[Q] Having more contacts on the phone than on the Exchange server - Galaxy S II Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I have a SGS2 with stock XWKI4 ROM and i have 581 contacts on the phone and the Exchange server shows only 577 of them, the phone show all the contacts as beeing on the exchange account.
If i add a new contact on the phone or on the exchange server they sync ok, but if i modify a contact that is only on the phone it doesn't get uploaded to the server.
Is there a way to force upload the differences to the server?
Thanks for any suggestions.


Syncing Exchange with Gmail contacts uding the Hero

I have a question about using the Hero as "gateway" to sync my exchange contacts with Gmail.
I have my addressbook in Exchange (I have to use it in my company), although for my personal email I use gmail. But I want to have a single contacts / calendar database. The calendar can be synced easily with googlesync, but not the contacts. Exporting and Importing with CSV file doesn't work very well as Exchange contacts sometimes shows exchange email address and it's not usable in gmail.
My idea is to use the Hero to sync the contacts with exchange (already done via HTC Sync), and then push them to gmail adressbook. But I cannot find a way to do this. Anybody knows?
I'm currently doing so.
But sorry to say although you can do so, some additional details(such as your customed infomation about your contact) it's not usable in gmail's exchange service. Gmail sync only supported information of every contact.
but of course you can try it yourself.
imap.gmail.com port 993 ssl needed
smtp.gmail.com port 465 or 587 STARTTLS/SSL neede
account: your gmail username(with @gmail.com)
address: your gmail username(with @gmail.com)
password: I believe you know it.
Then don't forget to check the boxes that allowed you to sync contacts with exchange server.

[Q] External Exchange mail app?

Hi all.
I am looking for a solution with Exchange.
What do I need: to have XPOutlook emails synchronized in WMInbox(offline messages via ActiveSync) AND access to Exchange server simultaneously(new/online/not synchronized yet with XPOutlook messages). There is a problem,when I synchronize Exchange and XPOutlook,all messaes are moved from Exchange to XPOutlook,so when I setup Exchange access in PDA,I see just new unread emails,if I synchronize XPOutlook via ActiveSync with PDA,I see each other messages. I do need both of them in my PDA.
As I found,I could have either Outlook or Exchange folder in WMInbox,but not these both together. So I got an idea,to synchronize WMInbox with XPOutlook and for Exchange access to use an external app.for WM. So the question is,if there exist something like this,or how to have both accounts in WMInbox?
How is your Outlook connected to Exchange? Messages should be present on both locations, not either.
Outlook downloads all new emails from exchange,emails are collected in PC side pst and afterwards they are deleted from exchange.
Is that what you want (or what the admin forced on you)? Are you using a POP3 connection? If you are using an Exchange connection (MAPI), then your local mail store is in sync with the Exchange online store.
What's the Exchange version and what's your Outlook version?
Outlook is v2007,others I don't know,but I think,the company is mostly up to date. Problem is,that I cannot do anything with Exchange. Well,no POP3 nor IMAP protocol is used.

[Q] Outlook Email to Android

I am new to Android and coming from a Blackberry. How can I sync the emails in outlook with my new phone? I don't have an exchange server and I would prefer to do it with the mail app that came with the phone. I would like the emails to delete from outlook when I delete them on the phone and show as read when I read them on the phone and vice versa. I would prefer not to have the emails and information sent into the "cloud" also if that is possible, but if it is the only way so be it.
I know that I can have the two different email addresses sent to my phone through the included mail app by setting them up separately, but would the emails show as read, deleted, etc in outlook if I did that?
If it makes a difference I have two email addresses that feed into outlook. One of them is pop and one is imap. The phone is an HTC Amaze.
Could I just convert my pop email to imap and set up the two email addresses separately on my phone? Wouldn't that make it so when I delete email from outlook or the phone, it will be deleted on the other?
The problem with this is my isp does not offer imap so I will have to use google email to sync with it and make it imap.
If I do this I will have to add the gmail account to outlook and my phone, but wouldn't I have to delete the pop account from outlook and the phone in order to avoid duplicate emails showing up? I think this might happen because right now if I check the pop account without using outlook the emails show up that were received after I last opened outlook. The issue with deleting the pop account from outlook and phone is I still want to be able to send emails from that address.

Miui email problem

Hi there,
On every MIUI ROM I'm having the same issue with the e-mail app (not gmail!)
When I installatie my hotmail as an exchange account, my e-mails are shown in plain txt, all the images and stuff are in weird txt and can't open links.
When I set it as POP account, I don't have the problem. But I want my e-mail exchanged, so the mails are also deleted at the server.
Normaliter I uae the hotmail app instead, but I was wondering if there might be a solutions?

[Q] Exchange server problem

I would like to setup an ms exchange sever account, but my phone can not connect to the server. With Touchdown I succed to connect only with Exchange server 2007, but then push email not working. I have to manually refresh my emails. Extra thing is that it does not download pictures and attachments.
With the built in email client does not work.
I think the exchange server does not have a certificate. With Samsung S2 (2.3.6) it was working perfectly. Is it an S3 promblem or is it related to android 4.0.4?

