "[email protected]:" prompt, type " vncserver -geometry 480x320" . And in android vnc viewer use port 5902. This will make sure that the resolution fits your screen.
Also use input method as "Touchpad", in vnc viewer settings.
And once you have opened the GUI using vnc viewer, you can close the terminal emulator to free up ram. I found that the GUI runs smoother if you do that. You can use the vnc viewer to bring up the GUI anytime you want, until the next reboot, since ubuntu runs in the background even after you exit from the terminal emulator.
The downside is that you cannot mount your sdcard in your pc, once you have booted up ubuntu. You will have to reboot to get it connected. I guess this is because the ubuntu image is mounted on one of the loop devices manually.
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That is a pain, it would actually be "better" if we would chose to boot up as ubunto at the startup, that would be awesome.
Thanks for the info!
sandred said:
Thanks a lot phoenix2241987, I got Ubuntu working following the above link!
Except I had to change the script a little bit to make it work on mine. I am attaching the script I modified if in case somebody needs it.
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I got it working using sandred's modded chubuntu script in combination of this method:
The problems that it's pretty laggy when I use it. The quality of the color is really low as well.
QNBT said:
The problems that I cant chose the reslution, how do i do that? And it's pretty laggy when I use it. Should the color be good or should it be that low quality?
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After running the shell script, when you get the "[email protected]:" prompt, type " vncserver -geometry 480x320". I used 480x320 because its the resolution of our galaxy ace, and it fits the screen nicely. You can use any other resolution you want, just put them in place of "480x320". And in android vnc viewer use port 5902.
Regarding the color depth, I use 24 bit, and it runs smoothly. If you have lag, use lower settings, although it will reduce the quality of display. You can change the color settings on the connect screen of the vnc viewer. There is a list-box named "color format".
phoenix2241987 said:
After running the shell script, when you get the "[email protected]:" prompt, type " vncserver -geometry 480x320". I used 480x320 because its the resolution of our galaxy ace, and it fits the screen nicely. You can use any other resolution you want, just put them in place of "480x320". And in android vnc viewer use port 5902.
Regarding the color depth, I use 24 bit, and it runs smoothly. If you have lag, use lower settings, although it will reduce the quality of display. You can change the color settings on the connect screen of the vnc viewer. There is a list-box named "color format".
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I was so eager that i exited terminal before that text showed up, but for some reason ubuntu still starts up as a bigger resolution after typing those commands. Oh and 5902 doesnt work, only 5901.
OH, nvm! It works now, gonna reboot and start over again then check if it laggs!
For some reason i can only chose "No Pan, Trackball Mouse" Since we have no trackball im unable to move the cursor. Any solution to that?
edit: stupid me, had it on fit screen so..... works now thanks for all the help!

[Q] Suggestions for surviving nooberty

I am extremely new to the world of smartphones and shell commands and tar files, etc. I'm looking for recommendations of websites, online videos, anything like that to learn as much a possible about not only Android but also writing scripts and knowing what the difference is between ROM and RAM and why it's called a kernel, writing code, stuff like that. I made a pretty cool weather app with Tasker and Zoom that I get a generic xml weather report for that is suppose to come from a soap request but I can't figure out how to generate one. I downloaded nusoap to my phone but can't figure out how to install it using Android terminal emulator. Is there an alternative to T.E. I could use? It constantly telling me "permission denied" is very frustrating. Currently no computer so please make sure any advice is phone friendly. And any help with terminal emulator would be beyond great. But please keep it as simple as possible and pretend I'm 4 years old. I'm not kidding. Sorry this is sooooo long, it's my first post and this is about a quarter of what I wanted to ask. Thank you very much in advance.
The only help I can give you is don't be afraid to search google. Out of 7 billion people, atleast 1 other person would have had the same problem
For me was pretty simple: get to know your phone (use the subforuns to find yours) > get to know android on your phone > start experimenting.
And read, read, read!

Local root method for Nook tablet 8 / 16 GB {WIP} {1.4.2}

Alright, now I am reposting this. I have found a new way to root the tablet (gain adb to run as root) on 1.4.2 so if anyone wants to help me with packaging it to be able to run on the system since we can't sideload (I was thinking a browser exploit or having a file hex edited to launch an intent...) so if you want to help, just comment here.
Full information, binary, and other general h4x will be released when I have everything ready.
Note: This is not just a "write to file" I'm just not giving up what I did yet :x
Tested on 8gb nook tablet.
$ echo ro.kernel.qemu=1 > /data/local.prop
echo ro.kernel.qemu=1 > /data/local.prop
C:\Users\Indirect>adb reboot
C:\Users\Indirect>adb shell
# ^C
C:\Users\Indirect>adb shell
# id
uid=0(root) gid=0(root)
Updating post since now I actually do have it working in a neat way :x
Updated OP with information. Have a fully working root, just need to be able to launch it against a completely "pure" system in a creative way :x
Yum. Sideloading not being an option, wouldn't the browser need an exploit? Or does the android browser not operate in a sandbox?
honestly, I think if we pull a .png into the gallery that is not a picture, but an intent, then it will run just fine
For those with ideas or interest in it, join us on #nook-tablet on freenode IRC.
alright, I know it goes against instinct but:
Even if you're not a developer or just want to say congrats, post in the thread. Who knows, your idea might be what we need to get this thing running!
Indirect said:
alright, I know it goes against instinct but:
Even if you're not a developer or just want to say congrats, post in the thread. Who knows, your idea might be what we need to get this thing running!
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Good to see you back. I am sure whatever you come up with will
help the NT8 owners.
Sent from my Nook Tablet using xda premium
Indirect said:
alright, I know it goes against instinct but:
Even if you're not a developer or just want to say congrats, post in the thread. Who knows, your idea might be what we need to get this thing running!
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I'm just an old man (67) with years of playing with computers. Last job at Seagate. How can I help out?
Just vocalize an interesting way to package the exploit onto the system
Its a nook tablet... make it a book...
The cover could be indirect choke slamming Barnes and Noble at the same time. Flip page gets credits. Flip again gets root. The end...
Sent from my NookTablet using xda premium
As much fun as that sounds, I don't know of any way to launch an intent from an epub / pdf atm =(
Oh well... :beer:
Sent from my NookTablet using xda premium
Congrats and....
Congrats on your accomplishment. The thought that comes to mind somehow is an image of someone next to a B&N store and somehow an image of them "Putting the scews to the B&N Store" being incorporated....This is likely no more doable than the suggestion above but.....
A friend of mine told me stegnography is likely for this so we might use a picture to get adb enabled for root.
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using xda premium
I wonder how many of the b&n store demo tablets will have root access when this is finished. Lol.
-clerk trying to explain why demo has cm7 and adw-
Sent from my NookTablet using xda premium
Indirect said:
honestly, I think if we pull a .png into the gallery that is not a picture, but an intent, then it will run just fine
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Wouldn't a .gif file be better? You can hide a whole script or batch file in between frames in an animated gif. I've never tried it but it seems plausible.
I saw this done in WINDOZE years ago. The file was a jpeg. I'll try a search through my old win stuff but I think the catch is what onboard app can you exploit.
Lars for tobdaryl
Reread op; I missed the mark on this one as you have your exploit. Please ignore!
Welcome back

[ROM][DISCUSSION] Ubuntu Touch B&N Nook Tablet

Hey all, I've been around for a while and suppose I finally got off my butt and decided to try my hand at building stuff. I just wanted to let you know I posted this in the Ubuntu Touch Dev forum:
All credits go to the efforts of all the devs who have gotten us this far, I know there would be no hope for me without them
Not really usable, but it boots! :highfive:
I'd like to keep the dev questions in that thread if we can. General discussion can be here.
Updated dev post...
Posted a 2nd build and added stuff to the post, sorry about the name change, more for me than anything else. Apps stay open, videos stopped working >.< I haven't checked the logs for anything yet, will do when I get a chance...
Figured I'd put up some new pics... I found out apparently if you swipe right on the status icons you get a Device pull down vs the individual ones... <-- DIdn't know that until a little bit ago Pics show that, multitasking (gallery on left, calc on right) and Home screen with the side bar...
I was just wondering today wether anyone had tried this yet thanks for the effort it's appreciated.
Sent via carrier pigeon...
Any way to run this off an SD card?
I haven't even looked into it yet... I need to look into the Ubuntu side of the code to see what it isn't pulling in like it should be so this thing can function better. I found a script in another forum for auto changing the display stuff, added an Acclaim piece to it and it works, will upload it when I get off work today.
Sent from my SCH-I510 using xda app-developers app
So the wifi doesn't work? Try using another wpa supplicant, like in Demetris's kernel.
How is the dev coming
Sorry, no new news yet, i didn't get too much of a chance this weekend to look into it... Between the family and having had to basically start over and I kept having problems even getting cm10.1 to build... I will work more on it time willing ofc..
Sent from my SCH-I510 using xda app-developers app
What steps are you following to build this? I what to build a Linux other than Ubuntu touch. I think that plasma active would be awesome on NT.
Sent from my SGH-T679 using Tapatalk 2
The Wi-Fi problem comes from the Ubuntu end. Since this is Ubuntu Developer Preview, the wifi does not work.
question about ubuntu touch for nook
hi, i am new to this forum....
i was checking to see if there was an ubuntu touch image for the nook, and i ran across this post.
what i was wondering is if there is a way to install the image to boot off the SD card simular to
the N2A (nook 2 android) image does? i was thinking this way i could test it with out
bricking my nook tablet...
any ideas?
its awesome that someone is taking this on, as it looks like the nook is about to
become history.
Hey all, sorry I haven't posted much, just wanted to work on this a bit more before posting. I managed to get wifi to work with some terminal junk through adb and ubuntu_chroot. Basically it's not loading a module (wl12xx_sdio.ko) it should be. The network gui still doesn't show anything as of yet. So yes, I will still need to look into it more and check the source files as well. I am uploading a new build and will have instructions for it soon in the dev thread. Wondering if I should move it to the dev forum here
Not sure why, but atm apps have started force closing again. I need to reboot and see if it's somehow related. Seems something else just malfunctioned
UPDATE: Apparently getting the Network Manager GUI to work correctly is pretty simple
I have updated that post and I suppose I will upload my the build reference. One thing to note, the afterflash file correct the dpi seems to make my screen blank out with the latest Ubuntu builds. Not sure why just yet but it should be simple enough to add a conf file manually until I make some scripts. I have not tried adding security to the network (added wpa2-psk and worked like a charm after restarting the network-manager!) nor messed with hidden ssid's yet.
UPDATE: see Build 5 notes, I hadn't fully updated my ubuntu sources apparently Display seems to work now with newest builds!
Just when I start to get somewhere, they up and change versions on me (saucy now) Testing to see if it works!
UPDATE: Saucy boots!
-Swipe right side of screen to the left to unlock
-Network list shows then apparently goes blank after trying to get on (which I did the second time after a reboot, list stayed second time).
Note that there are two different versions of Saucy out, make sure you currently download from the same links as before (with the word "preview" in the url).
At some point I hope to figure out the missing battery indicator.
hey dejello whats the current news? are you still working on it?
btw saucy does seem to boot, raring seems to be okay
Still waiting for updated porting notes.. I have tried a few things unsuccessfully and will keep going, but this is not dead
Sent from my SCH-I510 using xda app-developers app
dejello said:
Still waiting for updated porting notes.. I have tried a few things unsuccessfully and will keep going, but this is not dead
Sent from my SCH-I510 using xda app-developers app
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thats nice to know keep up the good work :good:
by the way i heard that adamoutler was working on it too, but last thing I heard from him was the ubuntu recovery. wonder if he's still working on it
a little printing mistake there, saucy DOES NOT boot
I support this project and will hop on board if/when this gets closer to completion, or if we can boot off MicroSD :good:
Hey all, haven't forgotten this, am on vacation currently and wilp continue work when I get back
Sent from my SCH-I510 using xda app-developers app

[Q] Some questions about Ubuntu Touch :)

hi guys
1. i want to install Ubuntu touch when I'm back from my holidays. I saw lots of videos showing a nexus 4 running it and it was EXTREMLY smooth. But I only have a Galaxy Nexus. Does it run as smooth as on the nexus 4? Because I'd love that!
2. can someone give me a list or a link on what is currently working and what isn't? I could just find an individual error-list on the ubuntu-website, but not a full list. Because Ubuntu Touch looks very nice to me and I don't want to uninstall it after an hour of using it. I want to keep it on my Galaxy Nexus for a longer time. I use Ubuntu every day on my laptop and I can use the terminal to get the things i want
3. how do you get updates for ubuntu touch? can you download them via terminal or do you have to download a new zip and install it via cwm?
4. is the software center ready or is it still in development?
thanks for answering my questions and helping me! I hope i'm in the right section :laugh:
mkocs said:
hi guys
1. i want to install Ubuntu touch when I'm back from my holidays. I saw lots of videos showing a nexus 4 running it and it was EXTREMLY smooth. But I only have a Galaxy Nexus. Does it run as smooth as on the nexus 4? Because I'd love that!
2. can someone give me a list or a link on what is currently working and what isn't? I could just find an individual error-list on the ubuntu-website, but not a full list. Because Ubuntu Touch looks very nice to me and I don't want to uninstall it after an hour of using it. I want to keep it on my Galaxy Nexus for a longer time. I use Ubuntu every day on my laptop and I can use the terminal to get the things i want
3. how do you get updates for ubuntu touch? can you download them via terminal or do you have to download a new zip and install it via cwm?
4. is the software center ready or is it still in development?
thanks for answering my questions and helping me! I hope i'm in the right section :laugh:
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1. I don't have a Galaxy Nexus, but I've heard the performance is still very good on it.
2. What ships mostly works, network, camera, audio, etc. We have a growing number of apps available to install via PPA too.
3. You can get most updates via apt-get upgrade on the terminal, though that will soon change when we go to a read-only system partition and Click packages. You will still need to phablet-flash to get updates to the Android parts.
4. There won't be a separate Software Center app for Ubuntu Touch, instead you will have app discovery, purchasing and installation from the Unity Dash itself via the Apps lens. This is waiting on the arrival of Click packages and the associated Scopes.
mhall119 said:
1. I don't have a Galaxy Nexus, but I've heard the performance is still very good on it.
2. What ships mostly works, network, camera, audio, etc. We have a growing number of apps available to install via PPA too.
3. You can get most updates via apt-get upgrade on the terminal, though that will soon change when we go to a read-only system partition and Click packages. You will still need to phablet-flash to get updates to the Android parts.
4. There won't be a separate Software Center app for Ubuntu Touch, instead you will have app discovery, purchasing and installation from the Unity Dash itself via the Apps lens. This is waiting on the arrival of Click packages and the associated Scopes.
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Thank you very much! It makes me happy to read that. I was fascinated by how far they came in such a short time and how fast the system grows to a perfect OS. I'll give it a try when I'm back
2. Network? 3G-Data too? I heard it doesn't work yet.
3. Read-only system partition? Does this mean i can't do EVERYTHING i want with the terminal like i can on my laptop? But maybe it's better.
I imagine a guy buying an Ubuntu-Phone, playing around with the terminal and deleting everything with a single command :laugh:
4. So this means: If I have internet-connection, i can simply search for the app i want and it will find it? like in the dash on the desktop? that's a nice idea! I just expected a software-center because I saw a guy on youtube developing it.
But I found some more questions for you :
I heard, that the twitter-app was cancelled because of twitter. Can I still download it somewhere or do I have to wait until they make a new one?
Do some Apps like GMail work?
And the most important question:
Where can I follow the development-process? I already joined "Ubuntu App Developers"-Community on G+, but they only post about apps.
Thank you very much for answering my questions!
mkocs said:
Thank you very much! It makes me happy to read that. I was fascinated by how far they came in such a short time and how fast the system grows to a perfect OS. I'll give it a try when I'm back
2. Network? 3G-Data too? I heard it doesn't work yet.
3. Read-only system partition? Does this mean i can't do EVERYTHING i want with the terminal like i can on my laptop? But maybe it's better.
I imagine a guy buying an Ubuntu-Phone, playing around with the terminal and deleting everything with a single command :laugh:
4. So this means: If I have internet-connection, i can simply search for the app i want and it will find it? like in the dash on the desktop? that's a nice idea! I just expected a software-center because I saw a guy on youtube developing it.
But I found some more questions for you :
I heard, that the twitter-app was cancelled because of twitter. Can I still download it somewhere or do I have to wait until they make a new one?
Do some Apps like GMail work?
And the most important question:
Where can I follow the development-process? I already joined "Ubuntu App Developers"-Community on G+, but they only post about apps.
Thank you very much for answering my questions!
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2. mobile data works on the Galaxy Nexus and Nexus 4, I don't know about any other phones.
3. Read-only system partition will be the default, Click packages will install into a read-write user space. Enabling developer mode will set the system partition to read-write as well and give you apt again.
4. Yup, whether it's installed or not, on the phone or on the desktop, you can always find your apps in the Dash.
5. I don't think there was ever any code written for the twitter app, but you can bzr branch lp:ubuntu-twitter-app (same with lp:ubuntu-facebook-app). We still ship the Twitter webapp in the default device image, and that's the one Twitter wanted people to use.
6. The GMail webapp works, yes.
7. Come hang out in #ubuntu-app-devel and #ubuntu-touch on Freenode IRC. Last week, this week and next week we're picking one app per day to focus on with new contributors, so it's a great time to get involved:
---------- Post added at 06:42 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:40 PM ----------
And of course I should mention that if you happen to be at the XDA Developers Conference in Miami next month, I'll be there running a workshop on developing Ubuntu Touch applications and will be happy to answer any and all questions.
mhall119 said:
2. mobile data works on the Galaxy Nexus and Nexus 4, I don't know about any other phones.
3. Read-only system partition will be the default, Click packages will install into a read-write user space. Enabling developer mode will set the system partition to read-write as well and give you apt again.
4. Yup, whether it's installed or not, on the phone or on the desktop, you can always find your apps in the Dash.
5. I don't think there was ever any code written for the twitter app, but you can bzr branch lp:ubuntu-twitter-app (same with lp:ubuntu-facebook-app). We still ship the Twitter webapp in the default device image, and that's the one Twitter wanted people to use.
6. The GMail webapp works, yes.
7. Come hang out in #ubuntu-app-devel and #ubuntu-touch on Freenode IRC. Last week, this week and next week we're picking one app per day to focus on with new contributors, so it's a great time to get involved
---------- Post added at 06:42 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:40 PM ----------
[/COLOR]And of course I should mention that if you happen to be at the XDA Developers Conference in Miami next month, I'll be there running a workshop on developing Ubuntu Touch applications and will be happy to answer any and all questions.
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5. i tried to download it on my laptop via terminal. it worked, but when i opened it, nothing was there just a Label saying "Twitter". You were right.
6. Are all apps gonna be webapps? Or is it just because it's not released yet? Because these Webapps are horrible! All of them.
7. Thank You very much! I'll follow the hackdays

