Port Neon GT theme (evnflow) - Vibrant Themes and Apps

I found this theme on the I9000 forum,if any one can port this in to Axura or any other rom i will be a happy camper,thanks in advance! Please someone do it!
Thanks to evnflow for his work porting this theme and for making posible my request!!
evnflow is making this posible, for Axura ,here is the link for his first update, http://www.multiupload.com/L9HQWL0QWH
for Bionix 1.3 ; http://rapidshare.com/files/45052055...GT-Updated.zip (red clock)
http://rapidshare.com/files/45054594...Updated-V2.zip (normal clock)
here's another link, in case you are having trouble with rapidshare: http://www.multiupload.com/CAEYD3GB52

A link or some pics would be nice...
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Reyland said:
I found this theme on the I9000 forum,if any one can port this in to Axura or any other rom i will be a happy camper,thanks in advance! Please someone do it!
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Im sure most people care about you camping trip... hope its going great. Try porting yourself dude if you can't let people do there own work and appreciate it :-\
(You shouldnt have service if your actually camping)

here u go
JN9391 said:
A link or some pics would be nice...
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@ bdubs4200 get over yourself man,,,, dude just had a suggestion not a demand..

O wow, this theme is actually super sexy. I wish there was a port, too.

bdubs4200 said:
Im sure most people care about you camping trip... hope its going great. Try porting yourself dude if you can't let people do there own work and appreciate it :-\
(You shouldnt have service if your actually camping)
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Dude no need to be an ass. I actually like that theme. He just had a request like a lot of ppl here do. Lately there has been a huge spike in themes I believe we all should be grateful. No need to be a douche. Smh
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It's a beautiful theme. Parts of it are swappable like the dialer if you download the whole thing and use root explorer, i used bits of it at one time and had no problem. Just put phone into flight mode if swapping the phone.apk..the wallpapers are nice too and the clock too
Sent via my TW Bionix imbibed with a Splash of Mario

Thanks for posting the link,i forgot to do it!
toryheal said:
@ bdubs4200 get over yourself man,,,, dude just had a suggestion not a demand..
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There is always an ass around on every thread ! I'm just asking someone willing to do it, its not a demand if you are not capable to do it just keep your comments for your self!
bdubs4200 said:
Im sure most people care about you camping trip... hope its going great. Try porting yourself dude if you can't let people do there own work and appreciate it :-\
(You shouldnt have service if your actually camping)
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have it ported over to bionix 1.3 right now, have to bring over the dialer..about it..i can upload later on when i have it done(sorry at work, right now), or i can try to get it for axura for you also..

evnflow said:
have it ported over to bionix 1.3 right now, have to bring over the dialer..about it..i can upload later on when i have it done(sorry at work, right now), or i can try to get it for axura for you also..
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leave work early, fake a bad case of diarrhea LOL i kid i kid.
Thanks for porting.

Almost flashed to darkys for this theme. THANK YOU for porting, cant wait to install.

uggh...hate to be the bearer of bad news..having a little trouble with the apk, keeps going to a boot loop, when flashed..manually put in fine..going to keep at it..sorry about the wait, hopefully will have it figured out and ready..

evnflow said:
uggh...hate to be the bearer of bad news..having a little trouble with the apk, keeps going to a boot loop, when flashed..manually put in fine..going to keep at it..sorry about the wait, hopefully will have it figured out and ready..
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Hmm so is it just flashable.zip problem?
Do you already have it running? Or did you just simply copy pasted the frame work and getting bootloop.
You have to manually edit the images. If you just copy the whole framework.apk it's not going to work.
Pm me I might able to help you.
running Trigger 2.6.1
/dead horse kernel
/honeycomb theme.

it was just a signing issue..have about 70%-80% already ported..just a few icons, sliders, and the dialer are left..background, buttons, and menus are ported over...but i may take you up on that offer for the dialer..haha

Check out masters site devsforandroid for full ported version for axura.

well i finished the port, but i can't post a link..don't quite have 8 posts yet..
pm me if you would like this theme..it's for BIONIC V1.3 only..hasn't been tested on any other roms..
Finished the port of Neon green gt for bionic 1.3...there are 3 icons(on the power off menu) that are red, the sliders and the clock are red..but other than that, it should be a port over of the original..still working on the clock and the icons..but here's the first release..hope to have the other icons/sliders/clock fixed shortly..flash like you normally would for any theme..takes about a minute or so to boot up(the first time) after the flash..REMEMBER THIS IS FOR BIONIC v1.3!! hasn't been tested on other roms..
pm me if you would like, it now..taking a break for the night..
And remember, you do this at your own risk, i'm not responsible for your phone..had to throw that out there..

The one posted on devsforandroid it is not fully complete I already tested!
feckmu said:
Check out masters site devsforandroid for full ported version for axura.
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Evnflow your awesome man thanks for porting im gonna wait till its done to flash but cant wait to have my phones looking that clean.
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here's an update: puzzle screen fixed, alarm screen is skinned correctly(oops forgot to skin it ),sliders are fixed..thinking about leaving the power off icons(reboot, recovery, and download icons only..the rest are fine) red..really only two other areas to fix..icon pressed background and clock..


Can somebody make these Bionix Compatible?

as you can see on the last page, the creator of these mods stopped working on them because they switched over to froyo. These mods are much better looking than the original accurate battery, so i was hoping someone could make these compatible with some of our current ROMs? (Bionix 1.9, Bionix Final, Bionix Fusion 1.1, Stock JI6)
I'm gonna start on this tonight. Might take a little while. Lack of free time!
mentalex2 said:
I'm gonna start on this tonight. Might take a little while. Lack of free time!
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i would thank you much, i would do it myself if i had the knowledge.
the horizontal blue battery-shaped mod just looks so sexy
TopShelf10 said:
as you can see on the last page, the creator of these mods stopped working on them because they switched over to froyo. These mods are much better looking than the original accurate battery, so i was hoping someone could make these compatible with some of our current ROMs? (Bionix 1.9, Bionix Final, Bionix Fusion 1.1, Stock JI6)
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+1. I'd been using that mod for awhile until I flashed fusion. It'd be great if someone can make the mods work on JI6 roms.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using Tapatalk
Maverick777 said:
+1. I'd been using that mod for awhile until I flashed fusion. It'd be great if someone can make the mods work on JI6 roms.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using Tapatalk
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I agree and request this as well!
Is this the battery mod you were looking for? You said horizontal? Or were you looking for the vertical mod? I used the png's from the web page provided. I didn't do everything yet, so let me know if anything should be changed.
***For some reason the pic came out a little blurry, but you get the picture.
mentalex2 said:
Is this the battery mod you were looking for? You said horizontal? Or were you looking for the vertical mod? I used the png's from the web page provided. I didn't do everything yet, so let me know if anything should be changed.
***For some reason the pic came out a little blurry, but you get the picture.
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Yes, is blue possible?
Sent from my Vibrant.
TopShelf10 said:
Yes, is blue possible?
Sent from my Vibrant.
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Yes, just gonna take longer cause ill have to edit each image. The color actually changes every 20 units, but making them all blue would be much easier! Maybe just make 0-10 red?
mentalex2 said:
Yes, just gonna take longer cause ill have to edit each image. The color actually changes every 20 units, but making them all blue would be much easier! Maybe just make 0-10 red?
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Even 0-20 red would be fine as far as I'm concerned....are you doing metamorph, or flashable?
Sent from my Vibrant.
Well, definitely metamorph, but I would love to make a flashable version. Problem is, Ive never made a flashable zip before. I'm gonna research and see if I can get one working. If not, we'll still have the morph.
I really want this!! But for me its the blue matte textures that I want
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The_Chrome_Coyote said:
I really want this!! But for me its the blue matte textures that I want
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I got a good portion of this done last night. Will be working on this more tonight. Hopefully a release tomorrow!
mentalex2 said:
I got a good portion of this done last night. Will be working on this more tonight. Hopefully a release tomorrow!
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cant wait, thanks for doing this......when youre done, post an announcement here, but i would definately suggest starting a new thread so everyone can enjoy your hard work!
Just compiled this really fast. It should work and has the blue horizontal battery icons and notification icon changes from s0niqu3's thread.
This is just a MetaMorph to change the images as the Bionix ROMS have the accurate battery fix already.
Edit at 15:13 - Tested working on mine.
Flak_Munky said:
Just compiled this really fast. It should work and has the blue horizontal battery icons and notification icon changes from s0niqu3's thread.
This is just a MetaMorph to change the images as the Bionix ROMS have the accurate battery fix already.
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says the link is invalid for me
anyway anyone can do the smooth circular batter? I'd punch myself in the face for it!
loogielv said:
says the link is invalid for me
anyway anyone can do the smooth circular batter? I'd punch myself in the face for it!
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You probably caught it as I was doing a quick switch up with an edit to the zip. Try it now.
I can try to do the circular one later. When you punch yourself in the face, make sure to record it and put it up on YouTube so we can see it.
Flak_Munky said:
Just compiled this really fast. It should work and has the blue horizontal battery icons and notification icon changes from s0niqu3's thread.
This is just a MetaMorph to change the images as the Bionix ROMS have the accurate battery fix already.
Edit at 15:13 - Tested working on mine.
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Working great, thanks so much for doing this! Again, i would suggest you post this in its own thread so people know you did it....im sure many people would enjoy this
@mentalex....even though he beat you to it your efforts are still appreciated, i always feel guilty requesting things, but thank you for responding and being willing to do it for us!!!
TopShelf10 said:
Working great, thanks so much for doing this! Again, i would suggest you post this in its own thread so people know you did it....im sure many people would enjoy this
@mentalex....even though he beat you to it your efforts are still appreciated, i always feel guilty requesting things, but thank you for responding and being willing to do it for us!!!
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I might do that. I replaced the images in a custom battery morph I made for myself. I ripped the images right from one of s0niqu3's flashable zips, so any real credit goes to her for the images.
Flak_Munky said:
I might do that. I replaced the images in a custom battery morph I made for myself. I ripped the images right from one of s0niqu3's flashable zips, so any real credit goes to her for the images.
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yah im already editing what you just put out, removing some images i dont want replaced, and adding a few .pngs from the "carbon black" theme to the notification pulldown menu
nm, didnt work........the reason im having trouble doing these things for myself is because the last time i really messed around with morphs were for cupcake 1.5....its not as easy is just drag-drop mix-match anymore
TopShelf10 said:
yah im already editing what you just put out, removing some images i dont want replaced, and adding a few .pngs from the "carbon black" theme to the notification pulldown menu
nm, didnt work........the reason im having trouble doing these things for myself is because the last time i really messed around with morphs were for cupcake 1.5....its not as easy is just drag-drop mix-match anymore
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It's still pretty simple. Just need to make sure the structure is right and the file names match the images you are trying to replace. Which parts of the carbon black morph do you want in there?

MOD please remove thread

I had some things to figure. this is what I decided, I'm currently working on (4) themes and that is way more than I can handle. so I will move the TC 2.5 link to the Twisted Stock page for those of you who still want it.. all work on the 2 unreleased projects will stop, for now. updates on Twisted Colors will SLOW, not stop. for me it really is about Quality not Quantity.........I will leave this here for a few Days Then request MOD delete......
Here it is.. Twisted Colors 2.5
First things first...If you have a Vibrant meltdown, its on you...you should know what your doing by now! anyway.....This does not work on Simply Stock "next project" however it did work on 5.0 so if you go that route and your phone explodes, thats on you to.this is my first public theme so be honest but be nice. this theme is in noway complete. (about 90%) I have flashed this theme roughly 60 times throughout stages with no undesired results...If you like what you see just hit the thanks button, thats all i ask. i did not use rom manager just flashed through recovery.Please keep in mind guys it will only get better. I did flash this on my test phone and my daily driver, no issues for me. oh I did have 1 issue I changed some TWiz icons but they refuse to take. I use Zeam so its no big deal for me. if you use anything else you want notice.. ok enough small talk here it is
Twisted Colors 2.5 update: minor edits +more twframework edits
P.S. feel free to rip it apart, eat it, bury it or borrow the icons. I don't care. I just ask that you give credit. i did use a couple of icons from SPLASH OF COLOR "with Permission".
Sounds good. Will it be compatible to Simply Stock JVS 2.3.5 also?
Sent from my SGH-T959 using xda premium
Thanks, sounds promising
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I couldn't wait to steal some of your icons since I'm suck with art lolz
@ wayne561. No it doesnt work on simply stock but depending on the feed back . I may have plans for that one 2
sent from my mobile TI-82
ok here are some screen shots maybe this will help.
What about some more color on the status bar icons just like splash of color theme had? Other then that from the screenshots it looks great!
Very nice, i'm on simply stock so won't be able to try but great job with the icons
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I just tried 1.5 on SH 5.0 RC1 and get bootloop at homescreen. What about making colorful wifi, data, and gps icons?
hurtz777 said:
I just tried 1.5 on SH 5.0 RC1 and get bootloop at homescreen. What about making colorful wifi, data, and gps icons?
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Hurtz thanks for the input on the noti bar. The edits have already begun.
sent from my mobile TI-82
Does this work on simply honey 5.1?
Dattack said:
Does this work on simply honey 5.1?
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Yes its for Simply Honey 5.1
sent from my mobile TI-82
This should work fine for SH 5.0 RC1 shouldn't it? They are both JVR base. Unfortunately I can't get SH 5.1 to boot on my phone and I have tried everything. SH 5.0 RC1 is rock stable with no flashing problems. Thank you for implementing color icons on notification bar in the next update. The colors have amazing pop with voodoo color and Talon kernel.
Looks great
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Thanks for checkin out my work
ok guys, your gunna have to overlook me. I love to update, theres always something you can change. I also like to give sneak peeks of the next update. I understand nobody knows me or my work and are hesitant to jump in. thats cool...To those of you have taken the plunge, Thank you. friendly input is welcomed...anyway to the point. here's that sneak peek i was talkin about...
this is just a small sample of whats in the Twisted Colors 2.0 I've added so much so far the zip file has tripled in size.
This is beautiful! Great work!
ntellegence said:
This is beautiful! Great work!
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Thanks ntellegence. I will keep spending insane amounts of time on these until wifey starts to fuss. If u like this. wait til u see 2.0
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Any update about 2.0?
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robertd0619 said:
Any update about 2.0?
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Looks like late tonight or tomorrow. I plan on pulling an allniter so
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Can you make one for the new jvt?

[Theme]Red Hot Forever[Port Updated 1/19][Supreme Sense v9]

I wanna say thanks to mpitcher225 for allowing me to port this over to the Shift(go hit his thanks button HERE), and also thanks for sending me the images i needed to change out some of the icons. ill let the screen shots describe this awesome Red theme
Wipe Cache and Dalvik cache flash then reboot
RedHot Forever Supreme Sense
*OP updated:Now supports SSv9....
Great man, just beautiful!
Looking good, looking good
Red Hot Forever! Thanks for helping to keep my vision alive man. Awesome job!
Btw, i'm originally from XDA. Here is the link to the Xda thread
Swyped from my Red Hot Razr phone on Tapatalk
Very nice . Thanks strapped once again for porting this over . mpitcher225 Thank you for bringing us the original theme, and allowing for it to be ported over .
So since the shift dont have swype ill have to see how to add this themed swype with out upsetting anyone
Sent from my MikSupreme/Team Supreme Shift
here is the themed swype, but not sure if we can post it for the shift I remember all the headache the EVO went through
Sent from my PG06100 using xda premium
mpitcher225 said:
Red Hot Forever! Thanks for helping to keep my vision alive man. Awesome job!
Btw, i'm originally from XDA. Here is the link to the Xda thread
Swyped from my Red Hot Razr phone on Tapatalk
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Thanks again man I'll link the threads so everyone can come thank you for your hard work
Sent from my MikSupreme/Team Supreme Shift
added the Sem-Trans Status bar link is in op and to anyone else who wants it you can download the original theme and grab his themed swype , i dont think im allowed to include that because our phones dont come stock with it
Bump because of all the closed threads
Sent from my MikSupreme/Team Supreme Shift
Man I just came back to check ya out again and I noticed you're using a different wallpaper.... I'ma need that I like that faint yellow tint.
Swyped from my Red Hot Razr phone running Tapatalk
Another wallpaper that goes good with the theme
Sent from my PG06100 using xda premium
How can i revert back to orginal skin im on supreme sense?
Can't install on Team Nocturnal. Stuck on loop. Please help like the theme very very very much.
slapman said:
Can't install on Team Nocturnal. Stuck on loop. Please help like the theme very very very much.
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That's because, (if your post history is correct) you flashed an evo shift theme onto your evo... best bet would be a full wipe and than flash an evo rom followed by a theme for the evo..good luck!
Sent from my PG06100 using Tapatalk
slapman said:
Can't install on Team Nocturnal. Stuck on loop. Please help like the theme very very very much.
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Yeah this is an EVO theme but It's inside and EVO Shift zip (ported), I hope you had a NAND handy, but a good rule of thumb is, if the mod isn't in your phones forums a simple flash is not going to work, the theme is posted at themikmik.com but I doubt it would help you as I'm not familiar with your ROM....BUT I will help you port it to your ROM if you get the devs approval, and have him send me a pm letting me know then I'll pm you tell you how to do it or I'll have you upload your files for me then get them in an EVO flashable zip
Sent from My Team Supreme/MikSupreme Shift
This theme would go perfectly with my Detroit Red Wings wallpaper (don't hate!). However, I'm currently on MikShift-G 1.76. I know SS is based on MikShift-G, but would the theme work?
bubbaearl said:
This theme would go perfectly with my Detroit Red Wings wallpaper (don't hate!). However, I'm currently on MikShift-G 1.76. I know SS is based on MikShift-G, but would the theme work?
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Everything but the Rosie.apk will work, so you would still have the white phone icon and the word Phone in the center, it is a very simple xml edit and image edit, let me know and ill try to do it for you or ill tell you how to do it cause my computer died a couple days ago
strapped365 said:
Everything but the Rosie.apk will work, so you would still have the white phone icon and the word Phone in the center, it is a very simple xml edit and image edit, let me know and ill try to do it for you or ill tell you how to do it cause my computer died a couple days ago
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I use Launcher Pro anyway so I don't think it would make much difference. I'll give it a shot. *hits Thanks button.

(REQ) BLUE flashable theme

can somebody make a little flashfooty I'll pay if necessary
You want a blue theme... But past that you dont give anything else as far as direction...
What sort of blue theme?
I want the neon blue theme from htc sensation 4 g
I have sent the theme creator a request to port...
Thank you!!!!! Man
johnvargas said:
Thank you!!!!! Man
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Im'a girl =)
Iam so sorry
Lol haha
Sent from my HTC Amaze 4G using xda premium
i will have a port of my Blue glass theme that is currently for the DHD only(can be found in my sig) in a few days... its all done, its just that I am on a trip for work and forgot some of the files on my PC at home...... what do you guys think? is it worth it for you guys to try it out>? check the link in my sig and let me know.....
apaquette420 said:
i will have a port of my Blue glass theme that is currently for the DHD only(can be found in my sig) in a few days... its all done, its just that I am on a trip for work and forgot some of the files on my PC at home...... what do you guys think? is it worth it for you guys to try it out>? check the link in my sig and let me know.....
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Looks good! You should port it... The amaze doesnt have many themers... I just started Sense... We could use a long standing theme for sure... =)
I say port it. I'd rock it. Although, I'm really diggin the work Alexia did with Clarity and honestly can't wait to see what she comes up with next.
I can tell you guys the themes for Amaze wont be as good as with other phones because for now we cant edit the fusion.apk
that file holds alot of images that were edited in thoes themes you guys want ported. Until they come up with a way to edit the new M10 files that are in the fusion.apk then are themes are going to be limited.
I have done a few themes in the past but i was waiting to see how things progress here before i started theming for the amaze.
You can check out some of my work here
You should be able to use the fusion apk from the sensation for the amaze.. I have and it worked just fine.
Sent from my HTC Amaze 4G using XDA App
Alexia Whitehurst said:
You should be able to use the fusion apk from the sensation for the amaze.. I have and it worked just fine.
Sent from my HTC Amaze 4G using XDA App
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I'll give that a try and see ho it goes thanks
huyish said:
hey killathenoob how do i install the theme i download from ur link to my amaze phone?
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Sorry that theme was for the HTC Sensation probally wont work on our Amaze sorry
If I get the Time this weekend I'll see if I put together a Blue Theme for your guys
huyish said:
hey killathenoob get workin on new theme today i donate for u already thanks
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I'm at work right now for the next 8 hours when I get home tonight I'll get started on it should have something for you by the end of the weekend
And thank you for your kind donation
Ok I got permission fro CdTDroiD to port his theme to our Amaze so I will start on it tonight
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huyish said:
Wats the status on the theme
Sent from my HTC Amaze 4G using xda premium
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Ok Just an update I've ran into a bunch of trubble trying to port the theme......
I got the Fusion file ported to our Amaze but the only problem is some of the icons on the widgets are all messed up like the weather widget and watch widget.
Also runnin into some trubble with the lock screen and lock ring its all due to not being able to edit the m10 files on our rom.
I've tried to port the lock screen files from the sensation to the Amaze but with no luck so far.
I'm going to keep working on it over the weekend and see what I can come up with for you guys please be patient with me.
if you want to check out the progress so far you can download the theme from here
Please remember this is not finished yet and its a work in progress
And Full props go to CdTDroid for making the theme I'm just trying to port it. You cna check out his thread here
I've attached the wallpaper he used in his theme to the bottom of the post
Looks good so far
Ok just an update this is taking alot more work than expected but I'm making some progress I've fixed the lock screen the shortcuts and lock ring look and work properly.
The weather widget is fixed and looks right now
The watch widget is fixed and looks right.
I still have to fix the music midget and do some more picture edits to get it to look right.
I will be posting it in a new thread for everyone to enjoy when its done. It should be up tonight sometime.
ok guys the theme is all finished you can check it out here
Please test it out and let me know if you get any errors
I based the theme off mike1986 android revolution Rom

[ROM]<##Reaper Midnight Blue##> 4/27/12

I made this rom to add something new and with a fresh look to things.. Speed and no bloatware more room for stuff. I stuck to as close to stock as I could. Custom walls among a Midnight Blue Reaper theme all through the rom also Icons and other things no bloat. Great battery life which is what I was wanting to do without adding scripts and more stuff to it ... Hope you guy's enjoy the Reaper Midnight Blue.​What's Been Done:
1. 2.17 Base Build Deodex.
2. Stock Kernel.
3. Removed the bloatware.
4. Did a bunch of icon work and themes.
5. Battery Life is excellent.. Turn auto brightness off.
6. Removed camera snap sound.
7. Dock clock themed to blue and red
8. Transparent Notificaton bar with background.
9. All weather clocks have different colors.
10. All setting icons are themed.
11.Everything Zipaligned
12. I redid all the Icons still have a handful more to do went all over the rom whippin up icons.. I know the gmail one won't stick cause I have to find a updated apk of it to get the icon to stick...
13. Still have more plans for this..
14. Haven't updated the gmail app yet or the market you will need to...
15. I redid the clock colors and rosies
16. Did some more Icons..
17. Did a lockscreen Icon no more ring But a REAPER
18. Did more BLUE clock status bar and roise OH ya Still have more to do... Anyway's enjoy folks..
19. Redid clock numbers
20. Polished up some things
21. Did the appdrawer with a custom background
22. Everything is running smooth so far..
LATEST BUILD 4/27/11 http://www.filefactory.com/file/2lwus502ydlx/n/Reaper_Blue_Night.zip
This rom is smooth no issues. Nothing is Over Clocked never will be no tweaks either.. I wanted to build a stable rom with zero issues and excellent battery life using a stock build base for you guys with a theme and twist look to it not a boring stock look...
If you want WiFi hack thing snag the one off the market it will work fine
Do a full wipe before you run this.. Over Clocked Kernels use more battery no way around this... I want you guys to have a good rom and not crappy battery life among other issues... Rom has been running smooth for me and the others that have used it
Never had issues flashing anything always wipe before you flash.. If you mess something up it wasn't the rom's fault
These can only be used by hboot 1.4 or lower users
http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=22641243&postcount=2​ THANKS KFUNK FOR MAKING SOME SPLASHES FOR THE ROM MAN​
Dev, y u no make theme and post in theme section?
Oh, looks cool and first.
Right on Homey.
KB112 said:
Right on Homey.
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Thanks man Hoping this takes off well first time for me... Been wanting to do a rom since the EVO days. Finally got the time to use a kitchen and check everything out... Been getting better at things ... First step
Nice! I'll give it a go.
sent from America...F__k Yeah!
jdeoxys said:
Dev, y u no make theme and post in theme section?
Oh, looks cool and first.
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I can do that just been working on this sucker
Jabawockee said:
Nice! I'll give it a go.
sent from America...F__k Yeah!
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This is my first rom .. I will theme it more icons too and maybe add tweaks if folks want it... I like the stockish feel and how smooth things are..
Love your wallpapers thread, nice to see you cooking up roms now
Sent from my warm powered shooter with 3 d's.
DOG666 said:
Love your wallpapers thread, nice to see you cooking up roms now
Sent from my warm powered shooter with 3 d's.
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Thanks man... I like to keep things clean and close to stockish.. I will add more walls to just been busy with this.. Testing it out on my phone so I know first hand if something is screwed up lol.
cool beanz bro!!!!!!!!!
evod3 said:
cool beanz bro!!!!!!!!!
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Thanks man... I will do more to it.. Just figured I would throw something up with what I have done so far and add more
Wow...3D to the fullest! Now is Mr. Dev to u all...lmao! Nice bro. Keep it up!
Wally72 said:
Wow...3D to the fullest! Now is Mr. Dev to u all...lmao! Nice bro. Keep it up!
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Thanks man lol... I will add more wallpaper and so on.. Gonna add more stuff for it soon..
Downloading now, gonna give this a go once I get my phone charger back from my friend's house. Screenshots look nice, I'm looking forward to trying this out.
w0rdOo said:
Downloading now, gonna give this a go once I get my phone charger back from my friend's house. Screenshots look nice, I'm looking forward to trying this out.
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Thanks man I will do more icons and so on just wanted folks to have something different to play with lol and close to stock...
Anyway hope you guys enjoy
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reaper! romm'in it up! congrats on the release dude i'll deff give this a flashy-flashy later on. thanks for ur hard work
dkdude36 said:
reaper! romm'in it up! congrats on the release dude i'll deff give this a flashy-flashy later on. thanks for ur hard work
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Thanks man I plan on adding more Icons and so on to things hopefully ICS doesn't come out for a few more months lmao... Well if it does I will be ready just so I can finish up on the icons and other things I wanna do
Anyway's hope you like the layout ... Just figured I would throw something with a new look rom wise..
I didn't put any tweaks in this build... Just too keep things smooth and solid clean and sweet lookin...
It looks cool and badass. I will try this out eventually. Keep it up, man.
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MistakenUtopia said:
It looks cool and badass. I will try this out eventually. Keep it up, man.
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Thanks I will
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