[Q] Is GOOGLE damaing developers with permissions description? - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

What’s your opinion about how Android Market describes its own permissions? Is Google damaging users and developers with descriptions like these?
Allows the application to call phone numbers without your intervention. Malicious applications may cause unexpected calls on your phone bill. Note that this does not allow the application to call emergency numbers.
Allows an application to show system alert windows. Malicious applications can take over the entire screen.
Allows application to retrieve information about currently and recently running tasks. May allow malicious applications to discover private information about other applications.
What do you think?

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[APP IDEA] Social Call Blocker. Has it been done?

I have been using Android for a while now, and I have used few call blocker apps to block annoying telemarketing calls.
But in every call blocker app we either need to white or black list of number.
How about an app, where when a user black lists a number, the number gets synced to a cloud storage. The numbers that are stored in the server would then be synced in other users devices (not in their contact list).
The app will block any call that is from within this list. Because a users have marked the number as spam, other users won't have to get annoyed even once.
It seems to me like a good idea, but there could be many problems with this as well. For example, what if a user marks a non telemarketing number as spam.
What I am wondering is whether any such (or even better) app/service is already available for Android phones? and is it worth spending time to develop?
I am a XDA noob, so if I have posted in a wrong section, or if I am not supposed to be posting this in XDA at all, then please pardon me, and please o please don't flame me
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[Q] is Camera 360 Ultimate safe?

seems to many permissons...
Allows application to take pictures and videos with the camera. This allows the application at any time to collect images the camera is seeing.
Access coarse location sources such as the cellular network database to determine an approximate device location, where available. Malicious applications can use this to determine approximately where you are.
Access fine location sources such as the Global Positioning System on the device, where available. Malicious applications can use this to determine where you are, and may consume additional battery power.
Allows an application to create network sockets.
Allows an application to read from the system's various log files. This allows it to discover general information about what you are doing with the device, potentially including personal or private information.
Allows the application to access the phone features of the device. An application with this permission can determine the phone number and serial number of this phone, whether a call is active, the number that call is connected to and the like.
Allows an application to write to the USB storage. Allows an application to write to the SD card.
Allows an application to prevent the device from going to sleep.
Allows application to retrieve information about currently and recently running tasks. May allow malicious applications to discover private information about other applications.
Allows the application to control the vibrator.
Allows an application to view the state of all networks.
Allows an application to view the information about the state of Wi-Fi.
ksoze11 said:
seems to many permissons...
Allows application to take pictures and videos with the camera. This allows the application at any time to collect images the camera is seeing.
Access coarse location sources such as the cellular network database to determine an approximate device location, where available. Malicious applications can use this to determine approximately where you are.
Access fine location sources such as the Global Positioning System on the device, where available. Malicious applications can use this to determine where you are, and may consume additional battery power.
Allows an application to create network sockets.
Allows an application to read from the system's various log files. This allows it to discover general information about what you are doing with the device, potentially including personal or private information.
Allows the application to access the phone features of the device. An application with this permission can determine the phone number and serial number of this phone, whether a call is active, the number that call is connected to and the like.
Allows an application to write to the USB storage. Allows an application to write to the SD card.
Allows an application to prevent the device from going to sleep.
Allows application to retrieve information about currently and recently running tasks. May allow malicious applications to discover private information about other applications.
Allows the application to control the vibrator.
Allows an application to view the state of all networks.
Allows an application to view the information about the state of Wi-Fi.
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Yes it is safe, it needs the permissions for geotagging, letting you share pics online, save pics to sd card, keep phone awake while using app etc. Not sure about the log permission though, it might be to read and send them error reports.
Sent from my LG P920 using Tapatalk
Camera 360 privacy concern
I still suspect it... Why in the heavens would it need these 3:
Allows an application to read from the system's various log files. This allows it to discover general information about what you are doing with the device, potentially including personal or private information.
Allows the application to access the phone features of the device. An application with this permission can determine the phone number and serial number of this phone, whether a call is active, the number that call is connected to and the like.
Allows application to retrieve information about currently and recently running tasks. May allow malicious applications to discover private information about other applications.
I just ran it and it only tried using two things, one was gps and one was imei.
The location is for geotagging and I would think it uses imei to identify you have right to use it as it was a paid for app originally and this permission may have been left in.
I use lbe privacy guard and these permissions were all it tried using, blocked both with lbe and app still works so maybe you could try that if your concerned.
Sent from my LG P920 using Tapatalk
Thanks! I'll try both that privacy guard and the app.
does this blocking thing work with trektrak mobile security as well?

Permissions management noob trying to understand android permissions better

Hi I am trying to understand permissions management a bit better, primarily what all the different things you can block etc are. Some of the things such as Call logs, Calendar, SMS etc are self explanatory, but other things (what they are and implications of access to) such as:
Device ID
Subscriber ID
SIM serial
Phone and mailbox number
Incoming call number
Outgoing call number
Network location
List of accounts
Account auth tokens
SIM info
Network info
Is there an FAQ/Guide that explains these things in detail that someone could point me to?
Make phone calls
Services that cost you money
This permission is of moderate to high importance. This could let an application call a 1-900 number and charge you money. However, this is not as common a way to cheat people in today's world as it used to be. Legitimate applications that use this include: Google Voice and Google Maps.
Another important point to note here is that any app can launch the phone screen and pre-fill a number for you. However, in order to make the call, you would need to press [Send] or [Call] yourself. The difference with this permission is that an app could make the entire process automatic and hidden.
Send SMS or MMS
Services that cost you money
This permission is of moderate to high importance. This could let an application send an SMS on your behalf, and much like the phone call permission, it could cost you money by sending SMS to for-pay numbers. Certain SMS numbers work much like 1-900 numbers and automatically charge your phone company money when you send them an SMS.
Modify/delete SD card contents
This permission is of high importance. This will allow applications to read, write, and delete anything stored on your phone's SD card. This includes pictures, videos, mp3s, documents and even data written to your SD card by other applications. However, there are many legitimate uses for this permission. Many people want their applications to store data on the SD card, and any application that stores information on the SD card will need this permission. You will have to use your own judgment and be cautious with this permission knowing it is very powerful but very, very commonly used by legitimate applications. Applications that typically need this permission include (but are not limited to) camera applications, audio/video applications, document applications
WARNING: Any app targeting Android 1.5 or below (possibly 1.6 as well) will be granted this permission BY DEFAULT and you may not ever be warned about it. It is important to pay attention to what version of Android an app is targeting to know if this permission is being granted. You can see this on the Market website in the right hand column.
Read contact data, write contact data
Your personal information
This permission is of high importance. Unless an app explicitly states a specific feature that it would use your contact list for, there isn't much of a reason to give an application this permission. Legitimate exceptions include typing or note taking applications, quick-dial type applications and possibly social networking apps. Some might require your contact information to help make suggestions to you as you type. Typical applications that require this permission include: social networking apps, typing/note taking apps, SMS replacement apps, contact management apps.
Read calendar data, write calendar data
Your personal information
This permission is of moderate to high importance. While most people would consider their calendar information slightly less important than their list of contacts and friends, this permission should still be treated with care when allowing applications access. Additionally, it's good to keep in mind that calendar events can, and often do contain contact information.
Read/write Browser history and bookmarks
Your personal information
This permission is of medium-high importance. Browsing habits are often tracked through regular computers, but with this permission you'd be giving access to more than just browsing habits. There are also legitimate uses for this permission such as apps that sync or backup your data, and possibly certain social apps.
Read logs / Read sensitive logs
Your personal information / Development Tools
This permission is of very high importance. This allows the application to read what any other applications have written as debugging/logging code. This can reveal some very sensitive information. There are almost no reasons an applications needs this permission. The only apps I might grant this permission to would be Google apps. The name of this permission recently changed as it came to light how important and dangerous this permission can be. Both the old name and category and the new name and category are listed above.
Read phone state and identity
Phone calls
This permission is of moderate to high importance. Unfortunately this permission seems to be a bit of a mixed bag. While it's perfectly normal for an application to want to know if you are on the phone or getting a call, this permission also gives an application access to 2 unique numbers that can identify your phone. The numbers are the IMEI, and IMSI. Many software developers legitimately use these numbers as a means of tracking piracy though. This permission also gives an application to the phone numbers for incoming and outgoing calls.
WARNING: Any app targeting Android 1.5 or below (possibly 1.6 as well) will be granted this permission BY DEFAULT. And you may not ever be warned about it. It is important to pay attention to what version of Android an app is targeting to know if this permission is being granted. You can see this on the Market website in the right hand column.
(see image above)
Fine (GPS) location
Your location
While not a danger for stealing any of your personal information, this will allow an application to track where you are. Typical applications that might need this include (but are not limited to) restaurant directories, movie theater finders, and mapping applications. This can sometimes be used for location based services and advertising.
Coarse (network-based) location
Your location
This setting is almost identical to the above GPS location permission, except that it is slightly less precise when tracking your location. This can sometimes be used for location based services and advertising.
Create Bluetooth connection
Network Communication
Bluetooth (Wikipedia: Bluetooth) is a technology that lets your phone communicate wirelessly over short distances. It is similar to Wi-Fi in many ways. It itself is not a danger to your phone, but it does enable a way for an application to send and receive data from other devices. Typical applications that would need bluetooth access include: Sharing applications, file transfer apps, apps that connect to headset out wireless speakers.
Full internet access
Network Communication
This is probably the most important permission you will want to pay attention to. Many apps will request this but not all need it. For any malware to truly be effective it needs a means by which to transfer data off of your phone; this is one of the settings it would definitely have to ask for.
However, in this day and age of cloud computing and always-on internet connectivity, many, many legitimate applications also request this.
You will have to be very careful with this setting and use your judgment. It should always pique your interest to think about whether your application needs this permission. Typical applications that would use this include but are not limited to: web browsers, social networking applications, internet radio, cloud computing applications, weather widgets, and many, many more. This permission can also be used to serve Advertising, and to validate that your app is licensed. (Wikipedia article on DRM).
View network state / Wi-Fi state
Network communication
This permission is of low importance as it will only allow an application to tell if you are connected to the internet via 3G or Wi-Fi
Discover Known Accounts
Your accounts
This permission is of moderate-high importance. This allows the application to read what accounts you have and the usernames associated with them. It allows the app to interact with permission related to that account. An example would be an app that was restoring your contact, would discover your Google account then send you to Google's login screen. It doesn't actually get to see your password, but it gets to work with the account. This is also legitimately used by applications to add contacts to your accounts, such as dialer replacements and contact managers/backup/sync/etc.
Manage Accounts
Your accounts
This permission is of high importance. This allows the application to manage the accounts on your phone. For instance it would be used by a service like Facebook to add an account to your accounts list. It seems at this time unclear if this permission allows an app to delete accounts.
Use Credentials
Your accounts
This permission is of high importance. This will allow an application authorization to use your accounts. They do this typically by giving what's called an AuthToken depending on what account you use (Google/Facebook/Yahoo/Last.fm/Microsoft/etc.). It's not as scary as it sounds however, it does typically protect your password from being seen by the application. However, it's still a very important permission you should give only with great caution.
Read/modify Gmail
Your messages
This permission is of high importance. Few apps should need access to your Gmail or email account. Email is also a prime method for managing accounts with other companies and services. For example, someone with control over your email could request a new password from your bank. While this is the worst case scenario, and there are various legitimate uses for this permission, it's still best to treat all email related permissions with extreme care.
Install Packages
System tools
This permission is of critical importance. This allows an application to install other applications on your system. This can be exploited by virus writers to install adware and malware on your system without your knowledge. It is a very, very dangerous permission and should almost NEVER be granted to a typical app. The only legitimate uses for this permission are for Market-like apps such as the Amazon AppStore or the Android Market.
Prevent phone from sleeping
System tools
This is almost always harmless. Sometimes an application doesn't expect the user to interact with the phone directly, and therefore may need to keep the phone from going to sleep. Many applications will often request this permission. Typical applications that use this are: Video players, e-readers, alarm clock 'dock' views and many more.
Modify global system settings
System tools
This permission is pretty important but only has the possibility of moderate impact. Global settings are pretty much anything you would find under Android's main 'settings' window. However, a lot of these settings may be perfectly reasonable for an application to change. Typical applications that use this include: volume control widgets, notification widgets, settings widgets, Wi-Fi utilities, or GPS utilities. Most apps needing this permission will fall under the "widget" or "utility" categories/types.
Read sync settings
System tools
This permission is of low impact. It merely allows the application to know if you have background data sync (such as for Facebook or Gmail) turned on or off.
Restart other applications
System tools
This permission is of low to moderate impact. It will allow an application to tell Android to 'kill' the process of another application. However, any app that is killed will likely get restarted by the Android OS itself.
Retrieve running applications
System tools
This permission is of moderate impact. It will allow an application to find out what other applications are running on your phone. While not a danger in and of itself, it would be a useful tool for someone trying to steal your data. Typical legitimate applications that require this permission include: task killers and battery history widgets.
Control Vibrator
Hardware controls
This permission is of low importance. As it states, it lets an app control the vibrate function on your phone. This includes for incoming calls and other events.
Take Pictures & Video
Hardware controls
This permission is of moderate importance. As it states, it lets an app control the camera function on your phone. In theory this could be used maliciously to snap unsuspecting photos, but it would be unlikely and difficult to get a worthwhile picture or video. However, it is not impossible to make malicious use of cameras.
wow, thats perfect thanx!

[Q] Excessive Permissions?

I'm after the advice of someone who knows about Android permissions and security.
I'd like to make use of this app - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.faradayinstitute&hl=en
That requires these permissions:
This app has access to these permissions:
Your messages
receive text messages (SMS)
Network communication
full network access
view network connections
view Wi-Fi connections
Phone calls
read phone status and identity
modify or delete the contents of your USB storage
record audio
Your social information
read your contacts
modify your contacts
read call log
write call log
Your accounts
find accounts on the device
System tools
send sticky broadcast
test access to protected storage
Affects battery
control vibration
prevent device from sleeping
Your applications information
run at startup
Audio settings
change your audio settings
But isn't that list of permissions completely OTT? I expressed my concerns to them and received the following reply:
I am writing to update you with regards to your enquiry about the Faraday App. I have been in touch with our developers and they have informed me that although this is a long list it is quite common with Android. They are currently working to see if they can reduce the list, however, there is nothing to worry about since you know the origin of there App, The Faraday Institute, and therefore can easily determine whether you wish to allow access (if it is a source you trust/is reputable etc..). The reason they need access to some parts is simply to add their details to your phone, (access your phone book for example is only to add The Faraday to your contacts).
I hope this answers your query for now. I will update you when I receive more information from the developers. Please feel free to contact me if you require further assistance.
I'm no expert but it doesn't really seem satisfactory - or am I worrying necessarily?
Ergates said:
I'm after the advice of someone who knows about Android permissions and security.
I'd like to make use of this app - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.faradayinstitute&hl=en
That requires these permissions:
This app has access to these permissions:
Your messages
receive text messages (SMS)
Network communication
full network access
view network connections
view Wi-Fi connections
Phone calls
read phone status and identity
modify or delete the contents of your USB storage
record audio
Your social information
read your contacts
modify your contacts
read call log
write call log
Your accounts
find accounts on the device
System tools
send sticky broadcast
test access to protected storage
Affects battery
control vibration
prevent device from sleeping
Your applications information
run at startup
Audio settings
change your audio settings
But isn't that list of permissions completely OTT? I expressed my concerns to them and received the following reply:
I am writing to update you with regards to your enquiry about the Faraday App. I have been in touch with our developers and they have informed me that although this is a long list it is quite common with Android. They are currently working to see if they can reduce the list, however, there is nothing to worry about since you know the origin of there App, The Faraday Institute, and therefore can easily determine whether you wish to allow access (if it is a source you trust/is reputable etc..). The reason they need access to some parts is simply to add their details to your phone, (access your phone book for example is only to add The Faraday to your contacts).
I hope this answers your query for now. I will update you when I receive more information from the developers. Please feel free to contact me if you require further assistance.
I'm no expert but it doesn't really seem satisfactory - or am I worrying necessarily?
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what kind of app is it? (currently unable to access playstore)
mjz2cool said:
what kind of app is it? (currently unable to access playstore)
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Just a "news" app. Here's the description:
The official application of The Faraday Institute for Science and Religion at St Edmund's College, Cambridge. Access news, leading stories of the day, educational resources, and much more, from the institute that is leading research in the understanding of the relation between science and religion.
Ergates said:
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And once more for luck!
Ergates said:
And once more for luck!
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Any views?

[Q] Can I stop Twitter from doing this?

1st things 1st - My device: Verizon S4 Root/Safestrap/Eclipse/Titanium Pro
Is there a way to not allow this to be done without uninstalling the TweetCaster app? I checked in the app's settings and I don't see any way to stop or not allow updates. I do have Google Play's settings at "Do not auto-update apps" - would this be sufficient? Or may Twitter go behind everyone's back and do this independently through their app and bypass Google Play? I do not want Twitter to be able to identify what apps I have or otherwise have access to my S4 to "target ads" to me.
Please note I Do Not have the Twitter app, I have TweetCaster (if it's different than the Twitter app? I don't know?) I heard facebook was doing this same BS & people deleted the app (I Do Not use FB) and am looking for a way to not allow Twitter to do this (if there is a way to). Thanks (I don't believe the last line below)
>>From Wired.com, Nov 26th<<
Twitter Plans to Peek at Your Apps to Serve You Targeted Ads
Twitter will soon identify the other apps on your phone in an effort to personalize your experience on its service—i.e. serve you targeted ads.
The company discusses the move on its website, and according to the news site Re/code, this sort of tracking will begin with a new version of its iPhone app, set to roll out on Wednesday. A new Android version that works in much the same way will roll out over the next week.
Now a public company, Twitter is exploring many different ways to boost its revenue, and one method is through better targeted ads. The company already has some personal information about those using its service—what they type into their Twitter profiles and the tweets they post—but now, it wants more. “To help build a more personal Twitter experience for you, we are collecting and occasionally updating the list of apps installed on your mobile device so we can deliver tailored content that you might be interested in,” the company says.
In this way, it’s following the lead of Facebook and Google and so many others that seek to target ads. The difference is that Twitter doesn’t have access to nearly as much personal data as Facebook, which inherently encourages users to provide information about themselves, or Google, which operates a wide range of services atop its own mobile OS. So Twitter is reaching out into other parts of the phone, something that is easy to do. The Apple/Google mobile OSes provide ready access to information like this & many apps take advantage of this—some going much further than others.
Twitter says it will point users to its new data policy, via an in-app notification, before it starts collecting any personal information. But the new update is opt-out, which means that in order for the company to stop gathering data on your account, you must explicitly turn this data collection off. But few users are likely to do so.
Lane W. said:
1st things 1st - My device: Verizon S4 Root/Safestrap/Eclipse/Titanium Pro
Is there a way to not allow this to be done without uninstalling the TweetCaster app? I checked in the app's settings and I don't see any way to stop or not allow updates. I do have Google Play's settings at "Do not auto-update apps" - would this be sufficient? Or may Twitter go behind everyone's back and do this independently through their app and bypass Google Play? I do not want Twitter to be able to identify what apps I have or otherwise have access to my S4 to "target ads" to me.
Please note I Do Not have the Twitter app, I have TweetCaster (if it's different than the Twitter app? I don't know?) I heard facebook was doing this same BS & people deleted the app (I Do Not use FB) and am looking for a way to not allow Twitter to do this (if there is a way to). Thanks (I don't believe the last line below)
>>From Wired.com, Nov 26th<<
Twitter Plans to Peek at Your Apps to Serve You Targeted Ads
Twitter will soon identify the other apps on your phone in an effort to personalize your experience on its service—i.e. serve you targeted ads.
The company discusses the move on its website, and according to the news site Re/code, this sort of tracking will begin with a new version of its iPhone app, set to roll out on Wednesday. A new Android version that works in much the same way will roll out over the next week.
Now a public company, Twitter is exploring many different ways to boost its revenue, and one method is through better targeted ads. The company already has some personal information about those using its service—what they type into their Twitter profiles and the tweets they post—but now, it wants more. “To help build a more personal Twitter experience for you, we are collecting and occasionally updating the list of apps installed on your mobile device so we can deliver tailored content that you might be interested in,” the company says.
In this way, it’s following the lead of Facebook and Google and so many others that seek to target ads. The difference is that Twitter doesn’t have access to nearly as much personal data as Facebook, which inherently encourages users to provide information about themselves, or Google, which operates a wide range of services atop its own mobile OS. So Twitter is reaching out into other parts of the phone, something that is easy to do. The Apple/Google mobile OSes provide ready access to information like this & many apps take advantage of this—some going much further than others.
Twitter says it will point users to its new data policy, via an in-app notification, before it starts collecting any personal information. But the new update is opt-out, which means that in order for the company to stop gathering data on your account, you must explicitly turn this data collection off. But few users are likely to do so.
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I think Tweetcaster is a third party application just like Falcon doesn't have anything to do with the default twitter app. .Or you can just see if that option is listed their within the Tweetcaster application to opt out of it.

