[Q] [q] NEED HELP!!!! What am i doing wrong??? - AT&T Samsung Galaxy S II SGH-I777

I need some help.
I recently purchased a ATT GS2 I have it rooted and recently flashed Unnamed v1.0.1. My issue is every time i want to flash a new rom its pain in my butt. Like now, I am thinking of putting CM7 on and playing a round a while with that but I know I will not be able to just download the rom and put on sd card, boot into recovery, do a data wipe, then flash rom. It always gives me an message that the install has aborted. Unverified signature or some crap like that. So what I have to do to flash a rom is the following. Run odin and flash back to stock with root. Then run odin again and flash the clock work mod recovery kernal SGH-I777_ClockworkMod-Recovery_X.X.X.X.tar. Finally at that point i am able to flash a new rom from my recovery menu. I love the galaxy series and I do remember on the original having to revert to stock using Odin one click before flashing a new rom. Is it going to be the same with the SGS2? I had an att inspire 4g for a while and it was super easy. Download rom, boot recovery, wipe data, flash rom, DONE>
If anyone can help me out with a suggestion of what I may be doing wrong I would appreciate it so much. If you need more details please let me know.

re: Flash CM7
taterdog2 said:
I need some help.
I recently purchased a ATT GS2 I have it rooted and recently flashed Unnamed v1.0.1. My issue is every time i want to flash a new rom its pain in my butt. Like now, I am thinking of putting CM7 on and playing a round a while with that but I know I will not be able to just download the rom and put on sd card, boot into recovery, do a data wipe, then flash rom. It always gives me an message that the install has aborted. Unverified signature or some crap like that. So what I have to do to flash a rom is the following. Run odin and flash back to stock with root. Then run odin again and flash the clock work mod recovery kernal SGH-I777_ClockworkMod-Recovery_X.X.X.X.tar. Finally at that point i am able to flash a new rom from my recovery menu. I love the galaxy series and I do remember on the original having to revert to stock using Odin one click before flashing a new rom. Is it going to be the same with the SGS2? I had an att inspire 4g for a while and it was super easy. Download rom, boot recovery, wipe data, flash rom, DONE>
If anyone can help me out with a suggestion of what I may be doing wrong I would appreciate it so much. If you need more details please let me know.
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If you follow these instructions to a "TEE" you will be able to flash CM7
without erroring out.
#1: delete the unnamed 1.01 and cyanogenmod zipfiles from your sdcard
(if they exist)
#2: download a fresh copy of CyanogenMod zipfile
#3: download a fresh copy of unnamed v1.01 zipfile
#4: copy both the newly downloaded zipfiles to your internal sdcard
#5: flash the unnamed v1.01 rom using cwm (not rom manager)
#6: after flashing before reboot select "wipe data/factory reset" in CWM
#7: reboot the phone into a useable state
#8: press power button and select "reboot recovery"
#9: flash the cyanogenmod zipfile (it will not fully boot yet)
#10: wait about 30 seconds after you see black screen with Samsung text
#11: remove and replace battery and reboot into CWM recovery
#12: select "wipe data/factory reset"
#13: flash the cyanogenmod rom once again
#14: select reboot in CWM
#15: in less than 2 minutes the phone will be ready to use!!!!
NOTE: if the above method fails you will need to start from scratch
"ultimate unbrick"
Good luck and I will be waiting for you to click the big THANKS button

I had a few problems with that, I had to download the CM file several times before I got a good copy. you should probably try running an MD5 on the zip file.

Excuse me for being a newbie but I am having a hard time understanding the difference between Rom manager and clock work mod recovery. I always thought they were the same. Can u give me a quick run down of the difference. When you say flash using CWM recovery do you mean from off position boot into revcovery mode and then flash? Not selecting flash rom from Rom Manager, right?
Here is where I am confused. At any given time I should be able to download a new ROM zip file. Place it on my internal sd card. Reboot into rocovery mode, wipe data, flash using CWM Recovery and be done. I have never been able to do it like that with my SGS2 unlike I was able to on my HTC inspire 4g. Whats the difference?
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I777 using xda premium

taterdog2 said:
Excuse me for being a newbie but I am having a hard time understanding the difference between Rom manager and clock work mod recovery. I always thought they were the same. Can u give me a quick run down of the difference. When you say flash using CWM recovery do you mean from off position boot into revcovery mode and then flash? Not selecting flash rom from Rom Manager, right?
Here is where I am confused. At any given time I should be able to download a new ROM zip file. Place it on my internal sd card. Reboot into rocovery mode, wipe data, flash using CWM Recovery and be done. I have never been able to do it like that with my SGS2 unlike I was able to on my HTC inspire 4g. Whats the difference?
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I777 using xda premium
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Forget about Rom Manager please.. Rom Manager and CWM are
two entirely different things.
Just follow the instructions to a "TEE" and note that I have not mentioned
anything about rom manager in my previous post with all the step by step
instructions........ For now, forget that rom manager even exists.

taterdog2 said:
Excuse me for being a newbie but I am having a hard time understanding the difference between Rom manager and clock work mod recovery. I always thought they were the same. Can u give me a quick run down of the difference. When you say flash using CWM recovery do you mean from off position boot into revcovery mode and then flash? Not selecting flash rom from Rom Manager, right?
Here is where I am confused. At any given time I should be able to download a new ROM zip file. Place it on my internal sd card. Reboot into rocovery mode, wipe data, flash using CWM Recovery and be done. I have never been able to do it like that with my SGS2 unlike I was able to on my HTC inspire 4g. Whats the difference?
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I777 using xda premium
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ROM Manager seems to insist on using its own CWM implementation, which has been broken on every device I've ever owned. For example, everyone who used ROM Manager on this device had signature verification problems, and anyone who used ROM Manager's CWM on the Infuse wound up softbricking their device if Voodo Lagfix was enabled, forcing them to Odin/Heimdall back to stock.
In-kernel CWM is the most tested and most reliable way to use CWM.
Three finger salute is the only way to be sure when you're trying to enter CWM.

So would u suggest uninstalling rom manager all together?
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I777 using xda premium

Do fresh install
Sent from my Xperia.X8 using Tapatalk


Is Clockwork Mod Safe

I've been using AmonRA recovery since I got the Optimus in December and I am comfortable with it. I've tried out Miks port of CM7 and while it's great, i sorely miss the battery performance I was getting on Froyo with Void and running 824mhz stable without any problems. That and bluetooth is sorely missed. I want to give OpenOptimus a shot, but I am extremely weary of trying to install Clockwork Mod again, because the one time I attempted it I ended up bricking my phone. Thankfully, the guy at the Tmo kiosk in the mall just gave me a new one no questions asked. I wouldn't be so hesitant to install CWM on my phone if I could install the img just like I did with AmonRA instead of trusting Rom manager to do it for me.
I don't suggest you to flash recovery via ROM manager. IMHO ClockworkMod is better,has much more options. If you'll flash the version using my flashable zips you won't brick anything. And remember to give openOptimus a shot,you won't regret it
Sent from my LG-P500 using XDA Premium App
I'm not sure I understand correctly. I thought that clockworkmod was the recovery that is installed by Rom Manager. All of the instructions for installing CWM simply say to install Rom Manager. Ultimately, I do aim to install OpenOptimus but I need to switch from running AmonRA recovery to CWM recovery. And what exactly do you mean by flashable zip? I installed AmonRA using the ADB and an .img file. it there is a thread anywhere here that clearly details the process to install CWM recovery, please point me to it.
N00b-un-2 said:
I'm not sure I understand correctly. I thought that clockworkmod was the recovery that is installed by Rom Manager. All of the instructions for installing CWM simply say to install Rom Manager. Ultimately, I do aim to install OpenOptimus but I need to switch from running AmonRA recovery to CWM recovery. And what exactly do you mean by flashable zip? I installed AmonRA using the ADB and an .img file. it there is a thread anywhere here that clearly details the process to install CWM recovery, please point me to it.
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Do you people ever use search?
http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1065197 - download and flash ZIP from recovery. Done.
Sorry about that. I didn't realize that you could actually flash a recovery from within the recovery. I just switched to CWM and flashed OpenOptimus. Waiting for first boot as I'm typing this.
N00b-un-2 said:
I'm not sure I understand correctly. I thought that clockworkmod was the recovery that is installed by Rom Manager. All of the instructions for installing CWM simply say to install Rom Manager. Ultimately, I do aim to install OpenOptimus but I need to switch from running AmonRA recovery to CWM recovery. And what exactly do you mean by flashable zip? I installed AmonRA using the ADB and an .img file. it there is a thread anywhere here that clearly details the process to install CWM recovery, please point me to it.
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yes a stated above u can just enter into recovery and flash any recovery u want from the link pointed out above and its safe ,since u already have recovery installed u dont need to flash recovery via rom manager and just remember that any backup taken from any recovery would be restored using the same recovery. To clear all doubts the problem has been solved and installing recovery from rom manger works flawlessly now. Note:Its advisable to use rommanager for ppl not having recovery installed just download the latest rom mager and flash choosig ur phone type.
slightly off topic, but does anyone know where I can get the T-Mobile branded P509 kdz stock firmware just in case I end up needing to roll back to stock? I can't seem to find it anywhere, the_ERROR's thread on howto is closed and the links don't work anymore.
N00b-un-2 said:
slightly off topic, but does anyone know where I can get the T-Mobile branded P509 kdz stock firmware just in case I end up needing to roll back to stock? I can't seem to find it anywhere, the_ERROR's thread on howto is closed and the links don't work anymore.
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This does not work, or... ?
nope its not safe at all using rom manager ~
I flashed CWM and my friend died a few days later.
So no it's not safe.
For me there are no problems with clockworkmod and RomManager. Flashed cwm via RomManager and everything is fine here.
Sent from my LG-P500 using XDA Premium App
XeactorZ said:
nope its not safe at all using rom manager ~
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it not about using rom manger for flashing rom ,it just to get the cwm recovery and then going into recovery and using it from there.
Many had problems flashing rom from clockwork so that not advisable but installing cwm is fine 100% sure
M happy with CWM
Don't use tricks like ROM Manager... It's just matter of learning to use a recovery, not that difficult.. just IMHO
You just need to use ROM manager Once to get recovery. After that you can delete the program and enjoy the CWM recovery.
I have been there, I have done it, You do want it
CWM works beautifully without problems..
I use rom manager just to reboot to recovery, as i am too lazy to use the 3 button combo to goto recovery.
Flashed ROMs and zips with CWM. 100 % safe untill now..
The new updared Rom Manager has solved that issue.
Sent from my LG-P500 using XDA Premium App
How much I've learned in just a month!
I can't believe I had to ask that question. I know now that there are numerous ways to flash recoveries. My personal preference is to do it manually using the adb.
shhbz said:
Many had problems flashing rom from clockwork so that not advisable but installing cwm is fine 100% sure
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See this: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=15186637&postcount=337
No, it is not 100% fine, in fact it lacks any sanity checks whatsoever.
Just flash CWM through your current recovery and you'll be fine. It's by far the safest method. If you flash through ROM Manager and after reboot you get stuck in fastboot: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1015332 ... happened to me, unbricked it with some slight changes to the tutorial. Nothing important.
PS: If you don't use Rom Manager you can always do a $su then #reboot recovery in a terminal (Downloadable from market) to reboot directly to recovery.

Having many problems with Fascinate

I was sent a Fascinate as a Droid Incredible replacement. I was able to root it without a hitch but now my CWM can't mount anything. Won't mount anything can't bring up any logs. I am using the CM7 Clockwork and my phone is now bricked and I'm tired of using Odin to restore it and root it again then flash CWM and CM7, I lose all my games and free apps which I have to download again.
What am I doing wrong?
Also, are you using atlas.pit when odining to stock? After doing what does the phone stop working entirely (IE does the phone boot up CM7 and then brick, or can it not load CM7 at all)? Can you run stock without your phone breaking?
skafan2 said:
Also, are you using atlas.pit when odining to stock? After doing what does the phone stop working entirely (IE does the phone boot up CM7 and then brick, or can it not load CM7 at all)? Can you run stock without your phone breaking?
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Yeah. I can work on stock just great.
What is the best rooting method to use if I plan on using CM7?
What I do is use Super One Click to root (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=803682), then flash the custom CM7 CWM, and then flash CM7 in the custom recovery after wiping data, cache, and dalvik.
Use the CM7 from here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1190668
Do I use the recovery in that thread? I've been using that one as well. I will re download the rom then.
Yes. Here are the exact steps from that thread after rooting with SuperOneClick:
Start with a rooted device (do not ask us how to do this).
Flash ClockworkMod Recovery attached to this post.
Download and push the ROM zip file to the sdcard.
Reboot into recovery.
Do a Nandroid Backup!
Wipe Data! Seriously! Do it!
Install the ROM zip from sdcard
Install gapps package linked here (http://wiki.cyanogenmod.com/index.php?title=Latest_Version#Google_Apps)
Alright. Let me try that again now. I just put the Nightly #8 on my SDCARD
Flashed it through the recovery, it's at the Samsung logo now. I am going to leave it there for a bit and see if that changes.
Yeah. It's stuck at the logo. I reboot into recovery and I get the log errors. That's 6 Odin resets today.
Make sure you use atlas.pit when restoring to stock. If you are following those directions exactly, all I can say at this point is to try another ROM (maybe MIUI or OMGB) and see if that works, unless another poster wants to take a stab at this.
Yeah, I'm using the atlas 2.2.pit
I had it working yesterday but only if I flashed the rom using the orange recovery through ROM Manager. I might try that again.
Hyphnx said:
Alright. Let me try that again now. I just put the Nightly #8 on my SDCARD
Flashed it through the recovery, it's at the Samsung logo now. I am going to leave it there for a bit and see if that changes.
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I think the nightly might be your problem?...my $.02...and there are a lot of extra steps but it works for me if I really can't get cm7 to load (I've done this more then once)
Odin eb01 with the atlas 2.2pit and reboot fully when odin is done.
Pull battery...Odin cwm 3/30 fix all..and when that's done, install battery and 3 finger salute into recovery....wipe everything and flash com rom 2.0 and reboot.
This is where you may have to try different recoveries, putting com rom on your phone gives you root, recovery and voodoo. So from here if your recovery doesn't properly flash cm7 you can simply pull the battery re odin a different recovery and try again, as long as you don't try to reboot the phone.
Make sure you are using the 7/17 build from, jt's pretty much official cm7 Thread, not the nightly. even if this is not what you want it should properly get you to mtd format, so another rom on an mtd build can just be flash the good old way.
I've had the cwm4.x.x.x work fine and then today it would not work after I flash a different kernel with out wiping anything...oops! I've had 3/30 fix all cwm give me the best results but even today would not work.
What did work was using the com rom recovery to flash times infinity's purple recovery zip...reboot recovery into the purple one, and then wipe everything and flash cm7 7/17...ugh finally! Once I was there just power button menu... reboot recovery to install gapps, and glitch. You could at this point wipe cache and dalvik and flash nightly if you wanted...hope some of this helps.
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I've had the same problem tryin to flash all mtd based roms...it always sticks at the samsung logo when I three finger back to recovery. I get the error logs aswell...**** sucks lol. That's odining ed05, fully boot, odin cwm 4 fix for cm7, boot recovery, wipe data,cache, dalvick, install rom.zip, all for a samsung logo and log error lol. So instead of spending 5hrs trying to flash a rom, I spent 10min and flashed power wash ed05, works great!

ROM Changing help

Alright so I am currently on the most current MIUI with CM7 kernel on my vibrant but I want to replace this rom with simply stock JVT 2.3.5. But when I try flashing it I get a bootloop. I looked it up and apperently I need either the talon or bullet kernal but preferably bullet. So how exactly Do i do this? I won't pretend I know what I'm talking about because I don't :x so please be as precise as you possibly can with the steps. Please, I'm easily confused :x
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You have to ODIN back to stock as CM7 & MIUI use a different partitioning than Regular Gingerbread or Froyo.
ODIN back to stock, root, flash custom recovery, flash rom, bam.
Plus if needed here is a guide to go back on going back to stock eclair... http://rootzwiki.com/topic/605-guid...nja-apps-everything/page__p__11106#entry11106
OK but here's the thing... I didn't root my phone the first time so I don't know how to reroot it and I remember the Instructions for simply stock said if I am installing from an eclair or froyo rom I have to use the small version, then medium version and finally full version... but there is only 1 file soooo.. again I'm lost x.x
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kouderd said:
OK but here's the thing... I didn't root my phone the first time so I don't know how to reroot it and I remember the Instructions for simply stock said if I am installing from an eclair or froyo rom I have to use the small version, then medium version and finally full version... but there is only 1 file soooo.. again I'm lost x.x
Sent from my T959 using XDA App
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1) Odin to stock(make sure you take out your sim card and you micro sd card)
2) root
3) install rom manager from market
4) install CWM from rom manager
5) wipe factory reset/cache from CWM
6) flash simple jvt rom
Not quite sure what you mean by small version, medium version, and full version. But if you need help getting you phone rooted after returning to stock then follow these instructions straight from the noob guide posted by s15274n...
You are likely still connected to your PC and booted up to the T-Mobile jingle. Great, drop the notification bar down and mount your phone...
There are two options here. Choose before you start.
A – an update.zip (633KB) that roots your phone only. You can then install Rom Manager from the Market to flash CWR (Clockwork Recovery) and install custom ROMs. There have been issues with CWR not flashing properly recently (June 2011), hence Option B.
B – use the other update.zip (1.7MB) and this will flash CWR for you – allowing you to immediately flash a custom ROM.. I do this because it's faster.
So, A or B?
A: Download this update.zip file to root your phone. You plan to install Rom Manager to flash CWR and a new ROM later.
B: Download this update.zip file to flash CWR... you will need to flash a custom ROM for Root. I prefer this method.
Also, download the ROM you plan to flash (assuming you are not sticking on JFD – why would you).
2. Copy the update.zip (and the ROM) to the INTERNAL SD (not the external SD Card). sdcard/
3. Unplug the USB (assuming you are still connected after using ODIN)...
Hold down volume up + volume down + Power for about 9 seconds.
If you prefer, you can power off your phone, then hold in all 3 buttons to boot into recovery, I don't see the point in waiting for the phone to power off.
This will get you to a recovery menu (blue/purple text) after some yellow text.
4. In this (the stock recovery menu) select 'Reinstall Packages'
Use volume to navigate + power to select.
5. It will cycle a bit, you will see that yellow text again, then it will return to the stock recovery. Select Reinstall packages again.
You are now in CWR (clockwork recovery).
You can either reboot, flash your new ROM or make a backup now... I COVER HOW TO FLASH ROMS LATER – JUST KEEP READIN BELOW
Yeah, it is that easy!!
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Here is a link to the original guide... http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=849028
---------- Post added at 06:26 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:20 PM ----------
Also, once you're on stock and rooted just flash the rom like normal...
1) Boot into recovery (Volumes + Power)
2) Do a factory reset, wipe cache partition, and wipe dalvik (in Advanced Menu)
3) Then go to "install zip from sd card" > "choose zip from sd card" > Select the rom.
4) Reboot and you should be good to go.
Here's what I mean with the small medium and full
That's the simply honey thread
That's simply stock thread. For the installation instructions in refers me to the simply honey guide and that's what the honey guide says
Btw thx for all the responses guys. I'm definately trying this tomorrow
Sent from my T959 using XDA App
Simply Honey5.1
This is the "small" - http://www.multiupload.com/KP8HBPR20Z
This is the "medium" - http://www.multiupload.com/H2SEQVI9AO
This is the "Large" - http://www.multiupload.com/WWYGBJAS10
****Both "medium" & "large" are basically the same one with more apps and such than the other****
Simply Stock JVT
- Flash the "small" first
- Choose either "medium" OR "large" and flash
- Finish with Simply Stock flash
Of course do the normal clearing of settings and allow time for ROM to settle between flashes.
Good luck!
The small/medium basically is the old school of aquiring gb bootload. If you wanna go there, the dev sec has odin flashable backward compatible boots. there safer but i never trusted gb. bootload bricks a permenant.

[Q] help with flashing cyanogenmod

hi folks!
i need help flashing cyanogenmod 9.1.0 that i found here
i've looked for instructions here but they still sound hard to follow. another confusing part is the kernel..one guide says flash kernel first the other said do that last, heck were like fishing here mate..if someone can give me a more detailed step on how to do it that would really be great., as you can see im virtualy a noob.. only got as far as rooting my phone, even that i'm not sure if i did it right but it works anyway lol
Device: LT26i
Android version: 2.3.7
Build: 6.0.A.3.7.6
What i've always done:
(0). If you want, you should make a backup of your apps.
1. Download the CyanogenMod file and if you want the latest gapps (Google apps) for ICS (when using CM9). These can be found here.
2. Make sure the (both) zip file(s) are on your phone.
3. Extract the boot.img file from the zip you've downloaded.
4. Flash this file using fastboot: fastboot flash boot boot.img
5. Reboot you device, and go into recovery by pressing the volume-up button when the LED goes on.
6. In recovery, do a factory reset and wipe data, cache and dalvik cache. Also format system.
7. Now, still in recovery, go into "install zip from sdcard" and install the CyanogenMod zip.
8. If you want them, now install the gapps.
9. Reboot and enjoy
now thats somethng different again, or maybe you've just missed out the kernel part.,you also didnt mention downloading a recovery, is that because your method requires connection to a computer..not really sure what recoveries are for ie cw, doom, etc..
another one i want to verify, does installing this rom actually make my android version ICS or it just makes it look like one.,
Thats because when you fastboot it will get you in a recovery of cm9.1 then when you have fully installed the cyanmod you will have the recovery installed or you can go to xperia s dev in the menu and go to advance stock kernel 15 and set the zip and elf file in the sd card flash the ics 15 elf with fastboot and in the recovery install the ics 15zip file and you have a recovery
Sent from my LT26i using xda app-developers app
Yeah, what he says.
In the cm 9.1.0 zip there is a file called "boot.img". This is the file you'll want to flash using fastboot.
And yes, it actually makes your phone running ICS
Sent from my Xperia S using xda app-developers app
ok, now how about flashing a custom kernel..
found that step on doomlord's post and another one, but they are in a different order..note that what ive done so far is to root my phone by flashing pre rooted img.,

[Q] Flashing with Odin questions

OK, so my plan is to Flash my USA Galaxy Player 5.0 with Entropy's Kernel and Chip v1.5 ROM, and I think I've got the general idea down (first time at this, so this is still new and scary):
1) Backup data (Already done)
2) Factory Reset to clear out everything
3) Use Odin3 v1.7 to Flash Entropy's Kernel
4) Use Odin3 v1.7 to Flash Chip v1.5
5) Enjoy newly improved Galaxy Player, and begin the re-install process for all my apps.
The questions I have that I cant seem to get straight:
1) In the How To Flash with Odin/Heimdall tutorial, it says to use the .tar file for the ROM/Kernel. On Entropy's Kernel page, it has downloads for a .tar from back in January of this year, and a .zip from March. It looks like the march one is the latest updates, but how do I use them/install from a zip? I notice the instructions directly above the install, but as far as I can tell, there isn't a way to use CWM for the Galaxy Player. My Player is rooted, should I just go with the 'Any rooted device' instructions, using the .zip? Will that work for a first time?
2) Chip's instructions recommend re-installing the kernel again after flashing his mod. Has anyone found this advice helpful? If so, should I try using Odin to do it or the terminal emulator?
3) I want to re-install Swype and some of the default stuff after installing Chip v1.5, thus Addon Pack 1 is needed. Again, it says flash with CWM, and it's a zip file...
That's all I can think of right now. I know I'm being overcautious, and after the first time or two I won't think hardly anything of these details I'm asking for, but for right now I'd really appreciate any help I can get!
the only thing i used odin (make sure youre in download mode of course) for was to flash entropys .tar file (DD_01142012.tar) which now lets you have cwm recovery on your device. and then i rebooted put entropys DD_03052012.zip onto my sdcard, and i also put chip1.5-1-signed.zip onto sdcard in same spot. then i rebooted into cwm mode by powering off and then holding power and vol+ button together till u see first samsung screen then let go of power button but not vol+button, when u see cwm menu then u can let go. then i scrolled down to 'install zip from sdcard' and click on it and goto the DD_03052012 first and install that, once thats finished, then i installed chips rom, and did entropys kernel again (just in case he says) then just reboot from the cwm menu. dont forget to make nand backup after you have chip installed just in case, or even make a nand backup before chip installation, or both its up to u, i did both just cuz. :highfive:
So everything looked like it was going good, then I got into a boot loop right after I installed Chip v1.5. I'm trying to go through the instructions to fix that now, but before that everything was nice and easy. Thanks for your help!
Did u do a wipe data and clear caches before chip? If u haven't then do it now and reinstall everyhing
Sent from my YP-G70 using xda app-developers app
For those who might be reading this in the future, to clear the boot loop I used the instructions here, which got my Player back to factory settings (it was more of a hassle to download the recovery ROM than it was to actually restore the Player). I re-tried installing, got boot looped again, then went to CWM ->Advanced ->Clear Delvik Cache . I remembered seeing this in the other instructions, I just mistook it for deleting the normal cache/data. Once I deleted it things worked fine, and things are looking good so far!
Moral of the story: Installing custom ROMs is easier than you think, although there are some little things that might trip you up for a little bit.
Dr. Cyanide said:
So everything looked like it was going good, then I got into a boot loop right after I installed Chip v1.5. I'm trying to go through the instructions to fix that now, but before that everything was nice and easy. Thanks for your help!
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Whipe everything and dalwick cashe also..and then wait ,first boot is always longer because its formating cashe.
But if you dont have cwm and you want to flash some kernel which is in boot.img format packed in zip (i had few situations like that when i could not enter cwm ) since SGP dont have fastboot mode only way to flash it is try Odin ,download samsung note 2 tools (find it on xda ,there is thread for that) and with that tool you can convert .img to Tar ,just before conversion you rename boot.img in to zImage ..after it creates tar you can flash it with odin normaly ( add in pit section)
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda app-developers app
I'm fairly certain you flash .tar files with odin, and .zip files in clockworkmod recovery. If you need cwm, you can flash a custom kernel with it installed already through odin. Try terrasilent or steve's kernel if you have the 4.0, for the 5.0 I'm not sure.
flashing cm 10.1 with odin, can i and how
[can anyone answer this question for me, I have the vibrant t959 and my power button is dead. I can use my phone all works fine but what I cant do is flash rom with cw cause of the power button. is their a way to flash cm 10.1 with odin or other way that u don't need a power button?
please help

