Thanks to Devs. - Optimus One, P500, V General

To all Dev Out There, i just wanna say A BIG THANK YOU to you guys for making O1 forum for alive since there are new porters,themers and devs in our community. There are a lot of old basebad roms which i would still love to see in the future to come. CONTINUE ALL THE WAY GUYS YOU HAVE MY SUPPORT.
SINCERELY - AndroidHackr
Sent from my LG-P500 using XDA App


Say Thank You to developers !

hi ,
all of us know that developers are too much closer from end working of FroYo For X10 !
thats mean we have to say thank u and there are to ways to thanx :
1-donations >>for people that have VISA (+18)
2- say thank U >>this for people that don`t have VISA (-18)
i open this topic Because i want to say thank u From the depths of my heart to devs but i haven`t VISA !!
i will put a Poll select the best method for u !
im agree with you... a lot of thanks from spain... great work friends
Thank you guys for doing all this work
Sent from my X10i using XDA App
Developers, your hard work is highly appreciated, thank you so much for your constant masterstrokes and all the great stuff you've come up with so far! I'm really looking forward to using all the cool mods and apps you'll come up with (needless to say I'm talking specifically about Froyo here ;D)'ve contributed much more to the community than SE itself could have possibly ever contributed! Keep the good work up....thanks also to the members who always try to help each other out!!!!
thank you all developers.
I have a third and fourth way too...
3) By helping developers in debugging the issues.... Like people are doing at J's thread.
4) by helping dev's with not so dev-ish task's like DooMLorD is doing with all those scripts... (I am also trying to contribute in same way by using my scripting skills)
What say...

Thank You Devs

Just want to say thank you to all the devs and chefs. I came from the Samsung Epic and I believe there are more ROMs and unique developments/mods out for the 3VO than there was in the 1st six months of the Epics existence. That is awesome. Great Job everyone.
Just would like to say thanks also you know who you are !
I hear they like donations too......
Agreed. Thanks to all the devs with their hard work on rooting & cooking. Looking forward to a bright future for roms on this phone!
Threads like this make me happy and they don't go unnoticed. You're welcome, everyone!
Yes. Thank you developers. Each and every one for your dedication and effort. As evidenced by how things were and how they are now you are what make this forum a community.
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA App
Thank you devs for taking time out of your life to. Give some android goodness
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA Premium App
Your welcome guys
Lurkaholic here...coming out of the woodwork to show my thanks as well. I upgraded from a G1 and the level of commitment here is amazing, it just about brings a tear to my eye. Always remember the silent but overwhelmingly appreciative masses. Even if you guys and gals stopped developing today, you would deserve much more than some affectionate verbiage. Unfortunately, it is all I have to give right now. Thanks, really. <3
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA App

Bye Guys!!!

Thanks to all developers, members who helped me here... this is goodbye, i just moved on to samsung galaxy s2... but still couldnt forget the optimus1...the developers here are awsm, just browsed through sgs2 xda forums, all ROMS are not even comparable to the ROMS here..... i hope 1 day, i get developers like Andy on SGS2 Forums as well...
shyam2010 said:
Thanks to all developers, members who helped me here... this is goodbye, i just moved on to samsung galaxy s2... but still couldnt forget the optimus1...the developers here are awsm, just browsed through sgs2 xda forums, all ROMS are not even comparable to the ROMS here..... i hope 1 day, i get developers like Andy on SGS2 Forums as well...
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Congratulations Lucky guy...!! i wish even i could get a SGS2...
Anyway, good bye and wishing you best of luck with your new phone...
Mod it as much as u can and enjoy overclocking alot with those massive dual core processors...
Sent from my LG-P500 using xda premium
shyam2010 said:
Thanks to all developers, members who helped me here... this is goodbye, i just moved on to samsung galaxy s2... but still couldnt forget the optimus1...the developers here are awsm, just browsed through sgs2 xda forums, all ROMS are not even comparable to the ROMS here..... i hope 1 day, i get developers like Andy on SGS2 Forums as well...
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Lol, i only get my nexus s on 20 october... ... But Nexus One or Nexus S??
Goodbye brother. Enjoy your new device and keep developing
DJoptimus-One said:
Goodbye brother. Enjoy your new device and keep developing
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I wont abandon u guys... I will be always here... No matter i got a new device... Bye bro, peace yall...
Sent from my LG-P500 using Tapatalk
DaxElectro said:
I wont abandon u guys... I will be always here... No matter i got a new device... Bye bro, peace yall...
Sent from my LG-P500 using Tapatalk
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Nice to hear. You Developers made the Optimus so much better and without you guys this would be a POS.

Thank u SGA developers!

I want to only tell to all developers here THANK YOU for all your hard work that helped me with my SGA feel much more better. It was very nice to test, flash, try all kernels, roms and more... Also lot of people here helped me many times with my problems and questions. It was good device to start learning with android os. Everything i know is from here and a special thx to @ingbrzy ! Now i move to i9000 forum... So keep your god work and i wish to all good luck! Im proud to be here with this smart people...
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App

Why not much roms for xperia s. ....

Hi brother and all of talented members
Sir why there is not much roms.,modes etc etc. .... There I an not so talented plz make some more for xperia s we all always love modification......
Thanks a lot
I an glade to be here in the wonderful xda best forum....
Sent from my LT26i using xda premium
no one will want to make a gb rom when ics is coming in a few weeks (hopefully) think once ics comes out there will be a lot more roms

