Can somebody make these Bionix Compatible? - Vibrant Themes and Apps

as you can see on the last page, the creator of these mods stopped working on them because they switched over to froyo. These mods are much better looking than the original accurate battery, so i was hoping someone could make these compatible with some of our current ROMs? (Bionix 1.9, Bionix Final, Bionix Fusion 1.1, Stock JI6)

I'm gonna start on this tonight. Might take a little while. Lack of free time!

mentalex2 said:
I'm gonna start on this tonight. Might take a little while. Lack of free time!
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i would thank you much, i would do it myself if i had the knowledge.
the horizontal blue battery-shaped mod just looks so sexy

TopShelf10 said:
as you can see on the last page, the creator of these mods stopped working on them because they switched over to froyo. These mods are much better looking than the original accurate battery, so i was hoping someone could make these compatible with some of our current ROMs? (Bionix 1.9, Bionix Final, Bionix Fusion 1.1, Stock JI6)
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+1. I'd been using that mod for awhile until I flashed fusion. It'd be great if someone can make the mods work on JI6 roms.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using Tapatalk

Maverick777 said:
+1. I'd been using that mod for awhile until I flashed fusion. It'd be great if someone can make the mods work on JI6 roms.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using Tapatalk
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I agree and request this as well!

Is this the battery mod you were looking for? You said horizontal? Or were you looking for the vertical mod? I used the png's from the web page provided. I didn't do everything yet, so let me know if anything should be changed.
***For some reason the pic came out a little blurry, but you get the picture.

mentalex2 said:
Is this the battery mod you were looking for? You said horizontal? Or were you looking for the vertical mod? I used the png's from the web page provided. I didn't do everything yet, so let me know if anything should be changed.
***For some reason the pic came out a little blurry, but you get the picture.
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Yes, is blue possible?
Sent from my Vibrant.

TopShelf10 said:
Yes, is blue possible?
Sent from my Vibrant.
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Yes, just gonna take longer cause ill have to edit each image. The color actually changes every 20 units, but making them all blue would be much easier! Maybe just make 0-10 red?

mentalex2 said:
Yes, just gonna take longer cause ill have to edit each image. The color actually changes every 20 units, but making them all blue would be much easier! Maybe just make 0-10 red?
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Even 0-20 red would be fine as far as I'm concerned....are you doing metamorph, or flashable?
Sent from my Vibrant.

Well, definitely metamorph, but I would love to make a flashable version. Problem is, Ive never made a flashable zip before. I'm gonna research and see if I can get one working. If not, we'll still have the morph.

I really want this!! But for me its the blue matte textures that I want
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The_Chrome_Coyote said:
I really want this!! But for me its the blue matte textures that I want
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
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I got a good portion of this done last night. Will be working on this more tonight. Hopefully a release tomorrow!

mentalex2 said:
I got a good portion of this done last night. Will be working on this more tonight. Hopefully a release tomorrow!
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cant wait, thanks for doing this......when youre done, post an announcement here, but i would definately suggest starting a new thread so everyone can enjoy your hard work!

Just compiled this really fast. It should work and has the blue horizontal battery icons and notification icon changes from s0niqu3's thread.
This is just a MetaMorph to change the images as the Bionix ROMS have the accurate battery fix already.
Edit at 15:13 - Tested working on mine.

Flak_Munky said:
Just compiled this really fast. It should work and has the blue horizontal battery icons and notification icon changes from s0niqu3's thread.
This is just a MetaMorph to change the images as the Bionix ROMS have the accurate battery fix already.
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says the link is invalid for me
anyway anyone can do the smooth circular batter? I'd punch myself in the face for it!

loogielv said:
says the link is invalid for me
anyway anyone can do the smooth circular batter? I'd punch myself in the face for it!
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You probably caught it as I was doing a quick switch up with an edit to the zip. Try it now.
I can try to do the circular one later. When you punch yourself in the face, make sure to record it and put it up on YouTube so we can see it.

Flak_Munky said:
Just compiled this really fast. It should work and has the blue horizontal battery icons and notification icon changes from s0niqu3's thread.
This is just a MetaMorph to change the images as the Bionix ROMS have the accurate battery fix already.
Edit at 15:13 - Tested working on mine.
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Working great, thanks so much for doing this! Again, i would suggest you post this in its own thread so people know you did sure many people would enjoy this
@mentalex....even though he beat you to it your efforts are still appreciated, i always feel guilty requesting things, but thank you for responding and being willing to do it for us!!!

TopShelf10 said:
Working great, thanks so much for doing this! Again, i would suggest you post this in its own thread so people know you did sure many people would enjoy this
@mentalex....even though he beat you to it your efforts are still appreciated, i always feel guilty requesting things, but thank you for responding and being willing to do it for us!!!
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I might do that. I replaced the images in a custom battery morph I made for myself. I ripped the images right from one of s0niqu3's flashable zips, so any real credit goes to her for the images.

Flak_Munky said:
I might do that. I replaced the images in a custom battery morph I made for myself. I ripped the images right from one of s0niqu3's flashable zips, so any real credit goes to her for the images.
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yah im already editing what you just put out, removing some images i dont want replaced, and adding a few .pngs from the "carbon black" theme to the notification pulldown menu
nm, didnt work........the reason im having trouble doing these things for myself is because the last time i really messed around with morphs were for cupcake 1.5....its not as easy is just drag-drop mix-match anymore

TopShelf10 said:
yah im already editing what you just put out, removing some images i dont want replaced, and adding a few .pngs from the "carbon black" theme to the notification pulldown menu
nm, didnt work........the reason im having trouble doing these things for myself is because the last time i really messed around with morphs were for cupcake 1.5....its not as easy is just drag-drop mix-match anymore
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It's still pretty simple. Just need to make sure the structure is right and the file names match the images you are trying to replace. Which parts of the carbon black morph do you want in there?


GB Theme for Ice Glacier-Updated

I put together a quick little status bar theme for Ice Glacier. i hadn't seen one yet for sense, sorry if there already is one and i wasted my time. =P
I've made a stock animation version as per request.
something i want to do but dont know how is have the pop up menu black and the menu text white, like in actual ginger bread, but cant figure it out. if anyone is willing to help, let me know
octoberriot said:
I put together a quick little status bar theme for Ice Glacier. i hadn't seen one yet for sense, sorry if there already is one and i wasted my time. =P
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will this work on desire hd sense? or just expresso?
octoberriot said:
I put together a quick little status bar theme for Ice Glacier. i hadn't seen one yet for sense, sorry if there already is one and i wasted my time. =P
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very nice. where did you get that wallpaper?
Looks promising, but I have a couple questions.
1. If I wanted a numerical battery, could I flash this first, then a battery mod over it? Or would that mess **** up?
2. Is there a way to "unflash" this in case I don't like it, or is the only way to create a backup and restore it?
EDIT 3. Would using a GBread theme increase battery life, because of the black backdrops on menus and etc?
Jaskwith said:
Looks promising, but I have a couple questions.
1. If I wanted a numerical battery, could I flash this first, then a battery mod over it? Or would that mess **** up?
2. Is there a way to "unflash" this in case I don't like it, or is the only way to create a backup and restore it?
EDIT 3. Would using a GBread theme increase battery life, because of the black backdrops on menus and etc?
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yes to your 1st question, no to the 2nd you would have to wipe, and no way to the 3rd.
great job on this by the way!!!!
only thing that doesnt work for regular sense is the battery
I like the theme so far, makes iced glacier very smooth
Sent from my HTC Glacier using Tapatalk
octoberriot said:
I put together a quick little status bar theme for Ice Glacier. i hadn't seen one yet for sense, sorry if there already is one and i wasted my time. =P
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could you make this theme for iced glacier WITH stock animations?
nccu_eagles said:
could you make this theme for iced glacier WITH stock animations?
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You can find stock animations in the first post in the ice glacier thread
octoberriot said:
You can find stock animations in the first post in the ice glacier thread
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yes I know there's a "stock animations" zip on the rom page. but it doesn't have the gingerbread theme. I hate how the iced glacier rom pages transition. its weird and annoying i want the gingerbread icons but the stock transitions...
nccu_eagles said:
yes I know there's a "stock animations" zip on the rom page. but it doesn't have the gingerbread theme. I hate how the iced glacier rom pages transition. its weird and annoying i want the gingerbread icons but the stock transitions...
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i see, ill see what i can do
octoberriot said:
i see, ill see what i can do
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Great! I will definitely send a donation your way!
Is it possible to add numerucal battery values to the battery in the theme?
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App
Update first post with a stock animation theme
When i put flash the circle number battery icon over this it replaces the whole theme. is there a way to make that not happen? like.. flash another battery icon over this
octoberriot said:
Update first post with a stock animation theme
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thanks dude!!!! donation sent
I'm still learning all this so any tips anyone might provide are also always welcome.
Ill look into getting a numerical value for those who want it.
stratax said:
When i put flash the circle number battery icon over this it replaces the whole theme. is there a way to make that not happen? like.. flash another battery icon over this
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The reason is that all the files are in the framework. When you flash the round battery, it also includes all the files required for the framework apk to work which overwrite the theme.
If you link me a circle battery that you like, I can see if I can make a special one for you.
nccu_eagles said:
thanks dude!!!! donation sent
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Thank you so much
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App
octoberriot said:
I'm still learning all this so any tips anyone might provide are also always welcome.
Ill look into getting a numerical value for those who want it.
The reason is that all the files are in the framework. When you flash the round battery, it also includes all the files required for the framework apk to work which overwrite the theme.
If you link me a circle battery that you like, I can see if I can make a special one for you.
Yeah i was thinking about that, im using the desire HD port from eVil. I actually wouldnt mind the original battery.. but it wont work with regular sense. just mysense. everything else works besides the battery lol. is there a fix for that?
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Need some help?
octoberriot said:
I put together a quick little status bar theme for Ice Glacier. i hadn't seen one yet for sense, sorry if there already is one and i wasted my time. =P
I've made a stock animation version as per request.
something i want to do but dont know how is have the pop up menu black and the menu text white, like in actual ginger bread, but cant figure it out. if anyone is willing to help, let me know
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Hit me up and I will help you. Hit me up with a PM.
lol i just found out the only thing that acutally works are the animations in regular sense. i thought the other stuff worked but it actually just shows green icons that.. stay green and the time doesnt change hahah
is there any chance you could port this to desire hd sense?

Any interest in an HDPI theme (for 200-240 pixel density)?

I've been toying with porting some HDPI themes over from my Galaxy S phone and have done so successfully. Is there any interest from anyone? If so, I can post the flashable zip after I make some more tweaks.
Let me know.
Sent from my Nook Color (zoom2) using Tapatalk
wretchedlocket said:
I've been toying with porting some HDPI themes over from my Galaxy S phone and have done so successfully. Is there any interest from anyone? If so, I can post the flashable zip after I make some more tweaks.
Let me know.
Sent from my Nook Color (zoom2) using Tapatalk
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I will give them a try
I'm ALWAYS looking for something to flash.
Yes, please.
Sent from my Nook Color (zoom2) using Tapatalk
philburkhardt said:
I'm ALWAYS looking for something to flash.
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You could get arrested this in most areas.
Let me work out a few kinks. There are two I can easily port over.
The first being Cognition:
The other is Serendipity:
Now, don't look at these and think you're going to everything pictured under each respective ROM. Those are full blown ROMs. I'm just pulling the theme, so the overall colors and base android icons will pulled.
Cognition is the easiest because it's text color and menu colors are spot on for our devices. Serendipity would require a few tweaks since it's black text isn't working well with it's black menus. Not sure why it doesn't pull over the same as it appears on the phone, but it doesn't.
wretchedlocket said:
You could get arrested this in most areas.
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Haha! I know, right!
...I have a serious problem.
wretchedlocket said:
Let me work out a few kinks. There are two I can easily port over.
The first being Cognition:
The other is Serendipity:
Now, don't look at these and think you're going to everything pictured under each respective ROM. Those are full blown ROMs. I'm just pulling the theme, so the overall colors and base android icons will pulled.
Cognition is the easiest because it's text color and menu colors are spot on for our devices. Serendipity would require a few tweaks since it's black text isn't working well with it's black menus. Not sure why it doesn't pull over the same as it appears on the phone, but it doesn't.
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They are both pretty nice. Serendipity is SUPER awesome.
I would be happy to try them both out. I am going to flash a fresh copy of nookie Froyo, for when you are ready. I prefer to flash themes over a clean install.
If you could get the miui theme that would be sweet
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BugsBunny891 said:
If you could get the miui theme that would be sweet
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using Tapatalk
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Looks like they ported over the MIUI (beta) to the Captivate. I'll start working on a port immediately. I've got a couple of bigs projects this week, but will get back on the themes afterward.
Is honeybread a possible candidate? Loving it on my Cm7 Evo..
I've uploaded a modification to my theme. It now includes the Cognition HDPI theme. If you raise your LCD density, it will automatically switch to Cognition. If you want to revert back, just lower it back down to stock settings.
wretchedlocket said:
I've uploaded a modification to my theme. It now includes the Cognition HDPI theme. If you raise your LCD density, it will automatically switch to Cognition. If you want to revert back, just lower it back down to stock settings.
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Is this compatible with CM7 and/or do you have any plans to update it for CM7?
Link3737 said:
Is this compatible with CM7 and/or do you have any plans to update it for CM7?
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Yes, implants to make it compatible with CM7, but I am waiting for CM7 to become a little more stable. I would flash this update since it flashes a new services.jar.
I looked at porting to CM7, but couldn't locate the files for the menu and back button. Will probably hop back on it in the next week or so.
Sent from my Nook Color (zoom2) using Tapatalk

Port Neon GT theme (evnflow)

I found this theme on the I9000 forum,if any one can port this in to Axura or any other rom i will be a happy camper,thanks in advance! Please someone do it!
Thanks to evnflow for his work porting this theme and for making posible my request!!
evnflow is making this posible, for Axura ,here is the link for his first update,
for Bionix 1.3 ; (red clock) (normal clock)
here's another link, in case you are having trouble with rapidshare:
A link or some pics would be nice...
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
Reyland said:
I found this theme on the I9000 forum,if any one can port this in to Axura or any other rom i will be a happy camper,thanks in advance! Please someone do it!
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Im sure most people care about you camping trip... hope its going great. Try porting yourself dude if you can't let people do there own work and appreciate it :-\
(You shouldnt have service if your actually camping)
here u go
JN9391 said:
A link or some pics would be nice...
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@ bdubs4200 get over yourself man,,,, dude just had a suggestion not a demand..
O wow, this theme is actually super sexy. I wish there was a port, too.
bdubs4200 said:
Im sure most people care about you camping trip... hope its going great. Try porting yourself dude if you can't let people do there own work and appreciate it :-\
(You shouldnt have service if your actually camping)
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Dude no need to be an ass. I actually like that theme. He just had a request like a lot of ppl here do. Lately there has been a huge spike in themes I believe we all should be grateful. No need to be a douche. Smh
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
It's a beautiful theme. Parts of it are swappable like the dialer if you download the whole thing and use root explorer, i used bits of it at one time and had no problem. Just put phone into flight mode if swapping the phone.apk..the wallpapers are nice too and the clock too
Sent via my TW Bionix imbibed with a Splash of Mario
Thanks for posting the link,i forgot to do it!
toryheal said:
@ bdubs4200 get over yourself man,,,, dude just had a suggestion not a demand..
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There is always an ass around on every thread ! I'm just asking someone willing to do it, its not a demand if you are not capable to do it just keep your comments for your self!
bdubs4200 said:
Im sure most people care about you camping trip... hope its going great. Try porting yourself dude if you can't let people do there own work and appreciate it :-\
(You shouldnt have service if your actually camping)
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have it ported over to bionix 1.3 right now, have to bring over the dialer..about it..i can upload later on when i have it done(sorry at work, right now), or i can try to get it for axura for you also..
evnflow said:
have it ported over to bionix 1.3 right now, have to bring over the dialer..about it..i can upload later on when i have it done(sorry at work, right now), or i can try to get it for axura for you also..
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leave work early, fake a bad case of diarrhea LOL i kid i kid.
Thanks for porting.
Almost flashed to darkys for this theme. THANK YOU for porting, cant wait to install.
uggh...hate to be the bearer of bad news..having a little trouble with the apk, keeps going to a boot loop, when flashed..manually put in fine..going to keep at it..sorry about the wait, hopefully will have it figured out and ready..
evnflow said:
uggh...hate to be the bearer of bad news..having a little trouble with the apk, keeps going to a boot loop, when flashed..manually put in fine..going to keep at it..sorry about the wait, hopefully will have it figured out and ready..
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Hmm so is it just problem?
Do you already have it running? Or did you just simply copy pasted the frame work and getting bootloop.
You have to manually edit the images. If you just copy the whole framework.apk it's not going to work.
Pm me I might able to help you.
running Trigger 2.6.1
/dead horse kernel
/honeycomb theme.
it was just a signing issue..have about 70%-80% already ported..just a few icons, sliders, and the dialer are left..background, buttons, and menus are ported over...but i may take you up on that offer for the dialer..haha
Check out masters site devsforandroid for full ported version for axura.
well i finished the port, but i can't post a link..don't quite have 8 posts yet..
pm me if you would like this's for BIONIC V1.3 only..hasn't been tested on any other roms..
Finished the port of Neon green gt for bionic 1.3...there are 3 icons(on the power off menu) that are red, the sliders and the clock are red..but other than that, it should be a port over of the original..still working on the clock and the icons..but here's the first release..hope to have the other icons/sliders/clock fixed shortly..flash like you normally would for any theme..takes about a minute or so to boot up(the first time) after the flash..REMEMBER THIS IS FOR BIONIC v1.3!! hasn't been tested on other roms..
pm me if you would like, it now..taking a break for the night..
And remember, you do this at your own risk, i'm not responsible for your phone..had to throw that out there..
The one posted on devsforandroid it is not fully complete I already tested!
feckmu said:
Check out masters site devsforandroid for full ported version for axura.
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Evnflow your awesome man thanks for porting im gonna wait till its done to flash but cant wait to have my phones looking that clean.
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here's an update: puzzle screen fixed, alarm screen is skinned correctly(oops forgot to skin it ),sliders are fixed..thinking about leaving the power off icons(reboot, recovery, and download icons only..the rest are fine) red..really only two other areas to fix..icon pressed background and clock..

Need someone experienced in theming asap

brolic925t said:
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Wait till ziggy gets on, my .9 experience is eh, lol.
Dark Nightmare said:
Wait till ziggy gets on, my .9 experience is eh, lol.
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lol thanks for considering it. im just trying to give these guys a really good theme. all thats left is that one sms bubble n theming the keyboard but ill do the keyboard last. everything else is done
brolic925t said:
lol thanks for considering it. im just trying to give these guys a really good theme. all thats left is that one sms bubble n theming the keyboard but ill do the keyboard last. everything else is done
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You don't need to edit the .9 in a complicated way to change the colour, a simple colour mod works fine. The keyboard on the other hand, I'm still working on it as well.
Nah, I think for text bubbles its diff. I changed the color to white but its stretched weird and the text is misaligned.
brolic925t said:
Nah, I think for text bubbles its diff. I changed the color to white but its stretched weird and the text is misaligned.
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How did you change it exactly? I changed mine to green and it shows up fine.
Sent from an Amaaaaaazing place :-D
By opening the file that I named up there n painting it white. It works with everything else except for that. Can you try making it white for me n see if it works if it worked for you?
brolic925t said:
By opening the file that I named up there n painting it white. It works with everything else except for that. Can you try making it white for me n see if it works if it worked for you?
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I'll have a look see tonight.
Thanks in advance man
I saw I was mentioned
Its a .9 patch PNG. And if you use the program gimp it will color correctly without needing to decompile for the images to be editable. If you need anymore assistance just any so also, I get off school early tomorrow (10:30 am) so I'll be on to help
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using Tapatalk 2
Here, try this. Modded file attached.
Dark Nightmare said:
Here, try this. Modded file attached.
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still has the ugly stretched effect. ehhhhh i give up -__-
thanks anyway man
brolic925t said:
still has the ugly stretched effect. ehhhhh i give up -__-
thanks anyway man
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I'll look into decompiling it and working from scratch later, kinda busy. Is that apk you uploaded the one you already tried modding?
what exactly do you want it to look like? i will try it
---------- Post added at 05:25 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:34 PM ----------
download this file and put it in your mms.apk... it should work
can you give me a hint of what your making?
Ehh just nvm its the same effect ill just leave it as is. And it was for my theme I released
brolic925t said:
Ehh just nvm its the same effect ill just leave it as is. And it was for my theme I released
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ahh i see, well i can continue to mess with it. i just will have to mess with different tools to get it to recompile without errors
I'll do it back using my own file, including your icon so you can consist with the AOSP look, later tonight or in 5.
The thing is its sense 4 text bubbles.
brolic925t said:
The thing is its sense 4 text bubbles.
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wait... you want sense 4 style text bubbles? you can just take those images out of a sense 4 mms.apk and put them in yours lol (or at least it should work that way.)
also, the mms.apk from sense 4 will most likely work on 3.6
Dude I already did take the bubbles lmao its in the apk in op. I just don't want it grey, I want it white

★★Transparent Framework Dependent Apks ★★[Closed]

Due to a "dev" attempting to kang this and not give me credit for the framework transparency mod after he has asked me to be a part of the ROM, assist him in the transparent aspect, doing the edits for this individual, and not even originally credited for my work and then only being credited for "Wallpaper Show" as of Aug 5th, my transparent framework thread is no longer available to the public. If you figure it out yourself all the power to you. If you ever use someone elses work in your rom, Please do the XDA right thing and give credit where credit is due. I'm pretty sure you can figure out who it is. I WILL not support losers like this.
I'm grateful everyone has enjoyed my mod enough to run it on their phones and include it in themes/ROMs.
Thank you
Mod:: please move this where appropriate.
Updated with more transparent apps (Play Store, Gmail, Google Now, Contacts, etc)!
Very nice tut. Thanks!!
TaPpEd from my nOtEwOrThY N2
Sexy, nice job.
Thanks for this man.. I'm going to give this a go on a stock deodexed rom.. now with you have to decompile the tw framework-res as well? I would like to make all this transparent or semi transparent like this =) Thanks in advance!
lacoursiere18 said:
Thanks for this man.. I'm going to give this a go on a stock deodexed rom.. now with you have to decompile the tw framework-res as well? I would like to make all this transparent or semi transparent like this =) Thanks in advance!
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Yea i attemtped this on a stock tw deodexed rom and did see any difference.. Followed the exact steps and made image transparent with adobe elements.. Any help would be appreciated!
lacoursiere18 said:
Thanks for this man.. I'm going to give this a go on a stock deodexed rom.. now with you have to decompile the tw framework-res as well? I would like to make all this transparent or semi transparent like this =) Thanks in advance!
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No you don't have to touch tw-framework at all. Just change the xml edit to true. And make the image under drawable transparent. I tried this on Moon Rom before actually and it came out nice.
Edit: Try to make it transparent. I never tried adobe
Can you do transparent pattern lock screen?
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Ohh_Trenton said:
No you don't have to touch tw-framework at all. Just change the xml edit to true. And make the image under drawable transparent. I tried this on Moon Rom before actually and it came out nice.
Edit: Try to make it transparent. I never tried adobe
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Thanks man for response..Lol im sure it did look good.. I have it working.. But i want more lol of course! Have you seen this ROM I want to do something like this with floating windows and some of the apps that you have provided also.. SO fully transparent!! Have you attempted doing the keyboard or the phone.. The dialer is somewhat transparent but in call is not.. You want to help me put something together???:good::good:
Edit: Do you know where abouts also.. to edit the dropdown/notification panel..
lacoursiere18 said:
Thanks man for response..Lol im sure it did look good.. I have it working.. But i want more lol of course! Have you seen this ROM I want to do something like this with floating windows and some of the apps that you have provided also.. SO fully transparent!! Have you attempted doing the keyboard or the phone.. The dialer is somewhat transparent but in call is not.. You want to help me put something together???:good::good:
Edit: Do you know where abouts also.. to edit the dropdown/notification panel..
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Let's do it bro! And yes to your last question :thumbup: PM me
Ohh_Trenton said:
Let's do it bro! And yes to your last question :thumbup: PM me
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Hey bro, if you want to just have a background with framework dependent apps then all you need to do is replace, "tw_background_holo_dark." No XML edits needed for that unless you want to go transparent .
ForeverSupra said:
Hey bro, if you want to just have a background with framework dependent apps then all you need to do is replace, "tw_background_holo_dark." No XML edits needed for that unless you want to go transparent .
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Yeah if you want a custom image that's all you gotta replace. This mod was made for transparent purposes but i figured someone would figure out what you figured out in the process!
Ohh_Trenton said:
Yeah if you want a custom image that's all you gotta replace. This mod was made for transparent purposes but i figured someone would figure out what you figured out in the process!
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Shaweet, I have it completed and setup up as an aroma option for my two themes. (Not yet released for the others reading this, lol.) Ill make sure to give you proper credit . I dig the mod but it does glitch up with some apps like youtube.
ForeverSupra said:
Shaweet, I have it completed and setup up as an aroma option for my two themes. (Not yet released for the others reading this, lol.) Ill make sure to give you proper credit . I dig the mod but it does glitch up with some apps like youtube.
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You know what, I found a fix for that for my ROM. And I need to update this thread. There's are more lines I added to styles for the glitches to go away. I will be glad to help you with that. You have a hangouts email we can chat?
Ohh_Trenton said:
You know what, I found a fix for that for my ROM. And I need to update this thread. There's are more lines I added to styles for the glitches to go away. I will be glad to help you with that. You have a hangouts email we can chat?
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Sounds good, I appreciate it! My GTalk is ForeverSupra.
Will this make a 100% transparent patternlock screen?
Sent from my SCH-I605 using xda app-developers app
oneders65 said:
Will this make a 100% transparent patternlock screen?
Sent from my SCH-I605 using xda app-developers app
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It doesnt.
Edit: Pattern lock screen? Like a passcode? I have no idea. But the regular lock screen doesnt become transparent.
Due to a "dev" attempting to kang this and not give proper credit, my transparent framework thread is no longer available to the public. I'm pretty sure you can figure out who it is. I WILL not support losers like this.
This Guide is closed. Mod please move this where appropriate.
Ohh_Trenton said:
Due to a "dev" attempting to kang this and not give proper credit, my transparent framework thread is no longer available to the public. I'm pretty sure you can figure out who it is. I WILL not support losers like this.
This Guide is closed. Mod please move this where appropriate.
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^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^THIS SUCKS^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
We don't need shiz like thiz in our forums. You know, Deckoz may not know you did alot of the transparency theming. I mean, it could be a misunderstanding. Have you tried talking to either of them? I really like the rom, and if you had your hand in it, you deserve thanks, and recognition. I have seen problems like this before tear up a whole forum. There is no way I want to get into a he said/ she said thing, and I am sorry this happened. You really shouldn't punish the rest of us low level code tweakers though. I mean, what is done, is done, and pulling your stuff now just hurts us lowly, uneducated people. I am not telling you what to do, just offering a view you prob dont care to see because you are mad. Thanks for having it up, I just wish I would have got to try it myself before it got pulled. Really man, sorry.
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