[Q] Samsung Galaxy S2 - Download mode but no recovery, not recognized by Odin or Kies - Galaxy S II Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hi all. I have searched for this problem and found some similar ones, but nothing quite like this.
The problem first started when I tried flashing Zedomax Kernel v3 via Odin. Odin reported a successful flash, but when it went to reboot it sat at the Galaxy S2 splash screen with yellow triangle for about 45 mins. I figured something was wrong so rebooted to CWM. I was able to get into both CWM and download mode at this point.
No matter what I tried I could not get the phone to boot up, so I thought I would try flashing a factory image to get back to out of the box settings. In the middle of this Odin got stuck on a step and then failed out after a good 10-30 minutes (sorry for lack of detail, this was pretty late last night).
Now, when I try to boot into recovery mode I see the [phone]....!....[computer] screen with the message "Firmware upgrade encountered" (part of this screen is cut off on the right, and appears to overflow to the left side? weird). I can boot into download mode, but Odin doesn't see my phone when I plug it in. The device doesn't show up in device manager either.
Things I have tried:
-Different USB port
-Kies "Resolution connection errors" button, which seems to reinstall the drivers
-Reboot computer after above step
-Remove battery from phone and replace
After these steps I still can't get my computer to see my plugged in phone in any way. I'm getting kinda nervous but the only thing giving me hope is that I can get it into download mode. Any ideas on how to get Odin to see it again?

Remove Kies and reinstall see if it picks the phone up and installs the drivers .

OperationIvy85 said:
Hi all. I have searched for this problem and found some similar ones, but nothing quite like this.
The problem first started when I tried flashing Zedomax Kernel v3 via Odin. Odin reported a successful flash, but when it went to reboot it sat at the Galaxy S2 splash screen with yellow triangle for about 45 mins. I figured something was wrong so rebooted to CWM. I was able to get into both CWM and download mode at this point.
No matter what I tried I could not get the phone to boot up, so I thought I would try flashing a factory image to get back to out of the box settings. In the middle of this Odin got stuck on a step and then failed out after a good 10-30 minutes (sorry for lack of detail, this was pretty late last night).
Now, when I try to boot into recovery mode I see the [phone]....!....[computer] screen with the message "Firmware upgrade encountered" (part of this screen is cut off on the right, and appears to overflow to the left side? weird). I can boot into download mode, but Odin doesn't see my phone when I plug it in. The device doesn't show up in device manager either.
Things I have tried:
-Different USB port
-Kies "Resolution connection errors" button, which seems to reinstall the drivers
-Reboot computer after above step
-Remove battery from phone and replace
After these steps I still can't get my computer to see my plugged in phone in any way. I'm getting kinda nervous but the only thing giving me hope is that I can get it into download mode. Any ideas on how to get Odin to see it again?
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That kernel is for the Epic touch 4g is that your phone or do you have the international version? If you flashed the wrong kernel it could cause problems.

Yes it's an Epic touch 4g from sprint.
EDIT: Uninstalled Kies, reinstalled Kies, restarted computer, still no kind of recognition of my phone in any state (powered off, at "Firmware upgrade encountered" screen it boots into, or in download mode). Starting to get nervous, I used to at least hear a sound when plugging my phone into my comp. It is like there is nothing on the other end of the USB cable.

More things I have tried:
-All of the above steps on a different computer
-Sweet talking it
-Talking dirty to it
Am I brick'd? I figure not, since I can at least get into download mode. Not sure what else I can do though. I'd go see what the Sprint store can do for me, but on the download mode screen it lists my custom binary download count as 5, I understand they will see that and tell me I'm out of luck?

OperationIvy85 said:
More things I have tried:
-All of the above steps on a different computer
-Sweet talking it
-Talking dirty to it
Am I brick'd? I figure not, since I can at least get into download mode. Not sure what else I can do though. I'd go see what the Sprint store can do for me, but on the download mode screen it lists my custom binary download count as 5, I understand they will see that and tell me I'm out of luck?
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Try to reset your binary counter with a usb jig.

you could try and download the drivers again from here and see if it then connects
I also had a similar problem once with an old i9000 and what worked was doing this and then connecting the phone first and then opening Odin.For some reason opening Odin first and connecting wouldnt find the phone.If nothing else works try wipeing the bin counter with the jig and send it back.Youll have to say that kies crashed while updating on Win7 64bits.Samsung know that before the September 30th kies update kies wasnt fully functional with 64bit drivers and they had a few phones replaced under warranty because of crashing kies updates on Win7 64bits.

Thanks for the replies everyone.
I made a USB jig but it had no result. I checked the resistance with a multimeter and I am connected across pins 4 and 5 of the usb dongle I bought. I plug it in and nothing happens.
I can still get into download mode by the usual means, just no recognition from my computer, odin, or kies. Very frustrating. Am I going to have to buy a new one or is there another way to reset the bin counter?
EDIT: Got the USB jig to work! I was using a bad diagram and was on pins 1/2 instead of 4/5. Now I can't boot, can't get to recovery, can't get any PC to recognize my phone in download mode.. but at least my download screen says "Custom binary download: NO." So if nothing else works before tomorrow evening I'm gonna bring this thing back to the Sprint store and tell them what cooza said about kies crashing on win7 64 bit. Thanks everyone! Also I just realized there is a specific forum for Epic 4G touch.. sorry >.>

The good thing is that your bin counter is at "0" again.The Kies thing is the real deal as there are also posts here on XDA of the same thing happening.I also know its true from first hand experience as it has happened to me and when i told them about the Win7 64bit driver problem (this happened to me a couple of months back too) they had no option but to accept it cos they know its true.Also i offered to e-mail links from forums with other complaints from users on 64bit PCs but they didnt even dought my storey and in 4 days it was back in my hand.I told them that when the update finalized the programe froze and the phone rebooted to a black screen.Had to pull the battery cos it appeared to be dead and refused to reboot again.Important to say that you where on Kies prior to the update I mentioned.Ived update to the latest Kies and it works fine now on my Win7 64bit so be carefull there that date is important

Thanks cooza I really appreciate your help. I do have a couple questions though.
1. Is the update you are referring to an update to Kies software.. or an update to the Galaxy S2? Reason I ask is because my phone is the Epic 4G Touch (accidentally posted in this forum >.>), will they still believe my story?
2. Not sure if you will know the answer to this one, but should I go through Samsung tech support or can I take it back to the Sprint store where I bought it?
3. Just trying to get clear on the story I should tell them. I was using Kies to update my phone on a Win7 64bit computer, but I accidentally used the version of Kies from before the Sept. 30 update? And then the phone crashed resulting in it's current state. Correct? Anything else I should watch out for?
4. With the problem you are describing with Win7 x64, does the phone go into a soft brick where it won't boot up?
Thanks again.. you've been very helpful

OperationIvy85 said:
Thanks cooza I really appreciate your help. I do have a couple questions though.
1. Is the update you are referring to an update to Kies software.. or an update to the Galaxy S2? Reason I ask is because my phone is the Epic 4G Touch (accidentally posted in this forum >.>), will they still believe my story?
2. Not sure if you will know the answer to this one, but should I go through Samsung tech support or can I take it back to the Sprint store where I bought it?
3. Just trying to get clear on the story I should tell them. I was using Kies to update my phone on a Win7 64bit computer, but I accidentally used the version of Kies from before the Sept. 30 update? And then the phone crashed resulting in it's current state. Correct? Anything else I should watch out for?
4. With the problem you are describing with Win7 x64, does the phone go into a soft brick where it won't boot up?
Thanks again.. you've been very helpful
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Kies via to its Sep 30th update was not fully compatable with 64bits and gave a lot of problems to a lot of people.I had a few problems with it when I got a new laptop (HP Win7 64bit) so started searching the web for solutions and found that kies was designed mainly to support the windowsXP versions 32bit and had caused Samsung to accept various repairs under warranty because of crashing Kies updates mainly on android running phones.For some reason Bada didnt seam to affected.Maybe cos there arnt to many around like android.In the 4G forum there is post from someone who has bricked their phone using Kies to update and a reply from another with the same problem.Take it into where you bought it to start with and if its not there problem then they might send it back to Samsung for you.All you need to say is that you where updating your firmware via kies and on completion it froze and the phone booted to a black screen like mine did.You had to pull the battery and restart your PC to close Kies cos it wouldnt close or minimize or anything.Tell them that you searched on the net for possible causes and found what i told you about Kies and since you have a Win7 64bits PC then thats most likely to have been the cause.Your bin counter is at 0 so there is no way they can counter-attack your story.

OperationIvy85 said:
Hi all. I have searched for this problem and found some similar ones, but nothing quite like this.
The problem first started when I tried flashing Zedomax Kernel v3 via Odin. Odin reported a successful flash, but when it went to reboot it sat at the Galaxy S2 splash screen with yellow triangle for about 45 mins. I figured something was wrong so rebooted to CWM. I was able to get into both CWM and download mode at this point.
No matter what I tried I could not get the phone to boot up, so I thought I would try flashing a factory image to get back to out of the box settings. In the middle of this Odin got stuck on a step and then failed out after a good 10-30 minutes (sorry for lack of detail, this was pretty late last night).
Now, when I try to boot into recovery mode I see the [phone]....!....[computer] screen with the message "Firmware upgrade encountered" (part of this screen is cut off on the right, and appears to overflow to the left side? weird). I can boot into download mode, but Odin doesn't see my phone when I plug it in. The device doesn't show up in device manager either.
Things I have tried:
-Different USB port
-Kies "Resolution connection errors" button, which seems to reinstall the drivers
-Reboot computer after above step
-Remove battery from phone and replace
After these steps I still can't get my computer to see my plugged in phone in any way. I'm getting kinda nervous but the only thing giving me hope is that I can get it into download mode. Any ideas on how to get Odin to see it again?
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I also have this same problem now. Except that....I cannot even get into download mode. My phone is stuck at the [phone]....!....[computer] screen, but without any message. I am told that the exclamation mark tells Samsung that warranty is voided.
Is there anyway I can do anything to save my phone?

Who told you that the exclamation point means you voided your warranty?

bajaber said:
I also have this same problem now. Except that....I cannot even get into download mode. My phone is stuck at the [phone]....!....[computer] screen, but without any message. I am told that the exclamation mark tells Samsung that warranty is voided.
Is there anyway I can do anything to save my phone?
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The exclamation point on a normal boot up screen (Galaxy S II splash screen) means there is a custom rom installed. This can be removed with a USB jig, which will also reset your custom binary counter.
I have absolutely no idea still what [phone]....!....[computer] means though. I ended up taking my phone back to the Sprint store and they replaced it for a small service charge while telling me next time I won't be so lucky. My next step was going to be to try calling Samsung with the story cooza suggested. I told that same story to the people at Sprint but they definitely didn't buy it, but you may have better luck with Samsung. If you get this resolved I'd be curious to hear how, but I am not optimistic for you

bajaber said:
I also have this same problem now. Except that....I cannot even get into download mode. My phone is stuck at the [phone]....!....[computer] screen, but without any message. I am told that the exclamation mark tells Samsung that warranty is voided.
Is there anyway I can do anything to save my phone?
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The sign you see means that your phone is semi-bricked and that you needed a jig to force the phone to boot into download mode.You can buy one on ebay for a couple of bucks.Best you do cos it could may mean that your warranty is void.Let me explain,no one can actually say that your warranty is void because of this sign but being only "semi-bricked" the service centre are still able to enter the phone and see the bin counter.So if you semi-bricked flashing a non official firmware or you have done so earlier and your bin counter is not at 0 then YES your warranty is void.Semi-brick is not so bad as you can normally fix it yourself but Hard-brick is a dead phone and you gotta pay for a jtag .In your case buy a jig force the phone into download mode and re-flash it yourself.You shouldnt need to go anywhere.Semi-bricking is something you save yourself.Just wait till the jig arrives in the mail.
EDIT:there have been posts of people pulling the battery for 10min and re-trying and it has booted to download.They say they have had to do so 4 or 5 times for it to finally work but if youve got time on your hands then give it a try.
---------- Post added at 04:48 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:22 PM ----------
OperationIvy85 said:
The exclamation point on a normal boot up screen (Galaxy S II splash screen) means there is a custom rom installed. This can be removed with a USB jig, which will also reset your custom binary counter.
I have absolutely no idea still what [phone]....!....[computer] means though. I ended up taking my phone back to the Sprint store and they replaced it for a small service charge while telling me next time I won't be so lucky. My next step was going to be to try calling Samsung with the story cooza suggested. I told that same story to the people at Sprint but they definitely didn't buy it, but you may have better luck with Samsung. If you get this resolved I'd be curious to hear how, but I am not optimistic for you
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Well at least you got a phone now hope they didnt charge to much!!!!Good on ya mate

Update on my issue....
It turns out the problem is because I tried to flash an I1900 firmware while my phone is a G variant (I900G).
After using the right firmware, it worked.

OperationIvy85 said:
Thanks for the replies everyone.
I made a USB jig but it had no result. I checked the resistance with a multimeter and I am connected across pins 4 and 5 of the usb dongle I bought. I plug it in and nothing happens.
I can still get into download mode by the usual means, just no recognition from my computer, odin, or kies. Very frustrating. Am I going to have to buy a new one or is there another way to reset the bin counter?
EDIT: Got the USB jig to work! I was using a bad diagram and was on pins 1/2 instead of 4/5. Now I can't boot, can't get to recovery, can't get any PC to recognize my phone in download mode.. but at least my download screen says "Custom binary download: NO." So if nothing else works before tomorrow evening I'm gonna bring this thing back to the Sprint store and tell them what cooza said about kies crashing on win7 64 bit. Thanks everyone! Also I just realized there is a specific forum for Epic 4G touch.. sorry >.>
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Hi, I'm having an exactly same problem with you and I just got a USB jig in mail, but even though I am following the instructions for the USB jig the counter is still not going back to 0 :/
This is the instruction I followed: take battery out for like a minute -> put the battery in but don't turn phone on -> put the usb jig in -> it's supposed to boot up with 0 flash count?
Mine still says 4... Can anyone please help?

sfoksn said:
Hi, I'm having an exactly same problem with you and I just got a USB jig in mail, but even though I am following the instructions for the USB jig the counter is still not going back to 0 :/
This is the instruction I followed: take battery out for like a minute -> put the battery in but don't turn phone on -> put the usb jig in -> it's supposed to boot up with 0 flash count?
Mine still says 4... Can anyone please help?
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Is yours a i9100? If so is your firmware the latest 2.3.5 KI3 or KI8?
Could be your device has the new bootloader. If so check intratechs original firmware thread in original development section and install his old bootloader via Odin. Have a read while your there to get the latest info.
Good luck
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA App

aceofclubs said:
Is yours a i9100? If so is your firmware the latest 2.3.5 KI3 or KI8?
Could be your device has the new bootloader. If so check intratechs original firmware thread in original development section and install his old bootloader via Odin. Have a read while your there to get the latest info.
Good luck
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA App
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Yeah, I got stuck while flashing 2.3.5 Gingerbread... Yeah I think it has a new bootloader, as I remember Odin updating the bootloader section before messing up.
Is there any way I can get the USB jig to work? My phone is no longer recognized by the USB anymore so I can't even flash another bootloader or anything.
Is there anythign I could do to make the USB jig work without connecting it to the computer?

Can you get into download mode using the buttons?
Volume down+home+power
If so try and flash another Rom from intratechs thread to get back to stock.
If that works you can try again.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA App


[Q] Updating Firmware failed.

Hi guys, not entirely sure if this is in the correct place but I believe it is, sorry if it is not.
Today i plugged my Samsung S2 into the laptop and Kies proceeded to connect and everything seemed fine. I then saw that there was a firmware update, I then proceeded to download and try to install it, this failed some how and it then tried to do an emergency recovery which also failed. So i turned the phone on and off again and the screen that appeared was a phone..warning triangle...computer.
I tried plugging it back up but Kies was not connecting with it anymore, and everything i have search about it talks about something called "Odin" and rooting, neither of which i have tried or read about in any great depth.
I contemplated going up to the local shop and seeing if they could do anything although i think they would be just as good as me.
Before today i hadn't updated any firmware at all since getting the phone in January, i have just been using it straight out the box. So my question is, can i fix it? And how would i go about fixing it?
Im am in the UK and on the O2 network if that is any use?
bigredreed said:
Hi guys, not entirely sure if this is in the correct place but I believe it is, sorry if it is not.
Today i plugged my Samsung S2 into the laptop and Kies proceeded to connect and everything seemed fine. I then saw that there was a firmware update, I then proceeded to download and try to install it, this failed some how and it then tried to do an emergency recovery which also failed. So i turned the phone on and off again and the screen that appeared was a phone..warning triangle...computer.
I tried plugging it back up but Kies was not connecting with it anymore, and everything i have search about it talks about something called "Odin" and rooting, neither of which i have tried or read about in any great depth.
I contemplated going up to the local shop and seeing if they could do anything although i think they would be just as good as me.
Before today i hadn't updated any firmware at all since getting the phone in January, i have just been using it straight out the box. So my question is, can i fix it? And how would i go about fixing it?
Im am in the UK and on the O2 network if that is any use?
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Can you try turning the phone off, then simultaneously press the Down Volume Key + Home Button + Power Button, keeping same depressed for about 10 seconds to see if the phone will boot and enter Download mode?
If it does, then you may be able to use ODIN as per this thread http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1075278 to properly reload an image.
Better send it to your near Samsung service center to have it replaced if it still under warranty.
if download mode works then jus flash stock rom via odin...an kies dosnt update the device if the space on main drive(ex--c drive )dosnt hav enough space i think around 30 or 60gb is required...an if u wan to update via kies only then flash old stock rom an connect to kies hope all goes well...if none work then try the jig (search on forums)well i made my own jig tht jus pushs the phone to dounload mode........cheeeeerz

Problem on my Vibrant

Hi guys im not quite new when it comes to android.
last night i was trying to upgrade and flash a CWM on my friends vibrant whe it stopped. i turned off the phone when tries to turn it back on.... the phone quite turns hot and not like my phone when im flashing it.
i got all the files download and read all of the instructions before starting ofcourse.
first the phone doesnt turn on, then i manage to enter the DOWNLOAD MODE again but somehow the Laptop doesnt detect and gives a yellow punctuation mark on the device. i tried to install and flash the rom but it doesnt continue. i tried putting or plugging it to a diff port but still no luck.
can someone help me and answer this question? is this thing hard bricked = im screwed
any help would be gladly appreciated. thanks again guys in advance
Try a different USB cable as well as a different USB port.
Read that post, then, read the thread from page 1, just so I don't feel like I've had the same conversation twice in 1 day.
Shouldn't take long its only a few posts. See if this applies to your situation.
thanks boss but i tried the cable with my galaxy mini and it worked when i tried to flash and went back to stock rom. changed the port as well but still no luck....
the phone as well doesnt turn on like the way of a soft brick. a picture of a phone wanted to be connected to a pc, black screen it is though but the phone goes to DOWNLOAD MODE
Try reinstalling drivers from AIO toolbox. Open Odin as administrator. What does Odin say exactly? Is there a yellow box, if so what does it say in it?
i tried reinstalling the drivers i have downloaded but still no luck, odin detects the phone and when it doesnt i re-install the driver so the computer would detect the COM port of the phone. the odin doesnt push through and no BLUE bar on the phone it self. such as the indicator for the flashing. i tried as well running odin as the administrator but still no luck. so do you think that this could be a hard brick, i dont think so cause i can still enter the DOWNLOAD mode of it. the phone turns hot when im on the download mode. could this be a hardware problem.
No its probably not a brick. I think its a communication issue. I would still think its possible to fix it. As far as it getting hot, not sure but the fact that it gets to download mode is a beacon of hope.
I've got to go to bed, will be back tomorrow to check on this.
yeah i hope thesame way too man. thanks for the reply.... time for you to take some rest. thanks again. i'll post the reply if ever the phone gets fixed
thanks for everything man, the phone now is resurrected after JTAGGING. but i know that those technicians who charged me 1000php just did the flashing on ODIN. i know the thing i've done wrong why it didnt work the first time. now it is running up again. the firmware that was flashed was for TELUS. it now shows T959D. i'll follow the guide fully on flashing and upgrading this thing
I had the same problem as you this morning. I tried driver, after driver, after driver and nothing worked. Eventually I gave in and used my sister's laptop and that did the trick. Mabuti ayos na ang cp mo. Ingat.

[Q] odin failed, flash recovery.bin cwm

i was trying to root a phone for someone and after odin completed it said it had failed.
the phone is a telus samsung t959d running froyo.
I followed the instructions from (I would post the url for the link but i am not allowed to.)cyanogenmod's wiki, after it failed I rebooted the phone and it got stuck on the screen in the attached pic. I have tried to boot back into download mode to no avail. From the screen it's stuck on I cannot get any tool to register the device as being present, adb, heimdall, zdiag, etc... I even tried fastboot out of desperation.Before I used odin I tried to get the phone to boot into the bootloader but it only ever went to either recovery or a normal boot and I tried every button press combo I could think of and found and nada.
Even running adb reboot bootloader just made the device boot normally. I think that if I could get it to boot to fastboot usb i could then try fastboot. I am new to rooting devices and have successfully rooted my HTC EVO3D and got s-off and simlock removed for any carrier. So I do know how to follow instructions properly, why flashing the recovery.bin failed I don't know and every fix I seem to find says BOOT TO DOWNLOAD MODE. if I could do that I wouldn't be having this problem lol. Anyway can someone please help me figure this out. Thanks. ANd if you need any further info please let me know. I don't want to have to give my friend my phone due to a software issue.
And YES I did pick PDA not anything else.
machv5 said:
i was trying to root a phone for someone and after odin completed it said it had failed.
the phone is a telus samsung t959d running froyo.
I followed the instructions from (I would post the url for the link but i am not allowed to.)cyanogenmod's wiki, after it failed I rebooted the phone and it got stuck on the screen in the attached pic. I have tried to boot back into download mode to no avail. From the screen it's stuck on I cannot get any tool to register the device as being present, adb, heimdall, zdiag, etc... I even tried fastboot out of desperation.Before I used odin I tried to get the phone to boot into the bootloader but it only ever went to either recovery or a normal boot and I tried every button press combo I could think of and found and nada.
Even running adb reboot bootloader just made the device boot normally. I think that if I could get it to boot to fastboot usb i could then try fastboot. I am new to rooting devices and have successfully rooted my HTC EVO3D and got s-off and simlock removed for any carrier. So I do know how to follow instructions properly, why flashing the recovery.bin failed I don't know and every fix I seem to find says BOOT TO DOWNLOAD MODE. if I could do that I wouldn't be having this problem lol. Anyway can someone please help me figure this out. Thanks. ANd if you need any further info please let me know. I don't want to have to give my friend my phone due to a software issue.
And YES I did pick PDA not anything else.
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I kept reading other threads and sadly I din't pully the battery first before disconnecting the usb and repartition may have been checked as I see that it does the as default for my version. Also i turned off ODIN as I was hoping a reboot of my computer might help. I will keep trying to find an answer till someone gets back to me. this post may not even show up if I can't do a second post if no one has replied first.
Everyone was a nub at one time wasn't it FUN hahahahahaha sob cry
machv5 said:
I kept reading other threads and sadly I din't pully the battery first before disconnecting the usb and repartition may have been checked as I see that it does the as default for my version. Also i turned off ODIN as I was hoping a reboot of my computer might help. I will keep trying to find an answer till someone gets back to me. this post may not even show up if I can't do a second post if no one has replied first.
Everyone was a nub at one time wasn't it FUN hahahahahaha sob cry
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I tried a jig and that didn't work. There must be some way of getting the device to give up on completing a task i no longer can give it due to ODIN being shut off.
Why is it that the "how to root/unlocks" never have the "if x fails then do these steps etc..." Had the how to had "pull the battery before disconnecting USB and don't reset or shut off ODIN" I wouldn't be in this mess. I realize that it's user beware but a few important steps like that in case of a fail would go a long way to you guys not shaking your heads. Instead of "silly nub hahahahahaha". No offence but I get that a lot and try to remember that when I teach someone how to use a computer. I am new at phones not at everything.
Further Developments Please can someone help?
I was giving someone a new memory card and they had a Samsung SGH-I896 it has an EB575152VA battery and the one I have the T959D has an EB575152VU battery. I exchanged my battery for hers by accident somehow and when I plugged my phone in it didn't go to the phone triangle computer logo screen it booted to recovery and said it couldn't charge the battery and kept rebooting to recovery. I got my battery back and it booted back to the phone triangle computer logo again. Grrrr....
The other thing I saw while the recovery screen was an error message that said
E:/data/fota not accessible
(may not be 100% accurate I don't have the battery to check right now but can get it again if need be) anyway I now see that there may be some light at the end of the tunnel. i have the correct stock firmware for the device I tried flashing it while in recovery but the phone kept rebooting before anything got done. My question is how can I get the dang phone to stop asking for Odin and go to recovery so I can flash stock firmware and ROM back to it? As I cannot as far as I know give it what it wants because I reset Odin and nothing seems to see that the phone is connected to the computer. I am going to try the other battery on a full charge to see what that does.
I am new at all this and want to get it fixed. I cannot afford to send it off to a service center and besides that I want to do it myself as I want to become a developer and droid technician. I would gladly donate to anyone but am still trying to get Google to accept my pay-as-you-go credit card and I don't have PayPal either. Which is really frustrating when it comes to giving back. I posted a Q&A on how to without PayPal or CC but as of the last time I checked no one has gotten back to me about it.
The CyanogenMod guide is flat out WRONG. I've tried to change it, but anything I do is reverted in an instant. I also tried to use it to install the ROM only, ended up bricking my phone and it took me hours to unbrick. That's how I became acquainted with XDA.
So, to get this straight:
1. you're using the stock USB cable
2. you remove the battery
3. you hold volume down
4. you plug in the usb cable
5. after a few seconds, you release volume down
6. the screen does not display a yellow triangle with an android
Posted from my Galaxy Tab with CM10
MultipleMonomials said:
The CyanogenMod guide is flat out WRONG. I've tried to change it, but anything I do is reverted in an instant. I also tried to use it to install the ROM only, ended up bricking my phone and it took me hours to unbrick. That's how I became acquainted with XDA.
So, to get this straight:
1. you're using the stock USB cable
2. you remove the battery
3. you hold volume down
4. you plug in the usb cable
5. after a few seconds, you release volume down
6. the screen does not display a yellow triangle with an android
Posted from my Galaxy Tab with CM10
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That is correct. If you think that my idea below is a bad one or if I downloaded the wrong firmware package please let me know and /or you have a fix that will work? ty
I have though come up with an idea that may work. I am going to charge the "wrong" battery in erm the right phone lol and then use it to trick the device into booting into recovery instead of the cellphone triangle computer (CTC, for want of a better acronym) The I896 battery ends in a V not an ? (sorry can't rem don't have it on me) from the I896 model I think it is, plugging it into USB with the power off sends it to recovery with the "battery cannot be charged " message instead of the CTC screen.
I tried it but the charge in the battery was too low and rebooted. I am hoping that with a full charge (as long as I don't power on the phone first as this will make it go to CTC logo again.
I am hoping that I can install the update.zip that I made by first unzipping the T959UVJFD_firmware.tar I downloaded then unpacked and then repacked into an update.zip as I don't think that it will read the package as a tar file and if it's not called update.zip The recovery is still stock. If I get the phone working I am not going to try unlocking and rooting it again. I will just post two separate adverts one as a carrier locked device and the other one (higher of course to cover buying the unlock from Telus) as carrier unlocked and then I will buy the unlock code if the blah blah you get the drift. sorry for rambling on.
oh and I can't rem if I said this or not, In recovery it "E:/data/fota not accessible" I don't know what that means yet I have been busy with other things and haven't looked it up yet.
Since you can get into at least some version of recovery, your bootloader is intact and you should be able to unbrick it. You ought to be able to get into download mode using a download jig. You can get one on ebay for a few bucks or you can make one yourself. There's a guide floating around here somewhere that lets you make one from a microusb cable.
Posted from my Galaxy Tab with CM10

[Q] Bricked SGS2 GT-i9100M (Bell/Virgin)

Okay, So I am as NOOB as NOOB can be,
I got a used SGS2 (Bell/Virgin), I am on Telus so I figured, how hard can it be to unlock it instead of paying some dude to do it for me? (First mistake, and have been humbled every step of the way since!...)
Anyway I will try to keep this relatively short (it will be difficult)... ...I read a few things online and saw that I needed ODIN and a Rooting software, I originally used SuperOneClick, and to download the right insecure kernel to match my original one etc... ...problem is I obviously didn't read nearly enough when I started because I was almost done and then there was a hiccup when SuperOneClick said that I needed to enable SU in Kies. So I decided to go into Kies to try and do so but the instructions before I started Rooting said to put the phone in USB debugging mode. Apparently Kies doesn't see the phone if it is in that mode. Well by this time I can't get past the logo screen and this is where my downward spiral begins.
I then tried to unroot the phone to go back to stock but didn't really know what I was doing and then I read something about the cache needing to be wiped and then after that I read that maybe my OS was wiped. So at this point I did lots of reading (what I should have done in the first place) and most of anything useful I found was on XDA so that is why I am here. It seemed like yes, in fact my OS was wiped because of one of my not so S-M-R-T actions. So I fumbled through and found the right OS for my S2 and I had ODIN going strong and I had the OS loading, the green bar getting bigger in ODIN and the blue bar working it's way across the screen of my S2...I thought "finally!!, I rock!!"... ...then for some reason everything stopped! I had seen in a post that I had to uninstall Kies before doing anything, which I did...but I didn't see until after the fact that my anti-virus likely interfered (I didn't disable it for the process before I started).
At that point of course I was left with a phone that says "Firmware upgrade encountered an issue. Please select recovery mode in Kies & try again."
So then I was afraid to try anything else because many say to steer clear of Kies and also I had read that I may need a USB jig to be able to get it back into download mode because all I was getting was the "firmware upgrade issue" screen. I did make a USB jig with a resistance of 300K Ohms and I *can* get the phone into download mode. (Though another concern is that when I plug the USB jig in and it brings the phone into download mode, the counter is not reset and I read that that was supposed to be reset by the jig.)
So last night I got brave and decided to try and run ODIN and to have another attempt at installation of OS. Now I can get ODIN to detect the phone, but I put the I9100MUGLD3_I9100MBMCLD3_I9100MXXLD3_HOME.tar.md5 file into the PDA section of ODIN and it starts and gets to the part where it says loading firmware or something and then bootload.bin and it stayed like that for like, an hour and then I gave up, fearing that I am just going to screw it up even more.
So now I decided that I am not even close to knowing what to do next but every time I found anything to move forward it was on this site so I figured I may as well join the site since I have been here so often. Now I am hoping for some kind of miracle...so, in advance, please please please and thank you thank you thank you all for your input. (Sorry for the length of this I just wanted to get all the info I could into this)
Its quite a long story and didnt bother reading it.
If you can still access your phone via odin at downloadmode. Flash a stock firmware for your device and it should fix if it is just a soft brick.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk
UnwiredDroid said:
Its quite a long story and didnt bother reading it.
If you can still access your phone via odin at downloadmode. Flash a stock firmware for your device and it should fix if it is just a soft brick.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk
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Sorry for the length of the story, I thought there may be alot of useful info mixed in with the useless info... ...when you say use stock firmware do you mean the kernel or the actual OS? I tried loading ICS onto it (which I thought was stock but I may be wrong). Is it supposed to be gingerbread or something else? Also where would I find a good file for it.
Thank you again for any input, very much appreciated!
Hey ,
I also have a Virgin Samsung S2 i9100 and the first time I tried rooting it, it got stuck on the screen with the yellow triangle and wouldnt move at all. I believe it was bricked?
anyways, I m not sure I totally understand your situation, but I solved my problem using this thread
look it under the i9100M section. hope this helps
schtiven said:
Hey ,
I also have a Virgin Samsung S2 i9100 and the first time I tried rooting it, it got stuck on the screen with the yellow triangle and wouldnt move at all. I believe it was bricked?
anyways, I m not sure I totally understand your situation, but I solved my problem using this thread
look it under the i9100M section. hope this helps
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Thank you all so much for your help, I could not get it to work after several tries, I even tried three or 4 different USB cables and ports on my PC and still no. I read on another thread that one person tried another PC and it worked so I tried my friend's laptop and it worked!...my SGS2 boots up and all that now! Very very happy thank you all.

galaxy S2 strange problem

It's my beloved I9100P. Last night it strangely failed. I realised in the morning when the alarm didn't go off. The phone was switched off.
When I tried to switch on, it got stuck in boot loop. The carrier animation and samsung logo will keep repeating. So I thought I will go into recover mode and do a factory reset. Phone went into factory mode the first time. I thought let me do a restart from there, just to see what happens. At this point, I noticed a lot of red errors on recovery mode screen, most of which saying something like "unable to mount /cache". I restarted it, but unfortunately the phone again went into boot loop.
Now when I tried, it refused to go even to recovery mode. I tried several times, but every time it got stuck on Samsung Galaxy logo.
It went into download mode fine, so I thought I will flash Orange UK carrier ROM. I downloaded the ROM and tried flashing with ODIN. ODIN recognised the device, but the flashing failed with error "Complete (Write) operation failed".
I don't know what to do now, have exhausted all option that I knew.
Any help in reviving my phone please?
@kaushal101 Keep yourphone phone connected to your pc and keep it in download mode. Dont disconnect it it could turn into a hardbrick which you can't fix without jtag repair service.
What you could do is see or you have installled all drivers, kies is disabled, right odin version. Google the problem and you would probably find an answer fast. I hope this message isnt too late..
wulsic said:
@kaushal101 Keep yourphone phone connected to your pc and keep it in download mode. Dont disconnect it it could turn into a hardbrick which you can't fix without jtag repair service.
What you could do is see or you have installled all drivers, kies is disabled, right odin version. Google the problem and you would probably find an answer fast. I hope this message isnt too late..
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Interesting. After trying several things, I did unplugged it from the machine. It shows the upgrade failed warning message whenever I try to switch it on now, which was expected.
I can still go to download mode and restart the ODIN flashing original Orange firmware process, but it fails with the same error. The only difference is, the first time it failed on CACHE step. Now it is failing one step earlier, at NAND writing stage.
Is there any hope? I had kies disabled etc., but will give it another shot. My phone was accessible with kies and I could also upload my development APKs from Android studio. So I think drivers shouldn't be a problem.
@kaushal101 I dont really have much knowledge about the s2 anymore, so the only good thing I can suggest is to google the problem and get more people to your thread here to help you and or find other threads about the same thing.
It is good that your phone can still go into downloadmode, I think there is still hope to fix your phone
wulsic said:
@kaushal101 I dont really have much knowledge about the s2 anymore, so the only good thing I can suggest is to google the problem and get more people to your thread here to help you and or find other threads about the same thing.
It is good that your phone can still go into downloadmode, I think there is still hope to fix your phone
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Thanks for keeping the hope alive!
Have followed XDA's S2-ODIN troubleshoot guide, with no luck so far. Tried different versions of ODIN, reinstalled USB drivers, made sure KIES is removed from processes etc. None has helped so far. I'll keep looking!
kaushal101 said:
Thanks for keeping the hope alive!
Have followed XDA's S2-ODIN troubleshoot guide, with no luck so far. Tried different versions of ODIN, reinstalled USB drivers, made sure KIES is removed from processes etc. None has helped so far. I'll keep looking!
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Did you tryed another stock rom version?
Try other usb cable.
Sounds weird but try to leave the battery out of your phone for like a couple minutes
Try other usb port.
Try other computer:silly:
These are the things I can think of atm.
Have tried other USB port. Have tried a different firmware.
Am going to try a different PC today, will also give different cable a shot. But the cable I'm using is Samsung official one which came with the phone. And I've been uploading APKs using this cable fine, so am quite sure the cable is fine. But still, will give it a shot. Thanks for replying

