MOD please remove thread - Vibrant Themes and Apps

I had some things to figure. this is what I decided, I'm currently working on (4) themes and that is way more than I can handle. so I will move the TC 2.5 link to the Twisted Stock page for those of you who still want it.. all work on the 2 unreleased projects will stop, for now. updates on Twisted Colors will SLOW, not stop. for me it really is about Quality not Quantity.........I will leave this here for a few Days Then request MOD delete......
Here it is.. Twisted Colors 2.5
First things first...If you have a Vibrant meltdown, its on should know what your doing by now! anyway.....This does not work on Simply Stock "next project" however it did work on 5.0 so if you go that route and your phone explodes, thats on you to.this is my first public theme so be honest but be nice. this theme is in noway complete. (about 90%) I have flashed this theme roughly 60 times throughout stages with no undesired results...If you like what you see just hit the thanks button, thats all i ask. i did not use rom manager just flashed through recovery.Please keep in mind guys it will only get better. I did flash this on my test phone and my daily driver, no issues for me. oh I did have 1 issue I changed some TWiz icons but they refuse to take. I use Zeam so its no big deal for me. if you use anything else you want notice.. ok enough small talk here it is
Twisted Colors 2.5 update: minor edits +more twframework edits
P.S. feel free to rip it apart, eat it, bury it or borrow the icons. I don't care. I just ask that you give credit. i did use a couple of icons from SPLASH OF COLOR "with Permission".

Sounds good. Will it be compatible to Simply Stock JVS 2.3.5 also?
Sent from my SGH-T959 using xda premium

Thanks, sounds promising
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I couldn't wait to steal some of your icons since I'm suck with art lolz

@ wayne561. No it doesnt work on simply stock but depending on the feed back . I may have plans for that one 2
sent from my mobile TI-82

ok here are some screen shots maybe this will help.

What about some more color on the status bar icons just like splash of color theme had? Other then that from the screenshots it looks great!

Very nice, i'm on simply stock so won't be able to try but great job with the icons
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I just tried 1.5 on SH 5.0 RC1 and get bootloop at homescreen. What about making colorful wifi, data, and gps icons?

hurtz777 said:
I just tried 1.5 on SH 5.0 RC1 and get bootloop at homescreen. What about making colorful wifi, data, and gps icons?
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Hurtz thanks for the input on the noti bar. The edits have already begun.
sent from my mobile TI-82

Does this work on simply honey 5.1?

Dattack said:
Does this work on simply honey 5.1?
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Yes its for Simply Honey 5.1
sent from my mobile TI-82

This should work fine for SH 5.0 RC1 shouldn't it? They are both JVR base. Unfortunately I can't get SH 5.1 to boot on my phone and I have tried everything. SH 5.0 RC1 is rock stable with no flashing problems. Thank you for implementing color icons on notification bar in the next update. The colors have amazing pop with voodoo color and Talon kernel.

Looks great
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Thanks for checkin out my work
ok guys, your gunna have to overlook me. I love to update, theres always something you can change. I also like to give sneak peeks of the next update. I understand nobody knows me or my work and are hesitant to jump in. thats cool...To those of you have taken the plunge, Thank you. friendly input is welcomed...anyway to the point. here's that sneak peek i was talkin about...
this is just a small sample of whats in the Twisted Colors 2.0 I've added so much so far the zip file has tripled in size.

This is beautiful! Great work!

ntellegence said:
This is beautiful! Great work!
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Thanks ntellegence. I will keep spending insane amounts of time on these until wifey starts to fuss. If u like this. wait til u see 2.0
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Any update about 2.0?
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robertd0619 said:
Any update about 2.0?
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Looks like late tonight or tomorrow. I plan on pulling an allniter so
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Can you make one for the new jvt?


Port Neon GT theme (evnflow)

I found this theme on the I9000 forum,if any one can port this in to Axura or any other rom i will be a happy camper,thanks in advance! Please someone do it!
Thanks to evnflow for his work porting this theme and for making posible my request!!
evnflow is making this posible, for Axura ,here is the link for his first update,
for Bionix 1.3 ; (red clock) (normal clock)
here's another link, in case you are having trouble with rapidshare:
A link or some pics would be nice...
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Reyland said:
I found this theme on the I9000 forum,if any one can port this in to Axura or any other rom i will be a happy camper,thanks in advance! Please someone do it!
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Im sure most people care about you camping trip... hope its going great. Try porting yourself dude if you can't let people do there own work and appreciate it :-\
(You shouldnt have service if your actually camping)
here u go
JN9391 said:
A link or some pics would be nice...
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@ bdubs4200 get over yourself man,,,, dude just had a suggestion not a demand..
O wow, this theme is actually super sexy. I wish there was a port, too.
bdubs4200 said:
Im sure most people care about you camping trip... hope its going great. Try porting yourself dude if you can't let people do there own work and appreciate it :-\
(You shouldnt have service if your actually camping)
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Dude no need to be an ass. I actually like that theme. He just had a request like a lot of ppl here do. Lately there has been a huge spike in themes I believe we all should be grateful. No need to be a douche. Smh
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It's a beautiful theme. Parts of it are swappable like the dialer if you download the whole thing and use root explorer, i used bits of it at one time and had no problem. Just put phone into flight mode if swapping the phone.apk..the wallpapers are nice too and the clock too
Sent via my TW Bionix imbibed with a Splash of Mario
Thanks for posting the link,i forgot to do it!
toryheal said:
@ bdubs4200 get over yourself man,,,, dude just had a suggestion not a demand..
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There is always an ass around on every thread ! I'm just asking someone willing to do it, its not a demand if you are not capable to do it just keep your comments for your self!
bdubs4200 said:
Im sure most people care about you camping trip... hope its going great. Try porting yourself dude if you can't let people do there own work and appreciate it :-\
(You shouldnt have service if your actually camping)
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have it ported over to bionix 1.3 right now, have to bring over the dialer..about it..i can upload later on when i have it done(sorry at work, right now), or i can try to get it for axura for you also..
evnflow said:
have it ported over to bionix 1.3 right now, have to bring over the dialer..about it..i can upload later on when i have it done(sorry at work, right now), or i can try to get it for axura for you also..
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leave work early, fake a bad case of diarrhea LOL i kid i kid.
Thanks for porting.
Almost flashed to darkys for this theme. THANK YOU for porting, cant wait to install.
uggh...hate to be the bearer of bad news..having a little trouble with the apk, keeps going to a boot loop, when flashed..manually put in fine..going to keep at it..sorry about the wait, hopefully will have it figured out and ready..
evnflow said:
uggh...hate to be the bearer of bad news..having a little trouble with the apk, keeps going to a boot loop, when flashed..manually put in fine..going to keep at it..sorry about the wait, hopefully will have it figured out and ready..
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Hmm so is it just problem?
Do you already have it running? Or did you just simply copy pasted the frame work and getting bootloop.
You have to manually edit the images. If you just copy the whole framework.apk it's not going to work.
Pm me I might able to help you.
running Trigger 2.6.1
/dead horse kernel
/honeycomb theme.
it was just a signing issue..have about 70%-80% already ported..just a few icons, sliders, and the dialer are left..background, buttons, and menus are ported over...but i may take you up on that offer for the dialer..haha
Check out masters site devsforandroid for full ported version for axura.
well i finished the port, but i can't post a link..don't quite have 8 posts yet..
pm me if you would like this's for BIONIC V1.3 only..hasn't been tested on any other roms..
Finished the port of Neon green gt for bionic 1.3...there are 3 icons(on the power off menu) that are red, the sliders and the clock are red..but other than that, it should be a port over of the original..still working on the clock and the icons..but here's the first release..hope to have the other icons/sliders/clock fixed shortly..flash like you normally would for any theme..takes about a minute or so to boot up(the first time) after the flash..REMEMBER THIS IS FOR BIONIC v1.3!! hasn't been tested on other roms..
pm me if you would like, it now..taking a break for the night..
And remember, you do this at your own risk, i'm not responsible for your phone..had to throw that out there..
The one posted on devsforandroid it is not fully complete I already tested!
feckmu said:
Check out masters site devsforandroid for full ported version for axura.
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Evnflow your awesome man thanks for porting im gonna wait till its done to flash but cant wait to have my phones looking that clean.
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here's an update: puzzle screen fixed, alarm screen is skinned correctly(oops forgot to skin it ),sliders are fixed..thinking about leaving the power off icons(reboot, recovery, and download icons only..the rest are fine) red..really only two other areas to fix..icon pressed background and clock..

[THEME] Discoed

thx hammer for allowing share.
Awesome, downloading now!
Edit: Damn nice job, looks great!
Would you happen to have a zip to put the stock icons back in?
Sent from my MB860 using xda premium
Didnt know the 2.3.4 setting apk worked on 2.3.5
Gonna have to try for myself.
95rr900 said:
Would you happen to have a zip to put the stock icons back in?
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I'll put something together in a couple of days.
Nottach said:
Didnt know the 2.3.4 setting apk worked on 2.3.5
Gonna have to try for myself.
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Me either lol.
Just trial and error and a lot of reflashing.
Too bad this isn't for CM7's Theme Chooser App.... I'd sport this theme for sure! Love blue themes....
wow man this is one BEUTIFULL theme
Sent from my MB860 using xda premium
Nottach will having 2.3.4 setting apk on your 2.3.5 cause any major errors to occur?
95rr900 said:
Awesome, downloading now!
Edit: Damn nice job, looks great!
Would you happen to have a zip to put the stock icons back in?
Sent from my MB860 using xda premium
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I may not undertake as it is pretty tedious. This is what i did with adw launcher and the icons from the y0rk's blue theme. This will be my daily driver.
btw. I unplug my phone every weekday at exactly 4 am. As shown by the screenshot, 11 hrs and 14 mins later, with moderate use, I'm at 53%. I am usually in the mid 20's by that time.
Excellent battery.
jlands said:
I may not undertake as it is pretty tedious. This is what i did with adw launcher and the icons from the y0rk's blue theme. This will be my daily driver.
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No worries, I changed the icons that matter.....the dock icons!
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Doesn't seem to work on the 3.1.2 Full version. Gets stuck at Motoscreen.
Edit: Works now. I flashed it twice and it did not work. I removed the settings.apk and flashed again then it worked. ???
Brilliant theme! Any chance you can incorporate the button backlight mod that Nottach made earlier today or can I change that myself somewhere..? Thanks!
Love this thanks so much.
Would love to see back light tweaks as well.
Sent from my MB860 using Tapatalk
Awesome theme. The notification screen looks great. Thank you
Sent from my MB860 using xda premium
Too bad!
Just one word: Awesome!
Was waiting for this!
Now wondering which improvement will be done.
Great job man!
jgc121 said:
Too bad this isn't for CM7's Theme Chooser App.... I'd sport this theme for sure! Love blue themes....
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too bad you are on CM7, it's ****e compared to Nottach's rom!
Just installed this theme using romracer's recovery, everything is working fine no errors. The only thing that bothers me are the application icons, they look a little too similar. its difficult to find the app im looking for by the appearance of the icon so i am forced to read the names, however the icons do look fantastic on the dock (that's probably what they are for im a idiot)
P.S. what did you use from nottaks ics theme? I was using it before I installed this theme and I can't tell what you included from it.
Sent from my MB860 using xda premium
That theme is very cool!
slojko said:
Just installed this theme using romracer's recovery, everything is working fine no errors. The only thing that bothers me are the application icons, they look a little too similar. its difficult to find the app im looking for by the appearance of the icon so i am forced to read the names, however the icons do look fantastic on the dock (that's probably what they are for im a idiot)
P.S. what did you use from nottaks ics theme? I was using it before I installed this theme and I can't tell what you included from it.
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I used his SystemUI.apk (this is where the drop down toggles are located) and the framework-res.apk. All I did was replace the visuals. As for as the icons, I use adwlauncher and it allows me to change just the icons. LOok at my post a little earlier where I posted a screen shot.
2leaponover1 said:
too bad you are on CM7, it's ****e compared to Nottach's rom!
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I'm on a CM7 Hybrid ROM - which is the best ROM I've ever ran on my Atrix. Not a single FC, single random reboot, or other issue.... Extremely stable, smooth, and fast.

[Mod] [Updated 12.7.2011] Rosie done up with some color...

Rosie with a splash of color​
Update... Updated...
5x5 drawer with custom backgrounds now posted....​
So here is the deal... Since myself and killathenoob are finding it hard to find the time to really give everyone a full on theme (And i will be taking a break to mess with my new GS2)... I thought it might be fun to give everyone a little something to play with...
I have modified Rosie with some nice application drawer backgrounds... These will work in ANY Sense 3.0 Rom...
On another note... IF you have a custom image you would like done special for you, just let me know... Its not a massive deal at all for me to do... So dont be shy.... I will mostly work on requests during the day... So evening requests will need to understand i wont touch them till the next morning...
I went with the colors most seem to like... Green, Blue and Red... And semi-transparent...
How to:
- Download to your PC
- Move to your storage (Recovery specific)
- Nandroid
- Flash
- Reboot
Things to note:
- Stock Rosie base
- Lots of xml edits to add in transparent and image backgrounds, along with 5x5 drawer...
- No, this will not flash the surrounding theme shown in the screen shots... (Most of it is just a skin, and not mine)​
Reserved for me and future additions...
Looks great!
Thanks much....
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using XDA App
Cool! Thanks for putting this together... can't wait for updates.
Sent from my HTC Amaze 4G using XDA Premium App
What happened to the themes for TW projects? You had some DOPE-ASS custom icon/status bar shapes that really pushed the .png options out there.
TW lost its main developer for the last 6 months while he took care of real life... Now that he is back, I will be back with the team... I have amaze obviously and a GS2 on order... So my more cutting edge themes should start back up... Just need to manage my theme work with my real life... Been focusing on work, my painting (water color) and a lot of charity work...
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Alexia Whitehurst said:
TW lost its main developer for the last 6 months while he took care of real life... Now that he is back, I will be back with the team... I have amaze obviously and a GS2 on order... So my more cutting edge themes should start back up... Just need to manage my theme work with my real life... Been focusing on work, my painting (water color) and a lot of charity work...
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using XDA App
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Very nice. I miss SomB. You really pushed shape options on the Vibe. Once I ditch the macbook, I'd love to collaborate (I do more than UOT FWIW).
Tattooist\watercolor/acrylic here.
TheSneakerWhore said:
Very nice. I miss SomB. You really pushed shape options on the Vibe. Once I ditch the macbook, I'd love to collaborate (I do more than UOT FWIW).
Tattooist\watercolor/acrylic here.
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That would be fun... let me know when you upgrade from your mac book for sure
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Alexia Whitehurst said:
That would be fun... let me know when you upgrade from your mac book for sure
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Do these work for sense 3.5 Roms ?
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carlos16119 said:
Do these work for sense 3.5 Roms ?
They do not... Sorry these are only sense 3.0.
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[Theme] Simply Mopho 2.0 Updated the link. 1/30/12

The latest and greatest for all you Photon Fanatics out there. This is a partial port from the Tmobile Vibrant with a Photon infusion. It's ported from the Simply Honey rom by explodingboy70. I loved the rom and ported what I could for our photons.Theme is still under construction, but I was able to get many things going. Inverted settings menu was top on my list and is mostly finished. I know this theme will flash over Jokers roms not sure about others. Let me know if you try, but remember if you somehow brick your phone it is not my fault.
Galaxy Nexus Bootanimation and transitions included.
People to thank:
explodingboy70 for his simply honey roms. Go thank him now.
Rangerbry for bringing us Notification Toggles.
Motempo because this started with his Quantum theme as the base.
Jokersax11 for his roms.
Ktt16 for his dialer which is included in this theme.
I hope I got everyone.
Remember the theme is not finished and will be updated when I get a chance. Some of the submenus in the settings apk are not inverted. I will try and get it done when I can. I work 50 or more hours a week so free time is limited.
Future improvements:
-new or themed lockscreen
I will do my best, but I am still learning. Settings menu was a big accomplishment for me.
Themed Moto Stock Keyboard and Google Search Widget.
Simply Mopho v2.0
Nice job.
Keep em coming. I'm really loving all of these dark themes.
Works with Yays 198-7 deodexed
Sent from my MB855 using xda premium
Thanks glad to see its working on other roms. I hadn't had the time to test.
Sent from my MB855 using XDA App
Indeed..looking good my man..keep em pretty happy with the rate were putting these themes out...i hope other people learn too! Come on guys, give it a shot! Check the how-to for a quick tutorial!
Sent from my MB855 using xda premium
Check out these inverted apps from rujelus22. They look good with this theme
Sent from my MB855 using xda premium
No notification toggles on Yays 198-7. I think I have to be unlocked
Sent from my MB855 using xda premium
Yeah notification toggles are an unlocked only feature, but everything else should work.
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This theme looks real good once I'm not as busy I hope by next week I am going to start doing some themes maybe a few mods the photon community needs more choices
~sent from the affliction photon~
affliction said:
This theme looks real good once I'm not as busy I hope by next week I am going to start doing some themes maybe a few mods the photon community needs more choices
~sent from the affliction photon~
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Awesome. Choice is always good, and thanks.
Sent from my MB855 using XDA App
Really nice theme. Thank you.
bricky23 said:
Really nice theme. Thank you.
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Thanks. It still needs work. Don't forget to thank the others who made it possible.
Sent from my MB855 using XDA App
Cool theme the best one out there ..
My mopho....
Thank you. I am going to try and work on it this morning.
Sent from my MB855 using XDA App
Worked on the messaging app colors today. Going to try and release an update this weekend.
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Just wondering. I installed this theme right after Joker's Skinnny4g ROM. When I press and hold the power button i now have the option for "Sleep". Was this a feature of this Theme or the ROM i installed right before?
hodiedodie said:
Just wondering. I installed this theme right after Joker's Skinnny4g ROM. When I press and hold the power button i now have the option for "Sleep". Was this a feature of this Theme or the ROM i installed right before?
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It's a rom feature. Although I find it a little buggy when waking the phone. The theme actually changes very little. Let me know what yo u think of it.
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Would love it if the blue was red...for better contrast.
Aquos1 said:
Would love it if the blue was red...for better contrast.
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I might make a red theme soon. Keep a look out.
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jfdebo779 said:
I might make a red theme soon. Keep a look out.
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Did you see the ROM/theme that came out for the E4GT? Marcusant ROM? Qbking did a video on looks sick...


First of this is created by Nitroz who then gave Razer(x) permission to port it. I tried to flash and it would fail. Razer(x) tried for a second to help me get it running but was a nogo. And since I am no dev I couldnt make that work so I took the files and put together this Metamorph. It takes out damn near most of the cyan..still some left. It is a work in progress as I keep playing with it and also am trying to make a black and green version. I am not maintaining or anything but I will put up any decent working versions I can manage. I'm puttin them in dropbox, the smaller file you can just run thru metamorph as usual. The larger file includes the morph as well as the apk's it will mod, in case someone needs them. Hopefully Nitroz will support the Atrix..I've ran this on build 4 and 5, shouldnt be any crazy issues.
Thanks to Nitroz and Razer(x)
now compatible w/ Turlv8 andJokers Beta 2 - CORRECTED LINK TO FLASHABLE VERSION..sorry!
clock color is fixed, battery is not the 1% circle anymore its the boring bar. i was using rom toolbox to change it but now i use the miui battery bar app, the better option if u ask me.
**for some reason it causes Gmail not to show and Novalauncher to crash so I edited them out of the control file until it gets straightened out.
causes usb mass storage while phone is on to break. u can still access in recovery. adb works fine regardless. this does color the clock, carrier and date BUT breaks usb..Gmail and noval auncher are fixed, anf there i theming for apex launcher (apex is nice!), install it before flashing this obviously
Any screenshots?
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
Yeah, can you put some screenshots ?
sorry! i reposted the updated version under the actual cm9 kang thread here is the link post #845..
here is the updated version link:
here is a new updated version as of 2/7. a bunch more theming.
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Doesnt seem anybody is interested in this. i made a CWM flashable version updated as of today 2/11. let me know if anyone wants it.
I couldn't get it to work right, but I'd be interested in a cwm version to test.
I have no metamorph experience so i'm prolly just doing something wrong
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Alcapone263 said:
I couldn't get it to work right, but I'd be interested in a cwm version to test.
I have no metamorph experience so i'm prolly just doing something wrong
Sent from my MB860 using xda premium
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Here u go!
blk.exodus3.3morph CWM flashable
NOTE: this replaces like 98% of the cyanogenish color to white. and as of this version the clock and carrier also!
This theme caused my Google search to force close any solutions?
Sweet tooth for ICS
Vicious Von said:
This theme caused my Google search to force close any solutions?
Sweet tooth for ICS
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i use inverted gapps they seem to work fine with this.. i posted a link here somewhere..
rickriego said:
i use inverted gapps they seem to work fine with this.. i posted a link here somewhere..
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There is no link regarding inverted gapps in this thread just versions of the theme. I've seen a thread for blacked out gapps is it possible that'll work?
Sweet tooth for ICS
Vicious Von said:
There is no link regarding inverted gapps in this thread just versions of the theme. I've seen a thread for blacked out gapps is it possible that'll work?
Sweet tooth for ICS
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these are the ones i've been on lately, they wont flash tho. extracty and install manually.
btw..what version talk are u running? cuz 4.03 talk and gmail fc on turl v4, dont know yet bout 1.1.2. pretty sure the theme isnt making ur app fail but i could be wrong. the current inverted apps are on the link i posted and they will be fine.
rickriego said:
btw..what version talk are u running? cuz 4.03 talk and gmail fc on turl v4, dont know yet bout 1.1.2. pretty sure the theme isnt making ur app fail but i could be wrong. the current inverted apps are on the link i posted and they will be fine.
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Nah not Google talk but the Google search the ics version.
Gotta sweet tooth for ICS
Been using this for a few days now, works great. Love the look of everything
Sent from my MB860 using xda premium
yeah i asked Nitroz to port to atrix he never responded. I don't know how to write installer scripts (yet) but I figured out how to make metamorphs and then make them flashable. ill be updating again tonight or tomorrow.
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
Thanks for theme. It really puts my eyes at ease.
Sent from my MB860 using xda premium
About time! J/p love the theme
ICS gave me cavities
Vicious Von said:
About time! J/p love the theme
ICS gave me cavities
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lol np. yea i been laggin a lil past few days. but its up. i wanna make a blue and a green version. will see how that goes.
rickriego said:
lol np. yea i been laggin a lil past few days. but its up. i wanna make a blue and a green version. will see how that goes.
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That'll be fire. How about a copper type or am I overdoing it?
ICS gave me cavities

