[Q] XFCE4 on Webtop - Atrix 4G Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hey Guys, Im trying to install XFCE4 on Webtop, everythings downloaded and installed, its just a matter of turning it on. I went into start-oshwt-2 and added the lines im supposed to, and put a hash in front of awn-autostart and webtop-wallpaper. Now, when its all booting and everything, it looks like its going well, then it goes blank, and Android returns to the phone screen (but without touch controls, they dont come back until I unplug the hdmi cord.) Whats going on here, how can I make this work? Thanks

I havent tried yet,but a good "how-to" would be appreciated as I would also like to install XFCE4.

Im going to say a fallacy:
Even though you are right posting your question here, your answer is already posted on the Development forum.
Sorry for not providing the url but if you search there, you'll find it.
Sent from my Atrix 4G using Tapatalk

how about this question then:
Can you install the base ubuntu/kubuntu/xubuntu-desktop packages and have them work?
If so,what startup items should be listed in that startup script?

Alright, hey guys, this is for anyone looking for an answer to this question. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1420376


Android titan package.

You need the latest radio.
Un7zip the files to your sd card. Should be a Class 6.
Boot windows and run Haret.exe. Up pops a penguin!
I stole all of this, so thanks belong elsewhere.
Also they need devs to bring this to a rom. If you can help you already know what to do.
Perhaps those of us that 'want', but cannot help can fund a bounty?
What works, what doesn't? Which build? Any screenshots?
just download the package and run haret, and see.
Everything works but camera for me. right now I am working on using this for voip. Very funny to have an unlimited cell for ~10$ a month, or less...
It's not a rom, you just copy it to your sd card and run it inside WinMo. It is so easy to see for yourself I didnt jazz up the post. reset and you boot into WinMo
Working pretty decent on my WM6.5 by Ryan Mogul ROM on Page Plus network (verizon). Calls/SMS/Browsing/youtube/keyboard (both hard and soft) all worked. A few times applications would hang momentarily, and a couple times I had to instruct android to "wait" or "force close" (wait always worked)
I will use it all weekend and see how if I am able to use it full time.
A couple of questions for anyone who can answer:
1) How do I check available RAM?
2) Is it possible switch back to WM 6.5 without turning the phone off?
3) How do you quit an application in Android? Is there any type of task manager?
Because a reader asked, android version is 1.5
Works very well, I have been running it all weekend. I switched out the zImage for one that has the screen rotation corrected. Disable the touch input and android keyboard input, hardware keyboard only works great with less FC's. Switched wallpaper to the grey image. GPS and Bluetooth work, but sadly still no camera or wifi. At least for me. Market also works very well.
I think we could be off to a great start!
Who has any camera or wifi experience with our hardware?
Hey now, give a link to the zimage fix! Better yet zip up your stuff and share it!
freenode has an #htc-Linux They might know about the hardware.
Here you go! I have also made a few changes to the defalut.txt and associated user.conf files.
hi jrgii
it mean u already repackage, and i just need to install the Android ion to my mogul.
COuld you share the screenshot please ?
Loaded this on my Sprint Mogul, looks good. Is there a list for defining which hardware keys preform what actions?
What is the button(s) to press to shutdown the phone?
I just tried this on my xv6800.. I can't get any ringtones to work on it. Camera does crash the phone. but it did sync my contacts and calander from work Only need to get ringtones working.. but i'm about ready to buy a droid..
.nbh file?
Is there a zImage (or preferably *.NBH) file for the Titan available anywhere?
Something analogous to the .NBH file described at item 6 of the first post of this thread:
I want to try and use the process described in that post, but need a proper .nbh file (zImage) to do so.
Yes, I have used search, so pointers to a URL would be much appreciated.
I have a question for those of you who have tried it. My phone does not show notifications and Marketplace does not actually download anything on my phone. I can send SMS and look at emails, however, so I know the internet works. Anyone else having this problem? It runs very well despite these two things.
sd_matto said:
Is there a zImage (or preferably *.NBH) file for the Titan available anywhere?
Something analogous to the .NBH file described at item 6 of the first post of this thread:
I want to try and use the process described in that post, but need a proper .nbh file (zImage) to do so.
Yes, I have used search, so pointers to a URL would be much appreciated.
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Um, I have an idea, how about you read the first post? Not to be a jerk, but claiming you have searched, when you haven't read the first post, is, well, whats the word I am thinking?
LargePrime said:
Um, I have an idea, how about you read the first post? Not to be a jerk, but claiming you have searched, when you haven't read the first post, is, well, whats the word I am thinking?
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I read the first post. In fact, the entire thread.
The first post references files to load Android off SDCard, but no guidance on how to load Android off internal memory (i.e., REPLACING WinMo, per the link I referenced). Hence, my reference to the link (so that those who would read my question would click the link and understand what I am asking).
Although I appreciate the fact that you took the time to respond, I don't find myself after having read your response any closer to resolving my issue of trying to load Android onto Mogul internal memory (as they are now currently doing with the Vogue). Any guidance you could provide in that regard would be much appreciated.
sd_matto said:
I read the first post. In fact, the entire thread.
The first post references files to load Android off SDCard, but no guidance on how to load Android off internal memory (i.e., REPLACING WinMo, per the link I referenced). Hence, my reference to the link (so that those who would read my question would click the link and understand what I am asking).
Although I appreciate the fact that you took the time to respond, I don't find myself after having read your response any closer to resolving my issue of trying to load Android onto Mogul internal memory (as they are now currently doing with the Vogue). Any guidance you could provide in that regard would be much appreciated.
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There is a zImage in every bootable android package, Including the one in the first post. I do not believe there are any ROMs for the Titan at this point, although work is ongoing.
Exactly what every Titan user wants
Thanks to both LargePrime and jrgii for their prepacks for this phone.
I was very eager to try this out after searching quite a bit, and this made it rather straight forward.
I loaded jrgii's as he mentioned it corrected the screen flip issue. Only thing is that it is super slow and has no audio on my phone.
any suggestions on the sound? I have downloaded the overclocker to see if it helps the speed issue. (maybe its the memory card?)
I can't wait for wifi support. I imagine the data charge$ are not going to be nice using the android features without wifi.
ok, back to play around some more!
One last Q for those who want the rom version. why? As far as I understand (maybe naively) loading off of SD still bypasses winmo so that your resources are used solely on android os. Besides, with the current builds for this phone, you would then be left w/o the bt/wifi/cam features unless you reflash back again, whereas the sd method you can simply reboot.
I realize that I am the newbiest on here (have just been reading until now, and finally registered so I could post here to thank these guys) All I ask is, if you know any answers to help me and care to reply, I do greatly appreciate it.
Until then, I will keep searching and reading hopefully useful and not outdated info.
Did you try the package I found?
I downloaded it, but did not try running it, as one of your posts indicated the screen flip issue. I will give it a shot. thanks!
Also, do you overclock your htc as well? And if you do, what program do you use/ do you launch it from android or linux?
I'll let you know how I make out with your pack

[Q] android kitchen

hello guys just set up dxsidia android kitchen not sure if anyone uses this but i have a few questions and since dxsidia does not support this anymore was hoping someone could answer them for me...
1. is the major obvious one does it work on the photon in the thread it does say unconfirmed for atrix but nothing on photon?
2.after creating the work folder i go into advanced options and start editing? i realize since there is nothing on the photon most of my answers are probably going to be try and see but no harm in asking right...
3.it has a set of pluign scripts labeled sgs2/ sgs these are for samsung galaxy s right so i dont want to use any of them?
4. there is a task killer tweak you can add from it what exactly is this?
5. add data/app functionality??? lets you add or remove apps??? not sure is why im asking
there are more q's but i figured if i can get these answered im doing good
ive read the thread for a few days now and seems simple but confusing at same time seems like its a one click type thing but if you dont know for sure what you are clicking can really screw up and have to start from scratch... anywho trying to do more around here and would appreciate any help anyone has thanks a ton
1) Yes in terms of an apk is an apk. No in terms of the updater script (IIRC)
2) Yes, assuming theres options in the advanced menu you'd like to impliment
3) You don't need the Samsung plugins.
4) Changes minfree settings in the boot image. Be aware the ICS impliments memory handling differently than previous versions.
5) Adds a script and folder for data/app partition so you can include optional apps. Optional apks (things like nascar for example) could be placed in here and would be installed on flash. But because they are in /data, the user has the option to uninstall through manage apps.
Personal Opinion: While the kitchen may be a convienient way to do things, it leaves little (Read: No) room for learning. Assuming you'd like to create a body of work to be publically distributed and not just for personal use, it might be worth the upfront investment in figuring out how to do/script this stuff yourself. That's not me trying to be an elite a-hole, that's me giving solid advice.
Yeah im a trying to learn as much as i can ive been reading and reading and reading have always known about the kitchen just never tried it thanks for the response you didnt come off as elitest is all good i find its easier for me to learn by trying things while reading about it granted i do research in great lengths not just in xda but other forums, blogs, links so on and so on before even downloading these tools but as i said it seems to sink in better when i can go ok i use this option this what it means thats what it did this what its supposed to do/look like
Sent from my MB855 using xda premium
So ive been trying all day to spit out a rom with the kitchen and no matter what i do it doesnt install either get status 7 or 0 says was looking for 4agrs but only found 3 and sometimes says 3args but only found 2 ive tried using a rom i know flashes and just running it through the kitchen and flashing the output... idk what im doing wrong but starting to think it is not photon compatible any insider tips? i know i already asked this but not quite ready to surrender to defeat on this yet and i REALLY dont want to install linux or ubuntu on my computer would have to partition it and just not to keen on doing that to the family computer my kids and wife play on it almost more than i do

[Q] Confused Noob... SGII, rooting, ICS update, unknown symbols

Before I start, let me first apologise to "the-old-man-across-the-road-who-shouts-when-step-on-his-lawn". I watched the video. I have searched the forum. read a full thread (50+pages) on various things but I am still a confused NOOB. I am happy with the concepts of android, just need some guidance:
I will try and keep them separate and precise. there is a screen grab of my model no./android vers/baseband vers/kernel and build attached (I hope). I am on ORANGE in the UK.
1. The "N" with what look like signal/wifi eminating (see attached) - what does it mean please?
2. I am on Orange, and as far as I am aware, the phone is NOT rooted, it has piles of bloatware which I don't use and have no intention of using, same for half the Samsung rubbish - a bunch of these just pop up and run, randomly... constantly with task manager closing them GRRR.
I viewed this thread and this one
now I am just confused which method should I use to root? which ROM/kernel? will this affect my ability to get the ICS update when it comes out?
3. Do I need to create a samsung account to check for updates? how do i go about updating the OS when the ICS update is released for ORANGE?
My apologies if this is in the wrong place, the questions are answered else where etc. I did try, honest!
thank you in advance, a noob, soon hopefully to become an enlightened one

LS HDMI & show touch

Hi all,
I'm lately using a lot in the HDMI port.
I have a couple of questions, first, what roms natively support LS?
Second, I'm looking for a way to know where to touch the screen without looking on it,just by looking at the big screen.
Meaning I need some kind of pointer to show where my finger is currently touching.
I saw it in a youtube video, named "Android 4.0.1 ICS on HTC Desire S(With Show Touch)".
People who run CM9, can anyone see this option?
Do you know another of doing it, in CM7 maybe?
Go to settings - development you will find it there, else debug menu entry if on cm7
Sent from my SE W715
leviadam said:
Hi all,
I'm lately using a lot in the HDMI port.
I have a couple of questions, first, what roms natively support LS?
Second, I'm looking for a way to know where to touch the screen without looking on it,just by looking at the big screen.
Meaning I need some kind of pointer to show where my finger is currently touching.
I saw it in a youtube video, named "Android 4.0.1 ICS on HTC Desire S(With Show Touch)".
People who run CM9, can anyone see this option?
Do you know another of doing it, in CM7 maybe?
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hit thanks if I helped!
10x a lot people

[ROM][DISCUSSION] Ubuntu Touch B&N Nook Tablet

Hey all, I've been around for a while and suppose I finally got off my butt and decided to try my hand at building stuff. I just wanted to let you know I posted this in the Ubuntu Touch Dev forum:
All credits go to the efforts of all the devs who have gotten us this far, I know there would be no hope for me without them
Not really usable, but it boots! :highfive:
I'd like to keep the dev questions in that thread if we can. General discussion can be here.
Updated dev post...
Posted a 2nd build and added stuff to the post, sorry about the name change, more for me than anything else. Apps stay open, videos stopped working >.< I haven't checked the logs for anything yet, will do when I get a chance...
Figured I'd put up some new pics... I found out apparently if you swipe right on the status icons you get a Device pull down vs the individual ones... <-- DIdn't know that until a little bit ago Pics show that, multitasking (gallery on left, calc on right) and Home screen with the side bar...
I was just wondering today wether anyone had tried this yet thanks for the effort it's appreciated.
Sent via carrier pigeon...
Any way to run this off an SD card?
I haven't even looked into it yet... I need to look into the Ubuntu side of the code to see what it isn't pulling in like it should be so this thing can function better. I found a script in another forum for auto changing the display stuff, added an Acclaim piece to it and it works, will upload it when I get off work today.
Sent from my SCH-I510 using xda app-developers app
So the wifi doesn't work? Try using another wpa supplicant, like in Demetris's kernel.
How is the dev coming
Sorry, no new news yet, i didn't get too much of a chance this weekend to look into it... Between the family and having had to basically start over and I kept having problems even getting cm10.1 to build... I will work more on it time willing ofc..
Sent from my SCH-I510 using xda app-developers app
What steps are you following to build this? I what to build a Linux other than Ubuntu touch. I think that plasma active would be awesome on NT.
Sent from my SGH-T679 using Tapatalk 2
The Wi-Fi problem comes from the Ubuntu end. Since this is Ubuntu Developer Preview, the wifi does not work.
question about ubuntu touch for nook
hi, i am new to this forum....
i was checking to see if there was an ubuntu touch image for the nook, and i ran across this post.
what i was wondering is if there is a way to install the image to boot off the SD card simular to
the N2A (nook 2 android) image does? i was thinking this way i could test it with out
bricking my nook tablet...
any ideas?
its awesome that someone is taking this on, as it looks like the nook is about to
become history.
Hey all, sorry I haven't posted much, just wanted to work on this a bit more before posting. I managed to get wifi to work with some terminal junk through adb and ubuntu_chroot. Basically it's not loading a module (wl12xx_sdio.ko) it should be. The network gui still doesn't show anything as of yet. So yes, I will still need to look into it more and check the source files as well. I am uploading a new build and will have instructions for it soon in the dev thread. Wondering if I should move it to the dev forum here
Not sure why, but atm apps have started force closing again. I need to reboot and see if it's somehow related. Seems something else just malfunctioned
UPDATE: Apparently getting the Network Manager GUI to work correctly is pretty simple http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=41838135#post41838135
I have updated that post and I suppose I will upload my the build reference. One thing to note, the afterflash file correct the dpi seems to make my screen blank out with the latest Ubuntu builds. Not sure why just yet but it should be simple enough to add a conf file manually until I make some scripts. I have not tried adding security to the network (added wpa2-psk and worked like a charm after restarting the network-manager!) nor messed with hidden ssid's yet.
UPDATE: see Build 5 notes, I hadn't fully updated my ubuntu sources apparently Display seems to work now with newest builds!
Just when I start to get somewhere, they up and change versions on me (saucy now) Testing to see if it works!
UPDATE: Saucy boots!
-Swipe right side of screen to the left to unlock
-Network list shows then apparently goes blank after trying to get on (which I did the second time after a reboot, list stayed second time).
Note that there are two different versions of Saucy out, make sure you currently download from the same links as before (with the word "preview" in the url).
At some point I hope to figure out the missing battery indicator.
hey dejello whats the current news? are you still working on it?
btw saucy does seem to boot, raring seems to be okay
Still waiting for updated porting notes.. I have tried a few things unsuccessfully and will keep going, but this is not dead
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dejello said:
Still waiting for updated porting notes.. I have tried a few things unsuccessfully and will keep going, but this is not dead
Sent from my SCH-I510 using xda app-developers app
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thats nice to know keep up the good work :good:
by the way i heard that adamoutler was working on it too, but last thing I heard from him was the ubuntu recovery. wonder if he's still working on it
a little printing mistake there, saucy DOES NOT boot
I support this project and will hop on board if/when this gets closer to completion, or if we can boot off MicroSD :good:
Hey all, haven't forgotten this, am on vacation currently and wilp continue work when I get back
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