[ROM][DISCUSSION] Ubuntu Touch B&N Nook Tablet - Barnes & Noble Nook Tablet

Hey all, I've been around for a while and suppose I finally got off my butt and decided to try my hand at building stuff. I just wanted to let you know I posted this in the Ubuntu Touch Dev forum:
All credits go to the efforts of all the devs who have gotten us this far, I know there would be no hope for me without them
Not really usable, but it boots! :highfive:
I'd like to keep the dev questions in that thread if we can. General discussion can be here.
Updated dev post...

Posted a 2nd build and added stuff to the post, sorry about the name change, more for me than anything else. Apps stay open, videos stopped working >.< I haven't checked the logs for anything yet, will do when I get a chance...
Figured I'd put up some new pics... I found out apparently if you swipe right on the status icons you get a Device pull down vs the individual ones... <-- DIdn't know that until a little bit ago Pics show that, multitasking (gallery on left, calc on right) and Home screen with the side bar...

I was just wondering today wether anyone had tried this yet thanks for the effort it's appreciated.
Sent via carrier pigeon...

Any way to run this off an SD card?

I haven't even looked into it yet... I need to look into the Ubuntu side of the code to see what it isn't pulling in like it should be so this thing can function better. I found a script in another forum for auto changing the display stuff, added an Acclaim piece to it and it works, will upload it when I get off work today.
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So the wifi doesn't work? Try using another wpa supplicant, like in Demetris's kernel.

How is the dev coming

Sorry, no new news yet, i didn't get too much of a chance this weekend to look into it... Between the family and having had to basically start over and I kept having problems even getting cm10.1 to build... I will work more on it time willing ofc..
Sent from my SCH-I510 using xda app-developers app

What steps are you following to build this? I what to build a Linux other than Ubuntu touch. I think that plasma active would be awesome on NT.
Sent from my SGH-T679 using Tapatalk 2

The Wi-Fi problem comes from the Ubuntu end. Since this is Ubuntu Developer Preview, the wifi does not work.

question about ubuntu touch for nook
hi, i am new to this forum....
i was checking to see if there was an ubuntu touch image for the nook, and i ran across this post.
what i was wondering is if there is a way to install the image to boot off the SD card simular to
the N2A (nook 2 android) image does? i was thinking this way i could test it with out
bricking my nook tablet...
any ideas?
its awesome that someone is taking this on, as it looks like the nook is about to
become history.

Hey all, sorry I haven't posted much, just wanted to work on this a bit more before posting. I managed to get wifi to work with some terminal junk through adb and ubuntu_chroot. Basically it's not loading a module (wl12xx_sdio.ko) it should be. The network gui still doesn't show anything as of yet. So yes, I will still need to look into it more and check the source files as well. I am uploading a new build and will have instructions for it soon in the dev thread. Wondering if I should move it to the dev forum here
Not sure why, but atm apps have started force closing again. I need to reboot and see if it's somehow related. Seems something else just malfunctioned

UPDATE: Apparently getting the Network Manager GUI to work correctly is pretty simple http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=41838135#post41838135
I have updated that post and I suppose I will upload my the build reference. One thing to note, the afterflash file correct the dpi seems to make my screen blank out with the latest Ubuntu builds. Not sure why just yet but it should be simple enough to add a conf file manually until I make some scripts. I have not tried adding security to the network (added wpa2-psk and worked like a charm after restarting the network-manager!) nor messed with hidden ssid's yet.

UPDATE: see Build 5 notes, I hadn't fully updated my ubuntu sources apparently Display seems to work now with newest builds!

Just when I start to get somewhere, they up and change versions on me (saucy now) Testing to see if it works!
UPDATE: Saucy boots!
-Swipe right side of screen to the left to unlock
-Network list shows then apparently goes blank after trying to get on (which I did the second time after a reboot, list stayed second time).
Note that there are two different versions of Saucy out, make sure you currently download from the same links as before (with the word "preview" in the url).
At some point I hope to figure out the missing battery indicator.

hey dejello whats the current news? are you still working on it?
btw saucy does seem to boot, raring seems to be okay

Still waiting for updated porting notes.. I have tried a few things unsuccessfully and will keep going, but this is not dead
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dejello said:
Still waiting for updated porting notes.. I have tried a few things unsuccessfully and will keep going, but this is not dead
Sent from my SCH-I510 using xda app-developers app
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thats nice to know keep up the good work :good:
by the way i heard that adamoutler was working on it too, but last thing I heard from him was the ubuntu recovery. wonder if he's still working on it
a little printing mistake there, saucy DOES NOT boot

I support this project and will hop on board if/when this gets closer to completion, or if we can boot off MicroSD :good:

Hey all, haven't forgotten this, am on vacation currently and wilp continue work when I get back
Sent from my SCH-I510 using xda app-developers app


[Alpha] Honeycomb 3.0 FullSDK Alpha 2

UPDATE 27/02/11: fixed screen rotation and data
link : http://mirror2.streakdroid.com/Honeycomb-FullSDK-N1-Alpha3.zip
this will get merged to bypass23's build again i would assume
added support for the rotation sensors
fixed data connection
ok im posting this in its own topic as i think its worth it, mods feel free to merge or delete as appropriate.
this is based off the work done by bypass23 and i take no credit for the base port.
currently working features:
3D Graphics Accelleration (thanks to google for 2.3.3 drivers )
Phone Data Working
ill probably not be getting time to work on this much so feel free to edit my work folks
link: http://mirror2.streakdroid.com/HC_fullSDK_N1_alpha_2.zip - link will be up in approx 10 mins from this post (still uploading)
cheers folks
Downloading now
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App
Great work, can't wait to try this. Here's a few more links, just in case
If phone part does not work on boot find a terminal app(likelybone in dev tools) and run stop ril-daemon;start ril-daemon and it should work
Sent from my Dell Streak using Tapatalk
DJ_Steve said:
ok im posting this in its own topic as i think its worth it, mods feel free to merge or delete as appropriate.
currently working features:
3D Graphics Accelleration (thanks to google for 2.3.3 drivers )
Phone Data Working
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I'll surely merge 3D I was just messing with wifi atm since data seems to be fixed with ril but a previous post in my thread mentioned the browser was FC after around 50% page loaded...
I have no data plan can it be tested out ?
By all means merge it. Long as I get credit wifi hackin is above me though. And ill throw my data sim in tomorow and test
Sent from my Dell Streak using Tapatalk
This has to be the best HC port around for pure speed. After a reboot animations like the lock screen, app switcher and moving between homescreens are extremely smooth. It's almost surprising just how responsive some tasks are. HW acceleration really makes the difference. Great work again
DJ_Steve said:
By all means merge it. Long as I get credit wifi hackin is above me though. And ill throw my data sim in tomorow and test
Sent from my Dell Streak using Tapatalk
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I always do anyway I was asking for help or assistance...
As I said the nook guys did fix alot of things together ! I was mostly alone so any help is always appreciated
This is amazing but of course there's some usability errors. The notification quick settings list doesn't esem to work for me or managing widgets.
xpunksbeendeadx said:
This is amazing but of course there's some usability errors. The notification quick settings list doesn't esem to work for me or managing widgets.
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Yep I had the same problems. The quick settings are actually there, you simply can't see them (Try swiping left and right in the middle of the empty space, you'll change the display settings). To move along the different types of widgets you need to swipe in the direction you wish then go back to the homescreen then back to the widgets and it should have moved. A little long winded but it works.
Is the dialer and data working?
austinwsj said:
Is the dialer and data working?
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Nope. Not much is working actually haha. It's fun to try out though.
Hey DJ_Steve........nice to see u in Nexus forum.........hope u make this port work as many of us have Nexus rather than Dell Streak.....and yes u deserve more than the credit u have received yet....as a developer u are just ossum.....keep up the work ...just dont leave the work halfway.......
Time to get my hands dirty on this one! ^^
Thanks m8!
Confirming that there is no data, I tried adding an APN and everything, no go.
Just curious, how that there is a dumb of the XOOM, why not try building off that and combining with the drivers form the new OTA?
crater said:
Confirming that there is no data, I tried adding an APN and everything, no go.
Just curious, how that there is a dumb of the XOOM, why not try building off that and combining with the drivers form the new OTA?
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Sent from my Nexus One
DJ_Steve said:
ok im posting this in its own topic as i think its worth it, mods feel free to merge or delete as appropriate.
this is based off the work done by bypass23 and i take no credit for the base port.
currently working features:
3D Graphics Accelleration (thanks to google for 2.3.3 drivers )
Phone Data Working
ill probably not be getting time to work on this much so feel free to edit my work folks
link: http://mirror2.streakdroid.com/HC_fullSDK_N1_alpha_2.zip - link will be up in approx 10 mins from this post (still uploading)
cheers folks
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Dude, do you use twitter?? I want to follow this project more closely
ok new build up, check out first post
Do I need to add apn settings to get data to work?

[Q] Backtrack 5?

hey all this is most likely the wrong section so pleas move if it is, but anyway im curious about backtrack 5 on the nook color, ive seen one person got it working but im curious if it is the full gui or if there is only a command prompt version running? and how hard this would be to get running? any help would be great thanks
I would think this would work on the Nook Color as well but haven't tried it out myself.
But I think I will now...
ltmcgill said:
I would think this would work on the Nook Color as well but haven't tried it out myself.
But I think I will now...
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ill try it when i get home from work forgot it today lol if you get it done let me know how it goes
Im trying it now, I had to revert from Hybrid RC1 HC on the nook to try it. Im copying the files over now. The only main issue i see is the resolution, that may be a concern, but o well im gonna give it a go
cool keep us posted, i may be dumb but i havnt seen if this is a gui or comand prompt
The image that they link to has GUI you just have to connect to it over VNC. Its the same way you can use the Ubuntu image in android.
sticknui said:
The image that they link to has GUI you just have to connect to it over VNC. Its the same way you can use the Ubuntu image in android.
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Ahhh ic so its not standalone
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im trying my best to attempt this on the NOOK, but im having issues with the 4gb issue and the other member has not been able to upload a smaller 3.3gb version. im attempting to see what i can do now
i would like native boot, not chroot.
chroot, we have got debian(more fit, BT image is large), ssh to debian can do almost anything.
altimax98 said:
im trying my best to attempt this on the NOOK, but im having issues with the 4gb issue and the other member has not been able to upload a smaller 3.3gb version. im attempting to see what i can do now
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Dude your downloading the wrong version the version I downloaded was only 1.1gb the ARM version.
Name: BT5-GNOME-ARM.7z
Size: 1060
Flavor: GNOME
Arch: arm
Image: IMG
Download: Direct
MD5: a66bf35409f4458ee7f35a77891951eb
it unzips to over 4.9gigs. you need the files that are uploaded in the x10 thread. im copying them now to attempt first shot at it
here is the thread from my main xda page posted a few days ago. it really is quite as easy as drag and drop.
here is a link to my post a few minutes ago. found the distro via the xda mainpage and it seems to run ok on the NC but not natively.
overall its cool that it's running on the NC or most any android device - the con is that it's not native and uses vnc to localhost. it's ok to play with but really won't be of much use for any real projects. i'll try to build up on this release and use it in the field for some clients. see how far it can really go on the NC.
Im thinking about getting a Nook Colot but wanted to know if it fully runs backtrack since I need to use aircrack-ng on it. Please let me know how it worked for you guys. Thanks!

[Q] Triple boot idea (WebOS,CM7.1,CM9)

Hear me out on this one before you shoot me down.
Alpha2.1 has become pretty much a daily for me, with the only real nuisance being the wifi issues. My understanding from other posts is that Alpha3 will be released before moving on to ICS for CM9. If wifi is fixed in Alpha3, it would become a definite daily for me. That said, when CM9 eventually comes out I would like to check it out and provide feedback, but would prefer not to dump a familiar and possible more stable CM7.1 until CM9 becomes as stable.
My question is this. Would it be worth the trouble to setup moboot to triple boot WebOS, CM7.1 and CM9? I doubt the CM team would want to bother with it, but I haven't dealt with moboot until this project. Would it be pretty much the same as editing Grub on a PC to triple boot?
Thank you for your considered opinion.
This is what they posted with the release of CM9 for TouchPad....
Yes, but don’t bother. There may be instructions forthcoming on this, but it’s a bit advanced - just pick one.
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Guess they are not ready to share that... I think I'm gonna have to ask them about it over at RootzWiki...
I myself am looking for a triple boot solution but for a different reason...
Since Android does not allow for separate profiles on one device to allow multiple users to keep separate system settings thru out it like PC's on Windows user accounts... And it doesn't seem like they are making a iUser version for Android...
I only see a solution of 2 separate installs of CM7 or CM9 (whichever two)... And then each person can choose their installation at boot-up.... Eventually they will need to add password protection to them... But that is longs way ahead...
If u look at the vidz from ReverendKJR on YouTube.... U can see that all the CynagenMod variants seem to end up being listed as the same thing regarding of flavor... But the EverVolv ICS install is listed as a different installation... This is just the listing part.... It doesn't mean they work correctly and don't clash with each other.... But we do know that maybe 3 Roms just fit on the TP...
Hopefully they will release how to do this correctly soon....
Y314K said:
... I myself am looking for a triple boot solution but for a different reason...
Since Android does not allow for separate profiles on one device to allow multiple users to keep separate system settings thru out it like PC's on Windows user accounts... And it doesn't seem like they are making a iUser version for Android...
I only see a solution of 2 separate installs of CM7 or CM9 (whichever two)... And then each person can choose their installation at boot-up.... Eventually they will need to add password protection to them... But that is longs way ahead...
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Triboot instructions may still be coming from what I've read. I hope they do, but if CM9 is stable I may not care as much. As for password protection, to what exactly are you referring? Android already has pins, patternlocks etc.
Well I decided to go ahead with CM9 Alpha0 last night (backed up my CM7 install first). So far super stable, don't really need what's broken (camera, microphone etc). One big reason was that Logmein Ignition hasn't worked since its 14 November update (older version works, but I don't trust the apk download source). Now it works, plus I can now load honeycomb apps! If this keeps up I'll probably never bother with triboot.
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Nomedias said:
Triboot instructions may still be coming from what I've read. I hope they do, but if CM9 is stable I may not care as much. As for password protection, to what exactly are you referring? Android already has pins, patternlocks etc.
Well I decided to go ahead with CM9 Alpha0 last night (backed up my CM7 install first). So far super stable, don't really need what's broken (camera, microphone etc). One big reason was that Logmein Ignition hasn't worked since its 14 November update (older version works, but I don't trust the apk download source). Now it works, plus I can now load honeycomb apps! If this keeps up I'll probably never bother with triboot.
Sent from my cm_tenderloin using Tapatalk
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Cool... Did u do the multiple performance tweaks???... How stable is u'r Wifi???
Right... Screen Password is there.... And would work at startup... But then u would need to turn it off and to turn it back on... I am looking at a two user system for my TP.... With both parties having separate Android installs... I would prefer a moboot or another booter way to make sure the 2nd user only has access to their install of Android & wouldn't be able to mess up WebOs or my install of Android... Seems iUser would work great.. but no Android version seems to be available... Let me know if u find the Tri-Boot info...
Y314K said:
Cool... Did u do the multiple performance tweaks???... How stable is u'r Wifi???
Right... Screen Password is there.... And would work at startup... But then u would need to turn it off and to turn it back on... I am looking at a two user system for my TP.... With both parties having separate Android installs... I would prefer a moboot or another booter way to make sure the 2nd user only has access to their install of Android & wouldn't be able to mess up WebOs or my install of Android... Seems iUser would work great.. but no Android version seems to be available... Let me know if u find the Tri-Boot info...
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Yes, did the two fixes I saw listed. Also ran Alpha 0.5 tonight. Wifi if anything is better than CM7 Alpha3.5. Installed 3 days ago, only had to cycle wifi off/on once. Have joined 5 different SSIDs in that time, two of those on a 7 access point network on different channels (1, 6 and 11). One was open while rest were WPA2 secured.
As for the multi-user setup, if Android isn't an absolute requirement, perhaps an Ubuntu Linux install would do? I don't know how far along the project is, but if it works you should be able to create as many non-root users as you like. Just an idea.
EDIT: Looking in the "Other Touchpad Development" Forum, the Linux projects appear much more "alpha" than CM9 is now. However Arch Linux looks promising.
Sent from my cm_tenderloin using Tapatalk

[Q] XFCE4 on Webtop

Hey Guys, Im trying to install XFCE4 on Webtop, everythings downloaded and installed, its just a matter of turning it on. I went into start-oshwt-2 and added the lines im supposed to, and put a hash in front of awn-autostart and webtop-wallpaper. Now, when its all booting and everything, it looks like its going well, then it goes blank, and Android returns to the phone screen (but without touch controls, they dont come back until I unplug the hdmi cord.) Whats going on here, how can I make this work? Thanks
I havent tried yet,but a good "how-to" would be appreciated as I would also like to install XFCE4.
Im going to say a fallacy:
Even though you are right posting your question here, your answer is already posted on the Development forum.
Sorry for not providing the url but if you search there, you'll find it.
Sent from my Atrix 4G using Tapatalk
how about this question then:
Can you install the base ubuntu/kubuntu/xubuntu-desktop packages and have them work?
If so,what startup items should be listed in that startup script?
Alright, hey guys, this is for anyone looking for an answer to this question. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1420376

update beta2 release(app) FLIPBOARD (official beta)

Found this application which was once only on i-application(iphone) working fine on our touchpad and yes it also plays good on my LG optimus one too. It is like google currents but a little different in work around. Enjoy the port.
Here is the app
Press thanks if I helped.........
no offense but I'm pretty sure i've seen this posted somewhere else..u might wanna give credit to the original poster who yanked this from the sg III launch event..
Should be this http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1644212
it doesn't look that great on the touchpad....very pixelated
ace9988 said:
it doesn't look that great on the touchpad....very pixelated
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yes you are right but most of the posts and topics look nice, neat and clean.
and I think something is still better than nothing....
what do you say?
compared to the browser....you'd have to argue the need for this, it was designed for the phone (GS3) and all that's been done is ported from there. If they developer made a bespoke tablet version then it'd be nice. but hey, thats my beef with ICS at the moment, many apps are stretched and look wrong
I like it alot.... Thanks for sharing,I hadn't seen the other thread so glad to have the app on my og evo and touchpad
Sent from my cm_tenderloin using Tapatalk 2
HP Touchpad CM9
I think an update came out for this today. Of anyone can pull the updated app it would be greatly appreciated! Thanks
HP Touchpad CM9
Someone was working on a version where they adjusted the fonts to make them look better on a tablet but I never saw the actual package posted.
famewolf said:
Someone was working on a version where they adjusted the fonts to make them look better on a tablet but I never saw the actual package posted.
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I was working on it.... Never got it right, as it appears I was only able to change the UI fonts. The article fonts themselves appear to be set remotely and just displayed locally. So it didn't even fix the biggest issue with the fonts which is in the articles themselves. It only fixed the UI and header fonts. I was going to post the APK anyway, but I found a force close error when trying to add new feeds, so that made things not so nice. Add to that the fact that for some reason, the APK wasn't installable unless I re-signed it, that makes it difficult to switch between versions without uninstalling/reinstalling, I decided not to post the modified APK.
If a developer type wants, I can send the modified APK directly. I'm not going to post it here because it's A) not stable and B) didn't achieve the intended purpose anyway, and C) I don't want to have to support something that's broken/unfinished.
Anyone that knows how to decompile/recompile an APK can do the same thing I did. All I did was reduce the font sizes in the XML layout and values files. As I said though, that didn't have any effect on the actual article content, which appeared to be defined remotely.

