Thank u SGA developers! - Galaxy Ace S5830 General

I want to only tell to all developers here THANK YOU for all your hard work that helped me with my SGA feel much more better. It was very nice to test, flash, try all kernels, roms and more... Also lot of people here helped me many times with my problems and questions. It was good device to start learning with android os. Everything i know is from here and a special thx to @ingbrzy ! Now i move to i9000 forum... So keep your god work and i wish to all good luck! Im proud to be here with this smart people...
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App


Say Thank You to developers !

hi ,
all of us know that developers are too much closer from end working of FroYo For X10 !
thats mean we have to say thank u and there are to ways to thanx :
1-donations >>for people that have VISA (+18)
2- say thank U >>this for people that don`t have VISA (-18)
i open this topic Because i want to say thank u From the depths of my heart to devs but i haven`t VISA !!
i will put a Poll select the best method for u !
im agree with you... a lot of thanks from spain... great work friends
Thank you guys for doing all this work
Sent from my X10i using XDA App
Developers, your hard work is highly appreciated, thank you so much for your constant masterstrokes and all the great stuff you've come up with so far! I'm really looking forward to using all the cool mods and apps you'll come up with (needless to say I'm talking specifically about Froyo here ;D)'ve contributed much more to the community than SE itself could have possibly ever contributed! Keep the good work up....thanks also to the members who always try to help each other out!!!!
thank you all developers.
I have a third and fourth way too...
3) By helping developers in debugging the issues.... Like people are doing at J's thread.
4) by helping dev's with not so dev-ish task's like DooMLorD is doing with all those scripts... (I am also trying to contribute in same way by using my scripting skills)
What say...

Goodbye guys :)

Well, im sad about this, but Im getting a new phone (yes, need to sell old one), so All my dev @ Xperia X10 mini pro, and other xperias, it's over. I hope my little aports had been useful for you guys. Thanks to donators, and people who helped me,specially owain94, slade87, aZuZu, doixanh, thank you guys.
Ill upload all my sources, cuz maybe useful for somebody.
Good luck here, and thanks!
Goodbye, Dark! We will miss you
Bye, D4! Hope you bring as much joy to others as you did to me!
Thanx for all your time and work \m/ D4 \m/. Have a good one!
Thankz for All! Good Luck with you new device!
Thank you for all your work on the mini pro, especially the clockworkMod recovery project, which made my transition to a custom ROM a breeze.
We will miss you... Looking forward to the sources... Thanks a lot from every X10 MP user here that you helped so much
Miss you D4, we will never forget a dev who changed the old phone to a new phone. Thinking it would be impossible to use any custom rom, you made it possible.
Regards from
So long and thanks for all the fish. What phone you getting?
this came unexpected! I wish you good luck and thank you for your work!
thank u d4 for ur contribution!
goodbye D4! we'll miss a quality developer!!!
Just out of curiosity.. which phone you moving to??
I've been following all your efforts, and i'm really thankful for all the things you made possible for our phone!
Good luck and again, thanks a lot!
Sent from my U20i using XDA App
Thanks for all your hard work. I've really enjoyed it! Tell us what phonee you're getting, so that we can get the same one ;-)
Sent from my U20i using XDA App
Thank you for your work. Many of us have parts of your contributions inside our phone.
See you soon D4.
rosshalz said:
goodbye D4! we'll miss a quality developer!!!
Just out of curiosity.. which phone you moving to??
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Thanks, well I still don't know, will wait to have complete my money. For now alredy sold mini pro, and have some money saved.
Probably will be O2x or SGSII, or maybe a Tablet.
First of all enjoy with your new phone and when you get it crack it
Thanks for all your help i really appreciate it and thanks for your wonderfull work that you made for x10 mini pro and other xperia series
been missing you
SgsII is amazing ive got one recently as an upgrade but im still using the arc I won in a competition though, but the s2 is utterly brilliant
Sent from my LT15i using xda premium
you will be missed
D4 thx for all it stuff and the positive vibe around here.can't believe you sold the MP I believe its the coolest phone ever.good luck and have fun with your new device
Sent from my U20i using XDA App

Thanks to Devs.

To all Dev Out There, i just wanna say A BIG THANK YOU to you guys for making O1 forum for alive since there are new porters,themers and devs in our community. There are a lot of old basebad roms which i would still love to see in the future to come. CONTINUE ALL THE WAY GUYS YOU HAVE MY SUPPORT.
SINCERELY - AndroidHackr
Sent from my LG-P500 using XDA App

Apocalypse ROM & itasoulas

Hi everybody, as you will probably know itasoulas dropped the support to his ROM because of noobs mobbing him.
This thread is only meant to thank him for all he has done.
Personally I hope he will think about it and come back but it's all up to him.
Please, do not insult noobs or be vulgar in this thread, just show itasoulas that we enjoyed his work as well as his enthusiasm for modding our Ace.
Thank you man...
Jar3112 said:
Hi everybody, as you will probably know itasoulas dropped the support to his ROM because of noobs mobbing him.
This thread is only meant to thank him for all he has done.
Personally I hope he will think about it and come back but it's all up to him.
Please, do not insult noobs or be vulgar in this thread, just show itasoulas that we enjoyed his work as well as his enthusiasm for modding our Ace.
Thank you man...
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Thank itasoulas!!!
Jar3112 said:
Hi everybody, as you will probably know itasoulas dropped the support to his ROM because of noobs mobbing him.
This thread is only meant to thank him for all he has done.
Personally I hope he will think about it and come back but it's all up to him.
Please, do not insult noobs or be vulgar in this thread, just show itasoulas that we enjoyed his work as well as his enthusiasm for modding our Ace.
Thank you man...
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I agree with you, Itasoula's work is awesome! Im not a noob in android, but yes in this forum, and i have read both post of both Roms from Itasoulas, and his work its awesome!!!.
Thanks a lot itasoulas for your magnific work.
itasoulas Puts way to much of his time in to a free open development for people to enjoy the bullying.
Far as iv seen and used, his work is amazing, don't see why he has left it like this.
I have been using the ROMs of itasoulas for a while now.. Miracle v4 and now Apocalypse.. Both are stunning and and excellent blend of Speed, Visual Clarity and Good Battery.. Never used a ROm before which had all 3 in one ROm.. Hats of to you itasoulas.. I hope you come back.. No other ROM is as good as the one's you have made.. Wishing you all the best in all your endeavors..
He stopped his work because of noobs .
This was sent from a Galaxy Ace. Problem?
EmoBoiix3 said:
He stopped his work because of noobs .
This was sent from a Galaxy Ace. Problem?
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Yeah, even if the OP says don't be vulgar to noobs it can't be evaded anyway
Apocalypse is the best CM7 ROM at the moment in my POV! So fast, very good design and the touch is reacting so good.
Most of the other ROMs a just themed CM7 ROMs. There are so much people who are adding a theme or a patch(which everyone could apply via recovery...) and then they think that they are sooo great devs. And these people are spamming the real devs out of XDA.
itasoulas has modded CM7 too, but this ROM is just GREAT!
but these **** noobs who cant search or experiment a bit are destroying good dev work! Everyone who flashes his mobile, has to experiment sometimes to get everything working.
edit: Maybe I'm not a dev,too. But I read every post and so I won't need to post every ***t.
Doo:DAce said:
Yeah, even if the OP says don't be vulgar to noobs it can't be evaded anyway
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People has tolerance levels , but once the levels goes over the limit that's when the person's true nature is revealed .
"There will be no winners, for when equal powers clash, their nature is revealed!" - Master Eraqus, Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep
This was sent from a Galaxy Ace. Problem?
Thanks Itasoulas.. u'r my fav dev..
I am very satisfied with the results of your work
my ace with apocalyse more smooth, fast n long life battery..
thanks u very much!
(sorry with my english)
thanks itasoulas
great rom - really appreciate your work
good job
Peace, my friends, I was able, thanks intalious and
directed the installation of your room work very
very very wonderful to invite you all, I've enjoyed a
lot with miracl v4 and now with apoclypse. Thank
stop it u guys ....old devs will go ,new devs will come theres no need to get sentimental
Huskyfirst1 said:
Peace, my friends, I was able, thanks itasoulas and
directed the installation of your room work very
very very wonderful to invite you all, I've enjoyed a
lot with miracl v4 and now with apoclypse. Thank
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Edit it for you
the Mafia aka KASE ARe For TroLLing
EmoBoiix3 said:
People has tolerance levels , but once the levels goes over the limit that's when the person's true nature is revealed .
"There will be no winners, for when equal powers clash, their nature is revealed!" - Master Eraqus, Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep
This was sent from a Galaxy Ace. Problem?
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Agree with you...
Sent from my GT-S5830

Thanks for your support...end of developing!

It's been a pleasure developing for ACE! Actually I consider myself an average modder and not a true dev. As I am buying next week the new Galaxy Ace 2, I will give my ACE to my wife so I stop modding/making roms. I thank you all for having faith in me and supporting my work by installing my roms. I really am flattered!
After the success of MIRACLE and APOCALYPSE, a last rom is being prepared as we speak and it's going live very soon. I am talking about final version of APOCALYPSE. Objectively speaking, even though I shouldn't say that, this is going to be one of the most stable, fast and lag-free roms so far.
The good news is that there are still awesome devs/modders in here so developing for ACE still stands strong. For me it's time to move on and maybe start developing for ACE 2.
Again, thanks all...stay tuned for APOCALYPSE FINAL. I'll be around!
Thank you for support us and make nice stable beautiful roms.
Good luck with youre new phone.
All best from Romania !
thanks for the roms u provided
Thanks for your Awesome work, and cant wait for the new rom
Thanks very much for excellent ROMs and enjoy Ace 2!
Sent from my GT-S5830 using xda app-developers app
Thank you for your work...and for the best roms...with all my respect
Thank u very much for the awesome rom .. no doubt killer peeformance rom ... best of luck with ur new phone .. maybe i will get ace 2 soon
Sent from my GT-S5830 using xda app-developers app
Shame to lose a dedicated, able and best of all modest dev. Will surely try your final rom as your previous work speaks for itself. Finally given up on CM9 (performance shocking compared to most CM7 roms with ICS looks) and your Acopalypse proves the point perfectly. Our loss is Ace2's gain.
thank you for your fantastic rom,,
thank you for your work and keep making great roms!!
Thank You
Thank You for your works ,
I love all of your works .. :victory:
I am using your ROM
Can't Wait for the final APOCALYPSE !! ..
i bet you . u make a awesome rom for ace 2 like on ace so wont stop as dev. )
thank u very much for your great rom Mr. Itasoulas
Ty man for making those awesome roms ...U really made my ace beautiful ..
Sent from my GT-S5830
Thank you for your contributions .
"I have to go. It's just....they really need me." - Sora
Thank You for making such an excellent ROM for our device and sharing it with us.It's really sad that you'll be leaving, but nevertheless you've earned great respect. Good Luck with your new device.
sad to hear that. We lost one best dev's.... thank's for your work ...... I hope there are more surprises than you .....
Thanks for the contributions you have made
u did awesome works
and when u say u will stop developing do u mean only for ace or like everything?
cause ace 2 community will need u
Does ace 2 has any custome roms?
Sent from my GT-S5830 using xda app-developers app

